kAY, MARCH 12, 1948 rHE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE THREE 5rbin feted i ening Iri;,Du and Miss Ivni entertain with L, evening at tne ft'lapi), Honoring fcrum, whose mar Juner, oi VVest t place on Marcn toenail C'nurch L uf yellow and i:ed in Uie party Hi, ases ot lor is uafd i deeora i lie bride's hteivu with wnite L will be marked aor.-. Bingo will i in,' evening and presented an twill include Miss ss tiva Morrow, lrs. L. M. Kictic rjsoii, Mrs. John iLiiinci' Snaw, and jaict Smith. ioone b Is ced PREVIEW OF SUMMER BEACHWEAR taftftX u mv t W 1. K. Boone, of lounci'd Hie mar- glner, Miss Mary imcs A. Bentley, frs. 1.. V. Bentley, as nerlormcd ai ftlie I-'irsl Metho- fcanlon with the & ."Uabi'y, olliciat- cl t he two fami- wrdding. ccieinony the a u tiding trip. Itlev are now re- MILADY 6STS A LOOK At what shell be wearing this summer at these beauties mode the latest to beachwear at a Los Angeles preview ot 1948 fashions. Left W right, are Patricia Nicols, Sunny Blake, Helen Cole, June Ross, Margaret Van Fossen and Bette Malre. ( International) WASH YOUR .WASHED OCJC OP-while your wash! DRAPES TO LAUNDERETTE." ferial, chintz, and materials can be the Bendix. Place His. in each ma results. Attendant ilether color is fast. Ait or shop (endix DOES ' JTOMATICAILY. I 30 MINUTES T, DAMP-DRY. TO GO derette Ht Depot St pMMolltLf Ml CORP. Mrs. Francis Is Hostess For Home Club Mrs. Henry Francis was hostess l'sr the Francis Cove Home Dem onstration club at the March meet ing Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Wiley Franklin, president, presid ed. Miss Mary Margaret Smith gave a demonstration on "Interior Dec oration" which was illustrated by colored slides. i The leader reports .were given as follows: Foods, house-furnish ings and home management, Mrs Henry Francis; poultry, Mrs.'- W K. Boone; clothing. Miss Marion Boggs; garden, Mrs. Homer West; and family life, Mrs. Wiley Frank lin. During the social hour the host ess served a salad course with cuke and coffee. Pless-Williams Wedding Held In Canton . Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Williams of Canton have announced the mar riage of their daughter, Miss Ruby Williams, to William Howard Pless. Jr., son of Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Pless, of Canton. The wedding took place Tnurs day, March 4, in the parsonage of the Central Methodist church with the pastor, the Rev. C. W. Kirby, pronouncing the vows. The couple left immediately aft er the ceremony for a trip to Flor ida and upon ther return will make their home in Canton. TO ATTEND TRAINING SESSION AT BRYSON CITY Several members of the Wom an's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist church will go to Bryson City tomorrow to at tend an officer's training session of the district society. Those go ing will include Mrs. Bonner Ray. Mrs. Guy Massie, Mrs. W. A. Hy att. Mrs. Henry Gaddy, and Mrs Grover Davis. ENSIGN HYATT IN NEW YORK Charles F. Hyatt, ensign in the Naval Reserve, who is serving as third deck officer aboard the S. S. Rattler, has returned to New York after two months in Australian ports. He sailed March 5 for France and Germany. New hair nets to keep m'latly's wave in set now are being made of nylon. r A Change In Management of NIE'S DRESS SHOP OWNED AND OPERATED by rvson and Mice Marv ?mo Prnrkpr and featuring f-TO-WEAR AND ACCESSORIES FASHION SHOP Bryson Owners Misg Mary Sue Crocker Main Street, Hazelwood Lakeside Club Meets With Mrs. Glavich The Lakeside Home Demonstra tion club met at the home of Mrs. Edward Glavich Tuesday after noon, with Mrs. J. S. Harrell pre siding. The demonstration on "Interior Decorating" was given by Miss Mary Margaret Smith. Miss Smith illustrated her discussion ' with colored slides of furniture. Project leaders gave reports as follows: Foods and family life. Mrs. Glavich; garden, Mrs. Lqu Palmer; poultry and home man agement, Mrs. J. S. Harrell, and clothing, Mrs. Sam Queen. Durihg the social hour the hostess served sandwiches, cake and coffee. Spring Fashions To Be Presented By Slack's A spring fashion show will be presented by Slack's next Wednes day afternoon, March IT, at the Strand theatre at 3:30 o'clock. The show will be directed by Miss Margaret Corbin, assistant home demonstration agent for Hay wood county and models will be members of the girls' 4-H club. The "New Look" in suits, coats. dresses, and accessories will be shown. No admission will be charged and the public is invited. Mrs. Bryson Is Operating New Dress Shop Announcement is being made this week of a change in manage ment of Annie's Dress Shop in Hazelwood. The shop, formerly owned by Mrs. Dewey Hyatt, has been purchased by Mrs. Howell Bryson and Miss Mary Sue Crock er and will be renamed "The Fashion Shop." Mrs. Bryson and Miss Crocker will operate the business person ally and will carry a full line of ladies' and children's ready-to-wear and accessories. The public is invited to visit the new shop which is located on Main street in Hazelwood. Mrs. Fulbright Is President Of New Home Club Mrs. Guy Fulbright was elected president of the newly organized Rogers Cove Home Demonstration club at a meeting held Monday af ternoon at rars. ruiurigms nume. Other officers elected were Mrs. Ed Nichols, .vice president; Mrs Sam Brown, secretary and treas urer, and Mrs. W. P. Leatherwood, song leader. Other members of the club are Mrs. A. E. Burnett, Mrs. F. O. Dry man, Mrs. George Fulbright, Mrs. Robert Fulbright, Mrs. F. W. Leatherwood, Mrs. Ed Moody, Mrs. J. C. Noland and Mrs. John Winn. Miss Mary Margaret Smith, the county home agent, assisted with the organization of the club and gave a demonstration on "Salads." Miss Garrison Of Canton Weds Claude Roberts Mr. and Mrs. John Garrison of Waynesville have announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Elizabeth Garrison of Canton, to Claude W. Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Roberts of Can ton. The vedding took place Friday morning, February 20, in Central Methodist church, with pastor, the Kev. C. W. Kirby, officiating. Only a few close friends of the couple were present for the ceremonv. The bride wore a suit of tan wool with brown accessories and a corsage of yellow rosebuds. Mrs. Roberts is a graduate of the Waynesville high school and the Asheville beauty academy. Mr. Roberts is a veteran of World War II, having spent sev eral months in the European theater. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts have re turned from their weddine triii and are now at home at 205 New found street, Canton. Wesleyan Guild To Meet Tuesday The Wesleyan Service Guild of the First Methodist church will meet next Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Rufus Siler on the Country Club Drive. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hunt, II, an nounce the birth of a daughter on Monday, March 8, in Morristown, Tenn. Mrs. Hunt is the former Miss Mary Mock, of Waynesville. PERSONALS D. A. R. Will Meet Today At Towne House The Dorcas Bell Love Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will meet this after noon at the Towne House at 3:30 o'clock with Mrs. Thad Howell as hostess. Mrs. Charles E. Quinlan will be in charge of the program. MRS. COIN AT HOME Mrs. Jacque Coin, who has been a patient at Duke hospital for the past several weeks, has returned to her home here. Mrs. J. M. Mock and Mrs. Wil liam Medford returned yesterday from Morristown, Tenn., where they spent a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hunt. . Leo Weill left Wednesday on a business trip to New York. Mrs. Tom Campbell, Sr.. and small son are spending this week with relatives in Greenville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Martin have returned to their home in Tampa. Fla., after a week's visit to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lantz. Mr.' and Mrs. E. J. Lilius have as their guests their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Lilius, of Port St. Joe, Fla. Miss Anne Albright, Dean of Women at Western Carolina Teach ers College, spent several days with relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Ferguson left Wednesday for a 10-day trip during which they will visit the coastal area of Florida. Charles Way spent last week end in Greensboro where he vis ited his sister, Miss Marguerite Way, who is a student at Woman's College. Tom Ray spent last week-end at the University of North Caro lina in Chapel Hill as the guest of Cyril Minnctt. Mrs. Horace Reams and daugh ter, Barbara Lee, returned to their home on Wednesday after 'a sev eral days' visit to relatives in Mor-ganton. We Will Appreciate Your Placing Your EASTER ORDERS With Us Early Out-of-Town Orders Placed Earlv Can Be Handled bv Mail and Avoid Wire Charges. WAYNESVILLE FLORIST AND GARDEN SHOP Phone 530-W Next to Hospital BELK - HUDSON'S Now You Can Save at This EA S TER SHOE SALE Thousands of Pairs Of Quality Shoes For Men, Women and Children, at Big SAVINGS for Easter BRAND NEW STOCK We Fit Shoes With The Aid of X-RAY OUR SHOK FITTERS ARE ALL EXPERIENCED Haywood's largest shoe department is staging this EASTER SALE that will mean tremendous savings on shoes for every member of the fam ily. Not only is it the largest shoe department, but you will find a complete selection of the latest SPRING styles. Our buyers have been in the market and only yes terday we received a large ship ment of these latcst-stylcd shoes. Come in today and get your family outfitted in good shoes stylish shoes, and yes, REAL BARGAINS. Please remember, these arc not odds and ends these are EASTER SHOES. WE INVITE YOU TO USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN ON SPRING CLOTHES We Feature Nationally Known Brands Of Shoes SAVE ON SHOES AT . Belk-Hidsoe Co. "Home Of Better Values" f