FRIDAY, MARCH 12 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER 'US :.R SLOAN i. d.iiSi- Mr and Mrs. Hugh Sloan, Sr.. left Wednesday fur Richmond, Va., where the former has entered St. Elizabeth's hospital for an opera tion. They wire accompanied to Richmond b lien Sloan. NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. Under and b virtue of t lit pow er of sale contained in a certain deed of tru! executed by HAR OLD M. I'ATRIt'K, dated the 6th day of March and recorded in Deed ot Liu 1 Bunk :ti. Page 76, in the oft ice ui the Register of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina, detault having been made in the payment ol the in debtedness thereby sec ured anil ( raid deed of trust being by the terms thereot subject to foreclos ure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction, to the highest biddei tor cash, at the; Court House clour in Waynesville, North Carolina, at 11:00 o'clock A. M on the "t!i day of April. 1948, the property conveyed in said deed ul ti u t the same 1 ing and being in the County of Hay wood and State ol North Carolina, in Waynesville Township, .md mure particularly described as follows. FIRST PROPERTY: Being all the personal property and real e state known and uper-; ated h HAROLD M PATRICK as CAMP ADVENT I H! All ut the contents composition, constructa.n. supplies, equipment, fixture-- and appurtenances of the thirty :-it l buildinus located on j the real estate hereinafter de scribed and referred to, and as nou held and operated as the Camp aforesaid and or as the same mav be added tc any way or manner All the heel sunn:;-, mattresses, linen bed pil- lows, cots, chair--, dressers, tables, chests, cabinets: puts. pans, stoves.; oven- mirrors, glasses, dishes, sil ver, silverware or kindred items, of knives, forks, spoons, etc: dor mitory kitchen dining room, bed , room and living room or quarters equipment: supplies. furniture, j furnishing-, and materials what-! ever reqardle-- of kind, c lass, loca-j tion ui description. All the prop-; erties ol -aid Camp whatever re-I gardle -- ut kind class, clesci iption or location be the -ami- he-rein enumerated m de cubed or not as said propel ties now are- and as -the same may he added to. SECOND PROPERTY: AH that tract or parcel of land' containing more than six 6' acres j in Haywoud County. North Caro lina, purrhased tv the said party I of the fir t part trom the General Boaid of Education of the Metho dist Churc h and c onveyed to him by Deed ol Record in the Office of the Reeiftei c.t De eds for Haywood Countv North Carolina: Refer ence i; made to -aid deed and the same, with all references therein contained, is hereby made a part of this instrument for a more rom Dlete description of said tract or parcel of land Said tract or par-! eel of land is more particularly described and referred to as fol lows: I BEGINNING at a point in the j Headwall of the South end of a I culvert over the center of a branch, the headwaters of which; branch form the boundary line be tween the Jim Noland heirs and the Southern Assembly, and runs thence alone the Southwest mar gin of said Lake Shore Drive N. 69-20 W. 3G9 feet to a stake in the Southwest margin of said Lake Shore Drive: Ihence S. 26 30' W. 370 feet to a stake in the Noland Southern Assembly line: thence S. 72 K. 272, feet to a stake in the branch: f hence uti-sald branch as follows: S. 30 W. 204 feet to a stake: thence S. 34 3(T W. 288 feet to a stake: thence S. 43 30" W 120 feet to a slake: thence S. 16 W 207 feet to a Black Oak near the soring head of saftl branch: tbenre S 77" 30' E 67 feet to a stake: thence N 35 30' E. 240 feet 1o an oak: thence NT. 40 35' E 192 feet to a stake three feet from an oak tree: thence N. J1 45' E. 200 feet to a white walnut: thence N 29' E 322 feet to a large tree f ehestnuO in the Western margin of said Lake Shore Drive: thence along the Western margin of said Lake Shore Drive in a Northerh1 and Northwesterly di rection 420 feet to the Beginning. Containing 6 46 acres, more or less, and heins the same pronertv conveyed in a deed from General Board of Christian Education of the Methodist F.niscnnal Church. South, to HAROLD M. PATRICK, dated October 30. 1945. and re corded in Book 125 ft P?e 469 Record of Deeds of Haywood Countv. BUT thir sale so far as nertains to the Real Estate above described, will be made subject to a rertain other deed of trust executed bv HAROLD M PATRICK to A T. WARD TRUSTEE. dted the 11th dav of D'H-emhef. 1946 and re corded in Book 60, on nape 205. in the office of the Register of Deeds of Havwood CoUntv. North Caro lina Said first deed of trust cov ers the real pronertv above de scribed onlv. and not the FIRST PROPERTY described. BUT this sale will be made sub ject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes and munfcioal assessments. This 4th dav of March. 1948. BARRINGTON T. HILL, Trustee. 1712 Mar 12-10-26, Apr. 2 ttacuo speaker I WT, A DR. DltE K. MeC.VLL. execu tive secretary of .the Southern Baptist convention, will be the baptist Hour speaker Sunday aft ernoon at 2:30 over station VVHCC, His subject will he: The Things That Are Caesar's.'' Dr McCall will be heard each Sunday in March at the same time and same station. The other subjects will be in this order: "Your Church and the Public School"; "Equal Under God": and "The First Day of the Week " This last talk will conclude the present series of Baptist Hour programs First Baptist Leaders To Make Enlargement Plan Sunday School ollicers and teach-j ers of the First Baptist church will meet Monday night at 7:30 in th Welch Memorial building to mak plans for the enlargement cam-! paign set for early summer. Ben Phillips, superintendent, urges all departmental superintendents, sec retaries and teachers to attend this planning meeting Miss Daphne Boone, associational missionary, vi. ill lend the discussion and out line plans for a religious census. II AZ EI. WOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School lu a.m., I.awson Summerrow Superintendent . Morning Worship I EDO o'c lock, Sermon by a visiting minister Pray ei Meeting, Wednesday, 7:00 p in ORDER OF PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY. LEOTA McDAMEI. S WILLIAM McDANTEL It appealing from the affidavit of Mrs. Leota McDaniel the plain tiff, in the above entitled action, that the defendant. William Mc Daniel. is not to be found in Hay wood County, and that he can not after due diligence- be found in North Carolina, and It further appearing that this action has been commenced by the plaintiff against the defendant, for an absolute divorce, on two ye ars separation. IT IS THEREFORE, ordered, considered and adjudged that no tice of this action be published once a week for four successive weeks, in a newspaper published in Haywood County, setting forth the title of the action, the purpose of the same, and requiring the de fendant to appear on the 4th. day of March. 1948 at the office of the clerk of the superior court of Hay wood County, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, or the relief will be granted. This the 24th day of February, 1948. DIXIE CAMPBELL Ass t. Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County. 1708 Feb 27 Men 5-12-19 LENNOX MEAN QUALITY In HOME HEATING FHA TERMS NO DOWN PAYMENT SEE US TODAY 1lWtWW 0II1PHN! Phone 1357 58 Broadway Asheville, N. C. WW ' ' ' ' JPI m anal Waae Earners, Survivors Are f 9 Their Security Three Points Are Given Dairymen In Spqng faningr Three steps taken at this time of the year on dairy farms will boost milk production on a' more econ omical basis, " states Wayne Cor pening. county agent. "' This, is the time to "feed" pas tures in order for them to pay bff in the milk bucket, he says. "We all know that- lime' and phosphate are necessary in making a good pasture, so if your pasureland has not been limed and phosphated re cenjly it will pay you to do this now, In marry case it will pay off to use a complete fertilizer on your pasture, as sometimes a little nitro gen is beneficial to the grasses and legumes in getting an early growth: also, many of our pastures need more potash." After fertilizing the pasture, it is then a good practice to reseed it with Ladino clover and alta fescue or orchard grass. The rec ommended mixture is 2 pounds 'of clover and 12 pounds of fescue or grass seed per acre. "We still need better production bred cows in Haywood county," the county agent states. Through the county cooprative breeding as sociation, dairy cows can be bred to registered proven bulls Guern sey. Jersey or Holstein for only $5.50. Funeral Services For Sgt. Byrnes Held Wednesday Funeral services for Staff Sgt. William A. Byrnes of the army air forces, who died Saturday from in juris sustained in a Softball game at Elgin field, Pensacola, Fla., were held Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the Waynesville First Methodist church. The Rev. R. L Young, pastor, officiated. Sgt. Byrnes, who was born in Canada, was married to Miss Mar tha Mae Wyche of Waynesville, who survives. Other survivors are his mother, Mrs. Gladys T. Byrnes of Long Beach. Calif.; father. Gen. W. A Byrnes, Sr., U. S. army, retired of New Orleans; a sister, Miss Mar. garet Ann Byrnes, and a brother, Robert Byrnes, of Long Beach. Active pallbearers were Dudley Moore, Howard Hyatt, Paul McEl roy. Harry Evans, Jr., Dick Brad lev and Charles B. Way. Members of the American Legion and Vet erans of Foreign Wars will serve as honorary pallbearers. The Garrett funeral home was in charge of arrangements. Stockholders Of Federation Will Meet Here on 20th The Farmers Federation will hold its annual stockholders' meet ing for Haywood County in the Waynesville warehouse Saturday, March 20 at 10 a.m. it has been an nounced by James G. K. McClure, president of the organization. Re ports on the activities of the feder ation during the past year will be made and committeemen for Hay wood county will be elected. Nom inations will be heard for the office of director. They will be elected at the general meeting of the fed eration in the Buncombe county courthouse in Asheville on March 27. The present committee for Hay wood County is as follows: Henry Francis. Glen Boyd, J. B. Medford, R. F. Davis, Dave Boyd, N. W. Carver. C S. Green, W. A. Brad ley and Oral Yates. The present directors are H. A. Osborne and Glen Palmer. Refreshments will be served and entertainment will be furnished by the Farmers Federation string band. Highlight of the meeting will be the awarding of 60 baby chiclu. St. John's Will Sponsor Party On St. Patrick's Day St John's high school will spon sor a St. Patrick's party Wednes day, March 17 at 8 p. m. Games will be played and refreshments served "Hie proceeds will go for the benefit of St. John's school i . Grace Furtado was elected gen eral chairman of the event. Com mittee chairmen were named as follows: Games, Ralph FelsMer and Donald Rhea; publicity, Dries Vandenberg and Virginia Kernati; music, Ballett Ward and Frank 'Frosty) Lane; decorations, Bar bara Boyd and Sally Wages; re freshments, Ann Mormino; finance, Clarence Morrow. CHINCH BUGS FOILED STILLWATER, OUa. (UP) The Oklahoma A. and M. College Ex periment Station bat announced discovery of a new strain of sorghum, which resists attacks of the chinch bug, and alto yield a satisfactory grade of syrup, emer Benents Marking the 11th anniversary of the opening of the Western North Carolina field office of the Sbcial Security administration, the weefc March 14-20 has een proclaimed as Social Security week in Hay wood, county by George A. Brbwh, Jr., chairman of the county BOarM of Commissioners. "Know Your Rights Under the LaW" is the theme of the week's observance. Many persons entitled to benefits under the Social Secur ity Act have neglected to request the payments for which they, as wage earners, have paid; and which are payable to their beneficiaries in case of death. There presently are millions of workers throughout the nation who have Social Security payments de ducted from their paychecks 'in order to participate in this federal ins ura lie program. Benefits be come payable for the covered work er when he reaches the age of 65, or to his survivors in case ihe worker dies at any age. Persons who believe they are eligible for Social Scurity pay ments should contact a field rep resentative of the Asheville office When he comes to Waynesville on the' second Monday of every month, in the office of the Register of Deeds, at 10 a.m. At the present time the program pays monthly benefits to approximately 348 per sons in HayWood county, accord ing to information from D. W. Lambert, manager of the Ashe ville district. "As you know." stated Mr. Lam bert in a letter to Chairman Brown, "many persons fail to file their claims on time; for example, a Madison county widow called at our office last fall and discovered that she had lost 18 months of benefits for herself and children because of her failure to inquire about her rights at the time' of her husband's death in 1945. We have similar cases on record where wage earners have reached age 65 and have lost benefits because of failure to inquire." Mr. Brown, in his prolamation of the special week, urges all citizens to inquire about their rights at the proper time, "to instruct their survivors to inquire in case of death, and to do all in their power to help promote art understanding of this fine program among our citizens." It is pointed out that workers in many fields do not carry Social Security cards, although an effort is being made to expand the cover age of the law. Agricultural labor is presently excluded, as are do mestic workers, government jobs of all kinds, employees of non profit institutions, and Ihe self employed. Because of these ex emptions, some 25 million Ameri can workers are not covered by Social Security, although a larger number are making the payments which entitle them to a monthly I income on reaching 65, or helps support their survivors in case of death. Plane Crash At Chicago Kills 12 CHICAGO (API A Delta Air lines DC-4 Diane crashed anil burned explosively late Wednesday a few seconds after it took off from Chicago's Municinal airport Twelve of 13 aboard were killed. The only survivor was a 33-year-old mother whose seven-year-old son perished in the fiery wreckage. She screamed hysterically for her child as she was pulled from the flames. Th woman. Mrs. Tripolino Men. of suburban Oak Lawn, 111., suf fered severe burns. Both of her legs and both of her arms were broken. MISSIONS CAREY ON PIERRE, S. Dak. (UP) Ninety-three Catholic churches and chapels stand on the seven South Dakota Indian reservations as lone ly sentinels of 108 years of mis sionary work among the Sioux. The churches serve 12,836 Catholics among an Indian population of about 27,000. Want Ads Get Immediate Results THE OLD HOME TOWN litem lithe mmm W. : i Arrest Nazi Leader A SECRET tip resulted In the arrest of Frau Gertrud Scholti-Klink, 48 (above), head of the women's branch of the Nazi party during the war, according to United States Army agents in Frankfurt Long thought to be dead, she was seized by authorities near Tuebingen, in the French zone (International) BIRTHS The following births have been announced at the Haywood Coun ty Hospital during the past week: Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Troutman, of Hazelwood, a girl, March 4. Mr. and Mrs. W D. Johnson, of Murphy, a boy, March 4. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harrison, of Canton, a girl, March 4. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sutton, of Lake Junaluska, a girl, March 5. Mr. and Mrs Hubert Pace, of Canton, Route 3, a girl, March 5. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fulbright, of Canton, Route 2, a girl, March 5. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Conard, of Clyde, a boy, March 5. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Campbell, of Spring Creek, a boy, March 6 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rogers, of White Oak, a boy, March 6. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bolden, of Clyde, a girl, March 7. Mr. and Mrs Carl Hogue, of Asheville, a boy, March 7. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Lewis,, of Waynesville, Rt. 2. a boy, Mar. 7. Mr. and Mrs. John Blanton, of Balsam, a girl, March 8. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Fowler, of Hazelwood, a boy, March 9. Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Teague, of Waynesville, a girl. March 9. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carver, of Candler, a boy, March 10. Mr. and Mrs. James Warren, of Waynesville. a boy, March 10. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Brown, of Maggie, a girl, March 10. KILLER BURIED WITH VICTIMS BAMBERG, S. C. (UP) A killer and his 60 victims are buried In a common grave here. L. C. Smoak, owner of a chicken farm near here, dug a single grave for the puppy which friends had given him and the 60 chickens the puppy killed the first night on his place. Smoak said the chickens were worth about $2 apiece. Lake Victoria, in Kenya Col ony, East Africa, is almost 4,000 feet above sea level, and is the source of the river Nile. By STANLEY Think of mention iai THE leOAST TO HERAT i ;- TIME LIKE THIS WELLCO TO CAT A Deaths MRS. ELLA K. LEDBETTER Mrs. Ella Knight Ledbetter, 78, widow of the' late Thomas C. Led better, died at her home near Cul lowliee at '1:80 Tuesday morning, following a short illness. ' Fuheral services were conducted at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon at Cullowhee Baptfst church and burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Ledbetter was a native of Jackson county and with the ex ception of around 12 years spent in Texas she bad resided in Jack son all her1 life. She was atl active member of the Cullowhee Baptist church. Her husband died in April, 1947. Surviving are one sister, Mrs. Minriine Bryson of Cullowhee; two brothers, Robert and Charlie Koight, also of Cullowhee; one stepdaughter, Mrs. rrerie Cook of Reno, Nev.,: two" step-sons, J. C. Ledbetter of Del Ray Beach, Fla., and Arthur P. Ledbetter of Waynesville. Garrett funeral home Is in charge of arrangements. McCLURE INFANT Graveside rites were conducted Wednesday at Green Hill cemetery for the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McClure, formerly of Waynesville, who now live at Gas tonia. Rev. L. A. Clark, pastor of Richland Baptist church, officiat ed. The child is survived by her parents, two brothers, two sisters, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Will McClure. WALTER MONROE SMITH Funeral services for Walter Monroe Smith, 59, who died Tues day at his home in the Fines Creek section, were held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Maple Springs Salvation Army chapel, with Lt. Mildred Kirby officiating. Burial was in the chapel cemetery. Surviving are the widow; five sons, Dewey of Newport, Va., Bry ant of Clyde, Vinson, Lee, and Clyde Smith, all of Fines Creek; three daughters, Mrs. Glenn Beas ley of Clyde, Mrs. Lavada Rogers of Crabtree and Mrs. Fay Barnard of Waynesville; the mother. Mrs. Anna L. Smith of Hendersonville; three sisters, Mrs. Nora Haney of Clyde, Mrs. Mamie Young of Can ton and Mrs. Maggie Hatcher of Waland, Tenn.; four brothers, Howard, Horace and Wiley of Hendersonville and Harrison of Clyde, R.F.D. No. 1, and 16 grand children. Garrett funeral home was in charge of arrangements. There is evidence that the out door mean temperature in cities Increases as the population in creases. Or a Complete Big Prizes! dfV the Wflshr BENDIX automatically. Or you may won this gleaming gold and ve of the famed millionth Bendix. Sodon'twait enter thiseas) today! Easy! Fun! Profitable! CONTEST CLOSES MARCH 31! 1 CU.. xx. i . ...:!, MnfS 0" . uy iwr un oTTiciai entry DKjnK, complete wn - , win these exciting prizes. All entries must be on blanks i 2. Just complete this WASHDAY IS A BENDIX AUTOMATIC WASHER BECAU 3. iend your entry In time to be postmarked on, or bew March 31, 1948. TL ,wWW y Southern Appliances, Ic , Bn1K ZLJZ .ionth Ctolln. Contest will b. Judjed S.'fiMKtT ami aptness ot tnsmitit la esse (t du!" rises will be awarded. 0 Don't Delay You May Be One of the Lucky ROGERS ELECTRIC CO- Phone 461 MAKE BIG MONEY THE NEW. improved, easier-to-fiandle Rdtotiller plows, discs and harrows in one op eration, cultivates, builds soil, p r o d u c e s tetter crops lJlQ)fTQ faster, with leas effort Trade Maik Ken l i POVWR THUS Of A HUNUKED USf LYDA MOTOR CQ Phone 62C mm automatic s jb! Bendix Automatic Home Laundry! Good chances to Hrvr nnA irnnor that Ar all VOUr WOSnO sentence in 50 words or less: MY CHOI0 B$!l'&- 'tin on SMALL a"J at ;UWer(l small acn-ijej ""haui-ed-a the L est aiide -r- Ma1"