FR"MV: MARtBt v.:;-. SPRING FASHION SECTION OF THE WA YNF.SVILLE MOUNTAINEER i s - ' A New Look Pervades The Spring 1 Dresser's Wardrol l . - - mar nr i it i Mmm.ii..... s Less Seen ITime Has Modified Extremes Dresses, Coats, Suits Wearable By Any Figure Fashions this spring are fresh, spirited, uninhibited. Thty have taken their cue from trends intro duced a-nd developed last spring and winter and have reinterpreted them in a manner synonymous with spring-iever and tufts of new born grass. Fastiions this spring are ultra feminine. They have movement and grace, a soft loveliness not seen in many years This season curves arc in order, not jagged lines and an gles. The waist is no more than a nandspan a tiny handspan at that lie-man shoulders are out. In - tea shoulders are soft and slight lounded with onlv the gentlest of I adding Hips curve outward. Losonjs are back. All in all. there's a suggestion of the C.a 90s about this1 season's girl The hwiffer hemline, discussed hv many with clenched fists. h main nt discussed at all has been ac cepted and approved by home makers, play y'irls and hu-mess girls alike. Thev have diseovircil that a hemline 14 from the Moor adds a grace and poise not found in the skirt terminal ins; iii-t below the knee-cap Suits, popular all vcar round, hit a high every spring I'.u t iculai iv Important this v car arc the bolero suit, the cape suit, the basque suit ami the box suit. The bolero suit. Spring 48 lias a midget jacket which terminate either several niche- above I lu waist or just ninnnjc- to rcaeh it. The cape suit, bac k in I be la-hmo picture after inanv a -ea-on m re tirement, appear- in a hip-lcns'.h '"version in bright ilaids to -piic a solid skirt or in a -olid coloi to match its skirt The skirt in mr -t cases is very slightlv flared The basque suit consists ol a sleek waist-hugging jacket and a voluminous flared gathered, oi pleated skirt; while the box -nil Haunts a squared hip-length ai keb and a slim skirt News in toppers points to barrel and box v-sion in a fingertip length, flared or square in back. : .8sJ, L If nn irtwirtiiT- - - DKSTI NATION. Bermuda fur a spring vacation. Fashion, a wool topcoat in Sti uock s palo o to wear i ver cverv s i I KKNT. mi x ( i: T rni :i:s 11', II vnii strew ;.. melt winter ice fi'od ilali ( runs walks make sure there's i'.i m1 pay i to mot- ot trees, warns I) (.' din,' i hni Mold supervisor it the DiiM'i I'n v Kpeit Co. Salt m.o -everelv iniure or even kill i 1 1 u . I I -hade " ee- mm 1.. Ji .i fcijfr ':"-. - - :' ;''-? -aw ''-S(--':': ': ' v pv s f v JJ ; " 4 - 1 In ' A v 'X S vV-y', ' I X-ij.1 (iv: V i f J. W '-iV "JA I L.fc,-tr Of Sleeves FOR MEMORABLE Black silk taffeta with squarcd collar, and a gored circular skirt with rounded hips. Charming way to change its attitude wear it with a blouse. Romantically n e w and oh so becoming. S J s ll hoUl n-cd w .it i I oi'dir.arv Mono -oil! in Hi, ha! I bauble erevs ol ance wh v Olllll the -ie el ot a e i ul -aw a' .ii I roi'.t with i I -bow U ngt b I nv i rue-- cape-. Kedingotes ait hecomiiig more impiirtanl tin- -pring m rayon laille oi in light .wight wool lhe can In worn oer giddv print ilies-i - all -prim; ami for into -1111111:1 1 Separates continue to steal the ' i o i l i -: tit . Rlouses in order to fit lulu tbi picture of femininity, are higb-thrnated with ru flies and little-girl collar- m frost v white sheer and heavier weight cotton. A V-SIIAFED DICKIE that buttons with "olden double hooped novelties, "makes" the fascinating fastening detail on this navy blue dressmaker suit. Buttons are B. C. E. Orig males. Moths Are Hard To Kill But If You're Lucky You Can Wreck Their Appetite By LEO TURNER I mted I'rcss Staff Correspondent NEW YOKK a'Pi Got a molh in your close!'.' Vou can't kill the danged things, -aid the keeper of 10.000 moths 'at a New York testing laboratory. .VI vou can do is ruin his ap- . ' i ' - 1 . . gwf ; jn-T-f-) f ;!. .-V- ' .''-' -'''' " " "Tv t 1 - r: vs l f ; h. ; 1..- VY ?WfiMI , ' F put f listed Rayon J?ia;" I Iff?- 'Pi fl i " - IK ii i ' ,! ''UJHi. 1 '-:::jSFVhm l, M .': V V :': ' ;. .-;!: n L F5 " 1 . - -.. . ,,:' - . . - , ". Aliv with new detoils . . . new softness ... the new longer length ... yet wonderfully wearable are the new Geotgicma daytime dresses that radiate quality from fabric fo finish and are values we are proud to invite you fo se. Sizes 10 to 20 -!2tt to 24 Vi 14 to 44 petite.'' said this fellow, who knows more about a moth than another moth does. "Be nasty to him. May be lw'11 go away.'' When you take your spring suit out of the closet and the seat falls out of it, you call this man up. He is used to getting telephone calls from people who want to know if he knows anything about molhs. -Snro " he savs. "Moths are j carnivorous. Female moths lay I eggs the year around. You can ' put three moth eggs on the head a Din. I he wool devouring lar va., can crawl through a crack I 41000 of an inch wide. What do you want to know about a moth.' How do you make them go away? "Well, the Roman naturalist, i'liny. suggested that vou lay your clothes on top of a coffin. He prob able figured that the moth would scared of being buried alive and scram. However, few people keep coffins around these clays except undertakers. In the Middle Age-. Kuropeans believed that if you wrapped clothes in a lion's skin they were sale. The French u-ed to put their clothes in a wooden box and throw a handlul ol pine cones. Did that work'.' "Only if the box was air-tight and the clothes were clean when inside. The same thing applies to paper bags and cedar chests now. Cedar chests, if they are lined with at least :; i inch of heart wood cedar, tend to discourage the appetite of any visiling moths." Mothballs and crystals take the edge &f the moth's appetite. The day will come, he said, when Boconized" woolens may he as well known as "Sanforized" cot tons. Moconize is a non-toxic, non allergic, non-inflammable, color less, waterproof compound that can be applied to fabric and dry cleaned 25 times without losing its effectiveness. It is being sold now to textile manufacturers. When applied to wool fibers, it makes a nibbling molh downright sick at his stomach. Teachers' Salary Boosts Are Called Inadequate ATLANTA, Ga. (UPi A Nation al Education Association authority says fhat today's average teacher has less purchasing power now than in .1939. despite heavy salary increases Dr. Ra)fHh McDonald of Wash ington told a southern regional conference of educators here that further inflation is taken for granted, in regard to teachers' pay. As a result, he predicted, the end of the present school year might find schools in a worse financial crisis than during 1947. He charged that thousands of teachers have no real interest in the orofession and take it up only during depression years. And That Means Briefer Gloves This spin.,;, short, short gloves u-ain will, snort- ort beeves to ereate a new "bare-armed loitt ,.i shoulder to wrist and to ,al.e the purchase of your sprinfc gloves an iniportant investment in fashion. . , For short gloves in fine leathers are a leading fashion feature for spring Shorties will go with every ,l,ii." this they'll accompany tweed suits, sheer wool afternoon dresses and even cottons. And Ibev II be most important for after-five and i veiling dresses. Fine hand-sewn French doe skin glu es by Kislav, in soft .shades o! cieme and beige, are shown with ballet-length cocktail and evening dresses with Diiei, cap sleeves, oil -the-shoulder necklines and no sleeves at all. other short gloves, with a touch ol noveltv stitching on the back, are matched to rough-textured short-sleev ed sweaters, to sleeveless blouses and sports dresses. And i i...... oi..."s as soft as the SHIM I precious kid gloves of a century ago. accompany filmy organdies and a whole range of light-weight fabrics. Kislav gloves are practical even in the pale shades of this season's f .sbions. because all of them are washable. Important as the short glove is, however, it is not the entire glove story . Longer gloves, in four or six button lengths, are perfect with suits, furs and long-sleeved dresses. These longer gloves are smartest in classic, elegant styles and soft, limited colors. IN THE DIOR tradition, a moire pinafore with a row of small B. fJ. E. Originates to "button" the New Look. SHK Jl'ST FORGOT CARISONDAI.E. III. (UPi An absent-minded housewife gave the fire department a rush call for help when she found her home filling up with smoke. The fire fighters discovered a roast burning in th oven. Canada's Gaspe Peninsula was discovered by Jacques Cartier in 15:14, whi n lie landed and claimed all of Canada for France. Junior Growers Invited To Enter Garden Contest North Carolina junior growers whose members won five awards in the 1947 production and marketing contest of the National Junior Veg etable Growers Association will have another opportunity in 1948 to improve their stellar records. In announcing the eighth annual contest. Prof. Grant B.. Snyder ol the University of Massachusetts, senior advisor to the association, points out that North Carolina hoys and girls between the ages of 14 and 21 are now eligible to com pete for the $6,000 in agricultural scholarships offered by A. and P. food stores each year. "The annual contest, in which junior growers from 43 states par ticipated last year, is designed to mlce the farmer more effect ive through improved production and marketing methods," Snyder said. "It takes on added importance dur ing 1948 because of the associa tion's pledge to President Truman to support the nation's food conser vation program." Use Want Ads for quick results. i ' iu.:! Much Ado About Access Kia , ., : . ,, Ul V Olllll I I ill Kal Hatln i. il .-in Ilaicd o padde.l l!,i.i il,., i1)!l( IIIOI l I 111 i III -,, irwJ arc l'.l ; u trmi daiK iii'.1 iinil. i i ,m ankle Ii a: 1 1, .-ml i,l1M i ' ' '"''t- : J about l t ii cut-. Tim i I HI I ol I, Mill ..' l,, .!iijit(,J , I'.velc l I li I! 1. ed or ni, I i .ill, i.i tlm a lull v ,l -km , to' ., II; W conlrili.iir lulii.i-. im. dovv II SHOWS HEAT ! AI!I)U(ii;k nk!a t! more i r-iilenl aif ctitw iiur w !: is.'.' ikt a til Ir. .Mln u ailiiisinu that t lie ii ii a i n-st penti j more had inlm a Sat eolli'Clioii i aril 1 j t jiii aiy bee -enl 'ill chfttli the ln- Ciilia Im'- :iiumik worth "I I I'lmil-lur- slle gel ' Il "in tlir :al i;. eS. NOT DRi SSF.D FOR IT ! ATLANTA. Ga. UPi Patrol Sgt D. C. Taylor thought some thing was fishy when he saw the . man in shirt sleeves step from the ! bus into freezing weather. The passenger. Earl Cranford. 20, turn ed out to be a fugitive from Kily i. State Prison in Alabama. ilililllll 3 vssJ 1 1 ills ' - V i ii-V.i, .ru I MASSIE'S DEPT. STORE z - : v''aif' i ::':: Brand New Easter Short Coat and Toppe at REDUCED PRICES Here Is Good News For Easter Paraders --- LASSIE'S DEPT. STORE "Better Brands Mean Better Buys" ! but' J Large Assortment Of National Brands All Lengths All Colors and White All Sizes Pastels and Checks rijtrted counting sheep, tbr feU Mleepl" Get Yours Today!! MASSIE'S DEPARTMENT STORE "Better Brands Mean Better Buys" mi'- Q ws . $ is -s f , "mr t -U; fij X-- 1 AW f i V r