FRIDAY ' MAP J THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER rAGt, ruin. No Nutmegs la Connecticut Connecticut, the "Nutmeg State." produces no nutmegs. Most of this ancient spice still comes from the East Indies. The name derives from colonial times when a visit ing English doctor said that Con necticut people were using the by products of their shoe peg factories to make nutmegs. Ran Mountain Goats The state of Washington ranks first in the number of mountain goats, with 8,500 ahaggy, nimble footed animals. The other leading states are Montana with 5,000, Ida bo with 4,000 and South Dakota with lesa than 300. "he Rocky Mountain goat la classed as an antelope rath tr than a goat. First Ost-Iron Plow First patent for a cast-iron plow wai awarded to Charle Newbold of New Jersey in 1798. In 194fc there were 1,193 manufacturers with 1,258 patents producing farm ma chines and equipment in the Unit ed States. Inventions, inspired by patents, have built this highly competitive industry. New Jap Leader Asheville Burley Averaged $45.25 In Past Season The average price for tobacco sold on the Asheville market this season was $45 25, mooiding to an announieinent ot the V S Depart ment of Agiii'ultiue According to goernment figures, 9,237 3H0 puuiuh- ui-ie sold at Ashe ville. Of the 01 burley markets, Asheville ranked Mill in verage price and 19tli in total poundage sold during iiu- 'i-an. The auiKf pine was $3 05 lower than the eiKht-Mtate belt Applications Are Being Taken For Lake Postmaster Applications will be received until April 1 by the U. S. Civil Service Commission for the posi tion of postmaster at Lake Juna- I luska. now being held on a tempo i rary basis following the resignation I of her permanent appointment by ' Mrs. VVlllard Moody, j The position pays a yearly saT j ary of $2,800. Eligibility requirements Include residence in the Lake Junaluska mart delivery area for at least one year; that the applicant be tn good physical condition and within the prescribed age limits, 1 to 63. Applicants will take a written test at Waynesville, and will also be rated on their educational and business or professional experience, general qualifications and suita bility. 4 RAIPPbJ RAIFF'S average. but $2 r'i higher than a year ago when Asheville led other 4 A:.V' Folks - We're Overstocked In Shoes! Recent Sno) If markets. Boone sold 4,304,522 pounds for IT A'awfc Slowed Down Our Shoe belling to a h'oint Where Must Sacrifice Profits and are Offering a Great M an average of $38 64, and West Jefferson, in its initial season, mov ed 1,729 667 pounds for an average of $34 79. Full information and application i , The High Cost of Living Doesn't Leave Much For Clothes But ... at RAIFFS You Buy Much For Little Regardless of Size. SEE THESE EASTER SPECIALS SPECIALS FROM OUR MEN'S SUIT DEPARTMENT Suits To Fit Any Man!! LONGS SHORTS STOUTS 1 JLmmJ ! ' MEN'S GABARDINE SUITS 1009; wool . . . Values to $65 MEN'S FINE WORSTED SUITS . 100' .' wool $60 values Reduced to $45.00 $39.98 HARD TO FIT MEN'S SUITS . . . Longs . . . Shorts . . . Stouts . . . assorted patterns. AA Qft 100'; wool. Values to $75. Reduced to viWO MEN'S 100' ; WOOL CHALK STRIPE SUITS reduced to -- $29.98 One Lot of 100'; Wool YOUNG MEN'S SUITS -Fancv patterns. Good Tailoring Ol Qft REDUCED TO ii'UO One lot of YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Small sizes. Reduced to $19.98 Who has More PANTS to Show!!! Men's f 4 Gabardine ft t- A xTrrci v. V 267, wool. Finely tailored . . . Regular $7.98. Re- flr QO ducedto VD'VO Men's 100 Wool Gabardine Pants . Regular $12.98 Fiiifipt tailoring REDUCED TO Men's Tweed Pants 100'; Wool . . . Assorted patterns flJE? QQ Pa Mukirlo $10.98. REDUCED TO - O.UO Regular to $9.98 . . REDUCED TO Men's Cashmere Pants $4.98 Men's Dress Pants r Inds REDUCED TO Odds and Ends . . ' CO QQ dU(J Men's Night Shirts . . . Men's Ties . . . Fancies Men's fancy Pajamas Men's fancy Broadcloth and Solids . . Extra Good quality Percale SSS",-$2.49ia. $LOolyT $2.98 Kr"S&98 l j Men's White Madras Shirts Special $2.49 Men's Rayon Pajamas. Regular $7.98 dA QQ A fine gift Reduced to Pi0 TERRIFIC VALUES IN SPORT SHIRTS! Men's Fancy Percale (PQ ?Q Shirts . . . SPECIAL tp.07 Men's Cotton and Rayon Shirts, Long and Short Sleeves . . . Regular $2.98 QO OQ REDUCED TO i&UUU Men's Fancy and Solid Shirts Long sleeves . . . Some Reg ular to $3.98 CM QO REDUCED TO tplmVO Men's Rayon Sport Shirts . . . Made for us by McLaren Regular $4.98 . . REDUCED TO $3.98 Men's fine White Sport Shirts Mercerized Broadcloth . . . Regular $3.98 J) QQ REDUCED TO 0 $2.49 EXTRA GOOD VALUES IN MEN'S WORK SHIRTS rieavy Chambray Shirts .... Broadcaster Brand P" AQ SPECIAL AT iPl.4! Men's Heavy Shantung Work Shirts . . . Blue, Tan, flJO OQ Green. Special at tj7 Men's Blue Twill Shirts' Anvil Brand . . SPECIAL AT - M i. s Heavv Chino Shirts Tan and Gray. Reg. (JO QQ $3.29. Reduced to p&UO Men's Grossart Shirts . . . Ray on Stripes on Broadcloth White, Tan Blue Young and Old Big or, Little You'll Find Your Biggest Money' Worth at rssfyr ELECTED by the Japanese Diet to re place Socialist Tetsu Kataymma aa Prime Minister la Hi tosh! Aahlda, shown above. Ashida is a Democrat, but Socialists believe they will have a voice in picking his Cabinet since they supported him. (International). BIRTHS The following births have been i J ... tl.. II ...... ...1 x..4.. announceu ui uil- iuj uuu "wmj m Hospital during the past week: Mr. and Mrs. Milas Rathbone, of Clyde, a girl, March 11th. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McElroy, I ! of Cove Creek, a girl, March I'.lh. ; Mr. and Mrs. Troy Justice, of j v a nes me. ii .vkiilm nth. Mr and Mrs. Hratlwin Hargrove, of Canton. lit. :t, a girl. March 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tranlham, of Canton, a hoy. March Ulli. Mr. and Mrs Hubert Tate, of Waynesville, a girl. March 12th. Mr. and Mrs George Hal!, of Canton, a girl, March 12th. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Edwards, of Hazelwood, a boy. March i:li. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rector, of Clyde, lit. 1, a girl. March nth. Mr. and Mrs Otha Sutton, of Cove Creek, a boy, March llth. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Barnes, of Canton, a girl, March 15th. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mcsser, of Clyde, a boy, March 15th. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Messer, of Clyde, a girl, March 15tli. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wells, of Canton, Rt. 2, a girl, March 15th. Mr and Mrs. Holmes Pruett, of I Waynesville, Rt. 1, a girl, March I 15th. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rose, of Way- I nesvillo, a girl. March 15th. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Clark, of Can ton, a girl, March 16th. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Laney, of Canton, Rt. 1, a girl, March 16th. ; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams, of Waynesville. Rt. 1, a boy. March 16th. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Price, of Spring Creek, a boy, March 16th. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Williams, of Uove l reeK, a noy, jviarcn inn. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Recce, of Joe, a girl, March 18th. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson, of Waynesville, Rt. 1, a boy, March 18th? Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hill, of Clyde, Rt. 1, a girl, March 18th. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Crawford, of Canton, a boy, March 18. Bnakeroot's Manv Names Snakeroot or clmiclfuga racemoia also It known as bugbane, bugwort, and black cohosh. It is widely dis tributed and once established is a weed hard to get rid of. forms may be obtained at the post ! office for which the examination is held, or from the U. S. Civil Ser vice Commission, Washington 25, D. C. $3.98 Man's Dvfnrd Rhirta . . . white blue, tan. Regular gO QQ $3.98. Reduced to VfO -nii Ji v - Relief At Last For Your Cough cause it joes right to tha seat of the eerm laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender. In- ium.j hiwhui miirnui mem. branes. TeU your druggist to sell you rvAnmiilclnn wtt-.h the nn- derstanding you must like the way rt quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Cozhs,Chest Colds, Pronchitii S3HEOE - mww T fl m m T For the Whole FAMILY . . . starting lomori this sale we canfiot advert isp thtt J names, but you'll find wonderful shoes here at ridiculously low prices-5000 P j ni? mfm'S woman's UOYS : filRLS : INFANTS' GO ON SALE STAR M. 1'a M-A x i t f a. av.m.. i - w - - TUMUKKUW, IHUKSUAI. lun l nuas avi, SHOES FOR LADIES 4 Ml fcv. 2.98 1.98 OUR STOCK IS TERRIFIC! YOU'LL GET STYLE, FIT, COMFORT WALKING SHOES One group of samples; me dium and low heels; brown and black; O QO mostly narrow widths; regular to $7.95 070 NAVY DRESS SHOES One group ol Air Miep and other good makes; regular to $7.95; SALE PRICE NAVY DRESS PUMPS One group, rf.ov-l.nrlv tn $fi flfl- REDUCED to LADIES' COMFORT SHOES 1,000 pairs; built in arch supports; medium and low heels; Q QQ soft and hard toes; REDUCED TO - OmVO GOOD DRESS SHOES Odds and ends in lace, pumps and straps; REDUCED FOR - QO CLEARANCE TO, pair LVO AMERICAN GIRL SHOES 500 pairs to clear; in pumps and straps; regular $7.95; pf QQ REDUCED TO 0UO SHENANIGAN WALKING TIES Black, brown and wine; regularly $7.95; C QO REDUCED TO O.UO LADIES' DRESS PUMPS One group with built in arch supports; regularly to $6.98; O QO REDUCED TO dUO Ladies! If You Like Shoes With Closed Heels and Toes, We Have Thetm Galore! MEN'S SHOES REDUCED Bargains In Ladies Play Shoes AH Colors ... All Types HUNDREDS OF PAIRS of Leather Play Shoes; reg. $5.98; Reduced to LEATHER PLAY SHOES All colors; regularly $5.00; Reduced to ONE GROUP PLAY SHOES ReHiipprl for Clearance to ONE GROUP PLAY SHOES Cloth uppers; good leather soles; Reduced for "I fifi quick clearance to . X.UU 3.98 2.98 1.98 CHILDREN'S SHOES MOTHERS: shoes Fitted ExPert,y HERE'S GOOD NEWS! We've Just installed an X-Ray Shoe Fitting Machine for children. In our Downstairs Children's Shoe De partment we're pre pared to fit your chil dren's shoes scientifi cally no ruessing at the siie. Bring them here and see for your self just how the shoes fit. 15 famous brands to select from; values were never better! BY X-RAY See The Brands We Carry; Randi-raft. Slat Yorktown, Johnsonian, Bondshire. Empire, Arthur, and Others! ONE TABLE Men's Dress Oxfords; values to $9.98; Reduced to - MEN'S MOCCASINS Regularly $.198; Reduced for clearance to - MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS Rrown and black, regularly to $4.98; Reduwcl U, - 0( MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS - Odds and choice of black or brown; regularly i to $8.98: Reduced to I MEN'S RANDCRAFT SHOES Adver tised to sell for $10.00; Reduced to MEN'S TOPPER DKESS OXrXJKDS Sxcellent values; regularly $6.98; Reduced to MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS Browns and Marks: marked down for clearance to - MEN'S HIGH TOP SHOES -Of fine kid kin with arch suDDort: Special at - These Men's Shoes Are As Good As the Befl-I As Comfortable Save the Differenct! GOOD WORK SHOES AT RAHI SPECIAL Star Brand Work Shoes; pair --ELK SKIN WORK OXFORDS XlaAnnorl fnr rlparanee to - MEN'S ENDICOTT JOHNSON Work Shoe elk uppers; rubber and leather soles; i Reduced fo -- - HIGH TOP ARMY SHOES made for us E by Endicott Johnson; brown only; Special STAR BRAND riltiri TUr-s-uiiiiuie for work or dress; Special at Shoes For Boys Downsli ONE LOT Boys' Oxfords; built for 1 tough wear; Reduced to ' ONE LOT Big Boys' Oxfords; black and brown; some reg. to $5.98; Now - - U1U DUiu lynuiju - Soles; will stand lots of hard wear; -BIG BOYS' DRESS OXFORDS-Built I . , T O . J r. 1 r,t ior us Dy cnaicon, , n -LITTLE BOYS' OXFORDS Scuff Tip. welt leather soles; Special - - " . -LITTLE BOYS' SADDLE OXFORDS- j Shoes For Girls-iM ONE LOT OXFORDS White, brow and black; Reduced tor ciearame - , -GIRLS' NEW BUCKLE LOAH-Kb- Red and brown; Special at - GIRLS' CRISS CROSS LOAPtRS elk uppers; white, rea, Drown C CTDAD DTTMPS Kalll'V ctAc- ,(,;(,. roH and black; -5pu . away style; white, red and oia. - t j GIRLS' PATENT STRAPS- All lc Foot Pleasure make; bpeciai ai TSijp: SPECIAL 500 Pairs of LITTLE lu' white, patent and black; lace ami a!Jv straps; Special at , - OUR STOCK OF INFANTS' SHOES IS TERRIFIC! SKKTHE WIDE VARIETY OF STYLES . . . THE LOW PRICKS" RaifFs Has Always Been Known For Good Shoes! M Reductions Offer You The Great Shn Values In If You Can't Shop At The Store, Order By Mail. Mail Orders Are Given Prompt Attention. No Matter Where You Live, It'll Pay You To Browse Around In