The Waynesville Mountaineer THIRD SECTION AY 19, IS8 1.-1 i -K 4 Uherhoods Are nt From unions of V HALL - A group wlwia pother miu"" railroads rtlrtC lagging L brotherhoods Lu a mystery to us observe ... herhood i more union- it's four der. mipaii; lobby. Thr,f . WHCC Radio Programs STUDIOS OVER PARK THEATRE 1400 ON YOUR DIAL FRIDAY, MARCH 19 u :m l-'dlli: 1. I it lull Sign (In ;iii Itow ii un tii HI) Tim li ( m i mi t j u i it r.igt l.i -SuiiB Milit i 0 H) in. ol All Ag.-: 4., Mill the Haul till 1 , llit- 1....JH-;, ijM M-iliiliit;"i.s )o- ll.i.iu.iM.i l.,!..ijL 1.M-Ilt . . -I . - ,.,j., Tim M. I M mi; N. u , I'M.. All.-'l. lillltlltll r.-l Hi all I I ,'gram I. lllll I l.ln- I'luU II. .IH.U' I . ..Inn l..-i.n ll.-nii.iii Quintet M..m.i An-, for of trains. 0I K a i 1 i o a d ktent, A. r " ",L mbers. Inciuues ien conductors. of Locomotive Iginemen. i iei- foertson. U '.I lil I- .ii in I t in. ii.- "i-i' N,vs M.H..I.. II III.' !-.!.! Nr K. . u 1 1-1 .1 1 .1 Mill II 1 .I lUiitl.iu I. llu.'l I.. nu ll '10 II :ii II i .. mi II l.lllll h. i ini .i.ii i. ..ti-ii .ii n t ii .-. mm Kmi;lit I of Locomotive chiet iiigmeer. 80.0UH incm- hcl firemen. other train-oper- : smaller Order luctors, at he much smaller vl Union, at nui- about 17 unions irs in "non-oper- i Jobs, like clerks. sLip workers, i Cleveland brotli along the oldes', nst tradition-filled t!untry. They are ith the AFL or ; confined their e white rate. ns, like frater e closed to out- JUttp Jobs lions lake place NjHir years. Officers Office a long time, id has been presi- Kobcrtson is 71 resident 25 years. Johnston is 72 and has been grand chief engineer 22 year . The brotherhoods work together for short periods and in various combinations. But generally they are rivals. They have fought one another to sign up new members. Their leaders have fussed and feuded. In 1946 when Whitney's Train men and Johnston's Engineers went on strike, President Truman wasn't the only one to give them an unshirted lashing. Robertson did too. Today the situation is different. Johnston and Robertson are to-; gethcr (also the Switchmen's Union) in pushing their demands j to the last possible length An emergency board appointed by 1 President Truman is hearing the case at Chicago. The unions may strike in April but don't bet on it. I Separate Settlement Whitney's Trainmen lalso the ! Conductors) broke oil from the '. other three "operating'' unions last November. They settled with ! the railroads for 15V cents an l hour and some changes in the j working rules. i An olficer of the Trainmen said I the engineers, firemen. and switchmen had stuck their "feet ; in the sand" and would have to wait many weeks for their wage j raise. Robertson said the "abrupt settlement" surprised him and was based on "confusion" among the trainmen and conductors. An odd thing about the brother hoods: their memberships over lap. An unknown number of men hold double membership in the Trainmen and Conductors. Per haps 20,000 to 30,000 men belong to both Johnston's Engineers and Robertson's Firemen, Thus you can't add the membership figures of the brotherhoods and get an ac curate total. The membership figures also in clude retired men and many others who have changed jobs or lei', the railroad industry. The main explanation of all this j T)t naliri-s railroads cany an overlapping and confusion is: in- i ... , ...... ...... n:,011(,ors .,..d C31IINUILU , r, ide -1 .on I I Mill- M'll 1 "IK r-H Moll! Vl.lltll.K In MiiMkI.h.iI Live 1( Pi Km U .ollei I I'm .U- S.iye New Umjiidup i lju.illcl th;li( I'll S.lts - .MIll-vMlli' lhIl Si Ij.miI l'nt;i hiii (. Nf -I ImiiiU'i "1 "in- incut- riogr.iin kiddie lifiMiim- Sl-.rj 1 .1)0- III II,.- -I,. i.ui : I'mic I St i... .MfflllH MHi.1i: I ,i in c .1 ltln... ill 1 I .mi- tiiic.U stur Hlll- iUlKHi I'l r.uaiif "t Mum . .in.ii i..v ", H.-.iillnifs --MKii t'lf SATURDAY, MARCH 20 ( :(0 Sign On t ;i0 Iovu on the Farm 7 00 Towu Crier (, imi Kumt l'lige Edition lo Suntf Stvlist h :iit Hviiius of All Agit b l.'i Mttt the Band y on l u the Ladies 9 Si) - Murnin(f lfcuLiwin y i .' A ii liiii Trio Id mij C'hilditu'o Auiiiteur Hour in :- I'ruu'lly We lUil Hlil ! Inn iJmxJlera Mal l i.i I Aim 11 HO WiitM News KuunJup 11 I -i r iiiii h'uiuiii I . HI -Wuiuliiia Mtii. Ut) t II l.'i iihIlmJ Khtljiu 1 imi- --New t. in Hritf I d.,- Sjltinlaj ldie Tarty ll.i Kivtr us '1 (mi I line Out (i.j- lift the lfc-(ini . ,(M - ("hdiln HiirucL On h. J. 1 Happy Haiiihlf ru ;i , (mj- Nauu'H in tht News ;j:du rtwi't'l turn ii . 1 j -Sal en Seieiunie ;i .in Coin kit Hour 4 H(i Nt'Ms liiieli 4.0.1 Hillhill.v H"l" y (Mi fa nh -mir ol Mnir :(U I cumin Tucker Time t; .nil U n lil N's Jtouiului (i lit IT.sUirs Inc. ii . :;k M usii Fur IhuiiiK 7 (Mi- WUCC .hiiiihort-f V : I Ml 1 1 it 1'winiic lu:(id lliiuci' Time I d ..).' Tomorrow 's Nt-vs h ToniKht 1 I (Ml Si(fh (it! SUNDAY, 8:0 0 Sign 8 00 Rev. MARCH 21 On Costlier, Shelhv V : 0 ( CnuffUsU Quartet : y 0 The Four KnifliU 10:01) Orjfun Airs 3 0:00 Canton Suiu!a bcliool 10:30 Modes Motlerue 1 j :yo Uuptibl Lliun li IScn ice 12:00 Sunday Nf(. Uoumiup li:li SiUer String I'l.i 0 t i u Loin hdr 1 1 Si u'w 1 (MJ Sailford FjiiiiI 1 ; SH Mf Uk1 Five 'J. dU i'ouiniuiuly t'liiii'"1! i 1 i-Mtwtl Mui . at) liaptibt Hour a :0() News Conniirntiiiv 3 ,0 j Shflton Triu 3:a Uriftiiitf on u t'li.ii'l ii. 4... Helen Unwell Sinn- 4 nil Sunday Onn-eVt Hour b-'Mi Bt rlrand HirM It 1 nu i:4 ."- Lenten Sen i t .(M Tomorrow 's New s Tonight i,, . s. Nuv ItiM.'l it., at- -Ileal en Hound Kmn C 4." Music S( Ws 7 : (( Ciidi-r ChihIoI (tome 7 1 : The Christian K.imlly Ice Champ Home 7:4.'. 6 (Hi hi.". -Organ Airs Uinner Miihic World of T now lixic 1 lines fc : :t(( alt. Time ts . 4.'. 111 ur it hi i t'll I'let ii (1(1 Hmive l'iilt ii.Sti our New litiiiie ii.l.'i Sweet and Iflijtln y , '.") Tonioi low s New Hi ur t Hi Oii siijn Off MONDAY, MARCH 22 6:30 Sign Lu C:30 Down on the Farm 7:00 Town Crier ft:j0 Front I'jg Kditiou" h:10 Song Stylist &:30 Hjuins of All Ages & 4,-, JJret the Hand y:0O To the Ladies y:30 Muniiiig leotions y:4 l uuntj (Jal- citlar ctt Kvents u .ill- .loe Sodja I Mo Id :UO Mid- Mom ling News Id. to LYhie of Hawaii 1 (J . 1 : rU'e-f "I Melu, 1M;U S.h red ll.ail I'logrum 10 l.- Lmil ('"if tilee Hub 1 1 :iiO Doiiidv Feature 1 1 :,(()-- Leiiu lieniiali yuinttl ll.i Marl liil Airs. 1 -1 .oi World -ws Uoundui. j ' i,, Faun Fin inn Program 1 'J :0 'an.luia Mtn- Hoys j KetoiMid lthlhm 1 Ut News in Hint 1 :U. Melody Lane 1 30 Ooohj Ott HecorJ 1:46 Kiglily KiKht Kejs t . (Ml - -T line tul t :d. --The S'.'hiM i iites t I .'i- oca I ill it tu s :i(t Foster r.oliliHi J.4o The Four Kinyhts :t .110 NaiiH-j, in the .News 3:d.' Sweet I'nin ;j i Siilolt Si eiitide 3:( -Cniu-tTl Hour 4 (Ml Anytime hm'( j . (Ml In M leland J : 1 o -Music In Masters 0 H-'J ""d I'omitj orksliop ItideiM id 1'uriile haf ti .0(1- -World News Uomidini' d : 1 j Jiiinibini Quartet (j ;iO -SMithglil mi sports t, t; Mush lr Dining 7 (Ml t aroltna News 7 (j;, t 'hauih r id (.'iimmerce l'roirram 7 1,-, Klddiet Hetliuie Story 7 ;hu itiUhill li-undvii h (,o Jn mit NeiRhhoi hoo.l h . 0.". Longhair N ight iimru h 1 .i Tune tn I lance s :(H Heioid Date h 4;-, Hlue Hiii ron I'tesenta (M Parade f Musical Fiioi'lteh 111: 'i.'t Ton io ii ii w 'm 1 1 e.o II incM 1 I :dd Sign M1 u . - I Can A Mule Sit Down? The Circus Says 'Yes' AFTER winning ihe Olympic and world's figure skating titles, among others, Barbara Ann Scott waves to the crowd that greeted her at Dor val Airport, Montreal, on her arri val from Europe. Barbara Ann easily romped away with top honors at the Olympic Games recently held in Switzerland. (International) their members insurance policies at attractive rates. Together they have more than $350,000,000 of insurance in force. Lots of :ncn, when they change jobs, keep tl'.eir membership in a brotherhood in order to keep their insnmnee. surance. The three brotherhoods offer 2,500,000,000 tons of freight annually. WRONG NUMBER PLUS V1NCENNES, Ind. (UP) Peo ple place varying values on the ir ritation caused when the telephone rings and it is a wrong number. Charles Schenk complained that the Midwest Telephone and Utili ties company listed his number wrong and asked for $50,000 dam ages on the ground that he lost business because of the error. NKWS FOR HOME BUILDERS CHICAGO ( UP ) Manufacturers of plumbing fixtures have good news for prospective home build ers. A survey indicates an increase of 72 per cent in the cubic content of kilns for the production of vit reous china plumbing fixtures for 1948. as compared with 1941. FALSE ALARMS COSTLY CHICAGO i UP) False lire alarms cost Chicagoans nearly $500,000 last year, according to Fire Commissioner Michael J. Cor nwall. Corrigan reported that "mis chief makers" and drunks probably were responsible for most of the 3,014 false alarms. By GENE PLOWMEN AP Newsfeatures SARASOTA, Flu. Can a mule sit down? This is just one ol the scores of questions asked the Kingling Bros, and Barnus and Bailey circus dur ing the off season when the show is in' winter quarters here. They come in every day, in batches from all over the country. Most of them are from circus fans but some come from writers, lec turers and others seeking lads not found in books. The one alioul t:ie muie came from Mrs. Maud Crowley, of Marblehrad, Mass. Of course, Mrs. Crowley's .vouiik son, Mavid, asked her, but she Uu.ii i Know and neither did any authorities she could think of, including Harvard University. Encyclopedias made no mention of a mule's sitting abilities. Mrs. Crawley enclosed a sketch of a dog sitting, and asked if a mule can sit like that Her inquiry brought a prompt reply from Roland llutler, gen eral press representative who wrote: "Yes, a mule can sit down, like a doe. Mules often sit, to rest or from just plain eussedness." That took care ol thai, but most inquiries go to Leonard S. Ayles worlh, head of the circus' seat department and one ol the veter ans on the lot Ken knows every thing about a circus. Many in quiries come from model circus builders. They ask for exact di mensions of wagons, tents, seats, trains; the length of lent poles, ridge poles, guy lines. Some want to know the number of animals. wagons, railroad cars and other equipment. They request photo graphs blueprints and drawings. One man said he had a com plete model circus including hand-carved elephants, camels, and giraffes; a layout of tents, wagons and railroad cars, bag sage wagons and cages. TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate Waynesville Township Cephu.M ('.. McDaiuel and wife to Marshall McDaniel. Willie Mae Cagle and husband to Flmina I 'ai l on Annie Welch to Halph Pharr and wife. Wayne C. Garrett and wife to Tommie Ledford and wife. Leona Khinehart Clark and hus band lo P. H. Coffey and wife. Beaverdain Township H. II Put nam and w ife to Ray E. Curtis. Wa.sne M. Ramsey and wife to Clyde Branson and wife William Milne and wile to Naomi Pressley and husband, J. C, Hurch and wife to David C. Burch and wife. Advertise with Want Ads. It pays. NEW MEETS OLD CURTAINS GOSHEN. Ind. tUI'l Mrs. Laura Stengel finally had to turn the rem nants of her 1929 model auto over to a junk yard. She told police her flivver started sputtering, died on a highway and was slammed in the rear by a brand-new Plymouth Sedan. It will -cost close to $1,000 to have the new car repaired. But there was nothing to do for the old one but pick up the pieces. i 1 ' Si Pigeon Township Scott and Pauline Burnelt to Adaline Highlowcr. Delmar Games and wife to Ralph Blaylock and wile. S. M. Robinson and wife to Rob ert W. Gaddis and wile. Eva Mae Gaddis and husband lo S. M. Robinson and wife. I East Fork Township 11. Rav E Curtis and wife to U. Putnam el al. Everett Trull and wife to Cole man Trull and wife. Clyde Township Bon-A-Venture, Inc., to Plonia J. Auer. llon-A-Vcnture, Inc. to W. C. Reece and wife. See Our Display At The 1 UtM.ft HOME Appliance Show AY & SATURDAY - March 19-20 at the WAYNESVILLE ARMORY IE fllEEZEi wtor 0ME 5EZER MONITOR WASHING MACHINE 8 9TCHEN SINKS f on Enameled and All Steel Plumbing Fixtures Tubs - Lavoratories Commodes - Medicine Cabinets Anything In The Plumbing Line ESTIMATES Cheerfully Given Without Charge 1 JOHNSON AND GOULD WATER PUMPS HYATT BROTHERS rt" 3 165 PLUMBING - HEATING APPLIANCES Church Street Haywood Electric Membership Corporation hi I- ' I : ? jt : ii . h 1. ' I j