FRIDAY, MARCH 19. 194s r FAG; tuiJi. rii-Lii Scii7 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER 1 -i I 111 1 1 I I I r 1 . n 1 i v 1 n 1 h v i i i j i i 1 iwvijii l u ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON (Che (5oldett (Text The Kingdom of God BrAlfrwU AT THE CHURCHES Sv 4 :-; Luke :HHZ; it:w, j.; www " FIRST BAPTIST CHl'RCH Rev. L G Fliiolt. Pastor Sunday School at a 45 Ben Phil lips, superintendent is very, anu ous thai Hie goal of 40tl in attend ance be reached by Faster. A very pertinent general title fur this Sunday s lesson is: "The Kingdom of God". Lust Sunday 207 were present Morning vior.-dnp al 11 o'clock. This service will he bioaiU-ast over WHCC. Morning Scnptme leading will be taken tiuiu 1-uiali 44 and 52; Zachariah H; Mark 11. Subject for the niuiiunt; sermon: "A Strange Death The choir will be assisted by Mr hoi Cohen of Springdule School, violinist. Training I. muii -'1 ti-'M). Fvciiiny worship service at 7:30. The pastor has chosen as his ser mon subject tor tins evening: "The Woman W ho Man n il A Beast ". This will ileal with a less familiar character in the series ul "Great Women of The Hible ". and bids fair to be a ino-t interesting one. Wednesday evening Prayer Meeting at 7 :t(l Choir rehearsal at 8 30 The KriemMiip Hilile Class will hold its regular niu.itlily meeting at the home ol Mis Milas Ferguson, Friday eveniiiri al 7 30 Mrs Char lie Wooilaid "111 i' assuelate host- k?Ki .4. - - - - - - Jsus likened the kingdom of God to a man sowing seed in the ground, where it would grow and ripen and at last the man would cut it down with a sickle fccl'.itf it .a.s npe fir the harvest Jesus went back to His home town, Nazareth, and. as was His custom, on the Sabbath He went into the syna gogue He iook me dooh oi me piopuci. Isaiah. and ODened it and read. Jesus closed the book, gave it to the minister, and began to Uik to the con gregation, and all were amazed t His gracious words and said to one aiioifwr. is not this Joseph's son .'" "J VMjUlJ When Pharisee kingdom of c nci .J inc1 1 u rt . u . do,,, ,., MEMUi-ii VtK Truckload Of Supplies Arrive At New Windsor Parable of the sower. 'Yea rather, bleited are they that hear the word of God and keep it." Luke 11:98 Rev ;it i: 111 ItCIl ln-'l he-Mountains Hubert S Taluin. Hector Palm Sunday Church School. 9 30 a in Holy Communion and sermon, 11 Oil a in V A V N K S VI 1 . L K PKKSBYTF.R1AX CHl'KCH FIRST MKTHODIST CIH'RCH H. L Vouns. Pastor Sunday S hool, 1 o a m. Morning w m hij, 1 1 .1 in Methodl-t You'll Fellowship, i:30 p ni Evening ioi-hi) 7 Do pin. wr'i the pa- lor i-1 1 1 1 1' he u lilh in the series of messjijfs on the Apostle's Creed MYF Choir reheai-al at 7 pin. Tuesday. Ailult ibmi piactice al "J 30 p.W Wedue-day Kev. Malcolm H. Williamson. Pastor Whitener Provost. Superintenil- ent of Sunday School Sundav School at 10 00 o'clock Morning Worship, MOD o'clock. Sermon subject "The March of Triumph ". The sermon Sunday will be aj Palm Sundav Message Pioneer and Youth Fellowship groups meet at 7. oil p m. Mistaken Marriages To , Be Discussed Sunday Night By Rev. Elliott ! "Mistaken Marriages" will be the subject of the sermon Dy me pas Youth Fellowship. I.OMVs CHAPFI. Paul H Pin kwall. Pastor Sunday School, 9 45 a ni. Morning wor hip. 11 a in. Ser mon topic. "The Tears of Christ" 'A nurjery lor small childien is operated in connection with the worship hour Methodi-I 7:30 p ni. Monday. 7 p m Boy Scout Troop No. 8 meet-, dnected b Col. H. C I.ane. scoutmaster. Russell Fultz and Huell Nolan, assistants. Wednesday. 7 30 p m Conclud ing sermon on Lenten-Mission study on world evangelism. Text: Willis I-amott, "Committed Unto L's". Thursday 7 30 p ni. Maundy Thursday service. Sacrament of Holy Communion. A service of music, medilatiun and silent Communion. CRABTRFF. MKTHODIST CIRt I IT Mrs C O Newell. Pastor The pastor will pi each it I Davis Chapel at 10 o'clock and at Flinti er s Chapel at 11 o'clock. Special Holy Week services will 1 be held each evening through Fri day of next week at Fimher's Chape i Sunday evening Mrs Phillip Cha'e will give a Bible story in ' flannelgrapli. - Monday evening Rev. Paul Duck j wall, pastor ol Lonc's Chapel, will I preach on Achievement Through Sacrifice". Tuesday evening Rev Russell Young, pastor ot the Waynesville Methodist church, will he tlie guest preacher. Rev and Mi s NYwell will con duct services the remainder of the week All will start at 7 30 o clock The public is invited. A truckload of relief supplies gathered in the "Fill a Ship with Friendship" relief drive in Waynes ville and the western half of Hay wood County was received last week at the Church World Service Center. New Windsor, Md.. accord ing to word from Center officials. Weighing 4.200 pounds, the con tribution contained clothing, shoes, bedding and many kinds of needed household supplies. These are now ' ered in these drives. Far from the I goal set at the beginning of the campaign, the goods contributed , will supply help to several thous- and individuals overseas who are 1 now destitute. Off icials at the state ollice state that bad weather dur ; ing the original period of the drive i has greatly hampered efforts, but ! that it is expected all counties will i carry through their plans in the in the process of being sorted and j lu'xt weeks. SHADY GROVK CHARGE C O Newell. Pastor The pastor will preach at Hemp hill at 10 a m , and- at Shady Grove at 11 a. in. Subject of the sermon. "Our Day of Visitation". The size of the average Puerto Rlcan family is ."..) HAZF.LWOOD MKTHODIST CHL'RCH Mrs M B Fee. Pastor Sundav School. 10 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Sub ject. "Too Great a Distance". Evening worship. 7 HO p.m. Sub ject. "When Victory Proved to Be Defeat". Mid -week meetings Wednesday, 7:30 pin., prayer service; Thurs day, 3 30 p m , Children's Hour; Thursday, 7:30 p in . Youth Fellowship. lor. Rev L G. Elliott, at the first Baptist Church on Sunday evening at 7.30. .Stnne men marry the wrong wo men .lob is one outstanding ex ample; for his wife, instead of en couraging him when things were at 1I...H- wnrst heeted him to curse God and die. Socrates, one of the wisest of men. made the mistake of marry ing the wrong woman. Charles Dickens was able to touch all the chords of the human heart regarding the home, but his own maii iage was a mistake. The great est mistake any man can nuke is to marry the wrong woman. Tlieie is something 1o be said on the other side of the marriage contract, for many women marry the wrong man. History declares of Varina Howell, wife of Confeder ate President Jefferson Davis: "The perfect wife of a difficult hus band". There are all kinds of hus bands and wives, and all kinds of marriages. The Bible would not be the complete book, the perfect mir ror of life that it is, had it not con tained a story of the woman who inanied the wrong man. Abigail is the woman, and Nabal is the man -a story of the woman who mar ried a beast. Husbands and wives, marriagable sons and daughters, and the pub lic are cordially invited to attend this service. packed for shipment overseas. The Rev. R. L. Young of Waynes ville, has acted as chairman for the drive in part of Haywood County. The Rev. L. E. Mabry of Canton, has charge of the eastern area. They are two of the more than 120 men and women of North Carolina who have acted as county leaders in the state-wide "Fill a Ship with Friendship" drive. The drive is sonsored by the North Carolina Council of Churches, co operating with Church Wojiil Serv ice, the interdenominational Pro testant relief agency. To date, 37 counties of the state have reported their drives com pleted and an estimated 275,000 pounds of material has been gath- All materials snipped through Church World Service are distrib uted overseas through churches nd church institutions. Church World Service, in 1947, shipped to 42 countries, in all of which the churches were guaranteed abso lute freedom in handling their re lief supplies. Need is the only pre requisite of those applying for help. There is no discrimination on ac count of race, creed or political alTiliat ion. Kngland, Wales and Scotland were united as one kingdom in 1 707. Havana, from Key Cuba, is only West, Florida. !)0 in lies THE KINGDOM OF GOD H1UHLIGHTS ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON The whale shark, length of CO feet, is fish. reaching a the largest Sure, A Fresh, Clean Suit For Easter! ... is just what you'll get if you send it to us NOW for up-to-the-minute thorough dry cleaning. We're specialist in rejuvenating men's clothes. Our charge is minimum. GALL 205 Vaynesville Laundry (Incorporated) t. W. KILLIAN, Owner WE CALL AND DELIVER rhone 205 Boyd Avenue CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH "Matter" will be the subject of the lesson-sermon in the Christian Science Church next Sunday morn ing, March 21. Services will be held at 11 o'clock in the church rooms on' the second floor of the Masonic I Temple. TRUTH TABERNACLE Seventh Day Adventist Ileech St.. Hazel wood L. P. Knecht, Pastor .Sabbath School, 9:45 a.m. Satur day. Lesson subject, "The Spirit of Prophecy. Preaching at 11 a.m. Services Sunday night. Subject, No Law But Love." (The International Lesson on the above topic for March 21 is Mask 4:26-29; Luke 4:16-22a; 17:20, 21; Romans 14:17.) HAZF.LWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. R. McGregot, president of Mountain Retreat Association, Retreat, will preach at the Sunday morning service, at 11 o'clock. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Waynesville. St. John's Church, every Sunday 11:00 A.M. Bryson City, St Joseph's Church every 1st Sun day 8:00 A.M. CanUn. Y M C A. Build ing every 3rd Sunday 8:00 A.M. ( ulluwhee. Student Lmci" liuiiding every l-i Wednesday 7:00 A.M. Foutana, Henry Elliott Home every 2nd Sat urday 8:00 A.M. Franklin, John Wasilik Home every 2nd Sun day 8:00 A.M. Highlands, Col. W. F. Kernan Home every 3rd Saturday 8:00 A.M. Murphy, John Mantbey Home every 1st Sat urday 8:00 A.M. Prison Camps in Parish every 5th Sunday 8:00 A.M. Sylva,' William Wise Home every 4th Sun day 8:00 A.M. By NEWMAN CAMPBELL IN JESUS' time, as until re cently in our own, the Jews had no country of their own. They had returned to their homeland from exile, it is true, but they were ruled by Roman emperors, their dominion having been estab lUhed by Pompey the Great in 63 B. C. The country was divided, part under the sons of Herod the Great, Philip and Antipas, both regions being ruled as tetrarchies under minor governors. Judaea, Samaria and the land south of Judaea were more directly under the Roman procurator, Pontius Pilate. The Jews were looking for a Messiah, one who would lead them to victory over their ene mies anJ re-establish the king dom. This was their great hope In the time of Jesua. Now, it seems that their dream may be realized. In the struggle now go ing on they lupe to gain a land of their own, there to live as an independent, sovereign nation. Our lesson deals not with this eaithly country for which the people of Palestine so longed, but sat on one side, and the veiled women on the other. The Ark, of painted wood, gen erally covered with a curtain and containing the Pentateuch and scrolls of the prophets, was the most sacred object. On on side was the bema or pulpit for the reader and preacher, and there were chief seats for the synagogue's ruler and the elders. It was customary to read the scriptures standing. After some one had read the first lesson, which was from the Pentateuck the clerk would hand the roll t parchment containing the book of the prophets which was the second lesaon, to someone, and in this case he gave it to Jesus. We do not know whether what Jesus read was the lesson for the day or whether He chose it especially. What Christ read to these, peo ple who had known Him from childhood, was: "The spirit of the Lord Is upon Me, because He hath anointed Ma to preach the gospel to the poor; He hath sent Me to heal the bro kenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at lib- M EMORY VERSE "Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of Cod and keep it." Luke 11:28. Lightning produces tiro mil lion tons of nitric acid bom the air per day, . for the kingdom of God. which was Jesus' message to His people. To illustrate what He meant by the kingdom of God, Jesus told the following parable while preaching by the Sea of Galilee: The kingdom of God is as if a man should cast seed into the ground, and should sleep night and day, and the seed should spring. and grow up without his paying much attention to it. Growing in the earth, first the blade would come up, then the oar, and finally the "full corn In the ear." Then the man would reap because the harvest was come. So In men's hearts, first the message is sown by the teacher; where it grows without his knowledge, until it attains full growth, and the man realizes that he has the kingdom of God with in him. Some time before this Jesus had made a visit to His native town, Nazareth. As He always did, Jesus went on the Sabbath into the synagogue, and stood up to read. The synagogues which had been set up since the Jews returned from exile In Babylon were rooms one end of which fcd toward Jerusalem. The men erty them that are bruised. To preach the acceptable year of the Lord." Jesus then closed the book, handed it back to the clerk, and sat down and began to talk. The eyts of all In the synagogue were upon Him, and all marveled at the gracious words that came from His lips. "Is not this Jo seph's son?" they asked one an other. What did Jesus believe was the kingdom of God ? When asked by the Pharisees when It would come, He answered, "The kingdom of God cometh not with observa tion r Neither shall they xay, Lo here! or, lo, there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." Into our hearts it comes, into all men's hearts, before the king dom is established. When men cease being cruel, selfish, grasp ing; when they do unto others as they would be done by, then shall the kingdom coine. It Is not an earthly thing, for, as Faul wrote to the Romans: "For the kingdom of God la not meat and drink; but righteousnesj, and peace, and Joy in the Holy Ghost." I J The Everyday Counselor KEV. HERBERT SPAUGH, D. P. t'lii.nh, Sd1 tions To Be Di ni 'IVn l!.iph We are so busy. Everybody 1 meet is busy. Hut are we busy about the right things'.' That is what ought to concern us. Repeat edly I've written in this column that too many of us mistake mo tion for progress, 'loo many of us are busy about the wrong thing. There is an inteiesting story buried back in the Old Testament, which tells about the selection of Saul as the first kinu ol Israel. After he had been chosen, they couldn't find him. A diliHeni search was made for the new king and the record says quiii.i'V' that they finally found him al'i-r the Prophet Samuel had prayed to Clod. The Bible verse reads. " I'lie. el'ore th y inquired of the Lord luriln r. if (he man should yet come thither. And tile Lord answered, Ucho'd he hath hid himself among the stuff." il Sam. 10:22). How many of us have hidden our selves "among the stuff".? We are literally covered up with "stuff." which we have gathered up and piled around us. Stud! What gath erers we are. llow covered up we are with it. It all seems so import ant now, but in the light of etern ity it will amount to nothing. We , may have this "stuff" piled up In an office, in a business. We may even have it in a home. It takes tremendous effort to accumulate it, and more effort to care for it. Many of us read last Christmas Charles Dickens' "The Christmas Carol." Do you remember the con- Distributed by Kiur Feauis 6yadicU, Inc. versation between Scrooge and Marley's ghost? Scrooge tells Mar ley that he had been a good man of business. Marley cries aloud, shakes his chain, and says, "Busi ness! Mankind was my business." Frequently I hear someone say that he is not too much concerned about Judgment Day, that a God of Love would not condemn a man for his sins. Almighty God does not condemn us. We condemn our selves when we hide ourselves in "stuff." busy ourselves about the wrong things, fail to follow His Plan for salvation, fail to put Him first. The Bible tells us emphatic ally that God desires "all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." Christ said. "Blessed are they that hear the Word of God and keep it." A correspondent sent nie these lines inscribed on a tablet in Hie Cathedral of Lubeck: "Thus speak eth Christ bur Lord to Us: Ye call me Master, and obey me not: Ye call me Light .and see me not; Ye call me Way, and walk me not; Ye cal me Wise, and follow me not; Ye call me Fair, and love me not; Ye call me Rich, and ask me not; Ye call nie Eternal, and seek nie not; Ye call me Gracious, and trust me not; Ye call me Noble, and serve me not; Ye call me Mighty, and honor me not; Ye cal! me Just, and fear me not; If I condemn you. blame me not." Use Want ads for quick sales. ,)ukt' K to "III be the 1 ""ur uhirl noun ;, : ;ju Hl, Church ,,nd the 'r i . . ""s i- a must njf mir .mi uhiih ii,, Mllrinr fuur, ""iclinis of thtl scniiuK lii'inssthf trout I),- vitCit personal opinion M'OSOMICW S A I. KM. Ore I? man louiid a w ay tt trap w in k belter. S buttered bacon id after each catch the puce of bacon J it is. she b it'unH I is worth tlie iwulli IM.( I I Kl. AMI N'OTKl Having quaiiii anil executor, rtia j - stati' of IV. L.Knj ' Hay vi owl count;, J I this is to notify i ing claims a;ainj said deceased to eitJ i uiiilciMsncd at m Carolina, on or ! of February. IN 'will be i leaded ii emery. All pel ions indrM j arc hereby nrfJti ; mediate luiiktul J ; Tin-, the 1 194a. I Klhc J. KiriJ 1 (A I I of the estate of J I deceased. No. 171)3 reb.lHM STOP IN-SEE THE M WW rimtrf MAUI t f w-t' HOME FREEZERS priced 1 1 rfiR Larger Capacity 1 Lower Cost I Three great new models from which to choose AS LOW AS FOR MODEL AS Futures galortl No other h ol, Deepfreeze n cthp INI SEE THEM u" Junaluska Supply ' Phone 88' LakeJh

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