l ..ARCH 19. l8 ATES ., ft.n,s per word, 40 rents. tvpe. 3 yents per burn ctiai - L type, 50c mn inch. rlll be published , drslrrd bchtdule Ltisi-ments should be fcfdlately. me I nut be r-sMi""'"" L une Incorrect ln- iTlSKMK.NTS ABE rim sent by mall. be In office before , flay nui r rantee to be in warn to Insert a want ad, me 700. ft4l) Super IM'l-UAl (H-K between i" I, rouble' f"r radio ir-pair, uhub our mullein equip- day (iiiaraiilee on d W1.i-k periormea. Sen ice. Main St., tf 7 Prepare now for Incf used water neai- ,v li i deluxe ieralm. all lor 1. 1 - Has Service. Welch ) tf ilNDS In stock. Sizes (3li". We hang them ),. Furniture Co. Nov. 4 tf Knr Itawleigh II r,0ll families. Kassleif'.h'.s. Dept. Hi liiiiiiiid. Va. Mar 19 fctisc frailer, .11 it., ioltle tfas automatic hut water, tefriger- fcks, built-in shower, nininde. Write to ()x 41)1, Wayii-jsville, tf Hriidix automatic -;Iips, tiiple rinsvV In 3(1 iniiiiites. 25c I For appointment, t I.auiHlerette, f9 L tf flvo ,ril) x 230 ft. nice Ion the new Aliens jnt) yds. from High- -i. MeiKiricKS, or u. I'lmnes 589-W, tf tor Nuts and I advantage of our No 32 -3 Paper- frees 2 to 3 ft. size Istpaid, Write for 48-1'afle Planting Ik an extensive line e I ' mils. Nuts, and Orn- l.fit Material: illus- f& color. Salesmen Vincsburo Nnrserips ' ''! Mar 19 Tt fi TO KI ROPE t In td vni'" you like a eood 20"; extra pav. ou to Kurope with expenses fond 'R'ntC Paid? And .vs lease .i vAar t, try nnnortunitv ic to any veteran of rrned Forres three-year enllst- Armv Vnn io of service in aiib B non-veterans, too, lor servii-n - ---v Willi J division in Jannn F Pay is the hlgh pn, and there are Ff'tv Fur full de lArmy ;md us Ajr 1 St,nion Post Of vile. V r mi iirti i a 10r '-'O good work lral. preferably old. Must be B Hall. tt tiable ton . 1 ' F'PPerl for pie. Heady for "aywood Elec Ma'n St., Haz LDR'LLED I F-tri,nr.e N Rnnc f MJNG CO. J " -ntin 2920 80e RlniA.J firs Ro,i- m, f-, tt r 2-S.Q in.. ADING WTr" FOR SALE-10 white-fared eosv, w(Httl c ;n(, NT AU bred to a purebred bull; and ; rtlle ,,... . ',.". FOH SALE 10 white-faced row nil bred to a purebred bull; and a purebred white fare bull Welch Messer, Upper Ciabliee. Meh 12-lti rj '.'3 FOR SALE OR TRADE 1. 2-ton truck. Phone 560-J Clarence Shelton, Route 2, Waynesville. Mar. IB-1 9 FOR RENT Garage apartment, 3 looms ana uaui. ju .i on Ave. Phone 42-i-W Mai lt-If) FOR RENT Three room apart ment on Delsvood road, opposite Shulers store. See Mis. llav iliond Swayngirn, Mooney Cove. Ma 19 FOR 2 WEEKS ONLY I can -i ll '.' stock apple trees and sue one free in any quantity. '.. I. Ma -sey. Phone 554-M. Mar 19- 2.1-26 WANTED TO RENT 3 or 4 room apartment. Write Mrs. Kllen Womack, Waynesville. Mar. 12-Hi-l!) PLOW YOUR GARDEN the liot.i tiller way. Call 75. Dan Walk ins. Jrt tf HOUSE FOR RENT H-ronin un furnished house, April 1. Elec tric stove, electric water healer and double garage. Jerry Liner, Lake Junaluska. Mar. 12-lli-lU READ The Asheville Citizen. All new subscriptions appreciated. Eli McGee. Phone 72H-.I, Way- nesville Jan 20 Mrdi 26 WE HAVE deep and shallow well water pumps for im mediate installation. Hay wood Electric Service, Main St., Hazelwood. Feb 27, Mar 2-5-9-12-16-19-23 WANTED An assistant lor local dentist office. Apply in person Dr. N. M. Medford. Mar 1!) FOR SALE 1938 Lincoln Zephyr. Good condition. Reasonable price. See L. Svventinon, 114 Welch Street, Wayncsville, Mar. 1!) N.C. !3-2(i HOT WATER HEATERS Table Top Models FARMERS FEDERAIIOM FOR SALE Ford jeep; &ood con dition; reasonable price. See Ralph W. Shuler, Route 1, Sylva, N. C. or Willetts, N. C. , Mar. 9-12-16-19 FEDERAL BOOKKEEP ING AND TAX SERVICE Consultants on Federal and State Taxation. System Installations . Income Tax Payroll Taxes Bookkeeping Services Audits Business Management WEEKLY OR MONTHLY SERVICE Masonic Temple Bldff. Waynesville, N. C. Telephone 777 FOR SALE lard ducks. 2122. -Beautiful Wild Mai Laying. SI each. Call Mar 1!) WANTED TO RENT Furnished apartment; two bedrooms. Call 98. Mar 19 dAYWOOD FARMERS -200 bush els, State Certified Sequoyah Po tatoes, bagged and tagged, med ium size, very nice. Ylrown as Lord's Acre Project, by llacl v;od Baptist Church. $3.50 a bit. or $5.65 for 100 lbs. Proceeds will go toward cost of new build ing. Call at Pastor's residence. Phone 489-M. Meh 12-10-19-23 FLOOR SANDING FINISHING THE HAYWOOD CO. Phone 539 AUTO RADIO HEADQUARTERS For that new Motorola Car Radio or to have your old radio fixed bring it to Jones Radio Service II (formerly Franklin Radio) on Balsam Road in Hazelwood. tf SAND FOR SALE $1.10 per yard at bin. Now open for business daily. . Hominy Creek Sand Co. at Enka. Mar. 16-15 ORDER OF PUBLICATION IT THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY. LEOTA McDANIEL VS. WILLIAM McDANIEL It appearing from the affidavit of Mrs. Leota McDaniel the plain tiff, in the above entitled action, thai th. At,r William Ml-. Daniel, is not to bt found in Hy- '.wood County, and that he can not letter due fldigem-e be founc ! Noi ih ( aiulma, and i li t on her appearing that this ai tioii has been commenced by the plaintiff against the defendant, tor an absolute divorce, on two Seats separation, IT IS THEREFORE ordered, con -ulcied and adjudged that no tice of this action be published wick for four successive "eel;,, in a newspaper published in Ha.ssSuod County, setting forth the title ol the action, the uuruusw of the same. It ndaitt to and lequiiing the de appear on the 4tli. dav of Match. l!H!i at the office of the cleik of the -iiperior court of Hay wooil Counts, .oui anssser or demur to llii (oiuplaiul of the plaintiff, ol 1 1 u The; l!Mli relief uill be granted. Hie 241 h day of February, DIXIE CAMPUELL As-, 'I. Clerk of the Superior Coin I of Has wood Counly, )7ll!l l-'i-b r, Meh r.-12-19 NOflCI, OF SALE NORTH cA'HOLlNA, HAVWOOD COUNTY. I'nder and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain deed ol" trust executed by HAR OLD M. PATRICK., dated the (itb day of March, 1947, and recorded in Deed of Trust Hook 5H, Page 7(i, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclos ure, the undersigned Trustee will oiler for sale at public auction, to Hie hitiliest bidder tor cash, al the Court House door in Waynesville, North Carolina, at 11:00 o'clock A. M., on the 5th day of April, 1948, the property conveyed in said deed of 1 1 ust, Hie same lying and liciiii-', in the County of Hay ssood and State of North Carolina, in Was nesville Township, ami more particularly described as f.illoss :: FIRST f'ROPKHTY: Heinf all Hie personal property and real estate known apd oper.- ,(ed by II AHOLD M. PATRICK as ('AMI' ADVENTURE; All of the contents, composition, eohstniction, supplies, equipment, fistutefi and appurtenances of the thirty illOi buildings located on the real estate' hereinafter' de seiibed and referred to, and as now held and upcrated as the Camp aforesaid andor as the same' may be added to in any way or manner. All 'the beds, bed spriiie . mattresses, linens, pil lows, cols, chairs, dressers, tables, chests, cabinets; pots, pans, stoves, ovens, minors, glasses, dishes, sil ver, silverware or kindred items of knives, forks, spoons, etc.j dor mitory, kitchen, dining room, bed rooin and living room or quarters equipment; supplies, furniture, furnishings, and materials what ever regardless of kind, class, loca tion or description. All the prop erl it-; of said Camp whatever re gardless of kind, class, description or location, be Hie same herein enumerated or described or not, as said properties now are and as the same may be added to. SECOND PROPERTY: a. 1 1 that tract or parcel of land containing more than six (6) acres in Haywood County, North Caro lina, purchased by the said party of (fie first part from the General Hoard of Education of the Metho dist Church and conveyed to him by Deed of Record in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Haywood Counly, North Carolina; Refer ence is made to said deed and the same, with all references therein contained, is hereby made a part of this instrument tor a more com plete description of said tract or p:ueel of land. Said tract or par ed of land is more particularly li scribed and referred to as fol losvs: BEGINNING at a point in the Hcadwall of the South end of a culvert over the center of a branch, the headwaters of which branch form the boundary line be- i tween the Jim Noland heirs and the Southern Assembly, and runs thence along the Southwest mar Bin nf said Lake Shore Drive N. fi!)-20 W. 309 feet to a stake in the Southwest margin of said Lake Slim--- Drive: thence S. 26 30 W. 370 feet to a stake In the Noland- Soutliern Assembly line; thence S. 72 E. 272 feet to a stake In the branch: thence up said branch as follows- S. 30 W. 204 feet to a slake; thence S. 34 30' W. 288 feet in :take: thence S. 43 30' W 120 feet to a stake; thence S. 16 W. 207 feet to a Black Oak near the spring head of said branch; thence S. 77 30' E. 67 feet to a stake; thence N. 35 30' E. 240 feet to an oak; thence N. 40 35' E. 192 feet to a stake three feet from an oak tree: thence N. 61 45' E. 200 feet to a white walnut; thence N 29 E. 322 feet to a large tree rehfstnut) in the Western margin df said Lake Shore Drive; thence ajong the Western margin of said (Lake Shore Drive in a Northerly' and Northwesterly di rection 4t0 feet to the Beginning. Containing 6.4fl acres, more or less, and being the same property conveyed in a deed from General THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER RENTINQ LOANS SERVICE Board of Christian Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, to-HAROLD M. PATRICK, dated October 30, 1945, and re corded in Book 125 at page 469, Record of Deeds of Haywood County. BUT this sale, so far as pertains tn the Real Estate above described, will be made subject to a certain other deed of trust executed by HAROLD M PATRICK to A T WARD TRUSTEE, dated the 1 1th ; day of December! 19-.6 and re-! corded in Book 60, on page 205. in n rmi.t; hi - -- the office of the Register of Deeds! of Havwood County, North Caro- Una. Said first deed of trust cov ers the real property above de- scribed onlv. and not the FIRST PROPERTY described. BUT this sale will be made sub ject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes and municipal assessments. This 4th day of March. 1948. HARRINGTON T HILL. Trustee. 1712 -Mar. 12-19-20, Apr. 2 NOTICE OF RE-SAI.E WHEREAS, the property here inafter described svas duly adver tised and sold on Monday, March H, 1U48. and the bid duly reported to the Clerk of Court, and whereas the bid lias been duly raised ac cording to law: NOW. therefore, on Tuesday, the 30th day March, 1948, we the un dersigned, will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash at the courthouse door in Waynesville. N. C. Hie fol lowing described lands and prem ises, lying and being in Ivy Hill Township, Haywood county, North Carolina, and known os the Dell wood School property, to ssit: BEGINNING at a stone in the center of the public road leading " . . . ... .;. Bv SWA THE FLOP FAMILY -:- :- m .--- j y, : ro 1, I -h MIR.. UftUWC -J We Guarantee Out RECAPPING To Give New Tire Mileage All Size Tires For Cars and Trucks MYRTLE ftrJ j C " MOLD H V WHO TOOK KEEP YOUf? t 1 BC, SLUG' gOMEbODV ) ; t J GO WHAT 9 ) ULL EVEPVTMIMC, THE BULB M SHlPT ON(POPV- 4 TOOK TME BULB OUT J---v Vl( , ( YOU ALWAYS r -r- I MOM I'LL OUT OF v?7 I'LL GET , W WiTi OF THlS JC -: Ji ; I TUPN IT OUT ) CAUL C. ANDERSO HENRY CofM 1948 King Feature! Syndic-, Int. SKili mhti itttrved. , i J BY WALT DISNE1 DONALD DUCK ' ' j from Dellwood to Maggie which is S. 71 W. 300" ft. from the bridge over Gaddy's branch and runs thence S. 1035' W. 300 ft.; to a stake; thence S. 2015' W. 692 ft. to a Black Walnut; thence West 290 feet to a ake in the center of a branch: thence down the branch N. 30 30' W. 297 ft. to a stake in the center of the Cham pion Fibre Co. Railroad; thence with said Railroad 5 calls as fol lows: N. 69 30' E. 147 ft.: N. 61 45' E. 90 ft ; N. 52 30' E. 247M ft ; N. 65" 45' E. 94 ft.; N. 82 122 ft. to a stake within 18 ft. from the first line, N. 10 35' 300 ft. to a stake in the center of the Public Road: thence with the public road N 71' E. 18 ft. to the Beginning. containing 4-j acres more or less The right -of -wav for said pipe line from said Spring islocatedas MUTT AND JEFF HOW'S NI6HT .stnwL riun ia ?SCHOOL NIGHTS I . . 1 ll 1 . IT, SCHOOL, JEFF J DEAR OLD golden ft RULE NIGHTS I - 4- oLT-v " REG'LAhTfELIS " " ------ ZyGcn Bv,ne fo. Vs. BE 'INNINO ai a - k in the center . the branch fin ng the westerly .'inndary of the a"-we mentioned tiact 160 ft. up sa. branch from center of said rail road and runs thence S. 61 30- W. 160 ft.; S. 75 W. 170 ft.; S. 70 W. 230 ft.; N. 86 30' W. 92 ft.; S. 69 VV. 271 ft. to the West boundary line ol defendants boundary of land. Sale made pursuant to power and authority conferred upon the undersigned by virtue of Ch. 494 P. L. of 1933 and act amendatory thereto. This the 15th day of March, 1948. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HAYWOOD COUNTY, By Jack Messer Secretary. 1714 Mar. 19-26 OH OK EXCEPT (THAT S I THKEE AHOTHKtc I NO: LOOK'-lr IVY wire sr, , "s r(&if B i Am't P..it?P SIMPLE' PGGS IN A PRYING LMD FOUR EGG'S ON THE IM:1D,DN-T) kzrS ffl "OITT HOW MANY ? MAXES j VlABLE AND TWO EGGS 1 HlNKUXJ cSSMAKE A HALFjcSf WHAT? y-ZT7ZT SAMuirtTin ?l5UlD'3 V Wh. rm DOZEN' r-tJTA P Kf" " vuV ,V J&otm DO fi Ifcl TIRE rhone 486 RIGHT ARO UND HOME t'AGE NOTICf tr St'MTIONS AM) WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT In The Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY N F. LANCASTER vs. A. G. PELMCER The defendant in entitled action will the above lake notue that on the 10th day of March, 1948, a summons was issued in said avtion by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County, plaintiff claiming $436 25 due hii.i i.n con tract: the said defendant wilt lor i ther take notice that he is required to aDDear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Hasssood County at the Court House in Waynesville, North Carolina, .vith- SIMS AIID BATTEBY CO. FIVE Third Seviuu in thirty days arti r the 1-th da? of April. li48. and answer or ae- rnur to the Complaint in said action or the plaii.liff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded- lij said Complaint. The defendant WBt also take notice that a Wtffanf of Attachment was issued by SId I Clerk of the Superior Court ot I Haywood County on the date ot .summons against the property of 'said defendant, which warrant is returnable before the said Court fl the tune and place above named? for the return of the summons, when and where the defendant is required to appear and answeTf or demur to the Complaint or relief j demanded will be granted. 'I ' li .-. Aloi.h 1 1 it Alt i'his March 12. 1948. DIXIE CAMPBELL Assf Clerk Superior Court 171V-Mar 19-26 Apr 2-9 By Bud Fwher Main Street fly DUDLEY FISHEB i . v a r , . . : t r f . ' .!:: V. tt? FI f i t H it IS.1

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