FRIDAY, MARCH 19 THE YvAYNESVILLE MOUNT AINEEB Sylva Youth Dies In Auto Crash Wednesday Night Tommy Stanford Buchanan, 22-year-old Sylva youth, was fatally Jnju) ed Wednesday night when the coupe he and Eugene Hooper of Cullowhee were riding -ide- s wiped a tree and collided head-on with a rock garage at DIUsboro. He died a few minutes after ar rival at a Sylva hospital. Hooper escaped uninjured A veteran ol World War 11 with 18 months overseas service in the U. S. Nav), tlit; deceased is the foster sun ol Mr and Mrs. Tom Buchanan ol Sylva. Funeral serv ices will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon at Beta Baptist church, with interment in the Old Savannah church cemetery. He is survived by the foster par ents and live foster sisters: Mrs. Paul Echols, Bryson Citv. Mrs. James H. Wallace. Charlotte: Mrs. Clyde Lee Fisher, Murphy; Misses Selma and Hetty Ju Buchanan of the home. Garrett funeral home is in charge of arrangements. In Your Easter Bonnet MORE ABO I T 400 Attend Farm (Continued from Page One) imports -40 per cent of its dairy products, he stated, prooves that there is still a large market. Good pastuio are the foundation of dairying, and supplying plenty of hay he recommended alfalfa and sileage to the herd. Mr. Farn ham also brought out the impor tance of managed breeding to attain high-production type animals. Prospects in beef cattle, said I. 1. Case, are very good if the cattle are handled well He pointed out that beef animals thrive on rougher food and land than is best fur dairy cattle. Good pastures, hay and sileage likewise are important as ttie most economical food. I Mr Case spoke of the decline in Haywood's luep population be cause of roainuu.' iloijs. and recom mended that steps be taken to raise more sheep Records show that growers gt a higher return on sheep than tioin ans other live stock he said I C F Parrish. poultry specialist. reported that studies during recent ! years have slmviii that 4(1 hens are normally a large enough flock for home use, and that 4((J is the best number to tare for on a commer cial basis He advised that chicks be secured from accredited hatch eries, which are listed in the coun ty agent s office. Farm management, related Moe 1 'hi M( EASTER HALO . . . Prim roses and narcissus, j;reen maline. by Northndye. , : - ' By DOBOTHT ROE AP Fashion Editor Trie hats that bloom fashionable heads this spring are the answer to a Leap Year prayer. Designed strictly for flat tery, they are ladylike and pretty, with no startling gadg ets. For the most part they are m..ue to fit the head, need no hatpins or elastics, have a slightly nostalgic air and are neither too large nor too small. Leading the Easter parade will be small, perky Gibson Girl sailors, of straw or pastel felt, trimmed with colorful imported ribbon or romantic flowers and veiling. Victorian bonnets are also in the picture, to be worn only by the young. There are be rets in many versions, profile hats to frame a pretty face and small flowered toques and halos. But whatever the style, they're all designed to make vou look pretty. on I N. Lrv 1 7T t7 jrr r 3 l mm I SWAGGER SAILOR . , . Tipsy topper in pink straw and organza, by Florell. f ' fjtf't " " ( 'i' - '- y PICTURE HAT . . . Elegant simplicity in beiye leghorn with black taffeta binding, fuchsia velvet accents, by Sally Milgrim. SUIT-MATE . . . Flattering sailor of white felt with roll-edge brim, trimmed in baby's breath, by Germaine Vittu. Williams, consists mainly of striv ing fr a well-balanced farm by making use of the progressive practices discussed by the other speakers. ' We Suggest Ai Bay's That - FOR EASTER AND EVERY SEASON When You Slip Into FLATTERNIT HOSE And you're th tarring player... because you look so ravihing...when your legs are glorified in FLATTERNlTS of duPont Nylon yarn! Come, see the new iashion-wLse colors that freshen In a whisk with LUX-Youll want at least several pairs I 1 Personal Mention n sv - - s 5-' In the FLATTERNIT GROUP we present hose demonstrated to be outstanding. Hose of distinction that you will wear with pleasure available in your favorite color and quality. RATS Dept. Store Dwight Beatty, Jr., will arrive today fom State College to spend the week end with his mother, Mrs. Beatty. Homer West left Wednesday to spend sometime visiting various points in Florida. William Hannah and Wingate Hannah, students at the University of North Carolina, have arrived to spend the spring vacation with their mother, Mrs, William T. Han nah. Miss Anne Osborne, who is do ing post-graduate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will arrive this week end to spend the spring holidays with her moth er. Mrs. nooeri usuunic. Jack Edmund, who is a student at The Citadel in Charleston, S, C, is spending the spring vacation here as the guest of his aunt, Mrs. William Hannah. Bobby Breece, who is a student at the University of North Caro lina has arrived to spend the spring vacation with his mother, Mrs. Robert Breece. Kurt Weill will arrive this week end from Chapel Hill to spend the spring holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weill. Miss Jackie Sue Messer, who is attending Agnes Scott College in Atlanta, Ga., has arrived to spend the spring vacation with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Messer. Mrs. W. B. Evans, of West Pitts ton, Pennsylvania, is here for an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. L. M. Richeson. Miss Anne Albright, Dean of Women at Western Carolina Teach ers College. Cullowhee, will spend this week end here as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ruth Beatty. Boys From State CoWree At Home The following boys who are students at State College In Ra !einh ar expected to arrive this w i l: end to spend the spring vaca tion at tbetr homes: Bill Richeson, Bud Whisenhunt, Hobart Hyatt, Joe Francis, Sam Arrington, Char lie Shackleford, Kenneth Compton, Jimmy Boone, Dwight Beatty, and Sam Calhoun. 'Jack Richeson, who has a posi tion In NashYllle, Tenn., will ar rive today to spend the week end with his mother, Mrs. L. M. Riche son. Bobby Hardin, who Is attending Vanderbilt University, Is arriving this week to spend the spring va cation with his mother, Mrs. W. L, Hardin. Jr. Use Wsnt Ads for quick results Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moore had as guests this week Mr. and Mrs. James Pruitt and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pruitt. of Hendersonville. Mrs. Thomas Campbell, Sr.. and young son, Steve Campbell, spent last week end in Spartanburg as guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. A Dantz-ler. MORE ABOl'T Parkway (Continued From Page One) chinson, Harriett Derrick, W. T. Derrick, Mrs. Rufus Smathers, Mrs. E. M, Smathers, Mrs, Manuel Hooper, Mrs. Paul Arrington, Will Rabb, Mrs. It. M. Keller, Davey Tree Company (the old Brinkley tracts), A. B. Bryson, and Davey Tree Company (J. C. Hlancliard tract). The section north of Balsam Gap (project 2-W) will he routed through the lands of B. Buchanan in Jackson county, and on the Wiggs estate, O. E. Horton, Wil liam Hutchinson and Charles E. Reger properties in Haywood. The appropriation by the state highway and public works commis sion of these lands has been made under authority of an act of the North Carolina General Assembly ratified Jan. 23. 1935. The titles to the lands to be condemned are to be vested in the state. All persons who have an interest in the lands are requested to file at once with the state highway and public works commission a state ment of their interest and such compensation as they claim to be entitled to, according to informa tion on the maps placed on file in the courthouse here. Any claims which are not satisfactorily adjust ed may be brought into the super ior court of the counties and a special proceeding commenced be fore the clerks of the court, pro vided such proceeding are institut ed within six months from the completion of th construction of the roadway involved on the par ticular projects. Surveys were completed and fil ed recently on another project which covers the section between Soco Gap and Wolf Laurel into Black camp, which will be a spur road from the Blue Ridge parkway Into the Great Smoky Mountains National park. Work is to get under way on this section in the early summer and the money is now available for the work. Wolf Laurel Gap was start ed before the war, with only a rough grading completed when work was stopped. There Is an appropriation bill before congress now which includes an item of $268,700 for starting on the road from Black Camp Gap to Heln tooga, a distance of six miles, ac cording to Mr. Ray. If this ap propriation is made, work will be started on the project next year. Truman Seeks Draft To Back Plans For Peace President Offers Program Designed To Halt Russian Expansion WASHINGTON (AP Con gress split down the middle Thurs- j... v By EO CREAGH day on President Truman's plans for shoving up the nation's mili tary strength with universal train ing and revival of the draft. Party labels were lost in the shuffle as leaders divided over the two measures Mr. Truman said are needed to flex the muscles of a country that has become "the principal protector of the world" against communism. The upshot seemed to be a trend toward giving the president one but not both of the manpower raising laws. L'r.iversal military training looked like slightly the better bet although the cards are slacked against UMT in the house right now. As a third step to halt the ag gressive march of "one nation" Russia Mr. Truman also called for quick and final approval of the $5,300,000,000 Marshall plan for European recovery. WASHINGTON President Tru man issued a solemn call Wednes day for universal military training and a temporary return to the draft. Because of "ruthless" Soviet ag the President said, the situation in Europe is "critical,' and this country must be strong enough to support the still-free European countries "which are threatened with Communist con trol and police state rule." He also urged swift action on, the European recovery program. The House foreign affairs committee gave, it to him, approving a 300.000.000 program the same amount already authorized by the Senate within a few hours of the President's address. His voice rising in indignation, Mr. Trujnan told a joint session of Congress that "the very existence of democracy" is threatened. Then he said gravely: "The time has come when the free men and women of the world must face the threat to their liber ty squarely and courageously . . . "We must be prepared to pay the price of peace or assuredly we 'shall pay the price of war.' t lulls luih nun li Secretary, of Stale Marshall backed the President's words u telling the Senate armed service;, committee later in the day: "Diplomatic action without tin backing of military strength in tin present world can only lead to ap. peasement." Spontaneous Applause The President spoke in House of Representatives chain ber, which was packed to overflow ing. Spontaneous applause, carried to the nation and the world b., aio, cracKea oui wnen ;ie de nounced the signing of a defense pact by five of these na tions in Brussels. Firmly, the President said: "I am confident that the I States will, by appropriate iut;i,;, extend to the free nations the suj port which the situation rtiiuin -, "I ain sure that tiie determina tion of the free countries of Eur ope to protect themselves will he matched by an equal deleniiiiui on our part to help them do ,o." Besides UMT and selective serv ice me uran is neeuea only until n.ipi UMT is put on a "solid (omnia-i t hi tion," he said Mr. Truman ai-1 I pealed for still faster action on (he $5,300,000,000 European recover) program. "Time is now of critical import ance, he warned. Soviet pressure, Mr. Truman de clared, is being brought on Kin land "to the hazard of the entire Scandinavian peninsula." Greece, lie said, is under "direct military attack" by rebel forces supported by he ''.iti-d And iiif ci mined -A 111 '"UrtssH ui: Ulil t. i,i emu "Ml Willi ' .H-Jf J1 Sty ll.Ult lltlrl, fill Mi. J h i'i , , . , -"ii-ii u ( , i '" Cum man v ""vwian 1 1 "uitli. I'fiu a to '-villi S 2, 1 in in i a MmI 'flitl Jllliffly ' San ! Ills W1HNCT0. '-uiiialttk "will Wj lull r Communist- 1 "; wtijj taster Parm ; McerJofhr niLF-SIZERS tlp- ill these 'lllusioa' Dresses j-St Z I iF H z&Wp$i3i vi.i. jfaA ss 1 sk U IvN v Abuttoned-fitmtclaiMCtlutcj OCv. niuswi.' N different IThtcltverly F'VN V Jtl 1 , !; v Af -front clawic tKt'i different 1 The cleverly I border print u an im- ported PariiUn design exdu- tive with Jnartha Manning. ,. ; the (mad itjrling makes you look ao slim, sotall, to lovely. No. 666 of Palo Alto rayon crepe. "Iltuiion" half aites iSi to 2M. ' 14- Ih.'i'"' Simplicitjr U tha keynote of ibis attractive dress fashioned , of outstanding white print on ' colored grounds . . a smart dresa that makes you look , more youthful, taller, love lier. No. 440 is an exclusive -I Martha Manning print on Del Rio rayon crepe. "IUu- oij: Utll aia I6H to 22.' 'HO9? j tCi 5 I i