LrCH 19, 1MB PAGE EWE First Socuouj THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNT AINEE3 igners W Angles Bonnet We MILLS L.r bonnets this (. be enchanting raw and frippery h Fans uoi ,. rather aging I. i,u" dresses. Lm with ease by a, t(,e same time ,1k. young look trenie. I equipped lulling money ,e recein going out on a and vou can ex . ,-oii oil the as .uuri time for the lodels are of ex- k,js and gypsy I oil hand-shaped ,,ounts. 13ut the blocked ,1 shapes which excellently io he pancake and ailor and bun ; tricnrn are ex- Inil each .shape fmial to the trim ly takes the lime- whlch hats are lortant. Most ol (in the head in place you would it i you trying to jrs are siigiiuy tfniiit. 'limit's ul I'aris" in Milan and is meeting with luycrs say me lek new'". like a flattened iideways on the iuk" angle, lias a Is di)l)ed gently are pierced in ih which veiling !o tie under the vcral variations iiniiiue number or on the roof" aggressive looking fcig llirough the ilor combinations and striking, s against forest and alc lemon red Shades of honey form per- f or I lie boldest : Olbred, ;c it Hold I lo use K Ifcoolbred and Mrs. I vt 1 hold open house lit! Jlis afternoon and he residence of Mrs. I I Jtidary Street. The ns tht' birthday an- I f. Slioolbred and vliu (re twin sisters, be assisted in receive W ir Taylor, of Bal lis K- Wood, daugh- jplbred. and Mrs. I I-4k. of Raleigh, r a'- Mrs Slioolbred. e ! Iriled to tali be ou, Jof ::30 and 5:30 n ; ad Ironi 7 30 to mil 1 ;1 I ryson :: " Int Of Uiiiliary i 1 pon was elected 1- Auxiliary of Vet '' .Wars at a meet r tation held Mon ti parish House. t" Iected at this C Itose. senior s Edna McKay, P ent: Mrs. Ethel f $ Mrs. Gilbert !' Mrs. R. R Camp. r' Mrs George Kel 8 Juslee i3 years), will bp installed f" meeting of the ?AP BOOK vim " two'" IM SlflMf OF i EL CAP If AM IK YOStMI-fL NATIONAL PAAK 'BAPS. ww mamV-Tvd. 5s? Mrs. D. C. Davis Recent Bride rs Honored Mrs. Ned Carver, Mrs. Owen Janes and Mrs. Troy Boyd were joint hostesses of a shower at the home of Mrs. Carver on Friday evening, honoring Mrs. D. C. Davis, ( who before her marriage on De- j cember 24 was Miss Dorothy Janes. The residence was deeorated with vases of forsythia and jon quils and the Easter motif was used in the party appointments. Quiz games were played with prizes presented to the winners. The guest of honor was presented gifts of china, crystal and linen. Among those present were: Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Claude Rogers, Mrs. Arehio Sales, Mrs. Clayton Alex ander, Mrs. Jule Boyd, Mis. John Williams, Mrs. Kent Ketner, Mrs. Keith Ketner, Mrs. Jaff Janes, Mrs. John Carver, Mis. N, VV. Carver, Mrs. Lawrence Jones, Mrs. Grover L. Davis, Mrs. Roger Fergu son, Mrs. Don Cogdill, Mrs. Ray Shelton, Mrs. Sam Potts, Mrs. June Set2er, Mrs. Calvin Rose, Mrs. Taylor Ferguson, Mrs. Hugh Alli son, Mrs. Earl Ferguson, Mrs. Hugh Allison, Mrs. Earl Ferguson, Mrs. Stella R. Hall, Miss Kdna Boyd, Miss Fannie Howell, Miss Dorothy Scott and Miss Freda Janes. Fashion Show Is Attended By Large Audience The Spring Fashion Show, which was presented by Slack's at the Strand Theatre Wednesday after noon, was attended by a large and appreciative audience. All types of spring clothes were modeled by girls from the county 4-H clubs, under the direction of Miss Margaret Corbin, ussistunt home demonstration agent. The stage was decorated with baskets of mixed spring flowers and potted azaleas against a back ground of evergreens. Mrs. Doyle Alley made a lrrief address of welcome and introduced Miss Corbin. She also pointed out that all fashions shown were ex clusive with Slack's. Modeling spring coats, dresses, suits and accessories were: Miss Betty Jo Garrell and Miss Nancy Poston of Bethel; Miss Peggy No land and Miss Thomasine Fisher of Waynesville; Miss Maxine Mann and Misfi Betty Ann. Jones of Can ton; Miss Margaret Noland and Miss Joan McElroy of Crab-tree; Miss Mildred Ferguson of Fines Creek, and Miss Mary Frances Mc Cracken of Clyde. At the conclusion of the show W. G. Port or, manager of Slack's store, expressed appreciation to Miss Corbin and introduced the models to the audience. E. Waynesville School Has P.T.A. Meeting The March meeling of the East Waynesville Parent Teacher Asso ciation was held Tuesday night in the school auditorium. Mrs. Joe Liner presided and led the devo tional on "The Habit of Fault Finding". The following members were ap pointed to serve on a nominating committee: Mrs. J. T. Morrow, Mrs. S. E. Connatser, and Mrs. Joe Howell. The program included a piano solo by Sarah Boone and an oper etta. "Naughty Little Peter," given by the second grade under the di rection of Miss Essie Sellers. Tak ing part in the operetta were Ken neth Gibson as Peter Rabbit. Arv in Swanger as Mr. McGregor, Rowe Redmond as the Cabbage, Benny Mashburn as Peas, and Tony Woody and Jesse Hollingsworth as Carrots. Blue birsd were Volr.ey Tinsley, Eugene Anders, AValter Galloway, Ronny James. Billy Sisk. Billy Norris, Thomas Franklin, and Keith Gibson. The second grade girls, dressed in colorful cos tumes, represented various spring flowers. Mrs. Clark Medford is visiting her daughter. Miss Mildred Med ford, in Hollywood, Fla. By ft J. SCOTT 1I i i ? HH f ' Jlif . K IjT ill!' V T, 'IH II: If II A wmmM S0J "Af-Tr 'SSir NEW FLORAL XSi 'iff ;n y if ? WS ...... . I -., 'v''! iW ' A'W-mr through a new waxing process which permits severely classic corsage designs like this. At right, flowers for the Easter breakfast table gain added interest when "bunny" is made welcome by a novelty container fashioned from cabbage-and-carrot rabbit food. This holds a tasteful display of yellbw jonquils, stock and pussy willow. Mr. ami Mrs, Adam G. Goelz are leaving next week to reside in Albany, N. Y. Mr. Goelz, who has been manager of the Strand The atre here, will have a similar i)o .silion in Albany. - .iM,,, - llT ,,, n M, , MASSlt b DJLr 1. blUttL MASSIE'S DEPT. STORE I H d ntoj)wt fj n with om lender fe flAl, V minimi1"1""" ""71 Jj I UX n"""" y v See ovr n.w ftyUi, colorv . Nll!H fir ) fomout thoei that eUlfUl' FrV-0- T? XUMV; ore PRC-TESTED for your Tm l3 youngjter'i protection I Piiiar Vnnl SM0 Hffll U CMFMWN8 0T ADD Cltl j UIVB5 lOUIt smooth umiet urns Shoe Fitted Expertly B M&W"0 (rSK, A Advrtittd in LIFB and PO I IjPfl 1TOT -SKSA . TrS Uerjeoo magazine ' . '0f0 AND VwU jlui Ir V Shoes With L The Aid Of VX-RAY XRay Massie's Massie's DEPARTMENT STORE DEPARTMENT STORE "Bfetter Brands Mean Better Buys" "Better Brands Mean Better Buys" i DESIGNS GREET EASTER SEASON Perfect symbol of the dewy freshness at Easter morn, bonnets of fresh flowers will appear in greater number and variety than ever in this year's Easter Parade. Shown above is one of the newest designs created by chief stylist Alyn Wayne of Florists' Telegraph Delivery, using feathered carnations, blue iris and a bit of tulle. Below, the frarlle calla lily becomes a durable costume highlight Mr. and Mrs. Jack Joughin and children of Tampa, Fla.. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Lilius. The Joughins are planning to reside in Waynesville and Mr. Joughin will be connected with the l.ilius Jew elry Store. Mrs. Jack Worthington and Mrs. Charles lsley left Monday for Bal timore where they will spend this week. h Jda W, i i -her Is Commendeo For Red Cross Work Hilda W. Fisher, Waynesville, American Red Cross revreation worker at Madigan General Hos pital, Taeoma, Wash., has received a commendation from Brig. Gen. Arthur Thomas, commander, Mari anas Air Material Area, for her work as a member of the staff of the American Red Cross Aero Club on Guam. Miss Fisher's commendation reads: "Your untiring efforts have produced an entertainment pro gram that has been at all times outstanding und largely responsible for maintaining high morale m an area where recreation facilities are scarce. Your ability to accomplish this mission under the handicaps that existed since the cessation of hostilities is a tribute to the Ameri can Red Cross and reflects great credit upon you as an individual". Arriving in the Far East Com mand on November 17. 1945, Miss Fisher was assigned to a club mobile unit in Korea. Later she held Red Cross assignments in China and Japan before arriving on Guam. Homemakers Club Has March Meeting The March meeting of the Waynesville Homemakers Club was held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Howard Bryson with Mrs. Bryson also presiding. The program included a demons tration on "Vegetable Salads," by Miss Mary Margart Smith, county home demonstration agent. Members present were Mrs. Howell Bryson;, Mrs. Million Bridges, Mrs. 11. O. Champion. Mrs. Frank Kirkpatrick. Mrs J. Lloyd Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Lawrence Leatli erwood, Mrs. Earl Messer, Mrs. Ben Philips, Mrs. Carl HatclilTe, Mrs. Jack Rogers, and Mrs. Jim my W ilia ins j Mrs. Wells Is H o s t e s s Of Bethel Club Mi.-. Ellis Wills was hostess for the meeting of the Bethel Home Demonstration on Wednes day afternoon. Mrs Henry Garner presided and the demonstration on interior Decora I ion' uas gien b Miss Mary Margaret Smith. Project leaders gave the follow ing reports: crafts and l.iinil life. Mrs. Horace Peek, clotliinp. Mrs Ralph Riddle; home lieautuication and poultry, Mrs. Claud Church: home management, Mrs David Vance: house turiiiyhiiigs. Mis W P. Whitesides: and garden and foods, Mrs Ellis Wells A recreation hour followed the meeting and a iiui uaine was played by the members. Mrs Hen ry Garner was presented tdadioli bulbs as high score pri.e tor Hie games. Benefit Party At Towne House Is Successful The benefit parly sponsored by the Alpha Theta chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority Tuesday night at the Towne House was both a social and financial success. Around one hundred persons at tended the event and proceeds will go to the Bookmobile Fund. High score bridge pri.e went to Mrs. Sam Itushnell. Jr.. and second high to Mrs. Zeno Wall. Other prizes were awarded lo holders of high scores at each table. Forsythia and jonquils were used in decoration for the occasion and a dessert ionise was served at the conclusion of the games. "Irs Harry Lee Liner, Jr., and Miss Catherine Jones W"v in charge of an angemeiils for the parly. Mrs Pauline llolehkiss, district hiiine demonstration ai;ent, of Ra leigh, spenl a lew days here this week. ; . Jit iW No one will guess you're wearing your heart on your 'sleeve, for delicate hearts pattern this rxuip pxquh fashion must by Nan Soaii Jr. Tb roidxifl pl 'peek-a-boo With tba'snnsKIn Jvd billowy tain lro4e Ike took oi Um balUrtW &ea bow tbc hart pattern s earned throofb with a i ' 1 C - - t aieevem duos w mm tin nl ti-oolflf oo crisp wbiu piju. MASSIE'S DEPARTMENT STORE jMiss Rotha j Entertains For iMiss DuBreuil ! Miss Tillie Rotha entertained Iwith a bridge luncheon on Wed nesday at her home on Pigeon 'Street in honor of Miss Laura Do Breuil, of Boston, who is the guest j of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. ( Dirfireuil. ; Arrangements of spring flowers ! were used in decoration of the resi dence. 1 Guests were assembled in the ' morning and luncheon was served ( following the games. High score ; pi i?e went to Mrs. Sam Bushnell, ! second high to Mrs. Carleton jWeatherby, and the low score gift , lo Mrs. Jimmy Reed. Miss Du llrtuil was also presented a gift. I Guests included Miss DuBreuil, Mrs William Ray, Mrs. Howard Hyatt, Mis L. K. Barber, Mrs. David Hyatt. Mrs. Lachlan Hyatt, Mrs. Jimmy Reed, Mrs. Sam Bush nell. Jr . Mrs. Charles Ketner, Mrs. Carleton Weatherby, Mrs. Thomas Siringlield, and Mrs. William Ivey Long, ul Raleigh, who is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. John N. Slioolbred. i Ratclif f e Cove Home Club Meets With Mrs. Noland ' The IiatclilTo Cove Home Dem onstration Club met Monday af ternoon at the liome of Mrs. D. R. j .Noland with the president, Mrs. C. C. Francis, presiding. , An illustrated demonstration on I "Interior Decoration" was present ed by Miss Mary Margaret Smith and leader reports were given as ! follows: foods, Mrs. Lillian Mor ; row. poultry, Mrs. C. T. Francis, garden and house furnishings. Mrs. I) H Noland; home management land home beaut ideation, Mrs. Woody Jones: family life, Mrs. R. j C. Francis; and clothing, Mrs. C. i C. Francis. During the social hour follow ing the meeting Hie hostess served a dessert course. . . . doublesjn hearts inspired Ly Disuey'a Fun and Fancy Free" daisty ouuwey oo the rp ' I I . 1 C . . ( I.- I r i .i j-w $12.95 - t ? VI 1 I I lt.Si J