TUESDAY, MABCH 28, U THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER WjU. has spent i .. inT mother, F li'i'i"- li" Salurday d M.,sHr and daugh- ,llr Ma.NSie, rcu ,,, lii-ach, Fla., it the lormer's M,, U. F. Fu- til "' JIKt H., .ukI I'lc. Tuck" sv l Mi aiul Mrs j, ! ,. .ii stationed ht:r Ill.lllC lll'l'l". t u niKiin. nl Uronson, ., .,,.,k end here ,,i ii iiinilui'. Mrs. J. Mi li.iii'. X WITH THE BEAUTIFUL FIT Expert Utters X-Ray Fitting personal Mention Mrs. Hugh Sloan, Sr., returned Sunday from Richmond, Va., whei c she has spent the past two weeks. She went to Richmond to accom pany her husband who underwent an operation at at. tmabeth s Hos pital there. Bill Miller, who is a student at the University of Georgia has ar rived to spend the spring holidays at his home here. Mrs. Dora Haines, of Washing ton, D. C, who was one of the speakers at the Appliance Show here last week, was a guest Friday and Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barr. Mrs. Haines is a sister-in-law of Mrs. Barr. Leo Feichter and sons, Ralph and Rex Feichter, left Monday to visit friends in Glenville and Chi cago, 111. Whether you're skimming along o school or shopping at the corner store, there's o place in' your life for these wedgies by Noturolizer. Fine footing . . . fine fashion for oil ages. M ASSIE'S DEPARTMENT STORE "Better Brands Mean Better Buys" Flowers By Wire - Anywhere LYDE RAY 'S 'MWER SHOP Mrs H P. Halliday. of Birming ham, Mich., arrived Saturday for a visit to her sister, Mrs. John Taylor, and Mr. Taylor. Mrs. James R. Thomas has re turned home after an extended visit to her son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs John Hodges, at their home in Johnson City, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Killian, Jr., have returned from a visit to Ra leigh and Newport News. In Ra leigh Mr. Killian attended the North Carolina Ice Association convention. The Rev. Robert Tatum has re turned to his home from Johnson City, Tenn , where he spent some time at the Veterans' Hospital. Mrs. Harold Tingen and two small daughters of Kuquay Springs arrived Friday for a visit to the former s parents, Mr. and Mrs L. M. Killian, Sr. lb Corsages Potted Plants Mixed Boxes Mrs. Lane Is Speaker For Woman's Club Mrs. Raymond C. Lane, of Lake Junaluska was tne gut-sl speaker tor the March meeting 01 the Waynesville Wunian's Club which was held at OaK iJaik last lliurs uay auernoon. Mrs. Lane nas recently returned alter a year spent in Ueriuany with her husband, Lt. Col. Lane, who was attached lo the occupation torces. Airs. Lane spoke (it her ex periences Willi the (jeimaii people, especially the children, anu lulu how the peopie leal net! Ueniocrae; by contact wtli the iaiiulies ol Americans. Other guests on the program were Miss liettc Hannah, pianist, and Miss Moselle Liner, solui.M, students ot Hie Waynesville High School, who presented the selec tions which tiny gave in t no Stale Music contest lieid in Asheville taot week end. Miss Liner san. "All, Mr. Piper," accompanied by Miss Hannah, and Miss Hannah plaed numbers by Bach and Bee-thovt-ii and a modern number,, The Clog Dance". Mrs. I-rank knisey was elected president tor the coining club ear and other oll'ieers eleeled at tin lime were; .Mrs. Carl Muiuh, Jiul vice president; Mrs. l.iuuond I. raid, ;(rd vice pre.sidenl; and .Mrs. C. 1(. ik kholl, col I Cipondmg secre tary. Other ulliceis ol tlie ehih who will continue In sei'e arc Mrs. J. H lio.wl, 1st vice president, Mis, Stanley Hrading. recording secre tary, and Mrs. Noble Garertt. treas urer. A report showed that the club owns liowi umenl bonds with a 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( value (il i'.i.dO and the ineinbeis voted to oliiain a luck box at the 1-irst Nalinnal Hank to nuld Ihc bonds and permanent refolds ol the club. Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. Clover i)ais. Mis. fnum ferguson, and Mis. 'f. Lemur tiwj n. "t- , Director Of Symphony Is Entertained Mr. and Mrs. Jon entertained at their ;il hail Wond.v home on Ihc Country Club Drive I ;isl Tliursdav evening immediately conceit of the North tie Symphony Ore lies of Ur, Jieiijamin Sw o( the Orcheslra, and following Ihe Carolina Ul tra, in honoi il in, director Mrs. Sualin Ihe guests include (1 friends of of Dr. and Mrs. Swal in and mi'in hers of the symphony committee. , Oscar Phillips Is Speaker For 4-H Club Oscar Phillips, western district 4-H el uh leader, was sneaker for the regular nieeling of the .lunior 4-II Club of the Waynesville high school last Thursday morning. Mr. Phillips discussed building 4-11 clubs and the duties of club mem bers. Miss Palsy lilaloek. president, presided during the business ses sion. . Ed Mason, ol Herkimer. N. Y,, arrived Sunday to spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. l-'rank Miller at their home on the Countrv Club Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Kverclt MeLlrin had as their guesls last week end Mr. and Mrs. Cus Diibux, of Mo bile. Ala. Mr. I minis is superin tendent of (be Mobile Paper Mills. ITCH Don't Sulfrr Another Minute Irp nn Inrnnnfij with il clung of erzrmil smi i.i Msln's, r-uigh rMn1' or fm-v, nth iri r's fi hi( . i t n,'1 imiK. rprt,) I il ''hinff or nth -I, ntftri.illv rjiisi-if : k in tnniM'-n? Kfr qtllrli relt f K.,...J ifultK i.sr IKTHRY INT MI'NT i.-v.-ln,.... f..r I Imys in th arm? WU- i..!'f in tliP folks hack Imina. White, irrrtsfU'Ss, ;nit ii pl jr. 'omLitiH M:fttfhl. HlrV f-ir luiiifs ur 'Itil.in-n. A rwittie von rarwioi iMrKH, VH'TMKY OINTMENT Hie Nnent I;irs iinrl Tiihrs. SoM in Waynesville bj ihith'n Drug Store. "$f AS ft YOffP SPECIAL ft l More Talent Than Ever Required In Movie Acting By PATRICIA CLARY United Press Staff Correspondent HOLLYWOOD (UP) Once upon a lime, all an actor had to do was look beautiful. Now movies are getting so complex he not only has lo look good and sound good but to be a fiction writer as well. When movies were silent, looks were all that counted. Came the talkies, and more heads rolled in the Vine St. gutter than rolled in the French Revolution when stars discovered that when they opened their beautilul laces it sounded like grinding gears. As the competition got oliffcr in the late '30s, actors went to worlt on athletics to achieve physical perfections. And now a drama coach is tell ing stars they'll have to master the 'rudiments of liction writing if they want to keep out in front. Miss Eda Edson, Republic coach, highly recommends that her charges write a complete case his- 1 tury of the character they are playing before they go in front of a camera. ( Wants to Write Book "A star ought to know every little .detail about the antecedents, personality, idiocyncrasies and nabils so they can improvise on I he person I hey are playing," Miss j Edson said. Adrian Uooth has gone so far I on the personality she plays in "The (Jallant Legion" that she real ly wants to write a book about her. ( The girl is named Connie Faulk ner and is described in the scenario as "a lovely news correspondent, a ; self-sufficient and purposeful girl who takes on a mans job without asking for any special concessions ; because of her sex." Miss Booth's fictional story about ; l onnie even gives tier parents' names. She went deep inlo Texas history in post Civil War days, Ihe tune of the picture, and found an authentic school for Connie to at lend the Convent of Our Lady of the Lake in San Antonio. Use Want ads for quick sales. MASSIE'S DEPARTMENT STORE Ail Names That Mean Style and Quality DORIS DODSON KAY DUNHILL GKORGIANA TRUDY HALL JONATHAN LOGAN NAN SCOTT MAYFLOWER PACKARD MARY ALLEN STYLART FOURSTAR LAMPL BETTER BRANDS MEAN BETTER BUYS Mrs. Taylor Entertains For Mrs. Halliday Mrs. John Taylor entertained with a breakfast Sunday morning at The Lodge, honoring her sis ter, Mrs. H. Pi Halliday, of Birm ingham, Mich., who is her guest. The long table at which the guests were seated was decorated with vases of mixed spring llowers The guest list included Mrs. Hal liday, Mrs. Aaron Prevost, Mrs. Nora Swift Atkins, Mrs. William Hannah, Mrs. Hugh Love, Mrs. J. F. Abel, Mrs. William 1. Lee, Miss Lois Harold, Miss Margaret Johns ton, Mrs. John Smathers, Jr., Mrs. Harry Shussler, Mrs. A. H. Du-Bi-uil. Mrs. Paul Hyatt, Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn, Mrs. Roy Campbell, Dr. Mary Michal, Mi&s Alice Gjuin lan, Miss Belsy Lane Quinlan, and Mrs. Clyde Ray, Jr. New Bulletin On Dahlia Growing Is Offered The gardener who chooses a suitable variety of dahlias and gives them a little extra care during the growing season can have success with them in any part of the state, says Robert Schmidt, associate professor of Horticulture at State College. Mr. Schmidt is author of the bulletin. Dahlias for the Garden." which has recently been revised and is now ready for distribution by the State College Extension Service. A moderately cool season with sufficient rainfall is most desirable for dahlia culture, the bulletin states. The mountain section of North Carolina is well suited for the purpose, but dahlia growing in the piedmont nd coastal sectiotis is more difficult because these areas often have hot, dry summers. Answers to many questions of the dahlia fancier may be found in the new 12-page publication, which may be obtained free by ad dressing a request for Circular No. 230, "Dahlias for the Garden," t Agricultural Editor, State College Station, Raleigh. See Our New Spring Shoes M GREAT - GBANDMOTHEB RIDES JACKSON, Wyo. (UP) To 77 year-old Mrs. Anna Maxwell of Seattle a rocking chair probably will seem pretty tame hereafter. The white-haired great grand mother recently took a breath taking ride to the top of Snow King Mountain in a chair ski lift. POST FULL OF BACHELORS OSCEOLA MILLS, Pa. (UP) A check of the membership of the local Veterans of Foreign Wars post showed only 39 of the 202 members are married. Crystal chandeliers, still in use today, were ornaments in the court of Louis XIV of France. WANT ADS FOR SALE One acre land and 5 room house, on Lake Chatagee, six miles east of Hayesville. See Ed Patterson, Jr. at Auto In spection Lane. Mar 23 KOlt SALE Cut flowers, corsages, artificial wreathu, Easter lilies, potted plants, mixed boxes, pan sies. Waynesville Florist and Garden Shop. Phone 530-W. Next to Hospital. Mar. 23-26 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our appreci ation to our many friends and rela tives during the illness and death of my husband and our father. Mrs. G. C. Chambers and Children Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and exoel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw. tender. In. AAMJMU UIUUUJIJM UtUCUUI 111 C Hi branes. Tell your druggist to sell yott a bottle of Creomulslon with the un derstanding you must like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION forCoughs.CKeitColds.troncliitn Gracious figure flattering Spring Fashions await you at MASSIE'S Store f Today I ASSIE CHICAGOANS MOVE TO WAYNESVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Martin Denash of Chicago haye leased an apartment'., on Boundary street, and will make N Waynesville their permanent home.. ( After traveling over several states1, in search of an ideal future home, ; they selected Waynesville. 1948 DONCASTER'S New summer collection o f Dresses and Blouses on display today through Saturday of this week at the home of Jacque Coin, North Main Street. Will Your Screens i Last This Season? Don't look . . . just call 215 .. . The PROTEX WEATHERSTRIP 1 AND SCREEN CO. representative will be tlad to check your screens for you. If new screens are needed. The PROTEX WEATHERSTRIP AND SCREEN .CO. handle the famous WATSON ALL METAL SCREEN, a screen that will last a lifetime. So call 215 for an estim ate without obligation. Springtime is house cleaning time. . . . Let PROTEX WEATHER STRIP AND SCREEN CO. com pletely weather protect your house before you start your Spring house cleaning duties. They handle an all metal wealherstrlpplng that will not rust or corrode. For a com plete Job installed and inspected by skilled mechanics call the PRO TEX WEATHERSTRIP AND SCREEN CO. For screen and weather protection needs contact PROTEX WEATHERSTRIP AND SCREEN CO., HI College Street, Asheville, N. C. Ben Mayfield will be happy to discuss these problems with you. PROTEX WEATHERSTRIP AND SCREEN CO, Asheville, N. C. 143 College St. Phone 21S - :V ; i i DEPARTMENT STORE Waynesville tt 1 i Si

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