Standard PKtNTIM, i 22-2So R First LOUISVII.I F K Lfff r- F Z IpW'T rS" ' jIT The' Waynesville Mountaineer 49,500 People Live within 20 miles of Waynesville their idea shopping center TICAL tTS Elections N IN APRIL io of the Hay- fcctiun t d of elections has ididatts tor iMc fcas control ui fees in orat-i iu aranc-e on I he pr'" e uf the members k uni ,uunt elections 1 jt.rr liugcis BUl- Brjson and J. A. jg hern n'-apponii- board. Mr. uiysu", old hoard, is tne candidates should fees. fceliuii board mem-1 dy received their Antment from Ra- ct at 11 ociock 10 to he sworn in rt Hugh Leather- :urreiit term. Atl- the board will business session, an ana seeieiaij-, cpanitions for the uir ear" for the offices, the candi- will be those for tive, township con- Sjstrates. Many of (ions go vacant be rate files. Also, Alices of the peace ther than elected, by which county ndidales must file sixth Saturday be- !$S FOR SENATE ) MANAGERS ) man." Scontes contests on which s will focus their ally considered to lernor and senator. abatorial candidates nted county man iod with the an- week that W. G. d the Umstead io of the six gu didates. Charlie nounced a county this time. WTION NOTES Candidate Kerr another transpor- le campaign, some- 'Ot. Mayne Albright in traveling by Tent speaking cn- btt flew to Louis- Iweek for a lunch- ! took an airborne i ior two more en- I COMMENT C! rry says he has no i li jke on the sugges- William B. Um- ident Truman tint Saturday, Urn the President to e end of his pres- lerry says he didn't r North Carolina More or after the sued. Still Taken take Area I fed a 65-gallon li- n Poplar branch n. Evidenm had been made and no mash or Wed a location nn :lne same dav hm fn remo-ed before led. Party were Depu- f"r's, John Kerley. ,re and FnHr.i fiited preSS 26 Considerablp nued warm rain esville tenmoro. V b' the staff of Farm,. Rainfall 1.57 -1 Published Twice-A-Week In " 63rd YEAR No. 25 EIGHTEEN PAGES United Press For Umstead 4d W. G. BYERS has been appoint-1 ed Haywood county manager for the re-election campaign now be ing conducted by Senator William B. Umstead. Byers To Manage Umstead Race In Haywood County W. G. Byers of Waynesville has been appointed Haywood county j manager for Senator William B.i Umstead, candidate for the Demo- cratic nomination to a full term in the upper house of Congress, it j was announced this week. I Mr. Byers and Senator Umstead have been friends for a number of j years, having worked together on j several Democratic convention committees. ' "Spnntnr Umstr-ari has a dern in 1 .vwmLW' : : ! 1 & 'J terest in the common man. He is : flonl "f Oalusha building on one of the hardest workers North ,Maln s"''ft which will be occu Carolina has in Washington. andP,cd b ,nc Book store about the for one thing helped keep the, Burlev tobacco acreaee from beine rut this vfiar " states Mr. Bvers. "He has had more experience than any other candidate for the office, and has made a fine record as senator. His friends think that in recognition of his fine service, Senator Umstead is entitled to at least one full term." Umstead volunteered and went to France in the first World War, returning home to finish law stu - dies and begin practice in Durham county. Later he was elected to three terms in the House of Rep- resentatives, from Which he vol- untarily retired and resumed his law practice. He served as chair- man of the Democratic executive j and argPst stocks of its kind in committee and managed thc last this cntirc sectjon of the two Car campaign in North Carolina. Fol-I jnas lowing the death of Senator Josiah W. Bailey, Umstead was appointed tt. J IMPFfl to fill his unexpired term by Gov ' flay WOOQ INdl Cherry: Unit Will Meet William Millar Makes Dean's List At Duke Among the 145 North Carolina ; North Carolina Education Asso students at Duke University who , ciation will meet at 3 y. m. Wed made the dean's list last semester nesday, March 31, at Central ele is Wllam Imber Mllar, son of Mr. j mentary school, it is announced by and Mrs. W. H. Millar of Waynes-j Paul Grogan, president, ville. Purpose of the meeting is to Memhprshin nn the deans list J elect delegates to the state NCEA numberine 528 students, is given those makinir R avrraee erade. and entitles them to six class cuts h, i, a r tho! regulation three absences. James Makes High Corn Yield In FFA Project Ted James, Fines Creek high school Future Farmer of America member, made an estimated yield of 100 bushels of corn per acre on two acres which he grew for an agriculture project last year. A complete record of the proj ect was kept, including all ex penses and labor. The total ex penses, including land rent, labor other than own, manure and com mercial fertilizer, came to $226.50 on the two acres. Figuring corn at $3 a bushel, this would give Ted a labor income of $37350 or .d Easter Church Services And $100,000 Damage Suit Is Filed Here By Couple Against Insurance Firms Two County War Dead To Arrive From Pacific The bodies of two Haywood county men who died in the liirhtiiiK for the Pacific Islands are being returned to the United States aboard the transport Wal ter W. Schwcnk, scheduled to dock at San Francisco this week end. The bodies being returned and their next of kin are Joseph C. Hawkins, Marines, Jeter P. I Hawkins, Clyde, Route 1; Pvt. Nelson Rhodes, Jr., Marines, Nelson Rhodes, Canton, Route 2. Early in April the transport Robert F. Burns will arrive at Brooklyn harbor with the bodies of 2,800 American war dead from Europe and the transport John L. McCarley is bearing 2, 600 from the same theater of operations. Modern Building Being Prepared For Book Store Modern Glass Front Being Put On Galusha Building For Book Store Work has started on a modern '"U,L- J "iusna an- nounccd yesterday. ' A mndern, full-view, all glass front is being put on the store, and of interior changes made. The building was formerly occupied by Western Auto Asso ciate Store. Mr. Galusha announced that ad ditional stock would be added to the store and several new lines j woum he carried Thc fuIl.sizo basement will also j 1)e devot,,d to saes spac0i espe. ciaMv of hpavier office equipment, Several pieces of new fixtures w j,, be added to the slore to bet. riUnlav mprrhanriisp and Mr Galusha said that the store will have one of the most complete Here On March 31 The Haywood county unit of the 1 convention to be held next month in Asheville, officers of the Hay wood unit tor me coming jw , and to vote on state officers. AU 1 members are urged to attend. about $3.07 per hour for the 112 hours that Ted worked on this project. The FFA youth planted his Hol comb's prolific corn May 10, after turning the land and 'discing. There was a rye stubble on the land. He used 1.200 pounds of 4-10-6 fer tilizer on the two acres at plant ing time, besides the barnyard manure he had applied previously. Later he added 400 pounds of ni trate of soda. The rows were 3Vi feet apart, (Continued on page six) The County Seat of Haywood and Associated Press News" Edwards Of Canton Enter Suit Growing Out of Fire Last Year Two Haywood residents are . asking $100,000 m damage suits against two fire insurance com panies and their agents 1 he pa pers are on file at the office of' the clerk of court her.-, and it is' expected the cases will be present ed at the May term of civil court. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Edwards of Canton have entered the suits I against the Great American Insur ance company, of New York, and the Northern Assurance Company,1 Ltd., also of New York, together with the company agents and in-' spectors. I The suits grew out of a fire which ; on April 10, 1947. destroyed the Edwards" home on street. Canton. Thompson As related in the allegation against the Great American com pany by plaintiff Howard Edwards, he and his wife took $5,000 fire in surance with the company April 1, 1947. After the fire, a claim was presented on the insurance ..(Continued on page six i Auto Inspection Lane Will Move After Wednesday To Be Set Up At Pen land Street, Canton, For Two-Week Period Starting April 1 The automobile and truck in- spection lane will remain here un- til Wednesday, when it will move to Penland street. Canton, to con duct vehicular inspections in that section of the county. The lane is scheduled to return here in July for another two-week stay. By noon Wednesday approxi mately 800 vehicles had passed through the lane here with more than half of them getting the red, diamond-shaped reject sticker on their first test. Many of those re jetted, however, returned later and were in shape to take the blue sticker of approval. When set up in Canton, accord ing to C. P. Sawyer, supervisor of the lane for this eight- county dis trict, the first day (April 1) will be devoted to state, county and city vehicles, after which it will be open to the public. He advises that all car owners have their cars checked and repairs made before bringing them for the inspection. War Medals Will Be Given To Vets Here April 2nd Victory and American Defense medals will be presented former servicemen of World War II by rep resentatives of the Army and Navy at a meeting Friday night. April 2, in the armory here sponsored by the National Guard and Ameri can Legion. All veterans who wish to get the medals will be required to present their discharge, which shows their authority to wear them, and on which a notation can be made that the medals have been given. A combat film of action on the Italian front will be shown that evening, with the program open to the public. INJURED YOUTH WAS NOT SCHOOL BUS DRIVER In reporting the accident which injured three persons here Sun day, it was stated that the auto mobile driver, Carol Wyatt, was a school bus driver. Wyatt has never been a bus driver, although his father is one. County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park WAYNESILlTTcTfRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1948 Itf.OO In Advance In I lay wood and Jackson Counties Grateful to U. S. OBERBURGERMEISTER Walter Kolb of Frankfurt speaks to the crowd ot Germans who witnessed the arrival of food from the original "Friend- ship Train," sent to hungry Europe by the people of the United aiaies. Iligh U. S oflKials were present as Kolb inanKca Americans iui uith contributions. (International District Goes Over Goal In Scout Drive Total of $2,8 16.35 Is Collected By Workers In Waynesville and Canton Areas Haywood county Hie Pigeon River district 111 Daniel Bonne council went over ils goal in the annual Boy Scouts oi America drive according to figures an nounced this week. A total of $2. 816.35 has been collected. In the Canton area, where the Exchange Club conducted the fund raising campaign under th? chair lnanship of Underwood Smalhcrs, a total of $1,757 wa collected. Lawrence Leatherwood, a ncs ville Lions Club chairman who headed thc drive in this are.i, re ported this week that $1 ,0,r)!).;t,5 had been collected, with the possibility of a few more donations to come in. The district quota for 1 !4H is $2,805, of which $1,405 was as signed to the Canton area and $1. 400 to thc Waynesville area. David Boyd On Advisory Group In Leaf Promotion a I I ! I - if 1 I It T,i David Bovd of Jonathan Creekllvs iresuy nuise.y .l v,nu , has been named to a five-man ad visnry committee to cooperate with the Burley and Dark Leaf Export Tobacco Association, appointed this week by the North Carolina Burley Growers Association. Other members of the commil- tee are J G. K. McClure and Har- ry W. Lowe of Asheville, Grover Brown of Weaverville. and W. O. Roberson. Jr., of Leicester. Mr. Love, who is the North Car olina member of the export asso ciation's board of directors, points out that foreign trade in burley tobacco almost doubled in 1947 j over 1946. He said the outlook j for burley exports this year is ! good. j Pnlilir T ihrarv Will Be KUD,1C L.'Drary De i Closed Here Next Week ' , . , I Haywood County Publ.c ; Library will be closed March 25 to April 5 for the purpose of taking inventory, patrons are reminded by Miss Margaret Johnston, librarian. Books may be returned during next week, but none may be checked out. Library patrons are urged to take whatever books they need this week-end to last through the inventory period. Enjoy The Beauty And Inspiration Offoceirs Adecgyato ProtectioBH At Lay ndry ; Will Stay pem 'Button Day' Saturday In Annual Red Century Old Tree Here Is Giving Way To Progress One of the oldest and largest trees In the community is giving away this week to prosress. In fact, the tree grew so large, that it meant Its ultimate death, because of tie danger it pre sented to nearby buildings. The tree is the large oak in the yard of Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis, at the corner of Haywood and Church streets. Estimates are that thc tree is over 1 aa years old. 1 - Workmen from the town street department, together with a crew of telephone men, have been busy for several days cutting dow n the tree, limb by limb. Because of the many utility wires in the area, all limbs have to be cut, and lowered by means of a block and tackle to the ground. Yesterday about half the limbs had been cut off. Some estimate the tree is at least four feet through the base.' Half Million Trees Are Distributed In W.N.C. Area ,' HaVWOod Landowners, " Receive 55,000 Seed lings in TV A Refor estation Program A hall million forest trees were distributed this week to more than 250 farmers and other landowners in the 15 Tennessee Valley coun ties of Western North Carolina. Haywood county received 55,000 tree seedlings under the erosion control and reforestation program, which have been distributed by thc county agents to 37 landowners. Thc seedlings produced at the ..... . r .. "!:....., Tenn.. were brought to the State Forestry warehouse in Sylva Tues day morning and from there dis tributed to the counties. There were 105.000 shortleaf pine, 162,000 white pine, 3,500 black locust and 20,000 yellow poplar. State District Forester Charles C. Pettit, Jr. who is in charge of the distribution in District 9 of the NCFS. explains that there is (Continued on page sixi Patrolmen Start Drive Against Bad Mufflers Patrolman O. R. Roberts yester-, functioning muffler will be in day announced that a rigid check! dieted." would be made on all motor ve- The law regarding such, reads as hides on the highways with follows: "gutted" mufflers, together with those which have been mutilated or tampered with in any way. j "There are a lot of vehicles which are now operating without proper mufflers and owners of such cars are subject to fines if the mufflers are not repaired," the patrolman said. The patrolman added, "Any per son caught driving a vehicle on the highways without a properly Assotre To Be Held Concluding Cross Drive Plans For Final Stages Of Drive Are An nounced By Chapter Chairman An all out ellorl is being made this week to complete the Red Cross Fund Campaign which start ed the first of .March. Saturday has been designated as "Button Day" when everyone on the street is re quested to display his Ited Cross Button as 1111 evidence of his loy alty ami support of the American Ked Cross Booths will be set up in strategic 1 , I...,,, I imw u,. tli;it Ihitv,, 11.. t hnrino I I contributed to the drive HI have an opporlunitv to do so and to re- ...... cive a memoeisnip cam ana iapei button. All campaign workers not having tin ned in then' reports are request ed to do so by 5 o'clock this attei imini so that a final tabulation of results can he made. "Our local Chapter has never failed to reach its quota and we cannot afford to fail now. The American Bed Cross at this mo ment is rendering relief to numer ous flood suiTercrs and to those who have suffered from recent tornadoes and cyclones. With the increased enlistment in the armed forces of our counlry which will surely come within thc next few months ue must keep our Red Cross strong We have confidence in the good people of the area I... ...... I..,.., I f'V...,.t..r 1 V finish the job and do it now." The above statement was made by Rev. Malcolm H Williamson, Chapter Chairman in commenting on the neccssily for reaching our Goal in the fund campaign Easter Sunrise Service At Lake Starts At 6:30 The annual Kaster sunrise serv ice, sponsored by the sub-district Youth Fellowship of the Methodist Church, will be held Sunday morn ing at 6:30 o'clock. The service will begin at the Mission Build ing and will be concluded at the Cross. Miss Betty Lee Reno, president of the district fellowship will pre side and speakers will be Nell Whitmire and C. C. Poindexter, both ofc Canton. The public is invited to attend. "No person shall drive a motor vehicle on a highway unless such motor vehicle is equipped with a muffler in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive; or unusual noise, annoy ing smoke and smoke screens. "It shall be unlawful to use a 'muffler cut-out' on any motor ve hicle upon a highway." The minimum fine for break (Continued on page six) Many Patrolmen Arrive Thursday Morning; Mediation Attempt Fails BULLETIN Sheriff R. V. Welch assurred J. W. Killian last nUjht that ade quate protection would be pro vided laundry employees as long as it was needed, in order that the plant might continue in ope ration. Sheriff Welch was speaking for the State Highway Patrol and the Waynesville Police Depart ment, with whom a conference was held. Mr. Killian said, "I deeply appreciate the assurances of the officers, and what they have done. J. W. Killian, owner of thc Way nesville Laundry, told the Moun taineer last night that the laundry would continue to operate provid ed adequate law enforcement Is WPPlied in order to prevent any , ... Wednesday at cloainf time. , The incident took place about 5 p. m. A laundry truck headed out a driveway, when two women pickets barred its way by stretch ing thc American flag in front. As tension and noise mounted in the crowd of nearly 300. an onlooker was arrested for attacking city Policeman Jerry Rogers. Following this Sheriff R. V. Welch sent a call for assistance to Governor Cherry. This was ans wered by sending a number of State Highway Patrolmen to the laundry area at 5 a .m. Thursday under the command of Capt. W. B. Lentz, with Col. H. J Hatcher, state commander, arriving later in the morning. Highway partolmen and mem bers of the Waynesville Police De partment and Sheriff's Depart ment, went to the scene early Thursday morning, as laundry em ployees started to work. No em ployee was interferred with, and the picket line started shortly after the plant opened. All through the day officers were on duty, but everything remained quiet, with a line of from five to 40 people marching at times. Shortly before five o'clock yes terday. Col. H. J. Hatcher, com mander of the highway patrol, told the two union leaders, V. ,1 Davis, of Waynesville, and William Bink ley, of Asheville, that "the law enforcement officers will not tole rate the pickets molesting any em ployee of the laundry. Keep your picket line short, do not use pro fanity, and we'll not bother you " Both union leaders agreed to this, and within a few minutes the 37 employees on duty at the laun dry filed from the plant. Some of the women and girls in the picket t Continued on page six) 1 Highway Record For 1948 (To Date) In Haywood Injured--- 9 Killed 1 (This InfornaUon Com piled From Records of State Highway Patrol)