r PAGE TWZ -, v . llOii, THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER FRIDAY Presbyterian Auxiliary Holds Annual Meeting The annual meeting oi the Waynesville Presbyterian Auxiliary was held at the church on Tues day, March 9. with Mrs. M. G Stamey. president, presiding. Reports of the past ear's work were given and an installation serv ice for new uHic-er was conducted by Rev. M H. Williamson, pastoi of the church. New olliceis installed are: presi dent. Mrs. Malcolm WilliauiMiti. vice-president. Mrs. Rolen H llili son secretar. Miss N'diuv Killi.ni. irejMiier, Mis Ida .lean Uroi'.. liMorian. Mi. (' B Kusm'!!. null ihaiinicn. Mi. ,1. V. Killian .nai Mi:. Mallei U'ji'd. m-cicI.ii ol i-nitual Lite. Mi's I' Swill aiii-Un ol I'hri.M i.m Kiluc.il ion and Ministei lal Relict. Mi'- .l.ak fi .Ood M-crctar ol (.'hiiMian So i ..il S.-iMi.-. Mrs. U II K Miliar srieijij ol Foreign Missions Mi-.-! ."-iic Willard I.indslev. m-iti-I.iii ol -'. .-eiiihlv - Home Mission-. Mi f. V ill lanisoii secretary u! Sn .,1 and Pivshv tel lal Home Mis :i' i. Mrs l; 1. licOsl. scil'c-l.in l 1. iii-rat in c Miss U rmci- McKI- ' aiil.oll -ill'i-:.!!;. ol Social ct! - I i;it - Mr- Ceoruc ('rait: and I'as- ! I- 1 Mi's .! (.' -v Be Quick To Treat u Bronchitis Chronic bronchitis may develop II Pour cough, chest cold, or acute bron -ciifcis Is not treated and you cannot aflord totakeachance with any medi cine less potent than Creomulsion which goes right to the seat of tho trouble to help loosen and expel grenn ladui phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tendrr. inflamed) fcronthial mucous membranes. Creomu'.sion blends beech wood creosote by special processwith other tune tested medicine." for coughs, ll contains no narcotics. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell vour druggist to tell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like tho vtay it quickly allays the couirh. per muting rest and sleep, or you arc to have your money back. (Adv.) Spring Cape l Hill Ked cap with black taffeta linUf. By VERA WINSTON HERE IS A fay red wool cape for Spring that can also pinch hit for 7ning wear. This on ia a pood re resentativa of a most popular and new fashion. It has a l-lack taffeta shoulder yoke that ties in a strong bow at the neck. A narrow cuff of the fabric outlinea the yoke. The cape is lined in black taffeta and is shown over a black taffeta afternoon dress. ( iiiti'siiw s( ik( i: ( in kcii It- ahtv w i'I he the subject of ;!'' I i.-ser:iiei: at the .'In istian Si n no cluiri. h n. M Sunila innrn mi: Mar, h 'I al ! 1 ,,' ,,t k i ict he Id l Mill l H 1 ei.ilis it the Masenie 1 ii the si Temple. in 111. lid Moor Al Ray' s-For This Easier We Feature 3t m You go everywhere in 080-' fr Crus-erosi irraps, dij- aC mond cut-outs and a moccasin 0 toe f All done up in little-girl ciidrm a oniy rnenaiy iport ihoes could do it. Miss Leatherwood! Is Bride Of James Morris Miss Dorothy Jane Leatherwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Leatherwood. of Clyde, became the bride of James Andrew Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Morris, ot Canton, in a double ring cere mony which took place Saturday evening. March 20, at the Clyde Baptist church. The Rev. T. H. 1'airis, pastor, officiated. The church as decorated wi'h arrangements of Oregon fern and baskets of white gladioli inter spersei with seven-branched can delabia holding lighted cathedral tapers Reserved pews were marked with white satin bows. A program of wedding music was presented by Miss Janice Sniathers. organist, and Jack Med lord uncle of the bride, soloist. Miss Smat tiers played several se lections of wedding music and Mr. Medlord sang. "Because," by 1) llarclelot. The traditional wed ding marches were used as proces sional and recessional and "Jesus Sawor. Pilot Me," was softly plaed during the ceremony. Mr. Medioid sang "The Lord's Prayer" lu-i before the benediction. The bride was attired in a navy blue gabardine suit with navy and white accessories and her corsage was a vihite orchid showered with while sweet peas and white satin i i bin hi. Mis. Gerald Miller, of Canton, sister of the bridegroom, was maid ol Honor and the bride's only at U mlaut She wore a gray celan ese dress with black accessories and a vrsage of red roses. W V 'laynes. Jr.. of Clyde, seied as best man and ushers were GeivUl Miller, of Canton, broi hei -in-law of the groom; Jerry Leatherwood. Brother of the bride; (lone Medlord uncle of the bride, and Richard Hannah, cousin of the bride all of Clyde Immediately following the cere mom, an informal reception was held at the home tif Mr. and Mrs. .lei i Leatherwood. brother and sister-in-law of the bride. The bridal table was covered with a lace cloth and centered with a Ihree-tiered wedding cake which uas encircled with ivy and led and white sweetpeas. Spring flow ers jn pastel shades were used in dcco'-.ii ion of ihe living room. Guests were greeted by Mrs. W. V. H.iynes. .ir.. and assisting In serving were Miss Bill Hannah and Mis Km Medford. aunts of the brid-- Mrs Leatherwood, mother oi he bride unit' a''"pOvder blue, wool dress with black accessories and a i-or-age of pink carnations. Mrs. Morris, mother of the groom wore a nav blue gabardine suit with black accessories and a corsage of rose carnal ions. The bride is a Graduate of the Chile high school and is now em ployed b the Southern Bell Tele phone and Telearaph company in Wavnesville. Mr. Morris is a graduate of the Canton high school and is a veteran of World War II He is now employed by the Champion Paper and Fibre company. Mr and Mrs. Morris are mak ing their home in Waynesville. Out-of-town guests attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McCracken, Mr. and Mrs. John Carswell. Mrs. Claude Francis, Mrs Gilliam Timbes. Miss Ann Farmer. Miss Mabel Abel. Miss Orace Allen. Miss Martha Fergu son Miss Billy Sue Francis. Ed Welch. Ernest Cochran, Harry Ma son. Bob Suttenfield and Harry Kent, all of Waynesville; Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Holland. Mr. $nd Mrs Ernest Prossley. Mr. 'and Mrs Neil Vetee and Mr. and Mrs. R. X Morris, of Canton. THE OLD HOME TOWN By STANLEY I V o In 1 A GffttAi, y zk11 "74 'V'ii WHERE EKPERICNCa COOT' 7 1 rem iu mwc rtATVHU) iTxrr.tim hh Wuj imam wvw -2 jRAyS Shoe Dept. ' Mrs Fred Martin returned yes : terday from New York City where 1 she has been visiting her daugh ter. Miss Kloise Martin. Miss Mar tin, who is a student at the Ameri can School of Ballet In New York accomapnird her mother home for the spring vacation. EASTER SPECIALS For This Week-End CAKES O CHOCOLATE O COCONUT POUND HALF AND HALF ANGEL FOOD Edster Baskets ALL MADE THE OLD FASHIONED WAY Holland's Bakery Main Hl$h war Harlwo4 Morning Star Club Meets With Mrs. Crisp The Morning Star Home Dem onstration club met at the home of Mrs. Malcolm Crisp Monday af ternoon with Mrs. Paul Hyatt pre siding. An illustrated demonstration on "interior Decoration" was given by Miss Mary Margaret Smith, county home agent, and leader re ports were given as follows: Home beautification and garden, Mrs. L. J Cannon; foods, Mrs. Bob Gos sett; poultry. Mrs. W. J Muse; home management and house fur nishings, Mrs. B. M. Stanley; cloth ing, Mrs. W. C. Moody: crafts, Mrs. Willie Sniathers; family life, Mrs. C F. Owen; citizenship, Mrs. W. L. Amnions: and food preservation Mrs. H. L. Morgan. Mrs. Amnions also gave reports on the following , books: "The Moneyman," by Costaln; "Frank ly Speaking," by Byrnes, and "June of the Hills," by Dr. Camak lHirlng the social hour the host ess served a salad course with cake and coffee. O. L. Yates Is President Of Crabtree P.T.A. O. L. Yates was elected presi dent of the Crabtree-lron Duff Parent Teacher association at a meeting of the organization held Wednesday night. Other officers elected to serve for the coming vear were- fJh.nn NnlanH I vice president: Mrs. L. (). Fergu son, second vice president; Mrs. Hugh Noland. secretary, and Fred Noland, treasurer. The membership team, headed by L. O. Ferguson, was declared winner in the membership contest and will be entertained at a din ner given by the losing team under Mrs. Hugh Noland. O. L. Yates was chosen to rep resent the P. T. A. at the state meeting in Raleigh in April. Aliens Creek Church Sponsors Sunrise Service Clyde Home Club Has Luncheon Meeting The Clyde Home Demomnstra- tion club held a luncheon meeting Tuesday at the home of Mis. I". C. Mann with Mrs Lloyd Justice and Mrs. W. P. Snyder as associate hostesses. Mrs. C K. Brown. Jr.. presided. Miss Mary Margaret Smith, home agent, presented a demon stration on "Interior Decoration" which she illustrated with colored slides. Project leaders gave reports as follows: Garden. Mrs. Levi Mor gan and Mrs. Joe Hardin; poultry. Mrs. Otis Cole; crafts, Mrs. Hoy Medford; home management, Mrs Gene Medford; clothing. Mrs. Pat Cole: foods, Mrs. Charles Penland: house furnishings, Mrs. G. 1L Pres cott; and family life, Mrs Levi Morgan. Mrs. J. R. Preseolt gave a review of "Imitation to Live." by Douglas. Mrs. Erwin Is Hostess Of Cecil Home Club Mrs. Thomas Erwin was hostess to the members of the Cecil Home Demonstration club at her home Wednesday afternoon. She also presided. Miss Mary Margaret Smith gave the demonstration for the after noon on "Interior Decorating" and leaders reported as follows: Foods and home managememnt, Mrs. J. E. Burnett; garden and family life, Mrs. James Reeves; poultry, Mrs. J. 11. Reece; house furnishings, Mrs. Thomas Erwin; clothing and crafts, Mrs. Louis Ilinkle. and home beautification, Mrs. Alonzo Warren. Delightful refreshments were served during the social hour. Alumnae Of Woman's College To Have Meeting ' All Western North Carolina alumnae of Woman's College of the University of N. C. at Greensboro are invited to attend the spring luncheon meeting to be held by the Buncombe County chapter on Saturday, April 3. at 1 o'clock on the Hoof Garden of the Batterv Park Hotel. Tickets are on sale at Bainbridge Jewelry Store in Asheville and reservations may be made only through their purchase. Mrs. Carleton Jester, Jr., newly elected alumnae executive secre tary, will be principal speaker and J. W. Bycrs will speak brifley on the Asheville City schools. Mrs. Al bert Lathrop. chairman of the Buncombe County alumnae chap ter, will preside. Alumnae from this area who ex pect to attend the meeting are asked to contact Mrs. M. G. Stanley, local chairman, not later than March 30. Sir Hignald Leed-Bart and Lady Leeds are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Gordon at their winter home in St. Petersburg, Fla. They are expected to visit the Gordons at their summer home al Balsam in the near future. Florrie Patrick Has Party For Sixth Grade Vi its CONVKV.m.N ville Ashev and , Of 1 -n , her classmates in the sixth grade i en at the Central elementary school i D t A,. .. "Pitr ".-! a an p, ed in n. , Ilia,,' Wl... i "' Nat, with a St. "it-Hi Inr i-nir n c I inu ......... .. .. i . , . ..... o muj Kin) Oil: .l--s 1 Wednesday afternoon at the Ufk v. " ' ' a OL . "ie .sat sc-iiuui. jur was assisted Dy her Woiriet motner, Mrs. J. u. Patrick, her i teacher, Claude Rogers, and Miss Irma Patterson. The grade sang Irish songs and 1 ! an ice course was served. A c ol-1 or scheme of green and white was ' carried out in the refreshments. curved for Z2 conquests by to'W&JLowK BACKAj Hi.- r ,': Z'M Hi, ,, ... J"; W , ,n. For Your Easter Dinner At Skyland Tea h Full Course Chicken Dinner Full Course Baked Hani Dinner Also Wonderful Western Sieuk, Veal Cutlets Tac Jfe Out oi fcJ ir SKYLAND Cottages & Tea Rood 4 Miles West of Waynesville .m HamJ I'hone 2711 An Easter sunrise service will be held at 6:30 o'clock Sunday morning on the ridge between the golf course and Kay Allen's home, sponsored by the Aliens Creek Bap tist church. i Rev. Clarence Taylor, pastor of Antioch church, will speak, and special songs are to be presented by the Aliens Creek trio. A special Easter program will following Sunday school, folowing Sunday school. WANT ADS FOR SALE One water heater Jacket, white porcelain sides, cast iron ton. Call 398-M or 9197. Mar. 26 i FOR SALE Horse drawn John Deere mowing machine. Moun tain Supply Co. Phone 461, Main street. Mar. 26-30 FOR SALE Studio couch and chair with slip covers. Excellent condition. Call 353-W. Mar 26 LOST Between Palmer house and Claudette Beauty Parlor, gold flower shaped brooch, blue stone in center. Return The Book Store. Reward. Mar. 26 A, K C registered Boxer puppies for sale. All ages $20.00 and up. Phone 489-J. Hazelwood. Mar. 26-30 FOR SALE New 8 room house in Hazelwood. See Mr. Allen at Gulf Station. Mar 26-30 f Other Short Coats In White Plaids And Solids 9.95 to 55.00 If There's a Boy In Family In the 6 to 16 Ae (.roup Who Needs To Be Dressed I Let Him Visit Ray's Boys' Beparln Every one who sees you iruthis dramatic topper will recognize your knowledge of fashion Tightness, Fabric quality! In Juilliard's pure worsted crepe, deftly handled by Swansdown to make the most of your charms. Double-tiered pockets and collar. Sizes 10 to 18. 59.95 See it advertised in full color in HARPER'S BA2AAK 1 ISa ( p ( fei V ml ( Our Sped: Boys' Depatf Located on ft SI OM FU" Where he will a very coinplftt boys' weai ins apK mid Hewn erv tyi" Featured 1 This Depart Happ Brothl SPORTS tot Young W FOR RENT Furnished five-room apartment. Lake Junaluska. N. C. Call 269-XJ or write Box 514. Mar. 26 - Apr. 2 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends, neighbor, fire department, police fflcert and those helping ua dur ing tht recent fire. Their effort were greatly appreciated. The Frank Davis Family. SWANSDOWN is ours exclusively! Departmentalized For Yom Convenience This specialty department for ) "a bw t .. ;,, nrder iur jour gnopping convenient r might find assembled in one pin"' 3 'ol" of boys' wear. V intra cmnnin HPUPTS SJ UNDERWEAR SOX - TIES - lty0 PANTS OVERALLS - flN SWIM TRUNKS DEPARTS STOK c.

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