Standard PRINTINC Lv. Atlv 2?0 S First SI 1 Ol l-VU.l E KV The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains Nat'jnal Park 49,500 People Live within 20 miles of Waynesville their ideal shopping center TICAL 'its jnCHGEAR Crf between the C, ,he nomination Cddle of the ring and ieiu"s. ...hi m the I, lne . -al L,f the political l.-irc iii o, the Ling UP steaI? Lie stretch much T I nnlit. Luld ever have I t ihe hard- fng exchanged be ll Johnson I.ii Parted when !it question arose, of long standing, e governor one st the next. The are saving that west, and this is governor to come L fiami that Haw nu is in neuirai 1, farther west! ?Ai Am iiytJ, was a candidate it the subject was t told a group at i 1 1, tic snaieu fcrm with oscar landinaie. that dulock in the way korlli Carolina is fei machine fllush f bankrupt in vision l machine control A-. hynrt 111 I nf s going uacKwaru Irl" ild the same audi- jnices of govern- v distributed in. .fainst of the .state's be solved. j ires opening bl'T HIS LATFOKM Ihnson opened his keck among the of his home folks faking to a crowd 0iool, just 8 miles nas born, he an orm, and in addi ne make one fact nr. 1 am running jiorth Carolina in land on my own not the candidate faction or group. lid will make, no political connec- itter in the slight- perty of action. kwd that he stands Lai increase in in the pupil load iloyment of more le of the state's Iplus to help less to erect school lallh program that iverv child a lair thy start in life." fenduni on a bond Sement of second l of "an adequate i" for agricultur- appropriations for e and dependent them "into line iving costs of the lie exnansion in ith such tax Pry to correct in- nphasis upon es pies in rural com- Idegrec of "home "unties, for which fvoeatc a constitu- JION BOARDS ID PARTY -ft the progressive 1 Carolina, Mary Jed letter from fral counsel of the I f(,r President I has registered a f lte rulings for Pons made by the fard- Abt says Hrt iho i . flatre to provide r-iiiaiion of can- r-" oy a new t. R HOUSE ' L- S. re present- . GCri rlA ilcf! 11- pPar"y cloudy ?sviiie tm i, . ""Kan- ? the staff of 19 ",nlu 35 4" .79 63rd YEAR No. 27 SIXTEEN PAGES United Press Four Survive Somersaulting Car Ion I he line, mey ; g itit when candi- Rjl v MIRACULOUSLY escaping jured when the car pictured above leaped the road near'i'ts discuss the latest information Stockton, Calif., and executed three somersaults. The autolin'heiIr reTnV' , ,k ' ' Ur. Ivan h. Mills, director ol the landed nose first after its triple turnover. Ploughing into a sa testing division, N. c i)e part fruit orchard, it was stopped final 1 v bv a tree. Two patrol- ment of Agriculture; T. Lenoir men (lower right) look over Mineral Laboratory Will Be Set Up Here In June John Giles of Mich igan Purchases Miller Plumbing Shop Building John Giles of Michigan pur chased the Floyd Miller Plumbing Shop building on Commerce stre et here this week, with plans to oc cupy it around June 1 for use as a mineral laboratory. Mr. Giles left yesterday for Mich igan and could not bp contact oil j for, a statement. Howver, it has : been 'learned that he has,' Secure'ci y mineral rights for some land in Jackson county on which there are! deposits of olivine. He is a native of Georgia, and has been residing in Michigan thej past 30 years. It is Understood he plans to make his home in Waynes ville. Mr. Miller also is said to be inter ested in acquiring another build ing for his plumbing business be fore June. Two Local Cases Are Advanced To Superior Court Seven cases were heard Monday afternoon in Mayor's Court here, with two being advanced to Supe rior Court. Ted Hundley. charged with breaking and entering into C. K. Kay's Sons store during the week end, was bound over for trial in Superior Court. Evidence pre sented by the principal witness, Charles E. Ray, Jr., alleged that the break-in occurred about 1:15' a.m. Sunday. The defendant was re leased on $500 bond. On a warrant charging larceny, John Noland was found guilty and sentenced to 64 days. Noland de nied the charge, brought against him by Tom Stamey who stated that he had between $18 and $20 stolen from him while asleep, and appealed the case to Superior Court. Bond was fixed at $200. Five defendants charged wth public drunkenness were sentenced to 32 days, suspended on payment of court costs. BILLY GEORGE IMPROVED Billy George, son of Mr. and Mrs, C. A. George is much improv ed after a serious illness. He is a patient at the Haywood County Hospital. it's The Law Chickens Must Be Kept Off Neighbor's Property Have your neighbor's chickens' The law itself (in chapter 3, been paying some unwelcome vis-; article IV, section 3 of the Waynes its to your newly planted garden? j ville codei. entitled, Certain fowls If so, you can tell him that "It s not to run at large, says: "It shall against the law". ' ' be unlawful for the owner of any This probably won t be neces-1 chicken, duck, goose, guinea, tur sary, for most of your neighbors ! key. or other fowls, to allow the in Waynesville keep their chick ens penned, where they are sup Posed to be, and any that get loose will be rounded up upon notice. At any rate, the town ordnance is written In aucb a way that it en courages a friendly approach be tween tbe neighbors to settle what ever difficulty arises. WK . ...... J Jl-Wi' H' S ucath, four persons were one ol the injured. Mrs. Stamey Named Head rt u . i ui uawuuu NCEA Unit Sixteen Delegates Are Chosen For State Convention At Meet irig WedWsday Mrs. M. G. Slamey of the Way-! ncsville township high school f ac-' ulty was elec ted president of the i Haywood county unit. North Caro lina Kdueation Association, at the! meeting Wednesday afternoon -in ; Central elementary school. Other officers chosen to serve during the coming year are: Mrs.; Frank Kirkpatriek of Fines Creek j high, vice president; Mrs. Clem Cogdill. Bethel school, secretary; ' and Carl Katcliff. Wayrresville high, treasurer. j Sixteen delegates from the Hay-: wood unit were chosen to attend the state NCKA convention April 15-17 n Asheville. Candidates fori slate association officers were vot-' ed on. also three amendments to the state constitution. j The delegates are Mrs. Stanley,: Dudley Moore, I rence Leather wood, .lack Messer, Mr. and Mrs. Claud W. Rogers, Norval W. Rog-; its VV Glenn Noland. Lura Mae Green. W Stephen Ferguson, Miss Margaret I. Green, Mrs. Clem Cogdill, Mrs I.ela K. Messer. Paul Grogan. Miss Martha K. Sandlin and Miss Gladys L. Chadwell. Miss Johnson Is Re-Opening Law Office In Town Miss Pearl Leslie Johnson has re-opened her law office here, af ter spending the past five years in the Veterans' Administration as .indicator in Washington. Miss Johnson practiced law here from 1941 to 1943, when she entered government services. Prior to coming here she practiced law in Nashville for seven years. Her office will be with the Caro lina Insurance and Realty Com pany on Main Street. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Johnson. same to go on the premises of on. other person, after 12 hours no tice by the person aggrieved, or Ly the Chief of Police." If you are the aggrieved person, have given proper notice to the owner of the fowls, and still they trespass on your flower or vege 'Continued on Page Eight) in-1 and Associated Press News Three Farm Planning Meets Are Scheduled Sessions To Be Held At Bethel, Rock Hill And Fines Creek During Next Week Farm planning meetings will be held in three communities next week, announces Wayne Corpen ing. county agent. The meetings are scheduled for Bethel high school, Monday night; Rock Hill school, Tuesday. and Fines Creek. Wednesday. All will start at 7:30 p.m. All farm families in the three communities are urged tc attend the meeting in their home area, and hear agricultural special- ' Gwyn, livestock marketing special ist; and leaders in dairying and tohacco will speak. A concert by the Waynesville -Township high school band, direct ed by Charles lsley, will open the program, which will close with the (showing of a movie. Free i will be given, and agricultural i pamphlets distributed. l1 5em0g ld To Settle 'Strike Here Conferences were being held Thursday afternoon as The Moun taineer went to press, looking to a settlement of a strike al the .Waynesville Laundry which began Marfh 22nri Attfcnrfrrfr'the' conrprVrTPeS ftf f u J. W. Killian. owner of the Laun dry, nd spokesmen for C I O. State highway patrolmen aug mented by city and county officers were sent to the plant last week to preserve order after a disturbance broke out the ai lei noon of the 241 h Since that time everything lias been quiet, with pickets marching in front of the plant while it in operation. Singletary Joins County Agent's Staff In Haywood Herbert J. Singletary. an experi enced farmer and animal industry graduate o"f North Carolina Slate College's school of agriculture, be gan work this week as assistant farm agent for Haywood county. He will have charge ol TVA dem onstration projects in the count;. and assist in other phases of the Extension Service work. I Mr. Singletarv attended State College for two ears then ret uni ted to his farm in IJobenson county, j near Lumberton, where he special i ized in beef cattle, swine and poul ilry. Enlisting in the army in 1942. i he was first assigned to the Veler- linary Corps, later serving with the Infantry in the European theater j After discharge from service in the spring of 1946. he farmed until September, when he re-entered college and rccived his U.S. do- gree at the end of the mid-u inter term last morjth. He and his wife are making their home on Hazel street in Waynes- ville. Lyle Jones Is Appointed " Sanitarian For Haywood A. Lyle Jones, Jackson county native and recent graduate of West- ern Carolina Teachers college, has been appointed sanitarian with the District Health department for Haywood county and Cherokee, re ports Dr. Mary Michal. health of ficer. He occupies the position former ly held by O. B. Jones, who re signed to take a teaching position. The new sanitarian served three years as a finance clerk in the army. Gaston Speaks Tonight To Haywood Dairymen Dairymen of Haywood county are urged to attend a meeting at the courthouse tonight at 7:30 o'clock, when Murray Gaston, of the Southeastern Artificial Breed ing association, will speak. A movie titled "Milking" will be shown, which will be of interest to all milk ers and dairymen. WAYNESVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1948 Red Marshall At !!! k-uiss&Esras Lon 1 BfrW SUWM CHEETED BY HUtiK CROWDS, Soviet First Marshal Kle menti Vorosclnlov is shown as he arrived in Budapest for the centennial celebration of the Hungarian revolution and war for independence. Former president of the Allied Con trol Commission in Huntiaiv. nine lorein representatives at the ceremonies. Canton To Vote Tuesday On $150,000 Program Red Cross Drive Short Of Quota Chapter Chairman ' Urges Those Over looked In Campaign To Send In Funds Although :in cainesl ell "i I has been made to secure tile qiiuta of the Iik al lied Ci'ck-, chapter in I lie national I unci i h-imi; campaign we i;ick nearly SI. ll'MI of reaching our goal of S3.22."i.iMl laid I lev. Mal colm I! Williamson, chapter chair man, in eiiiiiiiienl i ng on the drive which was selied u lei I to t iosr March .'il In order lo rea h the STfi.niHI. 11(10 goal m.i 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 Hie i i mpaign has been eieinle.l into I he month ol April. II is not the plan ol I he local chapter to extend the cam paign, however as a number ol I lie industries are still to repoit and it is felt that the amounts lui ncd in by these i nclii s i ies will swell tile lolal uilhlii (lose proMinitv the goal While the campaign i closed the lied Cross li l.illv ..Hue W'll 1 .in peo- v elcollie (dill riliut ion pie who might have been i ed in I he Ori e I he I has many services that i Continued on Page i.'d ( i oss mn -I he F.igh' ' War Medals To De Gi'Cn ... m i j' i At Program I Onigllt j Former servicemen who want to. get World War II Victory and j American Defense medals may do I so tonight at the Waynesville arm-1 Oiy. when the distribution for thiSj section will be carried out under j j (he sponsorship ol the National j Guard and American Legion j j Presentation of the service dis- rna,gt is required b.-ioie the I medals can be given. A combat Rim wni be shown, and the public l is invited to atte nd. j MR WEILL GOES TO EUROPE; Leo Weill left Wednesday for a three weeks' business trip to Eu rope. Mr. Weill will visit England. Holland, France. Switzerland and Austria. He will make the trip by plane, leaving New York today. Series Of Cross Word Puzzles Are Started Today Today marks the beginning , to public attention and persons in Cancer Society in this county un--r r j tall communities offered the oppor-'der the leadership of Mrs. Virgil tunitv of joining in ite support. , zles to be published every , Mayor J. H. Way, Jr., has issued i Friday on the editorial page, 'a local proclamation urging that al! , . , citizens of Waynesville join in the .The series was selected with , nationa, fignt against cancer , wnicn ' care by local "experts." ' is the cause of death to one out of ! This is just one of the many , eight Americans according to pub , ' . . ..." lie health records. The disease 'features found exclusively n ! caused 2i deaths in Haywood coun ) this area in The Mountaineer. 1 ty during 1946, and 18 durirg the Hungarian Fete Voroschilov was one of the Some 1,250 Persons Register For Special Election Next Week At Canton liegistiation for the special elec-, t i Tvicjed; ltiedlst . week iq Canton, with some 1.230 of the 2, .'(10 voters listed on the books. t Interest in the seven-part $150, 1100 bond election has been gain ing momentum as the voting date clr.-iws near. Active support is; strongest behind the proposed $75,-1 1100 recreation program which has been under consideration for sev eral years, with plan drawn for a swimming pool, tennis courts and other facilities if the proposition is favored by a majority of the i -eel -.tercel voters at the polls. Sal in (lav has been designated as rlrilleiigo day, and Monday any person so challenged will be given a hearing. ..,!..., mav..r and jiUlermen have estimated that the lax rate will increase 24 cents per $100 val uation (Miring the coming fiscal ycai should the entire program carry, of which 14 cents is repre sented by the recreation program In addition, I he operating budget i.s lo he raised approximately $35. Continued on Page Eight Dellwood Church Makes High Bid At School Auction IV II wood Methodist church made I Ihe high hid of $5,425 on the Dell-! wood school property being sold by the Hayw ood county Board of ' Education, at the public auction' held Tuesday at the courthouse. This was the second auction held on the property, J. M. Palmer hav ing been the high bidder March 8, with $5,105. on the four and one acres of land and school building. The first high bid was filed with the clerk of court, and a raised bid received with the 10 day limit which necessitate a second auction. The current high bid likewise is beng filed in the clerk's office, and a raised bid will make a third auc tion necessary. $2,000 Goal Set As Cancer Month Plans Get Under Way In Haywood Amrica will observe April as National Cancer Month, during. which time the efforts of the Amer-1 ican Cancer Society will be brought $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Boosters Plan Week- ig July 4th Program Waynesville Feed -Seed Store Will Open Here New Finn At Tem porary Location On Highway 1!)-A, Owned By O. II. Tedford The Waynesville Feed and Seed of July Celebration committee foi company will open this week-end the Boosters Club, of H.-ueluood in their temporary location in a sponsors of the event. R I. Pie new concrete block building on vost was again named chairman Highway 10-A at the intersection of Since the Fourth comes on Sun Allens Creek road The new firm day this year, the main events wilt is owned and operated by O. H. be held on Mouday. Tedford. ; Starting on the 29th, the com- The firm was to have occupied m',U'e wi" have 8 wid1L valK' "f the building on April 1 u Inch ndt's "Deration, and will again burned last Sundav near the de- (Slac 8ln"n enlM.n ' " , Itative plans are to have a jamboree poi . I . .. .. , .. ' Saturday night, a baseball game Mr ledlord has been ,n the,in ,he alternoon. Urlion ri.1(lus feed and seed business or many , servicts w ju bo neld Smid;lv , , years Since ISM:, he has been fea,urj ,ne , club. Tho ,.,. connected with the Scvuntv teed mUw js ls0 work, ,, a ,,am, company ., KnoxyiUo fm. Thu.s(J m , lhat time he has had charge o There will be no parade t his vear Ihe seed department, and traveled du0 (hc of (mj ,,,.,, this area serving dealers lie has ghow been a Imjer ol seeds lor many "All indications are that the 19111 u'"s celebration will be by far superior He also managed a company 0 anything vet staged," Mr. Pie- owned store in Morula aim iacerVl)st slijd vesterdav. The went lo Gainesville. Ga.. to help establish what is now the "chicken 1 center of the world " Mr Tedford spent some lime working with the I farmers to produce chickens for ! (Continued on Page Eight) 80 AH Leaders At Recreation Course Here Annroximatelv 110 4-11 club lead-; ers from seven western counties The b()dk,s of ,hre. Havw()(,ri attended the recreation institute j servic(.men wno were ki,,cd jn flc. Wednesday and Thursday nights' Uf)n arrivt,d in tm? Vniu,d s,H(es here, held under the supervision f Saturday on the Army transport I. i Harrell. stale 4-H director . John L McCarley The McCar for the Extension Service. ! ley bore 2,619 bodies from Ihe Miss Virginia Gregory of the in. s Military cemeteries al BIos N. C. Recreation Commission. a-1 ville Draguignan and LaCombe leigh, taught the adult leaders and France, sailing from Cherbourg to older club members several games nc,w York. suitable for 4-11 club groups after j Those from Haywood county. pe.iKiug oneo.v on mniiimi in " - ganitng larlies and games. The institute was hvld Wednesday at the Armory and last night at the high school gymnasium Refresh ments were served by Ihe Haywood count 4-11 members Geography Book Ridicules This Section Of N. C. On page one, section two of this issue, is an article which reprints a chapter from a geography book now being taught in the fifth grades in this state, which ridi- culcs (his area Turn to page one, section two, and read what is being taught in our public schools. - Duke Endowment Gives $4,434 To Hospital Fund; Haywood county hospital was awarded S4.434 from the Duke en-! dow merit, according to an an-! nouncemenl following the meeting I Tuesday of endowment trustees in New York. A total of $674,284 H2 was appro priated to 109 hospitals and 40 or phan homes in North and South Carolina. first nine months of 1947. , Workers representing civic clubs, J industries, and schools are staging a campaign to raise $2,000 for the I Smith, appointed by the Woman's Club which is sponsoring the drive. Co-chairmen are Ernest Green of Hazelwood and Mrs. Carl Weltc for Canton. Posters and coin collection boxes , are being placed in business houses lover the county by the club wo men of Canton and Waynesville 1 'Continued on Page Eigrlt) To Join Foxhound Group In Presenting Program; Prevost Is General Chairman The committee on the third an nual Fourth of July celebration are combining their program with that of the North Carolina Foxhound Bench Show for a dual all i ac t mn here, starting June 2!1h, lor a full week. The two committees are u dik ing together on a generel program which is destined to atii.iei addi tional thousands during toe week At the initial meeting of Hie Fourth coinin it tee working with Mr. Prevost is composed of Dr, Fv. Stuart P.ober son. in charge of the rides: C. N. Alle n, in charge of music and speaker; W. H. Prevost, program. I Paul Davis and W. Curtis Huss. publicity. Three War Dead From Europe On Way To Haywood .anfl their next of kin. are: Sgt William A. Medford. Jr., Mrs Lucy F. Medford, Waynesville, Route 1: Tech. Sgt. Corner H. Scott. Arthur Scott. Canton. Route 1, Tech 5th class Ernest R. Case. Mrs. Martha Irene Case. Canton, Route 2. Hazel wood PTA To Stage Spring Festival Saturday The Hazelwood Parent Teachers Association will stage a Spring Festival at the school Saturday night at seven o'clock, featur ing i box supper, and an old-fashioned cake walk. Some 100 cakes will bo used in the cake walk, according lo Piu; Davis, president of the organiza tion. All money made on the program Saturday night will be used for the general school betterment pro gram. WAYNESVILLE LODGE TO MEET TONIGHT There will be a regular commu nication of Waynesville Lodge No. 259, A. F. & A. M.. tonight at 8 p. m. in the lodge hall, it is an nounced by Jimmy Reed, publicity chairman. Highway Record For 1948 (To Date) In Haywood Injured - - 13 Killed---- 1 (This Information Com piled From Records of SUtt Highway Fatrol)

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