SUndard PRINTING La Adv2?fi s First St The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park 49,500 People Live within 20 miles of Waynesville their ideal shopping center JICAL ITb TO OPEN ji HAYWOOD 63rd YEAR Jso. 28 EIGHTEEN PAGES United Press and Associated Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1948 $.1.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties IIL I'M U forme kpdidte for U. b. it his first court i the campaign fcple of justice on il t 2 o'clock. oude the n- Tuesaay, tour of this sec No speeches fur this iny, "uk Lxt Saturday and food. Saturday he plans fcrning in vblUng ress at I o ewca. will watch the the Armory here. ning will teacn ient of the First After churcn ne friends to BlacK nnual Hamp is looking for- A-end in Haywood, Convention has his lesday night here rhursday morning .,;. -jll I hp wav .gUllIB " le here he held a his county man-ford- He was ac s western trip by lis district worker. :ernoon he made WHCC, and pre J be the greatest lis area had ever ring international old of his part in senator in 1927 t bill establishing fS. pernor delights in le he was in New oil. In fact, he lost as he was rong direction on t. A New York id him, and as he Broughton's car, h Carolina tag. : from North Car et my vacation in its, and enjoyed it believe anyone rful state would k a New York len the c4p gave tractions how to DN TO Jay i here oka will ODen on ttion for the com ply eligible per ne of age or com- requirements can 1 their precinct at )ARD WILL OFFICIALS t lywood county's fns will hold its tesion after the orn In for their W the Clerk of Matters which the lp include the ap- registrar. Demo plican judges for Jerry Rogers, one jmDers. no candi- fd (as of Wednes- on the county or f Possibly some of inouneed for rep aie Saturday. It 1 have some ran flective justice of unstable positions fownships. April pdline. DS OUT VOTERS pes, state auditor, "red term of the pou, flooded the this week. SAP IT- Jminatlng him for holds. The blot ,flrst class. veteran of &NTION TO IDATES jated to make the mP Convention 48. but just mark f calendar that f candidates who I offices present. Iseveru hundred P nered in one I much for some w. Eure, sec- n,v plenty of on the 18th at gather d Press) I Clearing and '5 51 -33 I73 50 .18 $25,250 In Business Building Permits Issued Here In Past Four Weeks Four Residence Per mits Also Granted, Other Construction Being Planned Building permits totaling $25, 250 have been issued for business buildings since March 11th, accord ing to S. H, Bushnell, Jr., build ing inspector here. Several of the permits were for remodeling, and others for new buildings. One of the largest per mits was issued to a man who told The Mountaineer yesterday he would announce his plans shortly about a new building, pending completion of a steel contract. Mr. Bushnell said permits for four residences totaling $16,500 had also been issued in the past 30 days. He pointed out that several property owners had discussed get ting permits for large building projects, but the formal permits had not been issued, although the plans were past the "blue print" stage. WTHS Band Will Present Concert Here Thursday The Waynesville Township high school band and mixed chorus will present Its annual spring concert on the evening of Thursday, April 15, announces Charles Isley. music director..-,. .. ": In addition the band and chorus, the concert will feature soloists and small ensembles that will go to the stale music contest. The pro Cram will include numbers that are to be played at the contest. A small admission fee will be charged to help defray expenses of the trip to Greensboro. Public Library Will Open Today The Haywood County Public Li brary will open for circulation again this morning at 10 a. in., an nounces Miss Margaret Johnson, librarian. Miss Johnson states that she would like to express appreciation to the people for their cooperation while the inventory was in prog ress, and to those who volunteered to help. National Geographic Has Pictures Of This Section Of Country The current issue of the Nation al Georgaphic Magazine carries a number of full page pictures in color of this area, and other sec tions of the TVA. Considerable space is devoted to Fontana Village. Improvement Carried In Ganion Bond Election On Tuesday 945 Cast Ballots In Special Election; Rec reation Program Wins By 69 Votes All seven issues in the $150,000 bond issue carried in the special election held Tuesday at Canton, to make possible a recreation and general improvement program for the community. The largest vote was cast in the $75,000 recreation proposal, with 691 for and 254 against; giving it 68 vote margin over the regis tration of 1242 which had to be beaten. Of the 945 who voted, the majority in favor was 437. Proposition seven to authorize an annual tax for the maintenance of the public parks and playground facilities- carried by approximate Electrical Storm Hits Area Wednesday Night Several isolated instances of property damage were report ed following the electrical storm Wednesday night In this area. Power lines were cut on Pi geon and Smathers streets, sev eral tree limbs broken off about town, and at least one plate glass window broken at a Main street store. Some nearby farms suffered damage, with a barn said to have been blown over In the Jonathan Creek section. The official rainfall Wednes day night was .36 inches, and .50 Inches Thursday morning. Jury List Is Drawn For May Court Term Civil Term To Open Here Monday, May 3 With Judge Phil lips Presiding Jurors to serve during the May civil term of Superior Court here were drawn Monday by the Hay wood xounty.boardo commission ers. The court wilt open Monday, May 3, with Judge F. Donald Phillips scheduled to preside. One road petition was presented the board by a group of citizens from Pigeon township, to be for warded to the State Highway and Public Works Commission. The first week jury list includes: Waynesville township Lawrence B. Leatherwood, Frank Albright, J. Turner Russell, Lon Wyatt, Mrs. Mabel B. Abel, Asbury Howell and Vernon M. Rhea; Beaverdam A. B. Watts, Clyde Hoey, Jr., H. J. Matheson and Daisy Buckner. Pigeon G. H. Smathers and R. P. Riddle; Fines Creek T. W. Rogers; Cecil J. Earl Iteece; Ivy Hill Verlin R. Evans and A. J. Moody; Cataloochee Ernest O. White; Iron Duff Cash Medford; Jonathan Creek Charlie Reeves Crabtree G. F. McCracken; Clyde Pat Cole and L. E. Ensley; and White Oak J. L. Teague. The second week list includes: Fines Creek J. H. Fincher and Robert Haynes; Jonathan Creek (Continued on Page Two 16 CASES ARE TIRED IN MAYOR'S COURT Sixteen cases were tried Monday in Mayor's Court here. Three de fendants were charged with enter ing an affray, one with using an Improper auto license, four for trespassing on the watershed, and eight for public drunkenness. All were released on paying court costs. Program Is ly the same vote. The other proposals and the vote in each case: No. 2 $14,250 for enlargement and extension of the city water supply system 594 for, 235 against. No. 3 $6,000 for improvements to sewer system 599 for, 227 against. No. 4 $22,000 to finance con struction and repairs to city streets 593 for, 240 against. No. 5 $17,750 for the acquisi tion of a fire truck and two motor trucks, 600 for, 233 against. No. 6 $15,000 for the erection and equipping of a building to be used by the town for storage of maintenance equipment and cer tain improvements to the town jail; 547 for, 268 against sisuU Fir JJaoDuSiOaosto Asssoimy -5 T4r' 1 r. r j APPLE BLOSSOMS will be at their best in Haywood county Sunday, it was learned from orchardmen yesterday, and present one of spring's most colorful pictures. Hundreds of people from a wide area enjoy visiting the orchards to see scenes such as that above, taken last year in One of the county '5 famous orchards. Angus Sale To Be Held April 15th At Clyde Ten Registered Bull. To Be Offered Beef Cattle Growers In Haywood The first sale of registered An gus cattle ever held in Haywood county has been set for Thursday, April 15 at the Clyde stockyard. According to plans announced by T. Lenoir Gwyn, beef cattle specialist of the N. C. Department of Agriculture, there will be 10 head of young Aberdeen-Angus bulls sold at auction starting at 2 o'clock. Sam Neaves will be sales manager, and Col. Harry Hamilton the auctioneer. The cattle have been selected by Col. Hamilton and L. I. Case from some of the best Angus herds in North Carolina, ajid are being fur nished by the state Aberdeen-Angus Breeders Association. Sponsoring the sale is the State Department of Agriculture, and Extension Service. For additional information, prospective buyers arc invited to contact Mr. Gwyn or the county agent. Casts Announced For Three Plays Tonight At Bethel Casts have been announced for the three plays tha. will be pre sented by students tonight, start ing at 7:30 o'clock, in the Bethel high school auditorium. Players in "Down in the Heart of Texas" are Frank Pressley, Eula Mae Shytle. Faye Hyde, Edith Heatherly, Ben Pitts. Reba Cham ber Patsy Kinsland and Charles Warren. The cast for "Mrs. O'Leary's Cnw" includes Janet Fradv. Clcta Singleton, Hilliard Phillips. Violet Lanning, Ina Metcalf. Nellie bny der and Richard Johnson. "Comin' Round the Mountain" presents Eleen Wells, Harris Sen telle. Mickey Farmer, Vernon Shvtlp Marearet Cncdill Frances Kuykendall, Billie Faye Bramlette, and Bobby Hall. Electricity Will Be Cut Off Here Sunday Carolina Power and Light com pany plans to cut off electricity in this area Sunday, from 1:30 to 5:30 p. m., in order to make re pairs on the line. Lines that are affected are those serving Clyde, Lake Junalus ka, Waynesville, Hazelwood, REA and Balsam. MARRIAGE LICENSES Charles Lloyd Dotson and Doris Jean Palmer, both of Haywood County. It's Apple Blossom Time In r 1'. elm ; Committees Instructed To Elect Teachers With Glass A Certificates Only Soil Conservation i Speaking Contest To Be Held Today ! .Students rcpresenl iiik Hi West ern North Carolina counties will compete in I he district soil con Jservation spcfikinit contest here I today, sponsored by Hie N (' Bankers Association and conduct led under the supervision of I In I Extension Service, The contestants are In isseinhlc I at the cjniuly audit's office at HI la. m., after which they will make a field trip to the State Test Kami The contest will slart at 1 p. 111 in the courthouse. Entries are expected from Mu il eum be. Cherokee, ('lav, ;rali.nn. Haywood. Henderson. Jackson. Ma con, Madison. Milchell. Suain Transylvania and Yancey counties Sammy Haynes of Clyde hiuli school will represent this county The winner of the district contest will receive a $7.r savings bund and advance In I he stale contest! finals at Raleiuli. Kahics Clinics Start Next Week Rabies clinics for dogs will he held throughout Haywood county starting Monday, by Dr. A. R. Riegg. veterinarian and rabies in spector. Dog owners will receive a tag which may be placed on the dog. and a certificate showing that the animal has been inoculated. The charge will be SI, which is slight ly higher than last year due to the increase in vaccine cosl. There were around 1,200 animals inoculated last year at. similar clinics. All dogs are required by state law to be vaccinated once a year. A schedule of clinics is pub lished on page 4, section 3 of this Mountaineer. LEGION WILL F.LECT OFFICERS TONIGHT Officers for the coming year will be elected by Haywood post No. 47, American Legion at the regular meeting tonight on the third floor ol the Masonic Temple building, it is announced by William Medford, commander. All members are urged to attend. The meeting starts at 7:30 o'clock. Sam McCracken, instructor of the veterans farmcn training class at Fines Creek, has taken a leave of absence to attend the University of Tennesse, where he will work on his master's degree. Haywood Election of teachers for the next sihuiil year has begun, with (he district school committees under instruction from the Haywood County Board of Education to eliminate, as far as possible, all instructors with certificates lower than Class A. A resolution adopted by the ciHintv board ftronday night slates: He it hereby resolved that all district school committeemen be requested by this board to elimi n.ile all teachers with certificates lower than a Class A certificate and to place back in service no teacher with a lower certificate than a Class A until all Class A cerlilicales have been exhausted. If at a later date It becomes ap parent that sufficient teachers with Grade A certificates can not lie obtained, that permission be manli'd local school committee men to reconsider and reinstate as main ul the lower type certifi cates as necessary to fill the exist inH vacancies." Tins rule, explains Supt. Jack Mrsscr. will leave many vacancies in the school faculties at the ini tial selection of teachers. It is hoped to fill the greater part of the vacancies by recruiting new Class A teachers, and in cases where this not possible, instruct ors with lower grade certificates will he reinstated. The Fines Creek district com ( Continued on page two) House Appropriations Group Will Hear Appeal For Added Park Funds Charles Ray Prepares Brief To Be Presented Next Week By N. C.-Tenn. Men An appeal for increased appro priations in the next fiscal year for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park will be made next week before the House of Repre sentatives appropriation sub-committee on the Department of the Interior, when it will be consider ing the National Park Service bud get. Charles E. Ray, chairman of the State Park and National Forests Development Commission, has pre pared a brief to serve as the basis for the request. Mr. Ray. Con gressman Monroe Redden, Francis J. Heazel of Asheville, and State Senator William Medford, plus Wholesale Grocery Is To Open Here On Depot St, Haywood Grocery Co. Will Begin Busi ness Monday; William son Is Manager The Haywood Groccty company, a wholesale grocery concern, will open for business Monday, it was announced yesterday by George T. Williamson, manager. The new firm is occupying the building just completed by David Underwood next to the Armory The modern brick building has 16,500 square feet of floor space, and a private side track. An area within a SO-mile radius would be served by the firm, with three salesmen on the road. The company will handle a general line of groceries and leeds, featuring nationally known brands. Roger Dillnrd and W. Orville Caldwell will be two of the sales men and the third will begin work Monday. Mr. Williamson is a native of Murphy and entered the wholesale grocery business in 1940. Benefit Tea For Library's Music Collection Today The first of a series of silver teas for the benefit of the Haywood County Public Library's record collection will be held by the Way- nesville Music club at 4 o'clock this afternoon at the Presbyterian I church. A musical program of entertain : ment will be presented. Featured I groups include the glee clubs of I the three elementary schools an 1 der the direction of Miss Steph ! anie Moore, and the Springdale school glee club directed by Sol Cohen. I Junior and Senior Music Club ' members will serve as hostesses, j Proceeds from the silver teas I will be used to obtain musical rec ords lor the library that will be : circulated in the same manner as ! are books. Donations of individual records and albums are being ac cepted for this purpose, and it has been announced that the types de sired include those suitable for children and adults, both popular and classical music. Rotarians To Meet At High School Today The Wav nesville Rotary Club will meet at the high school lunch room today at 1 o'clock for the regularly weekly meeting. The club will be guest of the school, and after the luncheon will be shown some of the work being done in the school this year. Bookmobile Drive Quota Collected to date Balance to go $3,000.00 $1,577.17 $1,422.83 several delegates from Tennessee and their Congressman John Jen nings, are expected to attend the sub-committee hearing and present the fqrmal request. Chairman of trie sub-committee is Rep. Judson (R., Iowa), who at tended the dinner meeting earlier this year at which the Smokies Park development program was ex plained. Mr. Ray's brief outlines the ex penditures and loss in taxable property made by North Carolina in the formation of the park, re lates that the state has built $2, 000,000 worth of approach roads to it, and contemplates spending an additional million on approach roads "provided the Congress pro ceeds with developments planned by the National Park Service." The brief also calls attention to (Continued on Page Two) Many Noted Speakers To Appear On Platform Assembly Program Will Open May 29; Dr. Love Announces Members of Staff Lake Junaluska Methodist As sembly is preparing for one of its busiest seasons in tho coming sum mer months, starting the last Sun day in May and continuing through the first Sunday in September. More than 15,000 persons at tended conferences at the south ern capital of Methodism during 1947, reports Dr. F. R. Love, su perintendent of the assembly, who states that "every indication is that attendance will be as large or larger this year." There are four North Carolina conferences and 13 church-wide assemblies scheduled. The lead ers in these will be the outstand ing platform speakers in America and Europe. Some of the highlight programs are Haywood County Day. June 6. when Bishop Paul N. Garber of Geneva, Switzerland, will probably he the speaker; the sacred music conference during July, directed by the noted interpreter of the more popular type of church mu sic, Dr. Homer Rodeheaver of Win ona Lake, Ind., and Florida; Duke Day on August 1, and the annual coronation of the queen, set for August 14. The 1948 season will be formal ly opened May 30 when Dr. C. N. Clark! superintendent of the Waynesville Methodist district, will lead the morning service at the auditorium. (Continued on page ii Crabtree School Annual Is Heady For Distribution Crabtree-Iron Duff high school's new annual, "Blue Raiders'' were assembled and made ready for dis tribution this week, reports L, C. Bryson. principal. The annual has 4(i pages., with individual pictures of the high school students and group photos of the elementary and grammar grade classes. There are sections for the school clubs and athletic teams. Students in charge ol the 1947 48 "Blue Raiders" were Edith Chambers, editor; Naomi Masis. typist; Cora May James, printer: and Bill Davis, advertising man ager. Mr. Bryson was the faculty adviser. Weatherby Will Speak On Cancer Prevention; Drive Plans Announced Coach C. E. Weatherby will speak over station WHCC Monday morning from 11 to 11:15 a.m. on the control of cancer and its rela tion to sports, it is announced by Mrs. Virgil Smith, county chair man of the American Cancer Soci ety campaign. Driver workers will solicit mer chants during the coming week. Movies are being shown at differ ent clubs on "Danger Signals of Cancer". Mr. Weatherby s talk is the third In a series of radio addresses dur ing April, which is National Can cer Month. 1 Highway Record For 1948 (To Date) In Haywood Injured-- 13 Killed---- 1 (This information Com piled From Records of SUtt Highway Patrol)