V I KIN I IVt; to .'.' ' S Fi'-I S I CH USVIl.l 1 K The Waynesville Mountaineer 49,500 People Live within 20 miles of Waynesville their ideal shopping center CAL S ,s filled vith te wee-", r ... of k More 10:30 his onei l7. f form- ip-ess u tin the after- loon interest office ot me their appear- an additional to the naniF I were mao nf State; L. lt governor, Lmicsioner of ipkins, candi ,ernor. There fson. Jr.. so- Mr. diuub" Lere on hand sbeing served. L use of their Iks, and brag- North Caro- Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At Th e Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park 63rd YEAR No. 31 EIGHT PAGES United Press and Associated Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1948 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Part of Huge Crowd At Ramp Convention ragging. Mr. ut in telling Mrs. Bryan Mr. Medford campaign Ston and Mr. school here, church, and the lesson. 85 TO IDAV like another food for poli- peniocrats of meet here, Alley, and M. Redden. lably attract Jers than did jo then Mayne f Alain Street Challenger," lie attention. fit cars with all carrying fight. Sen right up and there tcrnor made passing out ckly depart- the western revard that itor of Hen- unced as a ite from this j by another f. B. Hodges, the senate in Mil nominate le Fouri pis h. Sold I sold last Angus sale ijard, bring I $263. pre purchas f Cecil, and jCataloochee IFour other fi by Hay Jtrs, Welch I E. Hill of Jell of Way pn of Jona- two bulls pi Cherokee ft ever held fgus cattle, N. C. De- fe and Ex- I jaroar" , 11,1 -- 18 Haywood Laundry Resumes Operation uanaiaaies a f f I it n J Meei Fiiinn A. hot L. Union Recognized Deadline Shown here is a small part of the huge throng which gathered at Black Camp Gap Sunday for the 16th annual Ramp Convention. At the lower left is the loud speakers, while in the lower center can be seen a stove on which the ramps and eggs were fried. Cars and trucks were parked at every available space for a long distance from the site. This is a Mjuntaineer photograrh by Ingrim's Studio. 2,000 Ramp Eaters Gather Sunday Republican Candidate Joins Race For Representative In Lower House Eighteen candidates have tiled for county and township elective offices, and will seek parly nomin ation in the May 29th primary in Haywood. In addition to the three Demo crats who filed early last week, one Republican qualified as candidate to represent Haywood in the lower house of the General Assembly be fore the Saturday filing deadline. There are 13 candidates seeking election as constable in five town ships, and one candidate for magis trate in Last Kork township. According to Jerry Rogers, sec retary of the county board of elec tions, those who filed for retire-1 sentative include: Grover C. Davis, j Charles Edwards and H. E Sen-I telle. Democrats; and Joe Prossloy of Canton. Republican. Advances Van Hi p Many Leading Political Figures Speak At Black Camp Gap Gathering Drawing more attention than the most optimistic had expected, Hay-i - ... wood county's unique Ramp Con-i vention was staged for the 16th UOCfWOOa IS Vl BloomfngPeak; Commencement Exercises Start At Fines Creek; Twelve Will Graduate year Sunday with more than 2.00QJ persons coming to Black Camp Gap during the day. Many of the "delegates'' saw and tasted their first ramp, gathered from the shady areas where they grow wild in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. In fact, although promoters of the conven tion were prepared for a large crowd, so many arrived that the supply of ramps was exhausted be fore the day was over. The day was devoted to ramp eating raw, boiled, or fried ac cording to taste and good humor. Many of the leading figures in state political circles were presented. the highlight speaker being Thad Eurc, secretary of state. Former Governor J. Melville Broughton.l candidate for the Democratic nomi nation as U. S. Senator, Lt. Gov. L. Y. "Stag" Ballentine, and guberna torial candidate R. Mayne Albright were other widely known speakers. Zeno Wall served as master of (Continued on Page Five) Heavy Blossoms The doitwood is in full bloom in this area, and one of the fav ored spots for seeing a mass of the white llowers is from the spot on the Wayncsvlllc-Hazel-wood line near the home of Dr. I. B. Funkc and Roy Moscman. Looking down into the valley from the highway gives the ap pearance of a heavy snowfall. Numerous photographers have made pictures from the place, and today others are slated to try their luck. This year's bloom is one of the heaviest in many years. PHOTO BY INGRAM'S STUDIO TOMMY GIBSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson of Way nesville. was promoted to Eagle Scout rank at the Pigeon River district court of honor Monday Four Democrats and two Hepuh- j njKlu jn lm, f(,r( house u,r0 licans will compete for constable in Beaverdam township. The Dem ocrats are Hubert Thompson. W H. Scott. Hilly II. MehafTey ivnd J. A. Anderson, and the Republi cans are C. II. Jones and T. S Grogan. One mail from each party filed as candidate for constable in East Fork: Glenn Rhodes, Democrat; (Continued on Page Fivci is a member of Troop 2, Waynes ville. Broughlon Urges Parly cast I jsome ever fville went Hazelwood The liama ICC. with the play game. He Ayers. of the WHCC Jcast from ier less ff'er with s. tempera- aff of the . Mln. 69 36 71 42 40 10 34 Lake Man To Be ! Honored Soon At Univ. Of Illinois j John Charles Klapp, of Lake i.Junaluska. will be among the Uni 'vnrsitv of Illinois students who are The Self Service Laundry has to receive special recognition for opened on the highway in Hazel-i high scholastic acnievemcni on wood, equipped with 10 automatic Honors Days ceremonies to be held washing machines. The new busi- April 301 h. ness is owned and operated by Mrs. 1 The event has been held annual E. A. Hall and H. A. Hail, with Dick ! ly since 1925. some 3.000 students Hall as manager. ' Have attained the goal this ar. Self Service Laundry Opens At Hazelwood Over 2,900 Vehicles Are Inspected In Haywood Commencement exercises will begin at the Fines Creek High school tonight at 8 (Hock vith. the presentation of an operetta. "Goldilock's Adventures," given by the elementary grads. The cast will ! be composed of around 81) chil-; dren. i The senior play, "Oh, Professor. How Could You?" will be given on Friday night. April 23. at 8 o'clock in the school auditorium. Members of the cast for the three-act com edy will include June Brown. Milas Kirkpatrick. Kathryn Trantham, Dilla Jenkins. Mary West. Wanda Lee Messer, Harold Green, Max Rogers. Wayne Trantham. and R. L. Ledford. Britain McElroy will serve as stage manager. On Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock Rev. Jarvis Teague. pastor of the Baptist Church of Scaboaid, N. C, will deliver the baccalau reate address. Rev. Teague Is a graduate of the Fines Creek High School, Mars Hill and Wake For est Colleges, and of the Southern Theological Seminary of Louis ville, Ky. Special music will be presented by the I'igh School Girls' Chorus. The graduation address on Thursday night. April 29. will be given by Major Cecil Brown of the Salvation Army. The following sen iors will receive diplomas: Wanda Lee Messer. June Brown, Kathryn Trantham, Mary West, Delia Jen kins, Marcene Rector. Beatrice Kinsland. Annie Ledford, Harold Green, Milas Kirkpatrick. Britain McElroy. and R. L. Ledford. Wanda Lee Messer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Messer, is valedictorian of the class and June Brown, daughter of Fletcher Brown is salutatorian. Five-Point Platform Is Presented By AJbright Gubernatorial Candi date Speaks At Court House Here During Tour Saturday Unity As He Talks Here Candidate For U. Senate Praises Work Of Many Haywood Men .i. "For roads, for schools, for poli tics clean. "Against the sales tax. . . against the machine." This five-point platform was ex plained by R. Mayne Albright, can didate for governor, who made a brief appearance here Saturday morning as his "Challenger"-led motorcade toured the western Management And Union To Discuss Contract Within Next 15 Days C. I. O. GROUP STILL USING PICKET LINE The Waynesville Laundry re sumed operation Monday morning after being closed since March 29 due to a strike There were product ion work ers on the job Monday, all mem bers of the Laundry Workers In ternational I miit. Local 309, which was recently eianicd hero. This union is an affiliate of A. F. of L. As the plant resumed operations, a picket line continued to march in front, and mad.' up of members of the CIO Fur and Leather Workers Internal ion.. I I n ei:. A st ipulal lo'i uas ml' nod between J, W. Killuiu, owner nl the Laun dry, and ollneis of the Local 309 on Saturday. The agreement was signed by Mr Kilhan, recognizing the A. !'. ot I. union as the bar gaining agency, since it was shown tluit lliel'e uimi :tO , .in nliiv iev menu j,r inn I 'ri hers were claimed by Ihe C'.I.O. I union I 'I'he si ipu lat ii hi fa 1 1 ,es four I points: lirr.t . naming the A. !'. of L. I union as the barnanim.; agency, j Second, that nc'iil nil inns vull bo I begun upon a laiiiiael comerniiig hours of work, wares and other conditions of employment within (Coin iiuieil on i'ago Five! Large Crowd Expecied To Attend Party Rally Here Young Democrats Of 12th Congressional District To Meet Here Saturday Guilty of Contempt 'tis X M llioughton, candidate for the United States Senate called for j parly unify, and praised the work j of Hay wood men, as he made his ; first court house "address of the J The Young Democratic Clubs of campaign here Saturday afternoon, j n,,. 12th District vmII hold a dis His address was broadcast over Uriel organizational rally in Way U'HCC. , nesville on April 24 with the Hay- Mr Hroughton paid tribute to wod county club acting as hosts, the accomplishments in their re-1 a large representation is expected spective work of Charles Ray as be present Ironi the 10 western chairman of the Park Commission; counties comprising the 12th dis Judge Felix Alley, now retired; ! t rit-t . Howard Clapp, in charge of the I Registration will begin at 1:30 counties, swinging from Asheville State Test Farm; Jonathan Woody 1 at the Haywood county courthouse to Murpsy and back to Brevard as n n.uiKer ano civic icaoei; .; ana the nusmess session win negin during the day Reeves Noland as a member of the at 3:30 in the court room Robert After pulling his trailer head- i board 1,1 agriculture ana now ik. Williams. Jr.. ot Asnevnie. lzm meinlHT 01 1 tie nignway commis- i district ciiairnian, win oe in cnarge sion; Jack Messer for his leader- 1 of the business meeting and re ship in school work. W. J. Damtofl 1 ports will be given by the various 1 Continued on Page Eight 1 f iCnnlmucd on Page Five) JOHN 1.. I.KWIS will "oe sentenced today by Federal Judge T. Alan Gpldsborough, who yesterday found ihe United Mine Workers and their chief guilty of both civil and criminal contempt of court. The trial ended last Thursday and grew out of the coal workers ignoring a court order requiring them to end the mine stoppage that began March 15. Many of the miners have yet to return to work, awaitim; Judge Goldsboroughs decision. quarters, with loud speakers an nouncing his arrival, on the court house sidewalk, Mr. Albright, his (Continued on Page Four! Returned r,,ii'Mrfii,,,pii "r 1'ifiAii" 1 jjOaS ; n CPL. JOSEPH CARROLL HAW KINS. U.S.M.C., killed in action during World War II, is being re turned this week for final burial. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hawkins of Clyde. The funeral will be held Thursday at the Clyde Baptist church. (Story on page eight) I More than 2.900 motor vehicles have undergone inspection during the operation of the mechanical inspection lane in Haywood county, it was reported last week as offi cials of the State Motor Vehicle department, moved to another sec tion. The report shows that 2,918 of the 5.891 vehicles registered in Haywood county, this year, were presented for inspection while the lane was open in the county. The first inspection was held in Waynes ville and the second was completed in Canton, each lasting two weeks. Figures compiled for both in spctions. show that 1,050 vehicles were approved on the initial exam ination and 825 approved after cor rections had been made and re turned for re-examination. Defective headlights topped the list for rejections at 310. Brake equalization came second with 145 rejected; stop lights, 103; exhaust system 100: and other minor de fects ranging from 1 to 78 in num ber, amounting to a total of 1,223 vehicles rejected. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Barden, of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, have arrived to spend several months at their home on the Country Club Drive. Crabtree Senior Play To Be Given rhursday Evening "Spring Fever," a comedy in three acts, will be presented as the senior play by the graduating class of Crabtree-Iron Duff high school ! at 8 o'clock Thursday evening in the school auditorium. Members of the cast are as fol lows: J. M. Crawford as Jackie Howard, John Welch as Price How ard, Carroll Best as Ray Butler, Russell McCracken as Mr. Knight, Blanche Sanford as Peggy, Paul ine Bishop as Bertha, Audrey San ford as Eula Barnes, Naomi Massie as Donna. Edith Chambers as Spring Billington, and Mary Clark as Tessie. Admission will be 20 and 40 cents. - Chamber Of Commerce Directors To Meet The board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce will meat tonight at 7:30, it was announced yesterday by Wayne Corpening, president of the organization. Each committee will be called upon to make a report. Candidates Attend Ramp Convention iPiiirr " " " V-. t i'-S F$ fa -:u5k. v , rTTmiffiiSi nun Vf rTwt tmm a 1 11 m I m m mini n 'iim wii iHJf iimm 11 W E. P. Martin Dies At Home After Illness Former Merchant And Prominent Citizen Here Passed Away Thursday Klisha Pinkney Martin, lielovpd citizen of Waynesville. passed awav at his home early Thursday night after a short illness. Funeral services were conducted Saturday afternoon at the Firt Methodist church with the Kcv. Russell L. Young, pastor, officiat ing. Interment was in Green Hill (Continued on Page Light Trade Event Is Termed Success By J. C. Jennings The "Value Demonstration Day;." staged by merchants here 11 week was a success. J. (' Jen nings, general chairman of :-pei8l events lor the Merchants Associ ation said yesterday. 'Ihe public took advantage of the many special offerings of the merchants last week. Mr. .leiimng. said. The committee has worked out a number of special events of community-wide interest lor the coming year. IT Candidates for state offices turned out in a large number at the Ramp Convention at the edge of j the Park Sunday. Shown here, from left to right, Mayne Albright, candidate for governor: Dan Tomp kins, candidate for lieutenant governor: J. M. Broughton, candidate for V. S. Senate; Thad D. Bryson. Jr., solicitor of this district, who is up for re-election without opposition; Sebe Bryson- president of the Ramp Convention, and tax collector for Haywood; L. Y. Ballentine, now lieutenant governor, and candi date for commissioner of agriculture, and holding the new summer hat is Thad Eure. N. C. secretary of state, seeking re-election. Mr. Eure' was the speaker of the occasion. Shown in front of Mr. Albright is one of the many baskets used in gathering the ramps. This is a Mountaineer photograph by Ingram's 1 Studio. ..... . . . Highway Record For 1948 (To Date) In Haywood Injured - - 13 Killed---- 1 (This lnf ortmatfon Com piled From Eecords ot Suit Highway Patrol) mm

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