The Waynesville Mountaineer 49,500 People Live within 20 miles of Waynesville their ideal shopping center kra's 63rd YEAR No. 32 Membership Drive For C. of C. Starts May 3; $12,000 Budget Is Set Hats to kTURDAV of the dis- Saturday and If the meeting Ll candidates. Suites wi" be L according to 0f pre-priiua'j enters around W together to foe in tne Vu lgates who will at acnea I there is "nt l0 change i m ir ins in s'lPP1-'1'1- be one A the ias a Kiiai is ji jjeinucrrfts that : and arouses a work hard 'r Lr speaker will; konroe M Rcd- fied in inslilt- doctrine in his. pected to bring r . , it-... i, bs I acini; " asu- ters, ana K'vc d information tigress. 1 hrse Id team to pre L partv to the Be party. IcRATIC bS 15TII Hayuond will r precincts and Ae county eon- lift nrni I stale conven- -Vttalpiidi nn thp r....i i i. ., una a quicK orive to get all! mm nays uk- members within the week allotted.! yon the 2Hn. -ph. nrBanization adonn.H a Kie i tyenairman oi Bet of $12,000 early in the year, ittee. has is- anfj this immini will u t,.n(hi k fccinels to holdlhe commiUee int oui tun- Th fommiit,, is rnmnnCUH ,,f k-ice chairman, I Dflv F,.t hairman Klrr, woman. Also . , G MeKinlev H W Roll. man, C. J. Reece, Richard Bradley, Wayne Rogers, Charlie Woodard. C. D. Ketner, C. N. Allen, James Kilpatrick, Lachlan Hyatt, Wil liam Ray, Joe S. Davis, Aaron Pre vost, Hallett Ward and Richard Barber. At the board of directors' meet ( Continued on Page Five) Pubhshed Twice A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park SIXTEEN PAGES United Press and Associated Press News tVA YN ESVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY APRIL 23, 1948 $3.0(1 In AiUhimc In Haywood mid .Jackson Counties iTOtell ff Uwsil PUnoirn Project List 01 300 $12,000 Budget To Be Raised by Special Membership Com mittee in Drive The finance and membership committee of the Chamber of Com merce, headed by Dave Felmet, chairman, have announced plans for staging the annual member ship drive here the week of May 3rd. Mr. Felmet said yesterday that tentative plans call for the "initial kick-off" in the form of a break- Heads Drive legates to the ill be held P HAVE RACE id two Rcpub- ticket for the averdam this argest of any all probabil- e interest. ly one county! buse of repre ship races can ig event. This several times jp on Pigeon t races usual personalities, are so close it about know power in the ually take lots e when they he candidate. SON pice Jy Charles M. jfor governor. (twice daily through next exception of oie nearo at ind on Satur manager for aywood, has office in the with Mrs. rnes, as sec- flty of badges pon over the DAVE FELMET is chairman of the membership and finance com mittee of the Chamber of Com merce, and will head the work of raising the quota of $12,000, start ing May 3rd. Baccalaureate Program Will Be Held Sunday At Crabtree High School Graduation Exercises 55-Gallon Still Taken Wednesday On Wilkins Creek A 55-gallon copper still was tak en Wednesday by three deputy sheriffs and a federal revenue agent in the Wilkins Creek section near the Waterville dam. Nine 50-gallon filled drums of beer were found at the site, also a large number of empty molasses buckets which indicated the illicit liquor plant had been in operation for many years. No arrests were made. Conducting the raid were Depu ties John Kerley, Wade McDaniels, Max Cochran and Federal Agent Roy Reece. WES ARE N.C. it elections I to the elcc Irea prepara- May 29. WILL E tot Kinston, y he had e Five) Advanced Recreational 4-H School To Be Held An advanced course in recrea tional training will be held for 4-H club leaders at the armory here next week as a follow-up to the school held recently, announces W. A. Corpening, county agent. Classes will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. on Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday. Club leaders are expected to attend from sev eral nearby counties. r proved For Tunior r Of Commerce fctors of the rce Tuesday me the or ,Chamber of I .made after n appeared jd discussed Wganization, of oper jects such her Press I rair and tempera te staff of Max. Mln 32 78 49 W 37 a group would undertake in the community. Mr. Robinson said the Junior Chamber of Commerce groups are self-suporting, and do not solicit funds, but make their money by giving entertainments and promot ing events. A contact is being made with the Asheville organization as the procedure for starting a new group must be started by one already functioning. The Asheville group have shown an interest in organiz ing a unit here. "There are many young men be tween 21 and 33 in this community not affiliated with any civic organ ization, and the Junior Chamber of Commerce would give them something to do In a civic way, and at the same time promote projects To Be Held Friday; 12 Seniors In 1948 Class The baccalaureate sermon at Crabtree-lron Duff high school will be presented Sunday after noon at 2:30 o'clock by Rev. L. G. Elliott, pastor of the First Baptist church, Waynesville. Graduating exercises will be held at 8 o'clock Thursday night, April 29, with diplomas to be awarded 12 students. Miss Edith Chambers has been announced as valedictorian for the class and Miss Naomi Massie is the saluta torian. Rev. R. L. Young, pastor of the First Methodist church. Waynesville. will deliver the prin cipal address at the graduation program. In the graduating class are Sam Best. Edith Chambers, Billy Davis, Russell McCracken, Naomi Massie, (Continued on Page Five) Principals Of Haywood Schools Are Appointed Homer Henry Resigns At Clyde, Leaving Vacancy For Next School Year Two principals of schools in the Haywood county system declined to seek appointment for the 1948 49 school year. All others have been re-elected by their respective district school committees in the meetings held during the past two weeks. Homer Henry, principal at Clyde high school for many years, re signed the position because of his health, and was elected to a teach ing position. No one has yet been appointed to the principalship at Clyde, Supt. Jack Messer an nounced yesterday. Hugh Rogers also resigned ;is head of the Cruso school in order to accept work elsewhere and John W. Sloan, presently teaching t Bethel, has been elected to be the Cruso principal. Principals who were re-elected are: Fred L. Safford, Fines Creek: L. C. Bryson Crabtree-lron Dun. M. H. Bowles, Waynesville district : C. E. Weatherby. Waynesville Township high school: Lawrence Leatherwood, Hazelwood: Claud Rogers, Central Elementary Rogers, East Waynesville; G. C Cooper. Lake Junaluska: N. W Rnffort Rfwlt Mill. PnmiF farcniion Stul Y Regular Church Attendant At 93 Sty -jwv y :f f f jv i , 1 MRS. J. K. r.OONK, !Ki, is show n rccci-in a Bible as a gift' from hor pastor, Rev. R. L. Young, in recognition of her regular church attendance, even at her age. Mrs. Boone is Frank one of I.'i in this conference who are regular in church at tendance, although over I'll years of ar,e. in l;ige Three. Phutti by Ingram's Studio Maggie; W. P. Whitesldes, Betno and J. C. James, Cecil. The initial election of teachers is nearly completed, with the Way nesvule district eommjttee to tonight or-4h4 purpose are a number of vacancies due to low certificates, resignations and other reasons," reports Superin tendent Messer "We hope to fill these vacancies at an early date.' There are 183 teachers and principals in the county system High school students at the Pi geon Street colored school here will attend the new school at Can ton next year. In view of this, there will he no principal for the local school. Haywood Dogs Take Blue TSRibbons In BuncornbeAnd Tryon Fox Hound Shows I McElroy's "Dixie" Is Clean-up Week To Start On May 3rd Laundry Without A Picket Line There was no picket line in front of the Waynesville Laundry yesterday, for the first time since March 21 during the hours the plant was in operation. The plant resumed operations last Monday morning with the owner recognizing the A. F. of L. Laundry Workers International, Local No. 309, as the bargaining agency. The group in the picket line were said to have been mem bers of a C. I. O. union. Application Is Made For A Radio Station In Canton The Highlands Broadcasting Company, made up of three Waynesville and two Canton men, have made application to the Fed eral Communications Commission for a 1.000-watt daytime radio sta tion in Canton. The application was put on file April 16th. Howard T. Jones, owner of Jones Radio Company here in Waynes ville is president. Others include Floyd Nelson, and W. O. Franklin both of Waynesville are vice presi dents, and Hugh W. Lindsey is sec retary and treasurer, and Lee Wil son Dunlap is chief engineer. Until of the latter are of Canton. Thcsj five are the sole owners. The owners said the station would be located in Canton, if the permit is granted, and a 243-foot tower would be used. A spokesman for. the group said they expected to hear from their application within 60 to 90 days. He also said the investment would be about $36,000. The group have employed a ra dio attorney in Washington to look after their interest befor the Coin-mission. M a liieeiing vcstriiiav of tin olTii;ils of V.inrsville and llaj elwooil. it was decided to stace tile annual ('Ican-Cp. I'alnt-t'p Week in this community the week of May 3rd to Slh. Special plans ji brine dis cussed, and will In- ready to an nounce nrit iH'i'k li. ( . I rifcu son. town manager s.iid. The ( Ii.iiiiIh i i I ( iimiiii i re directors " Tursil.iv niclil dis rusMcl the animal rvi-nt, anil plrrivrri undivided ro-opri alion ill m a k i ii j; it a sin i rss .u.aiii this year. Paving Concern Files Bond In Nuisance Charge WTHS Boys Chorus Is Rated One At Contests Band To Compete In Greensboro F vents Today; Choral Groups Are Judged Waynesville luHiiship Ii i Ii school's hoys elnniis i cico rcl .i raling nl line, lite Ini'li. ,1 r.i n. ..I the 2!)lli annual Nurlh l'.iinliii,i music conlesl-fe.stival wliirli i. be ing held this week ;il Woman's College. Greensboro. The W;i nes ille mixed chorus Wiis rated I wo. and I he hos quar tet given a lour m ade The band hit heir M--Un!:i morning and will he .indued ',odu Approximately inn Minimis I rum Waynesville earned the right, in district compel ll ion. to ruler Ille statewide fcthal yv Inch ,lns year replaces Ille region il and n.ilion.d contests of Hie past and is being judged on a much si ruler basis than before. Charles lsle . inn ,e dn ei lor at tile school, accompanied the lust group ol Minimis to deeiishoi Monday and will iciain uili Hie band this week-end Bethel Student Wins Bar Oration Contest In County Miss Edna Mae We. I, ltethel high school student, won first place in the annual or.ilnncal coldest P0Mwieti y -lilt Huywuod County Bar association, held last Kiiday at the courthouse here. Second place winner Peggy Mann ol Clyde high. Oilier sneakers were Hubert Hairy ol Waynesville and led .lames ol Fines Creek. Subject ol I he oral mils was "How Can llie t inted Nations He Strengthened". W llo fianei. president of the cniinly bar gioup. Two more blue ribbons have presided and picenled prizes to been taken by Dnvoe McElroy's 'he winners, prize winning hound during the pa I vveck. "Dixie" was judged the best (email. Hoc in I bo MM, "" I. IS Wll.l. MMIKESS annual Tryon Horse and Hound .how which drew lo a close Wed nesday and last Saturday won the M. II Itowle. uill . iM. .p, ,,k nod lor h, si hound in the bench er at Holai v lorla ,ii I o'clock, ar- in.oied by the Buncombe cording lo II S , rd. pioiiraiii lux Hunters Association chairman. Mountain top at Honkers To i Best Female At Tryon, Best Dog in Bun combe Show BOWLES Wil l. KOTAKI ANN Ton y Applicants Is Presented Pompany Situation Appears "Very Favorable" For Line To Fines Creek, Smith States Allei I reel, i 1 1 ; a i , i ,rd Ii i of .1 1 ' 1 1 ( alll . tol il.le I Ma o II," 1 1 oil Hint 1 I a ill I . - i in:', i an a. .1. I an ell :nnil n, V he .ille ilislrul n,.iii.ii;ei lor Mnitiivni Kell I ea via.!., coin s, ll . . .. ,0 : , I 111 a ( i. ,il ml : ll ii ,h s i a . ol al ill'" III I I -Kiinl lii i iiiujian.'t ,ipn in a I in t be ciioie pio.lecl. oew n, oie- uric afl'ied to hi. II. I nl pel am . I i 1 1 1 1 .till:; I ' U ii ii 111 ii cm u and ::i .'OMn ; 1 igin i ,1 ..;. to a line miii e it v. .: , In si t ill llei i ,11 .o Ail . Sin 1 1 h ,( , , t i J w ck !,,.i i; I la l ei I ,ed ll I v ,i -I .ikeii e In, -d., , lo the ma u.ii.i r b Way lie I i n' )i n i u ; ; conn' . .I'sCil! . With I he I -.pi rl at loll I I siiov in,; ,;ill iri.-ni demand lor a i . -ne 1 1 1 make the lump a oj a I pi ol -I'ahle. .is rripiired by; ;m 1 a . n i)iiiiak-l.y aUa applicant . v.i IV l; .ti ;l. Mi Soul!, I, ild 'llie Mouid. i, nee- y est, I (I ly I 1 1. 1 1 Mill . ne, ,. , , lo .-end Ills .lu'iiieei s ml o Die an a to locale Ihe new applicant, and figure Hie estimated coal ol bring ing Ihe so: vice lo Ibcin. II v.ib lake about a week lo uel this iiilnriii.iHoii. be said, end uoon the basis ol Ibis a (loci, ion would be made h I he couipa i;,:, on v.'li',i. '' lo proiced ,y,ith the pnecl ei not. He leniied il a . (Ii-hnitel , a oM Miss jor piojei i. calhni; lor jbe ( sirui I ion id nun e h, in L'li mil. . i,f line and ,m mil l,n o appi oxiiua! el SII.VDIHI. ''i'1 1 "I 1 he area. J i oui I , ike liinalu K.i to I pper Cr.ileieii. I,,i . ah e, idy heen !;i cu appriu il since 11 is most thickly s-atlnl II Ii , , h( ell I l(. desire o l,. , ,. ,,,, ,,; and i ii--pun aired by I he laiai d id' edocatiiin i niinty comia: huc i l arm Ibu cm, .-,n, , . p. . ( ham her id ( iiimiiei ce, lo - t i la 1 he li'leolaille line into I'llli ' r c!. .hoyy ( i 1 1 1 1 1 nil till Gap. The e(l -or Well d ill , a en I i nn f, 'ille M -H tic I 1 11 1 l I ,- I op el I adopicl in lalli i oie- Win 1 1 a, 'Conlimn d on Page i ,,oi p , ... if 1 he i.i loll o( 1,(. o'i n e in l.hti loi ful Tryon sboyv altrael -'t.000 speetalors to liar- moo i leld lo watch a field of W) In a a- and 137 bounds go through then pains An early afternoon thiiiideis-lioywr threatened to stop the eyeiit. but passed over and maintained the reputation of the show lor never experiencing in clement weather. ' W inner Roy Cord," ow ned by I T Wilkinson of Concord, was sel"cted best male dog and best , . dog in the show: "Dixie" being Ihe'rOr School Property 'Continued on Page Eight) Young Democrats Will Hold District Bally Here Haywood Ramps Ignored In Feud Between 2 States According to an Associated Press newsgaUiering agency by Charles The . lieu I le Paying onipa ny filed a Mist died bond of $.i.(ll)0 hero, il v as leal lied y esterday" from Clerk nf Cnurl Hugh Leath erwood. as ri '(tilled by a court or der issued hv Judge K Donald Phillips in cnniicclion vyith a nui sance complaint tiled by Coleman Ii. Faitoii nl Haclwood The complaint. presented to .fudge Phillip-, during Macon eoun- j ly Superior Court Ibis Meek, al I leges t the paying company's I asphalt plant al Haelwood had be- announces County I come a nuisance i Corpening. ! A rc.-traii::r. -i order was lir-t is-1 ". R. . isw onger, extension serv : sued halting opeialions of thej'ce horticulturist, will be the fca j pi;: til until Hie ease could IieMme speaker in discussing farm 'heard Judge Phillips Mils week j inK plans for the year, 'ruled that the paying company ; could resume operations by filing , $5,000 bond to guarantee payments I Continued on Page Eight Church Group Again Makes Hich Bid Farm Planning Meeting Tonight At Cruso The farm planning meeting tor the Cruso area will be held tonight at Ii o'clock in the Cruso school, Agent The Dellunod Methodist church made the highest bid of S7.050 on Ihe Dellwood school property be- crl If W ing auctioned by the county hoard disinct c of education at the sale Thursday morning This is Hie third time the prop erty has been sold, a raised hid Wayne having been made following each previous sale The ciirrenl high hid will be filed in the clerk of court's olTico and if ynihin 10 days another raised bid is received it will be auctioned again. story from West Virginia, it ap pears that Haywood Is not even considered in good ramp growing territory There are many people, includ ing the Chamber of Commerce, who will argue with you until you are blue in the face that the best ramps in the world grow right here in Haywood, and in the near by territory. However true that may be, it appears that this area now has keen competition, since the West Virginia ramp and the Texas onion have become subjects of controversy between the two states. From the Associated Press account, the center of ramp grow- whlch the section needs to have ing in West Virginia is near Rich- accomplished," Mr. Robinson said. wood. The story as written for Want Ad Sells R T-ouic ic ae fnllnwe- A feud may be in the making TWO TrOCtS Of between West Virginia and Texas. I Texas onions and West Virginia Real state ramps are the center of the con- j troversy ; The Carolina Realty fcaitor-i'UDiisner Jim conisiuciv and 1 f ' .. of the Nicholas County News- v,oinpd.i. Leader printed one of his issues j tiscd several tracts of real with 'stinkin' ink' developed by a estate for sale last week, and chemical concern to glorify the adver- ramp. The ramp is a spring herb of the garlic family which nourishes each season in the moist ravinys of northern West Virginia mountains. Its scent after use as a spring tonic reportedly has caused many a row in Ricfiwood families. (Continued on Page Five) as a result, have sold two al ready. Inquiries came from a wide area, and as far away as Miami. Want Ads are inexpensive, yet effective. Champion To Stage Open House Three Days In May The Champion Paper and Fibre event ever put on by a Western1 company, which has been one of Carolina industry. Without dis the outstanding industries in West- ruption to production, visilors will; ern North Carolina for more than see each step in the process of I 40 years, is holding its first "open converting trees into paper. Nuni house " on Tuesday. Wednesday erous committees are making de and Thursday. May 4, 5 and 6. Mailed preparations now to provide The people of this section of the maximum convenience for Cham state are being cordially invited tolpion's guests. take advantage of this opportunity' Six full hours fur each of the to visit Champion's plant and be-' three days of this event have been come acquainted with its products , allocated to the general public to and operations and with the activi-j view the vast Canton mills, which ties of its many agencies for de- are equipped with the most niod veloping the spirit of cooperation I ern and thp largest machines in and good fellowship which char-the world for the manufacture of acterizes the Champion organiza- the higher grades of paper tion. The trip through the plant will It is anticipated that Champion's; begin with registration at the open house will be the biggest1 'Continued on fage Eight) ' !' til i i a 1 mm i w ill bcj'iii at 1 St) p m Saturday al Hie riniithiiiia for the IL'lh di -li ici i,r;:.iiuz,itioi, ,1 rally of Young I i Mineral ic bib it Ii more than 200 party loadi r expected In attend. Judge I'elis E. Alley u ill ad dress Ihe group here diuiin'. I he all": noon business nic'tinr. Kob- lianis. Jr., of J,, -. die. in man. yy ill he in i liarr.e as reports from county club., are given A baiuiucl nl I be held al 7 p ni Sat in (lav night at t lie Queen ., i with Representative Mum or M. Redden as the principal ,;ci l-'olloy, ing the banquet a api ire dame 'ill be held al the armory. E Hoover Tall, Jr. ol (Iiith yille. stale Young Democrat-, pre . idont, and several other -'ate of ficers are eypcled to be pre-cnt for the rally. Highway Record For 1948 (To Date) In Haywood & Injured - - 13 Killed---- 1 (This Information Com piled From Records of Sutt Ihghway Patrol)

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