HThe Waynesville Mountaineer 49,500 People Live within 20 miles of Waynesville their ideal shopping center IS AY i ,,. i, rhal-, in)a! t ...i ' ittie last Satui ' Tin.: 1 imary l.en a tnSe the , in 0 the books. ev,dpd b 1 stances has any wmadc Ix-Rmv IRN 01 T , i'DS ! , ni"i,1' r; Sdliml.O iui'j ,l,on. 'I1"11-1' jil pnwram. "' j C anv MH'-h". (dd H; i-atlt'i- nn't. 0t bu-ii).-- jiiJ (all- i-oM-..-iil'"; jrnim-iil 1li-rc fone via to lumbal t In pprwi Inns' I"'1" i WILL HAIKMAN ,J1J ijsMH'M'l'd )VV.IMIll I 111!' . beard hi cler-t-xjH 1 unci- a )i!ili- "ill d Inr hiir.-elf ifiiil.i-i ol the turn- and has in I hi- YiiumR jtiim ol the ,EGATI-:s LEIGH iiood delegates dni'sda to at icratu Cunven Tliursday. In ORb'D AS AN alii executive Wilkins J', cd Ins reconi nent chairman iiHTi-a.-cd liv-'w- a live-day r worker-. :s a )TERS litidlr Charte red to voters ndidatc- iho na 1. . . "no mane ARTY AY arty Chair parti incni "ili meet hi ne n: At. McMullans rs "s the tax 3,,raO mcaj 'svpajnr ir; ar month ' ro?Ped vj.h.. p,i fiiani;al " at 45 a nieans her r and mper,,- th, ? fan r,t Min. M ii 3.i 45 Rain 63r4 YEAR No. 39 New Chairman W. G. BYERS was elected chair man of the Haywood Democratic executive committee here Saturday when the convention was held at the court house. W. G. Byers Succeeds C. E. Brown As Chairman Of Haywood Democrats Claude Williams ::i:,::Named On Board and Thursday Of Elections Jerry Rogers is New Chairman, Succeeding Gudger Bryson, Who Recently Died. i tic part; con- ClaE vtUift7,ABpryrdflir), ys L. P. Mc-tlias aeon named as a member of o will be rec- the Haywood county board of elec- stat the party , tions. The appointment was made ti May 2(1. to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Gudger Bryson. HIGHER Jerry Rogers of Waynesville, was 'ATE elected chairman of the board, the post held by Mr. Bryson. ndtdalc Kerr Mrs Editn p AUey was named ial the state s secretary of the board. The only win; the most changes made in the registrars or "' l'Llh1"' judges for the May 29th primary '"' h,Kh" was in Beaverdam, where Mrs. employes to Howard Smathers was named registrar to succeed Mr. Williams, who gave up the position to become a member of the board. 1. A. Singleton, Republican, is the other member of the board. Haywood Alumni Of State College i r ind, iviet it Uanton !h 'lie Miters ii what a can- The Haywood County Alumni 'ian what hi club of N. C. State college held its tegular quarterly meeting Wednes day night at the Champion YMCA. Alter dinner, president Paul Da ws of Waynesville held a short business session, then films show ing the college basketball team in action were enjoyed. Members attending were: Paul -i lie Davis, Wayne Corpening, Joe n ' her the Cline. and W. J. Singletary of "in "aynesville; G C. Palmer, Jr., of " " I ivritt- liniii J I f: l n r i .i . - , - v. . i u a igui, J . li. oc,j tat 'c Parti s j,-.. George H. Trostel. Henry T -jut, ianu vviLgm, j. n,. oecrusi. '-ties- .Michael, Henry Seaman, Charles Kei:er;i Morrison W P I r,i,,mn u v .... . unmiLl, a. a . Anton and T. R. Barnes of Canton. Revival Services At Barberville Church LI D Revival services will be conduct- :da,c Mane 1(1 at the Barberville Baptist hK (onti-r,. C hurch beginning Sunday, May 23, 's ' should al " 30 p.m. The Rev. Bail Rogers will deliver 'he sermon. The public is invited to attend. Democrats Name Precinct Chairmen For The Year Democratic precinct chairmen '"r Haywood county, as reported h C. E. Brown, chairman of the county Democratic executive com nittee, are as follows: Beaverdam No. 1, W. W. Pless; N 2, Joe Browning; No. 3, C. E. c'e: No. 4, J. Frank Queen: No. 1 Fred Winfield; Nr. 6, S. C. wood: Big Creek, J. M. Caldwell; Cataloochee. Lush Caldwell; Cecil, Ken Browning; Clyde. Jack West; , Oabtree, Gay Bradshaw: East WA EIGHT PACES United Chairman 8 Years C. E. BROWN reslgnec as chair man oi liii- i.aywooc democratic Executive committee, alter serving successfully in that capacity for the past eight years. Brown Resigns After Serving Eight Years; Delegates To The Convention Named W. G. Byers was named chair man of the Haywood county Demo cratic executive committee Satur day, at the regular Democratic con vention which was held in the court house. Mr. Byers succeeds C. E. Brown, who resigned after hold ing the office for 8 years. Mrr. Fred Campbell of Waynes ville was named vice-chairman, and Mrs. Fred Wingflcld of Canton is secretary. The convention passed a resolu tion, and adjourned for a minute, in tribute and respect to C. Gudger Bryson, who recently died, after serving in many capacities in the Democratic party. The resolution, written by W. R. Francis, Jack Messer and W. T. Crawford, said in part: "The par ty has lost in Mr. Gudgcr's passing, a steadfast and loyal member, and the board of elections has lost an honored and respected chairman. His unfailing loyalty to the party and its principles and to his friends generally has endeared his mem ory to us and has made a lasting place in our recollections of him as a loyal party worker.'' Another resolution as passed by the executive committee, praising the work of the chairman, C. E. Brown, for his leadership, his achievements, and accomplish ments as chairman for the past eight years. Mr. Brown resigned, since he is secretary to Rep. Mon roe M. Redden and spends his time in Washington. "Under Mr. Brown's leadership, much loyal interest has been shown in the work of the party, and his work will be felt for years and years to come." A committee, composed of Frank M. Byers, David underwood, and Lachlin Hyatt, nominated the fol lowing 51 delegates to th state convention, which convenes in Ra leigh on Thursday: C. N. Allen, R. L. Prevost, Fred Campbell. Mrs. Fred Campbell, Grady Smith. Joe Campbell. S. L. Queen. Wil- burn Campbell, Richard Queen. Henry Campbell, Mrs. Crews Moody. David Underwood. Mrs. David Underwood, Locke Hyatt, Jerry Rogers, O. I. Noland, W. Roy Plott, D. Reeves Noland, Mrs. D. Reeves Noland. J. H. Woody. A. G. Bald continued on page eight) Fork. J. Bryan Heatherly; Fines Creek. Raymond McCracken; Haz elwood. C. N. Allen; Iron Duff, J. R. Caldwell: Ivy Hill, J. Richard Queen; Jonathan Creek, Med Leatherwood; Lake Junaluska, R. C. Morrow; Waynesville north ward. David Underwood; and Waynesville south ward, Lachlan Hyatt. The names of the Pigeon and White Oak precinct chairmen had not been received by Mr. Brown at the time he released the others. Seat of Haywood Press and Associated Press News 400 Attend Commerce Banquet Banker Heard At Annual Event Of Chamber Of Commerce Here The "three pillars" of Haywood county economy, tourists, agricul ture and industry, always feel the effects of conditions in many dis tant places. Edward A. Wayne, vice president of the Federal Reserve bank of Richmond told some 400 persons at the annual Chamber of Commerce banquet here Friday evening. This, he declared, points to a continuing need for research, adap ting what the section offers to the ever-changing desires of the pub lic, in which "there is a job for all of us . . . working together on a community level." The highlight speaker used as the theme for his talk, speaking as a banker, "my problems arc your headaches". Speaking with fre quent use of humorous and pointed anecdotes, he brought out in his opening remarks that the main causes of trouble in Europe steins from disunity and the artificial barriers between the small states which form the continent. We must always be alert to avoid this in the United States, he said. Turning to the sources of econ omic support in Haywood county, he illustrated how visitors a term he called more descriptive than "tourists" know of the attractions of this section, since thousands come each year. "But what is the reason other millions don't come?" he asked. Mr. Wayne said he didn't know the answer, but it should be the job of civic leaders in this area to find out, and recommended the use of public opinion surveys. He explained how business condi tions in other sections affect this H ade, and also, brought ouL vUu?, point that services offered must change to fit in with what people like today not a generation ago. Industrially, the South's expand ing output of goods denies the label given this section as the nation's economic problem number one, Mr. Wayne continued. The future is even brighter. "We have the most teachable (Continued on Page Eight) Pfc. Richard C. Jenkins Remains En Route Here Mr. and Mrs. Oliver P. Jenkins of the White Oak section, received word last week that the remains of their son, Pfc. Richard C. Jen kins, is en route to the United States for final burial. Pfc. Jenkins was in the Army Air Corps ivith action in the Eur opean Theatre. Canton Church To Observe "Baby Day" Program On Sunday Preparations are under way for a special "Baby Day" program at the Canton First Baptist church Sun day morning, May 30, at 1 1 o'clock, it has been announced by Mrs. W. Gordon Rodgers, active in the cra dle roll department. This will mark the first time a program of this kind has ever been attempted at a local church. DAVE CABE IN CRITICAL CONDITION, LATE MONDAY Dave Cabe, member of the town broad of aldermen, and mayor pro-tem, was reported in a serious condition late Monday afternoon, NEA Editors Warm In Praise Of This Section The comments of the 230 editors and publishers of the National Edi torial Assciation who had a barbe cue here last Thursday night, while enroute on a tour of the state, indi cate they were pleased with this area. Most of the newspaper folk felt that the area needed to be publi cized more; others were of the opinion that "this is just what Americans are seeking." A number of editors from Cali fornia were frank to admit that this area "had everything" over that state. 1 Those from the mid-west were County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky WAYNESVILLE, N. Figure In Hospital Changes LEE DAVIS assumed the place of M. E. "Tony" DAVIS who for the business manager of the Hay- past eight years has served as wood county hospital here Satur- business manager at the hospital day. suceeding M. E. Davis, i Photo here. He recently resigned, ellec by Ingram's Studioi. tive May 15th. Bookmobile Over $2,750; Been Placed Highways Getting White Line; New Heavier Surface Highway crews are complet iiiK the work of putting a white center line down "the highway from here to Canton, and from the Lake Junajuska Intersection to Soco Gup, The line also runs from Waynesville to BaUam Gap. The road up Soco Gap has just had a new surface of thick stone and tar. The heavy traffic over the road necessitated the use of heavier materials, high way engineers explained. Canton Lions To Present Minstrel At Clyde School The Mirthquake Minstrel and Variety show will be given by the Canton Lions club Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock, in the Clyde high school auditorium. A large cast of amateur talent has been in rehearsal for several weeks, and the producers feel that this will be the best of their annual series of shows. Chief fun-makers in the minstrel are such experi enced end men as Dr. H. A. Mat thews, Bill Brooks. L. A. Matthews, Turner Cathey. Maurice Brooks. Hall Writworth. Bob Snakenburg and Bill Stone. Featured in the variety section will be the Candler sisters, soloist Jeter Martin. Marie Bell and her Champion Hillbillies, soloist Bron son Matney. Jr., of Waynesville, and quartets and octets from the Canton high school glee club. Proceeds of the show will be used by the Lions to finance aid to the blind, provide eye glasses for deserving children and to further their program of sight conserva tion. After being shown at Clyde, the minstrel will play next week at the Bethel and Canton high auditori ums. Eastern Star Group To Meet Thursday The regular meeting of the Way- nesv.lle Chapter. No. 165, Order of the Eastern Star win be held Thursday night in the First Na tional Bank building at 8:00. Mrs. Grady Farmer, Worthy- Matron, is in charge of the pro- gram among those who failed to under stand why more publicity had not been given this section in their section of the nation. One publish er remarked: "We had no idea such scenic beauties were down here." Another commented, "I've made up my mind to settle here upon retirement." The group praised the hospitality shown them, and many said of the high school band, "I've never heard any better, even in large cities." ,The barbecue as prepared and served by Rufus Siler received the highest of praise from the group, and many wanted to know "how it was made." C, TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1948 '1 Fund Is Now Order Has For Truck $3,000 Quota Will Be Sought For Putting Bookmobile In Use This Fall Col J II. Howell, chairman of the Haywood county Library Hoard announced yesterday that $2,741.53 had been raised on the $3,000 quota for a bookmobile. The announce ment was made at a luncheon here Monday at the Towne House, at which time the board honored Miss Marjorie Beal, director of the North Carolina Library Commis sion. Col. Howell said the drive would i.Miiiiuif vnni ine iuii quota nus Keileen Gel ringer; Winter, Eugene been met. He itso announced that Belt; Summer. Emily Smiley Au a Chevrolet half ton panel truck n,mn. Donald Franklin; Mother had been ordered through the j Nature, Wanda Sue Mills; Year, slate division of purchase and con- j Bobby Hooper: Dav, Vernon Med- tract. The truck will be converted into a bookmobile, and indications are that it will be ready for serv ice this fall. Miss Beal was high In praise of the progress made in the Library Service In Haywood County. She discussed the many new possibil- ities of service to the rural people through this Bookmobile Service. Upon delivery of the Book- mobiles on order in North Caro- una. uieie win ae iu serving noimiay Mine i-.v.ins. Minnie r aimer, North Carolina counties. When ; Joan Robinson. Ned Ledbetter, Haywood County receives its Book- Lewis Muse. Mack James Buchan- mobile, there will be Bookmobile ' an. Billie Prevost. Wayne Chase, service in every county from Mur- and Frank Kiikpatn. -k. phy to Elizabeth City. Pansy Chorus l.vnelte McClure, Miss Beai pointed out to the ,il ,lv Aml Sniilh. Hegina Hooper, board in order to have half a vol-' Ailora Prevost. Nancy Phillips, ume per capita, an additional book stock of 6.800 volumes will be need ed for the Haywood County Li brary. Members of the board attending besides Col. Howell were Mrs. Trov Leatherwood George a, ; Prevost; Butterlly Chorus, Barbara Brown Jr., and Glenn Palmer l("u s- SuMO "'' Hllda Ann William Medford, chairman uf ; "all. Patsy Sw av ngini, James Kirk the bookmobile drive, and Miss ' Patrick. Donald Rathbone, Dan Margaret Johnston aso met with the board Memorial Plot To Be Dedicated 30th A new memorial plot is sched uled to be dedicated in a special ceremony Sunday, May 30. by morvnh,i-L. ,f lkA V tt, a I n r- , . Messer posl of Veterans of Foreign Wars in Bon-A-Venture ceme.erv. twn ps, nf ranlnn Congressman Monroe M Redden ! llnnrlcrcnnri 1 1 a ia culiml uln In a.. ...mLounwav, u-u u iv v. i - iivci me iiuitipm auuiess Gold Star mothers and fathers , will be special guests. A marlcr will hnnnr mtortinc who gave their lives in World War j A F Of L Union Signs Contract With Laundry A contract has been signed be-j tween the Waynesville Laundry, and officials of the Laundry Work- ers International Unon, Local 309. AF of L, it was announced yester- aay. The contract gives an increase in wages of from five to ten cents per hour, grants iVi holidays with pay, and a week's vacation with pay. for all employed with a year or more of service, and also $2.25 in laundry and dry services free per week. J. W. Killian, owner of the Mountains National Park $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Survey Crews To Start Soon On Line For Road From Here To Newport Highway Oflicials Make Personal Check Over j Week-End A Highuai sur e ilia crew of) seven members i- expected here I about June first to begin work on running a line h um Cove Creek to j the Tennessee line, a distance of 22 miles, tor the proposed a nes-ville-Newport w;ilei -level highway. The announcement came after highwax ullicials ni.ule a personal trip over the route last week-end. Those making the trip were It. Getty Drowning, chief locating en gineer ol the state highway depart ment. George McKmlev. senior party chief, and I). Reeves Noland, highway coiiiiiii-sioner ol this dis trict. The parly nude a preliminary survey, anil all indications are that the route will lollow Hie Pigeon j River valley all the way to the Ten I nessee line. Hazelwood School To Give Operetta At Eight Tonight Large Number of Students Partici pating in Event Tonight An operetta 'The Season of Happiness" will be presented by the children of the Hazelwood Ele mentary school nl the school audi torium, tonight at H o'clock. There will be no admission anil the pub lic is invited. The east is as follows: Spring. ford; Rainbow, Kyleeii Campbell; Harvest. June Bryson; Spirit of Christmas, Mary Sue Morgan: Sun, Kenneth Griffin; Moon, Doris Muse; frown Hearer. Johnny Mack rainier: neraiu. r.uaene Uavis. Elves. Van Given. Boss Hopper, P hitesides, principal, will be Jimmv Rogers. Billy Kay Under- ,,,ilh th.. haeialaiiie;ite sermon : wood. Donald Morgan. John Cars- I well, slenning- I'lommans, and Joe Kilby, Months. Pauline Inman. Barbara I'ortner, Jackie Carswell. " mney. ivicciure, Cat hemic l-'radv . Star Chorus, Betty llvatt. Ann Hardin. Nancy ; Long. Colleen Kuy kenilall. Patsy Winchester, ( aileen Hooper. Bet ty Jane Morgan, Ann Williamson, lawyer, and Kichartl troutman. Flower Girls. Sandra Scruggs, Judy Ketncr. Janice Rulf, Milly ; ,-ih.i . oyi. s ,vuo ." me luu Slier, Mary Jane Nichols and I Susie llenibree I The operetta is being directed I... II 1 M HI. . U . o .viiss mcpnaiiie .viooii- wan inc!juv 11 1944 assistance ol the laculty ol tile school Plans Are Made For 4-H Club Camp The Junior and Senior 4-H Clubs i- i. w ..:.. ... ....... i i , .1 . oj mc aynesiuo nign scuooi neiu i a J()mt meeting on last l liursday iflght. pans ,.IC niadt. for the camp k .. 1...1.1 ti-l;,.. i ,.i. ; t..i. and delegates were chosen for the , snoi 1 couise camp. laundry, signed for the Laundry, I land the union was represented by ; George Keller, president of the lo- jcal: Kenneth Stahl. secretary-treas- j , urer of the union, and T. R. Free- 1 man, international representative of the American Federation of La bor. The union was organized about six weeks ago, and there are ap proximately 50 members now among the personnel of the Laun dry. Mr Keller said. The rontract was dated and be came effective May 7th. and is for one vear. Lake Trustee W. HUGH MASSIF was recently named by the General Metho dist Conference in Boston as a member of the board of tin-Iocs of Lake Junaluska Assembly. Mr Massie is the only person west of Charlotte on the board which in cludes all active bishops in the Southeastern Jurisdiction. Mr. Massie has been active in i I lie affairs of the Methodist church I for many years, having served for 12 years as chairman of the board of stewards: chairman of the dis trict Crusade for Christ drive, and raised $25,000; and is now district steward. Mr. Massie's term on the board of trustees at the Lake is for U years. Bethel Finals To Start On Sunday Baccalaureate Sermon Sermon by Rev. M. R. Williamson To Be Sunday Night CnmmencemeiJ. activities at 1 ui i,i i,i,,i, c,.r,i . v to be delivered Sunday evening, I u.v n-i i,v ih M i; Wil liamson, pastoc of the Waynesville Presbyterian church. i ji ,-s Thelma Hall instructor in j l)iano" wiM l)10SL.nt lier pupils in a j rec-itiil at 8 o'clock Weilncsdav ' Mav 2(i Graduation exercises will be riv- I en Thursday. May 27 This is an i all-student program. Tile salulatorv j address will be delivered by Mi key i Karmer and the valedictory aildi r i by n.lvjs whitesides. spc rial him- ors and awards wi by the principal. be presented Body Of Yount Being Returned To Waynesville Mr. and Mrs. Oliver A. Yount have been notified that the body of (l,eir son. Sgt . Cecil II. Yolinl. ):, , ,. ., .. ..... ru loini- in ine vjmieil OLUC. nil re burial. Sgt. Yount was killed on Saipan. Burial will be in Crawford Mem orial cemetery here. Commerce Board To Meet Tonight At 7:.'J0 The Board of Directors of the Wav nesville Chamber of Com merce will meet tonight at the of fice at 7:30 p.m. Reports will be made at this & ha's Z!. Highway Record For 1948 In Haywood (To Date) Injured 13 Killed 1 (This information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol.)

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