r FApv'VY THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER The James Reeds Homemakers Club Mrs. Quinlan Is Have Supper Meets With Hostess For May twt., :Mrs. Bryson D.A.R. Meeting Mr. and Mrs. James W. Reed. Jr., were hoMs of a supper party at their home on Woolsey Heights Saturday evening, in honor of their guests, Air. and Mrs. A. VV. Folsom. of Oak KulKe. Tt nn. Supper us served at the door fireplace, after which guests were enlertained at square dance at the Armory. Those present were Mr. Mrs. Kolstmi. Mr and Mrs Howard Hyatt, Mr. and Mrs. David Hyatt. Mr and Mrs. Lachlan Hyatt. Mr and Mis .lohnny Johnson, Mrs. John Allen. Frank Ferguson and Keii Stoall. out the the The WaynesviUe Homemakers elub met on Thursday night with Mrs. Howell Bryson as hostess. Mrs. Howard Bryson, president, presided. Miss Mary Margaret Smith, the count v home agent, save a demon stration to the group on Textile Painting Members present besides those mentioned were Mrs. Marion Bridges. Mrs. H O. Champion. Mrs. Laurence Leatheruouri Mrs Mrs. Charles E. Quinlan was huUess for the May meeting of the Dorcas BeJl Love. Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revo lution which was held at her home last Friday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Killian. regent, presided and thir-ty-one members were present. Mrs. .. H. Howell. Sr . had the program for the afternoon and read an ltitormative paper on the history , ui the Cherokee Indians, including ; a brief sketch of three of the most and J K. MeCracken. Mrs. Earl Mes- ouManUuitf chiefs and their ser. Mrs. Carl Hatclifle. Mrs. Jack Rogers and Mrs. James Williams. Sandy Grady, spoils editor of The Mountaineer, spent the week end at bis home in Charlotte. STRAND THEATRE V . V E S V I L L E, N . C . Open from 3:00 P. M. Monday Thru Friday Saturdays from 11:00 A. M. Sund.n Shows at 2:00. 4:04 and SI: 00 P. . Tuesday, Wednesday JOAX BENNETT and GEORGE RAFT in SHE COULDN'T TAKE IT" Also Comedy 1 Miss Gilliam Ib, 'Soloist For Glub Meeting ; One of the most outstanding musical programs of the? year was presented at the May meeting of I the WaynesviUe Woman's Clmfci which was held on Thursday after- j noon at Oak Park. ! The prograju was preiseiUed bj Miss Amie GUUaui. mezzo-soprano. . of Cherokee accompanied by MUs. Ross Caldwell, alsu of Chtrukee. ; Miss Gilliam sang "Meine Bluuie 1st Gvun," and "Standchen," by Brahms: "Dites-Moi", by Maman; "Ouen Thy Blue Eyes," Massinet; ! SeyuidUla, from Carmen by ' Buet: Dette s setting of Elizabeth 1 Browning's "How Do I Love Thee." and a f roup of folk songs iuelud- ; ing I Wonder As I Wander," I "Loch Lomond," and "Coming ' Through The Rye" She concluded ! Township High School, and j lhe PSr"i with a Latin Ameri- j also won first place in the can number, "Si Boney '. The ugest artists were presented by Mrs. Cornelia Nixon, chairman of music. j Miss Mozelle Liner, winner of i the recent reading contest held I for girls of the WaynesviUe Town- j ship High School, was presented by i Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn, chairman of ! education, which department sponsored the contest. Miss Liner gave her prize winning reading from Shakespeare, after which Mrs. Gwyn persented her the gold medal given by the club. During the business session an nual reports were given by officers Cool Summer Comfort liibulion w tUe Cturokee tribe. Mrs. J. H. Howell. Jr.. chairman oi the girl's homewaker commit tee, introduced Miss HazeJ Palm er, who won first i-lace iu the cot ton dress contest sponsored by the D A R. for guls in the Wayne villt later western Carolina High School Fashion Show held at Western Car olina Teachers College. Miss Flora Hyatt, winner of second place in i lie cotton dress contest, was also piesented to the club. Both girls wuiv their prize winning dresses. -Mr. H. C. Marshall, registrar lepurted that papers had been completed for Mrs. Ben Colkitt and Mis Frank Jenkins: and Mrs. How ell, chairman of Indian work, re ported that 30 magazines had been sent to Cherokee. Mrs R X Barber, delegate from the chapter to the National Con- KK 11 Thursday Only VKLEN as Buffalo Bill in "BUFFALO BILL RIDES AGAIN' Also Late Xews and Short I i iday and Saturday Double Feature Wil l) BILL ELLIOT as Red Ryder in "MARSHALL OF LARADQ" Also ADEI.E Jl'RGEXS in "WHEN A GIRL'S BEAUTIFUL" Also Serial and Cartoon PARK THEATRE PROGRAM Monday, Tuesday. .May 24-25 "Crossfire" stress held recently in Washington, j and chairmen. Mrs. Charles E. Ray. t,ae a tun report on the meeting. All officers were re-elected to serve next year and arc Mrs. J. W. Killiun. regenl : Mrs. James R. Uo.sd. vice-regent: Mrs. Charles E. yuinlan. chaplain: Mrs. W. F. Swift, recording secretary: Mrs. .1. 11 Howell, Jr., corresponding sec ictai: Mrs. J. M Long, treasurer: Mrs. H. C. Marshall, registrar: Mis. J. E. Henderson, historian; and Mrs. E. J. Hyatt, librarian During the social hour Mrs. tjuinlaii was assisted in serving by Miss Martha Stringfield and Miss Lois Harold. Special guests in cluded Mrs. Harry Lutz. Mrs. An clursoii, and .Mrs. Ben Colkitt. Home Club Has Meeting At Crabtree School C'rabtree-Hyder Mountain Demonstration club met Fri afic moon at the Crabtree Willi Mrs. Marshall Kirkpat- Di'CSKllllg. ROBERT Starring YOl'Nfi. ROBERT MITCHI'M and ROBERT RYAN Th Hill!!. d.v. II. M i! ri. k I he demonstration was riuon nii lire 'Arrangement and nml. reported as follows: W L. Bradshaw; gar Kirk pat rick: noultrv. Mrs. Ida IXitson: home manage ment. Mrs, ihiHh Xoland; home heautilic-ation and crafts, Mrs Mai Caldwell. F eel leaders Food.-. v den. Mrs Wednesday. May 26 "The Overlanders" Starring CHIPPS RAI I KRTY and DAPHNE C AMPBELL iPflfV3PD.ES DON'T SQUCEZC THf M! Imtead bruth oo K LEER EX ami !',nw amazingly ft it iiuica uly ptnj;le t tlne ihrm often on tifit trial. Not a grruy salve that pimple thrive on, but a soothm mrdu ateJ liquid thai eneve mninn onvt-t rtlncn out. Ak for KLEERIX at all tltuB.tt. toiM your nioniy buvk it it (mil. 49c Tl tursdav. Friday. Mav 27-28 "The Exile Starring DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS. JR. and MARIE MQNTEZ JUST A REMINDER I am a candidate for the of fice of Representative in the Lower House of the next Gen ral Assembly of North Caro lina; duly filed; on the ticket; in the race to the finish; ready, physically able and willing to Jr.. president, summarized the iwork of the club during the past , year which included the sponsor- ing of an Ait Exhibit at the Hay , wood County Library during Na lional Art Week, an Art Exhibit at the WaynesviUe. High School, the 23rd Annual Beading Contest, the anuual Christmas Tree treat, and ! work on the Red Cross Drive and the Cancer Control Drive. Year books which included the new con stitution and by-laws, were also presented to each member during the year. Mrs. Ray and Mrs Noble Garrett i were elected delegates with Mrs. , Frank Kinsey. Jr.. new president, lo the state convention of the Federation of Woman's Clubs to be held in Hendersonville, June 9 to 10. Mrs. Cornelia Nixon and Mrs. Stanley Hrading were named alter nates. Mrs. Ray presented the new of ficers of the club as well as those who will serve lor another year. In the first group are Mrs. Kinsey. president; Mrs. Carl Mundy. second , vice president: Mrs. Linwood (Irani, third vice president; and Mrs. C. R. EckholT, corresponding secretary; and continuing to serve are Mrs. J. K. Boyd. 1st vice-president; Mrs. Standley Brading, re cording secretary; and Mrs. Noble (Barrett, treasurer. Mrs. Ray, outgoing president, was given a rising vote of appreci ation for the work she has done as head of the organization and ap preciation was also expressed to Mrs. Nixon for the fine musical programs which she has presented during the year. Following adjournment a tea was given by the hostesses for the afternoon. Mrs. James R. Boyd, Mrs. George McKinley. Miss Mar garet Johnston, and Mrs. Charles Ray. Mrs. Ray presided at the tea table which was covered with a lace cloth and centered with an ar rangement of spring flowers in' pastel shades. Mrs. F. H. Marley assisted the hostesses in serving. Special guests for the afternoon were Mrs. Harry Lutz, Mrs. L J Ballard. Mrs. W. B. Kpnnrt , . . a. Flowertd cotton hocteu dress. By VERA WINSTON SUMMER QUEENS make cot-' ton their king when it comes to cool comfort indoors or out. Nice for warm evenings at home is tbis dainty flower4 cotton hostess dress. Dark brown velvet outlines the moulded square neckline end ing in s bow in front Velvet but tons and sash carry out the motif. The sleeves are flared below the dropped shoulder. Inside, tucks ahape tba midriff and are released to form a full skirt The print is blue and brown on a pale yellow background. Sylva Choristers Present Program For Music Club Lwjur represent my native countv in A. " "' JO"n rr- M" ' vi uvri vv it k pc the Legislature. I solicit your support and your vote in (he Primary, Sat urday, May 29, 1948. K. E. SENTELLE. H Don't Sulfer Another Minute 4r ni tormented with itching of eczema, r.ile. rough hdndfl or ftcu, ath-i-t"s fc.t.. eruptions, rectal itching or oth er, nimlly (,niV,l nViu trnuhlea? For quick rrl.f ji.H results iwe VICTORY OINT- WKNT l-eloiel fr t bojrt in tbe army n.iiv i.ttneil in t lie fnlkn back boma. Whita irre:ie!e, ant iseritie. ConUim lailoHn. Baft l"r iMl.iea or ihlhlren. A aama you cannot (rK., IR-TORV OIS1 MENT th frneat Jaia anrf T'iik. SoW in Warnearilla bj Sniith'ii Irus Store. Of Freida Knopf, and Kayhurn. ayiva, Mrs. Miss Eleanor Miss Gemin Is Feted At Linen Shower Miss Jaeklyn Gemin, bride-elect of Pfc. Leonard B. Messer, was feted on last Friday afternoon when Mrs. John White entertained with a linen shower at her home on the Soco Gap road. Mixed arrangements of spring flowers were used in decorating. A number of guests attended the party, including Mrs. R. E. Gemin, mother of the bride-elect, and Mrs. F. D. Messer, mother of the groom-elect. FBEE ESTIMATES without Obligation CUSTOM TAILORED at prices you can afford. WINDOW SHADES VENETIAN BLINDS AWNINGS REPAIRED Order NOW boforo tho rush bogins. J. F. STOKES & SON Phone 531 , Hendersonville, N. C. NOW OPEN . . . Haywood Repair Shop JUAZELWOGO Io Belle Meade Garaie Across From Bradiey a !vUre OPERATE! BY ALVIN "BOt'CAN" AERINGTON O GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING AU Makes of Car O COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE Boil-Ont Clean and Repair Q ALL WORK GUARANTEED O PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE ir YOU HAVE CAR TKOVBLE see US! The WaynesviUe Music club held its annual open meeting on Fri day night, at which time each mem ber invited special guests. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Hugh A. Love and the guests were extended a welcome by Dr. Mary M'chal. president of the or ganization. Dr. Michal spoke of the most re cent project of the club in the col lection of records which is being placed in the Haywood county li brary in the interest of better mu sic appreciation, and also of the weekly radio programs sponsored by the club over WHCC, of which Mrs. Cornelia Nixon is chairman. Mrs. Love was in charge of the general arrangements for the meet ing, with Mrs. Janie Love Mitchell Taliaferro directing the program and Mrs. Freida Knopf in charge of the special features following the program. Receiving the guests with Mrs. Love were Dr. Miehal Mrs. John Taylor and Miss Mar garet Johnston. Among the numbers given were ! several by the Sylva Choristers, with Mrs. Grover C. Wilkes as ac compaoist. Dr. Sol Cohen, violin ist, and Miss Alice Weaver, solo ist; the prayer from "Cavaliera Rusticana," "O for Wings of Love. by Mendelssohn: "Sweethearts." ! Victor Herbert; 'Hallelujah." from "Hit the Deck." and "Serenade froru "Student Prince". Mr. Cohen, violinist, played Men delssohn's Violin Concerto, last two movements, and "Miniature Vien nese WaMz" by Kreisler. Miss Ray Ballard of Lake Juna itistca, pianist, played "Clair de LiMe" by Debussy, and "Firefly' by Phillipy. Miss Weaver of Dills- bora, siuig "Nymphs and Shep herds by Purcell. Miss Bette Han nah, pianist, played "Impromptu in C Minor, by Reinhold and "Three Blind Mice" by John Thompson. Additional numbers given by the oylva Choristers were "When a Maid Comes Knocking at Your Heart" by Friml, "Italia Beloved' by Donizetti, "Swanee" b.v Erskin and "Good By" by Tosti. Members of the Choristers in ciudeo the Rev. and Mrs. Mark Osborne of Cullowhee. Miss Alice Weaver of Dillsboro, Mrs. Paul El lis of Lynchburg, Va., Miss Ruth Hooper, Tod Davis, John Eckols, H. C. Edwards, of Mars Hill, with Mrs. Grover C. Wilkes as accompanist. The living rooms and the music room were decorated with bowls of spring flowers in a variety of col ors. FRIENDSHIP CLASS TO HAVE MEETING Toe Friendship class of the First BpHst Church will have their regular monthly meeting, Friday, May 28, at eight o'clocw. Mrs. Joe' Edwaxds. will be hostess with Mrs Myrtle HoUiefield as co-hostess. EDWARD. POTEATE VISITS PARENTS Edward Poteato, son of Mr. and Mra. M. A. Poteate of Fairview raao flew from YadkinvUle to spend Sunday with bis parents.' ! Bill Lewis is leaving today for hi noma In Chester, W. Ya., after spending several days here at the home of Mrs. HendrietU KluiU. Mr. Lewis was formerly connected Wit Idio station. WtfCC. Brides-Elect Are Honored At Picnic Party Three June brides-elect. Miss Alta Ponder, M,iss Ruth Summer row and Miss Betty York, were honored on Saturday evening when Miss Bernice Harrell entertained with a lawn party and picnic sup per at her home on the Dellwood road. The picnic table was centered with an arrangement of pink and yellow roses. Each guest of h,on,or was presented a gift by the host ess. Attending the party were Miss Ponder, Miss Summerrow, Miss York, Mrs. G. C. Summerrow, Mrs. H. B. Foy, Mrs. L. G. Elliott, Mrs. Douglas Moure, Mrs. J. P. Dicus, Mrs. Sebe Brysojn, Mrs. Luther Shaw, Mrs. H. R Clapp, Mrs. Jim my Lestherwood, Mrs. J!. T. Duval. Mrs. B. R. Hundley. Miss Effie Morrow, Mrs. J. B. Shaw, Jr., Miss Edith iJumiuej-row, Mrs. Charles Edwards, Mrs. Paul Davis, Miss Edna Summerrow and Mrs. J. S. Harrell. Tea Is Given At Parish House Sunday Afternoon Rev. Edgar Goold, new rector of Grace Episcopal Church, and unuiu cic iiuiiuicu ill a lea I given by the members of the Wom en's Auxiliary and the Rector's Guild, at the Parish House on Sunday afternoon. j Mrs. Robert Breese and Mrs. C. i F. Kirkpatrick received at the door and Mrs. J. F. Abel intro duced the guests to the receiving line, which was composed of the guests of honor, Miss Clara Belle Williams and Mrs. William I. Lee. Mrs. Hugh Love and Miss Ro bina Miller presided at the tea ta ble which was centered with a bowl of blue delphinium and white peonies. Around 50 guests called during the afternoon. Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick and Mrs. H. C. Marshall were in charge of arrangements for the affair. Baptist Class Has Benefit Tea For Hospitql A tea for the benefit of y tist Hospital in Winston-Sal. "' given by the Young u, ' Class oi the LVUw,.,J(i v "' Church on last WediieMl n !' noon at th home of Mi-' u '"' Sheehan. The nome was ,, .,, , throughout with arrant .." " spring flowers. Miss Sarah Lou Slu-,-1,.,., Mis Juan Russell t'!llUl, ,, guests upon arrival and M( ma Slieeliuu and Mrs. I'.u,i . itan received in the living i, ,',.," Receiving and serving in n,' lug room were Miss KH, . , dill, Miss Ethel Cogdill, !vi,- . , i atieetian. Miss Louise hi, and Miss Dorothy Jom.,, ,, , ' table was covered with Cloth and centered with ,, i pink peonies and white i."" " Approximately twent.-tiw. , . called during the hours l,,,,!,", until seven-thirty o'clock u ," useful gifts as well as a -,h, , ", tenng were received fur u. , pital. MRS. EVANS IMPKOVH) Mrs. W. B. Evans is g,,- Ull proved after a week s ill,.v, Shl is at the home of her Uh,m, , Mrs. L. M. Richeson. Johnny Crockett, who is ., dent at Davidson Collepe the week-end with the C c s,,,,! merrows in Hazelwood. M no ma rs.Pl stes !:. u lag ""u( ""my Mr. and Mrs. Stanlev H,.,, Misses Edna and Edith .Suinni row, Miss Thelma Jones ami II,,, Robinson spent Sunday in U;mi, ton visiting Mr. and Mrs. w" ) Robinson. Mr. Robinson vi;(s "i,,, ! merly assistant county ageni , WaynesviUe. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace M,lA spent a few days last week mi Le noir and Blowing Rock. ATHLETES" FOOT GKK.M KILL IT FOR 35c IN I lioru If not pleated, your money La, k. u, druQQlit tor hi STRONU fungiuile Tl ui Made with 90 per cent aU.,,1,,,1, ,i i-i ui TRATES. Reachei and kills ,.,, ON CONTACT. Today at S,,H. . b,,,. Store. Please accept our sincerest congratulations oft annront-hinrf rrrrrHnir flrtnin ihic vocu weuii soring a contest for you, the graduates of Warn niyii ouwui. r corqiai inviiauoii ; to visit Reliable Jewelers and reqistor. YouW lucky winner of the following prizes that the jewelers are offering: FOR THE Gill FOR THE BOYS First Prize Man's Bulova Watch Second Prize Sheaffer Pen Third Prize Swank Tio st Tourth Prize Leather Rillfnlrl First Prizo Seconci Pn?1 Third Prizt' Fourth Pn"c Contest closes May 28th. Now remember, nothing to hir ' in and register. The prizes will b awarded at one ci'd"' present. Reliable Je wele "It's Easy to fay the Reliable W.i

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