THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Theater In The Sky Troupe! Arrive Tor Summer Season i. The -Theatre Tn The Sky," Way Jiesville's Sumner Stock Company, will' open for t ie third season on July 20. Maurice Geoffrey, managing-director, has announced - Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey and their daughter. Marcelld Louise, arriv ed from Florida early this week to begin preparations for Hie teason. Geoffrv has just com pleted his fourth season as direc tor of the Tampa Kittle Tht-iitre and it has been declared the mosl successful in the 21 'year liistoi) f the group. "Theatre In The Sky" will again play in the Hazelwood school audi torium on Virginia Avenue The opening play will be a farce com edy. 'Adam s Evening', by Katho ; line Kavanaugh lo be followed hy Osrar Wilde's famous comedy The Importance of Beins Earnest. ' the ' Hi cartway mystery success "The Chost Train'' by Arnold Hidley. a fay 90's melo-drama The Drunk- 3id'' and "Mr. and Mrs Phipps" : a comedy of California !'Y h iolm Hamilton. ; Heading the professional actintj rfiil.paiiv for the second season will In- Imelv Ella Bel h Hurt in loll'-. Miss llui'sl was one ol , the company's most popular plav-: er last summer Also relurnins ; tor hi- second season will be Ilon :ild E Yost, character actm of Ni vv York In loading roles opposite Miss Htir-I will be Gi-orge I'lllcitc of ; N'i vv York and formerh ot the i anion- Cleveland F'la hou-e. and KlA' ii Dearborn, also a New York aiinr and playwright and 'frincliu of the shei muiiitv Thealre be WHCC Radio Programs STUDIOS OVER PARK THEATRE ON YOUR DIAL 1400 FRIDAY. : . ; . iy: . r JUNE On 25 Oil Sifn D0 Down Ml tlx Turin 7:00 Town Crier :00 Briffn Sniiy Statist x,J( Hymns of All Ag S (." Meet the Band MHO Front Page tMltioii 1.) IMfws of Meloit J Jo Mornfnf Ptvotfons y 4j Hnrwooj CaleniUr f 10 i0 Mid-Uorntnf i U:Hj To the Ladies 10. jt) ecre.t Helrt Pruirram MAI" KICK (iKOKREV. Director lv Virginia Shields who lias just tii i-hi (I a successful season al the j Cleveland Playhouse and Doreen t) Nt ill Curtis el Miami and New Yelk will hi' featured in character role- Mch in Pomene w ill come , limn 1 lol l w nod . California, and l will lake i V York The supervise make-up a-' well as j oart in the play s j Lawrence Benson ot New business inanaser of the ali o for I he I bird vear and will arrive in Way nesville this week end from a Elorida vacation The School id the Theatre, operaled hv OeofTrev in connec I ion w ith the summer plays, will open on Monday. July 5. for a -even weeks course in stage Irain- tormrrlv I ins number of out of town e Cum-j -indents are alreailv enrolled and ' clav siinlent- treiii this area will 10 Eiull Cote Clee Club u Double Feature 11 Lfony Herman Ouilitet 13 Martial Airs i World Nes R.r.imiiit. .' Farm Furwu Program .'- Cir-lii... VI I:, H.. i Ke.-ool''! Hhwhiu i Sjieial .Ww- 1'n.ler Cai'il"! i..ui. ;i Melody Lane 1 ,10 The Four Knights 1 I Blue Barron l'rrMitti 2 on Time Out J it.'. Five Sha.jes .if Blue 2 10 Voeal Varieties 1 .Ui Foster Fashions 2 . Time lo Dance J:00 Xlmes in the Sews J lli Elton Britt .1 : 1 j -4taJoi) Serenade J ;n Truths Men I.Kt B v .'i Kon IVliy :('0 Altthing Goes j:(Ml In Movieland . .l.i W. C. T. V. Program ,'i'30 Veterans' Reporter j 15 Spotlight on Sjurts ' liiniin Mii-ii " l I' Vlii.i. .,: Faiorile- 7 in Hillbilly Romi.lin Continneil U iiosgn Oif SATURDAY. JL'SE 7b VI. i. ; -Virl.u.. . IllM:, SUNDAY JUNE 27 1 1 i'l sr n-et Ti II. -sil,, -Cm II.Hir Four RiilKlite lrlll Vlrlh.i . s. ,..,.i - vi. .a. n,r ...i.-t ( I, on -h R.itinH l'p Strings Lomtijirilo FRIDAY On WHCC Sunday Russians Tn xj . c r 1 r. tt . ear 1 uidmum in Eurc MONDAY l'rlf. Cliap.'l l.:r Mil ! I. I III ule II II , "I ilinit,r " llii yu.irlel ii r .i r l,f i lia; ' - -1 iiiiiiun ity " lit-U Trio - i Mrtllxliat ll.ur 'U ew? C"mriieritary Vl.thmij Wall ' .", Terrell Trio i. a.n.r.l Star -tt ilir Time it -toinert Hour I' VV .iriiirs itl IVjii e ii V t-i-k n News in Itei iiw llirtah Trio ' 1 Vli.i. (..t liiniiiij lull II. i. .i-s.olu ii t'n.ler Canitol Ionie ' V.mhn Monroe Huh. I' Oran Airs : IJiinier Muiiie -W.iil.l ,, l,i w .- V 1 1 l.i M,.,l,r. V .mi t-vi llilllll' '.-Mine Itnrrm, I',,.,,.,,,. ' Sinn Off I I !.... on the Farm I ' I Timii Cnrr 1 V -.' : , I I Vra Iti it-Is 'I 1 v: 1 IU.LLI.UTO I.O Press Stall Cornsi,,.,,,.. BERLIN By United i UP' in hi i.r vii 1.', Mrrt the II ii. on Flout r.i-- 1 : Fhoe if li.all 11 Vamilur llevi.tiuljs Ja ltaywrioil Couilty Cal 1. - 'I I I:. l.i mi, eiuiar ot Events -M k! Vf oniiny News - To I lie I.ailit-s 10:01) 10:11.". 10:11 Saere.l Heart l'ms-ram 111:1.'! Kiuili- t'nli- i.ltr ( lull 1 1 IMl liolll.le Featllle 11.10 J.eliui llellllali IJ'lilltet J 1 40 Vljrlial V irs li:0l) Worlij Nrivs Roumlap 1 i : 1 .' Funn Foi .mi I'roiaiu li::in aroilna M I n B.os 12:40 Heeoni Khjihni 1 :llll rin!T 1 i if . I I l. nit' 1:1) ." Meloil.v l.ane l::sn I he Four Knights 1:40 Hlne BarriMt 1'resents 2:110 Inue Out 2:li.) Five Shades uf Blue J 1 -, .,. al V .11.-1 1. -2: :OI Ki ster Fasliiol.a 2:40 Time To Data e 3:00- NarneK III the .evis 3:11.'. Elton lirilt :1 li t mu.le l-'i l liil.ii. 3::ill CoTiirit 11. ur 4 :I0 Vlil IIiiiik 0:1(0 iii VI..V it-lali.l 0:111 VI n-li Hour 0:40 Spotlight on Spurts ii 11(1 Musi, ..r Jliiuii i, 10 Woil.l il I ,ii .in , .-.i J II pa, l- I 1 1 I I i .in I'' -I VI ., ! F.H..1II. -: JO Hlllliill.i Hmiiiil l'i Oil SlnMll ol H.illjiiood :.UIt ITillhilli H.iuiului' : 0 0 1 uniiirrioi s ITenrll I nesi n -The Air Waves TOOTHLESS WIIAT-1S IT PROVES TO BE RAGHSII l iM.ll. acce Metl tin rlas- l'v NEW YORK Neither rain nor iw nor sleet nor Rms; nor Sin . i an top ihe postman from dc rir.a some of the weirdest fan ii ei- nn record to Krankie Lame. !.. -I ni the croonma kings. Sume i the missives promise uncivilly t1.! jell callow, love Sime of them ' :irf! out little sist.T complexes, i n ers signity the belligerent in ion of husband, sweetheart, i.i'lcr ur hriitliei to knock Lame -l.i.. k off. I don't -tvle my -iinu- Im rn 'i i it or fiaftls." said Krankie. "I j 1 1 - I siny the way I like lo. phrase i. songs the way ihink thev : 1 1 1 . i Id be phrased, try to smi2 m in. and with a little feelinu." I i ankle showed me some ot the Inn s. "Simple words can't e iin all I feel for you.'' the lop oi i said. Still another. "I think vou Ii.. ( Ihe most hcaul il ul voice in iln vorld Hecause of thi- vou tlu ii dauh'er. then lour years old, wniild some da till her record cab inet with vour ii curds and I do Kr.inkiY - (lance marathon period , was mure than l.i years ago. lie I irobablv has he n laced with more d iscdiiraKcmcnl I ban any of his I compatriots in ihe swooning trade.) He stuck to the music business j ihi'iiugh thin and thinner. Now in' hi- I. ii,- Sii's. hi -ceins to be the Ronald Oilman of the singing I trade Wluie B11112 and Al Jolson are older, Lome seems to have a firmer hold on the kids and he isn't the least inclined lo disparage their I aid lit ion. (This short column will appear in ritH Issue of Hie Mountaineer to present news of programs to I appear over Station WHCC dur ug the week.l Highlight of this weeks pro grams coming across the WHCC transmitter will be the election I news on the. second primary Salur day night The WHCC stall will combine with the Mountaineer stall iand the L'P to bring listening audi ences the official results as thev come in quickly and briefly Tin race between Charles M .luhnson land Kerr Scott has stirred up a I great deal of interest in this -ee tion. For the armchair political I observer who wants to stay nulii on top of the news, spin your dial I to 1400 Saturday night. The bal jlot figures should be rolling in about 7:3(1 p. in G in Family Set Record For School Attendance eaii' t (I me lo fall t inn t llni In.: 1 I! i 01 1 in love wil Ii v on. I -ul" you when you were al the I'.u .n.iount. While all Ihe girls were (n;.ning. I was crying because nil ::e so wonderful And anoth ei I am nuts about you I went in you at the Paramount four: and saw three shows each I have been dying to see you 1 am loo young 'Li1. Mr Lame, f 1 nuts if I don't set you be ' ou leave New York " ii . letter said the writer was ; ali.,1" four years old during the ti. if dance marathons and cx rlaii .cl that her mother and fath-j 1 1 I;. d two faded photos Liken at i a - unfold. Conn . walKalhon. iii' in them, is a fellow who looks ' .1 much like you whose name i I rank Lo Vccchio. Is it you? ; il.i iolks reyini her your singing! .ei.' well. LltU did they think! C0m SCRAP BOOK UU.C.A. Ala -mi- and 1 luce and Mrs. R. 1. ti nded school IT' The three ' (laughters of Mr. fender have at- I nr a tolal ol 44 I year- without an absence. Caynelle cl'nder. Li, has attend ed four years without missing a ( lass .lean. 14. has a six-year per led record Carl. Hi. lias not missed a dav 111 eight years. Tommy Pender. 17. attended school fur nine years without being absent, bclore graduating. James. Id also a graduate, is even better. Hi had a nine-year perfect slate. Zclna Pender. 21. and now mar ried, completed school with a per fect ifine-vear attendance record also. From 1634 lo 1(137. speculation in Holland on tulip bulbs reached proportions that near panic collapse of the boom, such followed By r. j. scon )1 r r er trtT'imm aassMaSSssfesBBB 111, OIUUL3I VimMX 'i''st r a-I: Af ' WflrJUl Mi ' ni ttlrrfT iiiuii D I UULj I Ytilftlt "CltHflFICtvl.l.y RECOIlPtO VfAS A BLUE wMA.Lt , )Z ft':' ... nrr m itH&r khd m .M-fe-ric i, 1 1 ilk nil umia .1 !;' lit. I ae For oulet music that matches wrll with candlelight and silver, a new p roe ram has been arrang ed from 6 o'clock to 6:15 each eveninj;. The program spon sored by the Waviiesville Art Gallery will present a quarter hour nf uninterrupted dinner music. It will run through Ihe summer season. What's going on around Hay wood County ' li you want to know of the latest activities in vour com munity, listen to the "Haywood Calendar of Events'' which comes across your loudspeaker each .Mon day, Wednesday and 'Friday morn ing at 10:45. Meetings and other events in Waynesville and the sur rounding area will be aired on the program. If you wish an announce ment on the program free of charge drop a note in the mail (o WHCC. On Sunday morning from 8 o'clock to 8:30. the High Street fhilrch f Canton presents a program ot music and a short message fif)n their minister. following that Sunday morning broadcast, the Rev. Doyle Miller of Canton can be heard on WHCC from 8:30 to 9 o'clock. THE OLD HOME TOWN St.ii tins; with a gala broadcast plenty of entertainment and nui 'i' n. July 4th, the Cham pion VMCA oi Canton will put on a program from 2 to 4 p.m. each first Sunday of the month. Thi combined clubs of Waynes ville gel a worthy drive underway Monday afternoon with a quarter houi' broadcast from 3:15 to 3.30 o'clock. That is their "Crusade for the I nfoi'tuiiale Children of the World". Listen and see how you (an nu' a l)oosl to the hungry and hoin. less kids in other countries Sunday School and church services will be broadcast thru WII( "s remote facilities Sun day morning from the First Methodist church in Waynesville. The Sunday School program will be aired from 10 to 10:30 a.m. The church services arc sched uled from 11 to 12 noon. v scneiuiic is Doing worked up now -o that more of fhe eminent speakers who talk al Lake Jena- lu-k.i can reach the Haywood radio public through Station WHCC. In formation of new speakers will be relca-cd through this column later To slum that all of WIICCs programs aren't aimed at the adull listener, music that chil dren can understand and appre ciate will be broadcast each Sat urday morning from 10:45 to 11 a.m. Called the "Children's Study Hour." the prograni is being put on the air by the Waynesville .Music Club. Another quarter hour of music for the youngsters may be heard at 5:30 Monday afternoons. TIMA;tT.AR SOLUTION CHICAGO ilP'-Irving Zarfan, a delivery man for a diaper ser vice, was robbed of $85 and his pants. He hit his truck and walked lo the nearest phone to call po lice, wearing a kill of borrowed diapers. SANTA i bathers CRUZ. Cal ' L'l'i -Two at the Santa Cruz beach saw a large fish in the water, made la lunge for it and caught it by the jtail. They were amazed to find if had no scales. no leelli and ! weighed 68 pounds. j Veteran fishermen scratched their heads in perplexity. Then W. I. Follett: curator ot San Fran cisco's Golden Gate park aquarium, came to take a look. He said it was a ragfish one of 12 he knows have been caught since 1876. Fo rthe record. Fulleli Bishop Paul Neff Garber of Geneva. Switzerland will be the speaker on the Methodist Hour Sunday. June 27th. Bishop Garber will use for his subject, "New Doors to Old Homes". Bishop Garber. a native of Vir ginia and a former Dean of the Divinity School, Duke University, ! Durham, N. C, has for the past j four years been in charge of the I Geneva Area of The Methodist Church. His work has been that of re-establishing the work of The Methodist Church in Europe. These churches, most of the ministers and almost all of the buildings felt the damaging effect! of the recent World War. His was the responsi bility of working with men who had been imprisoned for their faith, who carried on their backs Ihe scars of beatings and concen tration camps, yet who had in their hearts the love of a living Christ for all mankind, even their ene mies. Bishop Garber's Episcopal Area covers the work of The MethodisL L hurch in Belgium. Czechoslova kia. North Africa. Switzerland. Bul garia, Hungary, Italy, Jugoslavia, Poland and Spain. This sermon of Bishop Garber's closes the series of Methodist Hour sermons on the Southern Re ligious Radio Conference for the Tile S u i i Union employ s up ui 4i) uuu ,Mi ers in a gigantic tn a-u uranium in L.crinan;. ;,nd C siovaKia, according to allien servers here. The hunt is said in he fruitless. Althuuch they an rope's ."ichesl. the Czech Ui ., mints produce a maximum ot 15 tons of uranium im-ial year, according to stale : ment sources The Gel man mines are produce about half that The Russian search foi ll,,- of which atom bombs an n . centered in the Krz Mouni nn a circular area rouphlv 211 mil damctcr. which bulfe, i,m either side of the Gcrman-l border. Old Mines Re-Wm ked rtussian youths and tin t mans go into abandoned mIm , salt mine shafts with uranuiu tectlng apparatus. When the detectors -Hv. I presence of uranium. Gciuuii j Czech miners go to work oi, veins. Samples are laki n im,, ,,i,, uie several itus-ian geologn tions established in the area remainder is shipped lo a ;,c ing plant between Chcnnm, Dresden for "rough cleaning', flown to Russia. So anxious are the Russiai uranium, that uranium del operators are going ihrnii.o piles of waste ore thrown .,v a when the mines were slill pr,, ing salt and silver a hall cent in ago. Working conditions in Ihe i, m are reported to be bad. A I ; . , , , ' "ltsJ Ii Im,. Li.i 11 --.arisi " "'J lg U": il!;,, iia'''"1' ',"JUtr 11,,.,, ' IU '"' 1'""- lav l:ui; I , !"' '.-di "'-' J nit im ii in year 1948. Programs on this ind. -pendent network will bo presented during July and Aligns hv Un says the ragfish is tins aenignialicus. known as icos- Presbyterian Church in the t s with other denominations L.j n; heard during the fall. This broadcast may he lu.n, over Radio -iial ion WHCC al ;tn Sunday. Arihrilii Nturn:s, Lull,,. Sijlici Ronvnd. Vi.ii.iii.i'jvntj. HAMII, IS fill. S-fftOHCES-r PJ..rrf hir known, guf IS 0O BRILI tOU WUVIKi IS Any PAiRf fLORIC. WOBL-rtNArf tOO MILLS FROM SHORE ? NO- lw tM Kg Hwi 3r.a. i Bv STANLEY TO SEE OUR MEWBST J vSj . SMALL FljR PIECES "foil ' - jS!" iST IDNT HAVB TO f?USH OUT ' J SS2SSSS-- OP"8 r-LLr-mmm , i"-'''rg..t. , C .. ... r,.-..-.. B,...vt. - I f REQUIRE frlRlt ftKi TRtli CiKVUlt flit CAROH lltfin QA.SlAf -At rluiOXN 60DY tKHM.ES DAILY, BACK lef BRtAHALt oXVQtH a Primary Day Is Saturday, June 26lh We have heard a lot about this but have studied ALL the facts? Are we being misled by "Rabble Rousers?" mi r i ... ihe tacts show that both candidates have farm interests Mr. Scott has a farm reported as covering approximately 2 000 acres with hundreds of head of fine dairy cows. How many farmers in Haywood county have a farm even one-lourthj this big? Mr. Johnson has a "farm but it covers only approxi mately 200 acres. He is a "dirt farmer'not a "rocking chai farmer" like we have hem-H mnrh rrVrnt Th on too, H wants to be governor of all the people, farmer, merchan and all and we know that we must all work together to ge along. s And another thiha: If Mr. Sm tt it? cn vitrrllv in tpmsted in oiW great state why is he willina to put us to the expense of a sec ' ond primary when he knows that no gubernatorial candidate calling for a second primary has ever been elected governor Ot JNorth (,nmhnrr Tho HriVWOOUi county alone will be between $3,000 and $3,500 end this mus be paid out of your hard-earned tax dollars. (This ail paid for by farmer supporters of Chas. M. Johnson in Haywood foiinU) One Table Ladies' Low and High Heel MESS SHOES $4.95 mass: IE S Men's All Colors Values to $9.95 DEPARTMENT STORE DRESS OXFORDS NOW U, Values to $8.95