Lxvji , THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER . c r I ... I AD !ES Hi cents- I1"' Wle rn. I type, out fan inch. Marl'- Lofnts rtouW be DC rri , Incorrect la- . t-j ARE VVCt. Lam - mall. Jjrrs L office before . v. It. mrirt llte w Insert i want ad. 7M. far the loub'i' til ing r i ., .. ...nno- jmr mum ,5 j.'uai jriltM' on St-rviCf. Main M.. tf hill Ml" a II call :uh- Il V'U loud .111 lU-.lv 13 hYnrral Eli-i- fclta-lier. 'it price. 1 en rtimif 4n. ti BENT Klllt THE hie ai t-n i.c li list lis - hrc-hul-walcr sys- iunilrv. m-vv fH'C- Ili'Mrl. electl'lC k Wind-. hot K4 locution. 3 lu-iti nuiiis III JHl-W or ace ti RIX.I), JK. . IiihmTUHi llntjtiale.l r,ar.Jwlin i0 -lau.le.i -teel pr t f . 1 & (..( ens- 7 OR W i.114 MAIN ST. P .null home, just it Kikhen lias HI Wonderful W.ll lent for r hi ml! Kielyn m. ttjuiesville. 22-2.r, L'd, July 6 :i i'iiikI 4-ruoni r Hues bottom I .i hue plenty i'i in I road; i Hull r Monn i Ho.ji-i -' farm. 'lui.l.nii Inn t h. Jfiee Ki rn vt ,lenk- ' llmite 1 June 2!) July 2-G " ' i lit- nuKtcrn he i it v hv hav ill ym a Itobhins Perrleus (leeo or fKNITL'HE CO- tf JlRlLLFD I' .r.;' IBROS. fJJNO CO. f "' art'"i 2920 Hilt HKNT l'tdsl"). desirable fcer. h large i""m viith. I'. Mi-9 fL, - Good gs. No socks, or gs. Re uttons. ntaineer. 8alln l,,;,..,v. f inelnrt... ' 1 1 n- CaH Jne M,c. 228 Jv 2.B.0 H house will to apart mr-ntt noiM Hi st Mr: -'sr un M2oVVerfU Julv 2-5 Vlr'8 rnr.m m lie. ai" "u JamP All nonM "as on FOH SALE Aluminum and galva- riiied roofing. Any length, any ' quantity. KETNERS', highway 19 at overhead bridge, Lake Junaluska, Phone 259-X-M. June 29 July 2-6-9 WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS I ARUEKS FEDERATION FOR RENT Two unfurnished Apts. Remodeled and redeeorat- ' ed. Rev. F. H. Baker, Pigeon Street. Jy 6 FOR RENT Bendix washers, dry ers and lroner. The Launder ette, 19 -Depot street, Phone 695. tf WANTED TO BUY Second hand piano. Write Dorothy Detwiler, Sylva. July 2 HELP WANTED Food saleslad ies. Meals, uniforms furnished and laundered. Six days a week. Apply Patrick's .Cafeteria. June 29 July 2-6-9 THE TRUTH ABOUT CATHOLICS You should know the REAL FACTS. Write for free informa tion to Box 305, Whiteville, N. C. June 8-Sept. 17 FOR SALE Pure bred Poland China sow with 2-day old litter of eight. Also pure bred Po land China boar. Priced to sell. C. T. Gordon farm, Balsam. July 2-6 FOR SALE Private Homes, Tourist Homes, Touirts Courts, Business Property, Hotels, Farms, Camp Sites, Lots and Undeveloped Acreage. THE L. N. DAVIS CO. Phones 77-7 59 Main St. FOR SALE Good riding horse, saddle and bridle; horse very gentle; will take $100 cash for all. Charles E. Rouse. Brown ings Branch off Aliens Creek rd. Inquire of Tom Massie. July 2-6 FOR MONUMENTS se Haywood Monument Co., next to Farmers Exchange, on Asheville Road. H. B. Angel, manager, nhone 277-M. tf GUARANTEED RADIO WATCH CLOCK and JEWELRY REPAIRS 24-Hour Service JONES RADIO CO New Location 76 Main Street COMMERCIAL RESERVOIRS We are prepared to take care of your water needs. Engineers and designers and sole owners of con crete Metal Form System that enables us to expertly engineer and build water tight reservoirs without use of lumber waste and carpenter hire. Estimate without obligation on any size system from individual far.iiiy size to city needs. Also other types of concrete building Including base ment, paving, etc. C. M. Dlcus Construction Co. Phone 86. tf FOR SALE Joan's Beauty Shop on Branner Ave. Or win rent. For particulars, contact Bryan Med ford, Court House. Jn 29-Jy 2-6 Meal at the SANITARY CAFE Main Street, Hazelwood Is Always a Real Treat We Specialize in Southern Fried Chicken, Western Steaks, Country Ham, Home Made Pies Enjoy a Meal with Us Often OUR LOSS, YOUR GAIN Want to move 3 deep fat Frlalators; Servel 6 ft. deluxe refrigerator; water heaters; all for LP-Gas. Bargains. Mrs. Brading. Welch Street. M Const ntcii on o f fishponds, lakes; ditching and clearing farmland: heavy rradior ' roads aad building sites. CALL or WRITE G. & W. Construction Co. Box 263 AabeTille, N. C. Phone Day: Enka 722 Nigtt; Asberllle S92S wanted win s,ore pjano lM ex. change (or use f same. Contact Mrs. Frank Miller, Country Club Drive. Phone 382-R jy t;.9 FOR SALE My eight room home and two acres, on the edge of Waynesville and just off the Dellwood road Fruit, grapes, city water, lights and phone $7,500.00. John Garrison Jy 6-9-13 16 NEW FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 1 AUis Chalmers Rule Pickup Hay Bailer 1 Allis Chalmers 4 Disc Tiller Plow 2 8 Disc Bog Harrows 1 New Idea 2 Horse Manure Spreader 1 New Idea Rubber Tire Wagon 1 General Implement Ham mer Mill 2 Clean Easy chines Milking Ma 2 11 x28 Tractor Tires 1 Allis Chalmers Single Fur row Moldboard Plow 1 Allis Chalmers Auxiliary Motor for the Model lid" Combine This Equipment Is on Display At Our Place of Business HUNTER CHEVROLET COMPANY, INC. 119 S. Main St. Phone 110 Heudersonville, N. C. NOW OPEN "Theatre In The Sky" School ol the Theatre. Special classes for Day Students in Speech and Acting, Panto mime, Make-up, Dance, Produc tion, and Radio Reasonable Rates, Excellent Stalf. See Mr. Benson at "Theatre In The Sky," llazrlwood Auditorium or phone 286. July 6-9 FOR RENT A duplex apartment. Present renters say this is "A real home " Has 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, dining room, liv ing room, porches. Contains standing furniture. Moderate amount of coal and water fur nished. Renter atends stoker- lurnace. Hot water In winter through furnace, summer gas water heater Renter pays gas for cooking, for water heater and electric lights. Ready to rent August 1 References ex changed between owners and renter. Phone 425-W, Waynes ville, for morning appointment to sep apartment. J. C'olvln Brown, C19 Holly Avenue. Winston-Salem, N. C , owner. July 6, H. 13. 1G FOR SANK New modern three bedroom home. Living room, 24 x 28; 3 toilets; electric lint water heater, etc. Located on H acres with 300 ft. on Soco Gap road. 11 miles from Court House. Price $15,000. Good terms. E. R. Ben nett, Route 2, Box 198, Waynes ville, North Carolina. .In 4-Jy 13 FOR SALE Used four-burner Tappan gas range In good con dition Bargain at $75. Call 589-W. tf Waynesville Used Car Co. Phone 514-J Opposite Charlie's Place On Asheville Highway 1948 Luggage Trailer 1941 Dodge Panel Truck 1942 Dodge 5-pass. Coupe 1940 Dodge Dump Truck 1937 Dodge 4-door Sedan 1939 Plymouth 4-door Sedan 1934 Plymouth Coupe 1936 Chevrolet Coupe We pay highest cash prices new aad clean nsed cars SEE US J. Norrir E. Crawford SLEEP TONIGHT! U orMthin whtn hplM nitt . . . nlvuitrd in lh mormos. NORMALIN TABLETS am help bnn mim. rfchi vhtn tvMvout termor. thrUM nomd "wrmALIN TABLETS u. "-btt fnt . . . nle u ut- Take a imctni mSSji approved W. SSopre ,(ac.,on or money refunded . NO PRE- to iniure sein senume NORMALIN TABLETS on wit tta t . . . SMITH'S DBUG SZ0KE It Was That Way Once But Not Nowadays ALBANY, N V 1 1 P Passers!), blmked when tliey read a menu posted in trie window ot a local restaurant. Ham and egf. a hamburger steak and a roast chicken dinner were the highest priced items LI cents each. Liver and hacon. roa.-t beef, mutton, veal cutlet and chicken stew were priced at live ct each For lour cents, there were pork chops or &auagts Tea or totlet added one cent to tin i heck Alter a ecoiul look the aMon ished paserst). miu those w en tile prices from Delnionien s res taurant in New York Cil in 1H34 FOR SALE 17 acre. 3 acie woodland, rest pus.tiuc. and nop land, plenU wciler, good hoxed house, with hi u k Milling ll.nn and outbuilding.- P.o 1 l.ee line ns Fann. Located lice llui Ml. church. Civile, li. 1. $2. ..nil Winheld Sinilli Jv ti-9-1 H ' NOTICE OK SPECIAL ELECTION I FOR THE EXTENSION OK THE I CORPORATE LIMITS OF I'll E ! TOWN OE WAYNESVILLE At a mooting of the Hoard ol Flections of !la. wood Oiiinly held i at the court house in the Town ol ( W; lyilesville on tile l?!)t h il.iv of i June. 1!HB, with all member- inv ent, to-wit; Jerrv Honor-, James Singh-lnn anil Claude William-. II was ordered as follows Thai pursuant lo Chapter Ti!fi of the Session Law- of North Caro lina for 1947, anil other laws of North Carolina. the M.ivor and Hoard of Ahleiineii linviilj! ilii'eclcil THE FLOP FAMILY FINAL REDUCTION ONLY 2 LEFT Sea -Bee Outboard Motors Reg. Price $99.00 MYRTLK Ipv Df-iD'l I f" fOMI on. " I ! aavoti f) I I i -ir in.. rr- j. .i - r v Mj ws Afer.,,,, ,.. I l- 1. .J I , 71 bsiSii J HENRY ' " ' CARL C ANDERSim I f 1 s I I -'lri Cnu O y t topi y. 101 1 :..iw,wt bFwalt oisnei for Al.iJ ui v.r and requested. by order duly adopted, that an election be called n lative to the coi'purute extension ol the Town of Waynesville as hereinafter set forth; and pur.su a nl to I lie it-quest of said Mayor and Hoard of Aldermen of t til Town of W a.v nesville an election having been ordered lo he held on the 3rd day of July 1H4H. and it ap peai nig that aue notice has no. been published sufficient time be fore the registration, and in orde ' that said election mav he held in full requirement of law. it is or dered by the Board upon motion duly seconded and by unanimous vute of the members of the Board of Election of Haywood Countv that said special elect ion as or filed, be cancelled and not held on the 3rd day of July, 1W48. but il i- ordered by the Board of Elet- t urns of Haywood Countv that the -aid election he held on the 4tu tlav ot September, 1948, relative to the extension ol the curpoiale hunts of i he Town of Wav nesv il le to include the territorv heieinaltei described, which election shall he lulci pursuant to laws of Ninth Carolina relatini! to special elec tions, and as provided in the s lull- hereinbefore referred to Il i ordered Ihal Cluy Me-.-'ci In and he is hereby appointed Hee.c MUGGS AND SKEETER HOUC IO ( HERE'S A NiCE , ! 1 PJII 'IThV WQJNfa rin M ' r- ',' I I ' ' I WW If. - " 1 ) II I II 1111 11 II 1 lllsl 111 I tSSJl C ' . I ( -T SI HOW OIILY $70.00 ui. I 1 1. .il uic I ran r re heiehv ap- 1 pointed liiilces ol -aid election I irar nl ' - b '' liobcli Clh-oll anil Jr. be and thev a 11 is tiiilht-i ordeied that this line woras ror r..x ien.sii.ii ami lutlee shall be pill. h lied in The those opslng such corporate ex V'avueville Moiiiilaineei. a news- : tension will vote a billot with the paper puhh-.hed in Hi.- Tow n ol words writteuor pn.ed therein Wa.wu-iille in 11.-ow.mmI roiint), "Against Extension", once a week lor inn i. ilav - prior j The territory propo.-ed lo be an- ... il... . . , ... . i . . . . .a 'li. i . k. I - I il ion u.t.1 t.-. hja ItiliiHH vt'ithjn hook . ami thai the Polling books he oet o. it I. ii tin- ien -liatioii of voter- in said LtiiI.iiv oioposed to he annexed at nine o clock a. nv, on Satoi.l..v. Augur I 7. 1948. he- liug ihe l mil in :saiiii uai ueioie ine Jllau. nl -aa election and that said i epilation hooks :hall be dosed at tun-et on the -ecoiid Saturday hi'tole - aal (let ion and all persons eotill.it to i.f ul.-l and vole with in Hie leiiiloiv lit u iii.tller des- ci iheik ale In i . b t-'iv h. ii b t-ivi ii notice to idci thai thev may ' nil 1 1 r tnaliL lo vol. in -..id eh ct ion if 1 thev -o de m . and aid election 1 -hall be ...mlueled as ol hei vv ise ! in ov nle.l In law It w.c nub ie.1 that -aid elec- Lou shall be lu ld .it E.e l Wav lies- ' wiiv St hot.l Hint uiihui ilu lor- 1 1(4.1 1.. 1 1 1 1 1 i.t 1 1 1 i ilt liit.t.i whuli ... plan' i ilt i. naUil .r iiu- pulluiR ul.u , Hi.ii .ii .tul tl.tiuin ilios,. lav- 1 Th 5 IS k BEAUTiFUL jTOme for a dime !! O clock, HPvf'Mm - HOO'LL WtPvK HI MOTOR riione 4HU RI(;ilT AltOUND HOME oruiK the corporate extension lo , West ol the top o( tin mlfc! W. . include the territory hereinafter ! of Bob Leulherwood s dwelling; described shall vote ballot on i wlilcn snail De wriuen or priniea line corporate limits of the Town of Wa.vnesville is bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the renter of East Street in Waynes ville city limit line, and runs with the center of East Street the fol lowing calls: N. 39 30' E. 272 feet. N. 37" 30' E. 200 feet; N. 24' E. 152 feet; N. 44 45- E 100 feet, N. 72 E. 258 feet to the forks of a street; thence continuing with the center of East Street N. 24 15' E. 200 feet; N. 16 45' E 352 feel; N. 20 1)11 h. Ubo teet; thence N. 1 I 30' E. 200 feet; thence N. 0" 40'! E 1H2 feet to the edge of the pave- I inent of State Highway No. 19-23; thence crossing highway N. 14 ' 35 K 1271 lVet to a Spanish oak on ' top oi a ridge; thence S. 72' 10' W. . .. . I l0 leet to a ience stake on the i North bank of the road; thence S. , 81 W, 660 feet to a large clu'stmit ! mniK f?rmti ( LOOK AT ,T Ui- - . CSC-'' SIMS thence N. H5 30 W 49i) teet lo a small black oak on ndye; thence N. 29 10' W Hit feet to a stake; thence N 41 W. 125 feet to a white oak, thence S 7t) 35' W. 118 feet to a Spanish oak near H. 11. Gibson's dwelling; thence H. 73 20' . 1457 feet crossing the rai! road to a stake in Wayneavllle city limit J.ne; thence with Waynes- ville city limit line to ine BEGIN NING HAYWOOD COl'NTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS By JERRY ROGERS Chairman. ' CLAL'D WILLIAMS Sen etary. 1741 Jy 6-13-20 27 ITCH Don't Suffer Another Minute " ya tiMiii nh itching of oxm, !' tout, erii.ii.uiK. rti it.liing or oth. r, ptmially cnnn'! nku trnubkH? For quick .. 1 4 . I... . Lll.iDV l I kJT - uv.sr itv") ui.i'il fur t.. txrvti in the innr, "M1 10 bl"k WMu. rrateUss, aiitis-iitti'. I onUmi nrtonn. Haft .r ur ,bnJrw, A ,lMmt ,uu rannoi wrmiu oin i mkn i -u tnnt Kmitii Dn wtar. By SWA V CO. Main Street By DUDLEY 1'ISHEfi XXJkT JUST JLALOUS CAU'Jt I MAVC F-UN CUTTING ThIL CPASS ANO YOU DON'T ' BY WALLY BISHOP July 2-6

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