-DiiMru.r : The Waynesville Mountaineer 49,500 People Live within 20 nvles of Waynesville their ideal shopping center TubHshed Twi.e-AWeek In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park SIXTEEN PAGES United Press and Associated Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY. Jl'LY 9, 1918 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties No. NEW 600-MPH FIGHTER FOR U. S. a. mmmf 481 i I mated Hn. L'20 pn('enl ton lasl MI (hips weatht'i' in td in man ng out lobac- bid plant, are normal crop. Wavnesvillr lird. Many of not plant any lott said. Lms to have In than mosl Soon aft i' r ul storm re te the pi'"15 wclvo leaves, it the two-leaf r v. tJT&" 1 Large Judge Sink To Preside At July Term Of Court Wymbetr Summer Vositors Klere Record Crowds Here For This Period, Survey 01 Area Just Made Reveals ARMY HEAD OUTLINES DRAFT PLANS I) DEVELOPED AFTER A YEAR of secret research, new models of the Shooting Stars, the F-80C, are shown at Muroc, C'ul., Air Force Base. Powerful new turbo-jet engines will boost their speed from 5a0 to 600 miles an hour. The planes are equipped with six .50 cul. machine-guns and can carry two 1.000-pound bombs in wing-tip shackles. (nfcrnotionall Slate's Outstanding Fox Hounds Shown At Show Meet Chokey, The I Hardest Working Haywood Hen right hen a 65- vr On pram lhe third an- celebration, . ,uh those of . to Ernest Dl- P"" n,.V., E .. . , "( hnKPV DOKev. miss iiun, of the!,Ka " J c iin the Cruso section, has one of the most industrious hens in Hay wood County. Threw year old- Chokey has al ready raised one gang of chickens, recovered from a broken leg, and still lays eggs consistently. She's also patriotic. Chokey celebrated the Fourth of .luly by laying her 500th egg. Miss Trull says that she is very fond of the talented Chokey. She 1 has taught the hen many tricks. tors were not as r nights, they kmee on oth- week's pro- laid. It was with the Ig on Sunday, made in at- ge Five inual lee ig. 8th jr Cata'.oochee August 8 at lng that goe laloochee re- jtd by an an- this Slimmer. Waynesville large of ar- teting. A pir. or the after- teceded by a morning. The selected yet. te arranged has aniiuunc- Png a bulletin and picture:; lloocliee resi B information king the dis- P'ss Messer. Pnion is held August each Jxrket -. 20-23c 15c 10c 32-36c Ml!-, P5.M tn lonn f4.0O t 2 i20.00 to 22 no tr?8c to 33c r3 UU 'o 26.00 23 00 to 26.80 17 More Teachers Needed In County To Meet The Quota "Wanted 17 school teachers." That sign is not hanging on the outside of the county superintend ent of education office, but it would be if Jack Messer thought it would bring results in helping him find three music teachers, one commercial teacher, one phy.ic.il education director and twelve ele mentary teachers. "We were short more than 17 al this time last year, and (jot our quota before school slatted." the .optimistic superintendent mi id. ! "so I am hoping that before too long 1 11 find the 17 I now need In finish the roster for the coining school term." , The shortages are in the schools jof Waynesville, Bethel, Crabt ree lron Duff, Fines Creek and Clyde. Colored Man Out On $2,500 Bond In Death Case Robert Dudley, 41-vear-old col ored man. was bound over to the superior court under $2,500 bond by Magistrate W. H. Noland. Dudley has been held in jail here in con nection with the fatal stabbing of F.d Allen, 45. Jennie Dodge, Negro woman, was released earlier under a SnOO bond. While a sunbaked crowd of sportsmen and holiday spectators looked on. Judge Herb Richards chewed thoughtfully on his cigar Monday afternoon and compared the merits of two hounds Gay Boy, owned by Bill Welch of High Point, and N. C. Dixie, owned by Devoe McElroy of Iron Duff. The judge was trying to decide which he would name as the Best Hound in the 1948 North Carolina Fox Hunters Bench Show. While the hot crowd waited tensely in the high school stadium, Judge Kichards made up his mind. He patted Gay Boy on the head declaring the trim Walker hound as the lop entry among 150 hounds entered in Bench Show and giv ing the lligh Point dog a lion's share of the day's honors. The hound took best dog and best hound honors .and the best Derby male ribbon ! The (lash of photographer's flash bulbs and the press of a congnitu 'lating crowd were not new to Gay Boy, A vote! an of Bench Shows, the hound already had an impres sive collection of trophies to which 'was added the big silver cup awarded to him Monday. "He's won ifour out of the la.-t four derby cias-,-rs I've entered linn in." said smil ing Bill Web h. owner ul the hound Gay Boy look derby honors in the recent Sedgelield and Durham Coiinly shows Allhough lhe High Point entry I edged out the leading Haywood County hound. Mr Mi Klroy's fam I 1C011I inueil on Page Five National Guard Leaves Saturday For Encampment 1 ( )er 70 men from I he area around Waynesville will leave in the morning with the Anti-Tank Company. 120th Infantry of the National Guard, for a fifteen-day t raining period at Fort Bragg. The company, commanded by ( apt. James M Davis, will travel bv train to the military camp. Four j other officers will accompany the group. I The local National Guard outfit will take one tank, an M4-A1. on the training trip The tank will be I transported by railroad flat car. I At Fort Bragg the company will i engage in basic 'training, including j the firing of all standard Army I weapons, night problems, and field I maneuvers. Judge II lloyle Sink of Greens boro will open the two-week ses sion of criminal courl Monday morning in the county courthouse A b-ay docket is expected The jury lots for the session have been announced by Bryan dford. register of deeds i The jurors for the first week of court are as follows: James A. Wright, Brandway Massie, Floyd Miller. K I. Parks. Wayne W. McKlroy. C V Soi rolls. M H , Caldwell. Harold MolTitt. John Curideback, Mrs V. F. Swift. Paul Itobinson. W. W. Hyatt. Jess Ford. Mrs George Eruin, W. M. Morris. Ernest Trantham, Gudger Cagle, C 1). McCrary, E. L. Gunn. Lane Arlington, l.owery Cagle. Jack Frady. Robert McElroy and J Sam Jackson. Jurors for the second week of court are RatclifT Medford. Claude V. Thompson, J. C. Patrick. J. T. Conrad. Hugh Rogers, C." E. Weatberby. J. A. Prevost, Conley Mehaffey. Gerald Fish, W. A. Hel der. John A. Vance, T. C Davis, W. W. Hill, L. S. Chambers. Clay ton R. Mehaffey, W. B. Henson, ! Lewis Kuykendall and Arthur Lewis. Sill ! I'll tunc m VCV .'.In ',('111 T.ll .'-111 t'Y th.it tlu'ic ;u lhe Kist :-'-vi l unl Hit in.lili ith tin: L'lll. i 'i ,i ,:i I Body Returned lis , : .ifiSfe: I B- vast", to fil- mi1 3 Canton Women Are Shot; Two Men Held Two Canton men wefe being held in the Haywood County jail ,! ,w.n Thnrvriav after thev were : i j . .. u V. iwtl tn aa uhlnh nz-eiirrpri Tuesday night less than I two hours apart. The men were llarland Brook shire. 27. and Jack Franklin. Xt . They were being In ld wilhoul bund j on charges of assault with a deadly j weapon with intent lo kill. i Meanwhile, two women vie- tims of one of the shootings , were in the Haywood County bos-i 'pilal, where the hospital stall de scribed their condition as "fair"; at noon j The women were Mrs Franklin.) 33. and Mrs. J. C Wbitaker. j Thev were shot at !i:30 Tuesday , i night while returning Iron) a tenl imreling along High street in Can 'ton. Officers say thai Franklin shot the two after his wife refused to aiTonmanv him home Mrs. Franklin suffered injuries from a bullet in her shoulder Ml (Continued on Pago Five) No Changes Seen In Personnel For County Positions The board of county commission ers held a brief session hen- Tues day, in view of the fact that Mon-a-j,.' ihn n.triilar meeting date was a holiday. The appointments of county per sonnel usually made at the first I meeting in July was deferred un til Monday, July 19. George A Brown. Jr.. chairman of the board, announced. The appointments include the county agent, fire warden. ana home demonstration agent "As far as I know, there win not be any changes," Mr. Brown said. The board discussed the tax rate for next year, but final decision on the rate was withheld pending the complete report of the auditor. Indications were that the rate of $1.50 would not be changed. V The body of StalT Sgl . Ralph W Moody, who was killed April 24. 1 )44. at Anio Beach. Italy, is en ....ni.'. I., lhe foiled States tor final burial. Sgt. Moody was the son of Mr.' and Mrs. S. .1 Mood of Moody: Farm. In addition to the parents, be is survived by one brother. Ned Moody; three scteis, Mrs. C. E , Alexander. Mrs. A. M Sale, and' Mrs. C. A. Sel.cr, all of Waynes- viile. . '' Final arrangements will be an nounced upon amval ol Hie body al the Charlolle depot Florida Fruit Grower Found Dead Near Canton I, C Edward . 711. of Tampa. retired ( it I u Ciowi r ;ind pa kei I was loiind dead Wednesday in j bed at his .uininer cottage in the Cruso section near ('anion I )r. .1. F I'ale. coroner, (.aid i death resulted from natural call e ; Mr. I'd" aril w.i . incidenl of I he Pa' i o P." kin1! ( 'oiopany ol Dado City, t la. lie was engaged in cattle rain in', a . a bobby, lie was living ben- with the George Morehead family, j Survivors include the widow in Florida; two sons. W I' and I.. C Edwards Jr . ol Dade ilv, three . daughters. Mrs. M E I'riee, Mis Lucille Clark and Miss Josephine Edwards, all of Tampa, three sis ters, eight grandchildren and four great -grande luldi en bv The Mountaineer this week mote visitors here now than at any wars at this same period. The sur r visitor spends several days here is. i.uikinu daily trips out and back The tourist courts are doing a j land office business. and often turning away four to live times as many as they can accommodate. and the rural boarding houses are! enjoy ing good business. Many of Hie private homes in town have been tilled on several n.iniK esiiorinllv on the week- lend of the Fourth, but as a rule, there are rooms available in the private homes, as well asthe board ing houses. The hotels have been comfort ably filled, with one or two Tilled capacity, while others still have room. The places serving niculs have had a rush since Friday before the Fourth, with breakiast business usually running until about noon, and the night meal lasting as long as the places will stay open. Service stations reported an un usually large number of out-of-state cars, with Florida and South Carolina taking the lead from the south, and Ohio and Kentucky from the mid-west. Highway No. 27H over Pisgah is seeing the heaviest travel in its 'Continued on Page Five! f lJ -tsN .sx - r- s - 4 '--trH-p: SECRETARY OF THE ARMY Kenneth Royall tells members ot the press, In Washington, the general plan for training and utilization of the men who w ill be allotted to the Army through the Selective Service Act. Seated at table in front of lhe newsmen (1. to r.) are MaJ. Gen. H. L. Bull and Gen. J. Lawton Collins, Deputy Chief of Staff. (International) Rodeheaver To Give Daily Musical Program ill Lake, Today, Saturday, Sunday Town Aldermen j 7 Sent To Rads Studying Tax Rate BY Police ourt For Next Year For Beina Drk Rep. M. Redden To Address Farm Group Saturday Rep Monroe Redden. Congress man from the I2lh District, will speak before a jonil inciting of the Haywood County Farm Bu reau and Women s Auxiliary to mMPrnw iiiiirnint! ill 1 1 o'clock. Secretary Be iinelt ol the State Bureau will also address the meet ing, which will be attended by a large group ol farmers Irom this county Charles McCrary. president oi the Haywood County Farm Bureau, is making arrangements for the af fair in cooperation with Mrs ) L Yates, president ol the Women's Auxiliary. Ttie , town. . bw. of -.- alderman spent several hours here Wednes day discussing the 184H-40 budget with the auditors No definite de cisions were reached, as each Hem in the budget was taken up fi discussion. All Indications are that 'lie lax rale will reinnin al $1 10 The board met again yeslerdav for their regular monthly meeting, and liulher discussed the tax plans for I lie coining year. V iynes die's lax rate is now lower lhan any town in this area, bring 50 cents lower than some, and we believe when we gel lliioie'li studying our auditor's re port for la t vi ar I lint I he pre .- it rale of $1 40 will he used again next year." Mayor J. II. Way said C.E.Brown Listed With 13 Tar Heels (Favoring Truman j Clifford E Brown, of Clyde, one ' ol North Carolina's 40 delegates ' In the Democratic national con vention, said he will vote to nomi ' nate President Truman as the par- tv s presidential nominee when the convention opens in Philadelphia Monday The poll of North Carolina's 40 ! delegates was made by The Ra i leiiih News and Observer and 13 of the 40 said they favor Mr. Tru man, while 14 others were unde cided The Undecided list was headed by Governor Cherry. The poll was made before Eisenhower made his public statement that he could not accept a nomination for public office. Former Governor and Senator Cameron Morrison said he would never vote for Truman and two others of the delegates expressed anti-Truman feelings. Allen J. Bell, of Hayesville. the other delegate from the 12th dis trict, is also among those favoring Mr. Truman. Seven habitual drunks were sent t the roads for 32 and 64 jriays by Mayor .1. II. Way. -Ir., iloiliw: I lie Friday term of po lice court. Included in the group bring sent to the roads was line for vagrancy. On Wednesday. Mayor Way dished out lines of $100 and cost to two drivers charged with reek less drivini!, while eight de- who fared him on of bring drunk drew SI!. (it) each and the Community Sing Will Be Featured Sunday Afternoon At Auditorium The Sacred Music t.Uiufeicnv'' Ipoes into 1U .closing sessions Tin . weeHnflsH-. some o oie o .. . Interesting programs of Hie we-eV. scheduled. Music, piiiiclualeii v mi stories of the experiences ol I i Homer Rodeheaver. the director ol the conference, takes the promin ent role in the program A musical festival, one of the highlights of the confeieiu e v ill i... ...... ....to. .a s;..ii ii rrbiv mi'lit ;i is sx : Ha lend.inb v barives lines of rost. No court was held Monday due to tin- holiday. Construction On $35,000 Garage Here Underway i on 1 1 ii' I H in i . underway on lhe .linn i'.ii.u'i' on the corner of wood and Miller streets. The nrv. biiilihni: will be the home of Daw l-inei Motor Sales Company. Hie I i ii 1 1 agency Woikineii are digging the foun dation loi Hie building which will be fiO by 120 leel Seh dull - call for completion of the in ! i lr 1 1 1 1 in five months. 'I I,,. ii, ,n i-, owned by Henry Daws and II I.. Liner. Sr. Negro Janitor Shoots Tennessee Colored Man Here ail i. i i i i i I ! F P Tw o ail. a- Th Baptists To Beqin Sunday eatheri Sch00l Drive 0n JUlY U By the Fed PrPi; Jfr, iiin, ..... '" mile --"Fill ri le staff f ui me "ft. Rair.M l 57 1 .15 .08 The Baptist Sunday School. Re vival in this county will fiel un derway on July 17 with the find meeting of the event held at 3 o'clock in the First Baptist church. Each church will get its worker, books and rpnsns rards for the j countywide religious survey at this J meeting. Miss Daphne Boone, as- j sociational Missionary who is leading the revival, urges each j church to have a delegation to the July 17 inspirational meeting. Over 40 churches are partici pating in this campaign. Meetings ...in i, hold each evening in the churches for study and consulta tion, led by the 27 state Baptist workers who will arrive in Way nesville for the event. Churches participating in the drive will be Antioch. Barberville. Beaverdam. Belmont. Bethel. Beu lan Bitrnctte Siding, Calvary. West Canton. North Canton, First Canton Clc Crabtree. Dellwood, . ri Vn-V FairvieW. Dutcn Lims -- - Fines Creek, Hazelwood. High M., James Chapel. Lake Junaluska, Laurel Grove. Liberty Maple -Continued on Page Five! Negro the scrape about colored town oorl. Trim in his left aim s are being held in esult of a shooting noon Thursday in Albert Love, of New jITorcd from 5 shots Officers said Oc- tavia "Ted Love, well known Wawicwllr janitor, is alleged to have tiled Hie 12-gange shotgun at tin. '1 ennessce man. The two Ne groes an not related. The investigating officers. Jerry 'CoiiHnued on Page Five! p.m. in the auditorium songs, and Negro spirituals .. as more formal music ne I numbers from Handel's Mi and Mendelsohn's "Elijah included in the program. taking part in Ibis program dition to Dr. Hodelieaver ai ' Itodebeaver 'I limine.. i .limes Dale Summer-, .md , Moon. All are membei ol the !n- sir Conference staff. The .lun.d'!--ka tiuarlet directed bv I )i . i u . ' Daniel will also sing in I be Ir-.ip l. On Sunday allernoon a gi'Mi ! coilimunity sing will be la id al : o'clock, with 2..ri00 expected i'i n tend. Promising lo lie one 4 tlm mosl interesting scivio . ol lhe i Cont inued on Pace I n1 Opening Of Two Haywood Schoob Was Postponed The opening of the Fine., Creek and Crahtree-Iron DufT choo' . scheduled to open August 2. In been indefinitely postponed, d announced yesterday by It k Messer, county superintend, id oi education The county board of edn' a' 1 -m. in session Tuesday with In Mary Michal of the health drp.o toioi-t. decided not to open a. -'Induled as a precautionary mca-uie ..e.ainl polio "While there are no i .. cd cases in the county, it is tell lha' it would be better nol to I .it the schools under presenl in urn stances," Mr. Messer said E D I T O R I A L Beware Of Rumors Throughout the week there have been numerous' and persistent rumors floating here about polio. Of course it is only natural that "rumor milk" work overtime turninK out false reports, when the public is aware of the sttuat.on that exists in many parts of the state. This newspaper takes the position that any statement regarding polio in Haywood is without foundstion unless the statement comes from the Health Department. This news paper is in constant touch with the health department and will keep the public informed as to any statement forthcom ing from them. Unless the information comes direct from the Health Department, we suggest that it be branded as "just another rumor." Haywood Farmers Find New . .ii t t- r r Weed Killer is tuecuve An effective demonstration of weed killing was given by County Agent Wayne Corpening on the John Queen farm Friday afternoon. A laree number of observing farmers were on hand to see the application of the new chemical, 2 4D. to the Queen cane field. The spectators saw the county agent spray the hillside field with several type of nozzles. The chemical was spread by use of pressure hoses. According to Mr. Corpening. this type of weed killer is the most eco nomical available. Only one-half pint of 2-4D is mixed with five gal lons oi 'water. This amount is suf , (ieieni foi an acre of crop and costs approximately $1 . The Queen field, prior to spray ! ing had a thick growth of weeds. morning glory vines, and other veg etation which was choking the young cane crop. The five gallon container of spray covered the field easily . When a Mountaineer reporter visited the field early this week, the cane was growing clear of any weeds. The weeds, were lying ' wilted and dead, ready for remov- Continued on Page Five' Highway Record For 1948 (To Date) In Haywood Injured .... 24 Killed 2 (This information com piled from Record of State Highway Patrol.)

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