49,500 People Live within 20 miles of Waynesville their ideal shopping center Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Oi The Great Smoky Mountains National Park EIGHT PAGES United Press and Associated Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1948 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Last PassDuSir Tram aomis TiThiiioir La-""! The Waynesville Mountaineer he I x x "X x x x Judge Sink Hits Grand Jury System I-..P-...-. - - - ------ $Z50 Fines Better Drive Within The Law, Or You'll Meet One of These Patrolmen HARRY S. TRUMAN .i rt.,r..xl i unit i At ii I , k lt, iafl inV UUllUUauv r . . hlnrk his nomination m-,-.. . . K Ur. Justice William O. Douglas SUl"1"" . ; nriHiii Oils le . .T,dW Dos ion to ca,- IWb " 'V " . .. " cM in Philadelphia. ratic posi. uiiM-i"..-. Has Clear Signal iUlliaiiu"! 'eni Is Question County Gets Over Two Inch Rain ilas Turns hOn Us Haywood county was given a ground-soaking 2.41 Inches of rainfall over the weekend, ac cording to the measurement at the state test farm here. The heavy rainfall followed an exceedingly dry spell and was welcomed by farmers In this i section. XL. Philadi'l- Ljuslice Wil- (; himself out il picture to- opened their over naming b head their platform. Ire still strati- 1 for the first ; M tunouncea ........ . .. jIm had given PirrMi Irrtari HWf is an "abso-I hnsidered for lie Eight) Given Drunk Drivers In i Court Cases Superior Court Facing Heavy Docket; Sev eral Capital Cases Are Included ltefore thi' opening day of crim inal court adjourned for lunch here Monday, Judge II. Hoyle Sink had lashed at the outmoded grand jury system of North Carolina, and 'handed dou n to two defendants, charged with driving drunk, fines of $250 and costs in one instance, , and in the other added 30 days on the roads to the $250 fine. I The docket of court is one of the heaviest in recent years, with the grand jury being handed near ly 100 nils by Solicitor Thad D. Bryson. Jr The bills included sev eral murder cases, a rape case, an ; attempted rape case, and perhaps a slander case. Solicitor Bryson said. PHTl'HKD I1KIIK with 1 ake .lunaluska in Ihe liackitrouinl. are the live highway pHtrolinen who constimtls are on the watch on Haywood hnilnvas' Kacli patrolman has a car equipped with tw,.-wa radio. :ind arc in constant touch will) all parts of tin county SiandinB left lo right in front of their cars arc: Cpl i: U .lolled l anton. 1) It Uoberls, Viinesville; .1 W. May, llaolwood ; Limine liishop. Jr.. Lake Junn luska, and V. 1). "Hill" Sawyer, of Canton This i a Mountaineer ph loKi apli by Ingram jf Stuilui. Chest X-Ray Schedules Announced; Start 15lh Haywood's Efficient Patrolmen Petitions Being Circulated Here For Third Party The mass chest x-ra survey of Haywood county residents will be gin Thursday morning when three Praised Cancer Quota "Until the grand jury returns true bills in the capital cases, I cannot schedule any of them for trial," Solicitor Bryson said during trie lunch recess Monday. "We iiavv n j gill IllUISUoy luuiimift "'-" armnt all types of rasa ineluled," Unnblle units begin operations in he remarked. different sections of the county Claude Calhoun was given a fine Tn(, nrs( unit ill be located al of $250, tdus 30 days and the court wiorirw near Hickman's store rnd in I lie rase in which he was 1 'n, ...,...,i,l unll he Inralpd at the iii0 a,P beina ! 'liargrri with driving while drunk navtim Kubber company and the A. least wo P"10' ! John Ear, Trash, of Florida, was ; Wpllrn shl. Corporation The last crculated here for sign 1. 1 ea of or(tred , to nHs , b(. stalion.'d at qualified voters asking that t h m Nor,h raroljna highways ,.,,,, ( l.,.(.k at r. .i,m s store CT. ,u J 'I ,'- Both defendants had their drivers ; T,,M, u,,s wi, open their me siaie udiiui iu. ... " ,:..... ,.u.H f'nl V. W .Innes . ., lit i I I r r i ' 'lnl "' v ! " HtWl S HI election in novemnr . highwav patrolman. One petition is being circulated '" 1 i . ii,.... i . """I ny a woman, aim me " " man. Just how many names liivi II a m and w ill x-ra testified in ;a t.m,.rs until S p. m In his charge to the grand jury. ... ... , .lllle'e MI1K S.IIM Hie Ui"M" J ' " .' ueen gouen on uie emunin ! fa coiimienrl North t'arn American Can- known ITicress in at- The state board of elections ri flf Ik fUUlla ' : UnniU lnrl ttraDlr tflM I ebhiuil ill ivmriBii 101 re for funds representatives of the Third Party hj to get the signatures ot iu,uou headed by qualified voters on the petitions. "jncavine : Before the state board win i on Mrs. GPOTPP I c-irlnp a nn,n nn -r- , Jiuri a I Id IIITJ rit f v. i v . - - - le Campaign qualified voter, the name must be .arliinc lr ' I ! . J . L ..f 111., rr , '" 1 ii'iiineu oy me cnajiiociu m Jy's work has county hoard of elections. So North Car-j The Third Party was given until fcceedinR this August 3rd to get the certified f---, ..... '"i- names 10 me siaie Doarn. i ni" lision officials tjme the state ballots have to go lo r' mcirts ot press in order to have them ready rorkers ban. t i,iu..n- in K,.r,.r.. ihn fes of North I November election. ft yossiDinty , j, r. Morgan, local attorney, is a Ideavor to re- hoard Ina's ran, -or 1 1- . ng I'flurath.n IPrograms. ?rket 1.50 to 1 75 - 20-23c BapUst Revival Gets Underway Here Saturday in. uaiisi kuiiuaj si-iiuui 15c 1 vival in Haywood county will be- t--jsni odiuiuay Willi a nicciiiig m 32-36c the First Baptist church here at 11 1! , 1 20 mi J p. m. 125 00 1 llM EaCh Church wiM mect itS W' k" i22 00 t t 25 ' Pf from the state associational and hi tm , I. 25 i get its books and survey equip- Kvsten; flat.'ri hack s( far it was (Continued on Page Klght) ;66 Waynesville Men At N. Guard Encampment Fifty-seven men and 3 officers of the Anti-Tank unit of the Na tional Guard, left here Saturday morning by Pullman for a 15-day encampment at Fort Bragg. The unit was under command of Capt. James M. Davis. On Sunday morning. Lt. Frank Byrd and five men left with the company's vehicles and equipment for Fort Bragg While in camp, the men will be given special training on the use f 11 hasir weapons, and will spend one night in the field. The two 36-ton tanks owneu the company, had to be left be hind, due to motor trouble. The companv plans to borrow tanks from other units at Fort Bragg for practice purposes. The 66 men are due back here July 25 ' The surv is free lo every per son I a years ot age and older. The ' x-ray is free and only takes a min ute or two lo eomplele Kach per- ! sun x-rayed will teceive a report by mail The State Tuberculosis Control Division in Raleigh is furnishing Ihe x-ray units and technicians. Miss Frances Korncgay. health ed ucator, is representing the division here Dr. M It Michal, district health officer, is in charge of lo cal operations The survey will include three other counties Jackson, Macon and Swain. It will extend until late August 'vim A I ff V.--V '.Til t If A$ Conferences On Bible Underway At Junaluska A Bible conference opened at Luke Junaluska MoAriay when Methodists lrom all over the. southeast gathered for one week nf Intensive sludv of the Bible in its relationship to literature and to the devotional life of the indi vidual This is Ihe first time that such a conference has been held here II will last through Sunday, July HI The daily program at the con- Utilities Commission Hands Dovn Decision Only Two Trains On Murphy Branch Will Stop As of July 15th, Order Says The two uassenaer trams no running on the Murphy brunch will be discontinued s of July Kith, it was announced this week by A W. Sinclair, superintendent of the Ashcville division of the Southern Itailway system. The North Caro lina Utilities Commission has granted the discontinuance of the two trains. The train from Ashe- ville will make the last run on Wednesday, and the last run lrom Murphy will be at 0:23 Thursday morning. Thi will be the first time in about 50 years, that this area will have been without passengei tram service, except during an emer gency, such as coal strikes, or floods. Mr. Sinclair told The Mountain eer that the P06t office would inaki arrangements about the mail J. G. Terrell, manager of the Railway Express and the Depot here, said express for Waynesville would be put in a special car, as at present, and sent out on the early morning freight, getting here about an iiour earlier than the passenger train schedule. The express ship ments from the north, and eastern seaboard would ba a day l'e m getting here, since the pasenger train now waits for the New York train to arrive In Asheville As far as could be learned, there will be no personnel changes at the Waynesville Depot, since w e at e understaffed now," Mr. Ten ell said. The Southern Railway petitioned -Jit t-1 ferenre will consist of a lecture I '"e jm. i. mate uiunies i omim bv Dr W A Shelton. formerly of ; ' las' August for permission to Kmon I diversity on "The Bible discontinue the operation of Ihe in Ihe Dev.it al l.de of the In-j1" oailv ,rains Thr Soiilhern sel a... i .i in .. ,,, A.w.iiw.r iw. 'out in their pel It ion, and lie.n.ug ture will hi' given each morning by Dr l-.dwin Minis mi "The Bible in Lilei aline at I I o'clock. Dr. Minis was for a number of years a professor nl F.nglish liter ature ii Trinity College, now Duke I nnersily. and lias retired as the head nl the depai t ineiit of F.nglish literature in Vandervill Univer Mt y The evening programs will con sist ol penally conducted rlevo Continued on Page Kigliti Correction: Rep. Redden Will Speak On July 17 A -dory in The Mountaineer la.-t F'ridny erred when It reported that Rep. Monroe Redden, con- ,, . i ,,.n u,u sernums hv gressman lrom me 1111 n h m i. HERE IS A CLOSK-CP picture ol the live patrolmen. 1 hey are all " - . 1,1 " " ? J Luld sneak before a join. ineH- ,.u.r havi hiisiiirss with ciiu. ocihans vou ll luadily recofi ni.c thrni ii.iiihmI to Hit fi-iini thiw nlwitiiii';i oil: Kneeling, left to right. J W. May. Ilaelwood W. 1) "Bill" Sawyer Standing. Cpl V. W Jones. Canton; O H Hob ,s . i,.i. ik i lw units .ri. VL'a -ni,t-i 1 ! :iinl I.iinnie Itishoo Lake Juna Ulska This is ; Ull l lllldl, .IU,. i w. , , , will be located at Hickman's store Mountaineer photograph by Ingram s Slu.lio near Woodrow. at Dayton minoer piM .ipacy at the re- '. '"K "f 'be Haywood County F irm cent luiiMlielmnal conference in.ureau and Women s Auxiliary Colunihi.i S C. and Dr John W. naiuiaay inoining No Polio Reported In Haywood; Health Unit (Continued on rage r.iBin , summer Home is Offers Recommendations Hraiis i.mli p.isl .ir of First Moth odisl ehiii.li. Orlando. Fla Dr ( nut limed on Page Light ' and Wcllco Shoe Corp., and at N. C. James store mar Fines Creek. On Saturday. July 17. the units u.ill stun at Cruso school and at 'Crabtree-Iron Duff .school. W1" I rn Tuesday. July 20, the units will be at Bethel school, at Una- (Continued on Page Eight i Ihe Rep. Redden will talk 1 Hi - Sat urday morning, July 17. al II a in Secretary Bennett of the State Bureau will also address the meet ing. A large group of farmers from this county is expected to attend Charles McCrary of the Hav wood County Farm Bureau, r, making arrangements for the af- J - f I Vn.n- . . .... mil . mis. v. i-d. iiics i'it- work numbering I sen(jng the Wornen-s Auxiliary HaZl'lwood The xh Mnimllliwpr arnl.li7es for scheduled to be complet- ,ne error Hazel wood Homes Being Numbered ;i1 in ?i iii . -' - Morgan, state Sunday Hazelwood Chief Of Police Quits John Evans, chief of police of u.,.iuYinH has resigned, after Pntororl. niothina. fewelry Is Taken M. F. West, 66, oanion nanroaa Man Passes Away work i1 (Ml within ;i ui'.k or ten days, ac- At noon Monday ,,0 cases of ." '"TLh : Trucks Damaged $123 1 n' Ulllll idMHK vns .'ioJ several months ago when a master n Highway Crash map ol tin town was made, and ' all the h.ls numbered I Property damage of about The town .s supplying house I a reported by Patrolman f) K .. ., .1 '- n Roberts, when 1940 F'ord tro.k nunincTs ami uiiithk mivim ,n n . school superintendent, who is di-1 serving jn that capacity for about recting the drive, will arrive in sjx ycars Waynesville Saturday with bis" M"avor Clyde Fisher said appli eorps of workers. The Car Turns Over father On Balsam Road By the r'wl Press cations were now being screened with the view of selecting a suc cessor to Chief Evans, and it was expected that someone would be named at an early date. i,;f Fvann served as chief for . r , , fnUr years, then went to iue A car from Gaston.a overturned tou remainpd for two before on Highway 19-A just east of Bal- , (0 Haze,Wood where he sam Sunday during a hard down- rev urn . g Pour. The four occupants of the ( bas Deen aoou car escaped injuries, according to j l,me- Patrolman J. W. May. investigat- i . ing officer. V 0111311 la nucu lio iii Havwood had been report ed to the Health Department, ac cording to Dr Mary Michal. dis trict health officer here. Dr Michal said that camps who have short terms, have been ad J vised not to accept any Sam Hhinehart is being held in ioii h,.r,. chareed with breaking fhe summer home of Claude H. Peace on amp f,)p Mansw F. campers at this time ' ' ' a w" by Lois L. Robert... The accident wearing out s,o.-n aM(1 West. (i.i. of Canton, who died in In a formal statement prepared one u, e - - fc - near Dell wood. , j phinhart an Asheville hospital f naay auer- tor tms newspaper, in. .iuiid. -t-s . . John Kerley arrested Hhinehart. , I city mail deliver. Mayor Fisher and when he was lodged in J in rantnn s.mdav aft new residence "The project wi was wearing one of the stolen shirts and a pair of shoes, officers said. A quantity of jewelry, to gether with ladies reaa.y-io-wi- ' cemetery were among the items recovered nr,imment ri list ehnrrh in Canton Sunday aft- i "Because there is so much gen ernoon with thr Rev. Horace L. eral concern over ihe cases of po Smith and the Rev- officiating. Intermi making the following statement said lll-.T iimun j - i.tur, ..... c -. . In,ll. , IL I . U n Awh, ci,..1i.n Mr v ill .1 ill ii, -ii i iv.l iavi- ;i,iiiii ill iiiaivtf Lilt: caql. aiiuavjun by officers. They said it was vai- rotired agent of the South- clearer, and to point out what ued between $350 and $ou. . K . System, had been Hl'hearinB this epidemic has on our A companion, named by rtnine- hut hj? condj1ion , an(J wh , measures v. Horace i. eral concern over ne cases oi po- , C W Kirby j liomyelitis that have appeared this QoUnty HiahWOy ent was in Vear in North Carolina, e are LJeatns mouni ns Cherokee Dies driven bv Thad Howell era l""d into the rear of a 1946 Dodge rinv- No iniuries were reported bv Patrolman Roberts. hart, is still at large. Partly ri,,.,. t'a . a rlnnt iiIbm Ihn viaM cirlp Ts I PT1. ... - ww, v,l lilt "P." . u.ww p . t ., " ! the car when the front wheels left iii i no .... ... The driver was trying to raise : nrivintT Drunk OI i vi " ' ILii-f.., and r" town the embankment I en nSmrll , k,f ,v , J v ll.. u c mc car rouiu iirii.w. M I Patrolman May said it was just 63 ,, : an accident, and no charges were -I . . . Edna Pearl Eleazer, of Spartan burg paid a fine of $139 and court costs in Canton Monday morning on charge of driving while drunk. n. , Tn nf the highway Sheriff Has Unclaimed Bicycle On His Hands i Th eheriff's office hag an tin- i claimed bicycle on hand which the owner can get by proper identifi cation. The bike is red, and a "Rollfast." The bicycle was found in the weeds just back of the courthouse and turned over to the sheriff to hold for the owner. for three years but his condit ion ' area and what measures we may 1 did not become serious until about j Continued on Page Eight . three weeks ago. I . He was born at Crabtree Sep- lember 28, 1882 and was educated Boosters Club Will i in the schools of Clyde and Hay- Arneach Toinetta. 54-year-old Cherokee Indian, died last Tues day, as the result of injuries re ceived on the night of May 24. just west of the "Patton school on Highway No. 19-23. Mr. Toinetta is. the third person to lose his life on Haywood high- in the schools of Clyde and Hay-; , v-- . , wood county He was employed Meet Thursday Night ,i . ,1 nn V i tr hi i VOIlllllUt-U Ull l "is,- tiift".' i ,rt.ft The Hazelwood Boosters hud ways in i. ZIZ I will meet Thursday evening at 7 He was driving a truck at the WOMEN TO MEET o'clock for the regular monthly time it crashed into the back of a AT SHADY GROVE Th meeting will be a ' work bus. The four occupants of The Women's Society of Chris- supper meeting at the Hazelwood his truck were also injured but tian Service at Shady Grove church Presbyterian church. have recovered. It was felt for a will melt Thursday at 2:30 p.m.1 Ernest Green is pres.dent and while that he would overcome hi with Mrs. John Hovell. J R. C?rsvell n secret (.ry- irjene Highway Record For 1948 (To Date) In Haywood Injured .... 23 Killed 3 (This information com piled from Record of SUte Highway PatroU 52 2 maae. The car was damaged. on Htgnvvy i--".

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