16, 19 PAGE FIVE (Second SetfonJ THE WAYNESVTLLE MOUNTAINEER wiili adult M'jri .., ..-.) safe. . . ..... ,, '.innlU'i' of 'i'.min ilurit-m,ie- 1',b,e in," li:nr t'Vi'u- i.iiu.- Hi1'' I hat . ijii. i.ll"1'. n,, . a.nago ul nliool -ilioul ! nave jii.nH 75 ,,u litl'IltS. A '.though jn. been , bll.cs III Ir I 3 1"' ,t Ml' jliJ I!'-' kru't" "u L'.!lt I lun hi f ' h- t)td 1'.'" " '. t,nMi.io: in.li in".- I"' '' .,. ,,;; ,..uhl"U'd 111 li. .1.. , UK J'.ll'IJ lull ut the lll-Ul'li'll ,l . qlH'bi : 1 JllllltS nun lnsli llilUl'VLT, II ul onill- iiilciHlents iliiui lid i?n till diw-n ll)Cl lu. u .m-puitaiiuii Lrtli C.u'ulin.i More oi it.v MiiuTmteiiQ- i.,j in ihr (1'iestion- at Iuk'i htKl1 uo-vs lure viulatory uus lul tile use of bu n .i "M'l'j aclm-win: the ll.HUIl HI I'U lt i-oiit nines c an excellent m i... in K.I kill din ii,: a u J j quite uiI.itu i-e. The ul bu- drivers cm eH lor the k'uid I,., iq.i.il.- Hi: Hut tliev iiii.ihnii ili.il the Slate ;.l limn school "i luij'iis, at a 'i i I'lipil cost i i hie reason jU.x.,1, fclluU- 3-;" I'll!1 is lest Relax... awa. (.'all I L Doing A Good Job 1 .. h.inl bus I Refrigerator Has New Cooling Plan Something new in refrigerators, the Frostair Duplex, has been in troduced by makers of commercial refrigerators for 40 years. The Frostair features "i-okl sleeve" refrigeration which keeps the cold air moist. This preserves food longer and prevents the cir culation of odors. The new reirigerator has a zero locker freezing 130 pounds of meat or 80 quarts of vegetables ami fruits. The capacity of the refrig erator is seven cubic feet. . This new product of the General ' Tire and Rubber company can bo seen at. the Freck Radio and Ap pliance company in Aslieville. Small Fry Spat Spreads To Upper Brackets MEMPHIS. Tenu. il'l'i Mrs Elizabeth Campbell, 26-year-old mother, appeared in court with a broken nose and blackened eyes received in a brawl with a neigh borhood housewife. She even carried an envelope filled with her own hair pulled out, she said, by 35-year-old Mrs. Opal Wilson. j What started it all'.' The Utile Campbell boy got a I bullseye with his slingshot at Mis. Wilson's little girl. lis that North Carolina pays its stu j denl drivers only $20 per month, .with occasional local supplements About 15S0 of the more than 5. 001) buses in operation are from eight lo ti n years old. But the com mittee reports that the fleet, as a whole, is in excellent condition, j Some of the buses, however, are overcrowded and an estimated 10 per cent of the State's transported pupils must leave home an hour and a half or more before school opens. mini for il . . . It's as good as a tonic to lie iparlvlm", sunlight and fresh air the two days y spend with the family washing and ironing, trust Way iiesville Laundry to return your tip top shape . . . just open the bundles and pn't Call "Any Laundry" CALL 205 ynesville Laundry (Incorporated) J W. KILLIAN, Owner CALL AND DELIVER Boyd Avenue MIX WITH A JAEGER 4 l ti .... t,i l , & T1 "Pty drum size, in the Jaeger SPEEDLINE trailer rn.xers are "i with exclusive features . . . guarantee low cost concrete and big r a8'- Automotive transmiuion, direct drive to drum cuts noises 90', while ,l'"g power efficiency JO to 40. Cris-crosi re" mixing action assures " thorough and rapid mix and di:harge. Only second, needed to load or ?ar, and automatic Skip Shaker Loader speeds every batch. Model 65 l ' on-g mixer especially detigned to increase product.on tor U, d'n ""factors. Other .tandard sixes are J',S, llS and I6S. We i .rn lor other hne JAtOtK equipment . 3 v i n p M . a L : v . f i o -viiinrs. I our inquiry mil receive yiwy TRANSACTIONS 1M Real Estate Wayiu-5ille Township Noiand l'lis and uric In iUj Sclk i liui lu llc j in , Vt . K. i'l Ufll Jim v ,u . i . K. I'l uell. H. t il II uiul , lie ,o ,1 1, Hill. t. C. l'ji inci alitl h ilc i, i;,.n : i J. Kuril Jim ii, I. eimicl Ma p.u J ..ul v. ,,, tilenn 11 .-h i u,;i, ,,i.,i ,.,. I'- t 1 11 Hit I .11 Kl H, In it' ill el t L iiuclijii.ui. ,li , ji.u mi,. .Mii iwt iiaii.uu it j, i,, .i,,;;i; Allien Blow n ,iinl u iic Hade jliUjiiicl jihi nil, t0 11 (J. lluniir and wile. Ciel'liude idii'. .u.iin acl olmi to J. Claude t, .Ul .Hid iv He. lit avoidant Iohii.Ihu Je.- -e I ul d and u iU U. I i ,n 1. W 1 ul d Jeiinny Li a i - jmi i. Mi in .1 ...in . Ii. liiccii anil wiu S.illle Spt luc lul) Unit .1,1.1 tt lie. t III j .on Well n,l en, ,, lliildi J Nu hoi , .m l ., ,i, 1-1 1 1-1 1 UmiIi in U ,i ii. d. ,sn..il n ers and wile Sallie .spi nce to l .n : II, i lie. Jack llo le lo t in,, i I' ,,, ;, ,, and wile. Clauue S.inliiid In Dm,,- .,i. lord. C C. Medtuid .iii.l u,r In Mn ton A. Canle and wn, 1- 1. Mull and wtli lu i., K. Webb and w lie Frank . ! oi d to ,I, e I ei ,! ,,:.,i wile Kav II. Mann ..i,d w 1,, I i , ,i Mann and u He I'ieou l iui nsliip ('. W. W'ne.ht and -. lie ,n I i.d:., Clark and lu u . llol 1 1 Lay nun .imi w n . to Tie liinian. I ines ( leek lounsliip Slew l''ere,u-oii and '. it, lo I . M Noiand and wile Stow I'eiuiiM.n mid wile to .1 II Dav is and w He. Clyde Township .lohn 11. Miirean ami will jiui ol hers lo Charles Mm Hilda S. H hc to ( m .ii ll.ii.i. and wile Jonathan ( lick township Thad 1). Howell to Wnl.o.l Ii Kinslaud and C'liiilon Kin- end. .Norman Kainsev and wile lo liruee Hanisey . Cecil Townihip Troy i i i ii .i n lo Ma, I inui Allied llii.litower and v il, ,, Georue A lit n and 'I i.- i . 1 1 u ol 1 11111,111 ( , ; n 1 1 i Savings Receipts Top Billion-Dolliir .Mark CHU'M.D I I sav no; - .ind I". i The nilioii oi nil nor- 1 ' l II 1 1 1 1 ,ill" ' pni I ;:i o Die billion doll - r in .n k loi I In n 11 1 lime in 111 lol ' The I nili d Sl.il' S.iv in Ji"l Loan 1 .''.i me .iiinoin.' , d I lul ' n mgs pla i d in ,ii ui : in I d ul mn totaled frl .l.'1" 11,111 """ "1 ' three llionl Ii nl I ' 'lllp.'l ' d with $!H 7. IIOO nun lor I lie cm i ' spoilt! i n i; pel mil I j I car. However. lie conl union . rise in the eosl ot liunu and Hie ureal, i availability ol consumer eood were relict ted In w it lull aw ,,!s cl $754. 00(1. (Mill diiinu: the Itine month period, t he le i",iie repm I' d There are about 1 .''' miles ,,f liarkwavs, either compleletl or mi lder construction, throughout the United States . . F.s.-- - i . .,,ntinn -1 1 Modern Infirmary Dedicated At Brevard College A rf it; mW' i till I'. lMI'KKSSlVK lonkiii:; M.nv Francrs Slainev Memorial infirmary, pictured above, is i .ii hi;, niniletiwii i'ii the iMinpus cil Brevard college. Dedication of the new building, .1, :n in I'vriy i!c:;i:;n. was lu ld Saturday. Costing more than $30 000, the infirmary is be t rccU'l in Ikiihu ol Miss Mary Frances Stanley, former student at the college here who i in 1:1 Hi alter service in the air corps. (Photo by John Anderson) Death-Defying Navy Expert Clears Coast Of Jap Mines lt KK MAUI) MONTAlU'i: , Mled l'i ess Mail Correspondent si. I I I.K. W ash l I'' l.ivuiK i In I lie ul a ileal Ii tlai i UK hero ol :it, ion is I he llol ol 1.1. !o on I-'. i,ii-,ow. I S.N. who each week is A.llun .1 cattish whlsktl id lielUK in ..si, ,1 lo dealh 1 .1 i n.sUi.i is Hie N.ii s mine , v : .ei , on the v. esl , nasi He was n. ui,. i hoseii lo nil 1 lie job w in n i ii -o.in Japanese mines l)eif,n di ;l 1 in j ill I i le A leu 1 1. .11 t ll l till i i i , in i enl halt circles I rum Jap an -,11-1:1'- h lhe Alaswan Aleu tian Island chain ami bumps tile .!-l,n;-.;i mi l )i iron coast line. In loi e l lie w ai il bin e only e- ,. Ui ill ii noil a lid I'l'l.'ed lir.ll net Mo. il- itul iiuw ll tallies biei;,!' do. is I, .uled w !!h black TNT. Wt.i Ii one ol the in ines st llll -1. 1 1 w il I. hllll'.l le, lei Itllls up ..i 1 1' la i , .don;'. I h, .nl I -mile ( )i c- i ,:d . i - i . 1 1 1 ; : 1 1 1 1 1 coast line, I J U : I, -!, , ,, ,s In i e within In e Initio i ttiwtl Moves Hack l hi 1 h, s. en, lie takes o er (jiinKii l mi i nines his wrench, l .ii k ot s tne i i ow tl W nisltiw re n, on . -leel pn.le .nut gingerly nu '-ui i.ie In e imi haiiism from lot 1 1 1,'u i oi Uii i. line A lew black I 1 , aie ih ill down, but lie ei l hi t llela a l(!e I li.il doei t, ill h,i lllimt he ill l'ii in In lire none kji a . A I "I l I Ill', the III e I.. I I . '. ' I o. in i on . pal I ol I he . i, id, . ., i ,,i .en I i V, ,,,'.'. i I I In I ll e on I op , . . 1 1 i a i ia i.ii t t l .1 1 lit) ol e . i . , 1 1 1 1 ' . in' o I hi I ii , hole and v , ' h.iil a I". . I lie vile lead in '. I , , 1 1 , a , i . ' 1 1 1 1 1 . e r nil .i! hn ic I .null i stands lly lb,;, e and lhe IMI 111' i :' i ui, and ahoul i I el el .. ' , ,., I I ' I. d I I ' '.' In I I I i ,, ,e ' lh. n walk tliloili'h ...I ',, i i . i I . . l to III Wile .till . ' i .. i.m al w a s wail tor he,. , I he I I ,11 ll Ml V, u l.i.i .1 i olIIHI. H elly l ,l hi' l ll -ed to this tit .1 III u, i . 1 1 ' i. Ii le low II u I she does a, h.. ,1 I . . ii:: , lit 1 11 hen hi I III. h,l. ' I I'll ' I He I ll' e OUl In, , ;, 1 le ho' III w .. 1.1 to I'l ow 1 i.ke he ll.lddl. ot ui i i ii.h' i s a rai e Friends will say . . . WHAT A BEAUTIFUL 7o have that beautiful room, just paint the wells with any one of SPRED'S decorator Dreferred colors and see how your furniture and d'eperies are set off in a new, thriving menner. All you do is add wo'er to Sored and paint right over wallpaper. No hrushmarks, no odor; dries in 30 min ies. Try it soon. HIk n ni Think of Buildinr; . . . Think of Haywood Builders Supply HAYWOOD BUILDERS SUPPLY Company S v V v s w Jack Carson Talks With Hands, And Finds It Expensive HOLLYWOOD 'L l'i .lack Car- son is no nianiciaii. bill some prel- : l spectacular things happen wheiij he waves his hand Tc got to learn. ' lie said, "to I keep my hands in im pocket and , 1 . 1 1 k in I ails and liuun s instead oi sweeping generalities. Other-! wise. I can wave goodbye to my mom ," i Carson realied what Ins hand-I waving li.ihit was leading to when lie tame home Iroin work on "My Dream Is Yours, Ins Michael Cm -ti movie at Wainer liros Carson had asked lor a sola, lie waved a hand expressively lo in dicate how big he wanted it. There, in his combination play house and guesthouse, sat the divan. It was in a vast semi-circle like the wave of Carson's arm. and il measured 30 leet Horn arm to arm. "1 wanted it big." Carson said, "but 1 wauled to be able to see from one end lo the other " Playhouse Not Little What uus to have been a little playhouse came about lhe same way. After Carson waved Ills arm, lhe floor area turned out lo tie 75 feci by 21! feet. He waved widely toward one end of it and got a flic place 17 feel across. Once Canon wanted a retaining wall along the back of his two-acre Van Ntiys lull ide ranch He lound i contractor and instructed bun. huiltl something alon;; tlieie concrete make it sturdy. " lhe concrete mixer ran for wick., and weeks," Can.im said "I thought those moil were going to 'duplicate the deal Wall of China. My hir-incss manager gave me nine asl i onoiineal figures of how many stniare feel they built, and the only time I believe him is when 1 look at Hie wall." If be doesn't slop ordering with Ins hands. Carson doesn't know' w hat will happen nexl . "Suppose I wanted the trellis ly my house laken down and I waved my hand houseward." he worried "I'd probably come home and find Ii i bouse gone, too." CBlt.. lipntn 3F lit fS,, J. Wife Even Tells Fashion Designer What Is Just What HOLLYWOOD iUI'i- It could lie a real battle when a fashion tie signer and his wife don't agree about her clothes. Hut petite, pert and pretty Dona Drake knows who always wins f "The wife, of course," she smd She just has to he a little dip inalie about it." Miss Drake is playing the role of a night club photographer in "The Girl I'l'tim Jones Beach" at the Warner studio. Her husband. Bill Travilla, is the Warner de-signer1 who styled the movie clothes for Miss Drake ami Virginia Mayo As in most families. Miss Drake's ami Tiavilla's biggest clothes argu ments are about the new look In their family, though it s the hus band who likes It and the wife who doesn't . "Kill is soltl on lhe new look." Miss Drake said, bul I don't think it's at all suitable for me because Tin so small." (She's an even five feet and weighs 100 pounds l Right figure Needed "I don't think most other women look good in it. either. You've got to have exactly the right kind of figure for long skirts and box shoulders. I saw a woman lhe other day who looked Jusl like a football player. "When Bill designs something for me, he does it on a much more moderate style, of course." This, ladles, is Miss Drake ' technique for getting her husband to like clothes the way she docs It "THE FRIENDLY BANK" First National Bank Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Fedeivl Reserve System ORGANIZED 1902 MACHINE BITES BACK CHICAGO L'Pi Johnny Dzied- lie, 8. required the help of five (firemen with an acetylene torch, I pliers and hacksaw to free his i hand from a soft drink vending I machine. John was reaching for a bottle when another youngster fed a nickel into the device. works, even though he's supposed to be an expert. "He did an afternoon dress for nie a while back.'' Miss Drake said. "I put it on and suggested that it would look much better without so much paddinn m the shoulders. "So we took out the padding 'Then I suggested it would look belter if c shortened the skirt. So we shortened the skirt. 'After that it looked okay to me, And Bill thought it was still his dress." (SS SECURITY I f CROWINC ). Tennessee WAYNESVILLE FEED AND SEED CO. Highway 19-A Hazelwood At Intersection of Aliens Creek Road OOOOOOOOOoi Now is (lie lime of year when (here is less food to buy, fewer clothes to purchase, and an opportunity to make more money. All those savings will be worth much more if you will open a Savings ac count in this bank. I'ut your extra earnings from rooms, or vegeta bles sold, or extra hours worked, into a savings ac count. You will be pleasantly surprised how fast you can accumulate a nice account. Start saving today save regularly, by putting into a savings account each week. THE j Twins In Family For !Four Generations ! MEMPHIS, Tenn (UP) Twin I run in the family of a pair ot 81 I year-old twins. Mrs. Ruth Lee of Caplevllle, Tenn., and W. T. Watkins of Olive I Branch, Miss., twins, celebrated I their 81st birthday with a family picnic. Mrs. Lee is a widow without children. But Watkins has 11 children. And among his offspring were a set of twins of his own, set of twin grandchildren and a set of twin great-grandchildren. BFE-NAPER MAKES HAUL CLAHK. N J lUPi A noctural thief stole four hives of bees from the farm of Mrs. Herman Graves near here. The layers of tomorrow are the pullets of today! And your pullets need Security Growing Mash dur ing this critical growing stage. Vitamins, proteins and carbohy drates for growth and sturdy de velopment. Security Chick Ration to the 6th or 8th week. :. then Security Growing Mash. . . and your pullets are equipped for the long steady egg laying grind. SECURITY MILLS, Inc.Knoxville 5 W wmm GBMimaurF mmi Phone s2-n:;