0 The Wa ynesville Mountaineer Publisher Twice-A-WeeL In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Gieat Smoky Mountains National Park 49,500 People Live within 20 miles of Waynesville their ideal shopping center EIGHT PAGES . United Press and Associated Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY. JULY 27, 19 (3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Jtmspjska FIIsiqds Rll in M&ir iffeek fuesday ft Dm Lnissioners Get Hospital Expansion Petition -i, -A" -X- J 1 A A 1 A I nmunity - Wide Spraying Starts Units Check 5,000 s For Tuberculosis tiling across Hay e examined about tar in the chest il lias been an- lealth department . icklc medical ex it Stale Board of k Ihe X-rays and please figures on fetime this week. h show a positive will be checked notify the person Wit ion. Pits will be lorat- school. at Web- Helwood on the Pleasant Grove f Canton. p X-ray crews wit K at the Meade pi'va, and be on f Page Hvei Cannery Three Days (e cannery will be Wednesday and it was an Mfs. Rufus Siler. Market Truman's 'Turkey Day' Session Of Congress Ready President Truman's special session of Congress got under way Monday at noon, and to day the president will address the Joint House and Senate. The president wasn't expected to get much cooperation from the Republican elements of the 80th Congress. Observers reported that the GOP leaders are determined to oppose any demand by Tru man for either price control or meat rationing. But the Republicans are reported ready to support some other type of anti-inflation legislation. States rights Democrats may try to adjourn the session al most before it begins, but the GOP leaders doubt that their party will join any such move. Democratic Senator Allen El lender of Louisiana has prom ised he is ready to talk any civil rights program to death. id Board of Commissioners are shown as tney received ana ik-khi .uu..nK . ames asking that a special bond election be called for the purpose of expanding the i Ho'sDital The petition was presented by Joe S. Davis, chairman of the group getting hown left to riRht are John Hipps, commissioner. George A, Brown, Jr. cnairman u . j. lioner, and Mr. Davis standing. This is a Mountaineer piio'UKidpn Commission Stands Pat On Train Decision I The Stat" Utilities Commission ! maintain Kiev are still right in j granting the removal of the two ! passenger trains on the Murphy I Branch Their latest decision was 'the overruling of the exceptions j taken in their decree, by .1 How ell. Jr. for the Chamber ot lorn merre. Mr Howell said yesterday that he will now take an appeal from the overruling of the exception, which will mean the matter will be taken to superior court for trial. The Commission voted two to one for the removal of tile trains Stan ley Wiiiborne, chairman and Kred C. Hunter voted to remove the trains, while Hubert Grady John son voted for the continuance of them. In l hi- latest decision handed down by the commission, it read: "Said exceptions and each of I hem have been c arefully consid ered by the commission and found to be without sufficient merit to warrant any change or modifica tion in the decision made by the commission in this cause. Said ex ceptions and each of them are therefore overruled." 9 Machines Will Spray Area With 2 Per Ct. DDT Waynesville, Hazel wood and Aliens Creek Included In Spray Areas I Along many streets in Har.el I wood and Waynesville this morn ing a man is due to aim a hose and release a spurt of fine, misty spray : through the nozzle. 1 That will ho the first shot fired '. in the Wav ncsville-Hazelwood war against flies and insects in the area. The towns bought a supply of DDT for 80,000 gallons of solution last week enough to douse every disease-carrying insect in a wide area. With Waynesville manager G. C. Ferguson and Hazclwood Clyde Fisher in command, the heavy ar tillery in the DDT offense was ready for action early this morn ingnine powerful spraying' out fits loaned to the campaign by-civic-minded orchardmen. Each spraying outfit will be operated by (Continued on Page Five) Taken by Death : 3 1 I Draft Boards To Be Named Soon ' Jack Mcsser, Hugh Leatherwooel and Jerry Rogers, have been named by Governor Chery, by virtue of their offices, to name the three members of the new draft board for this section. The county com mittee is awaiting further instruc tions from General J. Van Metts, selective service director of the state News dispatches from Raleigh said General Van Metts Is now pre paring letters of Instructions to the local committees. It is not known whether Hay wood will have two boards as was the case during World War II. or whether one board will serve the entire counly. Mr. Messer is superintendent of county schools, Mr. Leatherwood is clerk of court, and Mr. Rogers chairman of the board of elections. 1.50 In 1 74 lection 4R0 20-28c - 15c 10c 32-36c , $2.65 17 0 to 19.00 21 -M to 23.75 20 00 to 22.75 28 00 to 32.00 26-75 to 27.50 23 00 to 35.00 The Weather By the Unied Press National Guard jjarvis Campbell Unit Returns From Is Mayor Of Clyde 15 Days At Bragg Ja-is Cam""t" ZZ 'is as the new mayor of Clyde on The local National Guard com- j Mf "VTthe pany, with 66 officers and men, re- ent fills the vacancy left by the turned Sunday morning from a recent res.anat.on of forme mayor i e j ' . , Rill Harr s The position former- 15-day encampment at Fort Bragg. m" nd"1!v ' K . ., .. i". c r,..,i rfa(H ly held by Mr. Campbell on the that the encampment was one of the most successful in the unit's history. While at the army camp, the company participated in a night problem, other field maneuvers, and fired every type of weapon except the carbine. The unit was reviewed by Major General Hobbs, wartime commander of the famed 30th Divisions. Gov. Gregg Cherry ! could not be present for the re view because of illness. Hew Hotel Included In Projects At Junaluska New Bridge, Sewer System, Extended Water Lines, More Roads Proposed Trustees of Lake Junaluska As sembly will meet Thursday morn ing to go over plans for a million I dollar expansion program of the j facilities, as will be presented by an engineer now at work on the I detail", it was learned from Dr. I Frank S Love, superintendent j yesterday. The tentative program j has been adopted by the trustees, and a campaign to raise the money I will get under way soon. Included In the plans are a j modern hotel of 50 to 100 rooms, that will remain open throughout I the year, a new sewer system, a 1 new bridge across the dam, ex pansion and improvement of the ' road system, additional water lines, and a general zoning pro 1 gram for the assembly grounds. Dr Love said that a discussion ! will be made as to future use of Ihe golf course as well as the hill ! opposite the Assembly office on the far side of the Lake, j The program has been in the j making for some months, and many of the details have been in the hands of engineers since early spring. Edwin L. Jones of Charlotte, chairman of the board and co chairman with Bishop Arthur J. fttoore o( Atlanta of. a committee to direct the expansion program, said some of the specific projects have not yet been decided on, but that the expansion committee will probably submit proposals to the board at a meeting of the trustees Nov. Z In Atlanta. Mr. Jones and Bishop Moore were authorized by the board to name other members of their com mittee and to plan and carry out throughout the Southeast a cam- i paign for funds with which to im plement the program. Meanwhile, a memorial chapel is being constructed on the assem bly grounds under the direction (f a special committee appointed by the Jurisdictional conference, the committee having been authorized lo raise the funds necessary to complete the chapel. Action authorizing the improve ment and expansion program was Hosts To Field Day Meet 1 ' 'miii i i iii' ii T ...'i G C PLOTT. well known Hay wood man. was buried here Satur day afternoon He died Thurs day night at the Haywood County Hospital, following an illivss of several months. Funeral Services Held On Saturday For G. C. Plott (irover Cleveland I'lott. fi4, pro minent Haywood county resident, died at 7 : :if o'clock Thursday night in the Haywood County Hospital, following n long illness. Funeral services were conducted in the First Baptist church at 2 fo'clock Saturday afternoon Wirr) I the Rev I. G Elliott, pastor, offl ! dating The Masonic Lodge was in charge of graveside riles at Green Hill cemetery. Active pallbearers were Bill Coble, Kininett Ralentine. K. (' Moody. Dr N M. Medford, F G Rippeoe, J II Howell. Sr. and R. I. Provost. Sr. Honorary pallbearers wire Ben Phillips. Homer Henry, .1 R. Boyd. Jr. Charles Camp. I. M. Klllian. Sr. Kcl Polls. John M. Queen, Sr. William Stringfield. Frank Fergu (Conl iniiecl on Pane Fivei Hughes Rites Are Held Sunday At Hyder Mt. for First St. Ralph C Hughes .Ii . killed in 1 taken recently at the first meeting . !4(aiaMk MR AND MRS JACK McCRACKKN prepared for hundredi of people to visil their farm near Bethel for the Home and Field om Wednesday Many denionst rations on Ihe farm, as well as in the hniv, are included in the program that has been arranged by ilw cooniv agent's ollice and the Home Dvlnonstration department Little Jackie is helping too. by holding the plank while his father .aus 1 his is a Mountaineer photograph Plans Completed For Big Farm Day Policeman Rodgers Returns To Navy William R Rodgers. for the past several months a member of the police force here, left Thursday to take up active duty again in the Navy. Hub Ruff has been named to fill the vacancy. A. P. Evans who was given a leave of absence to make applica tion for a place on the Highway Patrol, did not go to the school due to illness, and has returned to his duties on the police force. France on July 2(i. 1944, were held Sunday at the Hyder Methodist j church. ' Th,. Ht.v Wr f' () Newell. pastor, conducted Ihe rites. Burial followed with military honors in the VFW memorial plot in Bon-a- Venture cemetery. (Continued on Page Five) Canton Public Bonds Purchased The Canton government com Jack McCracken's fano iv.ir Bethel School will buz with activ ity Wednesday morning v hen Hay wood county's annual I aim anil Home Field Day gels underway at 9:30. Final preparations for the event have been made by Wayne c cu pell ing, county agent. Farm machine ry lo be used in exhibits has been ob tained from local rienleis ( omnnt tlcs have lined up their ,nmu events and assigned jobs Id mem bers of Ihe general coininillee The program will be divided into I two parts cliMiion.il ,il ion- for farmers under the direction of the county agents office and llinse for the women, directed by the Field Home office. The farm program will b'-gm at' 9:'Mt with a viewing of Hie ehibts. 'A short orientation t;illc "ill fol- I low, A pasture demon -I i h' mn jnct a demonstration on Ihe use of The town of Wayuesvillo netted , 2.4-L) weed killer will tome bion $:t.7!lfi.f:t in nickles and pennies lunch. The general pioi;i,on and this past ear from Ihe parking j speakers are slated lor I 10 m. meters on the sheets. j Aft tT this will come an altif., This sum is further latlciu'd by seeding demonstration, a secern if fence building, and a dfii.cnistra- Baby Pictures To Be Used On Friday The first of a st iles of Hay wood lialiy pictures will be published In The Mountaineer on Friday. The pictures were made by Ingram's Studio during the past few weeks and the print ing plates have been received and the first group of six smil ing younestrrs will be publish ed Friday. Town Collects Over $4,000 From Meters $l0f) taken in as penalties for oxer time parking The meters ie;ill. collected a total of $7.735.5 this year, but the tion on silo construction ,uid linin spraying. The home urogram "ill beam city only received half of Ihal.as ..01, a di-monsti at mn ol the care Chaplain J. B Mauney was in mission sold $150,000 public im charge of graveside services. Sgt. Hughes was a member of the Co. A 47th Infantry which par ticipated in Ihe invasion of North Africa. Tunisia and France. He was (Continued on Page Five) 'the other half wool towards paying I for Ihe meters Then $.142.50 had j to be deducted for the installation charges. When the figuring was done. provemcnt bonds on a trip to Ma-.(jtv Manager r; c Ferguson cal leigh last week. 'ciliated that Waynesville was rich- Thc bonds were purchased by j ,y $4 402 ;,.i )( cause of its park the First Securities Corporation of , jnK ,m.(.,s during the first year Durham and Byrne and Phelps. 1 f iheir ope ration. been filled. 27 i Part! Scatte a,.,l Uay rW l"una" P the slJ , ami & Ml. Rainfall 65 58 51 Tax Offices Preparing To Advertise Property The tax offices of Waynesville , and Haywood County are giving formal notice today of the law re quiring that all property on which 1947 takes have not been paid will 1 be advert used in August. The prop-1 erty will be sold in September. I Pigs And Windows Sold Fast By A Want Ad . . . By eight o'clock last Fridiy morning, the 12 Prs, and sis windows and screens which were advertised for sale in a want ad liad been sold. Hugh Massie pnt an inei pensive want ad In the paper, and in ahort order, a buyer was on haad to take the Items. If it's worth aellinr, it's worth advertising through the want ads of The Mountaineer. Clyde To Lay In New Sewer Pipe The Town of Clyde is spending $1,500 for new sewer pipe. The pipe is to be used in installing ad ditional sewer lines. Some of the tile is now on hand, and work on the new lines is expected to get under way shortly after the ar rival cf some additional six-inch tile. Quiet Week-End jOn The Highways n.otorists on Haywood highways over the week-end stayed well with in the law. according to Patrol man O. R. Roberts, who said no accidents or arrests were reported by the four patrolmen in Haywood. Much interest has been shown in the newly painted patrol cars, which are now silver and black. At Last, State Adopts New Geography Books For Elementary School Grades The State's elementary schools dealing with Western North Caro- will have new geography textbooks Una appeared to nave neen wru next year for the first time since 1932. The State Board of Education has approved new texts to suc ceed the Silver Burdett Company series which has been in use for the past 16 years. This past spring, a series of articles setting out the fact that the present textbooks were out-of-date were published in this news paper. The section of the hook Inc. of New York. The bonds will provide funds for a swimming pool, recreational fa cilities, sewer and street exten sions, fire and motor trucks, a maintenance building and im povemcnt of the town jail at Canton. ten in the horse-and-buggy days. The articles pointing out these er rors were republished in other newspapers and magazines through out the state. "Geography Around the World," published by Rand, McNally and Company, was adopted for fourth grade leaching, while textbooks published by Ginn and Company were approved for fifth, sixth and 'Continued on Page Five) C. E. Brown Dreading Heat Of Washington C. E. Brown, secretary to Rep. Monroe M. Redden, left Sunday by train for Washington, for the spe cial session of Congress. Mr. Red den flew to Washington. Mr. Brown said he did not lot for a very short sessions, adding, "I have not given it too much thought, as I dread leaving the mountains and going up there in the heat." County Folk Festival Has Been Postponed The Haywood county folk fes tival, due to be held at Canton last weekend, was postponed until a later date as a precautionary measure against the spread of polio. The festival will be held at a date which will be announced lat er, according to Edgar Pressley, manager. Vigilant Officers 1 Capture 5th Still Three Deputies of Ihe sheriff's department. Max Cochran. Roy Reese and Horace Mehaffey can't be very popular along Wilkins Creek in the Fines Creek area of the county The officers have captured five stills in the heavily mountainous section in Ihe past three months. The stills were located within a radius of three-quarters of a mile. Sunday the alert oficers tracked down their fifth still in the area, a 50-gallon job. They also destroyed 100 gallons of beer at the site. The brew was poured on the ground. An arrest is expected to lie made in connection with the still very soon, the oficers reported. of floors, and will follow with talks on kitchen operation, t In care of lawns, home wiring and painting. I Lunch will be furnished bv the I churches of the liclliel c onii"U"ii . I The general committee m charge , of program consists of .1. I, Wrsl ! morel anil. George Slame-., Hogh RatclifTe. T. W Cat hey. Mi W D Ketncr. Mrs. Hiram Mc c i ,e ke n , i Mrs Paul Hyatt, Mrs. Paul Uobin son. and Mrs. Otis Cole Directing the evenl ln- tho county extension 01 gani.ttt'm will cContinued on Pane Fight' No Polio Reported In Haywod County The Health Office reported on Monday afternoon. th?t no cases of polio has been rc-port-' rd in Haywood to date. County Receives High Tax Sum Haywood county ranked high among Western North Carolina counties receiving funds from the collection of intangible taxes by the state. Haywod will get over $15,000 in the revenue. Highway Record For 1948 (To Date) In Haywood Injured .... 23 Killed..... 3 (This Information com piled from Record ol State Highway Patrol.)