. r.bell had as bel Mr. and Mr .1 w l, , Am Mr and Mrs. nd children. Ajiii .11,1 i, , P 0f Edenton. Missertson n.U(. . r . n iniin-Salem. . . . Y i of Chapel Hill. I """"" P 'fr.. H. Horton a week's visit lo Mr ,.,, v JSb Virginia p. Dims. Mis. Killian Entertains In Hon ;' ol Mieces "HIE WAYXESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Shower Is Given Benefit Supper In Honor of Is Given At Mrs. Brummitt ! Parish House PAGE TERES i Killi.ni , in,.1- To Follow Your Order Exactly When it cumes to Ihe rompoumliriK of lrtit;s. ihere ran be no compromise in amiriicv :tml purity of products ... or the know-how nl thf pharmacists. Hsve every fonfitlem e in CIRTIS' to. give you EXACTLY what you urder ill Home Owned and Operated. CURTIS DRUG STORE A Walgreen Drug Store ''''' larl .il In i "," " !""' x';mis Saturdjv 'urlesv In her " 11 McDonald ot ' i ' ! !v" '" ho i.s the guest ; 1 ' ;- ii .uui ,.- v- 'Unia Tnit'.-ii ,f 1 ho Is isitmn ; ' M. and Mr. 1. M 1 1 : .'Met laming ' " t: 1 l! 'I 11 'i pink .uul white " '' u ' : '"' ' color nolo ' 1 '" ' ""' " --t in .,11 ! i ! ! Ill - I I , M. "" I'1 VVCIC I. li I 'li.ul... K Kav. who '" 11 ""' "! Mi- Haloid ! 1111 i'i li.w m ore Mi s ' ' 1 ' " I In' floating ll i!' 1 ' " -"-n .il-u in i-. attnl in ' , ! ' ' I'I in- irii Mis Mc "" 1 1,1 Mi I'm-, n Mr. Herbert I '' ' " Mi I i.a i.l llvatt. Mr. ' !l ;' l: 1 'li Heiuv Tin Hi 'i 11. ,i. ,i, M i - ie M,-. .),. "' M: - 'I'I "ma- Calpbcll. Jr . II 1 I'- Im Hut. Mr. James 1 ' ' Mi l.achlan llvatt. v v i'i' V 1 1 -- liv Camp- i '" '' M I. l Lillian. ,lr . Mr.. 1 " ' ' " "I' .'.tl k. M.llKlllKI. M' ' " hi Mi .1 II lluui'll. ' M. Ki..,l.., I!., i I., i . .uul Mr. ' ' ' I;.-, ,i .h Mi .nl Mr. o II Slu llnn li;n . Il'ii Mi, I 1 !ir hitler's niocv, u' M.l.i I .'.' HiimI. il N'a.lnilK'. .n'.l Mi. . w. Gonlon of si. i -1 1 1 1 Ilk' Wfck-Clul lirr,. 'ii'i Mi. Cuiiloii'. pari'iils, Mr. n l Mr-. .1 I' 13u us. k'.I'U' Beautiful 51-Gauge Nylon HOSE , v ; ; I. , Vv - i-. - ' r sPcial i Regular $2.48 (jf , 'Ifr f j ted Shirts SI jCQ lk-Hudson'CoJ' i "Home Of Better Values" 6 Mrs Tl.,nnas BruinmlU, a roivnt hridf, was hunured on Friday evon iiiK wlion Mrs. O. C. James and Mrs. Monroe Silvers entertained uith a silver-crystal shower at the home of Mrs James at Lake Juna luska. A'ases of mixed summer flowers were arranged in the living room. The dining table was covered with a lace cloth and held a bowl of pink Rladiuli and fern, flanked with hue tapers in crystal holders A color motif of pink and green was rained out in all party appoint ments. Assisting the hostesses in serv ing were Mrs. l,on Goodson, Mrs Howard Myers, and Mj-s. Kdna Seller-, all of Tanton. The Sliest lis! included Mrs. K l' James. Mrs. Joe Davis, Mis r T Noland, Mrs. Frank Kirk ; Patrick. Mrs. Carl Green. Mrs Fred SafTord, Mrs. Glenn Noland. ! Mrs 1) Reeves Noland, Miss Eilith Noland. Miss Thoinasine Fisher, (Mrs. F.dna Knsley. Mrs. Annalelle , Movers Mrs. Steven Vavruska. Mrs. . K. J. Lilius, Mrs. Herbert Anel. Mrs Tlieda Crawford, Mrs Alon Howell, Mrs. Hugh Ferguson, Mrs jVeliua Morrow. Mrs. Noble Car rett, Mrs Vance Holbrook. Mrs. Sally Husscll. Mrs. Ciain lletves. , Mrs. Tom Kimers. Mrs. Way 'Fisher, Mrs. Jule Hoyil, Airs i.ouisa iioui. Mrs. mark Feruusim, Miss Macuie .lames Mrs f: It 1 1 Kei'Hiison. Mrs. V. B. Noland. Mrs. Thelma Meill'oi Mrs c James. Mrs. Howard Stame.v. Mr. F. (' Greene. Miss Martian ! Greene. Mrs HurIi l.ealh rruood. Mrs. l'aul Feruuson, Mrs (' G Medl'onl. Mrs Heulali Knslev. Mrs. Ho Uiigcsi's. Mrs Hetty Seav. Mrs Charles It MeCrnry. Miss Mai .lane McCiarv. Mrs Giuli;ei' Palmer. Airs. Ester Galloway. Mrs J T. Chappell. Mrs, I.Iovd Sellers, Mrs. Tom Goodson. Airs. Howard Alvcrs. Mrs Helen Clement. Mrs Growr Ferguson. Mrs. I, C Hry- son. Mrs, (.iissie Met raeken. Mrs, Cod Noland anil Mrs Wayne Corpen i uu Air. and Mrs K. S .erv left i Mondav for llielr home in Minnea- 'polis, Minnesota afler a visit to Alls Avery's parents. Mr and Mrs. ' Karl M Cagle in the Italclitle Cove serl inn, , i Capital Letters (Continued from Page Two I ; lie ill il I nl shin t Iv heloi e II o'clock, l -.ii'iieil his name in the 'guest hook, talked a while vvlllli I the Governor and lell with a copy nl the Slale budget II hr had pinhlcins ol Slate on In. inn .1 lie appareul !v iliiln'l hring I hem up at t he v isil "lie lll-l lehasliell Ills expel'l-, 'eiiei". at the ion vi '1 1 1 ion . Clieris . i ii, ii leil I tut 1 1 Hi,- hiiM'iit Guv- ei nor .mil the rillii'i ii.ilol lal limni- altiliiliil the National Dciiin- i i 1 1 n session in I'lnladelphia, Clu riv as a delegate and Sentt as vi.-itor That covered. Scott asked for the : , biidi'i'l. I had a i iii.' Cherry explained 1 "I rave il In hnn j "Tin 1 1 ' a lot ot i catling mat I it , in it ." ( lii-i i v (iiuppeil. ' to last hnn i out ll .1,11111.11 v I It'll be about .'mother 10 (lavs In Inn the exact -ai- nl I lie Stale's general linn! surplus is known. I hr H , 1 1 1 i t Itui can plans to gin mull liiilav mi Hi, annual lis- . i i , i mi i . ii ii 1 1 s 1 1 , i w s i , ie no i lui I', anil i eveiiiii's Inr I Im past , li'ial year. II no hitches occur, the report i will he read) (lining the liisl week I ill August w hen it customarily is I completed. ATHLETES FOOT OK KM ' HOW TO KILL IT. i IN ONE HOIK IF Mil PI. KAMI) mil- :ir,c hnrk Ask ti ilinctisl Im this STUONC i I K l ll. Mailc ilh 'Ml itr ,1ml il 11 M I IIA'I I s U......I,... i and kills Ml IKK ci rrus I.i.i.t 'I nilay al Siiillh :. I)i in: SI. ii e ! A delightful affair last week w.i the benefit supper given at the Parish House of Grace Episcopal church on Wednesday evening. The event was sponsored by the Hec tor's Guild of which Mrs. K H Campbell is president. Airs. J. F. Abel was chairman of , aurangemertts wfth M!rs. Hubert Hreece and Mrs. Harry Marshall assisting.. Those serving were Mrs Janie Love Taliaferro, Miss Marv lUy, Miss Eliabeth Ray. Mrs M ,C. Green. Miss Clara Belle Wil liams, Mrs. Everett Camp. Mrs Campbell. Miss F.lsie Green. Mi-. Annie Green and Mrs Winfrcd Baker ol Orlando. Mrs. Julia Cassidy was in charge of tickets For the occasion the rooms were decorated with mixed arrange ments uf summer flowers, A large nunibei of summer visi tors as well as U'a nesville k m dents attended the supper. n All and Mrs. H C Campbell mm U.IUBIIiri, .-Mice. Ol tlailllltnii Ohio, are guests of Mrs. Camp bell's parents, Mr and Mrs. (i G Leatliei'wooii Airs. L. Howeln has returned to her home in Covinglon, Genigia after a visit to her parents, Mi and Mrs. G G Leatlierwood Visitors Are Entertained At Dinner Air and Mis .1 M Gadd.v were hosts of a dinner al (hen home in Junes Cove Frit lav evening as a courtesy to a gioiip ot out-of-town fneiids TIua were assistetl in entertaining In their daughters. Mrs Walter l.ee ol Jones Cove, Mrs llarlev Thompson of Hender suiivillc. and Mrs ,lohn Gudinskv ot Hi uiklv ii, '. A'. Among those present Were Airs I'lnvd Uullock of Kalinoutli. Vir ginia. Mrs Wilbur Cobb or Black stone. Virginia. Mis Lester Love biec .uul son. allacc Lovelace. Alis I. Yai borough. Mi s Sam MiKh.iv. Mis. 1'iantes Clark, and Misses .ban .in,l Lillian Brown, all nl Lake .Innaliiska. and Mrs G. C I'.ivk.ii and daughter. Miss Annie Dee I'.ivluii, i,t Canton. PERSONALS Smith of pent the fa; her. Mr. and Airs. W, Kiverdale. Georgia. week-end with the lailti J. R. Boyd Thev were accompan ied by their son. Bill Smith Jr . and their daughter Mr. Jimmy C. Batcheldor of Columbus, Mr. Bacheldor, and Mrs (' 1. Bailel ilor. also of Columbus, Georgia Mr. and Mrs Thomas McCliue of Laurel, Mississippi ami Mr and Mrs Wilson Stewart and h1ldien art' visiting friends and in the county Thi were guests of Air and r.vans ana Miss Lime Met lure in Dellwood. Air. AleClure. who is the son of Mr. and Mrs R, McClure. is a native of lla.vwood county and litis made his home m Mississippi lor the past :i , vears. with this AUTOMAT!' ... .......... jsj. - ,t nr r i d i elaL-.es t I M.i'l...... ... T V FinntiiDMnrj " " iuini mm m j v r ' m . i Mi and Mrs ol New ai k. New . S.iloid.i or a v ci - pan nl-, Mr Hruce Campbell 'ei e . arrived on isit to the lorm- .ind Mrs 11 ! ( '.inn, lu ll w nod at then home in Dell- Mi M.u I ale 1'iii'sls ,,l HnolW, II M Mi- lloiilvv lolm llan and daughter. Ol (lllllllillt M ISSISSIIII.I Mr timl Mrs W s liv.in is a niece Mr. and Mrs David Leatlier wood have returned to ll home in Orlando, Florida alti i a isit to the lalter's parents, Mr. and Mrs G G Leather w nod. SLEEP TONIGHT! i lo vimrihmg when slt-ei.trsa , , . l-iutlsr l-,'UK Jl.J luii.,;, I. .,Vr ,U ituu"ittit in ihr tn.HiHUK i ili.MAI IN TAHI.KTS i .m twip ti tl , ,,. Mtusimiu lM tMl IK'IV.IUs Ifli .on ( L I ,11-US 1I..1 uul Merp. N1KMA1.1N I Alii 1. I M c ,.,, i, ,t,lt I' til ill K . . s.i If to U,. I.iki- .1, ,ii.-,.(rJ Mwiitally apiiiuvt'il mn .In m- 4 . hi. .! .uc sal it;n I urn or im.inv hI.iih)..! No t'Ul MHII'IION MKHin ii,,.!!,,- in, io in sun' KtHi.K KU'iM.i- N'iKMAl S -I kchowoi!1- (,l i WMWUi "l i r -V. l,t I CNDMwmrim' IveoiuMomt!, inc. Monvat or Avfrmtmtlt CMtral Rogers Electric Co I'h one -Nil Main Strw hi LAST CAL FOR 947 'AXE, The Law Requires Thai We MfcoiuS ami All Property On Which 1947 Taxes Have Not Been Paid The Names Of All Delinquent Taxpayers Will Be Published. N AUGUST And Sold 1st Monday In September Mo Extension Of Time Will Be Given Notice is also given that we will garnishee and levy on all per sonal property on which taxes are due. EEE EI YSON Tax Collector and Tax Supervisor of Haywood County t i i'i - , i h M 4': rtuvK I , i I ti f w :,sl V.ii.

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