.I'' " " . V LaigiAI9!8 - THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNT AINEEii X& f s oh junior! j I r'cSHP fZ2H-ah r, - Ctl jJ: V- i ggfe i si k NT Ira tv;v. his v ATES word, L-f'lltS per CO izetype, 50c umn inch. COR MONUMENTS see Huywoodj Monument Co., next to Farmers Exchange, on Asheville Road H B. Angel, manager, "hone 277-M. If ill lir published dr,lred schedule bn dure1 ( lot br responsible Ikjo une - 1;8TISIMKMS ABE CnVANCK. ( ash must orders smi "j L beta office before on day lelrr F - U,Dlef t ' Llo ins"t a want ad, L.rcul.ie" " P ... liiini' . ... (,nii t lo CUI ' (H) (lav I'll.U.MMV.- I. shiiiu. Mam GUARANTE F. O RADIO WATCH CLOCK and JEWELRY REPAIRS 21-IImir Service JONES RADIO CI) New Location 76 Main Slrrt-l NOW PLAYING "Tho Drunkard' Theatre in the Sky" I )!! SAl.K Tin pigs, about seven wi.-k- i.Ul $12 each. C C Fi.wici- Route 1 Aug 3-0-10 UWYIKl) Woman as counter ilrik in WawicHille Country l lub Tap Kooni Applv G. M. 1. nulla II. W.i nes ille Country Club Aug 3-6 r the 111.' ctv tf modern by hav- Kohbins p, ,.,, s deep or HMTITIK CO., tf FOK SAl.K -Outhoard Mulor. Urn dix air-cooled 2l j 11. 1'. ii il very little. Cheap. .1 I! Giant, Sunset Cottage. Lake .luiiahi ka An;: 3-1, OUR LOSS, -OUR GAIN Want to move 3 deep fat Frialators; Serve! 6 ft. deluxe refrigerator; water heaters: all fur Ll'-Cas Bargains. Mrs. Blading. Welch Street. tf AUTISTIC PIANO TL'MNG. Mut ing and repairing I'aul Sliep lierd, Canton, N C. I'lmne .il23 J ! to Aii.i' 31 READ THK ASIIEATLLK CITIZEN Morning newspaper. Eli McGee, Phone 7UH-.I. July 27 Ahl 13 FOK SAl.K Liquid Siida Knun tain. Coinprcssoi , Liquid Car hourator. all in excellent con ' ditioll. $I21)(I, can be seen al Hazelwood Pharmacy. Auk. 3-d Waynesville Used Car Co. Phone 514-1 Opposite Charlie's Place On Asheville Highway !!7 Dmlt l-door Sedan. "Ml Chevrolet Tudor Sedan. "Ml Ford Tudor Sedan. 'I( l'ird Pick-up. '41 IMerctiry 4-door Sedan. '!!!) I'onli.ic Tudor Sedan. '' i -Ton Trailer. Wi: FINANCE P. IV 111 highest rash prices and clean used cars for J. Norris Ls DHIL i t n fcr.s m s. ftilill I L(. I . bsloria It 0U11 01 1A1HI0N CRYSTAL III IT I . HOLLY , .,n,l N WAItlti: I.LILIUS Jcuclcr see us K. Crawford To Have Your Floors Sanded and Finished nr Cleaned and Waxed Write John Lindsey Box 711. ( lyde Guarantee work. We also use Valsjiar Varnish I (lit II K NT To adults only, 8 iik, nilr ior longer. 5 room fur iii In el house Eagles Nest road. I' i ' 1 1 i.n 'i' In at V O Box r61. I'hoiie 7112 J Aug 3-0 I (lit SAl.K Almost new jeep, nnl -1 Olio miles If interested, lallr 3011. Terms If !' Ml SAI.I in .pant 1 1 p '.aw null oi i I ( .T1IOI.1CS the UKAI. n c inloi'ina li Mile, N. C. . Sept. 17 span Grill, , r mfornia 17:'. tf pal tinent i avenue, r idenee. (... All ied. First mil- and 3 rooms ,atli .1. K. : avenue, I Vhe- :-(;-IO-12 FOR SAl.K Fair Lady wood and coal range with hol-water hack, alllicst new, cot new ',14(MI(I. my price $00 0(1 Al ii dinette set, almost new. i o .l ii. v" $a2 (HI. my price $20 110. Cotley Apait inent::. AK :i FOR SALE-One acre tract on Wool sey Heights, e x cellent residential site. $2,500. Phone 231-R after 8 p. m. .In lv 27-Aii!' 10 3 wheel hand saw; 4- ei. jig saw; lathe; 5-in. and lahle. and 13 h. p Call 7ID-J, L. K. Moore. Au. 3-0 JAMKS VV. RKF.O. JR. INSTITUTIONAL 1UKNHUHL C.ntract tulHiliei--. I" I'"!'1'. cuurtt. hiisiiidils. fstu'.iiH. .ii ali'i"' houses n.a "ldr.- I''-""1""" r"""1""" box springs n.l mallievis. '' '" , h.uiinr (urnilure. -I m. - ' H'"!'"""' LnyiuU una dt-sigt'i'.u ii"e PHONES 637 OR 338 W SHOWROOM 114 MAIN ST 44 hi -burner nod enn "i. Call tf iiiii'-ioom Newly .' alter 3 30 A UK 3 PR SALE W' Tmirist llnmen. Business Property. imp Sites, Ixits IDcd iri..n DAMS CO. Main St. Tl ' double Plenty of 'ble. year ""'.'-.I. Aim 3-6 v hers, dry- i.aunder Plione f)9.r). tf FOK UK NT - Km' iii'ii'lli "f A"' Rust. 2l-.;-i(ioni iurni'-lieil a'lail ment, f) mile- frcu Wa- in Ml'' I'rivate batb. Have raii-e and electric rcfri'ieralor Will :k eommodalc 4 or " I"'1 W"'!' Box 747. Wayne-ville- u VK NOW 1IAVK tile HovGes ,oll-e on corner Haywood and Acad' my 1 Street for sale. One ,n' b,'M corners in Wavnesville ( ! and look it over. Sec T. 1 1 ' 1 ' i Gaddv al K. I- Withers & Co j .July 30 m' 3-ii-lO I FOR SALE Liquid soda loim I tain, compressor. I id" id '" h" nator. all in excellent condil ion. ; $J 200.00 Can be m i n at llael I . ... Aim 3-1. wood riiauii." ' WANTED-1 Sinccr sewuu' ina ebine heal. Cnod condition, reasonable jiriee Call 1 ' --- - anil 4 Ml P i" Aim :m tween 7:30 a in : 1 1, 1 1 pi inping ( ows . .1 . ''i-l. Call 117 Aug. 20 .,M .(,'.-it I motor, H. P.. ' 'i ap. J. B. '"ate. Lake Aug 3-6 l .'-.v. con gaso - running time '!l K I'hillins street. hiiv 30 WESTINGHOUSE MILK COOLERS FARMERS FEDERATION M Aug 3 ..... -iu-iiduie 1 to call on '.'llll, '"v.u,),i county. 'Ppi,ti,,n:iv $15 tQ m s .-s,, , 1 IT ict or fWiixi J,m . -MiNess rnnn. -- "111- July 28-Au. S FOR SALE - Tocker jnippie-. champion hi nod lines. '" reasonable. State wanlf. W1" ship. Mrs. J. B. Parker, Clayton Ga Aug 3 " APARTiVfEVrllOl'SE FOR RENT 4 rooms, lights, water and bath. Located three miles this side of Soco Gap. J C Mn ger. Call Augh FOR SaIvE One lot 75x125. Bal loughs Hill, Balsam. Beautiful ly wooded site. Very reasonable. Mrs Alfred D. Lew , NOTICE OF SALE On Monday, August 3ft, 194Ht 11 no u'clork A M , at the Court lloice door In Town of Waynes ville, Haywood County, N. C, I will olTci for sale, al public outcry lo the hii'besl bidder for cash the tollownm described lands and pi eini-es.' situate, lying, and being in Wa.uiesville Township, Hay wood County. N C to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake at the corner of Lois Nos II and 12 and in the line of Lot No. 14, and runs Willi the line of Lot No. 14. 7a dec. 30 mill K. 170 feet to a -take, (orner between Lots Nos. ID and II. thence wilh the line be tween soil lots N 3f (leg. W. 22.10 lei I lo a lake in the line of the C.on'r II Ward and W. T Lee land: thence vuth said line S. 39 tl, (i V 1(3 feel lo a black pine; tl,,ii(c i out inning with said line S ::ii del' 30 nun. W. 145 feet lo i v;iko i hence with line between ,. N. I 1 rind 12, S. 31 (leg. E. . 2IMI0 tod lo a -take; thence S 78 30 mill K IWi feet to a stake; lU iue S 17 di g. E 80 feet to the BEGINNING, containing 10 45 . acres, moi r or less, and being Lot so II ut the Nathan Norman lands as per surw v and plat by J. W. Sea ei". made January and Febru ary i ALSO BEING the same tract of land conveyed to mortgagor by ! Den y Hliim hart and wite, uuriy lihinehart. b deed dated Septem- i . .. ii K141 okI recorded in I Hook 120 jiaue 35, Haywood County Registry Sale made pursuant to the pow er and authority conferred upon the undersigned Trustee by that Heed of Trust dated February 24, 1947. executed by Waller Lnning, and recorded in Book of Deeds of Trust No til. page 122, in office tit Repisler of Deeds of Haywood Counlv. to which instrument and in .nil id entice is hereby made lor all the terms and conditions thereof, default having been made in the payment of Ihe indebted ness thereby secured. This .J ill v 29. 1948. A T WARD. Trustee. No 1714 Aug. 3-10-17-24 NOTICE OF SALE On Monday, August 16. 1948, at 1100 o'clock A M. at the Court House door in Town of Waynes ville Havwood County, N. C, I v ill offer for sale, at public out cry to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands and nremi-es. situate, lying ana d.ib in Town of Waynesville, Haywood County. N. C. o-wit: BEGINNING on a stake at the Northeasterly corner of Walnut and Hazel Streets in the Town of Waynesville and runs with the Northerly margin of said Hazel Street South 82 deg. 30 mitt. Sast 300 feet to a stake, Liner corner: I thence North 10 deg. 30 mi East 1 165 feet to a .ke old DeL I corner La Sce' ! "r 11 11 Iki MUTT AND JEFF Dy DuH FisKer j , j j ! ' " ' h ' ' j REG'LAR FELLERS By Gene Byrne, jjjjj. Mtica tymt mot - , i comeback roil 1 I ,( 6?l l ;i J i ' ! I ' ' " " ... .:. Hy SWAii ' THE FLOP FAMILY : : 1 j FL U .wi feraSsS km F:v.;; mmMfywi iif- HAtH4 if 'l :. f r " " rO TTTA Tl C? I t j Nuith 112 deg 30 mill. West Willi old LVLacy line 300 feet to a stake in East margin of Walnut Street; tl.eiiee with said margin of said Street South 10 deg. 30 min. West 165 feet lo the BEGINNING. Being the identical property conveyed to lsabelle D. Smith 'Who has since intermarried with R. P. Hess i by Lucille B Davis b deed dated July 17. 1946. and recorded in Book 129, uage 25. Haywood County Registry. This instrument includes all heating, plumbing and lighting fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with the real estate hereinbefore described Sale made pursiuant lo the pow er and authority conferred upon the undersigned Trustee by that Deed of Trust dated June 14. 1947. executed by lsahelle D Smith Hess and husband, H I' Hess, and recorded in Hook of Deed- f Trust No 02. page 22ti, in office ot Register of Deeds of Haywood County, to which instru ment and record reference is here by made for all the terms and conditions I hereof, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and iiinsuiiil to an Older of ltesa made and entered by the Clerk Superior Court of Haywood Coun ty on Julv 2ti. 1948. Sale will be made subject to all prior hens of record and the high bidder will be required to deposit with the undersigned al the lime of sale an amount equal lo ten per cent of the bid This Julv 29, 104H A. T W A HI). Trustee. No 17.1.1- Aug 3 and 10 FOR SALE 1941 Ford 3-4 ton Pick-Up Truck, Excellent Condition - Price $850.00. Wo Finance MOTOR CO, 3 ' Wr.lt Slret I i Phone 480 I 1 1 -J; i- ZTr KKaiT AKQllNII IIOMK " By I.C.I.XV MSITJ MYR h , , --7 1 I iook bincc J " I And sue looks f ! ( GIVE 8INCO MITH lYi'AA ( )( - VuiXlAN . ZJlUi ;. V WMlTetLING TEACHING ) I "J . S S V - ) 1r ITipJ" U , i tP ft 111 . :; '!5 I m J 1 t s T 1 -Cs. II W VXJt f y J"- I I V .n : : I I item tu)r . A-' ' - - - -, . oi Kl tt. r - -i , ..j JZSl J 1 ' - CARL C. ANDEKSOfi ' DONALD DUCK , , 7 "VI I S-f 7" (HAN A THERE'S lil V ,r WASN'T J l I lfrj VABAOSPJT.., ) 9 f SJT ' ( POPPED UP j, ? tJjJrT rtW- ' Jtfo WHs WD 'W l . , ...... . . - ' -?