Standard Print in-220-230 S Firs, S nrisviiLF. kv T W ilisbcd 49,500 People Live within 20 miles of Tuesday WaynesviUe their ideal shopping center Friday JPublishtJ Twice A -Week In The Couny Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park TWENTY-FOUR FACES No. 62 1 nitecl Iress and Associated Press News WAYNES VII. LK, N. C. FRIDAY, AlOUST 6, 1948 S3 00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties ITnur i r uw .- ,,- .ii,ni . aged fall Says ting Fine' one of '""'-' Lp trarrline ith Tour, called 1 lie from Florence, by, to report t hilt is foins line and " Tin? 81'oup at the kspfctir; the large kanl of TV A. uld the Haywood living a great time many interesting isr.t-1! til Hie 'I'V A s icullural relations in the lour. 13 Havwnod people 'ii Mam street this tunc made a t'Clion en Southern our viMleil tarms in Issee. Lookout Moun. and Wil mi dams. k and n it i ;t plants. inrrii rxporinx'iil ta- :ro iiiirl horticulture, ither ai t i it i c - inter ne rs oik vine- rntntain- l t lure place.. Iluit n Hii-ni bv the fame Mia via- ;i l-o rri- Arrinc'dii ve ,i . along n Hutibi a r (. Mr Chapman ami ller reptc i ntrrl t h e kr an-i 1 1 (.1-1 Co 1 he I'Ull 1. .. . 1, p fcni Ncu -IihiimI (Jjh, after Hie vulrinit 1- npip 11 iii, mi from follm. , Carl Ai-rmglon Car- . V. 1. Annigi,,,,. I. B"1. Mr and Mrs Nr. ' and Mr-;. M II f tort, hi. K ( 'Tiapnirtii. Mr. and 'li.iMiiaii. A W. m''' lergusoii. h and Mrs .1 II Ha 'Ml-. Harrison Hensrin. lid .lu-tir Homer .fu-t tice. ,Ir tpairu k I. eat herwood. ;'n. Gallic MrCrack- Market 1. to 200 48c 20-28c .. 15c 10c 32-36c Meet lion N Lhs fcows ! 25 to 2 SO 7 00 to J9.00 22 00 to 24.75 22 00 t 25.75 2SO0 to 32.00 23 00 to 28 50 17 00 to 23.00 f nnt to r-i i so af and con- Cfiol rne-.vilr tempera FJr" nv (he ctnfi- Farme Max 7H 78 81 Flees Czech Reds ' i , in' mutt ; 1" N . Zt: ' ...... .' f ,. , V ' (i V , , i -"it ' uiiiii- Vf GEN. ANTONIN 8. HASAL DEPUTY Chief of Stall of the Czech o.jljvak army and commander ut the Czech forces in the west. Gen. Antonin B. Hasal (above) is now in the U. S. zone of Germany after h iving fled from his native ruunti y. II if defection is soon us another y.-n of the increasing unio-d in the So viet satellite slate, (iiitcniutiaital) Merchants Finish A Survey Of Businesses A thorough survey of the busi ness firms of this area ha-, just been made, and tabulations arc j now bring minplcl ed. Dave Fel mct, president, announced jester- ( t1av . - I 1 The Mirvrv figures Will IxrHicd 1 in a pri ial campaign which j , J being inaugurated lierr loda.v ly ( the Merchants Association, in an i efTort to '.how thr .rifl.l0 people ; in this trading territory what i-1 olTired in ltd:; coniiiumitv in thr wav nf ineri'liaitdim. and :;cric-. , i "The rcr.nll of the nrvev will be very intrre .lint;, and irvealinf..' j Mr. Frlnirt - aid "VVr " ill he or prised at the larue nmiihcr of linn. that are now in I hi- oinnintiiiv. mihI the many Ivpr. ol mimic- ,'ivailalile," he continued. M (I,,, fn .1 foi mat annoiiiK r 1 mrnl lodav. the Mi irh.inl i lalion i- trc nc: Hal ' "ion ran le had in the cm minim' "' foe Hie some pi in'.,, and s.unc lelTorl in other plac";. Stanley Henry is s.riclaiv of Hie Association, and a I' :' "f the 'lirms taking part in 1 1"' !rainp;iin Hie lonnd on patr , -1 1 1 ! of the .second section in t"d.i'- issue. Rev. Paul Thrower To Be Installed At 2 Churches Sunday WV Hatcliff Med- i 'dford. I.inda lime ! A special installation s.-rvnv toi puv W. Messer r v I Rev. Paul P. Thrower, the new pas- on Page Eight i ' ' tor of the Hazelwool and Bethel Presbyterian churches, win or con ducted at the Bethel church Sun day morning at 11 o'clock. hYv. R. V.. McClure. oxctutivr si c relarv of the Asheville Presbytery, will preach the sermon. Sunday cu ning at !! o'clock the pastor will he in stalled by a commission ol the Presbytery in the Hazelwood Pres byterian church, at which tune the Rev. D. O Mclnnis. pa-tor ot the Canton Presbyterian church, "ill 'deliver the sermon Kiicnds of the two communities are invited to these special service- Park Commission Votes To Press Congress For Money ,, . . No,-th CaS-nnisr S y Mountains Nammal r'" sicn, nierting a. - nay, voien - ; icir apjiiopi ia' ni"- ' -oomololo the orciEtam fur develoj ment of the park adopted by commission as its ohjec lives the last year Thn mmmissnn expressed grati- of ficatinn at the success of its efforts in the current year in obtaining Rain- $110,000 for bridges which will Mm. fall open up the beautiful Cades Cove 64 1.02 road and $150,000 for the Hein H 1 lO.tooga Ridge road in North Caro 64 -'I Una. The sj-ecia! earmarked fund' Few Shifts Seen In Vote Here Next November I'oh'i al ohieivers in Hawcood (lid not feel thai the new i e p. ii I v, Ith llt'iii v VV il I ogl e l.n i. pre ideal nil .1 nd id.ite would ii t in;iii iili-. in Hivood The par! was olii'i,ill letimiu cd i, li i -tale board ot clt i :ioih fin VednesdH , after n nling pelilion. cont. lining moi" tli.iii 111 ll'lll (is -tilied ll, one- to Hie -tale hoanl .1 1! Mm g.n) niein bei ! t h.' In . ,1 il .irl'n ed here 1 1 om t lie i.u 1 lnn-Ml-i inoriung. ..nd the Moup beaded b Me I'm e ot f I rei'ii-lioi o. erc in-'o: S.l'.l Ma i v spot 1-. -s at i e and happv mer get ting Mr W.d lace s name on I he Tat Heel ballot lor Nowiuhci ' Ne r sa so mam puline being taken, " Mr Morgan 'aid "I ;i. amieed at one member of the gioup who b(eed In- head a1 ptiotogi apliers started snapping pntiire-. nice he wa- i.eM to a large N - gi o ill the gi'oiii '" The 1 )in 1 at s did not tai e well The-, p, i -1 - n I ed a la; 'Je ti.imber ot pei it inn- ith signatures, but thes v ere not cert died, and I he board Mould rot recognie them as being authentic until thc had been eer tilied The Dixierats took an ap peal to the supreme court, and plan to push for a lulling m time to get I hi tin name of .1 Strom Thurmond, presidential candidate of the party on the North Carolina bal lot in November. The Haywood observers in dis- ens ing the coining election. ien there the r, ,m;id be little difference m tie of voting Ibis year than from H44. when Haywood pulled l),;n:i voles, with 7.770 going to Kooscvelt, and 2.017 to Dewey. Lions Benefit AucUdriToBo'; On Saturday I. oral merchants havn chipped in wilti m:mv fine articles of melcbati- i . wine b will be sold at the l-inus ; Club auction Saturday morning at j III ..clock, at the Wayne-viUe Art; Gaiici-. : Club pre .ident Paul Davi,, say s ' that all I - readv for the event and ,( hi i; ( i owd is antic ipated Mer , hml in Hie Wayne ;nlle-llael- j wood ai ca have contributed goods r.iiii'.ing 1 1 om watermelon., to clc( -local appliance- 1 he article, arc mi di pla-. in the old Citizen- Itatik , ) i I I'll tit', window. I .liiiiio Miiiui. well known local j auctioneer, will handle the sale of the I, ions' aiticli's ( ) It Kobci I s is to c hai gc of I be coiouiiltee which i- airanging the auction Pan Phillips and l.lnyd KnkpaliKk aic other members of the committee. All proceeds from the sale will go into the I. ions Club kind, which is used thioughout the year on worthy civic projects. Two From Here To Attend Democratic Executive Committee Oral I. Yates and Mrs. Jack West, members of the State Demo cratic Executive Committee, plan to attend the slate meeting in Ral eigh next Friday. The principal business of the committee will be naming a state chairman. Gov ernor nominee Kerr Scott has said he favored C'apus Wynick, and it has been custodiary throughout the wars to name the man the governor-elect prefers. Mr. Way nick managed Mr. Scott's recent campaign wen- added to the park s appropna- .u-n in ,, bna, budget hearing in Zion passed today asked f, k srvirp , expedite the ' ,nd construction Of the Cades Cove road bridges and the Hnntooga road ronstnirtion as much as possible no that comple tion would be assured by the be ginning of next season's greatest tourist traffic. The matter of the proposed fees to be charged to motorists using the Clingman's Dsrac extension road was discussed at the meeting, and the commission registered its 1 i Continued on Page Fight' Assist With Funerals Of Haywood Service Men J J u to III 0 o a. s V ' Shown here are the group ot service men This is the Huiial s ol Hie National Guaid, l'.in'.h -i l veil at 14 tuiierals. as l Hi, s, rv e. bu t al w ay s glad, v I la Edgai Not in. in, I red She h.n. I Stu ehan The sec ond row i- II, .1 T KusmsI. Itn-I v hit nia ii H. 1. Pin gin ti I !ir Negro Who Fled Prison Is Captured A eglo convict vi ho r-caped t roni ; he county pi ison t,u m near llaelwood Wednesday nun nil, g about 1 1 o'clock bad a slim I la-le ot Ircrdeui The prisoner Mellon Si ale-, was captured Wednesday tngbi at 10 o'clock not quite twelve hours alter his getaway Police were alerted imnieibalely alter the Negro s escape and ,i man-linn! was instigated in Hie Fines Creek-Iron Dull area Radio reports during the evening warned resident- of the area to be on the lookout for the loose convict lint Scales didn't get far. Prison olficials and sherifT's deputies put hounds on his trail and followed bun into the Fines Creek sect ion One of the dogs, according to prison authorities. broke loose Ironi the pac k and found, the priso ner. When Scales, trylntf (o evade Hie pursuers, '-leftpcd mitft hr ones Greek road, one ol the men posted dicing the road capturi d him He's back ill the ramp todav. serving time on hi. remaining. Hirer v car sentence. Chest X-Ray Survey Here Increasing I III v. null the v ramp, c In-.1 X t.e i I r id. nl . pM I , el; iilli-i a i al I lign and u ia i ki Hav . pc i ,1 no I -1 .low d III' J .-,11 I' total Wed l.llled of H.HII7 pi-rsons examineil liv ,i ., ban' been u lo li.Kltll ol I bis niiiobci 1)1 llelbell Oulekel. menibel o the Stale lioal d ol lb -allb - ev Hi ilium parly fled ' vv ilh going now the -i ays number ol ,-red said Ihat In Hie way lb'- Dr tiiiekel and repel Is a doiililtiil ( a- ale - ill e' I i- leading Ian Iv low i s lllsl OV - Four ilnle stral N ! a.. Hint - VV el I egll spots .lllo-s , unit stepped III lot ated at thr county Om lot adjacent to Hie has been doing a esprc lally over the the parking Court house rush busines week-end. Today (Friday ' the unit- vv anchored at Otto si hool. Sy Iv. court house, and I he Canton otfice. I Saturday the units will -n Cowce school, al Svlva at court house and the ( anion office. I hi tin Rains Harder Here In Four Days Than In Usual Month If you think it hasn t rained in the past few days, you're all wet. The people who keep the county's weather records at the State Test Farm say that it rained 4.14 inrhes since Sat urday nitht. That's more rain fallini: in the Hrst four days of Aiicusl than came down during the en tire month last summer. Ani ust of I!I4 had only ."!." inrhes. July of last year had 2.16 inches, 'way below our 4-day total. In fact, it almost rained more in the past few- days than in whole preceding month. the In July 4.6" inches of water fell, just a fraction more than has been measured since Sat nrdny night. l-t;n ' 1 I. lf-.'ll II. Illg .thou! Hav iiiad u .11 111 Ol.l e s.u Ha ids ,111. utii in al . in : 1 1 vv i Im. I r. ,llll- Prominent M. misters To Feature Lake Activities Wi .1 u na lid al t i V l! Ir i will c .n! i r - at Lake around pro l he ( losing onlerence in 'I Ministers lu- k gram dav - -(hedulid l.n the Pastors ( In re iigu-t :t pi o'lllMetll in I he Southeast will be lealured speakers The .pcakel lor lllls F i id.i ' at 11 o do, k 11 Tumble. 1 ).-.. ll ot lb morning . Ill II ( aiidler Seliooi vci sity subject Pi cache Rev I i ( ciili.-il Mile It -ion Si ll Tin w ho 'The al Emmy I nn speak on Hie vv ill Ne d lor Trained - " Tonight s speaker is e F Til Ue pastor of the Melbodi I chin i ii. A .he v .lames W Sells, I'Aten- iclarv Southeastern Juris. riiCHofffH Oiiiucil will lead the rti; c ossion coi thr . oral wmk prograin of the church Saturday morning Dm mg t he I' i -lor ( onlerence Hi addition lo daily addresses, liiiiini ill i ii ..inn- have been led . ii ti moi iniu' hv I he - I'cakrr of i in e mill I ii ho c Plav i in' an im , ,,i I i ele in I he a- Iii, uiii ha I. rb ol the I I I in invv ll plan lor out Im I. Hi ( bill a ( enfi dm 1 1 1 j -ion a i, tile,, i laid t lie pi l Old I ill I eh i .l.n , Iniiil v ill VC I I lie. M.uni.e v li.u Until It III .ill I'll.! o! tin eal ion nd to 1. iil'iani n e 1 1 a i ni 1 1 il ,1 i;l ml ps ot I V I Ii o .advanced -H tin I. d all'. I; Iln i I I hull .. moi nun P -lap and li.u I ii l pal loll in in ,:,i :. lp . 'I be evening pi o y,,. ale hi I Ii-; held In ( olljlllll I ,, ,, w il h I lie Pa -I in ' olllel ' in I i vv. ,.k From August H-12 the ( s.nt ; lined on Page FighU Rural Home Sold To R. J. Fowler I ll I I put eha - i ..neb mail Hole huii-c on It" ading up b I'P I ' el I IIVV III nit ll o iln..1 I )av i ,va- ail.ang- Waynesviile w dsn I the lilllv p-lai e thai had oveiilowing cut- aiid muL'gv skies for the ters. last few days. In harlotte the rili7ens were nearly washed out by rains that totaled Bine inches for the first four days of tin as it month twice as much raim-ci here. Officials shook their heads and llu-re said that this w s two times as oiiiih rain as is rxpritrd for the month. Rut it ain't gonna rain no more. A I'nited Press weather re port quotes weather experts as sayine that a mass of polar air is roverinc the southeastern seaboard area. It should last two or three days and will mean clear skies and cool temperatures. ,s win ! tin '.,;ii.. weel i . I I d.iu Hie funerals for returned i-t No 47, with nii'iiibei--' one month this group I Itii e - tl om then ih, duties to right. 1,1 Frank livid. Paul Mull ev v'.is'- .lames li.u 'sell and Hairv right Robert Gibson Si . Dough, (.laid Robert Gibson .h . .lolinni s Studio Cataloochee Reunion To Be Held At 10 Sunday Mil! annual Calaloix bee vv ill be held Snndav union Palmei a I Chapel, on Cataloochee and I exp' ( t cluldr- etvv ren aim and 1 1)011 i,re ed lo attend Not many ti are evpected. officials of the reunion organization .aid Dr Robert 11 Woody, professor ol history of Duke I luveisilv. will b( the principal speaker He is a native of the Little Cataloochee area Mark Hannah is in charge of the program. The ( listuinai v picnic dinncr vv ill he- served at iinon Mrs Eva Messer Shaip. ol Knoxv ilh ganiat im ( 'anion. . is president of the nr I and I' W Woody, of Is vice presiilenl. with Mrs II W I'lilnn r. sei rrlai y Mrs Sharp is tin- dfiiighlt W. G II Messer of thr late John Carver Attends Meet At Statesvillc John Cii ver, Ha-.'.vood Coiiulv In animation ofTtcet w a . tin. fnlllilv s i epiesrutrtf iv r at a una I ing nl II. e Soot bra -I el n Aillliilal Hf'-eililll' As.oepition to Stale, - die l.-et week Twelilv four out of '.'7 inill.lie.. V- el e lepi e-ent i d at t lie l.n ct llu' Speaker Illgh'V lold ll.r ,. I hat H HUH i (iw , per nionl I ... mild have to he proilllccd le Hie Ind ..el up al sliev ille I In. pi i, doc I imi w ill have lo be i'Vi,iinliil n, tin t.gui c. said M . 1 1 i r: 1 , v , it the in gainat lou is going lo .top tin. H DUO loss it is bikini: evei v moid I. ol. the ploject. The Asheville sn, pmjrct , now piodiicing on I I f,lMi row -pit nionlli The new pioduclion woutd o,e,,n an output ol (ill. 0110 to 70 1)1)11 ...iw per v.sar New Draft Board Awaits Orders As of noon yesterday, the V nian di aft hoai d recently named lor Haywood county had not t e oeived any instructions from Gen eral J Van Metis, in charge ol se lective 'orvirr in North Carolina Reports Irom Raleigh weie that the slide organization is working on details of Hie new drat I. and instructions arc being sent out fast as facilities will pel mil The five named for t be ll.r - wood board arc W A Rradlrv Wav Mease, Fred Campbell. I.m (Ion Robinson and Charles Duck ot! al! of wood I Duiii County Highways Remain Relatively Quiet In July Hav woods highway- were (pi id during July, with only one an-on- traffic ai( itli-nt rrpnrlrd The total now stands al Hirer fatalities and 24 injured Traffic accidents in North Car olina claimed the lives of 51 per sons during June, the Motor Ve hicle Department reported. This brought highway deaths for 1048 to 303. The June figure was 16 per cent higher than for the same month last year, when 44 persons were ! killed. The report showed that 1 139 ac cidents occurred in Jo nr. run-ins New Brick Drive-in Opens Soon '( li.u lie's riate" On Ashfvillo Highway Opens New Spot To ii crei II: lie HiAV Im cut pi I Ore h nl an in in bii-ine..-. ill I i oi i .1 1 net lug a id lo his pres ,v ItIA 23 hill, ol ; nil I I' pulai drive-in and o''. in this area. ., . take n an ovel -oi'iiilhs now will be of brick . i: I ,n-i i n at ing to nitly the most . ' Tile present mud In serve the ue v building, but l in sa s t he luggei Hint better Ch,, Ma llow Im Tb i ii ii. -I i ie Ml W:. stall i ll I' In 1 1 1 i iivv ni : Ilia; Tin ll Im le Ill- I'laie should - mi Septein- la- npi'll lul bll-llle I) 1 Four Injured In Car Crash At Crossing Thursday Two on. whuli clashed logelb rl Hi the I III el ,( t loll ol Depot and Piianner si reel, Thursday ninrninij al 11) l a lesiilii-d in hi iii-os and (Ills I I hi i loin passengers a ill on:. 'In le -, reported Ille Way lies v 1 1 le wen- a Plllli I William Hose and a D 17 I Richaid Is I polite department, oi d i-dan. driven by id ( anion route T nd iiiUPe driven by i lies. loniHTly of Mulligan and now (onnected with ii chi-iiitenl compmiy In Waynes viUe Rnlh drivel, vviae given police citai ion. bu ri elites, driving and vill ,pii ai in i o urt this at teinoon I'. i . on, a i i i 1 tiit- in the Rose car i i eiv i d I .. la i o mi ie-. Flovd Rose. !! M i l M ri! a ijiiallel inch ( tit over in it to Ill- e Ml .1 hllll ... It. i , . 7 and bl lira-s on his :!. bad I , ;u ry d back. U i till. -. 1,'n I III a... Rose, and knee. I a .kllltic and II -.1 III III lit .' w a . i-i v en I ol eheacl I vv o S. C. Girl Is Named 'Queen' Of Junaluska Mi t h mi of Gi een- w a pained "tueen' .1 u . ... i u -ka in an election idav Vii'iisl 2 vim l.loe A I bloiitle Miss Gih- t ct aduate ol Fin man l.'ni autl has visited Junaluska past mi seasons This sum- t -i iit'in ;' in the Assembly nil will ret ui n lo her teach- l V Iln I mi i ( ho iti;', diiiie- in Ho- C.astouia School Svstioi III- tall Mi-- Gibson was named Queen ovei -is other contestants. The ( oron, d no i will be held August 14 in the Jo t.,.1 u-k.i iiiidiloriuin. Delinquent Tax List Being Made pii i I'ptent tax it.d and l.i i. tnia list i. ' 1 1 I J li d t bet1- , i s t il -a t ( I ' '" - lour v - lo the Monda " lb b. pul,l-heil Ii 0 i'l 1 1 n pi i, perl -I bidder on the 1 pi ember -old lust .0 tin i ' i in t ea per in This in ac ise in in Mi. i "jo la - I -..op month 'i ace idents were deaths and 542 I Ii. I epii, d i Hi 4t injuries Eight ot the fatalities and 43 of the injured reported during June were children under nine years of age. The department announced that 1.036 drivers were involved in the total accidents, with 166 of them reported driving drunk or drink ing when they ran off roadways or r-ontiniecd or Pagr KigbO Fall In Plant Kills Wayne Browning, 34 Wavne R Rio,', p.'!'. and inglit iv at' brmn go-ta Manulai tut mg siittoeation VA'ediiesoa M tir. at the Ira ( o died of . imc'" when lie fidl inlo pii ol -tl r tii';s at i Hurl 10 rirer his ii'd Ins be was i mot nit mug was a; ..t i he i,, hos oiiHiiiced the plant Ill-owning wii p. m e due .da' tellovv elnplov i li.iiinl li-id absence ltet a loUIld 111 all i lgl.1 ot dusi and -bav mil given a . 1 1 1 . . t 1 ir plant and was ne pilal. vvheie he v (h ad upon al rival Plant ..tin nils an Ii ., e I'.l o s'JI i h It ec mug was evideiillv ptittiu a i iinv ev i ii belt v. In balance and ii 11 into No our was near wb lliaiw lung had hoi i -ha lu i nigs on lo-l los ihi. I pit. fell inplov ee I Ii ol I'nagusta lor the na t nine vers. said official- He ,- a iiai.i oi this county and ir-uhil n, lu, '-.nook 1 section He e- the on ot i I it I and llie late Mrs Mi He Alt r iure ! Brow in ng Sin v ing him are t In w ..Inn " Irs. i Ressie Arrington 11 row i:ie, the I father. Claud RiovMung ol unite one. two sisters, Mrs Edna lb-m-bree, nl route one and Mi . Nina Jordan ol Lake .luit oit I.,. two brothers. Paul ami l.n. ill I'.iown ing of route one. lie- (a'cinal grantimol her Mrs Hanoi Uruvn ing ot Ha7elvviMid The litnei.R will - In-sl I . iday at 2:30 p. in at the Plea ani i: o ;am Itapltst cliiii ill ( It I in al i . is 'ill be Hie pilslol Rev .1 M Wnod.ird, Assisting will be Rev I I' Mason pastor ol the Flkiu Go. pel Mission of West Asheville j Interment will be in tin. Plott Cemetery on Ralsam in, id Garrett Funeral Home is in eh. pgr. Young Worker Badly Hurt In Fall From Silo T T Muse. .Ir 21 VI It! man who took a forty foot a silo on .lark and ( Tacken's farm Fi nia paring for the Fai in Field Dav . wa ; in hospital this week tec. injuries Young Mil .e s ii (T i i i ed left knee, rn, npo'iti his left leg. a hods i ll pines to hi aid; V i two back f i art o i e in He i, the .oil ..I ' T 'I Mn-e ol h'si' lilt plunge from Ho am Me v I . ilc pre .("I Home ,ii ' hevtRc iv a i mg from d a fra'tur .1 f i act ore in n ,,gn leg. nd heel, and H." i...iM. b o d Mrs. I ,. p Haywood In Still Clear Of Polio Haywood ninaio- imp o' the few (lllllltifs in No, Hi I J(ll!a Pi escape the iol .nitib- paraly sis fpidi-nitc. Health tb inn tun ol i.lh'laK said Thursday that tills county was slill clear of am asi s of polio. I Althnucli the distni t lu H'tti ' ollicers have iovestii;.ili d s-v-i-ral rumors of i asrs in this area, mine has hern found to) he substantial. Canton Gets New Fire Truck 'a lit (111 VVHs dm- I ' I ! til e I I IK k V e-l . ; d e Tin truck. d,t,,-.i.-d Alll'-I ,,11 I.Cgl'ill . o most modern ' i.u e ! double Hie I...-I, Id. lorcr Cost ,llg ii-i carries a 7'H-galli,u pi' t;?vv 1.. C-p ,f thr. ...-I j.i! I'.l !"g I'S'I ,i ! anrl hose ;,nd a ch'-nin at ' ink and j hose The new truck will alongside ("anion's "Id ti , has seen sci vie- foi 13 ! used to k w hirti ai s. Highway Record For 1048 (To Date) In Haywood Injured .... 23 Killed....: 3 (This piled State Information com from Record of Highway Patrol.)