I 'l VII ! I M Waynesville Mountaineer "I 49,500 People Live within 20 miles of Waynesville their ideal shopping center ! t r th I KllIT VAC.hS Sv. 1 fcteo Sanitary 4- x PuMislird Twice , Week In The Courtly Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park I'ltitcd li oss and Associated Press News W.WNKSVII.I.I . N ( . Tl'LMl.AY. AHA ST 10, 194S $.1(10 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties iioiiaBiices Mir Massed Tax Rate Will Remain At $1.40 chinery Being Demonstrated At Field Day miesville $204,225 Is Needed For Town During 111, boiild ul alib i men ;i 1 1 1 loll I it I'll leslcldal its 1 1 1 1 - nude public thill in-a budget I I I In-- ,,. li.l.il liinl'Jrl ii'i)liiii'iiii'li' l il S J i 4 L'T.i w ilh I lir 1 1 1 1 1 . n I n l; ,1 lui I lir i .ii mil'- I units STICILm Vs! Tilvnlfit t4 ,C .in,.. in, i. t fi .,Wrff I (11 nils iliiiimnl till' hoard osll- St M l Hon, s,(,s other than las 1. v . , i ,y,ra! I'l.'i't's ul' far;.) il I -: -t I !ii.-i-u i!" ' r ' 1 s : : .! the ..., K ;. , ...! (,. 111.' demonstration mi l-'irli) held lll'l Mil'. I III' si, i d pastiuc n'v, , i, Mr 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 I pes ! rquipniert on ili-niiti';ilin. .i m-m-i .il IiupiIi'imI H;i- d 1. 1: I i... piiniii l) Joe Davis. Chances Of Getting obile Post Office s Brown Warns Speeders M Are Good, Say ,, II, 's ill, l i'lllJllls at SI HI', MM X I. tsi ,.i: Opens New Store Ian Hurt 'uck lunday K S. Ward Doubling Size Qi Junaluska Buildings Hold riday it ,1, i! Market ft. 2 DO 4!le 1 ."c Hie :-3tic : no -4. (HI :'j no JH SO lavvi tih County Still Clear Of Any Polio Dr. M. 15. Mirlirfl. dislut lualth ofiirrr, s.iift l.niH,v, I hut lld.vwonrl's sliitr was Mill liar in rrsprit In polio Or. Mi'h.il rrportnl th'l IIitc wrrr nn fw ' dira'tril disr'.r in (hi. rniii'f Mivvmri " tl'r ,riv KMKitMs in thr stale ulurli is lr ar ol polio. Beef Cattle Men Invited To Hear Experts Tonight All beef caltle pi ocii.c el s in Hi ' i on r.t ;.ie invited In allend a iiieetiiiK in the couil limisc t" niylil iTuesda i at H pan Kxpeits nil cattle plod lift ion M,I lie present, according lo iminiv mtit Wayne C'orpeniini. I" d' cuss the latest methods in Hie I" ' ! , industry. A feeding specialist ami several representatives from Hie Department of Agriculture iu: present. There will al.so be a (oloti'd n.o tion picture on bain cinii.u ot nay shown. Correction: Canton Will Pay Its Own Way A news story in The Mountain eer last Friday incorrectly ! Ihat the Canton American l.eeion was donating a new tire truck to Canton. Apologies go to the town licials of Canton, which bought the modern piece of equipment, am. will pay for it out of town tuivN To the American l.cgion post a -o go apologies. truck is a S12.ni)(l modi ' n truck. Win I. nn c I ai t ItiJ on I lie ,..,nd II ,. tin II S Waul m me . . Iimldiin: at the miei ..re 1 1, ,n ,,l tli!:h i.e. I'l and JOII ,il I. .ike Inn. tin k. 'I I ,,. 1,1 1 lid 1 1 Mill bi ml i to le ,,r i ii, ii d ., I, o.i W ml 1 1 p.... I" 7(1 I. I I (Wo ,md i lil wdl hi. I, I Ml In i The est, male is Ihat S:VJ,4(MI will lioin t,i, s tor lillll plus S4,i,(i on prior le it's The luiilt:t'l -hows thai last's will Ki $1.7L'U into the general fund; Sli li.'a ml" Ihe slreel lund. ;intl $l!i.ilo,l on debt s, r lee The re iiiaindei will tome liom Ihe sale ol lights and water The break-down ol the las rale show s I hal 41! cents will go to I he m n. i.il lund 47 tools last veal '. i: cenls to the slreel 1 11 ml 17 last 'ran and t7 cenls lo thhl sirwtc a . against 7t cents lasl year the hiitli'i l was adopted Nugilsl r t ( i hv Ihe hoard Ranger Huber Is Leaving Pisgah; Given Promotion f . h.ii i 1,1 UO Hi i: i l W, ii' ' 'P' nt W W Huber, i ; ,ili Nation. ,1 I ol I 1 1 lend-, in till'. Il .HI t l ied lo 111 4 1 , : : i in Mil I w ho ha . i I ion. Ii.c regional the ' I'l -in. nr. heeii off If c OVI I (., i ion Hid I..I oi I I, d III ,1 I III , iii M h oil,. , 1 1 liM III X-Ray Units Will Continue Survey i i J ti. ii 1 1. g I oillll '. lll.ll in- w. , k With II. let itlillel I'.tl'i . ,n! t in I kt i ii - ill I ! 1 1 ' I Ii. e Hint I he,, IN I'll 1 1 1. -1 1 sin i' ol lla , hi'.illh the mobile in in lo atlioii again nil .it i'l I em,, u , k- ol i 1 a 1 1 1 1 ' i.i I ion He siue ha- al i I lioiis.iiids nt per niiit w ide sin t . hit Ii lia- in en doing business has operated paiking lot next lo Hc ce I' will be lltere ..ill.lO.it , '! tills Week. i unit uh ,e located at I tit e 1 1 I an: on I b is week h, .sited h one nin- he i miauling unit w ill C.itir school on Tuesday and inklm near the town jail the nilei ol the wet k. I: , will 1 1 T lit Clyde liranch of Library Circulates '.) 12 Books During Month Of July 1 h, nod ( li t Clwle branch i , ur,t 1'uhiit il.il ion ol :tl2 v nionl h of Jul.v of the Hay l.ihrary had .oliimes lur- The Clyde slalom under the direction of Mrs .lover H) ties, is the largest branch station ol the library system. Rates Given Here CLOUDY i-v T-ti . - Ulsv WolorC vjn riiecinc waiu -uh Mu in 48 Si mp( r- All residents having electric hot "prr. Water heaters will get a reduced of rate, effective August first, pro vided they notify the electrical del-lain-' partment of the town by the 14th i fall O. C. Ferguson, town manager said 10 yesterday. 00 The board of aldermen recently 0 authorized a reduction on all com 00 mertial ratp which ipeb'd'-. I,lnes u.ib electric water healers ' "W-' know of some homes with elect ric water heaters, hid do not know them all Unless we are notified bv the 14th. the new rate cannot be applied this month, Mr. Ferguson said. The new commercial rate aver ages about 20 per cent reduction in I'lul.i.li Iploa and w ill I tkt ,1, it ie . I lien- on Sent ember 1 'I In popular i .ini: r a ill bat t III, pi, il .,l i , mini n,.' i. .11 I" ' 'a ,l ,,, , I ' el , i, c f. ill, dot " ot t i Ih. I. n i'i- M on. I" X n I'"" ' ,. , lion, kno'.' n i ihe Mi toil .in 1)1 ti id ' Haii,:'i 1 1 ti hi' i will be icpl.it id at Ihe Hievaid ollne h Hill Dim t an. loi inei 1'isgab i .iiigci w ho i al pic-t ill the a' .slsl.tllt sllpel t MU ,, ihe I'lsgah -Cioatan Nat ! tol est s (lei the loin teai span wlndi Mr Huber has held Ihe rangei s post he hits Hied to extend the forests service lo a- mam people as possible. When he look ovei the job the an a was letcning about ' .WllllO x isitoi s a ve.ti Huber hiked thai number I" iH.0"il last veal This total is expected to touch 7.1(1.0(10 this war Hangei Huber i educed Ihe num ber ot tires in the forest litim IH in 11144 to Ihrei last year (In,, ol the main points -lies-ed 'Continued on I'itge Kight ' Officers'Here May Organize Military Order i To consider 'the formation ol a Waynesville chapter. The Miliary Order of Ihe World Wars, a din ner meeting has been aranged tor 7 p m Wednesday at Patricks Cafeteria All commissioned officers who served in World War 1 or II are invited to attend Ibis meeting J B Giant regional director who is now residing at Lake Juna luska. will be in charge of ar rangements for the meeting Mr Grant says that he has in viieri Major George Smathcrs a member of the Miami Beach chap ter and formerly of Waynesville. to speak at the meeting, providing he returns from the special session of Congress in time. ItAl.l'H K KF.KM'M. gtinial manage' ol III" I I.it 1 w o,,l I'h.u imicx. The .loic bad a loijual open nig hi .1 week end. and w ,c .d tended b much 1,11 gel cl ow tl 1 hall w .is espedt (I I h" ' loi t l one ol I lie mo .1 model ii in I In t ul ii ft ) mu. and I . on the em ii, I ol Mam and ( lunch 'tic.l in I la.l't nod Lions Make $1,500 Here on Auction Sale H i' iii t - ii'i v much I'licoui iigetl oxer the pi o.spi ds ot getting a mobile post oltltc lor Ihe run limn A-licv die lo Murphy C K Hlow n. setitliiiy lo Kep Monroe M. Ketl ticn. said lici e y eslertliiy . W e winl i it'ht lo work on this piojecl when we got to Washing Ion, anil e ei y 1 lung is favorable loi gelling (he project Ihlough.' Mi Hiown said, as he explained and Mr Hodden were title lo sheville totl.n or lo- inoiiovt anil coniplel,' plans lor a sloi.ige place, and make aiiame ini'iits In gel it giir.ige lo handle maiutainciifc tin Ihe tilt'ee huge units Mi Itrtiwn siiul lliiil iis soon as they eon Id get the places -spotted" 111,. pos office ni'i'.ili ineiil will si nil .ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii eonl ract man to make lin.'il tlelails. rl.nis iii e lo hav e I lu ce units oil this i nil wild two in daily ser vice, and Hie third as a stand-by in t a-e ol eiiHTgeiw y. I he gowi nineiil has only a limited number ol these mobile po I ollne nulls In -1 lift limit, and we loci we eiin y.et Hirer fur this ei I inn," Mi Iteddcn snitl in er I In v ct k , ml ill III ow n said Hint unheal ions were Ih.il everything would be win kctl mil to begin Ibis special , i vii e .on 1 1 f ii in- bet ween Sept. I a .mil loiter I. I In pi eonl .s si em is mil ado , 1 1 l.i 1 1 to handle I he volume ol mall in, I Ilieii loo. il was pointed mil pi sent l elite operate', no i r it? S .!" 'I sfc ::.. 1 1? ...i jfciriaiMmmmmmnri Cileir 2 Mew Laws Passed By Board For Cleaning Up Iwo m-w ordinances i I. imping down stricter sanitary nile on U';iy nes il le w ere passed l.i t w ck liy the Board of Aldermen Ihe ordinances imposed lighter law , nn Ihe disposal ol garbage, .nil Ihe keeping of livestock the up ol refuse in AI Ihe same meeting the Ald-'i-inen adopted an ordinance niakiiis; it unlawful to operate bowling a I leys, or pool balls between II p m Saturdays and 7 ,1. in Monday s I he same law dcckircd il illegal to op such a place bet w ecu 1 1 p erali in iind 7 a in. week nights person iolatmg the oidiii.int he guilly of a misdemeanor filled $.)() The sanitary ordinances designed to eliniiuale main and insects from W ay ne.s il I, VIM' the tow u a llealt The first ordinance deel.ncd lli,n no garbage containing too, I ot olhei unsanitary waste mailer shall ! left open and uncovered in Hi. city limits. This was aimed ai hoi I lousrwives and places of bu llies. The ordinance said that no p, , on firm ny will and Hie. and appeal an. o il, a ih .It i a , In, It ol il i i..' ii S.l'0.1" XI valuation load limit, I . 1 1 , ,1 .iii-fll.lle to take l .ll e alia e pel 'Hilly III handling he W.e lie .IH' lt G .11. I ,.,(. ,1 a '-Ii' I.1'. ' --a "I d.e i o ,. ., .,, i,, I i,.n I nib If I'l i' I, I ,,,, i li e ! illl'l '. mil lll.ll i at ml l.mdilii',' ' -.ip.it id w ' O'.'el loaded w II II people pat ki ll in lo t 1 1 i v tlool w ay itinl t ol m i With .1 1 n iin x Mann ilonm Hi, talking and Ha bii'.uig Limn.: id . f.e.l ,iin Ihe I. ion- tulind llienl lllg limiting w.i ;ih nl ol the I he pi oel t The money I mid, yy hit n Hit .tin o hand Haul I lie liiehli Ml llllll 11 a tl ill lOlls l lllb s -elles Willi oicl SI. allll on -,!!.. i II,.. sliollllliL! yi a toil D.-ti is pi i (hired Iba sin ( esl ul. 1 1,.. 1 ions I mid yy hit Ii l I In on g lion t ,.i, ,t m i t s es let lill II II siaht ronsei i at ion program Manx business 111 ins ill the W Hi in si die Hiielwood area con lllbutcd Illl'l chillldls, iilill set vices to Hi,, autlimi KieiHliing Iroin loodslull lo t -let II It al appliances uas mi Hie blntk and the crowd hid lot I hem t-iil hu -ui-t n alii Hi pi o; lol I loll I o l - at t Hal w ol I II a pie bilked 111 ( ai I lllsl hull prob ahli slol, Ha -how The pie a oo- Vi lliovtii ..ml Iheie w.e. molt I ill. .il.'iul politic- in Wa .binrlon 1 1, ,u tit, If ii an iltl.'il loll Tin i e I a i I t "Mr. I 11 il lit tilt I he I'll i n a ion. but t he ill i'l a,:e pel II I he c .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I fels I h II III, ,1 ai , I lepa 1 1 mciil has the situation Well III I l.i I Ml 1 1 i Iron n a id I he genei al let I mgs weie llial Congress would not In- .ill.il I). iek oillll Ihe regular a la , ii, a , I lime on December .'flsl utiles a win lil 1 1 isis lakes place Clyde Church Gets 5124 From Play JOHN WOODAUD. chief of po lice of H.i1'lwood bus issued a wincing in all iiioltu l.sls Ihat tral tir la vs .ire liein;; enforced In Hazckviii'd. iintl speeders are being hailed iiilo t mn ' Chiol Win id.'i rd lias I, "in deiol'in: much of his lime iliuiug tin P f.l I en days a trolini! Hie n 1 1 1 1 1. I -(reels that atTurd .oeeili t - i eh, nice "lo open up Hi i . .il .o cl. imping down on I ho e who mil on drli ing mi l lei' ll.lllll Ii 'lit - 450 Attended Cataloochee Reunion Sun. or corporal ion orrupiing no lo! or parcel of land i onnei -led wilh a dwelling restaurant shall in the ( omit en t ai d . a a n ji rang up the ca h legi It must hale bet n linii. ol somclhing I pit hit t he and loin , I ding was luriou bollghl the pie, Hie! This happened again Tiring ol handling -'tipped and stl'l in. ii lunch oi v h, n Un block hid- customer i n- sold il and again this partoular uetmnooi t i and ale salt s ol Ih s t he pie h. article, out a s -top tilt tool e -a in the I. ion's (ollt i A country ham hi on several i o-saics ,nji mn luinked This ditln I ue idler 3 hopped Sod n SiriO The Henry Aldricb play, pre -iniid m Hie Clyde high school authtoi nun lust Friday nigbl gross ed approximati'lv $142. $117 fin lickels and $2.i for homemade (iindy llial wa- MJ( at the door The proceeds limn the phty are to g,, I,, the building fund of the Clyde Methodist church Wildlife Club To Meet Tonight At 8 Ihe Waynesville Wildlife Club will meet at the court house Tues day night at o'clock, J. K Massie president, announced yesterday "Several matters of importance will come up. and must lie dispos ed of." Mr Massie said. The mem bership contest will also he an iiiioiiiicctl The club divided into Iwo learns to stage the drive. One unit was headed by ,J. W. Killian and Ihe oilier by Hugh Sloan. Jr. l i;ih at I Tin Im Ihe tun lam e Ii In I Of lll-.ll Hie pi I Dai is Hun i made a nidi y. ii Mi elected Kiit M Mr- .h ret at i il 1 .11 . o pi, allelldcd the Him il ( 1 1 , ' ' a a I tee III II 11 loll he, I I h.ii I oil S.lllldil' I I lie . I I pi e clltefl, Willi I I it- lollgesl dls n Maskii olieii II Woody, professor i . al I int.. I IllVel'slty, w as a I pal leakfl ( JroVer C. ), oi,,, i al it iitiintiice tor t be i ,1 Hepi e t "ilal ii es. also . i a 1 1 I addi ess Miii k Man ilia ! I iii enionies. I. II I a ai lui w ood was I I , i nleiil succeeding Mrs. p of knoxilllc v as elected sec- iiiiiii ! .' 1 1 i Sn.u , -ri ml Miii k Hannah is treas in Th. taken t Upkeep iied Iv ., ( alal made lo on ih m il y e I tin in fill po i of Hie I t u -I oi i i.ii y t ullcct loll i as 0 pi oy it I , I mills tor the el ; h, 1 family cemeteries , . en, i a! t cnotcries w ithin 1 I , , tow n-lnp I'liins were , m, , I i,,r I he K'lh reunion , i .mil Siiiitlay in August place, stoic in perinil In remain open any waste matter The ordinance also slated thai garbage set out for removal b, Hie till collectors should be kepi in reccpliibles "made siihst ,11 lon.ilK ot metal and provided with n tilit fitting cn'Vfl- Slid lilrong handles, and covers shall lie kepi on the re ceplablts nt all times Ihe ordinance said that garbage (an, shall be water tight, and garbage drained and wrapped befoie plue ing in the eonlainer. N ii wooden boxes, except pails, hand- or paper boxes are lo . n ,ed In hold garbage, except for leave, m 1 1 ,1 ,h having no del ay ing ni.d let 'Jlte, should lie put in susstnniial ,xe, I and weighted to prevent scattering 'I he nrdinance ;ilsn w .11 netl g,,t . j bilge col lectin s In ii .,. ca, e in haiirj . i ling gai b.ige eon t a I n c i - ami p, . i liil it would lie unlaw hit I, i garbage pails Into Ihe w i.l laniers pliicetl along the by Ihe i d v ' The si'cmitl sfiuitai v in i adopted In I he aldero" it thai no ownei in nceupant Inillse or lol '.hull let rei i .e. ing llesh. iii.'iinii c i in. illei or any I liing u Inch lay and attract Hies. m and other insects. 'Ihi should he buried, covei oil ed to prevent Ihe d.nigei case in Ihe community . I he ordinance also mami -o r , Unit it would he ilh'cal lo .llme linstock to accumulate manioc or waste mailer in an iinsanii.ii' manner. The I hrec ord t na in lire lor 1 1 ol a I ions. i ( ,,piv , t l- .tc-d I a i .iM di- i ,;.. j,tn i.ie. de- I ipnll,.. III,. 1 1' I ,1 ll...l III tll-- 5.')') Hit- lmoi a lgOO.nl i -ad nn the lawn Sidney Haynes New Alderman Of Clyde SuliH i Hay ue- wa- recently ap pointed a in. inher ol Ihe Clyde Hoard ol Mil' a n Mr. Haynes' appt.in mi-lit till- the at ancy which had existed sin, e l.iins Campbell, a foriiui mi miii r ol the board, assunr d tin- duties ol mayor. Delinquent Tax List Is Made Up The county lax colleelois ofio, bale (ompiled the list ol pioptif-, on winch 1!47 taxes have not In ei paid, and will advertise them u Friday's issue of The Mount. The property will be sold lirsl Monday in September. The town will advertise the fol lowing week, and sell the n-'-niiii Monday in September ii it iff i on i, ie JAMES W. REED. SB IN A CRITICAL CONDITION James W, Reed. Sr., is in the Haywood County Hospital, fol lowing his collapse on Main Street Monday morning. His condition li said tn he critical Thompson Speaks At Clyde Tonight A meeting of bee k i pers in this county will be held al 7.30 o'clock this evening at Clyde high school Paul Thompson, the "wander ing bee keeper.' will address the meeting on his methods of bee keeping and on several changes in the industry made recently by -al !w District Superintendents In Session Ai Junaluska Opening sessions of two con- I spiral ional addresses, ferences are underway at Lake The District Superintendents' Junaluska today where district Conference which opened yester superintendents from 17 annual day t Monday will last through conferences in nine Southeastern , Friday while the Conference Sec states and annual Conferences retaries whose sessions begin to Secretaries from that same area day i Tuesday will meet through have gathered for several days of Thursday Dr. Schulcr Peele is intensive study of their common i the president ot the Superinten- , , , . , , ( ,, 'fVinfinueH on Ppge Fight prohlenr ?rrt for a rio' o. Highway Record For 1948 (To Date) In Haywood Injuried 24 Killed 3 (This information com piled from Record of State Highway PatroU ri:'

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