I: '.iV, '- 111 f K The Waynesville Mountaineer 49,500 People Live within 20 miles of Waynesville their ideal shopping center I,f Published Twice A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park il SIXTEEN PAGES I niteil Pi ess and Associated Press News WAYNESVILLE. N. C. FRIDAY. Al'Gl'ST 13. 194S $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties So State Denominational Leaders Coming As Masons from is States mm s Maes ioH , R R . 3 ished B-Week Vuesday friday ,rt Toniyht I t i.....-l!i- hthi i 1 i ''I , Mi ll, i.iliu I 1 ul pupil fglil .il .'llllii Q; 'l!,r i-ll-i. 1 1 1 lir IllOali- rt Will n ven m Tonight pupil lat classics Id al Lake .lunalus At featuring the i Kallicntn' Fryer, pnk l.uvr, Iianlono. Jltdcr tin- (1 irect ion Janicl. will begin frr ,1 11 1 1 1 1 . r n 1 1 1 1 t men I (if I lie s-a- w ll I feature both l?bv Mi Fryer and tl! a- niiMii :-clcr- Inirl lintli ..,!(.! I., i I un.il ii ka r If II irt'i Kin ii 1 1 intlli I'f -n pro- k "P Keiry i.' IIh 1 lilt,' slti r w loch Mr Wlii rr ri Y o n Bfl 'lloriiln; v lour 1 M Hi art fin lli. mncr'll ttei,,. (,, Hnin sfrin'f an.! Hliis- n I'dgr ! icht) Earned i's Court Violations J''iV Ii . issued P nrkle,, diners, Inkers , ), i,,i-iied re VA r-rl,,,. ..I. ,, !! I 'if Sad ea, h plus I drivuiir and imk. 1 fines p,,s costs. N "ii'i' lu come i lei'e aii..!. ( ii:u pih the -litest ion jT it la- e a two- iMarket lo 2 00 48c lettmn 20-28c - 15c 10c 32-36c ' 2 2."i to 2.50 I ' 'I'l to 21.00 sM 'I'M., 26.25 "' 'o 24.O0 '-Kll'l tu 32.00 28"" lo 23 50 'W lo 27.00 HIJMID lust 13 Partl El 5; If i Rued warm and !vl"e tempera 1 by the ciw arm i lax. v; Min. -.1 all f'2 IOIJ 79 6th Annual Assembly To Meet Scvri ill hundred M.i nN l,"i slates are expei led I lelnbor 19--2 tin the I , : )i aiuiinor assembly il liic' ( 'mincil ul Nnrt l ( '.il ul ii. ;i I mm ' Sep. j ihMU.il I ( 1 1 .1 1 III l II was .! K j lot al i announced ve .tci dav by In Med acken. chjiiinan ul Ihc conmitlce on arrangements l)r McCrarkoii am. (una il I lieadiiuarter.s U'HiUi lie al 111 that Ar- inory, anil tluil rosm at mn.s wen already coming in trom Masons in lliis state, as well as from Tenn essee, Ohio and Smith Carolina The summer assembly idea was started about li eais ago, hut curtailed since HI41 due to war conditions Joseph Cameron Dunn ol New York. ast grand ciimiii.iiidi I ot the gnuid eonun.ir.di y nl New York, will be among '.he list of noted speakers appearing on Ihc program The four Masonic lodges ol Hay wood villi about 4IHI members, act as co-hosts. The tun closed i sessions on Monday and 'l'uesday mornings will be held in tin' Ma sonic Hall, while the public will be invited to attend the dedication ceremony of the steps of the Ma ; sonic Marker at lilack Camp Cap on Tuesday. Sept. 21 A picnic dinner will be given at llcintnuga Bald following the dedication s-r-' vice. A dance will be given at the j Armory Tuesday night for the 1 closing session. Special scenic tours will lie ar ranged for Monday afternoon Thomas O. Kcplcy. of Salisbury 1 Grand Master ot the stale am will preside al the special sessions Tlip local commit lee is composed of Ur. MeCrarken, C. H. llosadock, and C C. Kicker of Ashevill.' Hugh Sloan, Jr . is inaslrr ol the Waynesville lod::e. Farmers Attend Meeting At Sylva The Haywood county I HA nun iniltro. cciintMircd ol C C t tato' chairman. Thurman C. D.e i and Jarvis H. CaWv'ill aHmdid ,i meeting of ( omnntli i "tin Imt'i western counties m Svh a on lui -day. ,1 IV Slack, tali director v ehni'fie of Hie inreHi". !.t'"e lo be offered farmers bv tbc ' ai crs Home Administration f"t H'e i ... ( ommg year were in detail. Vmplia'Js wa pl.n'-d on Ho ler.ponsibilities jjiven coiiiniiHee men bv the law which est a I dished the program. .1. C. McDarris, i ouid s supei i sor and Miss I rani es Hose, i lei k. accompanied the group lo Sylva Watch Your Is Old Friday In the first place, what are you doing walking around in the open today- A smart man, when hr woke up this morning, would have shot a quick glance at the cal endar, shuddered, flopped back under the covers and stayed there until midnight. It Is if you didn't know Friday the 13th. But, seeing as how you're the reckless type and intend to dis regard foolish things like sup erstitions, don't say we didn t warn you. Being a family news paper and a servant of the peo ple, we hereby post the follow ing warnings: tl) Don't walk under any lad der unless your affairs are ful ly in order and your insurance paid. (2) Avoid black cats like the measles. (3) Don't have anything to do with the number thirteen. There are plenty of other nice num bers. This will be a good basis for missing the traditional hart luck which comes to one and all to day. And this idea of Friday the 13th being an evil day is" t only Buperstitinn. It goes bar a long way. Many Biblkal ca tastrophes occurred on the date, such as the Flood and the mix tare of tongues at the Tower of Babel. Sailors and farmers always look for foul weather on the day. Of course, the way the weather's been in Haywood .08 recently, you wouldn t know. bePtember Funeral Today Stall' S-;l l(..!ih W M,ak u as killed in ai lion in It;.. April 11M-I. will be buried ..I1C1 la. 111. at 1 111 ee O l lot Is Moody Rites To Be Held This Afternoon tin -'U!:el a, -,Hliis till Stall Sgl . K.npli lo ml: . -IT son ol Mi and 1: - Seuleile J. Moody ol Dell wood, v. Mo was killed in action on A pi 1 1 24 1 ! - 4 al Anio lleach. Italy, will be held this at t it lion n at It o'clock at Green Hill ceinetery Km ' S l!ol mi lot mcr laslnr ol Sgl Moodv. will olliciale. Pallbearers will be leginnaires j I 1 limn Hie lla wood I'ost No 47 of Hie American I-cioie The Nmih Caiolma National (in. nil. 120to Anli-Tank iomp,in. under the ih iicHon ol I.I. frank ltid. will have i I i.i i ee id r.i ;V e pile lite.. Slal'l ScJ Moods rnlen d the ,n ,, , im I , -hi uai y lilt:! He rr lined In- ba-'e liaininf: al Ft Jack nn. S C . Camp Wallers. Iea:. and I'ort liemnnc. CenrRia Ho aibd fin the riiroican Theatre ,,, ;.( pt, oil, ei, ' and paillieipal in Hi. niv a u.n ol Steilv and iiio la aeli I b v. a - aw aidi (I the , ',i,,l I"i ;'..H ' Ul ,1'llott ,,,ii tin I'lirph H'.iM '.': i( mil mm d on l'.e-:r I ighl .Still No Cacs Of Polio In County H i; vioh.l rie,lrit nlljnt. told 'lh Molin- I'r In . 1 1 1 1 vcsIoHjv aCtrrnoon, that f polio have (urn rr- l.iinrn no ens porti ed in llaVMooil ioiiiim. i. ........ I is o .1 me kw counties in the stale that bas no cases. Step, Today lhe ivitn shouldn't cut a dress on mis date and carpenters say never enter a new house on the lain. You can follow whatever per sonal formula you have for miss ig bad luck. Don't forget those black rats, though. nd it probably wouldn't have helped to have stayed in bed. The bill collectors would have ;t. . j"n'Bew sr" found you there, anyway. - '- Three Years Ago, The War With Japan Was Over . . , .v . w . n v fi jr TTi I ii.g I hi ee v ea. s when it hap of rain were Main street in mi yiigti-l 14 pen. d AligO EUst .sweeping down Hie sheet The people ot Waynesville Haeiwoori were just getting and home I mm work, hanging up um- lire! ,s and looking torwara io supper l.iell's were homos .i, ie.u r, and neople who .11 OSS m.i. had 'heir radios tuned on heard a voice "The JaDanese government ....I-,.. .eenniH without reser vation the peace terms put forward by the Allied Govern ments, it was announced by President Ham S. Truman in Washington. The Japanese emperor has called upon his armies to lay down their arms. At that moment the rain stop ped and this county exploded in a victory celebration that released all the tension gathered since Pearl Harbor Sunday, four years carli- cr Church bells pealed, car horns (Continued on Page Kighti Opening Session Snnday Redden Predicts Highway Post Of fice Units Nov. 1 After a ronfriTiin' with post oilier olluuls this week. Iti'P Moinor M Kiddi'ii aniuililli nl lll.lt e el thine pi.illleil lo sl.n tun; the IiikIiu.iv mobile post oilier mtv ice from Aslir villr to Murphy nut later than Ninellllier I. Mr Iteltileii has hern at vi ii k on I li- project since the pass en kit trains were' discontinu ed on July lath. Over 12,000 Chest X-Rays Are Made i :i . . : iii Hie i liesl X-ray sur vey le ii.- conducted in the lour eiuinli.s ..I 1 1 it. District lleallli I Icp.u I an r.t is increasing, and in dications arc that a large percent age ul neople in Haywood. Jaik son Swain and Macon counlies will avail tli'iusclvcs of Ihc opportuni ty lo eel a free chest X-ra bc twein now and September "th. Ox, -i 12. aim X-iays have been made in the lour counlies. with the Canton and Waynesville areas liimiing about the same number The ii port lor last Saturday .showed that 2!t4 were X-rayed on Saturday and 2112 on Tuesday m Cantor. till 217 and 157 on the aine day s in W av nesv it le. The iliielor with the nulls here has read over 12111111 X-rays thus far. and about 3011 have been asked lo come buck for a re-chcK, but only about Wl out ul KM will have Iniiher i heck-ups Tho.e in rhaigf a-e anxious ,,, pel I be survey cot'iplcled a.s , Minn as possible. Friday and Saturday, the units i will be l l he court house here, at th.. po.t office in Canton, in Sylva and also Franklin. None of Hie units will operate in Havwoocl all next neck Dr. Caldwell Is Awarded Position In Washington Di F. It Idv.ell .Ii Mi and Mi F: ton It Caldwell of le. was loeonlly award owship in iiiedicine at Wa'. nesv eil a I i f ; i'h i go Washington Cniversity i" Washington , Dr. Cal'lw C. I eeei v i II .leg,,,. Iron. Wake F si Col lege .. ,. ., f , Hiiwman Cray Medical Sehonl in t I'I4." He oin)leled Ins internship; at Gallingrr Municipal llospnai in Washington. I) C in 194(i and entered the I S Army where he served two years He was separat ed from the service al Ft M I'her son. Col. Ill the present position Dr Cald well will do advanced and investi gational studies in contagious dis eases and new antibiotic drugs simi lar lo penicillin and streptomycin. Dr and Mrs Caldwell and their son will reside in Washington THE PRESIDENT ANNOUNCED IT South-wide l.auieii s eonlei - pure "ill open at lake Jun.ilu k.i Suiirtev xvtien lav men lioni Meth odi.t eongreiat ii in s tioio !l Smith e.isleiu stales calliei ,,i a loin day eonleieiu e ot .nspii al an,, u, slilicllm.. tellowshiji ami in ica t loll The 1 ..iv men s i .,,,1 . . em i- will bl mi; lo I lie I . k ,iu n ol pi oll lll rn, . in the p. il il ii ii I. ii sine s ami 1 pi oles-.u-nal x' ..i Id In ei .us i inn in oblenis ii! w in k - ln'is and lor urns and In deliver addiesscs al pllhln llli'i'l 111'.'- oil t lie vi ul k ot !a v i I ai :a hiiien The k' v Hole -pealml ul Hie enll l.'l ellei' vv 1 1 be ItiMmp W u I lain T W.llkllls who li: ad. Ill s ;. i,- s (il th.' emitcii'iiet al Hie Iwo ser vices on Sunday Itisbop Wat kins, who lor the past loin veals has si i v cit a lailllsV ill Cia .'iiid oless,,. ol Theoli Other cllee W 1 1 1 lolines. , i esuli el bishop ol I lie ;.l ea is a Hal IV e ol (ieol is a e; i.liiale and tm iner ot the Candle, School uy at I'uioi I niv ei -al v speakers ol I he colder- II include Di ll.irrv N associate seeielarv ol Ihc Mhanee Im lntiinalioii.il World Friendship es. anil Dr Through the Cliuicli- (' 1 1 1 1 1 ill I . Itellliett associate secret irv ol the general hoai d nl la v act iv it ics ol Hie Meth odist ell n 1 1 Ii Dining I he cotitcieiice Imnins will In- condiieled each morning on the problems of the local chin ch and the lay man s pai ' in I Colli Hilled on Page Fight i I Military Of World Wars Organize; To (Meet Again 25th I A dinner meeling w,i,, held W'cd i nesdav night al Pal lit k s Cafe- leria for the puiiose of forming a loent rhivptw nf thr- MiHtpry flir of World Wars, a nalloiial organe nation composeii of lorniei om missioned otTieeis of Hie Aimv. Navy. Mu ilie Corps or Const (lu.ird Service ho served lionuiablv in a commissioned capacity duri-ii; either of the Iwo tnosl recent con flic Is. The 01 gauiat ion w.is lui io ed imini'fli.'ilely lollowing World War I and ha.. en.ov d the ap proval and active siippml nl eviiv pi c-iilent Temp"1 arv olfieei . w n e h i Ii d Coniiiiued on 1'agi l ight Major lohnson On Visit From Pacific- l M:i mi F alioli' -lotili .on tlev n Lid . of Hie Woman's Army Col ps. ai i rived yesterday for a visit lo tier I toother and sister-in-law . Mr. and i Mrs John N Johnson. Major He.vnolds recently return ed to llu Stales alter ; permit ot service overseas ...a 1 last assignment was thai ol ducitoi of Civilian Personnel tor the South Pacific Command Willi hradijuail ers al Guam She was icsponsi Mo lor lhe activities of appioxi malely six thousand civilian em ployees widely scattered over Guam. Saipan, Tinian. and low .lima Islands hau lier Major Hey -nolds had commands in Tokyo and Shanghai. Major fiev nolds. a former resi dent of Waynesville. is the daug ter of the late Mr and Mrs Joseph K. Johnson of Waynesville She joined the Woman's Army Corps I in August. 1942. three weeks after the first company was organized. SERVICEMEN READ ABOUT IT . 2 - Day Meeting Tuesday Rnntut wrtarv "V: 11 mi kUfCi Ik M A 111 (ICIN'S executive sec I i-i .1 1 ol the Haptisl Slate Con xeution. vv ill ad.lress the liUrd an nual associat innal nieeling Tues day alt ei noon be in session i Inn el vv hen I hi at Ihc group will Haelvv nml Leaders Are Working On 1949 Farm Program ' The amount hu b can be paid Im is in Haywood for carrying mil pral in es under lhe Agi Icitl i.ui.11 Cniisi;ivaloii I'lORiain. will V,,. S'-oiii oe . ramo In 1047," fjooijp SiMiiiey. c-limi niflii of Ihc ennui cnntmiHoe lieie bus an , iiniim ed Mr Stanley nut with represen tatives of a number of count V units here recently and rtisiiissrit plans foi lhe I'MII program, on lhe basis of a i misidi'i able increase in the aiiiiiriahiiii over Hie tn ti 1 1 . aciil ,,li,' . it tin HI pi ogi an: 'I In i .nil I . dl ( II -sod I'l ' ' i, ho h i i included in I In I 'l I'l laic handbook The Haywood oiu naio i will soon decide vluch pi ,k lui. n e mo I ii''''" ai v In 1 1 . 1 i , . 1 1 1 1 1 I o aid I ai n h i in Ii I ol ' I; ..' and I OI1MTV illg soil I el ,,l ill. I' pi act lee . Will I ben l 1,1,1, , I In Hie Haywood band ,,,; .( In. Il l lo be piepal ed Bh'1 s. 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 Iii lhe slate eoiuiillttec ),,i appioval bv iigusl 2'dh The 2.1 pi .nines which are included in Hi, tale I, iiulho'ik lol HUH in i lode several in w ones which have u,,: i, ecu included previously Mid which will receive set ions ion ( onl iniu-d on Page Fluid i AAA Committee To Meet Tuesday I .eoi ge Hay wood liolltK ed commit le infill al " I he purpi SI a mey , eha n man ol I he AAA Committee. an- e-lcrday thai Hie eoiinly would meet Tuesday 311 in I he coin I house for se of diseiising and select ing th,. practices lhe organ t.'ii ion will lollow in 1!4!. Jell II Knloo. Jr llisll ll 1 Held .supervisor, will be the piineipal speaker, and lead the discussion. AM. AMERICANS IT CHFEHF.P i i sV.. - 1 1 63rd Annual 1 mw m - Associational Meeting Will Attract Many Tin- ti.ii il am. ii. il session of the ll.iywooi! H.iplist Vssociation will convene at the ll.ielwood church Tiled. iv u:io ring at 1)45 fur the j lirs! ol a livi se sioh meeting lo ibe held in tln.'i ililleicnl cliurrh ! es ot llu county Two s"ssi,iie- will be held al 111' : llaelw ood i lunch mi Tuesday, one lit II -la and lhe .illernoon session :slarliii.' at 1 Jn Oh I IK s,l; torn w il: I....V chill ell ,.l al i Will be ." pi C C Wain Hap; ist i Inn Is I. H leer pi the Associa Wesi Canton there at 7:30 i the ' nig on ti itilring Dr. P m of Hi.- First h ol Charlotte He esi.leiil of Hie State convent a ii The nioiiiiiig and allernoon ses sions ,ai Wednesday will be held at the I nst, Haplist church of Way nesvine wiih the election of of fneis taking place al lhe clnsing session Hex I II Puns nl Clyde, is moderator ol the Association. The geiiei al I heme will be " For Such Time As This " The opening program al Hazel- vv I. starling at ! 4a Tuesday, will include, a praise and worship per iod, led by Uov N I. Slephi'lis. The adoption ol I lie program, eu iiilhnenl of delegates and recog . union nl new iiaslms, and various report s The Sunday school will be riis- sed bv Hev James Chapman; T'iinln' fnloo liy Harry V i. lib n; Tb- W VI V 1. V" John Itl.ilocli ' liri .liiiu literature by Mis J It Morgan. Following the appointment of coiiniiiltees lhe annual sermon by 'Conliniieil on Page Right) Legion Groups To Hold Picnic Today iii, 17 and I he hold Hull I'l.ailal ol I .,,'le '.' ' gion Po-t No - Aiixilunv will picnic on the ibomit Hotel on '.might al -'Ml inient will be ,11.1111 ll he I'L I.'o 1. 1 , I.., I. huh i ' 1 pi ie I de.i ' 'I Iii , .k on j I ;il in nil hi v j a' cot (hog lo t'1 1 nl .1 il j I I w In an- a si.. , in I 'I eniili at Ii ii plai c the ling (d the . I laluard- icgti Post. . post la I eed transportation el at the Masonic ock Queen Of Lake Junaluska ! Will Be Crowned Saturday iiihniiil lereniony will mark lhe crow ning of l lie 1!)48 Queen of Fake Junaluska. Miss Peggy I Gibson on Saturday nighl, in the auditorium at the Lake. She was eleiled bv popular vote last week The eleition and coronal ion of ai (iie( ii is a traditional rite at the ( s-, 11,1,1 , and Peggy is the 27lll in the line of succession. I She has selected as her court ol Hi attendants and their escorts with lour junior atendnnls. vari JAP NFSF. WF.PT AT IT Baptist Leader I K.-'; - i.' : "n'evi ' I , " x,i si ' 5n s V , ,f . H r YZ I DK C C. WARKF.N, of Char lotte, will deliver the address of the 63rd annual meeting of the Haywood Baptists. His talk will he given at the West ('anion Bap tist church Tuesday night Haywood Makes a Good Record In Buying Bonds Haywood county again (ltd it self credit in the sale nl I s Sav ings Bonds during Ihc National drive for bond Males which dosed on July 1$, according to .1. K. Massle. lrlialrman of thu comity bond on.oiif ti , Mr Massie mminred that the rounty bought aproximatelv fit per rent of Its quota, which vva.s S:2, 000. Haywood bought $211 4 in in series K, F. and O bonds between April 15 and July 15 'This is on par.'' said Mr. Ma sie, "with the national percentage iCoiilinued on Page Fighti VFW Will Meet On ; Monday Night, 7:30 The loial clvplr-i' ol loielgn Will'- will Parish Mouse on M' a I 7 3D. and later g" f Veterans I i the nd.iv r.isht to (Up new jclnl) iooiii. under llingii's S'ore on Main Street The nusiters 'were foimi'ilv ixiupied by the You'll ( lub Cbailes : F.dwaids. ' . com mander of the po.t, and George Kcl Ii r is (uarlei ma d or. ous (lower girts, mieii i , itain- bearers and other fe.iMie of r?y- ! Miss Polly l)ei Ha queen for HI47 w ill lake part in !. pro gram lollow ing I he tradi' i loin ot abdicating the .tin 'ii CIC- ( i ( ar.rt I tie in- , di in- lare ; this on Hie tuinni" the crown over I coming oueen. A program of (" ' . J elude music and ski' crowd is expected to id red-leller day oc( a im, Assembly calendar. Miss Gibson i a r Greenville. S. C evtd Fur- blmiile. she is a grade ii man University, and h Junaluska for llu pa 1 ntiTs, At present she i in the Gastonia school The event will be Inoa radio station WHCC of vi.iited ' 5ur.'-'nchc-r '."ii -t over Highway Record For 1948 (To Dale) In Haywood Injuried r: .24 Killed 3 (This information com piled from Record of State Highway Patrol) it ) c ' I ! I I'l' V And seamstresses say you 'H :

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