220 S First St '""IWM.P KY The Waynesville Mountaineer 49,500 People live within 20 miles o Waynesville their idea shopping center Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat ot Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park "UniTed Press and Associated PrssN7ev WAVNESVILLE. N7t7FIiirAUGlJsTr2l), 1948 $3 0(1 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties SIXTEEN PAGES So. 66 i Rated Ideal otitable Raising By An Expert Hert'- r n T-: Ideal 10 De ouriea Saturday At 2:30 layniiin s " ' Ilinrs RHbbs. Rfi. tnd i died at the Haywood County Hos- M"-- '".r 7..-' bis lK-aitv ! ...W...S . ducted Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the First Baptist church with the Rev. L. G. Elliott offi ciating. Ti.n hodv will be returned to the home on East Street at 3:15 daughter this afternoon. Bodies Of 3 War Dead On Way Home Bodies Of Oscar Howell, Paul Cagle and Willie Messer En Route Home ft. J. IMracken Family Is grains Given State Recognition SameAtsi-85 By N. C. Farming Agencies i "Master Farmer voice I" "Kr Lnd ho ciimes traditional tcn- ind stuk-inn lusiast ic about conditions tor been in every ion liehoom- sivn a sec raisinK You tying capacity j iy place in l he ruin lloiHnn. le request ol check into the idine the cat - are tremeii- ierv similar to st come from le Texan. "The lnd fertile, al and wide as Biazed by the raised here in i one herd," Been head on lyou know that :1 lucky to set I see you ran itoo. and that n a lot " says that tins for Hrahnian will Rive the !. said he. be- in weeds and surprise a lot fcian takes less iThe Brahman pge Eight) Boys Charge youths. Ted km Lff YA. tn Eummnbr charge:, after !'. autnniohile jjar H Cr'.li pury Tuesday. Press rpimrl "s taken In a and Kdwaids senteneeii i W roads fur filing without P'srds as say id he started the tar in I said he lost Mien it side a"d smashed f'e on the T ip' had stolen Walter Reed Won, where ! Patient The hodies of three Waynesville 'war (lend are en route to the States for final Initial The three are T.'i Oscar Howell. 1'fe Paul R Cagle, and TSgt. Willie L. Messer TVS Howell, son of Mr. and Mrs. (Tint. m Howell, was killed in France on July 311, 1!(44 His body was originally interred in a United States Military Cemetery in Mar giny , Fiance Pic Cattle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Cagle. of lioute 1. was killed in action on February 28, 1945, while serving with the 3rd Army under Cieii (leorae Pal ton. Sur vivors include the widow, the form er Miss Eileen Maud Marsh of Yoevil, Somerset, England, and one TSgt. Messer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Briggs, the daughter of the Mrs, Dewey Messer, entered the late Airland Parker Hines and service in 1940 with the local Na ITances Spires Hines of Murfrees- tional Guard unit, and was serving horo, was born on May 6, 1862. with the 30th Division, 120th In She moved to Waynesville with fantry at the tune he was killed His her parents in 1900. Her husband body was originally interred i oroiiiinent educator and former alitor of The Waynesville Moun taineer, died In 1916, while serving as superintendent of the Hender sonville City Schools. Mrs. Briggs taught music at the former Judson College in Hen dersonville and at the North Mis souri Institute where her husband was president. She was an active member of the First Baptist church. Active pallbearers will be N. W Garrett. Sr., Ray Morgan, American France. Cemetery Gorran. Farmers To Tour Hyder Mountain ; Area Farms Today ALBERT .1 MeCBACKF.N, and family, have just been named as one of the nine North Carolina "Master Farm Families" The recognition has just been made know n Funeral Held On Wednesday For Mrs. J. B. Siler, Sr. Charles Ray. Clyde Ray, Hugh A Jolly and James Thomas. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. J. B. Ware of Washington, D. C, and Mrs. George Hendry of Waynesville; one son. Gait her C. Briggs of Norfolk, Va.; four grand children and several nieces and nephews. Arrangements are under the di rection of Garrett funeral home. A farm tour of the Brown and Bowen watershed will be held to day, starting at 9 a. m. on the Roy Robinson farm and lasting until noon. Farms due to be visited on the tour include the farms of Hoy Robinson, K. C. Carswell, James Smith, W. P. Harris, W. V. Carver and Roy S. Haynes. A similar tour was held Thurs day of the Fines Creek watershed pket ' t 1 "5 to 2.00 f011 48c 20-28c 15c 10c f- 32-36c ft"5 '0 2.50 " w t0 21.00 23 -00 to 26.25 l?.0O tn Oj rvn 28 0A f - lu w 128 nn i. -00 to 27.00 Truck Damaged As It Hits Another Miltnn Moss driving a Ford truck, crashed into the rear end of a highway department truck in front of the Maggie School on Highway No. 1!) about 7:30 Thurs day morning, it was learned from ! Patrolman O R Roberts i Montgomery Edwards, of mute !a. Marshall, was driver of the high : way truck The Moss truck was badly danng 'od. but all occupants of both vehic 1 les escaped injni ies Wayne Coi pening ;Is In Hospital Wayne 'orponing. county agent, was in the Haywood County Hos pital this week undergoing an ope ration. His condition was describ- - " ! cd there Thursday as "good AAA Closing Date ; - I"r7Tn ni i ai i l Apple Growers uo lo Shifted To October Meetmg In Henderson Farmers who were issued ma- j ,..rc terials and who have completed A caravan of local apple growers their practices under the 1948 AAA left Thursday moming at 80 for Program, will have until October ! a meeting : of other . "icmbers of 1 to turn in their nerformance re- the orchard mdustry tn Henderson. nnrts it ha heen announced by The orchard men were due ,10 n George E. Stamey, chairman of the committee. Original date for the reports was Aug. 15, but this was extend ed. The extension, said Mr. Stam ey, applies only to farmers com pleting their projects under the '48 program, Experts Discuss i Milk Situation At Meet Tonight Representatives from Pet Dairy will discuss the current milk situa tion tonight at 8 o'clock when the Haywood county dairymen meet at the county courthouse. Specialists from N. C. State Col lege will also be on hand to dis cuss the dairy program, it has been announced by Wayne Corpening. county agent. A colored movie 011 milk production will lie shown. Mr. Corpening said that plans are in the making to send a rep resentative from this county to Wisconsin to purchase Hol.st ein heifers and cows which have a superior production record for dairymen in this area who wish to have the animals. Mrs Emily Vaughn Siler, 75, widow of J. B Siler, Sr.. died at her home here Tuesday morning following a lengthy illness. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the residence, with the Rev. L G. Elliott, pastor of the First Bap tist church, of which she was a member, officiating Interment was in Green Hill cemetery. I i Pallbearers were Robert Hoone. I !w F. Swift, John Penny, Tony I ' Davis, Henry Francis, and Ed Sims Mrs. Siler was a native of Trans ylv.inia county hut had resided in ' Haywood county for the greater I part of her Jiff Her husband, , member of the well-known Siler j family of Western North Carolina, died in 1916 Mrs Siler resided at the Siler farm on the Pigeon Road until a few years ago. when she bought home in Way nesville Surviving are two daughter. Mrs E B Hamilton of San Francisco anil Mr-'. Evelvn Slier of Waynes ville; siv sotr.. Ilarrv of Itiirwl, Tex John of Toronto. Canada, and .1 B . James P . I. mils, and Itufiis .'.iter all of WasnesvlHe; two si del -. Mr-. A T McCi arken 1 and Mis ) V France;. I.olh ol : V:ii nesvillo. Route I . ten i'.i and children and three great -giand- hildren Injured Child Is Returned Home Ronald Miller. 2-year-old son Of Mr. and Mis. Mack Miller, ol Pigeon Street, lelurned home from the Haywod County Hospital 011 Wednesday night after undergoing treatment since Monday morning for a fractured skull which he re received when hit by a truck early Monday morning. The child was hit in what police said was an un avoidable accident The incident j happened in front of the Miller I store. Announcement has just been made by the North Carolina Exten- sion Service and the Progressive ; Farmer, of the selection of the A .1 MeCraeken laniily , route 2, as one ol the nine North Carolina families to receive the coveted award of "Master Farm Family " The award is being made to the MeCraeken family in consideration ol their notable accomplishments in farm ing, honieiimking. an community service: thus Hawood inuiitj is honored by iiiue ol their achieve ments. Tins well-deserved lei og nition of the MeCraeken family will seise as an inspiration lo other farm families lo improve their farms, homes and communities, an Extension worker said yesterday . The MeCraeken t.um is located a mile and a half north of Lake Juiialuska on Highway No 209. and is near the center ot Haywood. This (arm is typical of many of the (anus ill this county as lo slf.e. topography, soil, types, rotation ol crops, etc Mr. MeCraeken was selected as one of the first I nil Test Demon stration Farmer.-, in Hay wood, hav ing started under this program in 1935, He has served as president ol the Haywood County Demonstra tion Fanners Organization for 11 years Since becoming a demonstra tion fanner, lie has used lime and phosphate as recommended by the N C. Extension Service and the iiiuntv auelit. and has carried on various experiments in pasture improvement, hybrid corn. etc. Mr. MeCraeken was one ot the first men in the county to grow alfalfa for hay. The farm is a very com plete unit, having fruit frees, u vegetable garden, and an annual crop of lohacoo. 111 addition to a modern grade A dairy. Mr. MeCraeken is doing line ! (Continued on Page Eight) 22 New Houses Built In Clyde During The Past Year; 18 Others Just Outside. At a recent meeting, the Clyde Hoard of Aldermen continued the town lax rate ol $1.85 per $100 valuation. This is Hie same rate that bus been used for the past several years Properly on the lax hooks of Clyde now has an evalua tion of $41 1.493 According to Mrs. Joyce Haynes the town clerk, twenty-two new houses have been completed with in the corporate limits of Clyde and entered on the lax hooks dur ing the past year. Eighteen other houses within the immediate vici nity of Clyde bring the years to tal of new homes in and around Clyde up to forty. Number Of Highway Projects Underway In Haywood County No New Cases Of Polio In Haywood Dr M II. Michal, district health otl'ieer. told The Moun taineer yesterday that there were no mw case of polio in Haywood County. "T'lir only two cases are a tiinontli-ohl child and a 9 ' month-old child. They are both 1 in the Orthopedic Hume in j Aslieville and doing nicely," said Dr. Micluil. Work Starts On ; Asheville Man Is Jaycee Production Hurt In Collision 'Fun For You On Highway 19-A Rehearsals will start next week on the Junior Chamber of Com merce production, "Fun for You," to be staged Sept. 2 and 3 in the high school auditorium. Bill Dover, chairman of the show committee, said that arrangements are being made for costumes, lighting effects and other produc tion problems. Co-workers for the show will be Lester Burgin. Jr., Chester Le Founlaine, Charlie Woodard and Herb Singlctary. Dancers, singers, specialty fea tures, comic skits, tuneful music are featured in the comedy show, said Dover. Proceeds from the show will he used by the Jayrees on civic projects. W. B. Collins To "iT Explain Now Farm lOWII I uooua new , Clean-Up Rulings "ogram iueauUy Another "clean-up law" enforc ing stricter rules on the disposal of rubbish and garbage in Way ; nesville was annoii need this week by Chief cif Police Orvllle Noland The new ordinance made it im lawful to sweep garbage in the streets, saying thai 'no person re siding or doitig lueiiie;', on Main Street '.hall deposit sweeping, or garbage on sidewalk or street." The new i dling also warned against depositing broken ghes. tin cut ling, vva.sle paper or (ill It of any kind in 'he gutter The last section of Ihe ordinance point, out thai "it shall he the duty of all owners . , or person1; in charge of every business house, including lactones, mills, stables, hotels, depots, offices or private residences, and all houses or build ings to keep the same tree from all empty and unused boxes, waste paper, ashes and all other things not kept for sale, which may he liable to cause or spread lire " Names Of Delinquent Tax Payers Published The delinquent tax list for both Waynesville and Hazelwood is be ing published today. The property advertised will he sold on September 13th W R. Collins, district farm man agement supervisor, will he at (he courthouse Tuesday at 2 p in to explain the Demonstration Farm Program for the year ending July I 1019, it has been announced by Way ne ( cupelling, county agent There will he several changes hi Ihe plan this year, said Mr. ( 'oi polling, and it would be w ise for all county and area commit I oc iiicii be pre. cut The program this vein- nil1 use a "partial pay'' plan W C Miller, of Asheville. suf leied a frac lured leg and bruises when his ear crashed into a wreck ed highway department transport tar tanker between here and Lake Juiialuska about 4 30 Wednesday afternon. Patrolman O li Roberts, who investigated, said Dial Oris C. Hooker, of route one Alexander, driver nl the large transport tank driver of the large transport lank ;r. said he- touched his brakes, and caused the tanker to jack-knife. A light rain' had lust fallen a short time before, and the highway was slick The 1 1 .ii'tiir-lanker twisted across 1 I he highway just as Mr. Miller's car approached the scene, and it was impossible to slop, or miss the incapacitated tanker The 1946 Mercury was prart icully demolish ed, and the tanker suffered severe damages Mr. Hooker was not injured Mr Miller's son was with him at the lime, hut was not hurt in ilw. ueeiileiil Mr Miller was taken lo Ihe Aston Park Hospital in i Asheville, w heie his condition was , reported ;c. being satisfactory yes : lei (lav Crabtree Section Will Be Toured On Wednesday Hyatt Creek And Plotts Creek To Be Graded And Paved Soon Highway crews are engaged this week in re-surfacing Highway No. 19 from Deliwood to Soco (Jap. and also Highway No. 284 from Deliwood to Cove Creek. The work is scheduled to be completed with in a week, according to D. Reeves Noland, district highway commissioner. Plans are also underway to ie i surface Highway No. 27(1 from the j steel bridge at the fool of Pisgah Mountain to Wagon Road Gap, Mr, ' Noland ?aid. Tentative plans are to start work of grading and surfacing Hyatt J Creek road aid Plott Creek road, j Mr. Noland said. These two pro jects were included in a county- wide program several months ago. Highway No. 209 down through Crabtree and Fines Creek were re-surfaced last week. Crews are also busy placing some 40,000 tons of crushed stone on secondary roads before the fall wet weather starts. This crushed stone will be put on all roads that will be used by school buses anil h.ni'l eveial other phase ed in a different manner ill be Farmers To Tour Hyder Mountain A tour of the Hyder Mountain water-died area will be held on Monday, starling at 9 a, m. and lasting until noon, il was announc ed hv ro unty agent Wayne Corpen ing Fauns lo be vsited include L O Ferguson, alfalfa: H. E. Walls, pasture improvement; Jennings McCrarv. general farm and home improvement; Bob Bishop, new home: James & Marshall Kirk pat rick, dairy, alfalfa and pasture; Fred Noland. corn and home im provement: Ben Greene, pasture improvement The ...III he nig ol sc 1 1 ool Wav lie Crabtree . watershed tour held in si Wednesday start !i a ni a( Ihe Crabtree and lading until noon, Coipeuiiig, county agent. . . - . r TV- en to college specialists irom e.. C. State and from experiment sta tions in this area discuss new methods of raising apples. A visit was scheduled for the afternoon to surrounding orchards, where spraying demonstrations were given. H I :( TRH Al. AND HAIL STORM HIT COMMUNITY THURSDAY Heavy rain, accompanied by hail and keen lightning hit this com munity about two o'clock Thursday afternoon. The hail was heavy but apparently did not do any damage. has announced The loin will cover several farms in the Crabtree section, including some larins ol I lie vi derails. Farms to he visited are M. B. Heev'-s, dan. v. V. Rogers, sheep, (lattle and corn. A. C. Walker, al ifalfa; .1 Brack James, corn hybrid; M Boone Rogers, general farming and lioine improvement: Ray Best, hogs and ladino pasture: Frank MedlcMcl. caltle. alfalfa, corn and lobacco Miss Johnston To Be On WIICC At 12:10 Today Miss Margaret Johnston, county librarian will make an explana tory address on WHCC today at 12 10. pointing out the plans for the schedule of the new bookmo bile Mis Johnston also said that the hoard of directors will meet al the library Tuesday at ten o-clock. Apple Growers Will Advertise On Large Scale At a meeting of the Smoky Mountain Apple Growers Associa tion here Monday night it was derided to sponsor an extensive advertising campaign for the or chard industry in this area A map is being made which will show the location of each member's orchard. This will be distributed to service stations and trucking linns within a 300 mile radius, so that travelers and transporta tion companies will know the rout es lo the apple growing centers Advertisements' of the industry are being placed in newspapers within the same 300 mile circle. I These are slated lo pill the apple i business in this section "on the map " 1 Apple growers who flo rot he I loin' to the association "t who have let their dues (all behind are urged to contact Charles Edwards or Henry Francis. Big Neon Sign Draws Travelers Into Waynesville The huge neon Highway 19-23 to into Waynesville is job. according lo a sign orec led on direct travelers doing a fine report bv S. at a meeting of t he Commerce Tuesday 1 Pair ' fu- and ! Haywood Baptists Name Rev. M. L. Lewis lo tieaa Group For Coming Year Haywood Corn Crop Shows Nl-mAmA IfMnfntrnmanl Horn I'ldrivculiuiJiuYcmwiiif ww . nn l. jWaTfil wood Buys Radio tor Ulub Now lias 4b wemners !pouNamestyiesToHead , i,,.., i.,o c.nsnn should make more corn V"'-L'A ' Tax, and Water Departments E. Connalser Chamber of evening. Mr. Connalser, who is a member lot the ."ign committee and who I owns the service station on which 1 the sign is located, said that motor ists have been taking the high i way into Waynesville in large niim ! hers since the sign's erection. The big neon arrow is operating well, reported Connatser. A SPECIAL FEATl'RK ON "BABE RUTll" STARTS TODAY SEE IT ON PAGE SEVEN Today begins a special feat ure on Babe Ruth. The special feature is the complete life of Ruth, given in both pictorial I and text form. I See it on page seven. F1 tempera "Raff of Min 66 SO 53 Called "one of the most success ful meetings in years," the 63rd ses sion of the Haywood Baptist Asso ciation met for a two-day session this- week. Meetings Were held at the Hazelwood church, at Canton and the First Baptist here. Tho Astinlinn UJSV nUpflHpH hV a large number of local and state Baptist leaders. Churches made their annual reports of the year's work. Rev. M. L. Lewis, pastor of the Harelwod Baptist church, was el- iuuI j i .4 , U n Kiicinpcfi ,vsicu uiuut I uiui at cite " he sesioq on Wednesday afternoon. ev. Gay Chambers of Bethel was named vice-moderator. Talks by Miss Daphne Boone and Rev. Doyle Miller featured the clos ing session on Wednesday, Rain .05 19 .03 r.nri itipmo for t1 session was "For Such A Time .- This.- , Other officers elected were as , follows: clerk. Mrs. Sam Knight; treasurer, Mrs. Gladys Henson; historian, J. R. Morgan; representa- j tive of Christian literature. P. H. Gentry. Associational Sunday School superintendent. Fred Fore: training union director. Mrs. Sam Knight; chairman of executive promotion. Rev. L. G. Elliott! stewardship chairman. Rev. C. D j Sawyer of Canton; brotherhood iDt r T Taylor; pianist. Mrs Joe Cathey; superintendent of Women's Missionary Union. Mrs. John Blalock: superintendent of evengelism. Rev. M. C. Wyatt; asso ciational missionary. Miss Daphne Boone. ij,, unnH eoinitv farmers hav one of the best corn crops in many vears. in spite of the dry weather in the early spring.' Wayne Cor pening county agent said yesterday during an interview "At that time the prospects for a good corn crop were bad, as much of the corn had to be re planted because of poor stands However after the crop started getting some rain, the ciop im proved until there are some out standing fields ni corn in Ihe coun tv." he continued i ' There are 4o' farmers and 4-H Club members in the county who belong to the Haywood County Tnrn Clnh. which organization sponsors the growing of more corn per acre, and also the 200-Busbel Corn Club which is being run in the state. Some of 'these prize acres of corn are really outstanding, and with the helo of some oi grow- than has ever been produced be fore in Haywood County. Much interest is being shown in this contest. The following persons belong to the Haywood county Corn (Tub Ray Best, route one Clyde; Wal lace Hill, route one Clyde: O. I. Yates, route two; T B. MeCraeken. route one Canton; James R Boone, route one; Fred Hoglrn. route one Clyde; McKinlev Shelton. route one Clyde; Avery Green, route one Clyde: Ney Kinsland. route one Clyde, Mark Brown, route one Clyde; Tommy Williams, route 2 ' Canton. Billy Shytle, route 2, Can ton, Billy Justice, route 2 Canton. James Twiggs, route 2. Canton: T W. Cathey. route 3, Canton; C. Iv Sorrels, route 1. Clyde; John The Hazelwood board of alder men had a busy session Wednesday ; night, as they purchased a police radio to tie in with the county and highway patrol system. The- board also named Porter Styles as tax collector and in charge of tho water department, succeeding George Summerrow, who resigned recently, effective September first. Mr. Sumrnerrow plans to enter private business. Effective September first, the garbage truck for Hazelwood will only pick up garbage off the streets, and not go to the back of homes as in the past. All garbage must he Dlaced in covered containers, Felix Stovall Painted Library Exterior, And Not Town of Waynesville The painting of the exterior of the Haywood County Library here was dnn; by Felix Stovall, and not the town of Waynesville, as was stated in an article last Tuesday. The Mountaineer regrets this error, and appreciates the fact the correction was called to our attention. F Rogers, route one, Clyde: G. C. i the officials explained, ine iruc. Palmr, Jr., route 1. Clyde; Will A. j will operate on Thursday and Fri Continued on Page Eight) ' day of each week NURSES HAVE MEETING Miss Louise East, district super visor of public health nurses, was here Thursday for a slaff meeting of nnrsec of the hpalth department, Highway Record For 1948 (To Date) In Haywood Injured . '. . .30 Killed . . : . . 4 (This information com piled from Record of State Highway Patrol.) A