THE WATNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER FRIDAY PAGE FOUB OF INTEREST TO WOMEN SOCIETY and CLUB ACTIVITIES MRS. BEN SLOAN. Society Editor Office Phone 700 Home Phone 462-J Miss Lula Frank Medford Mrs. Gwyn Honors Mkis Jones At Bridge Luncheon Mr I 1 itch i.un w.i. hoMe.. of a bridge lum been on Wednes day inn! n ins m honor nl Mis. I athenne .luiir-. Iinda-idei t n( M I) Hlll'lln II" ft L'hlf.iiU f all t. in -.n.iiir- ot ci!.' Mei ii titif'il iii dcioiation ul th ivi'ii.- Tlic iii'iheon '..iblc 'iip i i.ti nil v-ith a-e. if vii' dowti- .iiitl ihf bride -ljb!- hi'' ., i t-nii'i pitt i'i white n -e. i i !i mat i- A! : ' 'if i.i:ni'- M: - U'l I rad v, u arrieii iliv liign .one n : 1: K;:nbdi! Barber the ' !.- p;i.'t and 'He cuo-t Hi !'i !'"? '.l ..- pi I -cried d gift Hi f '. r: i ,!!. paturn Mr '.' - . i ; t. : i ' : .-. ; t'i t r.l bride v ; r, i .. -:!' of t r 'i .-h .. ., .i.c 1 1 . , Ji.i.e Vr K ". .... B.,:iV: Mr. Willi.,::; I "" M: 1.v,t. Ki.i.-r. Jr Mr. J'. ::. r ' : j :: V.t- Jo M..--ic Mi.. M.-, V. : - Paul Mi- i"v ': M:. li'jr. Mi i i -.-.a . ,: Hi . v. ' '' - ':- B::i .: I . . j- -- .i . . jitt-.: M: - ' M - T: r :n., Y:- .!.. Gam-It '-' - ii- W .,r Mr- C :' ' - : :): :., Bt.,i!. Mi. - : ';.-. i. S'ju- : Y Y v . : t-.: r.-.- s ,. Meeting Of Girl Scout Council Is Postponed T '' : -' : '. n.t't'i ,iu of ' ho ('"I . i! ("-:'M ! ha- been posl- !'"!' -I ';. !! Morday September fi w hn H I .fiicr ., imlil Monrt,i Sir', nl'.'r :n T'-. . tins: m .l h. h,-l,1 ,,t ihi-'--.'in Ihi' at 7 H(i p m . with Mr Kt'i in I' ('!, 'nn:,.:i pi c-iclrnt prr- Lo.'e! Lace Prfot for idinntr and th tKetr. By VERA WINSTON BROWN LACE 1 the mtium uej ;or tnis chr.:.inf little street ler.r.n drtsJ. n.c for fetiv cCNlail party and for dinner and thf.ver wrir. Tr.e orT-the-jhoulder r.e:ki r.e :s secured by elasticizrd ir.irr.r.e. I.c:. slim sleeves have j- ft f .i.'ie1 at the top. The ?ored h::t has :t hem stiffened with r- rst-'r.air. It is ai'-Hgrther a loreiy lies frock. M : ,1.,! Mi- Ni.;. t-. Lulls' .11. d ihiiitii'ii ni Old Hickorx. Tenn -lt hi ia-i a 't k t nd ht'if with Mr?. I.uii. - :n. HI:, 1 V.-v W I. Hardin. Si ! !i- L.mvj- .t rr ni i onic ti. Ilit-ii 1 n:, 1.' ir.iin I'unHina 1'ity B.iirl', I 'l.i uhfif they .pent i w 1 k - .11 .1' inn V. ".i Arc Cunh '.Hy Invitcti Tn Auoivl A Benefit Bridge FRIDAY NIGHT, SEPTEMBER ,5 Finm o to 10:30 at the HOTEL WAYNES VILLE Sponsored By The Veterans Of Foreign Wars Auxiliary Door Prize S'J.YOO PERMANENT Other Prizes For E.-irli ThMo Pi ; vmir cards ;h:vI pnHs ' ADMISSION 7.V iMrs. Dameron Is Honored At Bridge Luncheon Mrs Ernest Hyatt and Mrs. i Howard Hyatt were joint hostesses of a bridge luncheon given at the Skyland """ea Room Wednesday morning, as a courtesy to Mrs. W. H. Dameron of Warrenton, who i is the guest of her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. David Hyatt The rooms were decorated with arrangements ol mixed flowers. At the conclusion of the games prizes were awarded to Mrs David Hyatt, who held high score, and Mrs. .1 W Ray. w ho held low score Mrs J. H Way. Jr., won the float ing prize and Mrs. Dameron was presented an honor gift. The guest list included Mr. Dameron. Mis Hyati. Mrs. K. L IPrevost. Mrs J M Long. Mis. Eric Clauson. Mrs J II Way. Jr.. Mrs Hugh Massie. Mrs C. L. Dickson of Durham. Mr... Paul Hyati. Mi J W. Kay. Mrs. Hallett Ward. Mis Bonner Ray. Mrs T Lenoir Gwyn. Mrs Hufus Siler. Mrs. Joe Dog gelt. Mrs Milliard Atkins. Mrs Roy Campbell. Mrs. Thomas String, field and Mrs Paul Blackwell J. P. Francis Is Honored On 1 80th Birthday M; . K. T Miiielun ul New Yelk 1'itv and Miss Loui.e Francis en tertained with a supper party on Tuesday evening in honor of then lather. .1 P. Francis The part marked ihe eightieth birthday an niei..ny of the holier guest A picnic supper was served on I lie lawn after which the guests ueie invited into the dining room The dining table held a decorated birthday cake and an arrangement of mixed flowers The guests pre.eiu included Mi Francis. Mr Minchen and daugh ter Kathy of New York Mr and Mrs Henry Francis. Bessie Sue and Pink Francis. Mr and Mrs. Gid deon Francis. Mrs. Robert Jones. Mr and Mrs Creighton Norris. Mrs Tony Davis and son. Tony. Mr and Mrs John Pennsy and children Mary Francis and Roddy Mrs Dave Russell. Mr. and Mrs Milas Ferguson and son. Bill. Mr. and Mrs H. W. Burnette, and four great grandchildren of the guest of honor. Mr Francis, a native of Hay wood County, is a retired contrac tor and builder He is the son of the lite Henry Francis and Eliza beth Mull Francis Miss Louise Martin left Tuesday for Richmond, Virginia, where ;ih has accepted a position in the ar' department of Talheimer's. Mr and Mrs. Don Hyatt ol New nort News will arrive Saturday fo, '"-it to the former's mother, Mrs V A Hyatt 1 fcwffi Miss Mary Joanne Boone Is Bride Of Samuel Byrd Mi Mis Hi-um IH-uoy Medford have announced the engage i li 1 1 daugiiler, Miss Lula Medford, to Edward Carson Martin, of Cbarlolle. son of Mi and Mrs. Edward Park Martin of Sunder. S. C. Engagement Of Miss Medford Is Announced Mi :n:il Mi- liiyaii Dewey Med- lord h:oc announced the engage ment ol II. cir daugiiler. Miss Lula : Frank Medtoid. to Edward Carson Martin ot Charlotte and Sumter, S. C . ul Mi and Mrs. Edward ; I'.n ki- Miii lin. el Snniter. 'lie wedding will take place :it the lir.t le'ln'di-t church here ii ( h i Hi The hi iile-clt cl I. a graduate of Ihe U'awiesvillc high school and ' .mended Florida Southern college at Lakeland She now has a po- , .iTion with Hie Veteran's Adminis iia'ien in Charlotte. Mr 'Liiiin. who is a grandson of ihe lale C;'pt and Mrs, E. Scotl Carson ut Sumter graduated from Suniier high school and The Cita del. He i. a veU'ian of World War II having served with the army in the European Thealre At present he is engaged in civil engineering i in Charlotte. Parent-Teachers Are Organized At Maggie School A Parent-Teacher Association 1 was organized at Maggie School Ion Monday morning following the I opening of the school. Mrs. Lee Evans was elected I president of the new organization and other officers are: Mrs. Owen Corwin, vice president, anjl Mrs. Clifion L. White, secretary and treasurer. The main project of the group this year will be to bring the school library up to standard. New books, maps and other library needs will be added. Meetings will be held on the last Friday afternoon of each month. The program for the next meeting will be in charge of Mrs. Otis Alli son and Mrs. Fred Henry. as THE RUTH CRAIG Amateur Show Friday Evenings At 8 P.M. OVER WHCC SPONSORED BY Ruth Craig's Beauty Shop East Street, Waynesville, N. C. The winner of each show will be awarder! a cash priie of $2.50. and a winner from each how will he selected to appear on a later program when a grand prize will he awarded the one who received the most votes by mail. A variety of talent will be selected each week, and oh will be notified when to appear for an audition. There is no ae limit. If you have talent, and would like to ap pear on one of these programs, fill in the blank at right and mail to Radio Station WHCC. r " " Name . Address I WriteJiere what your talent ts) Miss Jones Is Honored At Bridge Party Miss Catherine Jones, bride elect of October, was honored on Fridav afternoon when Mrs. Groc er Davis and Mrs Charlie Wi.nd- ard entertained with a bridge party a! the home ol Mrs. Davis. of pink and white gliirl ioli were used in decoration of Ihe living room and mixed gar den flowers were arranged in the entrance hull and dining room. After the games ihe high srore prize wa. awarded to Mrs. Fred Campbell and Miss Jones receiv "d 'he low s(iii,. "ifi. The hostess es also presenled the guest of honor a gift of crystal and a giit of sjvei Those playing were Miss Jones. Mrs I. M Killin. Jr.. Mrs. John Slephcns. Mrs. .loc Cat hey, Mrs. Fred Campbell Miss Dorothy Kichesun. Mrs Hugh Palmer. Mrs. ! Frank Kirkpalnck. Mrs. Virgil iSiuiih. Mrs William Cobb, Mrs. llaiiv Lee Liner. Jr.. Mrs. Joe Massie, Mrs Charles Burgin, Mrs. Ned Howell. Mrs. Bruce Jaynes, i Mrs Hcrbcrl Tate. Mrs. Herbert Braivn. Mrs. Lewis Green and Mrs. : Porlei Frady. I Joining this giniip for tea were j Mrs Sam H. Jones, Miss Thelma Jones. Miss Edna Summerrow. Mrs. Eii MrGee. Mrs Nobel Garrett. Sr.. Mrs Hoywood Plotl and Miss Edna Rod. Baptist Circles To Meet Monday Of Next Week Circles ul the Woman's Mission ary Society of Ihe First Baptist Church will meet on Monday eve ning 'instead of Tuesday i at 7:30 o'clock, as fol lows: Fliza Yates Circle will meet with Mis (). C. James al Lake Junalus ka Ann Hasseliiiie Judson Circle will meet with Mrs. H. O. Cham pion Lottie Moon Circle wnl meet at the church wtih Mrs. Homer West as hostess. Fannie E. S. Heck Circle will meet with Mrs. J. P. Dicus. Henrietla Hall Shuck Circle will meet with Mrs. W. F. Strange. Attention is called to the change in the hour of meeting. Mr. and Mrs J. M. Jarrett of RaleiRh and Percy Williams of Sewannee. Tenn.. were guests of Dr. Mary Michal on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lee Liner, Jr.. and children have moved from Branner Avenue to the Keller Ap partments. where they win reside until their ncv home i completed on Love Lane. Miss Mary Joanne Boone, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hay good Boone, became the bride of Samuel Byrd, son of Mrs. Samuel Miller Byrd and the late Mr. Byrd, of Bunnlevel, in a ceremony held yesterday morning at eleven o'clock in the Boyd Memorial Chapel of the First Methodist church. The Rev. Russell L. Young, pastor of the church, pronounced the vows in the presence of the two families and a few close friends. The altar was decorated with floor standards of white gladioli and clematis against a background of evergreens. Before the ceremony a program of wedding music was presented by Miss Mary Ann Massie, pianist, which included "Leibestraum," by Liszt, "Tratirnerei," by Wagner, and "I Love You Truly," by Carrie Jacobs Bond. The traditional marches were used as processional and recessional, and during the ceremony Miss Massie played "To A Wild Rose," by McDowell. The bride, w no was given' in marriage by her father, wore a fall suit of grey tweed and grey felt hat with matching veil. Her other accessories were black and she wore a corsage of gardenias. Miss Betsy Siler, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore a fall suit of green wool with green accessories and a corsage of gardenias. H. Yates Craig of Stanley serv ed as best man and ushers were James K. Boone, brother of the bride, and William H. Byrd of Lil lington, brother of the bridegroom. Mrs. Boone, mother of the bride, i wore a dress of navy and white print with navy accessories and a j corsage of while roses. ' Immediately following the cere mony Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Siler, the latter an aunt of the bride, and their daughter, Miss Betsy Siler, entertained with a wedding breakfast at their home on the Country Club Drive. The bride's table held a three- tiered wedding cake and low ar rangements of fever-few and gyp sovhilia. Other tables were cent ered with pastel flowers. The guests in addition to the wedding party included Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Boone, Dr. and i Mrs. Worth Byrd of Sanford, Miss Peggy Cavin of Stanley, Mr. and Mrs Clifton Dickson of Durham, I Rev. and Mrs. Russell L. Young, !Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Massie, Mrs. J. K Boone, and Mr. and Mrs. W. i 'Mi .;, i, IIUMoli'll ,,, W. Crymes of Charlotte Mrs. Byrd is a gradual, ,, , Waynesville Township high i and attended Brenau Colli ye Gainesville, Georgia for i ( Last year she was a member ,,i i Junior class of Woman's ( Orclhsboro, where she chemistry. Mr. Byrd graduated ti,, Lillington high school ami , member of the senior cla . . o College in Raleigh He ,.. eran of World V'ar II, haviin; ed three years with the , gineers in New Guinea and Philippines. Following a wedding tin, couple will reside in Kdln;;h Miss Louise Rotha win. the summer vacation v iti mother, Mrs. Harry Koth.i Tuesday or St. Mary'-. City, land, to resume her clut u , trar of St. Mary's Seiinnan Rotha was acting president i school during the past year , :u of 4. '.'4a 1 'Ucsjj, Hi H is. V, 1 Mr. i I M.r I. " : w wild ALL APPLIAliS IN OUR STORE WILL BE AT COST OR BELOW CO III' L hi J a 1115 wmt-Eiiuiij We Still Have The Following ItJ STOKER - FLOOR !TK(I.S-CAI DISPOSAL WASHING MACHINES -1 PADS VACl'L M t l.LANF.RS -C SWEEPERS RECORD PLAYERS -RJ COMBINATIONS LAST CHANCE 1 HYATT BROTi 10 CHURCH ST. Better get the voiing Mothers, since 1904 Buster lkowns 1m vo heen a part of the school scene as the apple- and ul pail. You cant buy belter lU-W where! Let us lit the children Browns. Their high quality means "v?; ft cause every pair wears longer. And tk ir . y smartness will please ) ou no eiul. A. T-n .Ik ghllli. oxford, A-' " ' . Tnn .He buckle moccoiin Hep-i", 'n '" C f...!-t leoth-r two i'rop x""0'' "!" ' ' n rlV j. fr-tuST lip I c kip? 'rr ,-' t'-. 1 c 0 00 A. M. c S'0' t.'.-'ccy oft 3.95-6.95

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