'landard Prn:;,,g ( aao-230 S F,rt s 'nt rsviM,,; Ky The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-A-Week lb The County Seat of Haywood County At To e Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Published Twice-a-Week Every Tuesda" and Friday 1 ideal ihtir center "no. n TWENTY-TWO PAGES United Press and Associated Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1948 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties o4 I UU t 9d Agriculture Leaders Of i (Alley Slashes At als In Address Young Democrats "The leaders of the Dixiecrats I Hfe the same crowd who have beer h OfflCGr advocating building up a Republi- years," Judge Felix E. Alley, told Haywood Young Democrats here Tuesday night at the court house. "Every vole for the Dixiecrat ticket is a half vote for Dewey," he continued, "and let me tell you. if Dewey is elected it will be by a misled people," the speaker said Before Judge Alley talked, new officers were elected, with K. Cole Coghurn. of Canton, being named president to succeed Frank Kirk- j Patrick. Mrs. Howard Smatlicr.s, ol Canton, was named Iirst vice presi dent, and Paul Grogan, of Cruso. was named second vice president. Bill Plott is secretary, and Wingate Hannah, is treasurer, with Fred Campbell, publicity chairman. The Young Democrats voted to continue the memberships at 'l per year, and to seal all Haywood Democrats al the convention in Greensboro this week-end as offi cial delegates. In relinquishing the office, Mr. Kirkpatrick thanked the group for their cooperation during the past year, and pledged support to Mr. Cogburn, The matter of rotating the presidency between the Can ton and Waynesville area was con tinued. Judge Alley began his address by slating that he has been speaking in behalf of the Democratic party for 50 years, and said, ''there has never been a more Important cam paign (lyin 3e one now fifing u. The destir, f the nation will ;bc determined by th oiitoorac of this election. "A great many people are at sea in this campaign. They cannot fully understand the purpose and plan of the two recently organized par ties the Progressives and Dixie (Continued on Page Two) Staging Formal Opening Today ir ( ! K 1 -J rj i' ill I yT 1 . I 1 hi), stale sen- e hi tin- loung ;liiz;iH(in (if the a permanent the convention urn in wretns- Jord vill serve milum liunorrow served as slate man of organiza- rnus Luminit tees E Hoover Taft,, If the group. ights The ws Ministers Are Asked To Observe Prayer Call 22 Counties To Attend Plans cre completed here yes terdav lor the first annual Agri cultural Day of Western North Caiolira. to be held here on Oc tober (Ml), with Charles F. Urannon. st-n'ctaiv of the Department of Aw k ultuic as tlic principal speak- CHARLIE'S is staging their formal opening today, In ;i modern new building that is triple the si7.e of the former j The event i- being sponsored place. The parking lot will take care of 75 cars for curb : ;; i-v i,r Nmti, ( -uolnu Karm r r f Bureau, the North ( arnlina Kxlen- service, while 26 comfortable seats have been arranged in- ,,,, serv ice. Vocational Agricultur- side. The firm is open 24 hours a day, has 10 employees, and al Teachers, fanners (t 22 Western opened 12 years ago. The owners are Charlie Woodard, left North Camlm.. counties, and all ... , ..! . . ii n ci' agricultural agencies, and Claude Woodard, right. The greater part of this section is Tu p,uli m ll(.H. jnill;l, m(,o(. devoted to the opening. Iinu sometime a;'o asked Hep. Mon roe M Hediien to Invite Secretary i , Uranium here lor the occasion and 2 -Day Exhibit Of Cattle i;:;;;,: .""M'-B"(ih m 1 - rfl T IV JT It x I 'l-'"-' liiml ilelails of the program Mnn L-roDS 10 De maue ai; ' completed, b.n tr Masons To Dedicate Steps to Marker On Tuesday s B High School Oct. 1 And 2 65-Gallon Still Caught By Officers In Big Creek Area A two-day livestock and crop exhibits will be staged al the high j meeting will becin al eleven o'clock, anil several thousand peo ple are expected from outside Hay wood to attend Va no Corpeniug, county agent. is acting us general local chairman were Max p Eggs, to toes fork visitor, wise (.Kilpatrick. at the fuller: "Since Mr. not planning on cm to North Car- The Rev. Paul Duckwall. presi 'iunn here ought dent of the Havwood County Minis- now that now you terial Association, is asking all) t serve "The Call to Prayer" for the I Maa Qn 23rd United Nations Delegates and the: He Dog Peoples of th-' World, next Sunday j A ,t.rchanls, and professional iWL -i mornln8- ..'men and women, are being urged IWnatsGood In churches all over the world by Dav. relmet president o( the Ifamilv n,nv..rt J ringing 01 oens anu cmn.es iu. Merchants Association, to attend a Wran looa.inn ifiVe mi"Ute? 81 'he Cl0Se f uth? meeting Thursday, Sept. 23. when Ir r u 'morning cnurcn service muuui V) or their newj11:55 jn each time zone) will bt, a ""S d Olg M(IWH:,I,1 11 ... f, ,h mrM 91 menihers of the Veterans Far triers group. 00 KFA boys and fit! 4-H Club boys participating, it was announced yesterday by Carl Hat-r-liflP "poernl jiiinerviKor. Three Haywood deputies entered j T)( FKA i,ulldiK ,u, Veterans the wilderness of Big Creek last ; s)lop and th c-tiiol garage will be week in search for a still. After mjid m show the various ex looking here and there, darkness , nlblts w,k.n nro t,xpected to nt overtouk them, but with the aid j (ract lnrge crt)Wds during the t.vo of a flashlight, and continued , dayg There tftil be no admission. f.hin(i, a beauiful 65-gIlon land riiJbons vvllrte Riven the wln envper lined outfit ws found. nets. The still had Just been moved to Francis Boyd, president, said, the new location, and had never -The goal which we hope to reach been fired up. In fact, from all ap-, jn )nc bringing together of the pcarances. it looked like the illicit j people of this section in good manufacturers had Just completed friendly competition and rivalry their construction work a short ; as exhibitors of their best." time before the officers arrived, j The poultry exhibits are broken While no arrests were made, sev-i down into a ribbon for the best eral are under suspicion, and ar-!jn nnv class of rooster, hen, cock rests are expected any time, the erel, pullet, or capon. Also the officers pointed out. The still uusjbest pen of Rhode Island Reds, i within 75 yards of a road, but well New Hampshire Reds. Barred hidden from view by thick under- Bocks. White Leghorns, and any school here October 1 and 2. with (n ..,..,,,,. m,,lN ,, iw .,nd oln. growth. Those making the raid Deputies Wade McDaniel. Cochran and John Kerley. Merchants To breed. The best pair of turkeys w ill also be judged, as will the best half dozen eggs. In the cattle division, ribbons will be given for the best in dairy (Continued on page two) ers of the group cosulled yesterday with Hep. Redden in Henderson v i lie on tin' development of the prog ram. Rep. Redden pointed out that Sec relaruv Uranium is an outstanding speaker, anil said. I feel that this idea nl having an Agricultural Day for Western North Carolina will be far-reaching and beneficial in man ways. Knowing Secretary Itrannon as I dp. it is easy to say that sev eral thousand agricultural leaders from the 22 counties in Western North Carolina will attend.'' The meeting will be held at the court house 125 Young People At Meeting On Tuesday - wi j: I5 . if fcWW I L These recently completed steps to the Masonic Marker at Black Camp Gap will be dedi cated in an impressive ceremony, open to the public, on Tuesday afternoon, as part ot the annual summer assembly program ol the Grand Council of North Carolina Masons. 'I he program will feature an address by Joseph Cameron Dunn, of New York, and is sched uled to begin about three o'clock. Afterwards, a picnic will be held at Heintooa H.dd, a picturesque spot overlooking the Great Smokies. Dr. J. R. McCracken is general ch in m.m. Several Hundred Expected Here On 23rd For Hybrid Corn Field Day; Test Farmj2;Dar Mel .. Between 2ft and 150 virii Hazelwood Buys Site To Dump Garbage Masons To Arrive Qn Sunday For Howell Rites To Be Held This Afternoon The Hazelwood board of alder men have purchased an 18-acre tract on Hyatts Creek for a garb age disposal site for the town, it was announced yesterday by Clyde Fisher, mayor. I The tract has a deep ravine, About 125 young crsons and 1 an(t wj lakll tare ((f hl. town's adult leaders attended the fall lwdx for tle nvKt 100 v,.ars Miiy. rally nl the Asheville Presbytery ... L-fsh,.r silj(i The oroDertv was Kirst J'resbyterian church ;,,,,. ,, fr,,,n iu,.c whiiner The properly has an all-weather road to it. and the house on the I tract will be used for the caretaker The board of aldermen are dis- ? it in'; large number of farmers ol ". " Vlilin :, iilli ':iinliii:i are exoect-'are expected neie mis weeK ml ed to attend the h.vbrid corn field for the annual summer a.s.scnill.. of day nt the State Test farm on Hie Grand Council of Masons of Thursday. Sept T.i. it was an-' North Carolina. nounceil veslerday by Howard Ht.gistratiou begins Sunday al'tcr Clnpp, director in charge ! noon, with the first session Monday 'I he event will hung to Haywood I morning at nine o'clock. The afler some leading specialists, including . noon wilj ht. given over (o a MIror C. D Thomas, director of test tI.tp to vgon Road Gap, and spc farms. Dr. It W Cummings, asso-jcia aeK,.ee work (hat night al the ciate director of the N. C. Kxperi-1 Armory. menl station: Dr. I'. H. Harvey.! agronomisf. of the U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture: Dr. R. P. Moo ii R. Collins. I at tin I here Tuesday afternoon and even 1 ing. Ktv. M. R. Williamson, pas I tor, said that all sections of the Presbytery was represented. i "Logical Proof of God" was the t gu along. Thcyeaders who gathcr in paris for the Flh' car, couldn't r- i ..c .. i-uQ couldn't make Nations. ' " is sticking I and lonesome, a nini, the owner 05 doesn't n.A n Pagu Two) Market I The Prayer Call is sponsored by The Laymen's Movement for a Christian World, and is endorsed by the federal Council of Churches, The Canadian Council of Churches, the United Council of Church Wo men and the Foreign Missions Conference. (proposals for the program for the I second annual tobacco harvest fes tival will be presented. Mr. Felmet said that definite decisions will be made at the meet ing on the 23rd about the festival. flection 52c to 55r 20-28c - 15c 10c 32-36c 2.00 to 2 25 lbs- 2 25 to 2.50 ''00 to 19.00 '900 t0 22.20 2 00 to 24.25 25 00 to 28.50 M.OO to 28.00 2310 to 25.10 "00 to 23.00 M I warmer -fair an( warm vie temper.. I the of Min. Singing Convention To Be Held Sunday A singing convention will be held ct the Balsam Baptist church next Sunday, September 19, be ginning at 1:30 p. m. Singers are invited from both Jackson and Haywood counties and several quartets from outside the two counties are expected to par ticipate on the program. The public is invited to attend. Woody Addresses Maryland Bankers i subject of Hob Matthews, Jr., of I cussing plans tor maning " Funeral services will be con- Canton church, who led the open- collect ions twice weekly, since all ducted this afternoon at 3 o'clock I ing service. j garbage must now be placed on the at the First Baptist church for The group was divided into four ' curb. Technician Fifth Grade Oscar I classes in which they were In-! Howell, who was killed in France ' ctructed on the fall and winter i on July 30. 1944 Rev. L. G El- 1 plans for youth work liott, pastor and the Rev. Horace Followiig Ihe classes, a supper n i G. Hammett of Durham, former was served by the young people j otOte L ft e S S pastor of T5 Howell, will officiate, of the Presbyterian church, assist- 1 ed by members of the Woman's I . h Ct TTI Yi 1 O n Tuesday morning will he free time, and shortly after noon Tues- H:ic Ihn Drnun tlc l.i 41,! director in charge of N. C. ., ,l, u .. i . n " l amn dan where the neuv ie.lll Crop Assocal.on: Dr. h. H. Collin. ;cd st, , , ,h(. MaBollj. Markrr. extension agronomist. )uju of stones from a )()in(s ()f Karl, ol the s.ecial,sts will take!he gobt. wjl, be dedj(.aU.d f,.a(. part on Ihe program, and aftur , uring a addresHi bv Jost-ph C'ai.-r-lunch. a lour will be made of two:on Uunn of Now york .loiiathan Creek larms 'Ihe first. ,,, i, .., , ,,, a u,.rf Alter the dedicatory set vice.- farm, and an hour later the group Dave Boyd farm, i Bald for a picnic The I'ubh invited to the picnic a- vn dedication services. The Mio will no to tin nearby. 'II, i. it Hi,. IliU (I, .11 ,l:,v ,.f II, Is , ,1.1 i i i i , ,i i i Haywood are providim: t!'e pi Ivpe llial lias been held at the lest ,. r ' ,'. , . . . ! dinner r ill in in ir. .inn i.tiiini.s iiiiiii evei y section of Hie mountain area are expected lo attend, Mr. Clapp said. Kit Crittenden Dr. Owen Buys Russell Home Pallbearers will be Dwight Hall, (Continued on Page Twin Officers Seeking John Eure For Assault Jonathan Woody, president of the First National Bank, addressed the Marvland Bankers Association at their meeting at the University of, Maryland in College Park, Md.. I ii.i. i Mr, Woody was invited to make I Krd Ralhbone 55-ycar-olcl Hay Auxiliary. Dr James M. Carr. director of j Kj, ( rjtt(.nden. 14-year-old son religious education of the synod, , (lf I)r and Mls Christopher Cnt showeri pictures made this summer te,ldt,n f Halelgh and grandson of (Continued on page two) Officers are still seeking John Eure, 24. who is wanted in connec tion with the serious cutting of the address by the Federal Reserve Board of Richmond. He was accompanied by Mrs Woody and two children on trip. AT MARS HILL Among other students entering Mars Hill college, are R. G. Coffey, Robert rugate, and Jerry Liner, Jr. wood farmer. The incident took place in Jones Cove. Rathbone has been released from the Hospital, ! the where he underwent treatment. Of ' ficers said he was still weak from the loss of a lot of blood at the j time of the cutting. No New Cases Of Polio Reported The Health Department re ported yesterday that there had not been any other cases of polio reported in Haywood d urine the past week. The total number of cases for the year is seven. I)i IIoIiitI Owen, of ('anion lioimlil tin ( liai li s Itussell home day place in K.i-I Waynesville at the auction sale In re Monday. The bid price w.i S14.."i(MI. (' II I a al In I wonil bought the Wilson Leopard lot at the corner of Main and Hael streets, and sev eral lols ot the .lack Felmet proper ty in Last Waynesville were also Mild. The closing session of ilv sembly will be a d;uire 'I ut.-djv night at the Armor.' lie . no-r-will feature square mI i ind dancing, and during the oitei mis sion, a magician will niiiiMn. ii10 group. The public i in- iit"i . tend the dance. I)i I II Mi i i iil,. en. gen'ral chairman, aiil -,r,iPi- Draft Registration In Haywood Short Of Estimate Today and tomorow will com plete the scheduled registrations, as the 18-year-old groups register under the new draft laws. After Saturday all persons be coming 18 will register on the day they become of age. The registration in Haywood is going to fall about 1,000 short of the estimated quota of 3,200. The state draft board estimated that there would be about 3,2u0 young men to register in Haywood, but of i Tuesday, the nmiiher ws only 1,702, and it was felt that 500 more would easily cover all addi tional men to register by Saturday night. It was understood yesterday that Rufus Siler had been named as a member of the board, who will fill the place of Fred Campbell who re signed several weeks ago. The board members feel that the registration here in Haywood has gone off smoothly, and very little time lost in getting the men registered withfn few minutes. WHCC To Carry 12 College Football Games This Fall; Also All Waynesville High Mrs Charles E. Quinlan of Waynes ville won the Class A North Caro , lina Chess Tournament held recent ly in Winston-Salem. A member of the Raleigh Chess Club, young Crittenden also took I third place in the N. C. Open Tour j namcnt in which competitors from i several other Southern slates were . released t'il;iy under S500 bond, j entered. Depul Sin rift W ade McDaniel I An inscribed silver cup will lie said I'arton i- charged with break presented to Kit. who was the ing Mrs. Pari oil's leg, and inflict 'youngest chess player entered in ing oilier painful injuries recently. I the tournaments. She is in the huspital. Wyatt Heads Tax And Water Units Of Hazelwood ( II AIU.I I) WITH ASSAULT Dillard r,irlin. charged with as iiilt on Ins wile, was scheduled to Radio station WHCC will carry 22 college and high school football games this fall, it was announced yesterday by Frank Knutti. general manager of the station. "We will carry all of the Waynes ville high games, botn those play'ed at home and away." Mr. Knutti said, and in addition will carry the Tar Heet network of college games, with the first to be broadcast Sat urday, at 2:415 Wake Forest vs. George Washington. Wally Ausley, one of the best known football announcers in the southeast will do the announcing for the garner "He is rapid fire. and has an easy-to-listen to voice," Mr. Knutti said. The Waynesville-Sylva game will go on the air at 7:45. with the kick ; off at eight o'clock. The college games to be broad ; cast over WHCC w ill include: Wake I Forest vs. George Washington; ; State vs. Duke; Carolina vs. Geor ! gia; Carolina vs. Wake Forest; State vs. Davidson: State vs. Carolina; i Carolina vs. L. S. U.: Carolina vs. : William and Mary; Wake Forest vs. Clemson: Duke vs. Carolina; Wake Forest vs. U.S.C.; State vs. Villan ova. This is the first time WHCC has carried rollege football games. September Term Of Civil Court Opens On Monday Judge J. Hoyle Sink is scheduled I to preside at the September term of civil court which will convene here Monday morning. A rather heavy docket faces the court, with 24 divorce cases listed, and three of them contested. All these are on the motion docket and scheduled I for a hearing on Monday. . Among the regular trial docket are a number of minor cases, and perhaps the largest are three cases involving the death of a man by the name of Logan, about three years ago, when hp is said to have crashed into a truck of David Underwood which was undergoing repairs. Three other cases are scheduled for Monday, including Leather wood, admrx. vs. Smoky Mountain Stages: Hall vs. Abel, et al in town cases. Six cases are on docket for Tues day, including McMahon vs. Park er; Cooke vs. Shelton; Williams vs. Gregory et al; Corbett Cabinet, Inc. vs. Sylvan Woodcarvers, Inc.; Par ton vs. Asheville Paving Co.; Palm ''onfimjed on Page Two) Gene Wyatt has bei n n.'-'v 1 L-. collector, and soperuii"!!i-'i! p( the Hazelwood Water Dep.i,. . Mayor Clyde Fisher atmoui' ' lerdny. Mr. Wyatt ha.- ,il" sumed his duties as ln-.nl :; departments of the town ,i I -wood. Mr. Wyatt was fonni-rh ioi,-. . i. ed with the A. C. Lawrence Leath er Company. Highway Record For 1948 (To Date) In Haywood Killed 4 i Injured .... 34 (This Information com piled from Record i