U PAGK 0f The Waynesville Mountaineer FK11AV. skptembkk n. untaineers And Sylva Ready For Gank Sylva Is Primed For Hard Game: Out For Revenge to Ii 15 ii pushing r JoiHELlltl6 - W RUNNER W NCR0CniNS wCH VIOLATION WW W WSP (5) ILLEGAL MOTION Oft FORMATION AT SNAP (fx UNNECESSARY Ij i-r m m mm m ' (?) TOUCHDOWN, FIELD GOAL x ' ; 'n (D ILLEGAL FORWARD PASS 1 1 ,x2"i V, "tLNs- J If (D INTERFERENCE WITH FAIR CATCH OR FORWARD PASS PENALTY REFUSED INCOMPLETE PASS PLAY OVER OR MISSED OflAL MO) DEAD BALI OK NEUTRAL ZONE ESTABLISHED (u) NO Time out ok TIME-IN WITH WHISTLE (12) HOLDING ILLEGAL USE OF HANDS OR ARMS (T) DELAV OF GAME Gk EXCESS TIME-OUT (7) time-out FOLLOWED Br ASM swung at side toucmback FIRST POWN epT. LOSS OF DOWN Ifcj UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT $B (SnBF Tb Emwmall (Smimllmi Timafl o Pit sainst Jeter III iviu: m ullr' rlr ' l ('. !' Hack He; till 'in Mil - i 1!H-I'l:l Ysl liy i'i i- lioiilil I'i ii- sl liiullj.el KTIlt rill's fVl'll l.llll-Mr-, tl.'lllll'l ll h bi't'ii ,nii- ilriHtliv .nut Itk in ,in !)- lllllr Ii Hi i - ualiiin 1; U lull l'uiliilt X kllcxlc fc III 1 11 urll of n, 11 1) V. Ii Hi 'llllc i (it llir ( In- r Nun,- part, mi mk! niacin it ;ii fie i i in L'liii imiaii pw (ham Wc a run :i; vx 'll mUi- North Carolina And Catawba Are Named Top Teams Two North Carolina teams haw hull tabbed as the top clubs in their class for the Southern Con- hii'iKC area football warfare open ing this month. 1 ' The University of North Caro lina ;incl CatavCha were the choice, Hi Ihe Southern Conference Sport-, Writers Association. '11 it newsmen made North Cam- : iii.i the hands-down choice to re place William and Mary as eon licence champion, with t'.o de nuding i hailipiiuis spoiled - eeoiiil C'alawha. , the little t'Jant in North Carolina circles, twice a Tannerine Bowl winner, was rated i the best of the smaller schools. Presbyterian of Clinton, S. ('., was chdseii the team most likely to push llif Indians. The eoniplete tabulations: Southern Conference 1 North Carolina; 2 William and Mary; Ii - Duke; 4 Maryland, ,'i Wake Forest and South Caro lina 'tiedi; 7-' North Carolina State; .'I Cleinson; 0 - Davidson: HI Wasliinijtiin and Lee; II Viicinia Tech; 12 Virginia Mililar. 13 I'ui iiiaii; 14 (ieol Lje Waslii mil on and Kicliiiiond itiedi; Hi The Cil adcl. Smaller CoIIcri's 1 Catawba; 2 Pi eslivlei i.in , 'f Appalachian; 4 - - Hampden Swlni y: ,1 - Lenoir Ithyne; (i -Kr -kmc; 7 WolTord; 11 liandolph Mat mi; 9 Kmory and Henry: 10 lln'li Point. The Sylva Hurricanes Play Waynesville Friday Night The Sha Hie.h Colden llnrri-c.iiu"- l.ipeied oil this week's prac tices with liubt drills ThurdaN iiii.ler the giinLiiice ol Coach .lames I D.crinwll. in pieparation for their I rouiiiifl dash with the Monntaiti I eei - of YVa lu-sville toniEht. Still iii:otiii trom t heir ti-0, 1 la-1 iinmite il. lc .l at 1 he h. unt il! llaesville. Coach Ii. unwell has -in nt much tune this week in an i (1 oi t to Ket his T-lorniation offense in inch pear This i the first war lh.it S Iva lias used the T-loi'ina-tinii and ma prove to be just what they need to 'hake loose their fleet -tooled hack- The Sla line, Willi elr.i poondat'e iliis year, I'I.imm) line defensive hall aeain-t Have ille and should meet Wa-ni-'ville on equal terms. Svlva is c n i i.ilh tron;' at t he tackles wit Ii C ivile and Kmcl liiiiuearnci'. eni )lini'! a brother ail al these pn- S lulls 1'hc Mountaineers of Waynes Mile have not as vet opened the .1(1411 'casoii but Svlva well io , mi 'inlici their 44-0 defeat at the l haniK ol these same Mountaini'ers .in I (117, and will be out Friday nielli to even matters with their in i(jli Inn s over the mountain. Tins will be the -first meetitlK on the (jridiron between Coach liarn well and Coach Wealherby of Way nesville and max lead lo another haul loui'ht but friendly rivalry between Sxlva and Wax nesx il le. file prohl S Iva: hie slartiin; hue up tin This is the Sylva team who will meet Waynesville hero tnnip,hl for the opening of the season for The Mountaineers. The Sylva squad is (Oiiehcd I ix James Italph Itarnwell, who altaineil a 100 per cent record last xear with his Oakley team. Conference Men Map Plans For Coming Season e It 1 in- Hulne Conference held II ineelini! al the Army Store .hex die on Sc.nl. 13. All schools I epi I'senlcd with the exeep- Mars Ilill. lircvard and Hill- In the last five years Ed Mi Ki -ever has coached three college teams Notre Dame, Cornell and San Francisco. This year he's hadiiu! the Chicago Rockets in tlu ...i America Conference COMPANY, I.lri. il 'l.ii MU' Vt-';i i:M:2.7ii:i 7ii ltd : si.ili-niMii mh m ist n -vr l.ixfrimul. Kmc ;! As IIOW.- HY STATEMENT FILED $ r,llll llllll (ICl 1 ' . 4.ni!.i'io on Total. I f it; pet m; XI is I'llaneons. Total. .171 Hill 117 M:si i llaiH'otis, Total. 2 22r.17S.'.! vc.il . si .40(1.1(12 115 3. and (KKI (17 2.2H.1 (14 I I S t (1711.71!) (1.1 .1 'I2 'la i n.vi :i2H :i4 1 12 224 2H sn.cw; 2R 2.1. 30.'t (12 2.r,8(l 25 1(17.712 HH S5.HHR.81I1 7'l m.niio 22 SSI TS interest ntisecilent to vi i men pi iur to I'll il-. I; in A' wei e I ion o more. ' ( Hl'irer-. elected lor the 1 948-1 (M!) lei in were. Coach Da k Fax ansoux . Clni I School, president . C. K. W eat liei h . Wax He-villc. vice-pi esi ileiil and C. C Poindexlcr, Canton, eel a tai -trea-in er. Fleeted to the executive col ii I n il I ee were Ted Carter. Heinle rsonville and Mr. I 'l l lice. Tl x nil II ieji School . Marshall Mieh School, coached tie- xear In Hill Peek, asked to be admitted lo the conference and wire accepted. Marshall was a mi ..her of the pre-war U 1 in- liidHe Conference. The members also voted to fol low Hie rules set forth bv the North C.iiolina Athletic Association eon ceiniliK the a"e of the players. Also hrouelit out al this meeting was the pioposal lo use only recounicd ,7'iciaK This met readily with the approval of the conference coaches The Champion YMC.'x Men's Club was represented al tins nieel inK and extended an invitation to Hi,, championship team of the Mine KidKo Conference lo act as host team in the fust annual Paper How I uanie to he held in Canton the lirst xveek in December. The animal basketball tourna ment will be held at F.rtka or Hen dcrsonville on March 3. 4 and S. The conference track meet will be held at Asheville School. May 13 and Christ School will be ho-i to Ihe tennis tournament again this xear. In This Corner . And Over Here "xt44 w ' Football Schedule l ildav, Sept. 17 S Iva al Wax nesx die I leiulei sonville at Kincs Moun tain. hobhinsx ille al llaxesville 1'on'sl City at Canton. Marion at New ton 'oiiover. Satin da v. Sept. IH Slatesville at A hexille A-.lieville-ltilliuoie v. Cai aim r Wehb at Hoiluii! Spriui's Appalachian "H" " . Lei- .VI e Rae al Hainier F.Ik. W C T C. 11 al llrevard .liimoi College. Durim; the lirst half of this xear, Hen lloi'.in averai'.eil (1(1. Hli slrnkcs over : coinpcl il ive coif rounds. I.F. l.T i.: c lie itr in-: uii in mi F fi Nn. .ollie Finason, No 24. Tom Henry, No. 211. Fi nest lliiiimarner. No. 30. Wesslcx Warren, No. 21. Dennis Fnsley. No 18. Perry llhodes. No IK Clx'de Hiimuai nei . No 32. Carol Ashe. No, 25. .lack Ciiiiiiinnhaui, No, 33 ' 'hade:. ( 'iinniio'h.'iin. No i Kenl lloxle, No 13 Hobby ( limner, No 23. Name Pus. Wt. 10 llaxnes Queen LH 145 1 I Fin man Dillard 1(11 142 12 a-ioy Fillers QH 150 13 Kenl lloxle ltll 152 14 4Haiold Fliers 1X1 150 15 Haildd Paris l.K ICS l(i PeiT.V..plijdes HO 152 17 Fd ViE(j c ,. 1; l!i7 18 Dennis Fnsley,, . C 163 III lleiinx JU'cce " l.K 145 20 Charles CiinninRliain 1.11 l.r.r 21 Wesslev Warren . LC 155 22 Dci.l Montielh 111 155 23 Hobby (iiumer FH Hit) 21 Zollie l-'inc.i-.iiii l.K 171 25 Carol A ' he UK 165 '.'li Vance Hl.mton C 145 27 Horsey Moon UK H',0 t'H Tom IIciiia l.T 165 2! .1.1111.", Tin ker HC 160 3(1 l.iiict Hium;arner l.T 172 31 Clarence Fnxell HT HI5 32 Clxde Huiiitiarner ?(T 172 33 .lack Ciinnini',hain Qlt 1(15 Coach James Kalph Harnwell, W . C T. C , 1047. Local Gridmen All Set For First Game Of Season Here in Waynesville. everyone is eagerly awaiting their tirst glimpse of the 1948 Wax ne-xille Mountain eei s Tilt v vull have hat oppor tunity Fintax night when Coach James Barnwell biings his Sylva Golden Hurriianes to town. Coaches Wealherby and RatelifT sent the Mountaineers through brisk siRiiak Thursd:;., as the squad tapered off for the opening Ranie of the 1048 siason. Earlier this week, the Wax nesville coaches spent much tunc in an effort to imn out some of the many mis takes made last week in scrini manes Still uiidei taking the task ol rebuilding the. xe.ii i team, the Waynesville inenloi i j 1 1 1 lulled tx use seveial dillcienl team:; in an al tempt to find the best combina tion. Knowing that Coach I'.jinwetl has a big, rugged line that stopped llax esx ill,, i -iild, Coach Weathel by has stressed olToiisiw loolball this week. Fielding one ol his small est teams ill years xxhcii Ins Moun taineers answer the opening whisllc Friday night, Ihe Wax iicsmIIc coach must depend on speed anil decep tion as his best oMensive weapon. The Mountaineer Inrward wall N expected In tip the scales al l.'ili pounds and the liai klield barely tipping the 150 m.iik Sxlva. with the IkimgariuT box s al tackle, and the Cunningham hoys in tin hack field, are expected lo outweigh Hie locals. With Waynesville using Hie double-wing system against Sxlva's 'J' formatinii Waynesville fans are sure to see a lull night ol ollensixe loolball. The Mountaineers finished prep arations for the Sxlxa Clash xvilh a short signal drill under the lights and every Hung is in older lor t ho opening whistle nl the 1043 season at Waynesville Toxxichip High School Stadium I I id.ix niglil al eight o'clock. Probable Waynesville .stalling lineup of LK (ieiie Yarabroiigh LT Fd Terrell LC ('has. Howell C Daxid Pi ice lt(; Fred Call, (.on I(T Hill Owens HE Hob Owens QH ('has Womaik LH Hob Dave KM Howaid I nn r FH Wne loir Kn I. ' Football Tickets Placed On Sale The Waynesville Athletlr As sociation has announced that tickets to the Friday tonight) game with Sylva have het-n plac ed nn sale at all local til im stores and the American I i nil Stand. They nrire as many as possible to get their tickets early and avoid thr late rush for tickets at game time. Nexx sfcit ures NKW vol: Is iiobilison. weltel v principal figure . i area later llu inn C( I Ccrdan in .! .Joe Walcofl and also on t he c.u d. pioi's. I nc. a I i v . couutei ini.' w i: h I. i xx ll h an Ike U ilha plollslnp nn s;( ( 'I'm.' ale. h ll iniddlew'eigbl champion, and Hay all, l.'llcll l k 'I ' l.'oo I .( IM V II I tie lailiolielll ,. to lake place bis title aeaiiist II stadium on hul they are the in the New York Frenchman Mar- Si pi . 2L del soy h.in:' I, I I I Mill l l s 'it. ,ii ' Fc, f'lhfi llf(1 i, f'lldfv. I'-er,, Hue or acrrupd l county and miimripal s 1 ne or arrniprl ienl $5,7! 7.1 41 57 $1.202. 1 13 00 2.0fifi 23B 27 1 t 225 on 84.440 00 41 ,20(1 on 489. "(IH 45 $3 S77.S52 72 Waynesville Has One Open Date On Football Schedule N0Rl lrvlne ' ;'. York 3 1 MOncps $ 70,809 49 500,000 00 I.268.3T9.3H 'K"l.l DURING 1917 - $4,OR5; 523; 4,332: Paid 415: Paid $1.R39 .18 85 $5.717.14 1 57 2 349 00 501 00 N. Y.. ompiissioner of Insurance, Raleigh. sbsirar, "wurnnce. do hereby rertify that the Itj Ihe "atrmpnt cf the Union Marine r f11 comDa po'- E"8 . fi'Kl with this Department, Pniciai lne 3ist day of December. 1947. p. nAn? d"y "nd yer 8bove written. x-omnussioner of Insurance. Coach Carlelon Weatheihy an j pounced Ibis vxeek the addition of Trvon and Marshall High Schools j to the 104R football schedule Tryon ; will fill Hie Sept 24 date left open when Hrexard High cancelled their ccbeduled game Marshall High School, lipwronipr to the Hlue i RidCe Conference fills the open I date of Nov. 19 Both Barnes will ' be played in Township Stadium ! here. The schedule is as follows: Sept 17 Sylva Here Tryon Here. F.liabethton There Canton Here Hendersonville There. iSat Christ Schopl Here Hrvfon City There i Sat I Asheville School Here 12 OPEN 19 Marshall Here 25 Canton Thert -light heavy weight champ, are d by the Tournament of Chani- Cel.. . . . i M1.II1 monopoly, .lacons group is Hid 'axilan in a iion-lille go. coupled iioiii Ii ir XX illiaur helil weight ehai l.idiuni Oct. Nov 24 1 8 15 23 29 6 iJ if Tp vLINE BiiSV? 20 Trips To The Waynesville Laundry and Never Been Separated! jKvrr send your laxorite pillow cases lo a laundry and have "iniss-ninles" relumed? Then you'll npprei iale (lie pains ve lake to double check your Inmille. A'c make sure every garment is returned lo it's. proper owner. DON'T CALL ANY LAUNDRY CALL 205 Waynesville Laundry (Incorporated) J. W. KILLIAN, Owner WE CALL AND DELIVER Phone 205 Boyd Avenue nn sz cm .. i ii YJlsUJ EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY RED STAR FREE Any cash purchase receipt you receive bearing a RED STAR gives you the items absolutely FREE. This offer is good for any purchase you make at SMITH'S . . . whether it's a lc box of matches or $50.00 worth of drug products ... if you are given a cash receipt bearing a RED STAR the purchase, regardless of the amount is ABSOLUTELY FREE. SSBflflt m)mmm ,, lmilllllllimill. I II HI I I ll I III III HHll

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