THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE SIX JUDGE SABATH SETS RECORD CHICAGO (UP) Superior Court Judge Joseph Sabath, who claims to have heard more divorce cases than .any other man, has celebrated his 60th wedding anniversary. The judge has been on the bench since 1916. He says he has heard 100, 000 divorce cases and reconciled 7,000 couples. USE MOUNTAINEER WANT ADS TOO MUCH NATURE CARLSBAD, N. M. (UP) The lawn around the county court house is an attractive spot, but it has lost its popularity with Carls bad residents recently. A bench sitter got a sca-w when he saw a rattlesnake, on the grass. Police killed the snake, but a short while lator (hav Wfrp railed again to res DOUBLE TROUBLE FORT WORTH, Tex. (UP) Mrs. Dorothy Maddox, admitting clerk at Pennsylvania Avenue Hospital, found the case of Mrs. Green plenty confusing. She admitted two Mrs. Greens to the hospital within 10 minutes. Both had the same doctor. Both were in for the same type of major surgery. Both their husbands' worked for the same drug store. EARLY INDIAN TRACES FOUND ELLSWORTH FALLS, Me. 'UP) Archeologists believe Wasp Is land in the Union River was used as a camp site by nomadic Indians about 1,500 years ago. Rude tools and weapons have been discovered beneath four feet of silt disclosing three "layers" of occupation. The island was last used by the Penob scott Indians in the early 1900's. CHILTON, Wis. I'p, Mv f Pagel likes her husband:, j,,,,''" well she decided to tn n llir She is running for the HelmU ' nomination for sheriff i ( dl County in the fall prinim , " j'l Pagel is serving hi.. s,-,-,,. ,j , ' and won't be eligibly (,,, ' , ' n" tion. 0!i Am AP NvwrftvrM fictograph r Pa, WAGES & SALARIES THEUS.HATCWAI V OW JSM0U7E THAN TMC AS LARCf N DOLLARS TODAY AS N PJP 7rV5 NCXJST 0AL CONFE&EMCE BOARD FGUZESSHOW HOWMCOME FJ&M WAGES AND SALA&ES MAS BECOME MOKE MPOXTAMT. WAGES & SALARIES "iitti. cue anotner bench-sitter who had been attacked by a swarm oi Dees. NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS WEEK AT SMITH' i m PROFITS AND OTHER BUSINESS INCOME 1 1; rim? II Some Folks Go A Long Way To Avoid A Little Drilling WASHINGTON IT Kfdrral Bureau of I iivi--i iiiii mil audits have begun clurkiny on draft youths trying to (i(id)2o l iiilr Sain s call to duty Prospective iliatices uill tiud that the FBI already knows virtu ally all the angles from past expe dience. The bureau handled more than 609.000 reported violations of the World War II draft act The cases included everything from posing as a bearded lady" to deliberately blowing off a hand with a shotgun. Of the 16,745 per sons brought to trial, 16.173 were convicted. Convictions through June 30. 1947, brought sentence.-, totaling almost 40.000 years and fines ag gregating almost $1,500,000 Most of the cases not brought to trial were closed when the accused com plied with terms f the selective service act. Many Stranfe Cases FBI agents handled many strange cases under the act And many odd excuses were offered for failure to answer the call to arms A side-show bearded lady m De troit was found to be a man "ho had not registered for the draft and a Staten Inland N V man said he didn t know a war wa; be ing fought One of the most amazms at tempts to dodge strv;ce was made by a 40-year-o!d KnoxviUt, Tenrs.. insurance man. The night he iva5 classified as 1-A, his left hand wa. shot off by a bUt from an auto matic ihotgun. He claimed it was a horrible accident, adding, "Well. 1 guess Tin 4-F now." FBI anents checked to find the had just taken out an insurance policv which paid $2,500 lor the loss of a hand. Laboratory' experts 'found the shotgun would not dis charge without touching the trig ; ficr something the Tennessee man j said he had not done. He was sent to prison. Drowning Faked Still another draftee was con icted of trying to induce a physi cian to puncture his ear-drums to make him 4-F. One youth went to great trouble to fake a drowning. When FBI agents found him a year later. It 1 turned out he was physically un qualified for service. He was fined ) $500 and given a five-year sus pended sentence. FBI agents were painstaking in t heir search for evaders. One pur suit led to Alaska, where agents followed two men through wild ' country for three days in a small airplane They finally caught both men because moose, which fear man. kept watching them. The claim of an Alabama family '.hat three boys were too young for the draft was shattered by FBI laboratory experts. The parents submitted the family Bible as proof of 'he birth dates of the three boys. But the experts proved it had been jrttficially aged and could not have been published before 1939. The whole family received four-year sentence-. 5ttf me p.f rNION ASSLRANtE SOCIETY. Ltd lr.(!on, Kngtnd CONDITION DECEMBER jl V AS SHO" N 3V STATEMENT TILED Arr.our.'. of Capita! paid in . - - 500.00000 Amount of Ledger Aels Dec J 1st previous vear. $3 025.953 07. Total. 3,025,953 07 Income Frorr. Pohc ho!d-rs $1 y5rt 81 7fi. Ml.- ellaneous $127,082 24. Totil. 2.077 S64 00 Disbursements To Polir hnidp ; $794 178 13 Miscellaneous. $973.035 50 Total. 1.767.21363 Fire Premiums - Wrll'Pn or M'ripwerl during year. $2,687,665 S3 In Force 4.M7.031 33 All Other Prfiiiiums - Written nr renewed during year. $t.P84.8l5 31 In Force 2.526.892 32 ASSETS Value of Flcind.i. and Stocks $2,599.852 54 Cash in Co.npanys Oflice 3.779.97 reposter) in Trust f'nmp;irirs ;tnrt Rinke nut (in interest TO.V545 96 1 Agents' balances, representing business writen subsequent i to October 1. 1947 409.903 49 Agents' h.ilances. representing business written prior to I October 1. 1M7 .796.61 I Deduct Ceded ReinRurancr es Payable - 100,999. 71 Hills receivable, taken for Pre:; icrr s 3.214.47 Interest and Rit.i- due .-mil n rin-il 9.532 00 All other Asvt ..- Hit ulnl Tot.-,) Less Assets not $ 76.147.43 $3,405,776.76 36.942 03 Total aclii ill A- ii iui n ii n i'l i.iitns di'e cjr accrued county and Net amount ol unpaid loss Unearned premiums Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, iees. Estimated amount payable for Federal Stale municipal taxes due or accrued Contingent commissions, or other charges Juc or accrued Reinsurance and return premiun.s due oth'-r companies All other liabilities, as d'-talled in statement Total amount of all liabilities exj' Capital Special surplus funds. Capital paid up 500 Unassigned funds 'surplus 557 Surplus as regards Policyholders $.1,366,834 73 $ 335.393.00 1,852.964 34 5.200 00 58.500 00 11.000.00 11.996 14 34,149 84 $2,308,903.32 $1,057,931.41 . 43 JC36 834 73 11.980 00 3,061 00 Total Liabilities . . . BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA HIRING IS47 rtre Premiums received $40,163: All Other Premiums received 17.135; Losses incurred rire . ... 14J4J: Paid Losses Incurred All other 3.101; Paid U. S. Manager. F. W. Koechert U. S. Home Office. 1 Park Ave., New York 16, N. Y. Attorney tor service: WM. P. HODGES, Commissioner of Insurance, Raleigh, N C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. (SEAL) INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, March 2nd. 1947 I, WM. P. HODGES. Commissioner of Insurance, do hereby certify that the ahevt is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Union Assurance Society, Ltd., London, England. Aled with this Department, showing the con dition ot said Company, on the 31st day of December. 1847. . "ISlteeji- ny official seal, the day and date above written. .r.l i-ODftES, rwm!sioner of Insurance ffm 89c Sickroom Needs $1.20 Disinfectant Lysol $1.25 Size Absorbine Jr. 78c 75c Size Pills Doans 42c ; Pint Bottle Castor Oil . 25c Fever Thermometer X9c Pure Rubber Ice Bag 79c Metal Bed Pans .. $1.79 $1.25 Size 100 Anacin 98c Baby Needs Pounds 6 or More S.M.A.MilkeaSl 30c Moffett's Teethina 17c 03 Eagle Brand Milk 23c (Jerber's Baby Food 3 for 25c 25c Size Ointment Boric Acid , 13c Electric Bottle Warmer .... $1.95 Larfe Johnson's Baby Oil 43c Pound Mead's Pablum 45c -for softer J shinier hair--. fi' 7 OUT 10 WOMEN CHOOSE BOX of I2's POND'S COLO CREAM Dental Needs Jl.M Size Fasteeth 89c Package 125 Stim-U-Dents 23c SI. 00 Size Tooth Powder Py-Co-Pay . 87c Adhesive- Vrt ttn Poli-Grip 49c $1.00 Size Powder Wornet's 87c New Larje Size Iodent Paste 43c i l AID Astruirent Lavoris 79c Nylon Tooth Brush Tok 29c Remedies $1.25 Size . . Saraka 98c S1.00 Rheumatic Ru-Ex 69c $1.25 Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin . . .. 94c $1.25 Size Tonic S. S. S. 99cj S1.50 SuposHories Anusol $1.19 SI. 00 Ointment Mazon 84c $1.25 Tonic Peruna $1.19 !0c For The Eyes Murine 54c ISP Pure- Safe- Dependable- Squibb ASPIRIN saw Popular Brands CIGARETTES 15c 2 tor 29c M - of 209 HIM , cod YOUR HAIR X A 17ILDR00T CREAM-OIL (10 NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS SOAP SALE Large Size nniou ruwuLn vie Large Size LUX FLAKES Regular Size Toilet Soap CAMAY . . . . 3for26c Regular Size Toilet Soap LIFEBUOY . . 3for26c New tctiH VoitU ROLLIT CONVERTIBLE Wih Nevarskip MATCHED BAll POINT packet refills in 3 colon CHBCQD QUI. Sluii-i llldie. I hjt i iir Click ii biik- NrVCK 001 01 ink Quick-change tehlh red. blue or green lor pockel, purM or cie&k NVI SKIPS RoMic'i SRNSATIOSAL N F W C F N T R I . FUCE I'rocei end) skip.wntinc lorever . Ben-G ' "u" 111 iS 49c U For Hay Ferer Rfhft EST! VIN B Ki" n m jtU House jCI hold ligick odors Quickly Save On Prescriptions At . . . Smith's 2 Itegiitered Druggists 49 N. Main St. gATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS WEEK AT SMITH'S! Save ITS! Saioiy Toni A' ...IK Smith's . X t pjohn't IN Unical Bottle IN Alophi Lucky Til SAM pRirr r