Ay, OCTOBER 5, 1S41 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FITS pplieJ wuod lor far Dill mm Hi " UTOMATIC Personals R FURNACE pmolU Control Jlectric Co. I Main Street Mr. and Mrs Lawrence West of Pittsburgh. N. Y., are spending the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Miller, Walnut Street. Mr. and Mrs. J Colvin Brown nae reiuineu 10 ineir nonie in VV inston-Salem after a few days' visit here. En route home they vis ited their son, J Colvin Brow n. Jr . who is a student at the University of Nort!i Carolina Mr. Brown is senior training officer for the Uni ted States Veterans Administration in North Carolina and maintains headquarters in Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Woodv and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Prevnst spent last week end in Greenville, S. C. drivinx to Athens on Satur day to attend the Carolina-Georgia g;ime. Mr. and Mrs Hoy Parkman and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Watkins drove to Clemson on Saturday to attend the football game between Clem son and N. C. State. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Corpcning and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis were among the Waynesville football fans who attended the Clemson N. C. State game in Clemson Sat urday night. Mr. and Mrs. Whitener Provost, Mr. and Mrs. Erie Clauson. and Dr. and Mrs. H. Stuart Hoberson at tended the Carolina-Georgia game in Athens on Saturday. Matthew Henry Consecrated Episcopal Bishop Filli and empties automatically. Wathsi 8 Ibt. of clothes in last than a hflh hour; cleaner, whiter. Gives 2 rimes with 'livA-Waftr? action. Spins clothes damp dry. Stlf-balancing needs no bolting dowrO Self-cleaning porcelain Inside and out. Can be hand-controlled for special jobs. 1 cfh a vm fa.. , - " our mm window when rmrw fin T Wor Va , r"' ond P, t the dial ... ond forget ftf ? an o hotf-W doM ore waA cUor. ""d SDun . . ..... I v .. - 7 . Krnie ready tar fronton lrmil i ' there Is to H. r rrigMetre Biiitih ClOTHIS BITIf t o e)a(Mm II Bishops bestow the Apostolic Succession on the Hcv. Matthew Gcorce Henry, kneeling in Trinity church at Asheville at his consecration as bishop ot the Episcopal Church in liic (Iuiccm- iI native of Chapel Hill, lias served churches al Durham. lie succeeds Western North Carolina. The new bishop. Winston-Salem. Walnut Cove, Mayodan. Germanlon. Stonevillo, Bishop Robert E C.ribbin who retired because of ill health iAP Tarboro and Charlotte. Photo). Methodist Circles Will Meet Today Circles of the Woman's Society nl Christian Service of the First Methodist Church will meet today as follows: Circle No. 1 at the home of Mrs. J. II. Way. Jr., at 3:31) p in. Circle No. 2 at I tic home of Mrs. Grover Davis with Mrs. W. I.. Har din and Mrs. W. T Sheltoil as co hostesses, at 3:30 p in. Circle No 4 at the lionu- of Mrs Dewey Stovall al 7::'.t) p.m. Miss Elizabeth l-eal hcrwood. Mrs How ell Bryson. and Mrs Hoberl Palm- er. Circle No. f at the home "f Mrs Wayne Corpelimg at 7:30 p in Co- hostesses w ill lie Mrs George Jones and Mrs V J. Winginger. Roy Francis. Alvtn Ward, Guv Massie. Gravdrn Ferguson, and Hugh l.ealherwood, accompanied by Thad Bryson of Bryson City made up a party attending the Carolina-Georgia game in Athens Saturday. Mrs, Marcus McCracken and children ol Hilton Village Vn, will arrive Thursday to join Mr. Mc Cracken for a visit at the home of his parents. Mr and Mrs Theo McCracken. Mrs. Moody Is Hostess For Jonathan Club Mrs Charlie Moody was hostess for the October meeting of the Jonathan Home Demonstration Club at her home last Friday after noon. Mrs. W. H. Nelson, president, presided. The members discussed plans for (he Achievement Day program to be held on October 1!!). Miss Mary Margaret Smith, home agent, presented the program for the altci noon on "How to liny JMow Fabrics". Protect leaders reporting were Mrs. li W. Howell on home man agement. Mrs. Dick Moody on gar dens. Mi W T liainer on luoils. Mrs Charlie Moody on clotlun;;. Mi.- Glenn Howl (in home hcaiili (icat ion. and Mrs F. li Kennedv on poult r Mrs Glenn Boyd reviewed Hie following books "Magnificent ob session," by Douglas. "Lighted Win dow." by l.oring: and "Home Coun try." by Pyle. During the social hour the host ess m m il a dessert course. , Cap! and Mrs Paul li Calhoun and small sun, Jh.i. of Washing ton. D C . are visiting Car Cal houn's parents, Mr. and Mi's J. A Calhoun, at their home on the Howell Mill Road. ! Nancy Francis Is Hostess Of Supper Party 1 Miss Nancy Francis was hostess of a supper pai'tv al her home mi Boundary Si reel. Wednesday eve ning, m observance of her four teenth birthday aniiivcrsarj . She was assisted in entertaining by her parents, Mr. and Mrs lto Francis, and her aunt. Mis Jell Peeves. Slipper was served at the out -door fireplace on the lawn G.mics J and sipiarc dancing featured the entertainment dining the evening. The guests were Miss 1,,'iie IVe Mist. Miss Sally Stovall. Miss Ann iCnmaii Crawford, Miss Elizabeth Walkms. Miss I, mil, i Sloan, n.s j Julia Ann Stovall, Mi.ss Laura Woody, Robert Mas ic, Robert : Stretcher. Phil Lowe. Donald Cog- : . i . 1 1 i . . 1 1- ... . . , n-o inceo. Mianioril IMassie, Gtorj;,. Dewev Stovall. and Carl Muiidv , Mr Walter l'.)v lor ol II, lit ininl ii visiting her mother, Mr,. John Shoolhred WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS f ARMIRS liniRAIKIV Baptist Circles To Meet Tonight Circles of the Woman's Mission ary Society of the First Baptist Church will meet tonight at 7 30 o'clock as follows The I.ottie Moon Circle will meet at the home of Mrs Dewe H alt in Ha.ewood. Mrs. Finest Duvall is associate hostess The Henrietta Hall Shuck Circle will meet with Mrs Hub liufl al her home in Ha.elwood Mrs o R Huberts will be associate ho-ie-s The Fannie F S link ( in Ip will meet at the home of Mrs G C Plott on Hat I Street The Ann Hardline JuiKoii ( ir- cle will meet al the I ie of .Mis Hen Phillips in Hazelwood The Klia Yate; Circle vll me-'i at the home of Miss Kathlepn Mi -I .aughliu Mrs Mary Sides is l-aving tin week for her home in MoiirneviMe. N. J , after a v isil ti; hei sons. Martini end llov Woodv, and oilier relatives in the inuiilv She al .o vi .itcd ber father. Tip Slanloid. in l.exingliin WANT ADS FOR SAl.F 1934 Chevrolet, stan dard coach, passed stale inspec tion. See C. W. Morgan. Fagles Nest Road. Oct. ." LOST Surveyor's level rod Noti fy A G. Crisp, Bo 377, Wa nesville. Oct H Baptist Juniors Are Entertained At Party Mrs Hub Huff and Mrs O R Roberts e liter1 ained the members of their i.m-.e-s in the Junior De partment of the Baptist Sunday School with a wiener roast and parly at (be home of Mrs RufT on Friday evening. Games were played following the serving of supper. Those present were Marguerite Kuss. Margaret Connatser, Clara Jean I'less, Jackie Carswell, Caro ls n Young, Elizabeth Ann Stiles, T. L Fratii is. Milton Massie, Doug las Moore. Carol Davis. John Da vid Cabe, Robert Gardner Sammy Cabe. ana THE FACT IS crmc Salesman Willi car. commission paid and WANTKD highest drawing account. Pleasant work. If interested, call 3K-.I-3 for ap pointment, or contact Jack Case, next to Waynesville Laundry, between 8:30 to 10:30 a ill Oct. f II WELD YOUR OWN . FAZMEZS MAKE THEIR. Om fcEPAKS OF TOOLS ANP EQUIPMENT witw the GENERAL ELECTRIC fazm helper, IT PAYS FOR ITSELF BY CUTTING REPAIR BILLS.- Oou't Ncglrrt 'I hrm ! Naturi dpnlnnpd Iho kidnryu to do a tnarvdixiH job. Thoir lank Ih to korp ihn fltiwiiiR Mood Bl.rnim frp of n rjrcqp t toxir impuritli-n. Th rt, of living Jiltt itsftf is constantly producing wanio mattpr the kidiu'vs miit ri move from the bltod if Rood hral h is to Ptidur". Wbfn tliff kidni-yd fail to (un ft 1 r tin Naltirp intrndfd, t hcr n rHiMitinn nf aitr that may rmin body-wid- dif tredi. Oiifl may Biiffpr hbrk'hk I'm'tm h', pmipptit h(iada,hfa h( 1 hcVf ol diTZ'm-w. fttinn up nifhtN, awtllinR, putlincsn utnlr the eyea (eel lirpd, tifrvnue, all worn out . Frptpjent, ic4nty or hnrninR paFPntn ari aomrtinoa furthir evidnicp of kni nev or bladder disturbance. Thr rrroRniird and pronrr trr-Htrnpn' Is diuretic mpdirinp to help l hr- V nlm ya tIPt rid of PXCPM piXfn.. bmly Waft'' Vnr Don n't Mils. Thpy ha e hud rrviro (han forty vrara of publir apprnval. .ri pndripH tW country nvir. lnsii.t on Donn't. Snld Ht, all driip stortjo FROtA HER BOMBED HOUSE A FRENCH HCUSEWFE TCO HER 6-E REFRI6ERQT0R ANP FOUND THAT IT STILL WORKED! 3 3,000 MENTIONS FROM GENERAL ELECTRIC RESEARCH IN THE PAST, 10 WEARS NAVE KEPT 5- PRODUCTS CONSTANTS IMPROVING. You can put your confidence in GENERAL $11) ELECTRIC Woi tli frtd Waring Shew . . . NBC Nttwork Thvrtdar Niahl . . . Cofflf to CottH 4 Change In Management of The Wayeesville Laundry INCORPORATED Statement By J. W. KILLIAN Due to my health, I have leased the Waynesville Laundry to two young, ener getic, and experienced laundrynien, who know the needs of the people of this com munity. Both Mr. Sheehan and Mr. Liner have worked for me for a number of years, and I am happy that such men will carry on the operation of the Laundry. I appreciate the business given me dur ing all my years in the laundry business here in Waynesville, and I assure you that the two laundrymen I have leased my business to, will give the best of service and workmanship that modern equipment and experienced workers can produce. Again thanking you for the business given me, and the continued patronage of the capable men I have leased to, I remain, Sincerely yours, J. W. KILLIAN. Fired SHneeinao he OLotnier Have Leased The Laundry - and Will Operate It, As Of October 1st O We Guarantee Satisfaction On All JlcumSuf, am&b Gleaniwcp O Experienced Laundrymen O Personal Supervision Waynesville Laundry, Inc. Phone 205 iii f 51 'if' m urn i 1 IN ELECTRIC CO. -l 4 ' ' : i t Main Street