J20-230 S First S The Waynesville Mountaineer -3 Today's Smile wish I Bad money enough buy aa elephant" "Why do yon want an ele phant?" Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At Th e Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park "I don't; I want the money." bird YEAR NO. 80 18 PACES United Press and Associated Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1948 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties 'he ITS ( Up On Carton thai the visi- hoinf as t,u'y stores to load gniitul "f ('ar" I r And -t Recreation Areas Take Up One-third Chinese Official Makes Study Here ,,,,, va , ij I id y W UUU lt!l i stiff More than one-third of Havwood j county is taken up in Federal rec-1 reation areas, according to a re port compiled by the North Caro lina Park office in Waynesville. ; The rerjort stated that 35 H rmr ! i oil in a . . . ' ' ! ban '- "r- " i cent of Haywood county is under; the Federal program There are only four other counties in West ern North Carolina which have a larger percentage of land given to government activities- Swain, SOS per cent; Macon, 44 2 per cent; Clay, 40.6 per cent; Graham, 38.2 per cent. ,i The average for the 22 counties in Western North Carolina is 179 per cent or about half of thej Haywood county total. j Haywood county totals 347.420 J acres, the N. S. Park Watement j says. Of this total, 60.4G1 acres! are devoted to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and 63, 291 to the Pisgah National Forest. This makes a total area of 123,751 acres controlled by Federal projects. Jan Cut- Egg efk thf.v'd bel li, p.ihim. con- (,K N'i she L fStN t" one. villi a head Led lo impress liiind 'nine fm- on,.. Then he it.. 'in VI"I'S. Jar again- :h From ic Books Lrd nlxut this before somc- hlcr Margaret liar, w ho knows of folks here- the oilier day rtod that many ins In town on fckel or dune for had switched, in liquor ads, hk hooks. He Jn describing a ioj 'v:uling one bes. and nuuuTi. 1 raw sweet po- a triple play. llaboose. rer La ten Joneses? who gets her ynesville post er had her lit- other week end red her to death . As the slory he wanted to hinfis if any of ivc been trying ip Joneses ever peril. Grandma So many of her yinn "My dad- rr to that one.' 'My daddy says .gut the Joneses ;th high prices ist their big car cook and all and now, the a hot doa stand Jom-s has to tend Mi . Junes I turn to think for she has to r'T1 the place flor the slot ma- Dr. Reeves Buys Grand Champion Heifer At Sale The grand champion Hereford cow. owned by Roy S. Haynes of Clyde, was purchased at a Here ford sale in Asheville yesterday afternoon by Dr. J. 1.. Reeves of Canton for $800. Wayne Corpen- ing, county agent, reported. Another Hereford cow consigned for sale by Drexel Brown of Hen derson county was bought by Tip ton and Dixon of Campbello. S. C, for $550. D. H. Williams of Waynesville purchased a Hereford heifer con signed by Grady Farthing for a sum of $325. A heifer owned by M. O. Galloway sold for $280. Goodwill Farms of Gastonia purchased a cow from Dr. J. L. Reeves for $510. ... Nc 1; v ik-K y -i Registration Books Will Open Saturday Broughlon Will Address Democrats Here Oct. 15 ii uiaiiiiitirart $ itnWjtriM., i4i7is&i!ua.a (Photo by Ingram's Studio) Pictured above are members of the Haywood county Willare olTiee grouped around Dr. Fan Ting CIu j. i Diiiinissioiier of the social and political affairs of the National Planning hoard of the Chinese .Nationalist government. Haywood is one of the six counties in the state that he is studying the wel fare set-up. Seated left to right: Mrs. Sam Queen, superintendent nt welfare. Dr. Fan Ting-Chiu. Miss Victoria, Bell, Field representative. Second row. left to right: Miss Pearl Hayes, case worker. Miss Pauline Williams, special worker for blind, Mrs. Kale Lowe, secretary, Miss Dot Calhoun, typi.il. Mrs. Clara Rippeloe, case worker. Mrs. Wanda Clark, ease worker, and Miss Mary Jane Kduards, child welfare worker. Miss lli'iia Calhcy, case worker, was not present when the picture was taken Robbers Relate Story Of Post Office Theft iio ould Etiquette Po?t she d te who observes 'Ps to nick nn fliile the ball Is F". Mr. Officer. foi'sinansliip to latch a parking I the last streak red and then J ticket on an -'ile he's In the reel hm-in - is kids. larket on Monday) Drawings For 14 Hunts Will Be Held Here Tues. j Drawings will he made here ; Tuesday at 1:30 for the fourteen ! combined bear and hoar hunts in j the Santeetlah Wildlife Manage- j ment area. The drawings for the H j hunts will be made at the court house. 1 The hunts are tor two-day peri- I ods. starting October 18 19. and 1 ending December 2-3. j The area is divided into two units, with unit No. one being thej Big Sar.teellah, little S-mteetlali and Rock Creek drainage. The number two unit is Barker Creek, Deep Creek, and Slick Hock drainages. Mountains Ablaze With Fall Foliage Color has come to the moun tains, and this week-end promises to Rive lovers of nature a thrill throughout the area. Motorists over Soco Cap into Cherokee said yesterday that the foliage was a mass of color, while others from the l'lssah and Was on Koad Gap section said that section was equally as pretty. The Blue Ridee Parkway is open at Wagon Road Gap for five miles, and affords an overlook view of the Pink Beds and the whole nt I'lsgah Forest. Hundreds of motorists are ex perted to take advantage of the rolorrd foli.ise this week-end and next. Ever since the Clyde post office robbery last January, local crime- solvers have been guessing why the I Mrs. R. V. Simpson Passed Suddenly Here On Thursday main street to crack it in the open. The mystery has been solved! Mrs. H. W. Simpson. 54. died suddenly at her home on Itianner yeggs ran the risk of rolling the Av(,mu, B ,,.., Tull.s()av mrni safe out the front door and across ... ., .... tti,.. iiifiii u lit ai I uiim . i.ii. had apparently been in good health, and was uoinn about her house- Straight from the nwuths of two hod duties up to the time she was persons, who postal inspectors say ' stricken have admitted to participating in , , .,, , ,, ,, , ,, runeral services wi he lie d the robbery, comes the answer: "Because the post office rlidii t Siiturrl.iy morning at II o'clock lit have a hack door.'' They believed the Girntl Funeral I Ionic with I lie that sidewalks are safer places to .' Ftev. Malcolm It Williamson, pas "pcel" lock boxes than posl offices ; lor ol the First Presbyterian with no windows and only one i chinch, officiating, door. j Mrs. Simpson, and her husband. Kennein i.rown oi Asnevnic. ),, -.,, i( , , . j , j ..ir: !..... .... I.. ..i i I ' Mi.ll mine msM-riin ill i r I 1 1 kc iiii I Ha'.vwvul iiMinly Democrats for I undated limit plan-, lor the county I wide i ,:t,' .laled to be held Friday : ii i Kill at 7 30 o'c lock ill the court- bouse with .1 M. Iti oiightoii. Dem ocratic nnmini'e for senator, as guest speaki r. Final preparations lor the party I gathering were made last Werines- Ropublicans of Haywood county j , lay night when the Young Demo will hold a rally at Canton high j cratic Chili met and heard a speech school in Canton Monday evening, by W. G liver, chairman of the at 7:30 o'clock. George M Pritch-1 Democratic executive committee. County GOP Rally Set For Monday ard, the party's candidate for gov ernor, and W. W. (Tonyi Candler candidate for Congress from the 12th district, will he guest speak ers. This meeting will mark the launching of the campaign in Hay wood county and is one of the en gagements of Mr. Pritchard's state wide speaking tour. Mr. Pritchnrd, well known lawyer of Marshall and Asheville, is an ex-Congressman, was elected from the 12th dis trict in 1928. Mr. Candler is also a lawyer, with offices in Asheville and is en gaged in farming in his home community of Candler. As an entertainment feature ol the Monday night program. Joe Pressley, Haywood county candi date for the house of representa tives, and his Carolina Mountain Boys, will be on hand with their string band. All Republicans of the county are urged to attend the meeting. newspaper man of Tampa, moved here ill June 1!M7. I hey spent here each year miic I licir summers I!l2.r). anil de- ftion 52c to 55c - 20-28c 15c 10c to 2BS '' 00 to 19.25 22 (0 to 24.00 20.00 to 22.75 l -0 to 31.00 24 -00 to 24.50 -50 to 25 nn L27 00 32.00 FAIR L; na cooler. '""Per- e staff of Mi. Kainfall f 06 .14 0.. Milk Situation Is Discussed By Producers Approximately 50 Orade-A milk producers in Haywood county as sembled last Tuesday night at the courthouse and discussed the pres ent milk situation and future milk business for the county. Those taking part in the discus sion were: R. u. I.ytle ot rvorin Carolina Milk Producers Federa tion; Jack Whitaker. Dairy Depart ment of State Agriculture; Mr. Buchanan, Pet Dairy Product com pany, and Johnnie Edward, man ager of local Pet Dairy company. James Kirkpatrick. president of the county association, presided over the lengthy meeting. Local Draft Clerk Attends Conference Mrs. Vergie Robertson, clerk of Haywood county draft board, at tended a regional conference in Asheville Wednesday afternoon. The meeting was called to instruct the clerks in new draft forms adop ted recently. Clyde Methodist Church Gets New 'Pastor Sunday , ,nd .. trustees, and other of : fr irtK of the Clyde Methodist : ( lou i b, elected to serve during the iir.i' iluiTili year beginning this week, have been announced by the retiiing pastor, Hev. .1. K. Sampley. The neve pa. lor, liev W. T. Med lin il Itobhiiisvillc, is expected to anive in Clyde Hie latter part of this week and will preach his first sermon on Sunday at II a.m. Stewards are It. C. Cannon. Hoone Cagle. Frank Chambers, Harry Cat hey, .lames Corzine. Ed win Finchcr. Gerald Fish. Mrs. Gerald ITsh. Mrs. E. W. Free, .1. C. ess if Middlesboro. Ky., according Haynes Carl Hcnline, Charley i to Brown. Moonev. Mrs. John Rhinehart. Gra- I The inspector stated that Maness dy Rogers. John Stamey, Homer and his wife now are in jail ai Henrv. Levi Morgan, and Edward j Nashville. Tenn. G,.ceM Mrs. Philpott is said to be the iContinued on Page Two) '"fe of James Floyd Philpott. who postal inspectors suspect as bead pftiuvs FROM HOSPITAL ot lne auegea men ring, inc ar Western North Carolina, said yes terday that this was the answer In got when questioning defendants in the case. And it does sound logiral If you were going to do a little robbing, wouldn't you rather crack the satf out of doors where you'd have all directions to run'' A room as small as the (Tvde post office, with it;, one door, nughl be loo snug if the cops came in The skylight is too high even for robbers to leap through. Evidently all the-;- thing; wire taken into consideration hv the robbers as they nncteied up nerve to walk under the blight MreH lights, pushing a sale hetoie tlieni Mrs Bonnie Philpott of Middle. -born. Ky.. who is in Haywood County Jail under $20,000 bond, has admitted being in on (he Clyde louoeiy, iiispecioi niiiwn siriicii. f Anolher defendant in (he casi who has pleaded guilty to taking ftfJoVeS To CailtOIl o i in me iiiedi iHisi.il ouiidi y i Mrs. Philpott's brother, Joe Man $1,200 Project Undertaken By Hazelwood Church The Hazelwood Baptist congre gation voted Sunday lo start im mediately on a $1,200 interior decoration program and furnish ing of the educational building Mr. Hycr told the Young Demo crats to take it upon themselves to see that every Democrat in each precinct was registered before Oc tober 23 when the registration books close He stressed the im portance ol getting every eligible voter lo the polls to vote on No vember 2. The Democrats will sponsor two rallies in Haywood county before the election day The first rally will he here on Oct. 15 and the other party rally is set for Canton. The date and place has not yet been announced The Young Democratic Club will hold another rally on Friday. Oc tober 29. A member was present from every precinct in the county at the meeting Wednesday night. Cole Cogburn of Canton, '.(resident of the elul), presided over the meet ing. Biil Holt was appointed assist ant treasurer In fill in for Wingate Hannah who is in school. Carolina Alumni Group Set Banquet Tuesday Night i week, according emeu 10 iii.ikc inr, inch miini' upon j j(,wjs p;J.st(,r Mr t'.nop'.on''. lelucniinl in the' ' , , , ., , ,M7 The program includes painting ilhe ceiling of both floors, varnish l)i, ng lie,, icsid.nre in Tain- j inR lho W()()dwork ann- tllm s,d Ml I .,,e p no whs an art n e being bought for the youth choir ! Mr Lewis said. pa Mr- simp on whs an an ive ; anrl finish 1 he second floor and put ineiubci ol tie Ch'tdren', Home, down asphalt tile floor on the first hoard of dindoi . and a member j A number of chairs are of the Vrl.n, Hoard. I .Me wa a ii-i 1 1 ve ol Ii P boiond. Beside. Ik I ho l'-'n,l. she i, sill-', Mm(Ii (lf ,,,p )abor f()r ,,)p pm ivcd l,v one daughter, Ann of i jei t p' being given by men and l'; .adci,,,. r.ilil, who is flying ' friends of the church, here, and doe to ;oii'e II,,. alter. . noon (tlher oil v i coi , include I n-n si li-ls ol tin linioiid, and a hlolhrr ill New York Garrett Funeral Home is in The Haywood alumni association of the University ol North Carolina will hold their annual banquet Tuesday niglil at 7 o'clock in the Towne House. Don Shoemaker, editor of the Asheville Cilien. will he principal Work is scheduled to begin this speaker at the dinner meeting. Officers ol the Waynesville alum ni association ar": Dr. Thomas Si i inelield. pre ident. Fred Fergu son ol ( anion, viie president; Jim Gwyn, siecrlary. and Roger Walk er, trea -ii, it. I,oi,,i , 1 1 1 1 oiii officers are trying to serine loHi'ir, of the Carolina-T'-xa-. game lo he shown on the pro gi am to Rev. M 1. Registrars And Judges Are Listed The registration books open Saturday for the November 2 elec tion, it was announced yesterday by Jerry Rogers, chairman of the county board of elections. Mr. Rog ers also announced the complete list of registrars, and judges for each of the 21 precincts in the county. An office staff Is on duty at the court house filling applications for absentee ballots, and everything is in readiness for a heavy vote in Haywood on Tuesday, November 2nd. Mr. Rogers announced the fol lowing people had been named election officials for the general election: South Ward of Waynesville -Mrs. C. B. Atkinson, Registrar; Mrs. W. A. Hyatt, D., Grady Farmer, R., Judges. North Ward of Waynesville Mrs. Ruth Kelley, Registrar; Harry Clay, D Ida Mullis, R.. Judges. Ivy Hill J. E. Ferguson, Regis trar; H. G. Moody, D., Ernest Moody, R., Judges. Cecil J. M. Francis, Registrar; S. L. Sanderson. D., J. A. Miller, R.. Judges. Pigeon Walker Brown, Regisr trar; J. M. Cathey, D., W. H. Har grove, R Judges. Iron DufT O. L. Yates, Regis trar; T. C. Davis, D., Walter Wright, R., Judges. Clyde N. C. West, Registrar; Vanar Haynes, D., Jarvis Campbell. R., Judges. Big Creek J. M. Caldwell. Reg istrar; J. C. Hopkins, D., J. H. White, It.' JudgW- - Hazelwood W. A. Whitner, Reg istrar; John Tittle. D., Paul Davis, H . Judges. Jonathan Creek Dick Moody. Registrar; J. J. Boyd, D., Vinson Morrow, R., Judges. Cataloochce L. C. Caldwell. Registrar; Levi B. Caldwell, D , Cole Sutton, R., Judges. White Oak Estella Teague. Reg istrar; A. G. Baldwin, D., Jack P. (Continued on Page Six) Bear Hunters Hold Meeting On Hunts Jaycccs Sponsor Lecture Series On Fire Prevention Inspection Lane For Four Days '1 he .lull i loeiee will The The mechanical inspection lane ill open in Canton Friday iiiorn- Canton-Waynesville Game Highlights Are On Sports Page For complete information on the Wtynesndlle - Canton ontest tonicbt In Townshrp Stadium starttn at S o'clock, read- the porta pace of The Mountaineer m the first pare of section three. Oliver Tonal, sport editor .Ives vital statistics on the Y .mes-ville-Canto aeries dalirur 1 . ck to 1921 and e4her interesting side lifhta aa tonitht's com ience battle between the two rcb rlvala. t . ... vt, . . i Mrs. R. C. Tuttle returned to her home Monday from Atlanta, Ga., where she underwent a major ope ration at 1he Georgia Baptist Hos pital . Indians Even World Series The Cleveland Indians knotted the World Series at one all today by virtue of their 4-1 victory over the Boston Braves in Boston. The two clubs move to Cleve land tomorrow for the next three games of the series. The Indians, after dropping a 1-0 decision yesterday, fought back behind a one run deficit to sew up the contest in the fourth inning. Manarrr Lou Boudrean lined a doable to center. Joe Gordon rifled a single to left scoring Boudreaa and Larry Doby singled to right to drive In Gordon. Bob Lemon was the winning pitcher, while Warren Spahn suffered the loss. The line scores: r h e Cleveland 009 210 0014 8 1 Boston 100 W0 000 I 8 3 ing. after inspecting over 500 cars in Waynesviile during its three day slay here The lane will remain in Canton until noon Tuesday. After the four days in Canton. rest of Mrs. Philpott and a number! lane No 1 will move to Sylva. Oc- of other persons about two weeks loher 13-15. ago was believed to be the first step llc. inspcction period will (Continued on page six) ;o))cn in Wavnesville around (be middl More than 50 members of H Waynesville Rod and Gun Chili out 'lines ii at the coin! house Wednesday 11.1:11; Waynesv and discussed plans for lending lion with til bear hunts, as the season opens Ce ll, her 15th. Discussions were made as to ent ry of applications for hunts in this area, and matter of general inler- 1 est lo hear hunters. Dr. N. M Mod- ford is president. In his absence Wednesday night, Tom Campbell. presidtd a chamber of Com poicor a series of lec- Ferguson Farm Sold For $19,200 RETURNING FROM NEW YORK of The J. Earl Ferguson dairy ifarm. located in Jonathan Creek Nov ember. It w as an.iTumhin nn Homnhill rrerk w as nounced. Lih for S1Q200 at an auction sale Mrs. C. J. Reece is in New Y-i'k 1 All owners oi vehicles of year j conducted Wednesday morning by buying merchandise for Massit s models 1938. 193!). 1943 and 1945 West and Gossctt Land Auction Department Store. She is expected I must have the inspection of these j company. back today. She was accompanied models completed by October 31, The Soco Lookout, property on on the trip by Mrs. Charles Plem- or face penalties for violating thejSoco Gap road was also sold dur- - Motor Vehicle law of 1947. Survey Ordered For Road Route Clear Lake Junaluslta A survey has been ordered by, about 3 miles, and will not take the State Highway Commission for Jong to complete, he said, a route between Waynesville and Just where the road will enter the junction of No. 284 and No. 19 1 Waynesville is not known, pend near the Lake Junaluska School, ing the completion of the survey, it was announced this week by D. I The road will definitely begin at Reeves Noland, district highway the present junction, and in cross ing the land auction sale. A large crowd attended the sale Wednesday. Woody Presides Over Meeting Of W.C.T.C. Alumni Jonathan Woody of Waynesville. president of the Western Carolina Teachers College Alumni Associa tion, will preside over the alumni banquet l Cullowhee, Saturday night at 6:15 o'clock in the college dining hall. An outstanding feature for the annual Homecoming Day observ ance will be a night football game between Western Carolina Cata mounts and the East Tennessee Hie public schools ot W lem-npis vxmege iram, 11 nest week in connec-T"1 Played in the new Memorial Stadium erected on Hunter Field starting at 8 o'clock. Following the game a dance, to the tune of a fifteen piece orches tra, will be held In Breese Gym nasium. Open house will be ob served at Madison dormitory at 2 o'clock Saturday, at Robertson Hall at 2:30, and at Moore dormitory at 3 o'clock. At 4 o'clock the Alpha Phi Sigma Honor society will serve as host for an informal tea honor ing all guests. All alumni and former students are asked to contact Miss Helen Hartshorn, newly-appointed alum ni secretary, at the alumni office in order that the files of addresses may be kept up-to-date. The alum ni planning to attend the banquet are requested to notify Miss Hartshorn by card as soon as possible. Prevent ion Week, eill conduct an in spection (our of I he buildings in Waynesville to eradicate the causes of lire Kill Cobb and Bob Korte are co-chairmen of the program being sponsored locally by the Jaycees. Paul Davis and Jim Kilpatrick will be in charge of the lectures in the various schools in Waynesville. ; BETTY BARBER AT HOME j Miss Hetty Barber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs R. N. Barber, Jr., has returned to her home from Mission Hospital. Asheville, where she has been undergoing treat ment for a broken leg. commissioner. Mr. Noland said the order read that engineers begin the survey as soon as possible. The distance is ing the Southern Railway tracks here in Waynesville there will either be an underpass or over pass, Mr. Noland said. County Apple Growers Set Meeting Monday Night At Courthouse A meeting of all apple growers in Haywood county will be held Monday night at 8 o'clock at the courthouse, Wayne Corpening. county agent, announced this morn ing. Mr. Corpening said that plans for National Apple Week from Octo ber 30 through November 6 will be discussed. All apple growers are urged to attend the important meeting. Voice Of The People Answers $64 Question Who's t o i n r to win the Waynesville - Canton football game tonight? That S64 ques- i tion, which is currently raging ta this section of the state, ts pre- dieted by eleven local people In : the Voice of the People column I on the editorial page of The Mountaineer. The column was omitted pur posely in Tuesday's edition to cheek its popnlarlty. The reper cussions from the public were so strong that it will not be omitted in the future. One ardent reader said he stayed up in the wee hours of the night reading The Mountaineer and was disappoint ed when he discovered that the Voice of the People column left out. Highway Record For 1948 (To Date) In Haywood. Killed . . ; i . 4 Injured . ... 38 (This Information com piled from Record of State Highway Patrol). - I X