' V ''If- Slannarii Printing t , 220 S First S; ' ot mviu.r ky t - !' i ghts he iams Tell Salesman Ling rom tne Lt uetk report Cg students sell Jibeir prospective (, souvenir pro-details-it tells vht, horsepower, tj 'tad salary of Lfh a bad set of Justomers at that. !y nun pression ,5 the nine the draft board :ture, one of the procedure as a the photogra- ile or cry .' covering the 1st look like you ot back. "Even of the photogra- the conversation Hunters part (?) tpe, head of the Weigh, comes this is from Haywood It told. Anyway, frence of the Saf est executives re inment of Harold ar story in Norm Ied that the bear y turn out to be key men of dis- sn honest, hard- ti bazookas at 500 plied Martin, who (Heel hunters be etimes you can't from the bears." ike Christmas Cross Office l.Jt. lwke.d. v if irll and Mrs. Ethel Ing a head start ir Christmas gifts, fropped in the Red fuesday morning, p of tissue paper, M going into each ere not Christmas I, but gifts to the leave shortly for lamination before 'hysirlan in Green Auxiliary promot Idca. s Decided n Fans frby lues football year He can re of games played Un addition to the ' current season rturday the college Bows more closely t won this year, 1 With Waynes ' Canton Friday V was primed for r Navy, but knew lard fought game, re rose, so did httsiasm. On last games going to w good than a i pUls. Market 'oon Thursday) "Tiers Exchange "wtion 52 to 55c - -20-28c 15c 10c 32-36c er 100 lbs 3.00 " 2.25 to 2.40 s 15.00 to 17.25 23.00 to 25.00 21.00 to 22.50 28 00 to 31.00 - 26.00 to 26.25 - 22.00 to 24.50 27.00 to 32.00 FAIR --Fir tnd cou rt. 'We temperature tn staff of the Min. 51 41 32 Rainfall .04 The 63rd YEAR NO. 82 18 Broughlon Talks Before County -Wide Heeling Of Democrats Mere Tonioht Haywood Democrats will open the 1948 campaign with a big rally Friday night, as the jounty-wide meeting is staged at the court house with J. M. Broughton. former gov ernor, and now Democratic sena torial nominee, coming to make the principal address. The program will get under way shortly after seven with string music until 7:30, at which time W. G. Byers, chairman of the Demo cratic executive committee, will open the meeting, and preside dur-1 ing the evening. j Grover C. Davis, nominee for the House of Representatives, will open the program with a brief talk, followed by John M. Queen, for mer solicitor, who will present Mr. Broughton. Mr. Byers will present the town ship chairmen during the meeting, and explain briefly the plans for the campaign. The county executive committee and the Young Democrats arc working jointly on the plans for carrying out special work in each township, and several township rallies. Cole Cogburn, president of the Haywood Young Democrats, to gether with Mr. flyers, have been working on a county-wide program several Vveeks. Last week the of ficer's met and made plans for carrying on the campaign into every township. The Young Democrats have plan ned a rally at the Canton city hall Tuesday, and at Cruso for next Wednesday night, and at Bolhel on Thursday night, both the latter be ing held in the schools at each place. ' The rally in Canton is under the direction of a special committee composed of Fred Ferguson. Bill Stone. Harold Moffitt. and Wilmer Stevens. . Mt Cobuxn,.ha ajuiounced tj following members to serve as township chairmen of the Young (See Broughton Page Sixi Final Rites Held Yesterday For Mrs. Smathers Mrs. Mollie Massie Smathers, 66, died Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock at her home in the Morn ing star section of Haywood county after a lingering illness. Funeral services were conducted Thursday afternoon at the Morning Star Methodist Church with the Rev. W. H. Pless and the Rev C. R. Ross, former pastors of the church, officiating. Interment was in the Morning Star cemetery. Pallbearers were R. E. Wood, R. C. Gossett, Larry Rhodarmer. Mack Harkins, Eldon Burnett, and Fred Trull. Mis. Smathers was the daughter of the late W. L. and Mary Ann Massie of Haywood county and a sister of the late T N. Massie of Waynesville. She was a member of the Morning Star Methodist Church for a number of years. Surviving are the husband. Turner S. Smathers; four daugh ters, Mrs. Dewey Rhodarmer, Mrs. James C. Allen of Canton, Mrs. C. R. Potter of Elizabethton, Mrs. Louise Drye of Stanfield; one son, the Rev. Frank C. Smathers of Lenoir; 10 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Also surviving are one sister, Mrs. Ella Shook of Canton; three brothers, Wesley Massie of Cruso, and Will and Talmadge Massie of Candler; and a number of nieces and nephews. Wells Funeral Home of Canton was in charge of arrangements. June Brandt Wins Poster Contest In Senior Group Jane Brandt, ninth grade student at Waynesville High School, was awarded first prize in the poster contest in connection with Na tional Employ-The-Physically-Han-dicapped-Week during the week of October 3-9. Elizabeth Elliott, student at the Waynesville junior high school, wu .judged as having the best poster in the junior group. Dwane Oliver won second honors in the aenior high group. Cash prizes were awarded to the winners by the Lions. Rotary and Junior Chamber of Commerce clubs. Judging the posters were Mrs. Doyle Alley of the North Carolina Park Commission and Carroll Pop lin, member of The Mountaineer staff. Miss DeBrayda Fisher rep resented the North Carolina Em ployment Service. She is manager i of the local office. Waynesville Published Twico-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County PAGES United Press and BROUGHTON Ferguson Heads UNC Alumni Fred Ferguson of Canton was elected president of the Haywood county chapter of the University of Norlh Carolina at the annual ban quet of the group last Tuesday night at the Towne House. Other officers chosen were James A i.Jwvn, vice-president; Alvin Ward, secretary; and Roger Walker, treasurer, all of Waynesville. An address by Don Shoemaker, editor of the Asheville Citizen, , featured the annual banquet meet- ing. Mr. Shoemaker traced the i growth of the university and stress- ed the need for more and better buildings in keeping with the ex Dansion progrgn The banquet, attended by 36 members of the Haywood alumni association, was staged in connec tion with the observance of the 15.r)th University Day. The guest speaker was introduced by Charles K. Ray. Dr. Thomas Suinefield, Jr.. retiring president, presided over the meeting. Senior 4-H Club Of Local School Elects Officers At the monthly meeting of the Senior 4-H Club of the Waynes ville High School, held at the school on Tuesday morning, new offR.ers for the 1948-49 year were elected. Those chosen for the of ficial positions were: President, Bessie Sue Francis; Vice President, Wade Francis; Sec.-Treas., Mozelle Liner; Club Reporter. Alwayne Mc Clure: and Song Leader, Peggy Noland. In addition to the election of of ficers, a club roll was taken and all now members for this year were enrolled This was Ihe first meeting held since some members of this club attended a rattle show in Asheville at the Planters Warehouse, where a number of Waynesville 4-H'ers put on a dairy production demon stration at (he Warehouse in com petition with other demonstration teams in the state Another point of interest in the past month of 4-H activities was the Veterans Fair held at the Waynesville High School. Some projects were exhibited, and a .number of ribbons awarded to the members. In addition to this some of the people showed cattle which they had carried on as a project. Large Registration Expected Saturday Jerry Rogers, chairman of the Haywood board of elections, ex pects a heavy increase in registra tions Saturday and again next Sat urday, for the general election on November 2nd. "Registrations always pick up after big rallies, and with two in Haywood this week the Repub lican at Canton Monday, and the Democrats here Friday there should be a large increase over last Saturday's registration," he said. The registration books will be open the 16th and 23rd. Dr. Love Speaks At Norfolk Convention Dr. Frank S. Love, superintend ent of Lake Junaluska Assembly, addressed the Virginia Methodist Conference in Norfolk yesterday. He explained the plans of the ex pansion at Junaluska, as well as a general report of some of the 1S48 activities. .. J i I MM TT - J J. M. Associated Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C , FRIDAY. County Gets Three More Deputy Game Protectors Three deputy game protectors have been added in Haywood county, according to an announce ment this morning by D M. Taylor, district game protector Mr. Tav lor stated that three more deputies will be named within a few weeks. The new deputy game protectors are Lawt Johnson, Willis Hipps and Jack iUankenship. Mr. Taylor said that he antici pated a good hunting season here In Haywood county and gave strict warning to game violators. He stated that several persons have been caught hunting deer in the I'isaah Forest. The county game protector re ported that two guns were recently confiscated near Lake Junaluska last week. Mr. Taylor warned Hay- ! wood county sportsmen that per sons caught hunting out of season, were subject to having their gun taken away and sold at public auc tion, fine and prison sentence. Mr Taylor stated that he ex pected hunting licenses to sell like hoi cakes during this week since the hunting season officially opens today for squirrels, bear, Russian wild boar and opossum. Hunting and fishing licenses may (See County Gels Page Sixi Funeral Services Held For Child Burned To Death Funeral services were conducted yesterday morning for four-year-old William Price, who was burned to death Tuesday afternoon when flames swept a hay-filled farm building where he was playing with his three-year-old brother, Joe. Officers said the younger boy ran 'or help when the blaze start 9 Hdt ltd hoh4 liGi'BBfltWjwjr'rtFfj t Willie Price of Fines Creek section of Haywood county, tried to save the child, but he was trapped in the blaze. Prisoners from the near by prison camp assisted in efforts to rescue William from the build ing. The child's death was ruled acci dental by Dr. J. Frank Pate, Hay wood county coroner. Origin of the fire is unknown The Rev. B. I). Russell, pastor of Fines Creek Baptist Church, was in charge of the funeral service. In the church. Interment was in the church cemetery. In addition to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Price, surviving are eight sisters. Ora Lee, Fay, May, Sarah Jane, Millie B , Edith, May Sue, and Martha Ann; four brothers, Paul, Ray, Robert and Joe. all of thp home: Daternal I grandmother, Mrs Mary Price and maternal grandfather. Patten Davis, both of Haywood county. Peace-Time Shown above around Mrs. Vergie Robinson. ?lerk of the county draft board, are eight of the nine men of Haywood county that went to Greenville. S. C. Tuesday for pre-induction physical exam inations. They are: left to right John Junior Bumette, Negro, Waynesville; Fred Lathern Brown. Clyde; Berlin C. Estes, Waynesville; Thurman McKinley Caldwell, Canton; Enis Warren. Canton; James Herman Ford, Canton, Route 2: William Deey Mehaffe.v. Hazelwood; Charles Pierce Sutton. Clyde. James Orden Trull, Candler, was not present when the picture was taken. Photo by Ingram's Studio. 9 County Draftees Given Physical Exams Nine Haywood county men went to Greenville, S. C, Tuesday morn ing for pre-induction physical ex aminations as the October quota for the peace-time draft. They were: Charles Pierce Sut ton, Clyde, Route 1, farmer, James Herman Ford, Canton, Route 2, saw M At The Eastern Entrance Of Resigns As Elector HUGH l.EATHF.RWOOI) yesterday tendered his resignation as pres idential elector of Ihe 112th Con gressional District, due to the tact that being elector uoulil make turn a double ollice holder, since he is Clerk of Court here. Leatherwood Resigns As Democratic Elector llueh Leatherwood yesterday re signed as presidential elector of the 12th Congressional District, since there was a technical question that being elector would consttute double office holding, as he is clerk of court here. Mr. Leatherwood wrote Capus Waymek. chairman ol the state executive committee, explaining why lie was resigning, saying, "I am advised that the law might hold this is double office holding, since I am clerk of the superior court in Haywood county, and 1 do not want to do or commit any act that might be unconstitutional or m,,.i,... ,.h.,.h i ,.n,.r,H meets on the HMh in Raleigh." Mr. Leatherwood said eniphatic 'See Leat hei wood -Page Sixi Judge Alley Will Make 5 Democratic Talks In Section .IikIcp Felix K Alley is cchedulori tn make five speeches for the North Carolina I i.iiKiciat ie Executive Committee in area within the next two vw-elc.. Saturday niyht he ".peaks in Svlva. and in r.ryson City on the I'd, ;it Highlands n,, the 22. in Franklin the 211 and will close the c .i 1 1 1 1 , i ; 1 1 here on Satur day night. h t :) "While I dr. 11 ' feel o,iiifp hysic allv aide; I e.jnnot turn down a call fiom I lemiK r.'it s. "io I am mak ing live speeches." lie aid Draiiees Take mill worker; Berlin C. Estes. Waynesville. Route 1. farmer; Thurman McKinley Caldwell, Can ton, Route 3. farmer; Fred Lathern Brown, Clyde, Route 1, electrical repairman; William Dewey Mehaf fey, Hazelwood, lumberman; Enis Warren, Canton, Route 3, farmer; OUNTAINEER The Great Smoky Mountains National Park OCTOBER 15. 1948 County To Enter Farm Exhibits In Competition At State Fair Drawings Made For Santeetlah Bear, Boar Hunts The drawings for the fourteen combined bear and wild boar hunts slated for the Santeetlah Wildlife Management area in Gra ham county were conducted in the court house Tuesday afternoon l with five Haywood county hunters included in the cioud I Malcolm Edwards, representa tive of the North Carolina Wild life Resources Commission, was in charge of the drawings. Stanly Meilrv sprrptnrv nf Mm U'Dim,G. ..mi. -M......U r j . . ... ! vim- -uaniucr 01 v oiiuiierce, erec tile numbers to select the success ful applicants. The combined hunts will start Monday, October 18 and will end December 3. Hunting will be per mitted for a two-day period. The initial hunt of the season is scheduled for unit number one which includes Big Santtetlali, Little Santeetlah and the Hock Creek Drainage. The successful applicants and dates in this unit included: Oct. 18-19, Marvin Cochran, Flats. N. C ; Oct 25-26. Lnwton M. Johnson, Canton; Nov 1-2. N. M. Medford, Waynesville; Nov. 8-0. C. O. Story, Lynn, N. C; Nov. 15-16, J. O. Orr, Santeetlah; Nov. 22-23, George Massey, Bre vard; and Nov. 29-30, Gardner Hurchficld, Tapoco. The second unit is composed of Barkers Creekji Dep Creek and Slick Rock Drtleitoes: Those tn comoose this JnUntf ltifriJae:- .Qct. 21-22, R. T. ShkfriLaiiffonT.Tenh;!i Monroe; Novrv4MJ"orai Mary vllle, Tef i& WVvk Bradley, Harirwobtf; Nov. 18 r I. . at nt no r Crisp, Robblnsonvllle. The nanin of alternates drawn in order are: B. M. Barnwell. Swannanoa; D. M. Hooper, Ashe ville; Fred Campbell. Hael wood; and Carl Wlllson. Canton Library Offers A Book In Contest Can you guess the number of books loaned from the Haywood County Bookmobile on the first complete trip through the county'' Misk Margaret Johnston, libra rian, is offering a book as a prize lo Ihe person whose guess is near est the correct number Write the number on a card with your name and mail, or leave it at I he library. I The contest rinses Saturday. October lfi. at 5 p m Winner will be announced in Tuesday's Mountaineer Exam John Junior Burnett, colored, Waynesville, janitor; and James Orden Trull, Candler, Route 2. trucker. The nine potential draftees left by bus from Waynesville around noon Wednesday and returned from 'See Draftees Page Six) $3.00 In Advance In New Clyde Pastor IIF.V. WILLIAM TRACY MFDLIN, JR.. shown above, is the new pas lor of Clyde Methodist Church. A native of Raleigh, he attended Louisburg Junior College, Louis biu g, N C. and was graduated with an A. H degree from Wofford Col lege, Spartanburg. S. C, in 1940. Rev. Mr Medlin received the Bach elor of Divinity degree from Duke University Durham, in 1943. He has served pastorates in Murphy, Highlands, and came to Clyde from Robbinsville, At present, he, with his wife and sort, William T. Med lin, III, are making their home at Lake Junaluska with Rev. J. E. Sampley, who retired aj pastor of theyClydp church this Fall School Elects New Class Officers For Year Oflkers for the following classes i and clubs have been elected for the year at Crabtree-Iron-Duff .School Senior (lass-President. J. !m Crawford, vice-president, Helen .Mine Hradshaw; secretary. Bobbie j .lames; treasurer, .luanita Noland; reporter. .1 H Caldwell; sponsor. Mrs. .Iiviiine Chase, Junior class President. Bobby I.emiiiK, vice-president. Joan Med ford; secretary, Lucy James; treas urer. FaircM Sanford; reporter, Anne Caldwell. Mrs. O. L. Yates, sponsor Sophomore class -- President, IVarle Clark' , vice-president, Pete Noland. M-cietai v Lois McCrarken, Ilea oier Helen Ferguson, report er, M I, Brasley; Mrs Glenn No- land, sponsor Freshman class President. Sue Carolyn Noland; vice - president, Geraldiiie Bishop; treasurer, A. J. I'leiiinioiis. spwelary. Patsy Lem inc. reporter. Vivian Haney; Miss Liu a Mae Green, sponsor. F II. A club -President. Guy lene Caldwell, vice-president, Jo Ann Medford; secretary-treasurer, Lucy .lames; reporter. Helen June Bradshiiw; historian. Roxie Ann Crawlord. song leader. Eleanor Kinsland. devotional leader. Stella Fisher, program director. Peggy Medford; Mrs. Glenn Noland, spon sor. F. F A. club President, Ney Kinsland; vice-president, J. M. Crawford: secretary, Johnnie Mil ner; treasurer. Bobby Leming; re porter. Carroll Best; watch dogs, Thomas Noland and A. J. Plem mons: chairmen of committees, Ted Clark. Pete Noland, and Jim Da vis: B. F Nesbitt. sponsor. Funeral Services Held For Brothers Killed In Crash Funeral services for John Clif- j ford Williams, 21, and Moody B. ! Williams. 22, were held Wednes day afternoon at the Smith ceme- ! ten near Craggy. I The sons of Mr. and Mrs. . W. j Williams of Elmer. N. J., they were killed Sunday in an airplane crash near Elmer. I The family had formerly resided 'at Leicester and has been living in I New Jersey for the past five years. I The Williams brothers had been I engaged in farming at Elmer and . both were veterans of World War II. The plane was engulfed in flames before rescue parties could reach the scene. When volunteer fire men put out the fire, the men were found dead. Police said the pair rented the plane at Cavoli airport. Buena, N. J. Surviving are six brothers, Rob ert, Jeter, Riley, Edgar, David and Andrew of Elmer. N. J., and three sisters, Connie, Bonnie and Retha. KZLm ., mAmA mm Today's Smile Mother to son wandering the room: "What are you looking for?" Son: "Nothing." Mother: "You'll find it in the box where the candy was." " Haywood and Jackson Counties 0faiP!fi?ialL lane cxmoiis 10 State Fair Today The following people from Hay wood county are entering exhibits at the North Carolina State Fair to be held October 18-23: M. O. Galloway of Graceland Farms 2 Hereford females: Dr. J. L. Reeves of Canton 2 Here ford heifers and 1 Hereford bull; L. C. Moody of Cecil 1 Aberdeen Angus bull; and Dr. A. P. Cline of Canton 1 Hereford bull. There will be 5 Four-H Club dairy calves shown by the follow ing members: Johnnie Mac Ferguson of Dell wood 1 Guernsey calf; David and Peggy Noland of Ratcliffe Cove 2 Jersey calves; James Williamson of Iron Duff 1 Guernsey calf; and Harley Caldwell of Iron Duff 1 Guernsey calf. The dairy cattle will be judged on Tuesday of State Fair Week and the beef cattle on Wednesday. Arrangements have also been made for apple growers of Hay wood county to exhibit some ap ples. Howard Claff, Director of the Experiment Station In Waynes ville and in charge of the Horticul ture exhibits at State Fair, is send ing a truck down on Saturday to carry entries in the Horticulture Department. At a meeting of the apple growers at the courthouse on Monday night, October 11, the following apple growers decided to send apples: Richard Barber of Barber's Or. chard, Robert Boone, Will Boone, Henry Fracls, Charles W. Edwards, Jr., and Boiling Hall. Any other orchardmen desiring to send apples to the Fair should have them at the Experiment Station or he cpupty agent's office in Waynesville on Friday afternoon, October 15. A. J. McCracken of Clyde and George E. Stamcy of Pigeon are entering ten complete stalks of corn In the special corn exhibit of persons producing over one hun dred bushels per acre. Dogs From County Walk Away With Honors At Show Several hundred persons attend ed the annual North Carolina Fox- Hunters Association bench show I and field trials at Tryon during this week. Many of the dogs arrived Sunday and final preparations were car j ried out for the show. The bench j show was held Monday night with Mr. A. B. White of Dalton. Ga., as Judge. Local winners in the N. C. State field trials and bench show includ ed: Devoe McElroy, of Waynes ville, whose great show hound N. C. Dixie was Judged the outstand ing hound in the show. Tom Davis, of Hazelwood. entered his Hoat Mon and carried off the State nat ural carriage title. Albert Burnett of Canton, won second all age male with Bob Duncan. A total of 239 hounrs were en tered from the states of Tennessee Georgia, Virginia, North and South Carolina. Apple Contest Set For Students In County Schools The Waynesville Chamber o Commerce and the Smoky Moun tain Apple Growers Association are sponsoring an Apple contest dur ing National Apple Week, which isi from Saturday, October 30, to Sat urday. November 6. The purpose of this contest is to educate the people of this area on value of (See Apple Contest Page Sixi Highway Record For 1948 (To Date) In Haywood Killed . . ; . . 4 Injured .... 39 (This Information COBB . piled from Record of State Highway Patrol). I , wife tin t - t 1 ' t . 1 1' i 1 5 : tit it' i ' t ! ' CI 1 i t , t -I i 5i; 1 1 i. J ' " i -i "t ' k . 'I JV i ir w'J I' !J ? I i. I u .. TY .. ' I 1 I 4st (1! ho V 4 1. I'd' ' 1 1 1 1 4i i ; ii.' .r1 IV. i, i5 5 t 9 I (Cf ' HI 'f it'' I '-.1! 1 t ! I 'i' r ' i s '! 'v. t kt mm : t, t ! : Mill.''1 ? ll : '.!'-i' .4 b . . ' ? ' t ? : if F ii i V 1,1 i 1 mm