i i-i lite Si'UKis i'AGE Ot The Wayncwiiic Mouiaauieer ' ksiiay, octokkk 2C, 1'JlS r I n h lb . '"V Wildcats Defeat Bears 19-0?X, 1M Morganton nHountaiBieeirs am I , ' f i ? Black Bears fail To Oil Scoriiuj Machine In Till L'Oiiu Wii.i. UI. .1 111.,, K Uii.i, tin , tl. I till .Ml. ll.ll'-i tl.lt t UlllilH I,! I i U lid, . ;nui M. i (!,.,!, , mi , l!r;ii : l,: I. ' I'llili. I,, n. t . , li.-.n In. in n.itt ! ..r'l.i ' I uii.l)t-,l anil M.n : ;i mi Hit- I::... k i: .ii p..- el i.i tin! : ..! . . II. I. nil II.,' I! ..I 1 I 'l.i ' It 111 -'li..l ll ,.! , K it I, II ,-il .,I up K In li.ihl , i ..iiiun 1 nil I: 'A ii . . o , 1 1 i n: ii.uit . ..I 1 1 -lit I In I.. 1 I , i u - i in, 1 1 .. .1 Mm- Locals Prep For Bryson a City Battle Unbeaten Carolina Gains On L. S. U. -V . i . m ii r m "it f -.T . I I.,. I, i.l.i . il Ii. ..,.1 kt-i . .il iin. I I, ii , i ... in II . nl ml ;, II. ll 1,1,1. Il.lll I lilt. Mm i,l In,., l. limit I '.mi. ,,: li il ,:ill .ml llx ihc i: ii,,; ii i., i i r 1 1 nl , k 1!, ll.ili 1 1 i mi I ! In II, U ,1, I ..iti In I I hc Mountaineers of Wanf-svjlle Hiuh uiue out of tin' C'lui.t -m l.i.nl i l.r Ii in good shape unci in t little tune in getting dovui to li.ii ,1 uuik yesterday as preparation- lm ihe Hryson City g.nne eot iiinli'iuas Coach Weatlieiby in ..nli. ii.diiit! one of the harder;! but-lit- nt ihe year Friitaj night when i lie Miitinl .niit'ei invade hryson , ilv tj li.itlle the ou,'il'ul Mar- M. ..I Hi, h, i .nl, ' .1, H, I i.i, :;; Mli ii Ihr i:, v i ri.i el I In ir third w, I. mil-, .iliii i nl u nl, i u ,u In Ihe l.,i . ,ii- i . ,, d I i ! w 1 1 ll , .l.lll, fi. ,1 III .1 i I ..!,! ,.,- . !-'A II' :l nil ,1 !.,'. i ,1 ;,n ! I 'I I I N S 1 ilAt 1I1M ilv dv lliiMni' I'-ins. Ail. i,.,.i, ,1 I:tv ,iihi Y, Is. I'svin I'asi lilt Ih M'l I mil. I . , I'U.illu:: v. Ids. I'm, I l:,,n Ydl lis. I'l'ii ill;, ,1 I ,1, 1,111 Mill! 10 111 1 !'i i:, i, in. o l :u i 'i -.ii . I, In , , ,, I.,1..!. !,, rii.it u.i , I 1 1 1 1 1 U- hill .1 .1 Il.lll . uilli III, I I I, .i ill'; haul Tl llniii ,1 In k, . .'il li li l.'u I, (I l.v H, lulu tin ii lu ll in II.. .1, ill c, i- rum ,1 1,1 lift, Il , I k.lll" . U ,1,1, ,d , . , the v'.llili .III, I ll ...III. I I,,, I Mm I'aiilnn iiilrn ,. I n.inl .in, I i'.ill Si , 1 1 in I In- i,,,,!,::, ,:l Hi i In i up in-, la Ml II haul,. I Id... k- ,11, ', I led ill Ii i,i ft" !, in, 'i. ti. , ,1,, in s:.,,i,i,ii d i , i i,i i.,, K,. . iii,,,r. "I' lm 1!,. I I, h.i.,,,1, ,, the "!'(- I I" ..,, v. ..- wj.le .Mill i' ,1,11,1 H I .,1.1,1, ii "'i the I, .11., .,. ,-' n, k -. . t , ( aiitnii mm Corre n ard II A Y W OOD n.i.niiK si iivid' 1j"""' 4 ' ' ll,.elu,,d ' 1 1 V I" Id h.ll the 1 1 1' Ii I e i III.,, k 11, .if l.imanls l,,,,,,l t. tl.,,.,!-, Iie luie Ihiv i ,,uhl i ei,, h dill. : I'm Ihe I'd. u k Di .n Amu-.. I i- li ' . r .11,,! I l.lll, i I'l, ,.e , i si. Hi, -mil ilelen ii,' h.ill wiih Alhn 1 pai kmi; Hi,, orteii-1 . I n lh,. ,,. eat t,n .i.inl all Ki n in. I ':( Ion .mil ! Hill Siiiny li.nktil e,,i,i, lliiniiuh j nut Ihe lianie and J!e hi ,ii;iiit 'and hill smith were oiiirdamlin I in 1 he hai kfield The Caniru, Ili.'li Selinol and i . i,,i I'.iiiinn iiiun iian.li v ei ,' Um.jI lull t, loral Ian reiiiein- II. e eare the .Man it. n., thiv l he Wawiesville eleven last t ..I h, I, lie they finally pulled Ihe - -ine i.ui nl the lire in Hie last Inn iiiiiiiilev The Maroons are ii.iii h iiniMoied this ear and have in, un a nelilinii spirit under ihe due, linn ui their neu coaell, llow .i. d ll.ii iim, 11. ( ii.ii Ii h.iinuell is a fiirnier West iin I'.itnlin.i Cataininint perl'orni t ,1 .n il i . expected tn use I lie sviunle '.ins' i loin. ( oacli Uarnwell is I u. II eipnppeil with a heavy, power- j Mil line and Ills barks have shown j i l, ii,'. nt speed and innniiit; ability I ti, iin- pi e ions Raines this year. ! I he Miinioiis are nieinbers of , Ihc Snmky Mminlain (.'nnferenie ' did al iM i-senl are set lint; a fast j race in cniilerence plav aloili! Willi 1 Ihe Si ha Hurricanes. This will he Hie Mountaineers .second inter i inde. en, ,. Ii.ii t It- uiih ihe Smoky I.i .up and C'oaeli Wealherby is very anxioic. to keep Ihe reenrils clean .i.'.uii I the rival conference. The. Wmi,.. .. ''4 -'.nl I ,, ,l.n- 1'MII 111 "I Un it I ''.. I. 'M .mil N.ni Clement f center, with balh Xorrn carlina back, falls after being stopped for a six yard Abner Winiberly i82. Louisiana State eml, makes other I..S.U. pliiyers identified. Norlh Carolina re- .lolinnv e.ain in I'.i.ne wild I..S.I". al Chapel Hill. Saturday, the tackle. .Ine Itaird '7:11 and hobby Clexa 1 34 1 an niained unbeaten and untied by overwhelming L.S.U.. 34-7. lAI' Wirephotoi Waynesville Bowling Loop Gets Underway At Center ' "--aL-Jl Ti i h.ni.l and tae the I ... i if'i i elitei l.iiliiner.l j SI A It TING I I' i Canlon i 11 -.,,,- 1 1 ., i 'i in. " I! I '.l.dl he. 1 i t'-i ihday wonder 1,,.' .,, j 'ir l.h.iilai uier I j al it Si,,." 1H Hlpps HII l'.,i,. I'll Mien )lh, Hi I. Il l H.llkle'-; ; ' " 1 1 1 . 1 Hi ailliii,-. in Sylva Defeats Andrews, 7-6 Th Golden Hurricanes of Sylva llieli notched their fifth .straight uiii Friday night with a hard foiH'ht 7-S win over Andrews In a j Smoky Mountain Conference game, Si!va seined late in the second ipiai lei on a sustained drive with lack Cunningham plunging over inim the seven yard line on a j iiai lei hack sneak. Krnest Flum Hainer plowed over for Ihe win I niny extra point. Andrew' only 'core came on a 411 yard pas's from I'.Mil l'aikci In Sam Webb. The all It. ,!n I., Ml evil a point ailed. S ha threatened Ihiouhoul the, (final (piaiter 1110111111 uvir, will,,,,! ' Aiiiln us Inn yard line but could mil penetrate the Andrewsi de- len ,e. " ' h-'i kh ": I 'mpirj: llain- i hi ll 1,1; III ailllin -mini: HllillsOll. 1 IMM'fS Morf . l a '.. Ill i.l,.'!:,ll,l I'. ill. ill A V, I in. mi II., it he.,11 SI01 ev II U'lnsnaid Mill Smiih ( 'nfl'ev ma. snail.,,, ! iYIountainporc: . . the NEXT MOVE is YOURS . . . ml (MA5HJ( lofs Egg Thousands of Security feeders ore producing eggs and of them with Security Mash. Yes. Security Fon Mk , -33 ,,, nelps you realize maximum egg production, because . . this superior product offers, the right amounts of vitamins carbohydrates and proteins for egg production and body maintenance. The next move i yours . . . g2t Security Egg - ZS2JU-2tJ -Mash today. Jj WAYNESVILLE FEED & SEED CO. Depot Slreet, Waynesville and Intersection of Aliens Creek Road, Hazelwood PHONE 724 or 493-J 1 OOfififtfl fit Take Loop Load Over Sand Hill I he V.', ncsville Mountaineers who raptured Iheir fourth sliaii'hl Mine Knife Conference victory S.iliii dav nn;ht with a win over the Cin e I School Greenies. have tak en over the driver's seat in the ( oiilii , nee. 'I he Mountaineers are f'llhe.ved closely by the Sand Hill team in second spot with three wins ami no defeats in conference play. The Aslu ville School TUllpc urn jali. undefeated in loop compel il ion wen nnc win and no losses. With Ihe s, ,is,m ,.llf ,IV(,r R ooks V(,rv much as though the 1948 cham pions will come from these three team.. Waynesville and Asheville School will clash November n vi hat shapes up as a battle between undi foaled teams. The Mountain eers do not tanfile with Sand Hill but San-I Hill must face the Blues be I ore the season ends. These two games will have a definite bearinR on the outcome of the loop race. At this time Waynesville and Asheville School seem to have the upper hand. Waynesville has al ready (Ufeated four of the main, elevens in the conf. n niir Asheville School opened Iheir sea son later than the other ,h,.ic but lianded the Canton High Hlark "cars a decisive licking in their opener. Sand Hill has marrhed over three of the smaller schools but do October 22 Asheville School 40, Candler 0. Tiyon I'D. llillmore 7. Brevard 12, Hr.vi.on' City 6. Marion 27, Henderson! die lfl. Sylva 7. Andrews ii. Morganton 19, Canton 0. October 23 Waynesville 10, Christ School 0 College (lames Nui lh Cai olina :14. I.SII 7. Duke 7, VIM 0. N C. Male 7. Chattanooga 0. (ieni l'i.i 'l ei h -i:'.. Hoi ida 7. Wr.-t Vimnia 11, W & I. 7 Maryland 47, C, Washington II Alabama 10, Me.s Stale 7. Tn!. me .' 1 A id, in n (i. Mi s I',.' Ho Inn Colleo Hi. Ti mi 4 I . Tenii. Tei h II. fJuilli.id III. Atlantic Christian 0. ( 'at ji, h., :i :i,,n p. Appal. ii In , n 411, lln h Poinl 14 WC'TC !, Leiioii-Khyiie II. Ensley Tops Lead In Mountaineers' Scoring Column I.' okiim hack over the records of the Miml.'itneei s' lir-t six Mames we found thai . Waynesville team had rolli d iii 91 points to the opponent's la in racking up five wins out of six j'ames. Setting the pace in lh,. scoiini; has been Winston lln U y , hii'ky fullback, who ha, cio- ed the double mark er on six loiielidnwn trips and add ed six extra points for a total of 42 points. Charlie Womack. sn.nnnv mnr. terback of the locals is second with 13 points. i,,b Davis has added six points to the total and half back Howard l.iner has netted 2 touchdowns for 12 points. The rest of the srnrim; has been divided between three other players with W'hisenluinl. reserve back nettinR six points and Ihe two ends. Bob Owen and Hill Sutton pulling in a touchdown nass each I lie Waynesville Kowliui! I.caj-'in rolled into fast compel itjon friday iiiHht on the alleys at the Waynes ville Howling Center. The Center was well Idled with interested spectalors. as the first bowling league in recent years got nil to a Kond stall. At a league meeting prior to match time it was decided to have league matches on Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. It was also an nounced that a ladies' league would be formed if enough mem bers are available. All interested bowlers should contact the Center al once. It didn't take long for the pins to start falling and when every body pulled their sore and tired bodies out of the wav and final scores figured, the l.ions werp ne tied in first place with a 3-0 victory over the A. C. Lawrence Cutsolcis. Ward's handed the Wa nesville Howling Center a 2-1 licking, and to top off the first nighl's rolling, Dayton No, 1 top ped Dayton No, 2 by a close 2-1 mar gin. The top individual same of the nitylit was turned in by Russell Full?, of Dayton Rubber with a 'paikling 195 and was followed closely by Hill Cochrane of Ward's with a 191. All in all, the opening night proved more of a success than thought possible and il is hoped that it will be a forerunner on con tinued success as Ihe league moves in the 1948-49 bowling season. ST.WD1NC.S l'os. I.K I.T l,G C KG I IT UK QB 1.11 KB Starting Line-ups: Waynesville C. School Bob Owen Johnson iCo-C Bill Owen iCo-C) Thomas Howell Guy I'rice Sharp Meliall'oy Wheeler (Co-Ci Terrell Russell Yarborougli Bennett Womack Lathrop Davis . . Clore Liner (Co-C) Norris Ensley Troitino Bowling Schedule Waynesville Bowling League October 26 Dayton No. 1 vs. W. B. C. Dayton No. 2 vs. Cutsole. Lions vs. Ward's. displaying nothing ,,u, U;'V " ball rolled to a 19 t over the Christ Sch,,,,, " Saturday night i To,,.llt, .' "7 '"' Th 2W tans ,;1 ', . ''' adverse weather coikuii,. Ul ," ' sit through a diizllm. ,,,, , " '' entire second half. ' c " nr. . . , . . ayuesvuie Kicked oil u, Ihe game. Troitino r,-i,,., me ureenie 15. 1 hi,.,. h Irt. t 1 A . l . '"' J yaius ami ,ni u. down punt, the wind,, cent,.. Mountaineer lorwi.i ,. ,, through to 1,1, i, ,l. ,i. , . .w ,uv lie ,,,L Chas. Howell recovenu,. ,i ,, ' Christ School 1 van) ii,,'.. ,, ,e first plav. Winsinn I, ,,. i... , ." fullback., plowed over i u ht ..oi ine loucllilown. The i, v ,, , point on a line plunge taild ',' nesville 6, Christ School o Mountaineers Mjnh Following the kirkull ei,,,.. School could not peneliat,. n Waynesville line and i,,,,,,,.,, ,,, Ul. Greenie 34 and the Mouiiian,,,,. were on the march aram Kim.-i hit left tackle for 3 and Bob )n,s on a leverse picked up 1 v,, mack moved for 4 and Dai is ,,n a reverse again and he hi ml ,.,,. lenf blocking by his mates m,ni.d 18 yards to the Greenie a Tin,.,, line plays carried to th , i on fourth down Knsley plowed tnn- for the score. Tom lli, ,.. verted from placement Wanic ville 13, Christ SVhoo! (I. Midway of the second (iuaitiT K..i.. t ........ . '" siniiiui aiieiupieil to mm from their own 29 hut Dai,. n,.,, Mountaineer center, parlialli blocked the kick and Win in .vilir recovered on the Greenie 37. Sam Wiggins, reserve back, gained i around right end. Charhe W,, mack, on a spinner, smashed mi,, the secondary to Ihe Greenie li On the next play, 1 1, maul l.inci broke through left tackle n a sweeping reverse and -.mini -1,111,1 illg up. The try for pinni ai'ain failed. Waynesville 1!), (lm 1 School 0. Following the kirkol! the Green-' ies came to life and moved far tm first downs as the first halt ended. Rain Slows I' lay Rain sarted to fall dining hall time and slowed the second lull 1.," "l';H - '1 , il"'l Dunn, '""mirw H;,s lm b, ; f fun, Rnuflj I IT,J , A l,a,l dn (In Ha III, ,;i:,l. 1 il 10 B Mist, Ii'dip tn:J ' '- istiti "" ".i'Wt ' ;i idj. li.:l,irill' ,,1 n, , ail'i-illi,. lm h 11 1 n t' i imld n. ' l.-t iittCi, a in II lull: 1 1 1 If imn tiimiii ilmns ml i'.ill !!( led II,.. is si: I '.Am of ui k lull, i ;iii,i Hot PrJ ml'- v. ,,i K'.t.rse slaiidiiii llmilM I 1.1 II 1,.,! nui,, Rjti Di aul I n. hjfa hr H iui;.ii k ihc Star1 I'l iiiiiil 'lijiri tail' I'lrlih. vWestern Auto Associate Store 1 1 l 1 Lions Ward's Daylon No. W 11 C. Daylon No. Cutsole W 3 2 2 1 1 0 I, 0 1 1 2 2 3 Pet. 1 000 .(iifi .titii; .333 .333 .000 A 16. - . iMMf .i. not annear tn be strnncr r,n,,nh 1 "".'b" to handle the strong Blues. One thing already settled is that 1948 will produce a new champion in the Blue Ridge Conference when the final whistle sounds. Cats Garner 9-0 Victory Over Bears with Pee Wee Hamilton and Arthur Byrd paving the way, the Western Carolina Teach . .11. miliums aeieaiea Lenoir Khyne, 9-0, in a North State Con ference football eame al tliel,.,,.,, Saturday night. Byrd, candidate for little All America honors, rammed into the Bears' backfield in the second quar ter and tackled Heywood Martin in ihe end zone for the safety. With one minute left in the final quarter, Hamilton skirted end and raced 75 yards for a touchdown be hind some beautiful downfteld blocking by Bob Tate. Frank Har din kicked the point. wmfmviM Uv JXS0 V, SALE NOW WM FLOOR WATS kronen 1td mBm WnkJ . S2.59 2t si-is 1 UM 1 1 V . i "ow as , . lrj 1948 Major League Swat Kings Stan Mutiol nil v Tf Williamt Left to right are Stan Musial Johnny Mix Raloh Kinar an average of .376 and also Jo DiMaggio Cardinal Natln nal T Aomin -i w 1 ---'.. dRuc irnun WUn nine hat tt A in w ik tt. r-i uirxm , centerflelder, pacerf the Junior circuit with 3 h " Z IZl .17 W. DiMaggio, Yankee and Johnny. Mize, New York. who. tied .win this vear for th. h J " " T. Kiner- Psburg, s ,.l . - "m biiaiuDioninin of tK . . uituu wim v eacn. r "c euior Davis Deluxe Bike Tire-Tube Long - wearing balloon casing. Pinchproof tube.FIII28.M.34.l Tire and Tube $2.90 FIRST CHOICE of mor than 1,000,000 OWNfRSf WESTEAN FLYER As low as Heavy felt back Ribbed dpsmn I" " r most cars N iJ'S in.: pirf SlicH flit q fittf or Sleek, comfortable, trouble-free! "Lifetime" frame; chip-proof enamel. Western Flyer Tenk Dcluc 3THERS $39.95 to $61.95 Ask About Trade-in for Old Bike. EASY TERMS. .$47.95 (OLD WEATHER AHEAD I See us now fur your Winter Automotive Needs. Ii ig savings! Auto Hot Water WATER PARTS Also thermo stats, switches, hose, etc. Tyoi ml tt.i.. .omc. A Replace- & mcnt 6" OA.ra FAN 31 ' llltSTlW , I Sale, PJ II2M "Prep School" FOOTBALL $2.19 Radiator STOP-LEAK Rev. $2.69 Long, wearing! 115-ot., 3-ply fabric. Needle valve type.ojsii 10 oz Easy Quick! Just pour radiator ExfVa-Qucfc Heating GASOLINE HEATER $29.95 Stewart Warner "South Wind". Get full heat in Just SO aecond even with cold running motor it taker Jut J blocks of driving. Simple control directs" heat where you want it. OTHERS $16.95 to $28.75 9 IMllI 35c 's,.h; W t'i n-e r Safe' .) Sealed-Beam FOG LIGHT For Most C.rs Chrome plate 5" diameter. Cuts heaviest atmosphere. srrft klf HOAAI OWNED OW11" C. R. ECKHOFF Main Street WajmesviHe

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