The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park ghtS Today's Smile Never before ! history bat the Americas dollar had such cood-fcyeinf power. he , Rprular Oklahoma Lday Evening ny phrase the could cook up r hunting trip plains: From fought 'Le menu item t would likely in Oklahoma bove the hog's . ... t. t right i""1 r mine lion Lery charming L ten-year-old earnestly dis L Mr, Truman Jo. This was and the coun ireturn to nor f week of antici nd realization. Uny. the smaller sadly: "Some that if they n will all starve ed the other taTt and he was Indow yic en ng. before the (pica used of the fecorations, we the handiwork irtist. In this there was an dvertising Na , with two lus hed. with an arrow to the core of e other end of letters was the Home Of Urn water boy for lintaineers, had I experience re lory goes, his an Asheville hen last weck- iort stay there home with a ickage of meat. bened the pack 1 that the hen titer did every Wu. They all e duck dinner, rise. cap sire tabouts knows ethers, and ad lously. So this $ on election So surprise. Biers gracefully $5 lovely years threshold, but in this world ag anything but I day. her daugh I'ank Smathers trip to Ashe Ight accompany fting booth, Lo (she arrived at informed by "Granny" had own and voted home in fine 1 All alone, if Festival Scheduled Nov. 24-27 A tobacco barn warming schedul ed for Wednesday night t, Novem ber 24, at the Waynesville Armory will officially kick-off the annual Tobacco Harvest Festival activities. it was announced by Wayne Cor pening, chairman of the program, after a meeting of all committee chairmen last Monday night. The initial event of the four-day festival will be sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Rusiness and Professional Women's Club and the Merchants Associa tion. It is requested that all per sons attending the barn warming be dressed as farmers and farmerettes. The tobacco queen contestants will be dressed as farmerettes and a grand march will be held during the program. The festival will be presided over bv the Tobacco Har vest Queen of last year. Miss Peggy Noland, until a new queen is selected. Football Classic One of the highlights of Thurs day's agenda is the annual Thanks giving football classic between Waynesville and Canton on the latter's field that afternoon. A To bacco Harvest Ball will be staged in the Armory Thursday night under the sponsorship of Beta (See Tobacco Festival rage larket In Thursday) Ition 55c-fiOc 20c-28c 15c 10c 32c-3fir 1100 lbs 3.00 2.25-2.40 16.00-18.00 21.00-25.25 20.00-22.25 25.00-28.00 26.00-26.25 22.00-24.00 27.00-32.00 SHOWERS ?tly cloudy rs followed by Friday night. "Ue temDera. toe staff of the Win. Rainfall V .13 63rd YEAR No. 88 16 PAGES United Press and Associated Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1948 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties mm mm Plans Near Completion for ToBacco Event Governor ?) ,f v: W. Ki:i!l SCOTT, former Commis sioner of Agriculture, won the gubernatorial race over George Prilchard as the Democrats scored a decisive victory throughout North Carolina. Re-Elected Leatherwood Rites Held Mon. At Clyde Church Funeral services for Mark A Leatherwood, 77. of Clyde, who died Saturday in the Haywood County Hospital, were held Mon day afternoon at the Clyde Method ist Church. The Rev. Mr. Medlin. pastor of the church, officiated and was assisted by Rev. E. C. Price and Rev. J. E. Sampley Burial was in Pleasant Hill Ceme tery. Grandsons served as pallbearers and members of the Woman's So ciety of Christian Service of the Clyde Methodist Church were flower bearers. Mr. Leatherwood, who was a (See Leatherwood Rites Page 8) HIM - Tl "" ' Armistice Day Parade Slated Here Thursday; Stores Will Be Closed Civic Club Organized In Bethel Hujjh'K. Terrell was recently elected president o. the Pigeon Valley Civic club which has around one hundred charter members front the Bethel consolidated high school j district. ' Other officers of the newly or- I ganized group include: John W. Sloan, vice-president; John M. i Ridgon, secretary; and George Henson. treasurer. The board- of directors for the first year are, in addition to the above officers. R. E. Sentelle, M. V. Bramlett, Rev. Clyde Collins, Dennis Singleton, and Kin McNeil. The club constitution was adopt ed in August, and that month was set as the beginning of the club's first fiscal year. The objectives of the club are to aid in promoting the economic, educational, agricul tural, and moral welfare of the Pigeon Valley area. Meetings are held on the second Thursday night of each month. usually at Bethel School. The Initial meetings have been( prim arily concei neu wmi w km al work but a series of programs are being mapped for the future. Wins In Political Upset Scout-O-Ral Event Slated For Canton Saturday At 2 Boy Scout Troops of Canton. Waynesville. Bethel and Clyde will participate in the annual Scout-O-Ral to be held at the Canton high school Memorial Stadium Satur day afternoon at 2 o'clock. D. W. Randolph is again serving as Gen eral Chairman. Bethel Troop 12 will be defend ing the Alexander Thomson Trophy which they won last year. In addi tion to the trophy, ribbons and streamers will be awarded to the winning troops. Events will include: inspection, fire building, knot relay, tent pitch ing, signaling, first aid, dressing race, tug-o-war, wood identifica tion and tow sack race. The public is cordially invited to attend. MONROE M. REDDEN of Hender- sonville. was re-elected as rep rcsentative of the 12th congres sional district, and will return to Washington for a second term. Davis Wins 1'f'fik I -ig. ii mirtti f GROVEK DAVIS of Waynesville was successful in his candidacy for the state house of representa tives over Joe Pressley. INOFFICIAL RETURNS The Mountaineer will publish the official election returns from Haywood county as soon as they are compiled by the board of elec tions, headed by Jerry Rogers. Young Negro Girl Accidentally Shot By Second Cousin f Lilly Hall, four-year-old colored girl, was accidentally shot and kill ed by her second cousin, Bobby Hall, age 10, around noon Tuesday at the home of her parents on Slick Stone drive, according lo Coroner J. Frank Pate. A coroner's jury ruled (lie death accidental shortly after the shoot ing occurred. Coroner Pate stated that the Hall child was shot in the abdomen by a .410 gauge shotgun which ap parently went off accidentally after being picked up by Bobby Hall. According to testimony during the hearing, the Hall bos was at tempting to get a guitar clown from the wall above where the gun was standing in a corner. In the pro cess, the shotgun fell to the floor and when picking it up. the gun went off and struck the Hall infant The shotgun was placed in the corner by the child's uncle who had gone squirrel hunting early Tuesday morning. An elderly, in valid woman was the only other person in the house at the time of (See Yoiuif Negro Page 81 Plans well' in tlu ir final stages this imiiniiiH for Hie Armistice Day parade slated here Thursday morn ing, Notcinher 11. starting at 10 o'clock, under the .sponsorship of the local American Legion Post No. 47. H It. Hundley, chairman of the parade eniiimilH'c. announced this morning that speakers for the oc casion will be secured this after noon ll is uiultM'slood that an out-of-town speaker will deliver a key note address as ucll as a local speaker The patriotic parade will form in front of the First Baptist Church at 9:30 o'clock and will leave there at II) o'clock The parade will march down Main street to the court house, where the special program will he conducted. The Waynesville high school band will lead the parade proces sion. Other groups participating include: American Legion. Nation al Guard unit. Veterans of Foreign Wars, Hoj Scouts and Girl Scouts. All veterans of the community are urged to take part in the parade by wealing their uniforms designating their branch of the service. The Vaticsillc high school hand will lead the parade proces sion. Other groups participating include: American Legion, Na- UtUiaJ Guard unit. Veterans of For (See Armistice Hay Page 8) Home Clubs Plan Achievement Day In County Today Achievement Day will he observ ed by Home Demonstration Clubs of Haywood county today with a program highlighting the observ ance at the First Methodist Church here. The morning program, beginning al 10.30 o'clock w ill include reports of club activities by secretaries of each club, and recognition of spe cial guests. A large exhibit by individual club members from the various or ganizations in the county is ex pected lo be a feature of the pro gram This will include articles of food preservation, house furnish ings and clothing. Heading certificates will be pre sented by Miss Margaret Johnston, county librarian, lo the club members who have load and re ported on three books during the past year. The guest speaker tor the after noon session will be Mrs Walter Pike, di -aate to the triennial con ference ol Country Women of the World, who will give an illus trated lecture on Holland Mrs W. D. Kelner. president of the county council, will preside. ;WrV iu: i . -V i. i 4 St. - k V,VK It 1 v t . it Harry S. Truman, former Democratic U. S. Senator from Missouri and vice-president lor. three mbntb.s-.-the man who was: to move out of the While House next Jartlftrry. according to all the pre-election piills -moved up as the underdog in Tuesday's balloting and emerged victorious, with 304' electoral votes to retain him in the top office of the land. Apple Week Festival Draws To End In County Tomorrow rn County Casts 10,270 Voles In Election Haywood county voters chimed in with the rcsf o the nation Tues day as they gave President Tru man an overwhelming margin of 7.373 votes compared with 2.684 votes for favored Thomas Dewey, according to unofficial figures re leased today by the board of elec tions. A total of 10,270 county voters, several thousand below pre-election forecast, trekked to the polls Tuesday in adverse weather condi tions to give the Democratic can didates a wide margin in all pre cincts except one, that being Cecil. Governor Strom Thurmond. States Rights candidate for presi dent, polled 206 votes in Haywood's 22 precincts, while Progressive Party candidate Henry Wallace re ceived a mere seven votes. East Fork Switches The largest number of voles in a precinct was cast in the North Ward where 1.460 people streamcH in to vote, while the South Ward attracted 1,262 voters during the rainy day. The only unusual feat ure of the election in the county was the fact that the East Fork precinct went Democratic for the first time since 1932. Scrappy, underrated Harry Tru man captured the presidency elec tion In one of the biggest upsets in America's political history by cap turing 304 electoral votes in 2S states against 189 electoral vot for Mr. Dewey and 38 for Mr. Thurmond. The largest single vote mustered by a candidate was given lo Gov ernor Kerr Scott who received a total of 8,100 votes to hold a four-tn-MW wfin.i-irwn,;,'vi...ij..i i. candidate in the Haywond county returns. Grover Davis Wins Grovcr Davis, of Waynesville. victorious in the state House of Representatives race from this dis trict, polled a total of 8,03." votes compared to 2,504 votes for Mr (See The Election Page R) Archduke Ottb Of Austria Talks In Waynesville His Imperial ' Highness, Arch duke Otto of Austria, will be guest speaker on the radio program spon sored by St. John's high school over Station WHCC Saturday. No vember 6. 9:00 a.m. The Archduke, head of the thousand-year-old Hapsburg dynasty and pretender to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire va cated by the death of his father, Emperor Charles I, in 1922, has I just returned to the United States 'alter a visit tp Europe, the Middle and Far East. I St. John's radio program entitled i "Truths Men Live By" has been a I weekly radio presentation for the pasl 15 months and has featured , speakers such as Governor R. 1 i See Archduke Otto Pae 8) A total of 86 apple displays were placed in stores throughout Waynesville, Haze I wood. Canton and Clyde dujing the week in con nection with the annual Apple Week Festival conducted here this week. The observance will close to morrow. The daily Farm Forum program over station WHCC will broadcast all school winners in the county at 12: IS o'clock County winners will be selected by the radio audi ence. The contestant which receives the most cards or letters at the radio station stating that his or her composition was judged to be the best, will be the county win ner. A special musical program will be given by the Waynesville high school band tomorrow night during the half of the football game be tween the Mountaineers and Ashe ville School. Several bushels of apph's will be given away at the game by the Smoky Mountain Ap (See Apple Week Page 8) Unofficial Haywood County Returns In Tuesday's Election Cataloochee Ranks Second In Nation On Vote Count Ctaloochee. . Haywood county precinct J TrlTJ ! 2iT to - Pres, . . o'clock Tuesdav morning. A small Uincer office shortly after 9 precinct tit New Hampshire voted by c"nfflle ifter 7 o-rfoek to nose ont Cataloochee for the honors. ion and throughout the nation earned the story. E'JJT boards had to reduce spelling of Cataloochee to N. C R,d,. commentator, pronounced it ever, -"- ( . NBC announcer finally fettin It 'JSSt that Wuhlnrton took the election very calmly. He Is scneaiuro . l.jY prScerence called by President Truman meUe President I. S. Senate Reg. Term Governor Lieutenant Governor Congress- State Senate Mouse Rep. PRECINCT Cattaloochee Crabtree .. North Ward Waynesville Iron Duff Lake Junalu,ska Ivy Hill . Beavcrdam No. 4 Hazelwood - Big Creek - East Fork - White Oak South Ward Waynesville Clyde . Beaverdam No. 5 Beaverdam No. 6 . - Pigeon Cecil Jonathan Creek -. Beaverdam No. 2.. Fine Creek Beaverdam No. 1 Beaverdam No. 3 TOTALS - i i 'T ' 3 I C C " ' ci , p C c -rose f- OS f- jS cc v- 7 000700770 242 33 1 4 253 25 0 253 253 5 HfiO 169 0 37 135 139 0 1430 1455 135 180 8 0 0 )80 R 0 180 IfiO 8 268 43 0 6 288 24 1 283 29 0 309 110 1 6 31 102 0 31 315 102 334 243 0 8 357 213 2 357 370 215 368 99 0 11 378 81 0 378 391 78 30 15 0 1 37 11 0 37 39 8 127 11 0 132 106 0 132.132 106 60 17 1 2 56 1 0 56 56 1 I2b2 194 0 33. 1308 10 0 1308 13$3' 129 68 254 0 16 496 237 1 490 , 502 237 219 185 0 8 219 185 0 219 219 185 41 259 0 22 459 231 0 451 460 231 37" 267 0 1 4 404 257 0 403 415 250 62 rf3 0 1 63 92 1 62 64 92 181 129 1 6 210 127 0 204 210 125 273 160 2 6 297 144 0 295 311 141 336 51 0 2 314 43 0 311 335 43 310 204 0 S 296 188 0 292 305 190 422 197 1 15 454 171 166 451 464 168 7702 2854 7 211 7957 2538 172 7913 8100 2482 i ! .1 i C Si'-" ij "T. J o " 2i i ' -z ! 1 ! 3 1 u -D -C 1 . r cfl j ,,-i-a c -3-t - it l H X S I X U. X S 2 C O 070070700070 0 253 25 2 253 25 258 25R 23 22 265 2 0 1431 134 1 1442 225 1506 1497 95 94 1517 103 0 180 8 0 180 8 183 180 8 8 181 10 1 291 24 1 290 28 283 281 2R 27 289 30 0 312 102 0 315 102 305 301 07 27 313 100 2 ' 359 213 2 358 218 350 350 215 209 352 222 0 379 77 0 378 81 401 382 77 79 388 85 0 37 8 0 37 8 37 36 8 9 38 9 0 132 106 0 132 106 131 131 110 110 131 118 0 56 1 0 55 14 59 59 14 13 61 13 0 1314 130 0 1308 134 1258 1259 122 110 1284 122 1 495 237 1 494 241 482 478 239 234 486 246 0 219 185 0 219 185 219 219 185 185 219 185 0 446 231 0 444 243 451 451 231 213 479 230 0 403 253 0 404 259 389 380 258 257 388 264 1 62 92 1 62 93 62 63 92 92 61 91 1 209 125 1 209 125 209 204 122 119 209 121 0 301 139 0 298 147 311 297 128 125 307 130 0 313 45 0 317 45 315 270 43 42 238 45 0 291 187 9 291 198 289 281 182 182 291 202 0 455 171 0 454 177 447 430 180 179 448 184 6 7943 2506 9 7947 2662 7952 7807 2457 2334 8033 2504 Lions Club Holds Blind Seal Sale Campaign Here The Waynesville Lions Club i-. currently directing a blind e?l sale drive here and a goal of $oOO has been set, according to Dick Bradley, vice-president in charge of the program announced tin . morning. Mr. Bradley stated that over $300 has been raised since the campaign got underway two weeks ago. The drive is being held for benefit of the blind aid program sponsored over the Lions club throughout the state. Charlie Woodard is chairman of the drive. Other members of the committee are Dr. Hugh S Dan iels. Ralph Calhoun, Bill Chambers and Dick Bradley. Rev. Hauss To Address Ministers Group The Rev. B. M. Hauss of Shel by, secretary of the Allied Church League, will address the ministers of Haywood County and their wives at their regular monthly meetinj to be held at the Junaluska Metho dist Church on Monday. November 8, at 12:30 p.m. This will be a luncheon meeting and reservations may be made bv contacting the Rev. Paul Duckwall. Lake Junaluska. Highway Record For 1948 (To Date) In Haywood Killed 4 Injured . . . . 39 (This Information com plied from Record ot State Highway Patrol). 50 1.05 Jay.

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