v-'ndarti PM,:,,,, , Adv-220 S Fir - " The Waynesville Mountaineer A REAL, SURPRISE Father (in drugstore): "I want ta boy this fountain pen for my boy's birthday." Clerk: "It Is a surprise, I sup pose." Father: "Yes, he's expecting a new convertible coupe." Published Twice-AWeek In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park fhe irch I 0 lynesville busi- iknow yet that g church serv 1 plume on her flew into the it plume twice p in the center, od the lady did L t0 tell her: plume and bee or get up and I the bee sailed for the flowers and pulpit. io Was A Red Shirt about as much t'person. and re-Jlre-rcd shirt to I The shirt did I some of his (loment of teas ,111 had forgotten and the rea back, in a per sisted the shirt en For lldeat Eyes he fire tower on in near Clyde it sight. Some ithe lights are "others just keep jin who had par- from an Ashe- ld: "When I first they were the Jining up there." rt f ior posed for The jographer after itill on wheels f on Jonathans ards Waynes- that he "hurry knock a horse I still and masjj ftia'ttfateptic- lars of use. The Library fving eek i fFeek, November f observed at the library. of new books d in the library Jnhnslon. libra tonal display will flee of the Build- faction at the original drawing f Billy'-, by Lois as sent to the lor. at include those Aildren through roup. The new cheeked out of fek but children ftheir selections e close of Book be at the Jo discuss books I teachers. She oution a booklet Books for First r larket oon Monday) fction 55c-60c 20c-28c ... 15c .... 10c 32c-36c 100 lbs 3.00 2.25-2.40 20.00-23.00 21.50-25.25 20.00-23.00 25.00-27.00 24 30-26.00 24.25-25.50 27.00-32.00 i m '-Ftr and lit uch change in f We tempera I the SUt Test Mln. alf.ii 22 25 32 .u 28 63rd YEAR No. 91 Officers r5 2 V., ?r fftit ' If r ; h:. $ I s;,t J s;;s vi n ?Ml This is thi? 65-gal!m coppu- .still, and the four filthy mash barrels, and thi truck recently caught by Patrolman Jeff Mays, center, and Deputy Wade McDaniol. right. The truck was un tin- Jonathan Creek highway, when ollicers nuticing it had a bad light, shopped it for investigaton. and found the complete still outfit under I ui mime ami coi n. Deputy Max Cochran, left, was on hand to help unload the truck. Four men were on the truck at the lime, the driver escaping. This is a Mountaineer photo by Ingram's Studio. Officers Capture Moving Still On Wheels, 3 Nabbed Argentine Ambassador Speaks Here About 100 persons attended the meeting of the Lions Club here Friday night to hear Argentina's recently-appointed ambassador. I'r Jeronimo Remorino. The group of the ambassador's staff, together with Senator Mitch ell of Statesville, arrived here earlier in the rrtornirig enroute to Bryson City and Cherokee. At Cherokee he gave a saddle inlaid with silver to the Indians as a Kitt from President Peron. After his brief message Juvi'. which was read by his secretary. Ambassador Remorino pointed out the nerd for world peace, and bel ter understanding among all na tions. The ambassador presented Paul Davis, president of the club, with a gold pin as a token of friend-hip After the program, a colored movie of Argentina was shown A recep tion was held at the Lodge for the visitors before the regular meeting at the Towne House. Judge Hayes Talks To Clyde Students At Chapel Program Judge Johnson J Haves of Wilkesboro, who for more than 20 years has been United States judge for the Middle District Court of North Carolina, outlined five paths to success in a speech to Clyde School students last week. The routes to a successful life, i as prescribed by the solon. includ ed personality development, prep aration through education, push, pluck and perseverance. Judge Hayes, in Asheville last week to preside over a session of Western District Court, was intro-1 duced to the school body by Miss Lucille Cathey, teacher. Waynesville Alexander Thomson Trophy Boy Scout Troop 2 of Waynes ville. sponsored by the Rotary Clun. captured the Alexander Thomson Trophy at the annual Srout-O-Kal held last Saturday afternoon in Canton's Memorial Stadium. The local Troop 2 won six first place honors in amassing a total of 165 points, compared with 135 points for Troop 12. defending trophy winners. Troop 16 of Can ton placed third with a total of 40 points. The results of the ten events held, were as follows: Inspection Troop 2, first; Troop 12, second; and Troop 16, third. Fire Building Troop 2. first and second. Knot Tying Troop Z, first; Troop 12, second; and Troop 18, third. Wood Identification- United Press Calch 65-Gallon Still Liquor si ills are usually found away back in the rough, remote ai cis of wooded sections, away fioni thick settled sections. Such was not the case the other ni-:ht about 11 oclock. when a com plete . tilling outfit was found on a I truck iKjjr thjfc nck Jti'l M-hool " ! .I'lii.Ytliaii r,fcel;, "fioiriig'roW'a M-hooi, o ling towards V.iynexill Pairoimau JeH" Ways and Dep ut Wade McDaniel noticed the tiufk. and th.it the driver was lining --onie trouble keeping bis light burning. They followed the vehicle for a distance, then decided to stop the driver because of faul ty I :hts Slronq Odor VVIiile the usual procedure of !' king driver s license was be iiii; undertaken. Hie officers noted a J pm:; odnr. like sour mash, and corn liquor The truck was loaded uilli fiiMuhire and corn stalks, and the nearer tilt call of the truck Ih'v got tin- stronger the odor I our men were aboard the truck. Patrolman Mays peeped unto the loaded liuck. and the gleam of his fl.t .Might caught the side of the cupper .till The driver seeing the leMc'clion of the light from the si ill. .jumped and ran. The oilier I luce men were slower, and were (See Officers Capture Page 8) cit To Make Survey Of Street Improvements In East Waynesville A survey will be made soon to determine which streets need re pairing In the East Waynesville section, which was recently add ed to the limits, according to G. (". Fersuson. town manager. Mr. 1'erRuson stated that the city has installed six street liehts between Pet Dairy and the Haywood county hospital. Garbage collection was started in the section last Tuesday and Mr. Ferguson again urges all residents of F.ast Waynesville to purchase garbage cans with lids on them and place them in front of their homes on Tuesdays and Fridays when the garbage will be collected. Troop 2 Wins Troop 12. first; Troop 2, serond; and Troop 16, third. First Aid Troop 2. first; Troop 12, second; and Troop 2, third. Signaling Troop 2. Tent Pitch ing Troop 2. first. Troop 2. sec ond: and Troop 12, third. Tug-of-War Troop 12. first: Troop 2, sec ond; and Troop 16. third. Tow sack race Troop 12. first; Troop 16. second: and Troop 12, third. Dressing race Troop 12, first; Troop 16, second; and Troop 12, third. Included in the list of judges for the event were Bob Garner and Carlton Paeyton. A total of 29 Scouts from Waynesville participat ed in the annual Scout-O-Ral. Paul McElroy is Scoutmaster of the local Troop. K PAGES and Associated Press New On Truck County Well Represented In Annual Fat Stock Show Haywood County will be well represented at the Western North : Carolina Fat Stock Show for 4-H ! and F.F.A. Club members to be held ; November 17 and IR at the Planters I !' Warehouse fn' BHIfrtore, under fhP? auspices of fhe Western North Carolina Bankers Association, J Asheville Chamber of Commerce, and the Asheville Coca-Cola Hot- (ling Company Hai'i'.ood County j will enler forty baby beeves at this District Show. The Western North Carolina Hankers Committee is made up of Perry Tonilin. Chairman. Bank of Asheville; Jesse K. Bridges. Hnion j Trust Company. Shelby; and Jona than UmiiiIv First '.-iliiinl RRfc of Waynesville. The Steering Commillee for the show and sale is made up of the ! K '" aimer, i.ouiuv 'Vyem, nuiiciiinijo i iiuiny, v nuii- man; lai n. .iiauoro, insirici 'Supervisor, Vocational Fducation Department, Asheville: W A Cor pening. County Agent, Waynesville; L. F. Tuckwiller, County Agent. Jefferson, N C: A. Q Kelner. ' County Agent, Murphy, N. C ; K J Whitmire, Vocational Agriculture Teacher, Franklin. N C. I Judging will be held on Wed nesday. November 17. at 1:00 o'clock by Dr L. V. Slarkey of Clemson College, and Oscar Pitts will auction the calves, starting at i 1:00 o'clock on Thursday. t : Chamber Of Commerce j Directors To Meet j The regular monthly meeting of I the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors will be held tonight. November Hi, at 7:30 o'clock at the j local office. ' It is requested that all committee chairmen make a report on the j (functions of their committee at to- , night's meeting. 1 Highway Post Office Sets Opening Date November 27 November 27 has been set as the date for the opening of the new highway post offices to operate between Asheville and Blue Ridge, Ga. The first day cover trips will be the 27th. on Saturday, and the true mail service will begin on Monday, I office arrives at a station, which is the 29th. it was learned. usually the post off:ice in the town. Many stamp collectors are want- the pouch, parcel post, and news ing to get covers from the first day ; paper mail for that station is ready of service. Postmaster J. H. How- to be put off and the mail that is to ell said that persons wanting such go from that station is received. covers should mail stamped enve lopes to the postmaster in Blue Rridge, who in turn will mail them back on the "cover run". The schedule calls for one bus to arrive at 7:02 a. m. from Ashe ville, and the one going east will leave at 5:21, under present plans. The highway post offices are big buses fitted with collapsible racks to bold mail bags, pigeon-hole letter cases, and storage bins for mail pouches. They are operated by the WAYNESVILLE. N. C, Petitions On Sale Jury List Drawn For Court Term The November criminal term of Haywood count superior court will convene here Monday, Novem ber 22, fur a two-week session, uilh Judge II. Iloyle Sink of Ciiei-nsboro. presiding. The following residents of the county will serve as jurors for the tirst vi eek oi criminal court: J. W. Sparks, 'a nesvillo; Nelius Sutton, .lonatb;:n; J It Secrest, Jr., Beaver dam; Mrs. .1 N Dillard, Waynes ville: Joe S Hardin, Clyde; Tom Alexander. Ivy Hill: J I,. String field. Wiiv ne.sv ille: .1 W. Massie. Kasi Fork. J. A Singleton, Ivy Hill: Hoy Nichols, Waynesville; (I C Chambers, Pigeon; Lindon Sniatliers. Clyde; J. Manson Mc F.lroy. Crahtree. C. L. Lealhcr vvood. Jonathan: Mrs. J. II Kirk pat rick. Heaverdam; Joe E. Rose, Waynesville: drover Noland, Way nesville; Carl Woody, Cecil; M. B. Reeves, Crablree; Ben Fisher, White Oak; Ben Plemnions, Fines Creek, Ralph P West, Heaverdam; and James Sheffield. Jr., Pigeon. Jurors for the second week of superior court beginning Novem ber 29 uill be as follows: Virgil C. Lee. Clyde; Wallace W. Russell, Pigeon; Frank Swanger, Wav nesvillo: Boone Ferguson, Ivy Hill; Finest Chambers, Iron Duff; Fred Brown. Clyde; R. C. Ledbet ter. Pigeon; W. M Oxner. Waynes ville; M. Lonnie Coqhurn, Fst Fork; Vaughn Rycrs, Benverdam; Leo drowning, Waynesville; John Howell, Jonaihnn; Talmadge Hog len, White ityk; Hugh C. Best, CVobtree; .foe Mormlnn, Waynes ville; Hayden Price, Fines Creek; John A. Plott. Waynesville; and Howard J. Sellers. Poppy Sale Here Nets $167.07 In Two - Day Drive The two day Buddy Poppy Sale I ' WavnesvilU lasl week netted ii'ound $1(17.07, Mrs. Sebe Bryson, president of Hie V F W. Auxiliary, roporlcd Ibis morning. Proceeds I rom the local cam paign will lie shared with veteran hospitals, including Oleen and F.atiui Rapids. Michigan, and the Fayetteville Hn.pilal. The Buddy Puppy Sale was spoil sored here by I he Veterans of For eign Wars croup and the auxiliary of the organization. Electricity Will Be Off In Waynesville Four Hours Sunday The Carolina Power and Lleht Company announces that elec tricity will be ofT in Waynesville, llazelwood, Lake Junaluska, Bal sam, K.r...v on hunday, Novem ber 21, from 1:30 p. m. to 5:30 P. m. This interruption of service is for maintenance work on the lines that cannot be done with out discontinuing the service for a period of four hours, II. M. Burleson, local representative of Carolina Power and Light, re ported this morning. postal department with railway mail clerks as drivers. The Ashe ville to Blue Ridge bus will have a driver and two clerks. The clerks distribute the mail in the buses just as it is done on mail cars on trains. When the highway post The mail is worked as the post of fice moves along, giving the people who live along the highway post office routes the same service as those served in the more usual plan. The mail from Asheville to Blue Ridge will connect with trains for Atlanta, Ga., and Knoxville. Tenn., and this service is expected to be of great value to the people of the section served. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1948 Being Circulated For Vote Of Wine , Beer In County Memorial Plot Will Be Finished At Early Date In Greenhill Cemetery Memorial Plot in Greenhill finished at an ; Cemetery will bp early date. j This assurance came from the I county commissioners yesterdav . as they agreed to pay for grading, building walls, walks, and erecting a marker in the plot. The commissioners told a group of Cold Star Mothers and a com mittee of the American Legion, that bids would be sought immedi ately and work pushed to an earlv completion. Board Gives Plot The town board of aldermen gave the plot about a year ago, and according to the landscaping en gineer's plans, there is room for the graves of 224 servicemen of World War 1 and also 11. Alreadv some eight or ten men have been buried in the Memorial Plot. The delegation in conference with the commisisoners Monday t morning were told that a tax levy should not be made for such mat ters, but that the money would be taken from the beer taxes which the county gets from the state. This beer tax money would be used to complete the project, it was pointed out. Plans Are Drawn The plans for the Memorial Plot were drawn by Arthur Cou ncil, of the Park Service .and these are in the hands of G. C. Fergu son, town manager. The plot, ac Se Mrmoriil Phit Ffe' Tobacco Grading Demonstrations Get Underway The first of nine tobacco grading demonstrations for Haywood county will get underway at the farm of .lule Boyd on Jonathan Creek Ibis morning at 10 o'clock, with I. W VanArsdall. of Kentucky, pulling fin the demonstration. AI 1:30 o'clock this afternoon a demonstration will be staged at the Mark Ferguson farm on Fines Creek. ! The oilier schedules are as fol lows: Wednesday, Bob Francis Farm, Waynesville, at 10 o'clock; Sam Ledl'ord's farm, 2 o'clock on White Oak. ! Thursday at 10 o'clock at the Albert Ferguson farm on Crahtree and the Jarvis Caldwell farm at 2, o'clock on Iron Duff. Three demonstrations w ill be , held Friday, November 19. The ; first, starting at 10 o'clock, will be j at the Dillard Caldwell farm on Pigeon; at 1:30 the Fred Mann ' farm on Beaverdam: and at 3:30 o'clock the Jarvfs Campbell farm at Clyde. Wayne Corpening. county agent, urged that every Haywood county i tobacco grower attend as many of the demonstrations as possible Boy Slightly Injured In Bicycle-Car Crash Usley Page, 15, Hyatt Creek, was slightly injured when his bicycle was struck by an A-Model pick-up truck, driven by Zeb Hooper of Clyde, at the intersection of Boyd Avenue and Balsam Road last Sat urday morning. Investigating officers term the accident unavoidable and no arrest was made. Page received a small, laceration on his face in the accident. Tobacco Show To Highlight Festival On Friday, Nov. 26 Much interest is being shown in the Tobacco Show which is being held Friday afternoon. November 26, in connection with the second annual Tobacco Harvest Festival slated here November 24-27, Wayne Corpening, county agent, revealed this morning. There are five different entries that a tobacco farmer of the county can make in the tobacco show. They are flyings or granulators, lugs. leaf and wrappers. Each grade must have four hands, Mr. Corpening said. An individual exhibit, consisting of a display of four hands each, will be sponsored. First place in $3.00 In Advance In Heads Boosters M. H. BOWLES was elected presi dent of the llazelwood Boosters Club, assuming olTice December first. Boosters Club Elect Officers For Next Year M. H. Bowles was elected presi dent of (lie llaelwood Boosters Club Thursday night, succeeding Finest ;i".i. who becomes vice president lor the coining year. I'.d Tichcnor was named secre tary, succeeding Rudolph Carswell, and William Chambers was re elected treasurer. Directors are ('. N. Allen. Sam Knight and Dr. K Stuart Robei'son. Leo KeigiT. who is in charge of Ihe HaLa-n Fi.-Oi Hatchery, was the speaker He I old of wildlife prob lems, and of batching trout at the hatchery for public slreams. He pointed out that while a trout will lav 3.001) eggs, only about two per cent will hatch under natural con ditions, anil then the constant haz ards wltich the wiling lish undergo before reaching maturity. The treasurer's report of the club showed a balance of almost ;rA'. .fi: i I i 1 1 i 1 SHOO, with about the same amount W Lambert, manager of the just contributed to Scout work, j Asheville office of Social Security. Library fund, the purchase of ! discussed the program for the Ro sehool flags, and a gill of $250 tol'ary Club here Friday, and pointed the high school band. lout the growth of the work, by President-elect Bow les announ- j showing a movie of some of the cod Ihe following committees to I activities. begin work immediately: He stressed t lie need for workers Scouting. I. C Davis. Sam Lane,,1"' make application when ihev Thurman Smith, liev Paul Throw er, Bob Miller and John T. Schcll Program, for first six months, Rev. M L Lewis, chairman; Frank Worlhington. and John Smith. Project committee. Howard Clapp. chairman; Lawrence Leath- J erwood. Hulu Siimmerrow Fred Jones. Hollis Chase and W. H. vost. Pre IX WASHINGTON !Tr. and Mis. j R Morgan are visiting their son. Commander Jasper Morgan in Washington. To day they leave I here tor Charlotte to attend the North Carolina Bap tist Slate Convention, returning here Thursday. Mrs Morgan spent several days last week in Raleigh attending a meeting of the execu tive commillee of the State Wo man's Missionary I'nion. the individual exhibit will be $25. second $15 third $10, and fourth $.". J The prize list on the entries in ; the different grades vill be: first ! place. $10; second place. $5. third. S3; and fourth. $2. 1 All tobacco must be entered in the Tobacco Show by one o'clock I Friday. November 26. Judging of I the tobacco will be made Friday ! afternoon by J. W. Van Arsdall of Kentucky and R. R. Bennett, exten I sion tobacco specialist. I The tobacco may be removed jfrom the Armory Saturday after noon anytime after 2 o'clock. Haywood and Jackson Counties Petitions Circulated In Churches Pel it ions are being circulated in Haywood, asking that an election be called on the question of tUe legal sale of both wine and beer. The first petitions were put into circulation Sunday at churches throughout the county. No report was available yesterday as to the number of signatures acquired. The movement started following Hie monthly meeting of the Hay wood Ministerial Association at Longs Chapel last Monday. R M Hauss, secretary of the Allied Church League, of Shelby, was the speaker, and presented a plan for getting the petitions and calling an election Rev. M R Williamson, pastor of Hie First Presbyterian Church here, is chairman of the committee work ing on the campaign. 15 Per Cent Needed The law specifies that petitions I ... .n iiik me siunaiures oi 1.) per i rent of the voters who voted in the November 2nd election b pre sented to ihe board of elections who in turn must call an election on the question. Similar elections have been held in nine counties and all nine voted dry, Mr. Williamson said. The petitions will be in circula tion through the coming Sunday at the churches, it was pointed out. Petition Reads The petition reads as follows: "Wine and beer petition Petiiion Tor election on Ihe qufdion of the legal sale of both wine and beer In Haywood county by the register ed voters of the precinct indicated: "To the Haywood county hoard of elections we, the undersigned, respectfully petition that an elec tion be held in and for Haywood county iMirsuant to II B 0"1. Chap ter 1084 of the laws of North Caro lina, session 1047, on the question of the legal sab- of both wine ar:d beer in Haywood county. F:;o'i petitioner for himself or her-elf certifies that he or she is a du'y registered voter of Haywood county and resides in the preeinc' shove slated, and voted for governor in the last election." Similar elections have ben held ill Macon, Swain, Graham and Cherokee counties west of here. Social Security Head Heard Here By Rotary Club i reach the age of 6.V and also that i immediate application tip marl.- after death of a worker for the earned benefits He told of the numerous bene fits which are covered bv the sn. cial Security law, which will soon be 12 years old. Federal Inspection Made Of Unit Here A federal inspection was made last night of the local National Guard Heavy Tank Co. 120th In fantry, by regular army inspection officers. The two officers conducting the inspection of the recently redesig nated guard unit were Inspecting officer Col. F.rnest R LaFlamme and his assistant, Sgt. 1st Class Donald Mason. 1 Highway Record For 1948 (To Date) In Haywood Killed 5 Injured .... 39 (This Information com piled from Record of State Highway PatroO. ',

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