xf.dsrd Pre' iiu i ' :0-230 S rirsi s s ossOf Uts The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice A Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park WORTH THE PRICE PAID Dad critic izrd the eno Mother thought the onanist made a lot f mistake. Sister didn't like the choir ainelne. Bnt they ail shut up when Uttle Bil ly chipped In with the remark: "I think it was good show for a nickel." 63rd YEAR No. 92 20 PAGES United Press and Associated Press New WAYNESViLLE, N. V. "FRIDAY," NOVEMBER 19, 1948 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Las recently il Representa ;Ra!eigh early Genera' As Jt is if I' can 4 attentive ear lk with him tive matters, m5. proposed jqUor question, g all state em h always cour- ,s the expres on such sub- thai such ex- fina the aay roiled twice o answer the tiding legisla- midnight in jne, not fully lover a chair, and struck his J a table. Even caller every Mstened attcn Infulb . bed early, and f want to talk Jlers, it might jt of the pro- Sled m 10 ms UrinR daylight Main Pith Egtjs (Sroaops rshioog Lake Junaluska Plans Will Be Presented At Board Meeting Today A general plan for a 5-ynr expansion program of Lake Junaluska will be presented to the general board al Atlanta today by the build ings and grounds con.mittte of which W. I!u:li Massfc. is a menier. The buildina and grounds cuniiiiitlee spent the greater part of yesterday going over I ho plans as prepared by engineers, and today will make definite recommendations to I he general board -- Dr. Frank S. Lo 4-M (Samrap M. lest Fsnrmm 4 -X- & k Expansion Program Discussed A 1 afl MfU 4fi Proposed tamp win serve 19 Western a. L. tonnues Argentina's Ambassador And Party Visit Here Eagle Scout when Main and the con- fieiiilx'is line on 1 ago that Mr. Jding built now is Drug Store, fog $1,200, was and chickens. Jted a store In ears before re ss. and since building. 1 the eonstruc- general store Jowell paid the (ens and eggs, I severaMimes ffe lie and his fc county. II Be lere tunday twer nd Light jd residents cf arluond, Lake 4 R.K.A. that t off in these November 21, iBtil 5:30 p. in. )ls stated that i of service is f work on the t be done with- the service for hours. tt Governor Iville Today district govern ,be the speaker Club at one Towne House. 3p Mr. Bierinan Be officers and tn of the club I president of the f Iarket fin Thursday) r let ion 55c-60c 20c-28c 15c 10c 32c-36c 1100 lbs 3.00 2.25-2.40 20.00-23.00 21.50-25.25 20.00-23.00 25.00-27.00 2430-26.00 24.25-25.50 27.00-32.00 RICHARD ROWE of Canlon Troop Ifi was promoted to the rank of Eagle Scout at the Court of Honor meeting held here last Monday night. Row Gets Eagle Scout Award At Court Of Honor Richard Fowe of Canton Troop 16 was promoted to the rank nf Eagle Scout at the Court nf Honor held at the court house in Waynes ville Monday evening. W. I. Bark by of Canton made the presenta tion. Field Executive Robert Gainer had charge of the tenderfoot in vestiture and presented certificates to Harold O. Mills, .Tames Russell McClure, Arlcn N. Duckett, Robert V. Muse, and Coleman I) Moody, oil r Allen's Creek Troop 3. and Ray L. Callahan of Waynesville Troop 2. Soeonri class awards were made by David Felmet of Waynesville to Lawrence Allen of Canton Troop 1, Buddy Liner of Canton Troop 1, and Robert Hennessee of Clyde Troop 9. Billy Morgan of Canton Troop 1 and Ray Morgan, Eugene Devlin, Guy Smith and B. M. Smathers. all of Canton Troop 16, were pre sented Merit Badge certificates by (See Rowe Gets Page 8) superintend ent of Junaluska. is attending the meetings, and said just before leav ing thai the proposed program would cost several millions. AiiKin: the major projects pro nosed in I he nrnsrain include a new sewer system, a modern golf com sc. improved and additional streets, a modern year round hotel, development of the area on the south side of the Lake, dredging the upper part of the Lake, build ing a motor bridge across the narrows, a wide concrete bridge across the dam, development of lols on the south side of the Lake, providing room for 250 to 300 homes Dr. Love said. "This proposed program would do wonders for this part of the state. The possibilities are unlimited." The superinl indent also said that 2 new homes on the Lake are now being erected, and contracts ready to lei for starting three oth ers in a week or so. Dr. Love, addressing the direc tors of the Chamber of Commerce Tuesday night said there was a possibility of gelling a conference here "ext. summer that would bring in 1,00(1 people at one lime, in board agreed to undertake to help find rooms for the overflow if the conference can be brought here, ii i nirnii rirrr tt " ' 111,1 111 1 J" -.it 1 V j W C I'll X TLmTSji ' 111 1 """"" i -"-' Scout Leader l. ... ,innii, after nr .leroiiiiiKi Remorino. ambassador trom Argen- lniS pilOlUglHlJU W3 iimut Una and his partv arrived at The Lodge in company with members of the Lions Club lor a reception last Fridav The ambassador visited a number of Western North Carolina points during Ins stay in this area Shown here, front row, left to right. Senator Hugh Mitchell of .Slalesville, a member of the I ion club of that city; Mrs. Barfli, Mrs. Bertolini. Ambassador liemorino, Mr. Ilardl. .secretary to the am1.assndi.l- William Chambers; Vu.nd row. loll to right. Paul Davis, preside f the Lions Club; Mr n,rtn M,- Hertolnii. Dr. Boyd Owen. Mr lle.klln. Lope Leurbe. Mr. Korni and J. W. Kllhan. This is a ' Mountaineer photograph by Ingram's Studio November Term Of Criminal Court Convenes Here Monday The November criminal term of Haywood county superior court will get underway here ftionaay morning at 10 o'clock for a two- week session, with Judge H. Hoyle Sink of Greensboro occupying tne bench. A total of 75 cases are docketed rr trial with four murder cases included in the crowded calendar. Central Students Make Tour Of Newspaper Office Thirty students from the Central Elementary School made a tour of The Mountaineer office Wednesday afternoon. The sixth erade sludents. taught bv Claude Rogers, principal of the J school, visited the composing room where each student was given a lead slug wilh their names appear ing on it. The group was taken to the press I room where they saw the large nev -paper press running off copies of The Mountaineer The following students made the lour: Barbara Ann Nichols, Bobbie Moody. Donald Miller. Jimmy Landing. Bobby Shcehan. Betty Jo Shope. Shelby Jean Parham, Skip Mehaffey. Buddy Noland. Ted Rogers, William Mercer, Eugene Plemmons. John Walter Ray. Claude Smith. Marguerite Russ, Faye Sease. Ann Mitchell. Betty Sue Mehaffey. Grace Nelson. Maude Elizabeth Miller, Barbara Ann Ken ner. Marie Williams, .luanita Mc Daniel. Shirley Parham, Beity Shaw, Letitia Schenck. Ruth Rhy mer, Betty Jean Ray. Dorothy Rathbone. and Sarah Moore. Highway' f osl Office Opens Uov. 27 Tobacco Festivai Events Set Post Office Will Stop In Waynesville Twite During Trip to and The new highway post offici loi.eiate between Asheville I Blue llidgc, Gil. will open Satur- day. November 27, wiili two d.nilv A b,.nwrmin event at tbes.ops schetiu ed ,u Waynesvlll.-. it Waynesville Armory, starting al wk repor nr here today o'clock Wednesday night. Novein- The firs, day cover r I J her 24 will officially kick-off the ' opened on the 27th. and I he . U( fourdav Havwood County Tobacco, mail service through Western r. ves. Festival here. I N"1'1 11 " Inn Monday. November 29, it w;-- A fil l schedule ol cvonis mn GREENWOOD MAN JOINS SMITH'S STAFF Robert McKitric, of Greenwood, is due to arrive today and assume his duties af druggist at Smith's Drug Store. Mr. McKitric will be the third druggist on duty at the store. Mrs. McKitric plans to come here about the first of the vear. for the gala festival here, including an address by Lt Governor Ballenline at the court house on Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, following the parade. A. I'. Lcdbetler. chairman ol tin parade committee, reported this morning that Hi commercial floats have been entered in the parade Friday afternoon and more are ex pected in the next few days Those firms entering floats in the parade include: Pure Gil Distribut ors. Massie Furniture company. Bay 's Store. Richland Supply com pany. Texaco Distributors. Fire stone Store, Garrett Furniture company. UFA, Martin Electric, L'nagusta Manufacturing company, Rogers Electric, A. C Lawrence Leather company, H. S. Ward, Potts and Slovall, Waynesville Florist and the First National Bank. Wayne Corpenlng, county agent and general chairman of the festi val, reported that all tobacco enter- (See Tobacco Festival Page 8l learned. Postal officials mid pub lic figures are expected lo accom pany the highway post office- on is initial run Two Stops Here Tin- Asheville to Blue Itidge. Ga service is being instituted to lake the place or the Asheville-Murphv train service which was cut off in July. The highway post office will arrive in Waynesville al 7 02 a. m and will arrive back here that afternoon at 5:21 o'clock. Postmaster J. H Howell s;iil that stamp collectors desiring rov ...c: ,-,,, tli,. firsl fl:iv nf service should mail stantped envelopes to yjsj(s JoCUl Board (he postmaster in Blue Ridge who in turn will mail them back on the "cover run". ostal Schedule Projects Are Discussed By C. Of C. Body I A nole of optimism prevailed .inioiig the directors of the Cham ber of Commerce at their monthly meeting here Tuesday nighl. as .several eonimunily-w ide projects were discussed. The expansion of Lake Juna- lu ka. Hie 4-11 Club Camp al the State Test Farm, general improve ment in the field of agriculture, and several other subjects made the board teel that this area was definitely "on the march". Way in- Corpening, president, pointed out that the second annual Tobacco Fes! ival showed Fgns of being the largest event to be held in Haywood in years, with the i largest parade in the county's his : (See Chamber of Com. Page 8) Adull 4-HCluh and agricultural leaders of 1 western no.... lina count.es are working through several committees in an effort to have the 4-11 camp al the Sale Test Farm here ready for the 1949 summer season. A group of leaders met here .several days ago and made committee assignments to county agents and home demonstration agents through- oiit the l)-countv area Besides the county workers, among those attending the conference were 1. R llarrcll, North Carolina 4-H Club leader; R W. Schoffner, dis trict county agent; Mrs Pauline Holchiss. district home demonstra tion agent; and Howard Clapp. di rccior in charge of the Slate Test Farm. SteeriiiR Committee J A Glazner. county agent of Trnns lvania, was named chairman of the general steering committee, and Miss Mary Ciunwell. home demonstration agent of Cherokee county, is secretary Wayne Cor pening. Miss Elise DeLozier and Miss Mary Margaret Smith of Hay wood are ex-ollicio members, as well as Howard Clapp. Committees were named to work out details of different phases of the work of erecting the camp. One committee will handle the hath house project, another the water system, while another the swimming pools, the dining room and kitchen and recreation hall building, i.and the cabins, which wtf.1 hfilts 10 people each. V' wif fbins Planned Tentative plans are to complete 10 cabins in time for the 1949 sea ton. This would give room for 100 campers per week, with a new group coming evAry week for the l()-week course. The 4-11 Club (amp at the State Test Farm here was undertaken as a community project some three years ago, or shortly ifter the Farm was located here in June, 1944 A special committee com posed of Jonathan Woody. .1. E. (See Ml Club Page X) I Y State Draft OfTicial Bowles Reviews Problems Facing Township Schools; Urges County Bond issue The schedule from Asheville to Blue Ridge is as follows: leave Asheville. 5: IS a. m.; arrive F.nka. i 5:34: Candler. 5:46: Canton. fi:07; ! Clyde. 6:25; Lake Junaluska, 6:40; Waynesville. 7:02; Hazclwood. 7:10; I Balsam. 7:25: Sylva, 7:52; Dillsboro. 7:5fl; Whittier, 8:23: Bryson City. ,8:41; Lauaria. 8:56; Wesser, 9:11: : Nanthala, 9:32: Topton, 9:46; An- rln.ws 10-06: Marble 10.19; Totno- i (See Highway Post Office Pace 8) Colonel Cavaness of Raleigh met viili the Havwood Lounlv draft board for a business session Wed- : ond placi Mrs Rov Camn- the best bell, clerk of the board, reported this morning W. A Bradley, chairman of the county draft board, presided over the meeting. liufus Slier is secre tary and Way Mease of Canton is the other member of the board. Haywood County Places Second In Stock Show Two beef calves ow ned by Future Farmers ol America from Macon County look lop honors in the Kith annual Western North Carolina Fat Stock Show Wednesday afternoon in Planters Tobacco Warehouse. The grand champion was a Here ford animal weighing 930 pounds, owned by Hayes Gregory, of Frank lin The reserve championship went to a Shorthorn calf weighing 1.310 pounds, entered by James Pal icrson, Franklin. IVios in the three classes of the ! show were aw arded to: Heavy weights i 1.060 to 1.410i second, a 1.230-pound Hereford calf owned by Howell Brown, an FFA member al Clyde. Light weights 7()() to 94C pounds) -second, an 890-pounc i calf owned by Charles Stamey, i I 4-H Club member at Canton. ! Havwood county captured see- in the county awards for group of five animals Haywood placed fourth in the county awards for the best group of three animals. A total of 65 animals were sold at auction yesterday afternoon in WILLIAM PREVOST of Hazel wood was elected District Chair man of scouting in Haywood coun ty for the coming year at i ecent meeting of district committee. William Prevost Chosen District Scout Chairman William Prevost of Haehvood was elected Chairman of Scouting in Haywood County for the cnmmg year at the meeliiiR of the district committee Monday evening at the Court house in Waynesville John fligdon of Bethel was namd vice chairman and the Rev. L F. Mabry of Canton, commissioner The newly elected officer; will be installed at the annual nicelins of the District to be held next monl h. The district committee for the coming year will he ina-le up of institutional representatives urA the following elected members at large. From Bethel, Hugh K Terrell. C. F.. Mainous. Guv Wells. James Edwards, L. M. Shrrrill. Clifton Terrell and the Rev. Clyde Collins: Iron Duff, Frank Davis. From Canton, W. P Lawrence, (See William Prevost Page 8) the warehouse. Oscar Pitss Asheville was auctioneer. of I then clearing r atternoon and I sviUe tempera V the staff of the 4 Min. RainfaU I 24 I 27 43 .17 M H. Bowles, superintendent of the township schools, addressed! the members of the Central Ele-! mentary Parent-Teacher Associa tion at the regular meeting Tues day night. Mr. Bowles discussed the prob lems facing the schools of this com munity and emphasied two recom mendations made by the Education Commission for improving tne pub lic school system, namely: (1) the reduction of the teacher toaa, aim (2) a building fund to assist coun ties in the construction of school buildings. He urged parents and friends of the school to contact Grover C. Davis, state senator, and discuss these problems before the legislature meets in January. I949- Mr. Bowles explained the pres ent teacher allotment wmcn .a based on the average daily attend ance of pupils over a period of six months: "At present teacners are supposed to have a teaching load of 34 pupils which means that one teacher is alloted to a scnooi on me basis of 34 pupils in average daily attendance. This means that each teacher must enroll approximately 40 pupils in order to have this average daily attendance over a period of six months. "You will also understand that it is hard for the teacher to give the individual pupil much atten tion when her time is divided be tween 40 or more pupils. A much (See Bowles Reviews Pae 8) Cancer Society Will Be Sponsored By Local Groups The Havwood Chapter of the American Cancer Society will be sponsored jointly this year by the Wavnesvlle Woman s Club and the Junior Chamber of Commerce. The Woman's Club will be in charge of the Educational Drive WhlCh IS. lO Stan uoioe.o.er... , "I' ' VV - . ''' , ,.,,., m the .lavcees will promote the finan- i coumy . ,.,..! " ' ' cial drive which is lo be held in i ing of the group last week at tne . .. ' i.,onge in ndriwinni. "Pr" .. . ... IT; -r- hncnr, ll.oro Mrs Mrs. William Cobb ot tne wo-, uun-i ...... ... Hugh Massie, vice-presiuem. raisw DeBrayda Fisher, secretary and treasurer; Dr. A. W. Bottoms, alumni representative: and Mrs. alumnae repre- Officers Nab Leader Of Tom Reeves Head Alleged Theft Ring Who Of Duke Alumni j Escaped From Swain Jail uounty napier G. R. Ferguson Taken By Death In Fines Creek Gafton Reeve's Ferguson, 77 re tired farmer of Fines Creek sec tion, died at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Fred T. Moody, at 10 o'clock Thursday morning after an extended illness. Mr. Ferguson was a n.ntive of Haywood county. He was born May 2, 1871 and the son of Harri son and Ann Reeves Ferguson He lived in the Fines Creek section all his life and was a member nf the Lower Fines Creek Methodist Church. Surviving are four daughters. Mrs. Burnette Webb of Favette ville, Mrs Fred Teague Moody of Waynesville, Mrs. Caulev Rogers (.See G. R. Ferguson Page Si Floyd L Phillips. 43. of Middles-1 Waynesville jail awaiting trial at Tom Reeves nf Canton was elect ed presirlent nf the Duke Univer slv Alumni Association nf Haywood man's Club will serve as command- m r; : l C.:iU er, replacing ftirs. virgu onum. who was in charge of the work last v:';i c;tv, oh rinrrv mine) George Kimball, VII gil Jlllllll - Robinson will serve as co-chair-1 seniaive. ,v, T,,.oc Approximately oo uunt aiumm hihi nil iiic wn.T'--- ... Organization of the Haywood Chapter was perfected with the assistance of Miss Ann Osborne, field director of the Cancer Society. from the countv heard an interest ing address by Dean Robert Cox boro. Ky.( object of a nation-wme search after his escape from the Bryson City jail early in August, was back in jail today. Phillips, alias Philpott, who was awaiting trial on charges bf bur glarizing Potts Brothers Store in Highlands July 10, was picked up in Little Rock, Ark., according to information received here. He is also wanted for questioning in connection with a series of other burglaries in Western North Carolina. Phillins leader of the alleged theft ring, escaped along with Bern A Duke University. Movies of the IGarland. 22, of CumDeriana oip Duke-Navy game was witnessed byTenn. Garland was later appre tht group bended and is being held in the the December criminal term of the Haywood County superior court. Burglary Tools Arrested in Franklin July 27. Phillips and Garland were lodged in the Bryson City jail in default of $20,000 bonds apiece and investi gating officers reported finding a large quantity of burglary tools in their possession. The couple, along with Mrs. Bon nie Phillips, are being held for questioning in connection with the robbery of the Clyde post office last spring and 32 other offices. Inspector R. V. Cooper said the alleged ring had operated over 14 states, and had taken $100,000 in (See Officers Nab Leader Page 8) Highway Record For 1948 (To Date) In Haywood Killed..... 5 Injured .... 39 (This information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol.

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