i ghts he 7S 2 ed More lan Says jug the rounds, jj right out and as that a mem it seeking mer ijorth Carolina upon a rather ion, and inquir ie to help the jiphony?" 'x lighted up. tfth much guslo talking rapidly. I jt all the time, jtate treasurer J and what we nore sympathy, jnember of the alized they had 5 and had taken my" for "sym- f minutes later yas settled, and eason ticket to I 3IadTo , Iountains .local attorney, ick to Waynes after returning jess trip to Mi lt heat was over ade the trip to 6 and took sev i the invigorat- hen he arrived The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Tuice-A-Week la The County S..I of Haywood Couaty At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park TODAY'S SMILE "I tear 7 atfrertised for a . wife. Amy rewUe?" , "Star. Haadreds. "Gm4. What M they MfT Te aaiA: Y caa have aalaeVT " v r 63rd YEAR No. 97 8 PAGES -a United Press and Associated Press New. WAYNES VILLEIN. C. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 7. 1848 S3.C!) In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties ConshracOTj Start (Bira Pairfisway M Hay wood Hunters Bag Three Bucks i t You? server are you? Irs of the figures i tags? Yes, we rblack and yel ; are the numer- guess, you'll or 1948 or 1949. bur people, and it guess, admit and not a pois- I .Farm fnAt . It t 1 m v ' Ji - i 300 People To Attend NCEA Heel I Some 300 people arc expected J to attend the joint meet ins of the Haywood and Canton chapters of t lie North Carolina F.ducation As sociation, and Haywood Classroom Teachers at the Hazel wood school cafeteria Wednesday night at seven o'clock Iliads of civic organizations in the county will be special Riiests. and Mrs. M G Slamey, president of the county chapter, said a few ; impromptu talks of three minutes each ould 1m- given on timely ..,i..,.,i ............ A musical program under the leadership of Charles Isley will be t'iwn. including a hoy s chorus of ; Canton, group singing and a cornet miIh In Carroll Underwood i Mrs Claude Rogers heads the I ("las-room Teachers Association. : and Mrs Campbell, of Canton, j heads the Canton chapter of the N" C F. A . j Head Haywood Polio Campaign DAVE HYATT RFI.KMAN III C.F.R These two men, who successfully headed the polio work in Hay wood last year, have again been named as co-chairmen of the county, and are making plans for the annual March of Dimes campaign in January. Officers Are flirt clmnc Quarries Are Being Pushed Band blated In County Schools Banquet For Named For Grid Team, j Paralysis Drive t The Haywood County Chapter of the National Foundation of Infan tile Paralysis met Wednesday night A banquet for the Waynesville , at the Towne House and elected of Tnwnship High School football fleers for 11)49 Th- v TB Christ ma Seals xm "d band wl11 Dp Mon- David Hyatt of Waynesville and are tv-.nz puhrO ,n all the schools . dav niM- Net-emlier 3. ' he Berkman Huger of Canton were ..f the countx The annual event "'1"'lw0,fl scho"' cafeteria at 7 re-elected co-chairmen to serve in por. wired b t he Woman's Club 0 tloc" unner ,nr 8Pnso,s",P OI : their respective areas. Frank Camp. jut of state farm V 100 farmers County through abama last sum it last Thursday tthe Lions Club. ve a report on Ct welfare meet Ville last week, ted unanimously he Dimes Board This project Is llth and welfare Ich Lester Bur n. Pi is being plan ning, at which ons will be pres jssion Thursday The above group of hunters had more than their share of good luck Thanksgiving Day on the head waters of Pigeon Kivcr near Dig East Fork when they bagged three large bucks ir. the Pissa1! Forest area. The hunters worked levtrously for 1 1 hours before getting the deer hack to the check ing station. The hunters pictured above are: Roy Stephens. I!mas Caldwell. Car! McCrackcn a ! ?f Waynesville and M. A. M'-tcalf of ( anion, Koule 2. Th organlzaed eairw hunts in 'he Pttgah a--a closed yesterday aftejiioon, but the rii.er season continpes until liter mix j IS Frank Ferguson. i here nh Mrj r-ii.-xan T'r'f fnurh of ihe money dr r t e-f irT. ffr s'e n( the al is r'jr1 t th- j-h-xl and the re )iscuss unds Ferguson Chosen Chairman Of County AAA Committee Cassel Conducts Soil, Resource Lectures Here S ci e Case! frr-n Acnc j;" the Chamber of Commerce. ; hell will serve as treasurer for The banquet is being given in 1 Canton and Mrs W. C. Norris is recognition of the outstanding rec- 'treasurer for Waynes-ille. Mrs. ord of the football team in winning 1 Norris was also elected secretary the Blue Ridge conference eham-I for tho county Serving on the med- i E-nrl fund pionship and the Paper Bowl. Spe- : ical board will b.. Dr. Boyd Owen cial recognition will also be given and Dr. Stuart lioherson of U vriMii -.r1i.1iMtkf.t'i biio MAtvttf.jjlrfction of ; Wayni-svillp and Dr Joe Bob tv.-r.r!. OBr;i,s rv v,r -h mm- Charles IsleyTof their inirortant Westmoreland and Dr. Matthews. r'-'e 4 5;ri r bfiri r? IV Prt Paed in football games and! Mr. Hyatt and Mr. Iluger gave tjoo; jr Kr ad about co'nniuni'y activities. 'reports of the work done by the Tickets for the banquet will go i group last year w ith special recog Most tctieeti hi e chtidrer. ho on '.e today and the first 150 per-! nition of churches, schools, and in ri addfori! poijn-hfner' fha' sons purchasing tickets will be able dustrial and civic workers. Mr. '.h rarnnf aff rd buy and much tu at,end. It will be impossible to ! Hyatt also announced that plans ire Albert W Ferguson of Crabtree Relations Drparmert of he Ter.- r and Francis trence with Rep P. M. Redden 'o a general ral aid for de Park, Parkway us. han of the N C and Mr. Heazel 'arket n Monday) "ion .... 55c-60c f 20c-28c 15c r 10e f 32c-36c 100 lbs 3.00 s 2.25-2.40 i 20.00-23.00 ' 21.50-25.25 !- 20.00-23.00 1 25.00-27.00 24.30-26.00 L - 24.25-25.50 ! 27.00-32.00 Waynesville Stores Will Remain Open Wednesday Afternoons Dave Felmet, presidrnt of the Merrhants Association, hs an nounced that stores in Waynes ville will remain oprn on Wed nesday afternoons until Christ mas. Mr. Felmet reported that Mon day. December 27. will be ob served as a holiday here. This move will ftive the store em ployes a three-day vacation since Christmas comes on Saturday this year. tar and wann- I Livestock Men Agree On Change Of Market Act Dairymen, beef cattle producers and livestock operators found them selves in substantial agreement on the necessity for changing the v;i Livestock Market Act of 1943 at a 1 WO 1' rom Here 111 recent meeting of the group in Atten(J Raleigh Meet Asheville. Somo oorconc ailenderl a hear- Mrs. Claude Rogers and Mrs was elected chairman of the Hay v (od County A V orgamt!on at a tnrrtiim held in the courtroom F'iday afternoon W G B crs piesided at Ihe meettrs and Mis; .'aiali Fullhright served as secre tary i Mr Ferguson succeeds Geoi( ; I", St m a- ( hairman of the or i:ae u ' U'o Olliers elected to ser diintu the coming year are Cassel ? "i'!' M H Ba!. .1 B llipps of Canton, vice chair superintendent .f Waiies!i;. m.in. ( Inrlie I.iner. Waynesville. Township schools After wmpl" re'.ular member. Sarah Fullbngtii. nc a tour of 'her sch's-iis he ,s.r retary ?nil treasurer. Albert lec;ure in the Beaverdatr. Tor. (See Fersusnn Chosen Pace Hi ship ' The program is :r, tvs1pra".o: Legion, Auxiliary Jack Mosr. supenntendeni , . of Hawood county schoo'.s ir.c Meet W ednesday A ,I Hutchms. supenr.tendent o: The regular monthly meeting of hcwls ir. Beau-rdam To r.shtp. the niencan Lesion and Women's Auxiliary will be held Wednesday. December 3, at 7:30 o'clock on the third floor of Ihe Masonic Temple All members of the Legion and nf the fij-rf s rhtldrer.' r--. d Mrs Ferausin ex- nes.se" ailey Authority i v.v'mt ir Havwond county t's .-k ' -v ivc lilustrsted ,r'ixr' or .-(; r- r.;-. , cor.set ation ar.d natural rturte- Jr,;., duca ' lor, Thes.e lectures sre Trde rvssir! cnir7u-"d through 'he cooperatior of th- pr.r ci pals in d'.fferrrt schH.'s :r rruinty Or, Mot: day ai d Tuesday . Mr ..lie of Special License Tags Available Here Wednesday sell more than 150 tickets, since ! will be made and committees ap the caferia will not accommo- pointed at im early date for the date a larger number. j 1949 Drive w hich w ill hegin on Jan. W A Bilh Medford will be in 15, 1949. rhirce of the ticket sales. Other' Kepresentat ivcs from industries fr-movr-. of the committee are: and rf,:,m1,iins f t,e coun- Felix Stovall. Dan Watkins, David ty atu,I1(ed the meeting. t'-derwood. Bill Prevost. Jack Mes-, . sr and Lloyd Kirkpatrick. , j " 1 The Beta Sigma Phi sorority will : LOmOr. UOOUm di crate the cafeteria for the ban- i r w , t j uies j nome I f 1 1 I av fAslKl IB. I I I I i i I 1 1 I I I V W Park Official Tells Hay Oi 1949 Plans The formal exchange of certain Indian lands for Park lands is scheduled to be completed short ly, and the contract let for build ing a spur of the Blue Ridge Park way over the tract by spring. These facts were disclosed Friday by Newton B. Drury, director of the National Park Service, in confer ence with Charles E. Ray. chair man of the N. C. Park Commis sion, and Francis Heazel. a mem ber of the commission. Negotiations for the exchange of lands between the Cherokee Indi ans and the Park Service has been underway for sometime and con gressional approval is necessary before the exchange can be com pleted. In these negotiations, the State Highway Commission is an intermediate party. Clearing the Title will permit construction of the Blue Ridge Parkway from Wolf Laurel to Black (.'amp Gap, a distance of about 3Vj miles. This section of Jhe Parkway will be a spur off the section between Soco Gap and Havensford. which was partially graded when halted by the war. Mr. Ray discussed various phases of the prograr.-" calling for the de velopment of the Park with Mr. Drury, and his associates, includ ing Hillory A. Tolson, assistant park director. Thomas J. Allen, of Richmond, director for region one. and Sam P. Weems of Roanoke. Va.. superintendent of the Blu Ridge Parkway Mr. Drury took an optimistic view relative to getting incre&d funds for development of the Na tional Parks, and said "The Smok ies will get a just share of the funds made available by the Slst Congress." The Park director said the visit of the two-state group from North (See Construction Page 3) Two Facing Trial In Haywood Court For Manslaughter our' Tickets may also be purchased (col the Chamber of Commerce otTue The tickets for the banquet must tve purchased by Friday after rroon at 4 o'clock. n Asheville Commander H.'irv Cutler Co- 1 - - -.: ri j'i-:- cr.--i bus 'Ve-sr.sfs- Auxiliary present are requested to be Friendship Train Collection Gets Underway Here Miss Ruth E'.liot: a represer.-j-tive of the North Carol;- CKOF Christian Rural Oxer.sas Frv eram will be ;r. Way nesMi'.e Tx.0-- aay. tor tne purpose o! criar.-j -rsu;-s collections of food for the Fnt-nd- i j.--... -,-, v- Nurses Hold District Meeting Here Wednesday Fruit Growers In County To Attend Horticulture Meet A larse delegation of fruit grower- :r. Haywood county are expect ed to at "end the horticulture school or. app !" and small fruits at Hen-dervoT-.w!.ie school auditorium Thursday and Friday . December 9 ard 10 The program is under the joint s;vr.sorsh:p of the Blue Ridge App'.e Growers Association and N A C ing in the Buncombe county court .m. g Mamey ieae inursuay m snip train, accorvi.ns to j- ir- house conducted by D. S. Coltrane. attend a classroom teachers meet- nouncement by Way r.e Cor;yr,:ri commissioner of agriculture. Those ing in Raleigh on Friday. Mrs. county agent attending the meeting from Hay- Rogers is head of the classroom A !lie,,ir2 nas Uvn . ,0 wood county included: G. C. Palm- division in Haywood, and Mrs 0-cltck tms sftcrr..xr, ir. .vurtv er, James Kirkpatrick. H. R Clapp. Stamey is chfiirman of the Hay- (Sfe Friendship Tram -re " G. C. Palmer, Jr., and Wayne Cor- wood chapter ot the .Norm i.aro- (See Livestock Men Pase X lina Kducation Association o r rci - -. ? . ir. rcc-o-;'-; : s s a?ccw.-.3-j: . c;v?r. or is 'trial Promotion Council was active in civic affairs until he became -... Symphony Chairman Flays Special Election Slated Shortage Of Memberships n District December 18 Tri'.sportation to and from the President of the Asheville Indus school will be furnished fruit o c-,. j-s ,f fh (sfiiirfv if thpv as- " . " . ill Ho s. s lurot.lv rnnnchlp for I r:: i. .r.e countv agents onice ' I th., f,r(7ani7ati,n ,f the tnrtllstrinl ; j: j . c.oct sn trios dates, vyayne ... - Corre-.-jL county agent, anncun- Promotion council. He was president of the Ashe- Ts s school is tor ill fruit grow- ville Kiwanis Club and a member ers - Western North Carolina, i'.e of the Asheville Country' Club and .fc.:-" -f the school is t0 briruz late of the American Legion. He was a Sire Fntil Crer Pae iS?e Comdr. Coburn Page 8 Glern Hampton Bryson. 18. and Ransom Green, 22. were bound over for trial on charges of man slaughter at the February criminal term of Haywood county superior court aftpr probable cause was found during preliminary hearings Saturday, before Judge Ralph R. Mease in Canton city hall i burn, father of Mrs Thomas String-1 Bryson and Green have been field of Waynesville, died at his ; placed under $5,000 bonds in the home in Asheville Friday after-1 case of Frank E. Haynes. retired noon following a lengthy illness. ' farmer, former mayor and police Funeral services were held Sun- court judge at Clyde, killed No day afternoon at the Lewis Funeral vember 2 when struck by an auto Home in Asheville with the Rev. : mobile at Clyde. C. Grier Davis pastor of the First ! Haynes was struck at the main Presby terian Church, officiating, i crossing in Clyde on Highway 19 Interment was in the Lewis Mem- 23 by an automobile officers said orial Park. , was driven by Bryson. Another Pallbearers were Richard M. Ar- car' the officers said, operated by nold. Jack Barfield. Dr. J. Donald reen is reported is have hit the MacRae. Francis J. Heazel. Charles ! Br'son vehicle In the rear just W. Morgan Raymond A. Wanner, Preceding or at the time Haynes R. R. Williams. Jr.. and Felon T. was struck. Erwin. Comdr. Coburn. owner of the Coburn Apartments and first vice : r w. 7irs;s Superb Music Of Cossack Chorus Thrills 450 Here 1 , SHOPPING DAYS ' O Till CHWTMAS s ts jwcsMf eo5 -yy Vl-si, Je-se TTnl memhershins flow in ships to raise the $750 necessary Governor Owes Cr-errv tV- tor ranirtlv riiirire the next three days, m hring the 23 musicians to ren,her 18 for a srui there is little likelihood that the Waynesville. If the public is not to ciloose a succtsssAvr t. W.t xtkx ;vrtur Little North Carolina Symphony interested, we certainly do not Mrs E L. !rKv of tt- Jjcseo s.iiu? IVinocrwitr will put on a concert here next want to worry them, or ourselves, ator-eiect from the XSMi d.strvt. c.-vevo wmtist.-.ve mill tieK The Lord's Prayer." which left the audience breathless with the trvin? to do something against Counties in the distrnt rv K serine, according to James L. Kil Patrick, general chairman. their wishes '" , wood. Henderson ... . .. . rtyi TraMcvlvam s "Our membership committees Mr, Kilpatnck contnuea oy say - have worked hard, and have not ing Jrk-r.. F. tH?'ij(n bd W4xtnfxii rtai i: v i utj-tf vt o ...sj m.iv s r ii- Jopofu.-iv ti ajwy s-iv nwsic ji !.rvt is was isnewa '.rsem on oeauty oi me voire. s-ujuJay jiecoo.o wtvet the Don While the programme was well Co-ssdiciv 0".cus. iii?r chf spon- rounded out. each song claimed its swit.iu trf T1! Coctsctueuj Con- individual attention and the work ! wet v.ssy;tixa. jiptird at the of the several soloists stood out in WjtwsvtiV Uiih Schwl Auditor- their perfection. There were three s"W. All of us realize that 'there Mrs- McKee. elected Ntv-tvtr iM orafrW wtii D !iU met with success there are many have been numerous drives this - ' :ets vtoww. former patrons who want to wait. year, and having just recently , . j f-1 KtpuS.:da itf-nitfc-s m Ue tempera--he staff of the Min. Rainfall 22 .04 .48 37 I 3 and still others are undecided on rajsecj almost S2.000 for the Com- Kl1" munity Concerts, makes a lot of ; ter participating in tlx? sn.. - nual Tobacco Harvtpst Fet.ixi pew dancers whose dexterity, supple- Tft jreirwww was selected ness and intricate steps kept the ui fr-jt car and in its diversty ' fixed attention of the delighted au was iFjxrafir.4 to the large audi- dience. tjttcv present. The concert opened j The 450 music lovers gave such a round of applause to the Cos sack War song that the group gave J "ia J ' mum.y voncmS. . -u. Shf j,, Is elwru. "Of They Mystical Patrick said. people feel they have invested all i, lssemMi of 193, 5WT , T Sty cv-cKaes la tV iwisrw Ssup,.-- which was x perfectly uier an, una " i--- may can in inusivai i'i 's-i ; 1 ,., rv ik.i nMuni I n ,.,., or h Ject. and those of us wno are s - (he vcar w H of ;rlri t Uvm vynt)f rryr iv-jti-tat vo r5s nvaedijtely realised they were go- next to the last number "Comical j ing our time do not gpl .newnts "However, the committee is er school teacher. proNitUy be Mvri fesr tV .Jjk-swr CvHiwy irtg to bear exceptional voices in j Soldiers Song ", compensation. If the pu i i ready to abide by the wishes of ;the Democratic non-.iner fvvr Sen- Ejcrcwtivv OtKunuityse 5 ft.! tSe - chorus. Perhaps the rendition that ; By special request, the chorus. (See Snperb Music Paee Kl here, then we can continue to sell member- the public,' he concluded . ator to succeed Mrs McK-e Cr- carxrj this xmit. brought the iliost spplause was Highway Record For 1948 (To Date) ' "r In Haywood Killed 7 Injured .... 41 (This Information com- ' piled from Records of ' State Highway Patrol).

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