Co V its The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park TOBATS 6MILS "And Wf man." to- qolred the vterUr her trmn Florida, "ham all year Hfe" 'i '. "Cast tvt." ttpilt tie r ldeat of Balaam, Tt mint 4et yet.- ; -:.;-y::- J f i 1 t 63rd YEAR No. 98 22 PAGES Assorted Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE. N. C. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1948 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jfcckson Countie ": i: Fuming :20-?S!t s Fuji S I T u (To o to be get ut of the In several 3 than the ly persons ie window itching the iround the i jsed As nAgent unly agent, other day, m agelnt of Tbe sender, ;enUUv; of OP orgaini for the ar y accepted, BostoniaiV to organize lections for Thinks approach Iterday and some medi The mar. ."Ine wasn't l him and llness. igation the e man had he doctor's Ung a dose hours, the two. As an er, the sick "I thought d moke me Unni ns Trip i University porters are llman for a anuary 1, to f Oklahoma fvB0wlW 1' alumni and ke the trip, ig plans for n - 3 Across imes mailed from Tjr Crawford t an address, he seas and 'd States and ick again to lfornia. ition on the f Col. Craw-3ne-half cent J. ent to New , D. C. Then Lewis, Wash ol. Crawford led. rived a few f his mother, 212 Branner the letter to ; at Newport re. she hopes ! lengthy 7 much im iency of the lated to tell 1 postmaster, 95-Gallon Still Caught I, i J) )i(JL! . y This 95-gallon copper still was ivccntly brought in by officers who found it on Crabtrec. The still is shown here as it attracted lotsW attention in the shi'iill "s office. lf l'it-fr; said it had not been operated for about three weeks. The still was brought in by Patrdjjlman O. 11. Hoberts. and deputies Wade Mi Daniel and John KerleV. This is a Mountaineer photograph In Ingram's Studio C. Of C. Fetes Ban Grid Club Monday At Banquet Tickets arelgoing rapidly for the banquet honoring the Waynesville Township Hifth School football team and banc! at the Hazelwood school cafeteria Monday night, De cember 13, at V p'clock. Approxi mately 350 peodtle are expected to attend the bamauct, which is sponsored-by thWfchamber ofCtom merce. W. A Bill) ijledford. chairman of the ticket Saties committee, an nounced this ftfonlng that most of the l."0 tickets available for the banquet have beejn sold Persons may still obtain tilckets from mem bers of this comiknittee or at the Chamber of Cominerce office. Recognition Of Feata The banquet wiol be staged in recognition of tjhe outstanding feats of the Mountaineers football team, which concluded a successful grid season by defeating Marion in the Paper Bowl anrl won the Blur Ridge Conference crown. The band, under the direction of Charles Isley, has Jdayed an im portant role in the Vootball games as well as numerous community projects. ' (See Banquet-4Pae 8t CROP Plans Are Formed In Haywood A representative group from Haywood county gathered in the courthouse Tuesday afternoon to hear Miss Ruth Elliott outline the program of collections for the Friendship Train which will leave Salisbury Thursday. December 23. Wayne Corpenlng, county farm agent, presided over the meeting. Miss Elliott, representative of the North Carolina CROP organi zation, explained the situation in Europe today, told of the need for aid from America, stated the move ment was sponsored by the World Service Lutheran Relief and Cath olic Rural Life groups. A nominating committee was named as follows: Rev. L. G. Elliott of Waynesville, chairman, J. L. Westmoreland of Canton, and the ! Rev. Jack Gross of Clyde, to select J co-chairmen to sei ve the Waynes- ville and Canton areas. Frank Knutti was named chair I man of the publicity committee i w ith Mrs. T. L. Gwyn, Carroll Pop lin and Hailey Wright of Canton, (See CROP Plans Pate 8) et (Paxe er,vi( Aufsdajr) a ... 65c-70c J0c-28c .. 15c 10c :.......32c-3c J lbs. 3.00 2.75 , 20.00-23.00 21.90-2325 20.00-23.00 - 25.0047.00 24.30-26.00 - 24.25-35.50 - HMS2.0Q any - irtlj cloudy 't tempera ; SU9 of the I. Katefafl 13 - JK 3 .08 J9 ' " Funeral Services For Pvt. Sal6s Set Saturday Funeral services lorj Pvt. Jona than E. Sales, Jr., son ofMrs. Belle Sales and the late J. E. Sales of Canton, Route 2, will bet held Sat urday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the East Fork Baptist Church with the Rev. Oder Burnett, Rev Bud Me haffey. Rev. Coleman Brawn offici ating. The Canton past of the Veterans of Foreign Wars will be ity charge of military rites and. the Auxiliary of the VJ.W. will be In chVge of flowers. Interment will be in the .(See Pvt. Sale Pare IB) East Waynesville ) 4-II Club Meets The 4-H club of East Way nes ville School met last week land heard Joe Cline outline the Tojpac- Tri,,,.;!., Dor - j ? Paving Of County Farm-To-Market Road To Be Let A highw ay const nu t ion project, listed by the Associated Press yes terday out of Raleigh, is believed by D. Keexes Nnland as being the 4-mile pnvinu of 1 lie farni to-niar-ket road from Canton to Ituaver riani Mr. Noland. district highway comrjiissioivr. s;nl the project was completed for Idling the contract sometime ago There are roiii in Hi coun tw i,ic, uiWht (ted ttu 22nd,at a cost of ahoul $1.00,000, (he report said 20 Fruit Growers In County Attend Horticulture Moot Around 20 fruit growers from Haywood rounty attrnded the hor ticulture school on apples and small fruits at Flenrtersonville school yesterday morning The school will continue through this afternoon Those attending from Haywood county included Bulling Hall, Bill f 'orbi n and four others from Bar bers Oirhard. Hubert Hoone, Zac Masses. Ira Cogburn. Wadson Howell, l.,nAi"t,ce Cogburn. and Herbert Singlctar.i. assistant coun- I ty agent Tbe horticulture school is being j sponsored by the Blue Ridge Apple (See Krull Growers Page 81 J Final Rites For Pvt. Carl Hannah j Slated Sunday Funetal sen ices for I'vt Carl Hannah, son of Mrs Violet Han nah, of Cove ( reck, who died In France (in January 12. 1945. will be held Sundav after noon at 2 o'clock at the Aliens Creek Baptist Church Rev. Thomas Erwin and Rev. C. L. Young, chaplain of the American Legion will olTrciate. Members of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars will be in charge of military rites and (See Pvt. Hannah Page 8 Election Set For Senator Seat In 32nd District Here The special election to chouse a successor to the late Mrs. E. L. McKee of Sylva as senator-elect from the 32nd district will be held Saturday, December 18. under the same laws applying to the last gen eral election for the same office, Jerry Jtoaju;jMirman. ef Hay. wood county board of elections, announced this morning. Mr. Rogers stated that no changes will be made in the polling places, and the same registrars and judges will serve for this special election. The polls will be open from 6:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. The special election will cover tbe following counties in the 32nd district: Haywood. Jackson. Hen derson, Transylvania and Polk. The Jackson County Democratic Executive Committee will hold a meeting Saturday, December 11, to select the party's nominee for the special December 18 election. Democratic party leaders in Jackson county suggested today that W. H. Crawford of Sylva. a former school teacher, will prob ably be their choice. Mr. Crawford was defeated by Mrs. McKee by a single vote in last May s Demo cratic primary. Doubles Store t'' 3. v. r i&rv i ii m ii i'-1 - NiiawHuniH.itlnwl co Harvest Festival program Mist Elise DeLozier. assi sant ram asent. conducted a discis sion on trees with the girls of tjhe club, while Mr. Cline. assistant farm 'agent, met with the boya arid reviewed the trees In this sectionj. High School Band, Choral Concert Set 16 The Waynesville Township High School band and choral concert will be held in the school auditor ium Thursday night. December 16, at 8 o'clock, Charles Isley, director, announced this morning. Pisgah Officials To Confer Here With Charles Ray A group of Pisgah National For est officials are expected here some time this afternoon to confer with Charles Ray, chairman of the N. C. Park Commission, on a general program for the Forest. Carl Keruger, In charge of the Forest, is accompanying R E. Marsh, assistant chief of the Forest Service; W. P. Cramer, of the di vision of operations; and J. H. Stone, regional forester. From here the forest officials will go to Franklin for an inspec tion of the farm-forestry project there. LARRY CAC'.LK. manager of Cagle Furniture Co. at Clyde, has just doubled the floor space of the store by adding about 1.800 addi tional square feel of space. Cagle Enlarges Store At Clyde Cagle Furniture Company has just added 1,80(1 square feet of floor space to the store, and have enlarged their appliance depart ment in the new section, it was an nounced yesterday by Larry Cagle, manager and part owner. The new addition to the slore is 44 feet by 40 feet, with two apa. .nienls on the second floor. The new section will house the appliance and radio departments, with extra lines being added in the other departments, Mr. Cagle said. The firm began their fourth year on November first. Sheehan, Liner Buy Business Of MoodyJkaundry Fred" Sheehan and Joe Liner have bought the Moody Laundry business, but not the physical rs sets. it was announced this week In s dual statement between these two laundry ownerss and .lame Moody, owner of tbe Moody Laun dry. The new management became effective this week, and Mr' Moodv said that he is taking a much need ed rest due to his health Present plans are to return here next spring, and make arrangements for further plans at that time Mr Sheehan and Mr. Liner leased the Waynesville Laundry several months ago from .1 W. Kil lian. who is now in Florida. 3 County Farm Bureau Members Attend Convention Three members of the Haywood County Farm Hureau left yester day morning for Atlantic City, N J.. to attend the National Conven tion of American Farm Bureaus. Charlie McCrary, president of the county group, announced today Those going from Haywood were: N. W. Carver. Jonathans Creek. vice president of the county farm bureau; F C. Creen, Fines Creek: and Charles Duckelt. of Fines Creek The Western North Carolina del egation gathered in Asheville yes terday morning to board a special train leaving for the convention. Frank Chambers of Clyde is re ceiving treatment at Norburn Hos pital in Asheville this week. 244 Deer Bagged During Hunts In Pisgah Forest 85 Nurses Froin 18 Counties Attend District, Meet Here - MenVbers of District Number 1 of the North Carolina State Nurses Aasociftkm. whit includes eight een Western North Carolina coun ties, held dinner meeting at the Towne House here Wednesday night. : '.-'. The meeting was pnsore by tbe Haywood County Nunc Club of which Mrs. Bonnie Brendle Kayle Is president Speakers for the evening includ ed Mrs. Louise P.: East of Ashe ville, new state president or toe Nurses Association, ' and Miss Elaine Masbburn. also of Asheville. who 'is president of the first dis trict (snd'vice-president of the state organization. Mis Roper of the National Red Cross, spoke briefly on her work which Uywith the mobile blood bank, t A A progrVm of Christmas music was presented by Donald Matney. Grace Bento Boh Harry, and Jack Kelley, vocalists, accompanied by Miss Mary Afin Massie at the piano. 1 , (See 5 Xnrses Pape 8) A total of 244 deer and 11 bears were killed by hunters in the Pit ah National Forest Big Game Hunt from November IS through December 4, Bill Don can, chief ranger, revealed this morning. In the Sherwood area, hunters bagged 4 deer and one bear daring the 12-day banting period, Mr. Dsncsn reported. Three hunters shared honors for killing the largest buck d ur ine the 1948 deer season, which officially ended December 6. They were Horace Bale, Burling ton, who bagged a 2otpooJid buck, with nine points and an antler spread of 21 inches: Bill F, Csrleton, Cfreensbere, killed a ZOO-poond deer, with ten points and a spread of It inches; and Dr. C. A. Thompson of Sparta, bagged a bock weighing 2M ponnds, with eight points, and a spread of 16 inches. The best head hatred during The Pisgah deer hunt was a 12 polnt bock with an antler spread of 22 inches, which was killed by James E. Alexander. The largest bear killed In the hunting season was a 340-pound animal downed by Harold Siniard of Brevard. Heavy rainfall during the hunt ing season hindered the hunters considerably, Mr. Duncan stated. A total of 12.40 inches of rain fell in the Big East Fork sec tion during the four-week period. A rainfall of 11.59 was reported In the Dan River Side. A total of 24.44 inches of rainfall was recorded In the Sherwood area during November. No accidents resulted from hunting this season, Mr. Duncan said. All in all it was a very successful hunt, the chief ranger commented. Teachers Told Proposed School Program To Give Equal Education Facilities "The North Carolina School Com mission has recommended in its report to the Governor and L949 Legislature that equal educational advantages be given to every child in North Carolina, regardless of where they live," M C. Campbell, a member of the commission, told some 300 people here Wednesday night. Mr. Campbell, superintendent of the Catawba county schools, ad dressed teachers, school committee men, and patrons, together with county and state officials, in a meeting sponsored by the North Carolina Education Association, and Classroom Teachers' groups, at tbe ll.ielwuod cafeteria. Mr. Campbell explained the work of the 18-mcmber commis sion, and the vast amount of re search which went into their re port, and recommendations. "Tlie report calls for an expendi ture of 104 millions, plus about 7 millions for transportation. We further recommend that the state share in the cost of building schools, and that a pro rata basis be worked out for counties and state to finance the program. "At present, there are many counties that cannot build better schools than what they have, and indications are that they never will be in a position to do so. Pupils in such counties will never get equal educational opportunities un less a program such as suggested by the commission is put into force.'' he continued Mr. Campbell concluded his re marks by making a plea that "a united effort be made to get the proposed program adopted by the General Assembly, in order that North Carolina can have a modern, and adequate school system." W. Curtis Huss, a member of one of l he Commission committees, told briefly of the reconmenda tions made as to organization and administration, which was unani (See Teachers Page 8) Haywood Training Unions Hold Mobilization Night 'M' Speaker . j or I. l "I DR. J. C CANIPE. Secretary of Evangelism of North Carolina, will be the principal streaker at the Training Union "M" iMoblli zationi Night. Tuesday, December 14. 7:15, at the First Church. Carrion. Francis Elected Head Of Clyde School Board Coleman Kranris, retired mail carrier and stock dealer, has been elected chairman of the Clyde Si'huol Hoard, it was learned here last week. He succeeds Mark A. Leather wood, chairman for the past 12 or more years, who died in October. No member has beetr selected to lake Mr. Francis' place as board member, it was said. The board elects a chairman from its mem bership, but members are appoint ed by the county board of educa tion. Mr. Francis has served on the board for about 10 years. The Has wood Association; Train ing Union Mobilization night will be held Tuesday. December 14, at 7:15 o'clock at the First Baptist Church iir Canton, Mrs. Sam Knight, director, announced this morning. An officers and leaders council will officially open the "M" night program at i:4.r o'clock Those to participate in this session are Hip following: Mrs. Sam Knight, Rev. II I,. Smith. Sam Saunders, Mrs. Albeit Mmscr. Mrs. f. H. Gentry, Mrs. Earl Recce and Mrs. Dave Cabe. All pastors, directors, general of ficers, leaders, sponsors, and any member of I In1 Training Union are urged to attend the council meet ing. Harvey T Gibson, slate training union secretary from Raleigh, is expected to meet with the group. The featured address for the "M" night program will be de livered by Dr. .1. (' Canipe, sec retary (if Evangelism for North Car olina, at K Xrr o'clock Tuesday night He will speak on the sub ject. "Found Faithful In Our Task." Around 500 members of training unions in the Ha) wood Association are expected to attend the mobili zation night, Mrs Sam Knight, training union director, reported this morning. Waynesville Stores To Remain Open On Wednesday Afternoons The stores in Waynesville will remain open on Wednesday after noons until Christmas, Dave Fel mel. president of the Merchants Association, announced this morn ing. The local stores will observe Monday, December 27. as a holi day. Mr. Felmet reported. The stores will be closed Saturday, De cember 2 through Monday. 'Kiss And Tell' Comedy Will Be Presented Tonight A three-act comedy, "Kiss and Tell." w ill be presented in the-Way-nesville high school auditorium Friday evening. December 10, at 7:30 o'clock under the joint spon sorship by the American Legion and Beta Sigma Phi. The play is being directed by Mrs. Fred Campbell, Miss Betsy I.ane Quinlan is assisting with make-up in the comedy, Proceeds from the play will be used by the Legion to purchase markers in the memorial plot in Green Hill Cemetery and by the Ileta Sigma Phi sorority for under priviledged children's school lunch fund. The cast includes, J. T. Russell, Mrs William Norris, Miss Bette Hannah. Charles Alley, Mrs. Harry Lee Liner. Jr. Hallett Ward, Jr.. Mrs William Cobb, Roger Walk er, Dick Bradley. Paul McElroy, Miss Dorothy Richeson. iohnnv Johnson. Mrs. Porter Frady and Paul Davis. 22 Draftees From County Report For V Army Exams A total of 22 men from Haywood j county left Wednesday and Thuri- f day mornings for pre-lnduction ams at Greenville, 8. C Mrs. Boy ; Campbell, draft board, clerk, rt- ; ported this morning. f f This is the third enU for xnwi to leave for pre-lnduction ennwi since the peacetime drift Ws started. . ' ,'',' The first group left for Green ville Wednesday morning- ;. The eight men In the group were: Ed dard Haywood Plott, WaynesyiUe: Wade Palmer, Cove Creek;. Wodd row King, Canton; 'Ralph Louis Duckett. Cove Creek; Charles Sronce Brannon, Jr., Canton; Mil liard Sherrill Cook, Canton; Er win Harry Randall, Dellwood; and Grover Avery Press! ey. Canton. The second group of 14 .taen from the county left by bus at ,7:30 o'clock Thursday morning for Greenville. They were: ; Charles Wayne Parrls. Waynesville; Jack son Perry Grant, Waynesville; Rob ert William Reece, Canton; James Virgil Shelton. Waynesville; Her man F. Wright, Canton; Charles Lewis Crayne, Hazel wood; James Athel Gillett, Waynesville; John Loranzo Allen, Canton; Ned Thom as Cunningham. Waynesville; Jos eph Mitchell Revis, Canton; Nor man WUlard Cagle, Waynesville; Leonard Herbert Rogers, Canton; Ed Sherrill, Waynesville; and BIV lie Marion Ferguson, Clyde. - Christmas Seals i Are Selling Fast The sale of Christmas TB Seals is encouraging, with some schools having sold their quota and now selling extras, Mra. Frank Fergu son, general chairman, announced Sesls have been placed' oh ifli" st the Chamber of Commerce, vaa well as In atl the schools. Persons desiring additional seals ran con tact Mrs. Ferguson at 254-W. . last year this area sold about $500 in seals, and this year's sales indicate better results than in 1947. County Commissioners Approve Bonds'Of Three Constables ; - The county board of commission ers approved the bonds of three constables at a meeting of the group at the court house Monday afternoon. The three constables were: R. F.' Arrington, Waynesville Township; W H. Scott, Beaverdam TownshiD; and W. B. Murray. Fines Creek Township. The constables were given the oath by George A,; Brown, Jr., county manager. Routine business matters were taken up by the board of commissioners. Highway Commissioner To Address Kotarians t. Reeves Noland. district hiph way commissioner, will . W- the speaker at Rotary here toda a one o'clock at the Towne Hou H. S. Ward is Bresiddiit of club, and will preside ., lulu lelfou To j 1 l or Lots Less! Librarian Reports ProgressO n This Store". . ! Of Bookmobile In Crountl A oiecting of the board of di rectors of the Haywood County Public Library was held Tuesday morning Col. J H. Howell, chair man, presided, and others attend ing were Mrs. Troy Leatherwood, Mrs. Lenoir Gwyn, George Brown, and Glenn Palmer. Miss Margaret Johnston, county librarian, gave a report on the activities of the library, speaking especially on the progress of the Bookmobile. She stated that 2225 books were circulated from the Bookmobile during October and 1878 during November. Tbe ' number of books circulated ( the county library agencies d October was given as 5405. is an increase of 2578 over Sev oer. i ne Hoard decided to give a I fav earVir faa. - J 3 Bookmobile service in H';' 11 .."-' ' ' ' Q 'j. "csiuiiiiiis ill tldliuai. r N . December 24, 25, - ; ' ' '- ' ? January 1 were set .'.'.' . , .: . to oZtonTg V I mr At in. S?e Lib V, If i.'.f Ii 11 J 1 1 n 1 , ' : ( i ' j Ti if 'A 1 s A P , r V .7 1 1 )U

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