11 f 1 ,.1 ' it i1 6 1" I! if J : I..1 PAGE TWO (Second Section) TOE WAVNESVILLK MOUNTAINEER fridav. Timely Farm Questions Question: Is ditching with dyna mite an economical investment? Answer: "In spite of the high cost of dynamite," says H. M. Ellis, in charge of agricultural engineer ing for the State College Extension Service, "ther are many plates on our farms where ditch blasting viill pay big dividends. As an ex ample he cites the case of Owen i Harrison, Mt. L'lla, Route 1. in Howan County, where a demon- strstion was held recemh. A ditch was blasted which was 2 5 feet deep, five feet wide at the tup. and SOO feet long all for a cost of only S97 50 for materials and the labor of four men for a fe hours Al most three acres of land thus was leclaimed from a boggy area which 1 a tow could hardh hae waded j through. It would have been im- 1 practical and almost impossible to dig this ditch by any other method except dynamiting The farmers who saw this demonstration were fully satisfied, and several of them estimated the cost to be four times greater than it actuallv was Question: "What is the aerage! rale of milk production per dairy , cow in the L'nited States.' Answer: The U. S. Department cf Agriculture says thai last year dairy farmers obtained an average ' cf 5.000 pounds of milk per cow.', This year the figure is expected to i be higher. Although farmers have ! '' fewer cows in their herds, they are milking a higher proportion of those on hand, and are teedng al lecord rates. Of course, feed pikes have gone down steadiiV since early, last spring so much so that even in the face of some what lower prices for dair prod ucts, farmers will still find it profit able to feed liberallv. A Call for Women Marines r " - 3 - -'" , ' - ,'N H - .A ' '"-v-v. 11 . rJ ;Early Buyer (Gets That jYule Bird j By CVMTHI.A I.OH'RY ; AP Newsfaatures Writer ! There are : few obnoxious peo- pie around there days: the fore i sighted tyes who have their ; Christinas sbopping done before there's even frost on the pumpkin. Next to people who boast ahout how early they get up in the niorn- in?, the:- are my winter-season ' candidates for extinction. It's not so much that they've put the busi ne of gift-buying behind them, it's the gentle, superior sort of way they go on. And the way I hey let you know rigth olf the bat they haven't a worry iit the Yul tide 1 world except to fuss oer a wreath for the front door and pick up some ' holly, and, darling, the holly thi year seems sort of scrubby. All I this when I'm in a star-spangled swivet about remembering wheth er Aunt Emma is allergic to wool and whether little Priscilla lias .gone out of the toy. and into the book, age. Thera aren't many of Hum. thank goodness. Bui in the inter ests of my own splf-cs)eem I'm a last-minute shopper by nature I recently surveyed tho' among my acquaintances, who were all finished with Christmas shoppm", when I was fooling around with the idea of a Labor Day barbecue. Every father's daughter anion;? them went a-treveliut lliis summer. Maudio, with a lluei'day stop over in Paris, walked among the Seine bookstalls, and picked up a Uross of those quaint old maps of ihe Ville I.umieie. j Joannie. on that all-i xprii-v Mexican junket, bought out a j Taxco shoppc which h ;.t iireil j quaint, old, made-in-Sy ra o e pot- ! tery. ! And Paltie, on lier something ''NOW ISA GOOD TlMF TO DO MY ,.,n,TI 1 ACT CUlBOlUl 1 CM KI3 I (Vl3 Jiiyrr.- SALE less than A Deck Caribbean cruise, came back with a formidable sun burn and loaded down to the duty free line with perfume. All this is very commendable, but it's not for me, thanks. Christ mas shopping is different from any other kind of shopping. It should be done with spirit, at a time when there's a feel ol w jut, . . fake Santas ringing ,;;s ners and crowds in i,,,. " '"' There should be an u, ., ,, M'""N it, a feeling of holiday ' ,'. i""1" and store windows fU ,,, and soap-ehip snow ' " ! Of course, if you're ,,,. . . eel out gifts from a ' hl '"'! as though you were i mi,,, . munition to a regimem M '," Joannie and Puttie are t1 ' ' " people. But that make- ( , , !''" quite simply a day (i v.l,i, , ents are meliculousK fc .' ' a day of giving, in mat ust mark-down . times to pick up eom,i tie-dyed scarfs for a u,. But that's not lor w. cede, however ibei,. ground somewhere lis,., two. Like right n,i.., ,,,,,,, if I just start making ;i , , in the bank and uM, , gandy curtains for t. iUlm, ( coming C.O.D. Wedoe . next year, I'll do it ulll . 01,1 fliers ,J'Mmn, ,1, , i - 'i-aip. ::.,h a w .' "u: oil t.. i.oi '""kdi.it ((ir "'id Iml. I n On of the highlights of the 173rd year of the Marine Corps was the anthoruation of the regular Women Marines. During World War II more than ?2,000 women served in the active reserve. AN ENLARGED . I' -7. Oi the 3.6T3 acres ii! hybrid coin which met certifica tion requirements this year. N. C. 27 headed the 1st with 1.724 acres. Dixie 17 second with 1.109 aires, and X. C. 26 third with 250 acres. St ( t I SSI I L RECORD Question: What is the most pop ular hybrid corn variety in North Carolina? Answer: The North Carolina Crop Improvement Association says F.AST I. WSINC. Mich. iAPi lYndlcy Collins. .Michigan State College v. resiling coach, is begin ning Ins 2(i(h season with the Spar-1 tan grapplers. He has nine national champs and two Olympic wrestlers to his credit. CILTIKED PEARLS COSTLY BOSTON CP 'One ot the finest collections ol cultured pearls ever shown in Ihe United States is valued at more than SHIU.OOO. Dis played at a Boston department store, it included two perfectly matched twin necklaces thai took 12 years to assemblt Kach weigh ed more than 1,200 grains and was valued at $17,500. Meteors are twice from July lo January uary to July. as numerous as from Jan- s i Cagle Furniture Co, AT CLYDE ,. - Yon WiO Fmd at RAY'S Very Complete Headquarters For Prac tical Giving For Jill Types of Boys' (en's Wear This Christmas Give Furniture 1 Get It at CAGI F'S anrl SAVF! ' ARltv We have doubled (he siaii store, and now have a mutkli selection of QI ALITY Furnite ever. All our slocks are ot utioJ advertised brands, and at prite will mean substantial savings In No mailer t here you live,! pay you to v isit C'ajjle Fumiliittf p;iiiy, at Clyde, For a widesew personal attention, and tbelej vnlites, isil Caijle Furniture Ctf fore vmi litis. and SHIRTS . . . YOU BF.T- kmds and sizes C f Qf Priced for men - FOR VOrXGFil MEN The new styles of collars ... to ive them . . "the bold look". PLAID SHIRTS In hoth cotton and wool Ivpcs . . . both work and dress styles. Boys' plaids . . . located in 2nd Floor Department. PAJAMAS Pajamas ... for both men and boys ... . we have in a very complete showing Your choice of pajamas In knit, broadcloth and flannel fairies. - All $ .S 1 1 SOX GALORE FeaturUiK Munslnwear Sox for both men and boys . . . we have just the aox you need for Xmas giving. We Feature The Following NATIONALLY ADVERTISED LB You will find as so many have found that you will save time, money and trouble shopping at RADIOS Philco RCA General Electric ELECTRIC RANGES Estate Crosley REFRIGERATORS Philco Crof ley Sholvador SPACE HEATERS Genuine Warm Morning Stiglitz Warm Aire Duo-Therm WASHERS Thor Dexter Blacksione Easy Spin Drier FLOOR COVERINGS (9 x 12 and Inlaid) Gold Seal Armstrong Pabco EASY TERMS i if Hit WOOD & COAL RANGES Quick Meal Dixie Allen Princess Round Oak ' HOME FREEZERS Philco Crosley VENETIAN BLINDS Aluminum or Steel Made To Order Popular Sizes In Stock FREE INSTALLATION Pee Gee Paints Lane Cedar Chests Simmons Beauty Rest Mattresses American Kitchen Sinks Rheem Water Heaters Daystrom Breakfast Room Suites Unagusta Bedroom Suites 3 and 5 Piece Maple and M-h". WE BEIIT0 I s 8: CaMe Q a Pa ,9 H mm Phone 3379 ON THE SQUARE Mire w - - . '., v '.-'