THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER Tlrs-w, f FAGc rOuit (5ci6iia SeeiionJ Haywood Woman Finds Life In Germany Pleasant Well Contented With Germany m. j i lUn-li' Siini uniilil ii.iw no trou ble t'tlnm Mihinir. i for overseas serwce, if iill -..l.liei-.' it-s eoulii hear ihe 1 1 1 1 oi .t vim hi.: Wl)01 C'llll 111 WllMl.tll lliO t'.'llilUl'll liel dl CU. till I.I I ii-l IIUII . Slu' Weill iAleitln tile worst, ami touii.t i it'.- Ii.-i;.-i tl...n a Ivil of rofe. Hie - w-u- I K . vs. i-1 - d.ppeil in Flt-IUll I'tltlnm .Hul I lie best that tile .-U..IIK...'. -'.Ati.niient could ( tin- .1 ;ei v idiut-n and i anal it-. Ot hiui-v. there h-i.t tn he a in all l.ur tlt - nine tiiiie iAhi. Il weie net - ,i tv.i 1 IUU licit woman hi nht i '-v I "'il ' he coliht weiL'li the iiiij)-4-tiJt a.uil-t the e Pleasant l ealuies Skniiy in the i.-i.uiit.iiii ot Swit zerland. - ho)iii;-- m -i Pari.': giie;t ul a b. in-n in In i.i lle in Havana hwiw in the Summer home ut a l.inmii ur.ii.i in-'i-r :i lake in limit ol th,- In. a e aiul a prn.ite -uiiniuin" pool behind i : fishiiu' tur truiil: ami ;'iimiiii;l for hart- hii'iii r than i.ihhils. And to u,p it all -a lulltiine maid and hum email ulu.-e -.i':iMe-, wt-ie Ihe headache ot the German tax ()at i s It was with -onie mi-ri'. ina. that in ,Jnl . 1940. Mi Walter K Cath ey of Chile took her -on. Charles. 8, and Kit for Gcnnar.v to join her hu-hand. Major C.itli-. who was serving with the American armies of oi i ion. There was no rer'ainU that she and her lann'K u.aild have com fortahle 1 1 v m-4 . 1 1 .--. adequate suipln- nl healtlitnl lends, and no suretv ol an et tile little luxuries which AniericaPs take for grant ed until tlit have to do without them. "I was ali.iid, too. that it mij'.ht he hard to keep tioiu 1 1 1 1 1 ; i '. the (h'lioaii people who had helped kill liunx of our friends.." .Mrs. Cathe said. Greeted Clyde Folks Last week lie erected Clyde folks with a happv :imle and the news that she tonUln't help hke Germans. "They're human like us" said. And Mr . Calhev is grateful hawnt; had the oppoi tuiut; mm i j i MSI 3 Don't Nrclect Them! Nalur.' .1.- the kidneyj to do marw luus j. b. Ti ir tank is to keep the t1o.! l..i. 1 stream lr..f ot n rrea of toa- iiiipurai.-a. The art of hung laW .3 i..'1-tantly prmiuoiiK waste tKe k .lii- r. must niuie from the l.lood if K1 healh W to endure. When the kalneys tall to functit.n as Nature intended, there is retentiun ul wwile that may cauae body-wide dj treas. I ine may suffer naggian hackarlie, persistent h.-adac-he. atlai ks of dmilieM, getting up n.ghts. awellmi!. puftine urader the eyes feet tired, nervoua. all Horn out. Kreuuent, scanty or burninft passages are aoinetii.M lurther e deiive ul kid ney or I. Udder d sturhani-e. The recognized and protver treatment lea diuretic .uedieiue tc belp the kidney a eel nJ ol c.rvsa pum.. . v- hidy aate. I ;.i. i' f.Ut. They have had uoire ItiMi, .,rty ycara ul public approval. Are indorsed the rountry over. Inaial mi ud. 1. Sol. I al ail oriiK sioreo. but she fin to know these pe-i le and thea' coun iry. She thinks that Fritz, her foim er houseman, is probably typical ot the better etliu att tl i la- ot Ger man?. She tca.-ii.gly told liiui once: Some d:iy the Anitiicans will pull U M.d leae Geiin.iny to you." I hope you do imt, for then the P.u-sians will come in'" was Fnl' reply. Tullese Student at 8 Her sun, Charles, who now has entered Clyde School, had the dis tinction of being a university stu dent at the age of eifjht. Mrs. Ciith ey explained that the army of oc cupation tt'iviisitont d a part of Heidelberg University as a school for American children, who were taufiht by Americans. "I thought Charles would learn lots of German from the children over there." Mrs. Catlity said. She was surprised to find that the German children yvere just as interested in learning KnRlish from her son. as he was in picking up their language. "It ended." she said, "with Charles speaking Gorman to the German children with yhoni he played, and they answering him in English." The Cat hey s. who yvev .stationed for awhile near the Bad Tol ana of Bavaria, lived in yvliat is known as "Paradise Valley". In the little town of Kottacli on Lake Had Wis- see. they spent many months in the Summer home of Man'.ol Tess- Lhinmacker. noted opera singer. Derr Hunt Exriting One of the most exciting events during the Cathey's tour of duly abroad, was a titer hunt in the mountains surrounding a castle where they yvere guesls of a friend. Baron Von Heck Mrs. Cathey tried all the sports but likes to tell about the hare hunts: "About 50 men, called 'beaters', take big sticks and run ahead of the hunters through the forests, hitting the trees with their clubs. This scares the bunnies 'enormous things like jack rabbits! out of 5) if f . f -Hitt " . -.V-1 1 'I'.VrV- Sliown above are the Cathey family upon their arrival back in Civile from Germany where Major Walter K. Cathey was .stationed with the army of occupation. Mrs. Cathey, along with her son, Charle- , went to Germany to join Major Cathey and she was well contented with the foreign country. Earn Chores Can Be Made Easier, Safer Says County Agent As winter approaches and the pressure uf field work subsides, barns become the principal work center fur daily farm chores. Way lie Cm pi ning, county agent lor the State Cnllege Kxtension Service lias a su.'t'et ion w hich will heln take the aches and pains out of Iho-e routine chores. His advice is: i "Take tune to luok for ways to i make thoM' climes -ale and easy." I I nfiii iiinatt ly, many hazards and I iiu otivt ineiK-e i have been built 'into barn- and feed lofts These have been neglected or remained iiniiiiiieed lor years. Now is the I tune to em reel 1 hem. mil' recommendations the National Safety hiding and gives the hunters a clear shut After the hunt there is a hassenphefler feast with much celebrating of the kill and eating of the rabbits." Major and Mrs. Cathey have nothing but praise for the army's specal service which makes pos sible lour-, lor army families. They acat ioiietl in Pans, points in Swit zerland, ami in l'rague. Czechoslo vakia. .Mi s. Cathey has, spent I he l.i'-t two years doing all the exciting things of which most young house wives dream. Yet. she said she fell as if she were in fairyland last week when she visited the toy de partment in an Asheville store and saw the lovely Christmas decora tions. Hut immediately she was re minded of the good old days in Germany where they bail a lovely place to live. She received a let ter from Major Cathey who has it'portt'il to his old army post in Maryland. He is- hunting, hut his luck h.r: failed. This tune he is looking not for harts or deer, but for a luiu-e sn that his yvife and son may join him again. j Mere arc -approved b Council: Do some limisocleaning and set tliiuiis in onlei' if the alleyways or work acres are obstructed with . feed, tools, harness, teed carts or oilier obstacles Avoid storing loose materials overhead, and see that dangerous coiners and yvork cen ters are coiiM meiitly lighted. Also check your barn for other Lyings that cause falls. High door sills, abrupt changes in floor levels, weak liuaiils. protruding cleats or other tripping haards should be it-moved. All Moors should Ik- solid, and colli muous. I .ol I doors, teed chutes and lad ders ;,ie aceuh nt hazards in most barns A w t II -constructed stairytay Hut is hauiliailed and kept clean 'provides Ihe '.ilesl and easiest pas sage to hay mows. It is dangerous ' to Use si. in wells as feed chutes, be : cause loose hay or straw makes looting uncertain. Separate feed 'chutes that are guarded above the , loft Hour are desirable. When it is necessary to use a ladder, see that ! il extends well above the loft floor. ! It should also have well-spaced stout rungs that are placed far i enoiirh from the wall for secure fooling. Mo-.t of a horse's pulling power lie-; in it-, hind quarters. -3.. -a. 7 f to (soar $M t r - jk It he. r" 1 ft f - " 1 mm The Duo-Thrm Stwrtton ftvle upright modtl circu latlr.g heater with new duo-tone mahogany (lniah.. $109.(J5 KM DEUVKBS including FUEL-SAVING 4 -ufelGI3Ga OIL HEATERS YES! You CAN SAVE up to 25 on Fuel Oil With a Duo-Therm With Poicer-Airl MODI The Duo-Therm Royel circulat ing heater with beautiful duo tore walnut finlah. A rully big vtlu" $99.95 MM DIUVIlt Again Sterchi'g coop the town . . offer ing these fine quality heaters t $5.00 downl You ancj you? neighbors know of their un excelled performance. NOW AT STER CHI'S if you need one, you can have It DELIVERED and expertly installed for ONLY $3.00. . "IT COSTS LESS AT STERCHI'S OTHER STIRCHI STORES TO SERVE YOU IN MARYVILLE, JOHNSON.CITY, KINCSPORT, ILIZABETKTON, CORBIN, CLEVELAND, MIDDLE SBORO PHONE 1-41(1 1 14 1 GAY ST. To The Students of '. . , HAYWOOD COUld l i ii'i - '"s tkJf' " " 11 7aM igW6rWW ML wa. 'TTrw''--t.. j., r" "s""r . A THIS IS OUR FINE HERITAGE s-v' WyW'' 4 -XXil. sAmm-iIW: wit c'wrr-iri'ss- . To better understand the CONSTITUTION and krl about a better understanding of our democratic gw menf, the American Lefiion is sponsoring an OHtmi contest. Any student in Ihe 9th, 10th, 11th, anil grades may enter this contest. CONTEST SPEECHES MUST BE ON SOME PHASE OF THE U.S. CONSTITUTION! FOlt FURTlfF.R INFORMATION, CONTACT YOUR hlGII SCHOOL PRINCIPAL OR W. F. FENTEE,C TV CnAlRniAN, AMERICAN LEGION ORATORICAL CONTEST. CANTON, N. C. OVER $10,000.00 IN AND SCHOLARSHIPS NATTONAT, PUT7.KS I I I I LOCAL PRIZES PRIZES The national contest will be held for winners of sectional Contests be tween April 15 and 18, 1949 at a place to be designated by National. FIftST (National) PRIZE: $4,000 Scholarship; SECOND PRIZE: $2,500 Scholarship; Several worthwhile prim and med are to be Biven for each school ticipating. There will for the winner in .he county contest These prizes will announced later date. STATE PRIZE: $100.00 and $50.00 fjl'st PfllV stlirTpnfc from all nxra ihn nah'nn lin rt if infltpd ill this COlltCSt annual anair sponsored by the American legion, naywwui wfri some of these prizes. Why not give it a try? ENTER NON LOCAL CONTESTS WILL BE HELD NOT LATER THAN FEBRUAK NATIONAL PRIZES - STATE PRIZES - LOCAL PRlzES This Advertisement Sponsored By The Following Civi: Minded P fhGSUm rioftie & Auto Supplies Howell Motor Co. fitfyWdod Builders Supply C6. Carolina Insurance Pott Motor Co. Underwood supply co. AsHevill Hendersonvilie e

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