ECEMBER 14, 1948 PAGE FIVE (Setond Sefiia THE WAYNESV1LLE MOUNTAINEER 1 im P v ll H I II IPsJuljll UTS' t V'rlW I HI iMJ 111 I M y r IT AD iTES 2 cents per word, It 40 cents. type. 3 cents per sum charge 60 :e type, 50c mn inch. will be published S desired schedule charge. ctl&emrnU fthould be mediately. The Moun t not be responsible an one Incorrect la- ITISEMENTS ARE PVANCE. Cash most urders sent by mall. 4 be In office before n day before publl arantee to be in want to Insert i want ad, me 700. i IENTS se Haywood Co.. next to Farmers in Asheville Road. II. jnager, phone 277-M. f . Famous NORGF. QUEKN WASHERS. of service guaran 'immediate delivery, iegers Electric Co. L - RGAIN RCA Radio I. SliRlitly used. Spe- !all 401, Waynesville. tf IRI! 55c per astalled (1st in Waynes ex nd Hazel ! AUTOMA HEATING pANY, Haz- )d. Phone l I N30-D3-10-17 Have nil tho modern joes of I lie city by hnv- in stall you a Robbins rs or Peerless deep or yell pumo. Easy terms FURNITURE CO 'C. tf 4. .-. Parlies and proup for ine Dining Room C'om yarv for parties ami Patrick's Restaurant eria. Phone 9163 for ns. tf J Fifteen 10 to 2 id ; boats. $20 00 cult ter, Rrcndle Farms. Ral i. D7-10-14-17 Y FOR CHRISTMAS! dressed. Orders taken ecember 201 b. Phone D7-1 0-1 1-17 4 '41 Chevrolet Tudor, ldition, al'.-o clean Good 9 Allen. Sulphur Springs Wei wood. D. 10-14 1 Used Hot point Elec ta; e in pood condition. Slectric Company, f D. 10-14-17 BE apartment size elec 1gc rators. Immediate de lartin Electric Company. I D. 10-14-17 "V" BELTS All sizes in tARTIN ELECTRIC CO. ' I If I One 3-room house, hath. 75 ft frontal Rich- just below Five Point L Tart cash, balance can red. Tom Lee. I D. 10-14-17-21 NE DAY tlR SERVICE ! and Auto Radios i NTEED SERVICE Up and Delivery , also npt Service on rigerators all Appliances rtric Ranges PHONE 772 & Appliance Service ent Boyd Furniture WES11NG110USE VACUUM CLEANERS RRMERS UDER4!!0 FOR SALE -Good Warm Muuunn stoe. Can t. ,,.,. . KUl. , Campbell-. Mam Sl HJZ(r- j uood. ,)H FOR SALK-C'Heap I!. c fie. In fiAid i (iiuti,ii buy L liai U s Creek. '.''i' bi A fund Allen; i 1)14 ! LAFF-A-DAY iff i'.ft mm ' JaS .WffI fill - Rites For T 5 Scott Held Sunday JAMES W. REED. JR. INSTITUTIONAL KURNlTUHL Coritrml kupijlieis to ni,tl. motjr courts, hoMjitois. rttaurii,t, ,Mlira,t hi. uses aid otfilfs. Bedruoin furniture bvx ipri.irjs ai.j instincts, I.. Ul y tni lourinn fuin.turt. restaurant tQuipniwt. LayuuU and dobiymnfl seiviie. PHONES 637 OR 33S-W Showroom Lobby Hotel Waynesville XL I S- k. mm -A If "I heard you on that quit pro gram last night, Mis Martin...' bttter luck next time!"y' " FOR SALE Jlaltof-itny drop table. Rtasoiiable. Call (J94-J 1)14 FOR SALE 10 luavy spriiiginK Jerses and Guernsc.s heiteis. one fresh calf. Hi ilas old. one S gallon Gucrn. . m 7 cars old due to Ill-shi n f,ih i.l thK month. W. 15. Nohuul. Lake .lima lu.ska. ). Latest Records. Radios Radio and Phonograph. Electric Irons and Toaslers. Musical Instruments. Sheet Music. Radio Repair Service. Jones Radio and Music Co. 76 Main St. Waynesville FOR SAI.K- Niv.cii uai'oii. ('(in tact John G. Nuland, Kuul 2. 014 WELLS DRILLED W.ili-r WVIIh u Sitiiiltf Km in lluine l irl 10 Yfiir' Kxjifriciii e GREEN BROS. WELL-DRILLING CO. Canton, N. C Ph. Canton Prices May Plunge, Sellers Warned ( ll.AMl'AlGN. HI. .UP.) The L'niversits of Illinois bureau of economic and business research warns business men to prepare for a coMiiny buyer's market. I nless business men are careful not to overstock their shelves and are prepared for "layoffs of per sonnel and reduction of other phases of operation,'' the bureuu "said, they risk "terrific losses in Ihe lather near future." The bureuu said conditions do not necessarily indicate a coming depression, but rather a return to the normal condition of competi tion between sellers. WANTED - Dish cupboard or cab inet, in Hood condition Reason able I'hone 2104 1)14-17 ROOMS FOR HKNT $7.00 per week for one. $5.00 and $6.00 per week per person for two in one room. A few available. LeFaine Hotel. tf SI'DRTSMKN The finest sporting eoods in Waynesville are sold at Rogers Flecti lc Co. I'hone 4(il. tf Funeral services for Technician Fifth Grade William M. Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Scott, of Canton, killed in action March 30, 1945. in Germany, were held Sun day at 2:30 p.m. in Beaverdam Bap tist Church with the Rev. W. II Pless officiating. Canton Post of VFW conducted military rites. Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott; three brothers, Mark, Calvin and Clay, six sisters, Mrs. Artie. Worley. Mrs. Bonnie Hall, Mrs. Jennie Parhain, Mrs. Thelina Worley. Burnice and Dorothy Scott, all of Canton. , Wells Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. THE OLD HOAAE TOWN QUEN PROVIDES KING DENTON, Tex (UP.) The homecoming queei at North Texas State College here didn't need a king; she already had one. She was Mrs. Acker Franibo, wife of a member of the football team. ALTO GLASS installed by experi enced men. Large stock of glass and door parts. Prompt service. Twin City Glass Service, below LeFaine Hotel, Phone (59. tf FOR SALE Full sized girl' cle, Laii'o I'oldiiiM carriage, $4 Kiddie coop hicv- (loll s b.ibv ci ih anil iii.ilti i c:,i 7;:t ,i. SPECIAL: IH'UltV! Ill HKV General Fleet i ic Vacuum ('! an er.:, n uularh $U4 jr. Special sale '.'M !l"i. Rogers Elect I ic Co.. I'll. 1(11. Mam Street. II WANTED Someone to knit ;:ry.. lc sox Micl he well done. Plea e (tale price p r pair. Write Ho .r)l I. Waiii - i Hi-. 1)1(1-14 FOR SALE: New and used furniture. Lots of used furniture. Special New Ar vin irons was $10.93. now S7.93. Plenty of tricycles, all sizes. Murrain Day is every day at the JUSTICE FURNITURE STORE. De pot St., Phone .ri7. FOR SALE 1,'cd FKIGIDMHE. in good condition. Martin Elec tric Compam . -FOR SALE -Modern 4-rooni house shower, electric hoi water heater, wired for electric ramie. Terms can be arranged. 2U(i N. Pine Street, Hazelwood. Phone 510-M. D. 3-7-10-14 CONCRETE BLOCKS & CEMENT FOR SALE Delivered, or at llaxs Block Plant, Franklin, N. C. Call 201, Franklin, or 903, High lands, tf BULLDOZER & SHOVEL WORK - Grading of all kinds. Perry 1U Alexander Const. Co., Dial A :heille 2-12(14. N. 12 I). 31 KM) ITEMS ONE-HALF PRICE Toasters, fruit juicers, irons, electric curlers, night lights, heal ets, fuol warmers and heat ing pads. Rogers Electric Co., Phone 4il, Main Street, Wav- ville, N. C. D 3-7-11-14 'OR SALE The Dr. Allen properly on Church Street, Waynesville, N. C. A beau-, tiful residence, ideally suit ed for use as a convalescent home or rooming house. Easily arranged into five apartments. Small down payment, balance terms. Pearl Lesley Johnson, Ex., Phone D. .'3-7-11-14 NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY. MARY ELLEN HARRIS, Plaintiff, -vs- RUFUS HARRIS, JR., Defendant. The defendant, Rufus Harris," Jr., will take nolice that an action en tilled as above has been coim menced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, to obtain an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years separa tion, and that said defeudant will further take notice thai he is re quired to appear at Uie olTice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County within twenty days after the 19th day of Nov., 1948 and answer or demur to the complaint Died in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in aald complaint. This the 19th day of Nov., 1948 DIXIE CAMPBELL Ass't. Clerk Superior Court. 1802 N23-30-W7-14 THE FLOP FAMILY By STANLEY "QEfcM m. 5! asm JrJ ANONorrser ZS old Wis aain wunnin NOTICE OF SUMMONS IN SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY HAYWOOD COUNTY VS. EMMA DAVIS HENDERSON, IN COMPETENT, by her General Guardian, W.C. Davis, W. C. Davis and wife, Mary Murray Davis, In dividually, Robert Gadis and wife, Emma Gaddis. and Town of Waynesville, a municipal corpora tion. The defendants, Emma Davis Henderson, Incompetent, by her General Guardian W. C. Davis, W. C. Davis and wife, Mary Murray Davis, Individually, will take no tice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Supe rior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, for the purpose of foreclosing tux Hens for taxes lev ied and assessed against real es tate in Haywood County and due and owing to Haywood County; and said defendants will further take notice that they are required to be and sppear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County at the courthouse in Waynesville, North Carolina, on or before the 5th day of January, 1949, or within 20 days thereafter, and answer or demur to the com plaint of the plaintiff tiled herein or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in its complaint. This the 2nd day of December, 1948. C. II. LEATHERWOOD Clerk Superior Court. 1807 D7-14-21-28 NOTICE OF SAL On Monday, December 27, 1948, at U:0Q A. M. at the Court House Door in WaynesvUle, Haywood County. N. C, I will offer for sale, at public outcry to the highest bid der for cash, the following lands and premises, situate, lying, and being la Waynesville Township, County and State aforesaid, to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake in the public road at the Northeast corn er of the Mrs. Downs lot (formerly owned by Howard Arrington and later by Harvey Mashburn) and runs thence with the line of said lot S. 4 17' W. about 13 chains, 62 links to a stake In the Frank Compton (now Milner) line; thence with said line S. 86 30' E. 3 chains, 66 links to a stake corner between Lots Nos. 19 and 20; thence with the line between said lots N. 4" 17' E. 13 chains, 8 links to a stake in the center of public road; thence with the public road about 3 23 chains to the BEGINNING, con taining 4.8 acres, more or less, and being the Eastern half of Lot No. 20 of the R. A. L. Hyatt lands as per survey and plat of Terrell and Terrell recorded in Map Book "B" Index "H" Office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Haywood County. Also being the identical proper ty conveyed to Bill R. Creasman by W. E. Stansberry and wife, Edna Stansbcrry, by deed dated June 12, 1947, and recorded in Book . page , Haywood County Registry. Sale made pursuant to power and authority conferred upon thp undersigned Trustee by that Deed of Trust dated July 15, 1947, exe cuted by Bill R. Creasman (single', an drecordod In Book 63, page 15, Haywood County Registry, to which instrument and record reference is hereby made for all the terms and conditions thereof. This November 26, 1948. A. T. WARD. Trustee. 1804 Nov. 30 Dec. 7-14-21. NOTICE QT SALE-' -On Monday. December 20, 1944 .. at 110 o'clock A. M , it the Court House door l Town f Waynes ville, Haywood County, N. C.r' I will offer for sale t public outcry to the highest -bidder -for cash, th folowing described lands nd prem ises situte in said Towrahip and County, to-wit; ' ' BEGINNING on a stake In cen ter of a new street t Mie North west corner of lots conveyed to James Sorrells (being a common corner of Lots Nosv 15, 16 and 19J and runs with center of said street N. B6 20 W. 94 feet to stake at Park Drive (corner of the lot con veyed to Arthur Shehan; thence S. 72" 5' W. 77 feet to a stake is center of said Drive; thence S. 1 30' W. 146 feet to a staxe In center of another new street; thence with that street S. 73 24' E. 100 feet to.a stake 'Sorrells' corner); thence with his line N, 21 30' E. 178 feet to the BEGINNING, and being Lot No. IS of a survey made by W. H. Terrell, C. E., of H. L. Liner's Dil lard property, October 1940: Sale made pursuant to the power and authority conferred upon the undersigned Trustee by that Deed of Trust dated March 15, 1945, executed by Jack C. Styles and wife, Betty Styles, and recorded in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 61, page 207, Haywood County Regis try, to which instrument and rec ord reference is hereby made for all the terms and conditions there of. Sale v,ill be made subject to a prior Deed of Trust from said Jack C. and Betty Styles to It. G. Wil moth. Trustee for Security Life and Trust Company, dated March 7, 1947, recorded in Book 58, page 85, Haywood County Registry, and securing an original principal in debtedness of $3,00000; and also subject to all unpaid taxes. If any. A. T. WARD, Trustee 1800 N23-30-D7-14. MUGGS AND SKEETER BY WALLY BISHOP ftlLfcHDO?- cm VQO ?H M 0rCK THeM WOO .Mi, i i inir I I . . , . I rWHAT DO YOU THINK 1 II I 1 II WHY DON'T I THAT'S WHAT IM NOW, "DOUBLE- Y WHAT'S THE THAT WAS ONLY A yY 1 . OF THIS SKEETER I"111"' VDU GET J GOING TO DO! DIP I' VOULL 1 NOTE FOR? DOWN RAYMNT. THEf?e5j vpl JD ALL r A Dl' l JlVONE f A ONE LIKE THAT, JUST SIGN THIS T I ALREADY STILL l.40 DUE : ON rS yN PROMISSORy THAT SUNCMJ .;. -:- -:- -: -:- By SWA VrW w CrAt-rv lriit" jyi-LT n? rtcnr n? nwu tnn . ei li'HH -cv "v hop pfrtrexpfcr r fferMM 7-, -Trfmf v ' J I ILailr. V W C I I I II JTI A 1 jXUC II M I J3r X" V m "V V S , J IS V I I 1 1 III ' Yffl I VI MYRTLE ' RIGHT AROUND I10ML fly DUDLEY FHEit I I llfl PM I U I'LL "jr I rCEE WMITr4, MYfTTLE 1 fl I I "iVE COT TO "N, S K4r'&)A phone ; evepv time we ; smile, ) lswow pop how - f VVUFDF V MEPTO ) ? THTAPT TO PLAV, (BUDDY I TO DO MV i YVMtKC v- N, COME Us VJS' YOU HAVE TO - I'LL BE J V HOME WORK J ( IS Y She C 0W home 4 co home x Vback j T leal condition. Can be seen at X O WTT III ' 1 TT I kiwi Vs JX I). 10 14-17 Molt & Jones Service Station on I A m II f xw I I frr X5V I .V I 'sm rs ns WANTED TO HKNT -Private ga- JfT7 f&3Q I -T! I L V XL raw for storage of Bookmobile. fS LCy h f If T k J 1 V l'Vr,?'ryfvfp - vj CTaZX LAFF-A DAY 1 L jH 1 i,: (, . .. ' henRY CARL C. ANDERSOlf jf I -0 A"Ml INI. Kin Fnturn SyfiJicitf, Inc , Wortd lighii mtvnt 1 7) Xcj DONALD DUCK BY WALTM I)1SNET( ' - H Y I A f "V" JSfrll fZttzZT) I I I NO.THEY OiDIM'tA 1 ' (PEN Com 1941 Kui Features SJcate, Inc., World (iftits mcrvtd "Oh, chat's just a L'ttle nickname I thought up f?r wfeik 1 ro ATaKaII " " " -- 'T J f m if :? ! J r -H, Ml. itf-:t-; HI m It , f H m 'in; i, it ' If. 4 't , ' if.

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