PAGE TWO THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER to V. 1 Students Stage Second Radio Forum On U. S. Aid To China Or Germany SPY PROBERS EXAMINE MICROFILM ft 1 .second of a series of open ioiuiii.- was conducted by the Tally Ho Club of the hiyh school, out Vlti'C. last Wednesday -.light. Of ihe six students parlit-ipatiivj. ;wo argued that Germany should be given first consideration in the iid program of America, while four f?'d first consideration should b.1 g.en to China The third of a series will be gien .it eight o'clock Wednesd.i-. ever WUCC. Miss Alma Jackson i faculty advisor, and Frank Kruiui di-cusses ihe suhjects with the students. DO.VU.D MATXKY Germany is a divided country to day Willi the Kussians setting up u so-called puppet government, and 1 unn.i; the people out of the cits hail and the people setting up a tcnimiem of their own. there i uiw ays iiiisunderslandiny. Here is the pictuie: Germany is a ooun II ;. oi one people, two Germanys. Ei-.a no leader. You know it has been said that 3 doi illicit bite its master, but ar;ei wards .become his best friend Such is the case with Germany. Germany has wealth in lesources. couiiiiei i e. and agriiultuiv. We must help t belli to establish lliein-s-its inid become an independent ounli y . it v.e do this, in Ihe eei;t all ot her -i I sbould come. Ine would HO eluiitjt t i fc! 1 1 1 w it h Us. KI.AINK FRANCIS "'Help your enemies'' s;,ii! tin greatest teacher Ihe world h,,s o rr kiiovn Sendiiii! aid to Germany ppeais to be exactly that Hut i; l- more than just an act of brother hood Todav we are faced with the problem nf prexentint; ihe spread ot communism, a Broil thre.ii to our "American way of life ami JJeainoi .icy ." The Germans are anNniellmeni race: they have high morals and mam well trained cilien- and. as a leceni elec-tion in Herlin has , shown, they are opposed to cum - n.unlsm. With our aid. thru econ omy can he stabilized and a new fi ami more democratic iZc i el nmert set up sooner .j. "Should we help I hem now. with then strategic position in Kurope in danger If communism gets a : stioiighold there the future of the enlire w. stei n hemisphere will be in yicairi i'c-ril of an invasion! Thi JOHN PIII1.I.IPS liiiled Stales should aid China n'sle.ul ot Kurope because ii ih:s .j.,.,. she is in the most s it nai mil. She lacks money a I'd supplies wi,h which to drive mi "e Conmiiinisis: practically all iiuliis-.' it s and homes have been des'.ii.yi'l Many people have been killed, and 'iiai; more have died i! diseases in China's many years ! inil war and war with Japan, (lie cillur countries of southeast si.i an- vieak and diided and v.ou'c! be e as iclims of the Com munists if tiny eot conlrol of Chi na. It Anu-i ica does not give aid to China she will be endangering her posp.ioti in the- South Pacific as well as here at home. Although the Kurcipean people .no lunula certain hafdships. they hae some industries and can raise some of their own food. At least l hey can use the ir energy for peace lime purpose's while the Chinese must use theirs lor war and de struction of their own country. With our soldiers in Germany we can not only help Ihe people of Mes.eru Kurope to prevent the spiead of Communism, but we ii hi 11 take eare of any open con fin 1 as well. Therefore . China needs otii aid at this time more than Kurope clois. . is - f'-K f . H . I X 1 P H' L$! WK V:bl ! s v, X H fill CHIEF INVESTIGATOR of the House Un-American Activities Committee Robert Stripling (left) and Rep. Richard M. Nixon, committee member, examine some microfilmed documents discovered on the Maryland farm of ex-Communist Whittaker Chambers. Nixon returned to Washington In a dramatic flight from a ship in the Caribbean, (International) Local Student Participates In Mock Trial At Carolina JAMES McJl NKI Communism and its followers are the ure -at est threats to our wav !.iiss;, has -in e -ceded in cngulf i'8. alte r alio', her. the free lounlrii-s oi die w oriel- destroying ior ihreail of personal freedom l!n s,. people have ever had. I' i - oiu duty . as the one anti i a inir.unistie ci in lit ry remaining, to icsist th,.e iiiissian jidvanccs. The l;-i.'l and -M cau-st yoal of the Soviet I n ion is our I nited Stales. .-!i:e 1!12. when revolutionists in China mcrlhrew their emperor, ihe Chinese people have been in a out mual tin moil. A complete reorganization of China's ..M rntiient may be neces ai. bul it would bo much easier o reform t'-.e present one- than one backed b- liussia. mmn lu Ho frmrt Ullliax k Mncliod ' lb fliti VilawiKB id ehfr rtift iibtnrc ol lab cts cniai. inriutftnc lri Pkkal Ac.rpl aa iabll Cam Trr 0li lar an . ma if taa 4aa't Ird vari ruaalr aiarN IM ta W-rk n. eilai I Cr. OMIN MI laail' (alta'a Dm ftara II, tt. U M T! ill! u BRF..NT CHAPMAN "- future peace of the world is seriously threatened by irunist aitgression in both a itid Germany. It's rather alt lo .. ariiuments for -1 r I . - ot t b is tpiestion in such a- to lessen ihe importance e nil'ei li is something like asked il you el rather have a do 'J hue you on the left leg i- nth; les. do ficni continuing ("he ac- Drunkenness Relative, Divorce Judge Says : CHICAGO U.P.i Drinking five quarts of beer a day and one pint of whiskey a month doesn't mke i a man a drunkard, according to a Cook County judge. Judge Cornelius J. Harrington so ruled in denying a divorce to , Mrs. Borghild Hags.rom. 57. Mrs. Hagstrom had charged her hus band with habitual drunkenness Mrs. Hagstrom called tic wit nesses to testify thai her husband was frequently drunk, usually on holidays. Harold Hagstrom didn't deny taking an occasional nip. but said he had a limited quantity and no one contradicted him. complishments of the Herlin Air Lift as long as necessary, it seems that aid to China should he given primary consideration. It is there that the actual shooting war is tak ing place. The Chinese attitude is that ot a friendly non-aggressive nation with people who desire only free dom and peace. Can the same he said for Germany ? The real problem in retard to China, however, seems to bo not t whether aid is needed bul whether they will or can make ell'i iio o um of aid. It is very iihn they have not done so in the Hi; pa- MARGARET KF.ESK I Justice S .1. Eavin of the North i Carolina Supreme court handed clown a decision in a moot court case, tried by students of the Uni versity ot North Cirolina Law School, lo Ihe effect that calling a n an a Communist is libelous per sc. Jack Chambers, University soph omore Irom AsheviMe. who had been charged with writing a letter naming William Hannah. junior from Wavnosville. as among otheri things, a Communist, was found tuilly of libe l and ordered to pay Hannah SI fillf) compensatory dam ages by a jury of undergraduates and townspeople. Staged by Phi Alpha Delta legal fraternity before an audience ot nearly 2(KI in Manning Hall, the l rial was run as nearly like an ac tual tiial as possible. Neither at torneys, witnesses. nor general public knew that the facts of the ca' had bee-n pre-arranged, until after I lie trial, when J. W. Alex ander of lluniersv ille, justice of the group, announced that each eeenl leading to charges had been planned. Lawyers for Hannah were Hesse C. Signion of .Newton, and Nor wood K. Ilcihinson. Jr.. of Wash ington. C. Lawyers for Cham hei s were Gilmer A. Jones. Jr.. ot l iankiiu: and Kclwin M. Uraswell id hooky Mount. Geologist Spols Error Of 100.000.000 Years China is the place to ronei 'itra'i I 1)1 I il M CINCINNATI lla I i jL w" ", m to sit .'- -A' ti nit,ii bj mi i f Ml W i ; uK f i hi - l 1 I IpA V L ! i .' . Ti C our offorts and send aid. the fate of China could determine the fate ol States. Russia would like not I. than to see Ihe United nore China's itil for hi realize that China is la! and unless we ;-ue inn . not be long helot e the ists take ove r We Americans are oppowd Communism We want lo prise; the liberties and freedoms lha! , ours We wart to keep Conm i ism oui of our country Ye! 1; ran we do that whi n we rilu-e see ine i nrcai to us oi the ri- storm of Communism in China. are watching the Russian in G r many with an eagle eye. but have w-ei forgotten China'.' Is it tnod policy lo lock the front door and leave the back one- open? lill' I' C ;vH ma li r O I I' i An I li., ri 100.0.10. (Mil) e I ' i in V. - in noi t h ha In c n eorreelPii nvc red li v l)i Ken if ; hi I 'ni v ersity ol Christmas Season Causes Confusion In Movieland Area HOLLYWOOD (UPi Christ mas is coming in Hollywood, where everything's tinsel all year around, and the movieites are scurrying to buy gold-plated, four gear doll car riages for their husband's children by his ex-wife, who's now married to her first husband. Evervbodv's. related in Holly wood, and it's all so confusing it's surprising Santa doesn't slide down the wrong chimneys The Christmas season started with a bang when millionaire At water Kent placed his order. Last year the town's numbe r one party -giver gave everybody on bis guest list 12-pound, two-feet-by-tlii-ee-feet boxes of candy. This year, we hear, he has ordered 75 gaily dec orated baskets of eats and drinks, total cost $3 000. One of the west s top stores. 1. Magnin Co.. put in its bid foi movie colony Christmas shoppers Magnins announced gaily in a mo vie trade paper that "our time is your time." and offered' to open its doors, before or after regular hours, for anybody who called up and asked them to. A lot of the stars were doing their shopping while they waited for a lunch table at the Hollywood Brown Derby. Dorothy Lamour spent two days at the Derby gift shop and reported she cleaned up her list. What They Buy The clerks said Irene Dunne bought a couple of willowware tea pots and copper trays. Joan Ben nett got a half dozen sets of steak knives. Jean riersholt selected boxes of sweet Dutch chocolates. Betty Hutton, who played an en gagement at the London Palladium this summer, ordered several duz en jugs of California orange blos som honey for friends she marie in England. It's a real luxury er there, she said. Garry Moore is sending fiends from his radio show a "Bar Lad die." That's a single unit including a corkscrew, bottle opener, jigger, muddler and ice-breaker. Mrs, Moore bought a solid silver hain holder for him. Tourists who drop by the Vine Street shop for souvenirs usually buy the Brown Derby jumbo coiree cup. The man-sized mugs hold two normal cupfuls. A lot of other tourists are wan dering farther down Ihe street lo New Senator At Capitol Tr , iU., J v .&m "i:; Sen-elect J-Melville Brighton (iD-N. C.I check- o.i i . .. ; . ate manual with Jack Spain, administrative a.-shiam lo s n , (, ., ,," t,ffl.L Iloey (D-N.C.l, during-a recent visit to Washington. J) c 1 v.,i, . " itk!"8" photoh , ' i ...u . .. j ttw I carry in pellina ih, ,, , , .. '" Giiliii WUIUI. I State College Hints To Farm Homemakers By Ruth Current Slate Home Demonstration Agent - Possibly n o t enough home makers are aware of their prestige in affairs financial. These statistics should bolster us: women control 70 to 80 per cent of the nation's wealth; they own 50 per cent of the stock in large corporations, 57 per cent of savings bank deposits and make 42 per cent of all income tax returns; they do 85 per cent of Ihe buying for the home and fam ily, and directly influence the oth er 15 per cent. With that much money passing through their fin gers in one way or another, it's up to Ihe homemakers to accumulate as much financial wisdom as they can for this big responsibility they ' t irk- ti leala , V, in,! I uli- actor John Beat's hobby market, where the movie stars are earning their Christmas money by selling the knickJtnacks they whip up in their spare tune. The prices are high for most gift-givers. A sweater knitted by Joan Crawford's famous fingers, for instance, will cost you $125. Occasionally Manh .yuui ii uu, j ins nappcn a,,, I quelltly when ironiiu. curiam lowsely woven niah rial ,,,,,( due' to the fact that lla-n , enough material to ah u,b i starch. A very fine cleaner or some fine bed lightly over Ihe -hoe v. ill . move all of the Mare -It. It uu daw trouble with starc h stukni:' on iH iron from regular cotton gaimenu il may be clue to Ihe larl that t! , water was nol boiling lapiillx i . fore pouring it mln ', .;,,,, This is very important as t; ,.. not thoroughly cooked before ru ing into the fabric will cook uiun it comes in contact with in, heat of the iron and then peel nil ih, clothes and cling lo l he hoi si,,,, Sprinkling Mai died cloilii -. i,i ironing is very important it mu want the finished garment In limi, right. Heavily Marched doth, should be inui h dainpci than li hi ly .starched or unslai ched i lullir II i, important lo sprinkle the starched pieces ;it Ir.ei I in d hours ahead of ironine i an; "i'1't HtW we, mi, Clinic- ....!... - lid-; j, ""'', "-! loo, UI!- h'.M 1,-t "! I'tnu.l, it-.- y wu i ' llama- ii MJiit proof. 11 "c Milled lmm d Some phoU 1 " Cluistmu; iiinrn urn,.- '!'' ii star ". ' "OKI's every " u"'111 "al I' SCI thfir 111 "'"Vie. lliroU(bl( i'i;.iis l)t. I i- I hi' llsrUj "s., "I- I'c iiniiuiii pidBTt 1 1 active inclines tiM ''V" in ' W'luie Caij- He iviiulilii'i tw surjr "I Hie Clinsliaas nc ;''.i'!iid uiili hissig i;n k in lam. I alum del i It M lin-ll', puis itiu i-r, "Tilt- giiliM ii niiiK v.liii lliiiitlrjii a. ,i Modern systeni, meteors hef-an in Ih.i -1 n1 1 e s c,i .-11, Ihllft ll,tiVi(ll inn ua. ei- 33 imm I; -in '.' We I';. '':-iir. j i is hack after four I.' if ii ..'.:-c h in South Amer !;; ii ; i! ha ik -;i!!;i"- u II' ! i .' n I'd- ol Ihe I-eo'. 'i 'o -o' 1- ; .,, ti,,. I'aleoie. ! he- ,.. he aid. are Ihe first fish fori' - ever lei he found in the re-t.i.'I';-- ol thai vc ty cat ly era. The -e link formal ions had In . n i.ppo i 'I lo he about 200,000. '('() lo 2Vi.l!t0.t. years old. bul as i ti" oil ol thi s ti.-irk spines and .e soc i,-ii I ti,...j'. they are now i'h,ii". to be :i.",0.ll00.000 lo 400. fi'iOWl sears old.'' Dr. Caster said. The American people eat half a billion meals dailv. LAFF-A-DAY KSSB SECURITY Gears Them for Production Your roughage varies os to qualify and protein content.! There is a Security Dairy Feed to supply the needed nutrients to properly supplement your roughage. Let us help you ger maximum milk production by recommending the right pro- tein Security Dairy Feed. . "i 16, 20, 24, or 32 protein.' See us today. , WAYNES VILLE FEED & SEED CO. ; Depot Street, Waynes ville . .' . " s t . and L". ' ' ' " Interjection of Aliens Creek Road, Ilazelwood PHONE 724 or 433-J laHTM aHiaaaiBIaasaa .aB "You did it" 'CaplMRkU nheyrt drifting them too young! Cm you imarine? ,On -their time off, they prefer baseball Who makes the Soutf land row and prosper? Is it the banker? The farmer? The industrialist? The factory. worker? The schoolteacher? The miner? The housewife? Is it the Southern Railway System . . . with its dependable transportation servics . . . its good, steady jobs for 45,000 men and women . . . It tax payments in every community . . . it purchase of the South'""1' materials and throughout Yes! And No! f theffl.-every' It's each one of them . . . and all o body! For it takes many minds, worl!into. tnany hands . . . planmng toge -gether...keepinKever.astinati.5outii future that all of us want, ner SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM