I-S PAGE Of The Waynesville Mountaineer TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1948 I Popping In Sports I By CARROLL POPLIN t- i - ' - Jjk, the high school athletic field i; now under Cancton Weatherby reports this morning The dlities w'U replace the inadequate wooden box that the stadium was constructed. I said that the be 24 feet long ie and will be cks The struc ? the finest high L in Western r Jetic lields, the field wi be the baseball i ten yards in ?st Boal line mortal markers, Ch C. C. Poin- was prompted h School play ihe Paper Bowl rashed into the North Carolina p to outlaw post ames for high yed by coaches jhe state. Coach I Christ School, piue Ridge Coll ided disapproval tiling. The step gh school seniors icipate in bowl a definitely ad t in post-season of an AU-Star l-Star game does juce as good a I the two-team (layers have been (all season, he put a damper on itial Paper Bowl next year. The fs Club, sponsors n fracas, may get ng by scheduling ye prolonged their week in Decem ber was suggested Ux at the banquet ig the Paper Bowl Teys tantst. ftehlac, mi It Nt p niikul D Ton at I 1M Tn bara ooldi ft rat Nir TZX. Fink, kick eonUta a modara kr fiwolaliita la ktdnaj tt traatmeat aakaa ra an tafa fat bilaraa la alt d nmladar a a at rnr irat ataaa, jrug store teams. Freddie Crawford, All-Ameri-can tackle at Duke I'nive rsity in 1933, was Colliers Southern representative to asssit in pick ing the 1948 All-Amerioan team. Crawford, who is working- in At lanta, was married in California last week. Charlie Justice was his unanimous choice for a bark- field slot . . . Tom Medford re ceived a freshman football mono gram at Duke Cniversity. Ac cording U Coarh Wallace Wade, Medford is showing great promise as a tackle . . . Ray Raynor, pro fessional Roller at the Waynes ville Country Club, tired a 70 in the opening round of the $10, 000 Miami Open Tournament. With only four days ol practice under their belts, the Waynesville high school boys' basketball team succumbed to a scrappy Crablree quintet 23-16 in the season's open er last Friday. The Mountaineer girls' team scored an impressive verdict over the Crabtree lassies Coach Carl Hatcliffc's team, which opened practice last Monday after noon, were ahead during the first half of the contest, until the Crab tree sharpshooters set the nets on fire during the final stanza. The Mountaineers, missing the hoop with regularity, failed to tally a point in the second quarter. The girls team snowed great promise as a trio of tall forwards poured in goals over the waving hands of green and yellow players The Mountaineer guards weaved a tight defensive net and halted the swift Crabtree forwards. Few people noted the double de feat suffered by Bethel last week at the hands of Fines Creek with too much significance. It was the first twin reversal handed to the Bethel cagers during the past two decades. The losses suffered by the Bethel girls' team in the past 15 years can be counted on one hand. Loss of many first string performers are handicapping the Bethel clubs this season Clyde Opens Cage Season i Willi Canton The CI;, de llih baeleers t si ed th,. not, in on t,e i:4 4l (;ige reason 1- riclay night v lien they tackled the ( anion lli.'.h black Hears and Krjieltes ml the ( ati'on 1 High floor i the Clyde team- are being coach ed In Robert (' K.tiw litis year : and will) m-vii.i! pl.t;, i hack fro.n last year's bo s .nut fills' squad,! the prospect-, ate hi u.hl for t.oi smooth wnrkinn le;,m- The girl's team i-, being built around Gcraltlino l-'isb. .lewel j Kvans, Doroiliv Smith, Linda Col- bus and Helen Slaniej. Several I oilier U'l'y promising players are; out and will see plenty ot action i along with these girls The leading prospects for the hoy's squad are Hall Warren, John Hardin, Charlie Morgan, John Spencer and Hill Haynes Other player., lighting il out lor a posi lion mi team are Kugene Limbo. Cecil Sleeson lleiirx Shook. Mell aril Morgan and Ted McClure. These hti s are expected lo de velop into one of the best rounded lea n .s in the comity and furnish plcnlx til compel it ion for the op position. Coach l'.ans released the follow ing lSM'i-4!) schedule wilh one open dale on February 4th. which he hopes lo till by thai time. Dec. 14 Bethel here. IB Sylva litre. Jan, 7 Waynesville Ihere. 1 1 Fines Creek hei e. 14 Warren Wilson there. 18 Canion here " 21 Bethel Ihere. " 2") Cullouhee Ihere. Fel). 1 Wa nesville here. 4 OI'F.N. 8 Crablree Ihere. I 1 Fines Creek I here. 15 Crablree here. " 18 Cullotthee. " 25 Sylva Ihere. AERIAL ARM "By Alan Mover, ' WiTf FOOTBALL'S SJUY, OR ALL-AMERICA pvckms, SEASON AT WD - STAN HEATH, OF NEVADA, JEEP NOT rVORpy wme7we& re's selected or nor RlS FEAT OP BREAKNO THE O-VR OLD COUEGtATe CAGE SCHEDULE Dee. 14 Fines Creek al Waynesville. Canion at Crabtree. Bethel al Clyde. RECORD OF J, V y Wf$m iiT Fd VAROS GAMED fHSS'& V Jiffl ENTITLES tiM TO Jsr &I'2lWJZf:VA RANKING XS-e- if? fV IN THAT VV-, fl i I ' Sand Hill Gains 2 Victories Over Bethel Teams The Bethel Blue Demons drop ped their second straight basket ball doubleheader Friday night when Ihey invaded Sand Hill in Buncombe county and came out on the short end of the girls' game by 14 lo 9 and the boys went down be fore the Raiders by 27 to 10. Miss Thrash of Sand Hill and Miss Gorrell of Bethel, topped the 1 scorers with five points in the open- j er. In the boy's contest, Morrell swished 14 markers through the net for scoring honors tor the Raiders while Manlous and Gibson dropped in four each for the Blue Derv The Girls' Lineup ! Bethel (9) Sand Hill tl i F K. Khinehart Thrash 5i F Buekner i2i Moore F Gorrell i5i Dowdle m G C. Khinehart McElrath G Z. Khinehart Elliot G-Ilcnson Hayden Subs. Bethel Cook 2 : Sand Hill -Connor lb, Devore 2 ' . Jack son i2. Mountaineers Play First Home Game 01 Season VJiili Fines Creek Here Tonight ELKCTRIC CO. J Main Street Beware Coughs From Common Colds That HANG ON Creomulsion relieves promptly hfcaus it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and enptl (term laden phlegm and aid nanire to soothe and heal taw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your drugsist to sell you i bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money Hack. CREOMULSION for Coughj.Chest Colds,Bronchiti$ WCTC Cagers Suffer Defeat By Wofford The Western Carolina Cala inounl s siilfi red iheir fir .1 loss of the season Fridn tiiuhl when the powerfi Wollord ( 'ollofce Terriers downed them by 7(1 lo 42 on the Wollnrd com I . Boh McfJinn. Cal forward, paced Ihe lo el's with 1" point - and Wally I Van, ram:v tonvard, was luph Ihe i: Com t'l of 15 WolToid led 1 1 1 1 on K ' t the iviine ami In front hy 2G-21 at Ihe hall. PRO DRAFT. - te'S SURE TO bc TM vojcri. i or rceiTr of raises, of the lois gree variety. r Local Court Outfits Split Doubleheader At Crabtree il.neup Sand Hill (27) Morell 1 14i Baity (2i Reece 2 Jackson iSi Brown i4 Stevenson, Welch, Wells. McLcmore. Grogan; Sand Mill- T.lliot. Lovingood, Kisselher ry. Meadows. lteferees: Hill and 1'enland. The Boys' Bethel (111) F Manious (41 F Heiison C- Murray i2i G- Gibson 4 G -Reece Subs: Bethel McGinn Paces Cats' Win Over Carson-Newman one wild I'l. (Ju.id Fred . v. as runnci-iip with a total Underwood's Trim Buchanan's, 24-19 Underwood's continued their winning ways Wednesday night by clowning Buchanan's 24 to 19 in a Haywood County league game. The game started out fast but develop ed into a defensive struggle. The score was lied at 13-all before Underwood's started to pull away in the final stages of the game. The win marked Underwood's I bird straight victory and their sec ond league win. Bob Holt topped the winner's lor i scoring wilh seven points and M. Sliles of Buchanan s matched him with seven to pace the losers. A violin ecinl'iir 70 pieces of wood. approximately BOWLING SCHT.M1LE Waynesville Ten Bin Leasue: Schedule Dec. 14 Ward's vs Dayton 2 Culsole vs. W.B.C. I 17th I Lions vs. Dayton 1 i I Sportman's Corner FISH ARE WHERE YOU FIND 'EM K on mergency requiring Immediat cash should orii today you would arrang l it. You, with a regular Income, could go to the bank Tow moneyj you could borrow on your life Insurance; may have a little fund et aside for just that purpose, appose you were not here. Would your widow be able ;Wch emergencies? She would if you arrange now for a Standard Emergency Fund to be used for expense! isn't expect. Without cost, we shall be glad to give you details today. E. CONNATSER District Representative Main Street Waynesville iFFERSOfl STANDARD i FE INSURANCE COMPANY IENSBORO, NOHIH CAROLINA By BOB LEERIG11T AF Newsfeature's BOISK You catch your fish in some of the strangest places in Idaho. Take the case of Ihe Boise po lice officer. Making his rounds in a prowl car he saw something flap ping on Main street. He picked up a live trout. Nine-year-old Daniel Peek of Boise caught a 15 '4-Inch sucker in the middle of his lawn. Lloyd Moody of Lewiston caught inch carp in flood waters Idaho. Michael Carter, three, of Boise, had to stay home while the "big kids'' went fishing. But he wasn't blanked. While helping his mother water the lawn a three-inch squaw fish flipped out the end,of the gar den hose. Mrs. May Schultz of Sandpoint was fishing in Lake Pend Oreille. when one of those giant Kamloops struck her hook. She stood up to a 17- his basement fter subsided in North turn around in her boat to better light the big rainbow. She was pulled overboard. Ralph Lindberg was fishing with Walt Overson when another Kam loops struck. Lindberg jumped into the lake to seize the line which was fouled under a dock. The line broke, hut Lindberg grabbed the short line and bung on. When he lost his grip the fish dove for the bottom, then turned and leaped into Lindberg's face. The well-dunked-angler grabbed the short line again and swam for the dock. The four-pound Kamloops made i nice meal. An angler at McCall was dis gusted when he caught a six pound sucker. He slit the fish open and found a good - sized trout inside. Mrs. Ken Leavitt of Blackfoot insists there is no trouble landing fish in Idaho. She sat in her auto mobile which was parked on bridge. While listening to a radio account of a prize fight she hauled in a nice trout. The Waynesville High Moun taineers opened their 1948-4") cage season Friday night by splitting a doubleheader with the Crablree cagers on Ihe Crabtree floor. The Waynesville girls rolled over the Crabtree lassies with ease 27 to 18. but as expected the Crablree boys handed the Mountaineers a 23 to 16 licking. The Mountaineer lassies jumped inlo the lead and maintained it throughout the game. The Crah- Ireet girls narrowed the score late in Ihe game with the Mountaineer j reserves in the game. Margie Cogdill wilh H points j and Belly Sheehan wilh 10 paced I Ihe local Motors, while Juanita Noland tossed in nine to lead thc Crablree sein ing. Teggy Sheehan, Hess Francis and II Fanner,; Mountaineer guards, proved loo ; much for the Crabtree ollense and i held the scoring lo six points in Ihe lirsl half. The Waynesville boys .jumped into an early lead anil held il until mid-way the last ii;nter, when the Crablree boys turned on the steam and moved old in front of Ihe Mountaineers, As expected, Ihe Mountaineers' shooting eyes were off, due lo Ihe lack of practice and they missed time and again at close range The passing of both teams was very good but Ihe accuracy of Ihe Crab tree sharpshooters was the payoff. The game was a ragged affair and plenty of improvement tan be made in every respect, and when these two teams meet here in Waynesville High g. m later in the season, IIX' outcome is expected to he a different story. Milnor paced the Crabtree scor ing with nine points and lanky Bill Sutton. Mountaineer center, hit the loop for a total of eight lo lead the losers. The Girls' Line-up: Crabtree 18 Waynesville '27 F Massif i4i Cogdill 1 4 F D. James (S i Medford 2 Cats' Gridders Pace All-Opponent Bear Grid Eleven Tom Young's Western Carolina Catamounts paced the All-Opponent selections made bv the Lenoir Bhyne College Mountain Bear foot- j ball team as the squad chose its outstanding opponents for the 1948 season at a meeting today. j The Catamounts, who finished in second place in conference stand- ings, j ust ahead of the Bears, were voted four men on the squad, three of whom had previously been se lected lo the North Stale confer I ence mythical eleven. Jack "I'lulus" Arringlon, 23o pound quarterback from Waynes ville. was placed in the All-Opponent backlield hy the Bears, along with Dan Hohmson, tackle. Art Byrd. guard and I've Wee Hamil ton in the backlield. landing places on the mythical eleven. Arlington is a junior at WCTC. and this season niaiked his second year in the Cal backlield. Jack is rated a top quarterback and one of the best blockers in the North Stale Conference. Following is the All-Opponent eleven: Kntls: Paul Marklin. Catawba; Carl Tipton. High Point. Tackles: Dan Kohinson. Western Carolina; liiois Cirlsson, Appalachian-Guards: Art Byrd, Western Caro lina; Winston Strickland. Erskine. Center: Ralph Wilson. Catawba. Backs: Pee Wee Hamilton, West ern Carolina; Jack Arringlon, Western Carolina; Wallace Maults by. C.ulford; and Bill Loyd. High Point. The Mountaineers of Wayne ville High will play their first home game of the young season tonight when they tangle with the fines Creek basketeers in a doublehead er starting at 7:30 p. m. The Waynesville girls will be seeking their second win of the season after downing the Crab tree girls Friday night, but will have their hands full with Fines Creek. Fines Creek has a strong team and already boasts jof a win over the Bethel girls. The Waynesville boys will be out to gain their initial win of the season after suffering a last minute defeat by Crabtree. The shooting of the Waynesville team was on considerably in this game, but. should be improving now and they also will be familiar with the local court. The Fines Creek team has rolled up several victories already Ibis season and will enter the game as favorites. This will mark the last game for the locals before they take time out for the Christmas holidays. The Mountaineers will swing back into action on January seventh here against the Clyde cagers. Bob McGinn paced the Western Carolina court five to a 62-39 vic tory over Carson-Newman of Jef ferson City, Tenn. Thursday flight before a packed house in the first appearance of the 1948-49 edition of the Catamounts. The game started out on an even keel, with the Catamounts barely ahead 14-12 midway in the first half. Then the two forwards McGinn and Tale began .hitting the hoop from all angles and by halftone Western Carolina held a 29-18 margin. The rest of Ihe way saw thorn lighten defenses and keen a safe lead, with the Eagles never pulling any closer than eight lhc Canton High School points. Both clubs were small and last, displaying excellent passwork and ball handling, but Hie Cats held Ihe advantage on shooting accur acy. In a preliminary clash, the Syl va Woodmen defeated Ihe Cata mount B loam 32 to 31. Boys' Lineup Carson-Newman W. Caro. (62) F Metcher 161 McGinn llb F McCoy iD Tate i (' Johnson 13) V. Itbodes llOi G Wollenhaiger 4 Pressly 1 1 1 1 G Mean '10) Collins ill Subs: Carson-Newman -Heat her , 2. Dew, Allen snipiey. nam 2. Blanc 2, Levi Walker 3. J. Wade 3; W.C.T.C.-Fountain 7. William son. Tomberlin 2. Martin. White 1. Pai vue. Lane 2, M. Rhodes, Carter. Gloj ne. Foster 1. SLEEP TONIGHT! 1M MKiMthinc when alrrplea nifhta . . . emllesa lariating and turning . . . leave yotl eihauaietl ia the morning. NORMALIti TAUi.ETS can help bring calm, refreshing itwt when nervous tension threatens normal aieep NORM Al.l N TABLETS are non-habit forming . . sale to use. Tae as directed. Medically iporoved ingredients. Guaranteed satisfaction or money refunded. NO PRE SCRIPTION NEEDED. Clip this message to insure getting genuine NORMAL1N TABLETS on sals Wdaf t. .. SMITH'S DRUG STORE Canton Cagers Top Clyde In Twin Bill; Boys Forfeit Game Willi four minutes left in the ball game and the Clyde High quin tet leading Canton by a 24-23 count, Ihe Clyde baskeleers walked off gym floor afler Keferee Lovingood had ex pelled a player from each (earn for roughing. I tins giving the Canton five ; 2-0 Irftiirtldi by forfait. - In Ihe preliminary clash, the ("anion lassies were hard pressed to edge a lighting Clyde sextet, 29-23, Canion letl at Ihe halflime, Hi-15. iind that was the pattern of the whole game. Miss Fisli led the winners with 17 markers, while Miss F.vans sparked Ihe losers with 14. The Girls' Lineup: Canion i 2!) Clyde 23 1'- Fish i 17 i Slamey F- Ford F.vans (14i Griffin I I ' Fish 91 I G Hanc I) Medford G Parhani Collins I G- Hardin Smith sensational Hew I Radio Quiz Show EVEItY TUESDAY 9:30 to 10:30 p. m. Over WWNG IT'S FUN! IT'S EXCITING! IT'S ENTERTAINING! Brought To You Bv Howell Motor Co. Haywood St. Waynesville De Soto-Plymouth Dealer F Noland i9i G P. James O Caldwell c; Clark Grasly. B. Sheehan 10 i P. Sheehan Francis Farmer The Boys' Line-up: Crablree i23i Waynesville 16i F-Clark 6 - Hoyd F Crawford i2i Davis 4i C Beasley ifii Sutton '81 G Milner 9 Yarborough i2 G Kinsland H Liner (2) Referees: Milner and Svbor. Champion 'Y' Bows To Asheville Bombers. 46-38 The Asheville Waste Paper Bombers sparked by the brilliant play of Joyner at center, won over the Champion 'V quintet of Can ton. 46 to 38. Thursday night in a thrill packed clash. In the preliminary game, the lilanlon Business Girls bowed lo Ihe Champion Lassies by 35-16 count. In the nightcap. Joyner's 11 points took high scoring honors for the winners, while Stanley's 10 markers were high for the losers. In the girls' tilt, Gil lis sparked the victors with 14 points. Girls' Lineup Let's Face It GET set for the future by inves tigating opportunities in the new U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force. Face the future with confidence. Steady employment, free retire ment plan. For the ladies, oppor tunities in the WAC or WAF of fer careers with bright promise. See your recruiter now at Post Of fice Bldg.. Asheville. N. C. Get full facts without delay! Champion V (35) F Muse 1 101 F Mann i4 ! F Gillis 1 141 l G Robinson i6 . . j G -Patton Hi j G -Hayney Subs: Champion I Blanton McMahan. Blanton (lfi Briggs i.3i Melton '2) Anders 4 1 Rice '2i Sawyer Rut ledge '2i Y Own; Nelson 3. Boys' Lineup A'ville Waste (46) Champ. Y (38) LF Mensley (8) Ray 6i F Garland '6 Stamcy ' t0 C Joyner (11) Ford Bi G Anders (9) Long 10) G Carter (6) Spence 12i Subs: Asheville Warren 2. Am nions 4; Champion y Price 4, Muse. Take Advantage Of This - SPECIAL OFFER - INSTALLATION CHARGE FREE! From now until December 24th, we are offering Free Installation for cither the standard or apartment size Gas Range, saving you $19.75, and with the standard size range we will also include one 100 lb. cylinder of gas absolutely FREE! This offer is for a limited time only - - - A BEAUTIFUL GAS RANGE MAKES A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS GIFT . . . Buy Now and Save! MOODY RULANE GAS SERVICE Phone 519-J Church Street r l ' A e Complete Home Furnishers A few of the well known brands are listed below Low Overhead Pay Less At Cagle's Service Uagle s me O V REFRIGERATORS ELECTRIC RANGES OIL HEATERS RANGES SINKS MATTRESSES BEDROOM SUITES FLOOR COVERINGS STOVES :s tone RADIOS way Philco S, Automatic Washers RCA 5pinner or Wringer Motorola i" Twin or Single Tub Crostey "Dinner GE REFRIGERATORS Philco Crosley Shelvador Coolerator Estate Marion Crosley Duo-Therm Superflame Allen International Round Oak Tracy Stainless Steel Beautyrest Quick Meal American Central Kingsdown Dixie Complete Kitchens Sealy By Morgan Mfg. Corp. Unagusta Broyhill Pabco Gold Seal Armstrong Genuine Warm Morning Warm-Aire Dixie Deliver your credit is good with us Phone 3379 CAGLE FURNITURE COMPANY, Clyde, N. C. We Deliver your credit is good with us Phono 3379 ,

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