FAfiE ruUS (Sc-eonJ Section)' THE WAYNE&VTLLE MOUNTAINEER The Everyday Counselor By IIKKllKRT SHAI1GH. U. !). Why Not Try Yuletide Smorgasbord? FR,DAY. DEc follow liilrodUt e i! w 1th iMIluidX s oi ii f p- S liut ale nil guiilg to get out of ti.e roiiiiag ( lu iiti.ids SedSiiii'.' i Ubt l lie wind ".-.earon" advisedly, as Clii i;t ma- lias lung been inert! tlian jii;t a one day i rlt-hi ution Fur i tiiiiiiif- Uie t'lii irtian i-liui cli has t i o. laiiiinl ii as a season Ttmfe rl.uiiiies Hlluli llld l ti.li . !l Vt-JI I lie h..u AiUttit aralim!. Tt,t n tullo tl,e Chll-.t-niu- .-La-in lioiu lVif uiLtt-r 24 to Ki.iil;.:i , J-iiiiuiv ; The toiumer Cial t inL'lLi-i' eai Ii e.u lOrouieiii'e a lilt If tin lu r. Many (Oiiiinuiiitie opened il.t-ii' i oiiiiiiei i i al t'liri-tina season tli I In.; I)..' Lillbiai.l ., llei koniil:. e-1 v.ii it l our l. it ii.! mas i- ai-. a liiiji ni ctleLi ai urn i ;. t :ir iK t'tiiv Thanks- -i , radio, magazine and n el Ii i-mnit-. have heell u In I'lii i li:i-i the ijivat nt ( lii'Mimi-. gilt 5 for and liiwii one-i. Cluisl i in 1 1 iiujI becoming holiday parln'S, dances, haiiOiii-H. intetins- for di-l rihiitiuii ui bonuses to cin plowe t I.-. Tin- ( In i linn cliurvh r- di- pcr atilv tiii.xii.-i;' in lii.d a place in tin- iniill 1 1 1 1 1 1 d ii'o",i am till' il- call to nit n aiul uoiiu n tn seek a toller I Jilait- Ini Chi i t in tin ir lues, and j to tiling tlieniM -Ives in t ii lit- with' Alinltjhty GoJ, their Maker. Just recently I tame upon a striking illustration ot the purpose of Christmas. The Duke Power Company, which serves the I'aro linas with eleetric-itv has jn-t opened a tl eluellitou- neU sleam the 1 eaeratiny plant near Slu Ibv. . I' 1 heir steam plants, ot whiih till: 15 the latest addition, are dtrigiitd to supplimeiit the power provided by their water plant, hit and on the Ciawba riiver A lueiitl who is familiar with. jlhe operation of llie-e plant-, Uiltl J ine how a power plain is put iii'n I operation so that tile povVt-r wluili! , it pent-rales can be i lianiieieil safe j I into existing poutr line- which j are already earning electricity. It ; lis not simply a matter nl ihiowim'. i a switch, or pushing a button, It -inore rnmplicated than that lata any piece of machinei y. the t It -I'll ic generators must be started i?i '.-(dually. The operator in charge of the generators watches his instrument panel. fust he looks to sic the number of cycles of eleclricily be in;: carried on the existing lines. When the number of cycles til elec tricity being produced by the gen erators under his control, reaches Ky CECILy BROWNSTONE A:,.a)ria.ted Press Food Editor .Many ijood t-ooka, I've n diced, stem to have an awful time trying to decide what's to (jo on the menu aloiii" with the main course and deistrt for a bit; holiday dinner. They find it easy enough to c-honse ttie meat whether it's turkey, itiitken, duck or ham and tl.e dessert, usually pie, pudding, or ice cream. Hot when it tomes to the nrat course, the vegetables, and the salad, I hey re in a quandary. Heiv are some suggestions. tins year m our family, we've been coaibimnt! the main course belore a big dinner with the salad. that gives u; a lot of latitude. We bin row the idea of serving Matjes heinng from a Scandinavian Smui ga-bord but lots of other ; Kinds of fish will do: tuna, sar-jdine-, anchovies. Stuffed eggs I with a woiiderlul homemade I mayonnaise and maybe liver pate I we iai,e troiii the French; tissue ihii) slue-; of ham or spicy salami In. m the Italian--. And of course lots of greens go along romaiue jand waltrcre-s are especially ap piupnate. if you can get them. Olive--. Mirks of fennel and car rot, rath lie-, tuinalo wedges, tups of green pepper are all good to clioo-e. I Kcently acquired one of tl convenient and beautiful g,lass bullies, m.uked to hold just the right proportion of oil and vine gar, -o now we till it and pass it witu tins combination first-course aujjiwuuiaMM - iK'.(.s' i r m im jJiMihfa&M,.- , m X MAKE n&LJLjr-mm meal a nisf, Swansduwn 23i Lb. CAKE FLOUR .... boxgc Haker's CHOCOLATE 8-Oz. Bar 42 CHRISTMAS TREE SALAD 5-I.b. Cake AW P A f ; E STRAWBERRY" f A.MPIiELL'S TOMATO ION A Sl.lt ED OR HALVES PkgS. 16-Oz. Can 14-Oz. Cans No. 22 Can PRESERVES AW I'At.i: GELATIN DESSERT SPARKLE . . Mil l) AM) MELLOW COFFEE 8 O'CLOCK OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCE f A.MPIiELL'S Ti JUICE IONA SLICED O PEACHES RAJAH SilKIDDFI) COCOANUT . CH S1FR RAISINS . . . FINE GRAM I..UII) SUGAR . . . . PACK IRS LABEL (Sections) GRAPEFRUIT . WHITEHOl SF MILK Evaporated . 3 TLB. BOX ASSORTED CHOCOLATE CANDIES . 2-I.B. ROX ASSORTFD CHOCOLATE CANDIES . 5-LB. BOX ASSORTED CHOCOLATE CANDIES . , l-LB. Chocolate Covered Cherries GUM DROPS CHOCOLATE DROPS . . . 1.1 R DiriTtrr Christmas MixedCandy . . Tall Cans tlie same reading on the iiistiu j nicnl panel, he throws the switch j and Hie power from his plant Hows ! easily into the existing power on Hie line,. If tnis isn't tlom- c;,,'e ! fi'l'v. it the number of cycles in ; tlie two electric currents is not Hie samt-. an explosion occurs somewhere along the lino and valu ; able i (iiipmcnt is damaged, j Christmas should be tin- one time in the year when men and women brin'lhemselves in tune with their uiani-i , n smiuKi can us to cure- till and extensive spiritual prepar ation, to throw open our hearts, to familiarize ourselves with all the Hible tells us about Christ, Whose birth We are celebrating. By such means our lives become in tune with Him, and the Prince of Peace brings llis power of peace in out lives. This lakes time. Aiy you willing to Rive if Is Christ going to be in the center of your Chist-mas? salad. If you keep your oil and vinegar in seKl,ate (able bottles just pafs tho-e, of course. .Another way with a lirst-coursp-and-salad is to couple fruit anil vegetables and serve with a flood French drcssim;. If ymt can pet peisiiiiiiioiis you'll find lluv are delicii os wilh crisp celery and lettuce. If you've always teamed avocado with orant'e or fiaiiefruil try it sometimes Willi diced red apple-IcaviiiK the apple skins on. lu each of these siiiusestions, you'll notice, btaiitl soft texture is used with sunietliint criso and crunchy. And all benefit! When il comes to efet.-ihleu we departed from t radii ion this i year and served braised celery in place of the usual creamed onions. And was it euiid! Il was my sister Howena's inspiration nnd she cut each celery head in about six leiinthwi-o pieces, carefully cut ling thioiieli and preservinj,' a piece of the heart along wilh each cluster of stalks. Then she sim mered the celery in rich homo made beef broth, iind filially doused it in a dressing of olive oil. herb vinegar, salt and finely crushed garlic. F.veii the custom bound male members of our fam ily loved il! When it comes to a menu for tlie inevitable supper of cold left over ham or turkey we like noth ing belter than plain fluffy . Company for supper mashed potatoes, green peas may be, and a molded salad. Plenty good enough for company, this menu, especially if you make the salad pictured. Heroes the recipe. Hospitality . . . . Southern Style JELLIED CHRISTMAS TREE SAL.AD Ingredients: 2 envelopes unflav dred gelatin, 1 cup cold water, 1 1 l ( lips hot water, 1 can jellied cran berry sauce, 3 tablespoons lemon juice. U teaspoon salt, 1 cup fine ly chopped cabbage, 1 cup diced celery. Method: Soften gelatin in the 1 cup cold water. Add hot water, stir unlil gelatin is dissolved. Crush cranberry sauce, lemon luice and salt: beat with a rotary egg boat er until smooth. Chill until mix ture is the consistency of unbeaten egg whiles. Turn half of mixture into 9 x 9-inch or 8 x 8-inch pan. Chill until almost firm. To re mainder, fold in cabbage and cel ery: cover fust layer of clear gela tin. To serve, uniiiold on platter. Cut paper pattern of Christmas tree, place on gelatin; cut around pattern with knife, Remove gela tin that has been cut away from tree design. Then cut this gelatin into pieces and nil., into hat cups to serve as salads around tree. Soften one-half of a three ounce package of cream cheese with one teaspoon milk put through pastry tube in five rows of scallops on tree to represent gar lands. Serve with mayonnaise dressing. Makes 10 servings. Bakers 4-Uz. Box c?n V COCOANUT 2 for 35c ORANGE SLICEsJ 4-Oz. Box CANDlPd wiocotate DroPs. X STICK CANDY Chocolate Ch nerrieslb.1 Dixie Crystal SUGAR 5 lb. bag 45c Hershcy's COCOA lb. box O fl c Del Monte RAISINS 15 oz. pkg. J JTc NUTS Brazil lb. 37, Walnuts lb. Stewart Pecans .. lb. Mixed Nuts lb. 35( 33 39 4X S U G A R OR BROWN 2 lbs. 23 I-ilihy's 2'j C, Peaches lElli 3 Boxes J MayoMciJ Pint 4? AP Newsfeatures Pibbsbury FLOUR 10 lb. Bag QQc Minute TAPIOCA 8-oz. Box JQc " ' Blue Bird Orange Juice 46-oz. Can 23c Vegetable Mold Ingredients: 1 package lemnn gelatin, 1!2 cups hot tomato juice. 2 tablespoons cider vinegar, 1 cup finely diced celery, li4 cups shred ded cabbage, 1U cups grated car rot, 1-2 cup finely diced green pep per, 1 teaspoon salt. Method: Sprinkle gelatin into hot tomato juice in saucepan and -stir until thoroughly dissolved. Add vinegar and stir well. Cool. When mixture begins to set add celery, cabbage, carrot, green pep per, salt and fold in. Turn into 6 individual molds and chill until set. 6 servings. IB can SMOKING PRINCE ALBERT 8-oz. Can 43c 16-oz. Can 79c CIGARETTES Carton $.43 GREEN GIANT 17-Oz. Can 2! i irisco No7l Piiiir Can C v - .M MIC l II.I1C1U " "-, niui ueiectaDte let Cream you've ever twted! It'f made only of dtlyfrtb whole milk and daily fresh weec cream! Buy Princess Pet Ice Cream . your dealer's, today! It's a real Holiday treat! Four popular staodird flavors -Van ilia. Sjlte ItS"y. Buttered Pec.o SirAn tl' MoRoyl fruit SupreafuU of delicious Holid Fruiul j9 pwr 'V Rolled Cookies Ingredients; l- cups sifted all purpose flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 15 teaspoon salt, !, cup siionentng, 1 cup sugar. 1 tea spoon grated orange rind, 1 egg finely chopped pecan nutineats. Method: Put flour li:.Winr , i-ziivr uer and salt into sifter. Cream snortenine add tmnr .,, ..vu, mm CU1K1- nue creaming, alone wilh ni-ar,0 mi, until tight and fluffy. If -electric mixer is used for creaming add egg unbeaten and beat well if not beat egg well separately with rotary beater, add to creamed mix lurc and beat thoroughly. Sift in nry ingredients firadually. mixing as you do so. Chill dough. Turn dough onto prepared pastry cloth or lightly floured board and roll thin With stockinet -covered rolling pin. 1 Hub flour into stocking k fore rolling). Sprinkle with finely chopped pecan nutmeats and bake on greased cooky sheet in a slof 1350 P.) oven for about 8 to 10 minutes. Remove and cool Makes about 3 dozen. Great Northern DRIED BEANS 2 lbs. SALMON . 59 SANTO COFFEE 3 lb. Bag $.15 PURE LARD 4 lb. Ctn ggc Clifton CRANBEE SAUCE 1 G-oz. Can Jr OceanSpnfj CRANBE SAUCE 2 Cans Yi VI IT Tomato Dressing Ingredients: 1 ten-and-one-half-ounce can condensed tomat 1 cup salad oil, y, cup cider vine- uar, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon mustard, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 peeled b.ic ciove, 1 tablespoon finely grated onion. Method: Put thp MnitanuI ..i-j . . 'u "f . ciaer vinegar, Worcester shire sauce, sugar and mustard into a quart tar. Put .tit .... - - riim game clove on a double-thirit nw. waxed paper an mash and crush with heavy wide blade of a knife until garlic is disintegrated. Add to dressing along, with onion. Shake well and refrigerate. Shake thor oughly -fo IVVJU-&1 u- fore uslag. Makes about 2?4 cups. CHOICE MEATS Box 23c Table Dressed Hens TENDERIZED CURED HAMS Half or Whole 'c lb. 57 WcoupononpacKa BLUE BONNET AA NUCOA OLEO 3 Jc POUND r VCTPRS MEDIUMS ' 2 for 2- iff! Ifflli Uc4 crtKClS T5T1VTT 1ir M prtttto KALr U1,: . uuu pniCK AN" p cfl - a J. a. u J-i At . - V 7 I! 111 1 I