ECEMBER 17, 1948 PAGE FIVE (Second Secfosi? THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER ) TO CHURCH SOMEWHERE EVERY SUNDAY Good News Comes to World (Che (Soldett (Test ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By Alfred J. tuewAer Sotlptur Matthew 1:18-1:13; Mark ltl-llj Lttke StMO.. fyitewfcAv - - -Slpure--Mattnw ltl8-.:13; Mark 1. -1-1 If Lttke tiMO. rj ' Si gill !i$m LslJ the ICHES ODIST CIIITKCH J,, young, I'a-,lor ijl, 1U a.m. France gl sui-teririteiirienl. i8l imitation lo all tome and remain aship 11 o'clock, al pastor will use a pe uorrl, "Sliarinp, ". )ir: under the direc jd .Mai tin. will ren- iiiumc ior the ca ge number will lie e church on prute--j the Youth Chape i ay inorninH. Other-, to unite with the fced to contact the St Youth Fellowship umi.i1 service in the at (i 4,r). All Youii'; iv. I. d. 'J'he service time I no evening service. TS and lriends will 'hri-tinas Sons Serv 'at the Fir:,t liapli t D, This service Will aiiilles lslev's lljfiii f Clin tmas Trc' Pro- me ii 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 e. ' , win ?m;iin audiloi him ol o'clock. Wedni-,(l.i 22. While I he pour jfi. 'I'lii-. can he food, jfthini? laht may help frson. II is hoped ill v will bring such a f Jttee to make up will meet in the of the church, 7 jiy evening. Dc.-eni- are: H. I.. youii;.', Charles Metcalfe, .JToiumy Curtis, Fan I Belle Katclillc. Mrs. IMis, Henry C.addv, r-u-r i - rur rmfiT-rnmi i n 1 i r m uic turptmer or Nazareth with nis affianced wife. Mary, went to Beth lehem. 90 miles tiuni their heme lo enroll there tor the tax ordered bv the Itonian emperor, Casar Augustus' and while there Maiy ne bnth to a sou. and she wiapped him in 5il,Kiuln,K clothes and laid him in a mut-jei U cuseno room was found m the inn On that night shepherds were watching their flocks in the hills around Bethle hem and an angel appeared to them and told them not to be afraid, for "be hold J bring you good tiding of great joy which shall be to all people: For there is born to you this day in the city ot La id a Saviour w ho is Christ the Lord Other angels appeared too, ainging "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men." When the angels had gone, the shep herds hastened to Bethlehem and when they found the Babe, as the angel had said, they bowed down and worshipped Him. and then going on their way, they told al) Utey mel of the joyful tidiugs. Three wUemen came from the East to .Jerusalem,, asking for the King of the ;Jews, for. they said, "We have seen His star in the east and are come to worship Him." They too found Joseph, Mary and the Holy Babe at Bethlehem And they too worshipped and left rich gifts for Him. MEMORY VERSE Luke 2tl0 loVlock. M llliber 22. kai'es lor it Your "heater I for winter Ir- V. K. ( hapiiuii. Mi , Ihnd I-eii'U no ,,,., Ileeee. 1, - ,,, I, ijn,., , FIi;.Im Ih l.c .HI,, i ,m, Al.n Hecci , Hell. Hi .ui le- I IKS I II l' s ( Ml III Ih v 1. V, 1 .1 1 ii i1 1 I ,, i,, Sl'MlAV Suml.v Selinol phll'r lnl UMiii I o III I ,,l I II I, Inl :oii: -( .'-mil --v I .a -I Suinl.-i tin i enl. Mori nil". Win I Hunch will iilr "While tin r i inn ing fund al lin , , r k . . Spn i.J mil ic In I he 1 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 I i I hi' id I'eclioll of Cli.ii Ii , I h . Ml I u 1 1 I ;i -- Mnure, ipi'i'.uii I ( '.ii ,, imuiii'. h Hie -i 1 1 1 r i , at uui 1 1 I ic j a leal ii 1 1 1 of the ei lie 'fh,' i;iv. I I'.ilil, 1 1 wnr-hip with al , .1 'I I ' Tliele l a e 1.1 I I I a; , ill .'mini, v , . in llu- lilhl, e v.ei , ','H p, , ,ii ;,l 1 1 (HI The iw II. , annual Inr Ihe 1 ,111 III ( I.I- Mori. ii h II,, iiaHor. i Mi t I Ii nil -t Yolllll Fel li l.ul.e 'lentil is tin' 'In- luir.'ianl on till 'mi Aie Ms I-1 lend- ". ' I hi- Mel lni.ii I Youth hi, and I In Choir will pre t hi i iin.e, piiKeanl. 'ITii i-, tuil ( hi i' Inia prni'i ain. hoih m Ihe eiimmiii nl is ih'. ilril to altciul. iho . l)i relliliel ii out Troop Nil il mi Ii. i hui . h al Ii t:, p.m. It. (.' Ihe .Seoul in. ,M er, I hui das , I )i i emher 2:1: llei'iihii choir pnieliee al i. in. Ii els lit l.ane 7; HO r have a South Wind an authorized South Ce Station Cjt service ined in factory service we carry only genuine 4 parts to put cui ln first cla.s condition not nave - ni f eqci,:ped lo irstell the gives Hot Heat in -ScL.t,S Wind car healer iERWOOD air service Inr will e. is e a In n I medil al ion on Ihe t'hrr I uia- Sloi s . 'I'rninimt t'ninii nt ti l." A - h rial CIiit I lll.l- u oi'i ani will he an en at this lime. Ks'eniiiK Win .Inn al 7 Mil A I I hi I hue a prorani ol ( 'hi e l ui.e- line ic Will he y en h I Im liodi - hnol elioru-,, under Ihe d n ei I inn ot Mr l.ilev. The pi i hi k' is cordially invit ed to I In- sei s ice. WFDM-'.SDAY Midweek 1'iasel Meeting al 7 III) A heaill ll ill Kod.u hroine ) ,u l I n e dcp.icliiiH Ihe hiilh ot ( hii.-l ssill he jhos'.n al lliis lime, t'oine and worship al this midweek h.uir. IIAI MVOOI) Ml TIIODIM ( III IK II M B in. I'aslur Snnd.i" f i 1 1 1 1 I 1 1) a m Morniny Worship 1 I a in. The Mlh.ii" I ot Ihe message will he "A Sas'ior is Hon,". Special sei '. ice 'i p. in tlur cliii, i Ii will sponsor a strrs ice al ihe Count'. Home Kvemiiu tt i vice 7 p. in, tuns st'i'snt fol I irs tit I luedilaluin 'Why 1 1 Cniiiie: Itaiifc". Mid-Wtck tstisiics III I II I I I'ltl'SIlVTFItl AN in i:c ii I'atil IV Thrower, Minister I he Sondas -i liool of the Bethel Ih i h' It i inn hin eli will liasy a ; pei nil t in i-.i uin.s proe.rani in Ihe chin eh Tluii 'ihiy, Dee. I'll, al 7 o'clock Ii ss 1 1 1 ciiushj ot recitation- ,ccial in u n -, a lice and a Ileal lor the chihfien The Chin eh School was re opened Ihe first Sunday of Octo ber atler heing elobed for over Hi sear.-. It ha- had an average attendant r ol Ml since ils i e npiiiinn. Mi'. 1. as don M West, an ehli r, i- siipei nil t littcnl . 'and Mrs. T i f 1 1 1 n S. Terrell, secretary. i tit i let ' i ill I he p in 'I i;e i ,f I: i e '' , II l. It el li I ,tf " i II ' I' ihe la.iM.,, V. cent tl : ice. Thui'srla 3 n ,;, Tlilo.-Oa' 7 . Ill 6l,f )l .:; I 'I h S' 1 1 ( 'Innli "( hi i . .- 1 1 -1 el II. i' 1 I.O N'i . S ( It A I'l l, M I , I HHD1.VI ! lit Iff ll j I!t Paul II lint i. ' all. I'asti.i h i, 1 1 1. - , Dei enihi r 1 1'. !!:-lS nan. Sundas School tor e'i i s bed' . Ifev. John V. . Moon 'will he Hie 'Jin si leather ol Ihe lay Well i uiled"! st prerequisite lo heinij well-tlresseil is lo lit- al- i iotlessIy clean and neat. Mnko it a habit to semi I Mbes to us. We put new life into them . . . we I I they keep their "new look" to give you longer I- fur new dress and trouser forming machines help 5 keeps them looking new longer. ti st ho is al-o pa-tor ol the llazel . noil 1 h c- le I tl I a n ( Ii ll ri ll . is very nun h phased nvtr Ihe progress of the -ehniil anti the cliurcli since ; het iiiniiiy Ihe pasltu June 1. lies', j Mi Thiiis'.t! preaches al Hellitl at 111 a in. on the 2nd and hill Sun tla' ol ihe month. The public is itndijll iiniled to all ot the serv ices ol tin- church. llAZU.IVdllll PHI SflVTKBIAN nu rcii Haul I' Throv er. Minister ;.! ".i v s In The Bible" will i.rti.t siibpit ol the Sunday school le'si ii S iiiidas uiii iiing If you !:,'..- la.l he- m in Hie liahit of at U iidiii!i leiilails1 some Sunday -email no's would he a splendid Iin.e lo beLin. Our church school ha classes for all age groups. The past,,:- v ill pieacli Sunday i, , ,i mm:. 11 n'eloi I. on the subject; ' hi ,-!, 'I he I mptakabk Ciiti." At 'i.t- (.seninsj sei sice, 7 ,'iO o'clock. I Ik i hoii- and a inimher of invited Liic.-I Miiyei- S'ill give a special i l ii-ima- mu'.hal program. 'The Km.- - flu I hdas' ." 'Ihe lefiilar niid-sveiek servire m si W'ednesdas' evening will be uv en oci to the Sunday School ( hii-lmas program, "The Gold '-tar 'hi i.-l mas." This program w ill he ,il 7 o'l lock, Christmas is a time when all ( 'hii-liaus should especially deliphl in alp ndint! Hie worship services. Ii is also ;i,f.'ood time for people "ho arc not in the habit of at tendiiiR cluircl services to turn ae.aiii to thi Lord's house to wor ship the "KiliR of Kings." Good News Comes to World STORY OF JESUS' BIRTH BRINGS JOY 8cripture Matthew 1:18-2:12; Mark 1:1-11; Luke 2:1-20. By NEWMAN CAMPBELL. ONCE AGAIN we study the beautiful story of the birth of Christ, with its message of peace on earth, goodwill toward men. Again, as a year ago, we cry j "peace, peace, and there la no peace." We can only hope, as the weeks roll by, that between now and Christmas, the fighting In ; various parts of the world may end, and the "cold war" with Russia be settled. No matter what the world con- 'd it ions, Christians everywhere ' feel a new joy and an abiding hope at this season of the year that peace really is here or will be soon. No unfavorable circum stances can quench this hope at Christmastime, when we cele brate v-nth song and gifts the birth of Jesus Christ. We read and re-reafl the Words of Saint Luke as he tells us the story of the shepherds "abiding fhe pastor. Hex Paul I1. Throw-l bl the field, keeping watch over their flock by nighi." we Know that Joseph and his affianced wife, Mary, were at Bethlehem; that there was no room for them there In the inn, and they were compelled to find shelter in a poor uthouse, which sheltered cattle. They had come 90 miles from come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us." So they went to Bethlehem and found Mary and the Babe, as the angel had said, and they wor shipped and then told everyone they met about the Holy Birth. . This writer always likes to think of Mary, the sweet, g untie mother, who "kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart." Now we go back to Saint Mat thew's account of the three wise men who followed a star in' the eastern sky to find the Lord. These ptous men saw a bright star which moved ahead of them, and they followed It to Jerusa lem, where they asked : everyone they met, "Where Is . He that 4s born, king of the Jews? for we have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship Him." Now Herod was the Jewish ruler, and when he heard that these men were asking for the "king of the Jews," he was trou bled and all others with him. ; He called the chief priests and scribes "of the temple together and asked them where the Christ should b born, and they told him, in Bethlehem, according to scrip ture iMicah). MEMORY VERSE " bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the' people " Luke i 10. ?ep their shape Better DUALITY Quicker SERVICE IUST PHONE 205 aynesville Laundry Inc. FRED SHEEHAN JOE LINER AVENUE PHONE 205 IV-WMSVILir PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Malcolm Ii. Williamson, Pastor Sunday School at 10 o'clock. Whili ner Prevost. Superintendent of Sunday School. .Morning Worship 11 o'clock. Ser mon subject: "The Glory of the Manger.'' The music for the ser vice will be appropriate for the ChrisMiias season. Vesper Musical Program at 5 p. m. This service Will consist of If minutes of Carols played over the Electron Bell amplifier from 4: 45 until 5 o'clock, at which time the organist will hegin the service which will feature the Cathedral Chimes. The musical program will be pro vided by the church choir under the direction of Mrs. J. L, Kilpat rick and will consist of Ghristmas anthems and solos. The congrega tion led by the choir will join in the singing of the more familiar Christmas Carols. All who will come are invited to the service. DELLWOOD METHODIST CIRCUIT J. E. B. Houser, Pastor The pastor's theme at Maple Grove at 10 o'clock and at Eliza beth Chapel -at 7rl5 o'clock will be "The Apostle's Cred" for .study their home In Nazareth for Joseph to register for taxation purposes. There Mary gave birth to her firstborn, who was to be called Jesus, by the Lord's command. Carefully she wrapped the tiny Boy in swaddling clothes and laid Hun tenderly in the manger. The shepherds on the hills ssw a great light which shone all about them, and an angel ap peared to them. Alarmed, they looked at the holy messenger, who said to them, "Fear not for, behold-, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be lo all people. "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you Ye shall find the Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger " Suddenly the whole heavens were filled with singing angels who carolled "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men." The angels disappeared, and the shepherds said to one an other "Let us now go to Bt thle- -Privately the crafty Herod called the wise men to him and asked them what time the star appeared,xand then he sent them on to Bethlehem, telling them that when they returned they should tell him what they found that he too might go and worship the King. The wise men were warned, however, not to return to Jerusalem, and they went home by another route, so Herod was foiled in his plan to slay the child. The star led the wise men to the manger, and stood above it. They entered, as the -shepherds had done, and fell down and wor shipped the Child, offered rich gifts, then went their way. How can we best enjoy this Christmas season of peace and goodwill ? By doing something to bring joy and peace to others who are not as fortunate as we are. By welcoming the displaced per sons who come to this country to make new homes, and making them feel at home here. By join ing In our churches' programs to help such people abroad in war-torn countries. By having peaceful relations with neighbors hem and see this thing which is j and associates. Biir.l on eoi.riKliitd outlines proiiuffd hy The Inn rnnlional Council cl RellKtoua Education and u-rd by permission hutril'iitird by Kmc Fuluin Syndlcntt. and niedital ion. The subject, at Dellwood at 11:15 will he "The Book of Books." Sunday School will meet at Dell wood, Maggie, Elizabeth Chapel at 10 o'clock and at Maple Grove at 11 o'clock. The public is invited to worship at these services.. GRACE CHURCH IN-TIIE-MOUNTAINS ( Episcopal ) The Rev. Edgar Goold. Rector Fourth Sunday in Advent Church School, 9:45 a.m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11:00 a m. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Pastors: Rev. Charlotte Bishop and Rev. Ruth Gruber The Free Methodist Chapel on Depot St., cordially invites you to its regular weekly services as fol lows: Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. Evening Evangelistic service "A Christmas in Prison", 7:30. -Sunday afternoon rehearsal for Christmas program at 3 o'clock this Sunday, Dec. 1!). Mid-week prayer meeting, Wed nesday night 7:30. Mary Gladys Tub!) leader. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICE "Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force" will be the subject of the lesson-sermon at the Christian Science service on Sunday morning, December 19. The service will be held in the church rooms on the second floor of Ihe Masonic Temple at 11 o'clock. CRABTREE METHODIST CIRCUIT C. O. Newell, Pastor Crabtree Sunday School at 10:30. Tom Kirkpatrick, Supt. Andy Ferguson, Assistant Supt. Church services each second nd fourth Sunday at 11:30 o'clock. Methodist YoJ Fellowship at 6:30 p,-. Davis Chapel Sunday -School at 10 o'colck, Frank Davis Supt. -Jar-vis Caldwell, Assistant Supt. Church Services each first :and third -Sundays at 11 o'clock. Methodist -Yuth -Fellowship t 7 o'clock. Joe Caldwell, president. Fincher's Chapel Sunday School at 10 o'clock, Fi od Noland Supt., W. J. McCTary, Assistant. Church Services each first and third Sundays at 11 o'clock. Methodist Youth Fellowship at 7 o'clocl-. Mrs. Lucile Hunoy Tabor, preside nt. Mt. Zion Sunday School nt 10 o'clock. Uerschel Rogers, Supt. Church services every second and fourth Sunday at 11 o'clock. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Rev. A. F. Rohrtiaclier, Paslor Canton, Y.M.C.A. Build ing every 3rd Sunday B:00 A.M. Andrews, Terrace , Hotel Every Mh Sunday B:00 A.M. Bryson City, St. .loseph's Church every 1st Sun day . 8:00 A.M. Cherokee, Quails Hall Every 2nd Sunday 8 00 A.M. (ullowhee, Student Union Building every tion Bldg, every Sun day 11:00 A M 1st Wednesday 7:00 A.M Eontana Dam, Kecrea- Franhlln, John Wasillk Home Every Sunday 8:00 A.M. Highlands, School Audi torium every Sunday 11:00 A.M. Murphy, John Manthey Home every 1st Sun day 8.00 A.M. Sylva, William Wise Home every 4th Sun day . ' 8:00 A.M. Waynrsville, St. John's Church, every Sunday 11:00 A M. rf."s -'- vHl a v ' - If '" -4V ill s.??l L The tngels nd the shepherds. "I bring you good tidings of great oy which shall b la all peoalo.' -Luke 2:10. Free Methodist Chapel Slates Christmas Event A Christmas program of charm, variety and honor to the Christ Child will be preseuted at the Free Methodist Chapel on Depot St., Waynesville, Tuesday night., De cember 21, at 7:30 o'clock. Come with your entire family to enjoy the old-fashioned, early Anieiican spirit of true Christmas cheer. Between 30 and 40 hoys and girls, including the Beginners, Priiiiary Junior and Young Peo ple's departments of the Sunday Shrool will tell Ihe old, old story, Mrs. Newell ,WM Conduct Devotions Mrs. C. (). Newell will conduct morning, devotion. over WHCC next week. Monthly through Satur day nt 9 31) This weekly broadcast is sponsored hy the Haywood County Ministerial Association. of Divine Love, in poem, prose, and song. Candlelight carols will be one of the4petia) 'features, along with special ' Instrumental and vocal numbers. Leverycf's 'firtvn In the Dutch YVe-T Indies is liuilt on the crater floor of an extinct volcano. Here's how you pan enjoy Faster; Easier, Better cooking ! ow. Deluxe j FfigldlciiirG automatic electric range r1 . Model RK-oO s309 .75 Do Your Cooking Automatically! You don't have fo watch over your cooking when you have o Frigidalre Electric Range. Roasting, baking and even deep-well cooking are done au tomatically In the new frlgidaire Electric Range,- FASTER EASfER BETTER than ever before. New styling new fea Jlure$ ... to give Safe Clean Cool cooking summer and Winter. See the new Frlgidaire Electric Range todayl All these Features I All-portelaln cabinet Acid-resisting porcelain cooking-top Full-width Storage Drawer Cook-Master Automatic Oven Clock Control Fluorescent Cooking-Top lamp Automatic Time-Signal , Automatic surface unit Signal-light and many others you should see! rkete features bring Safe, Clean, Cool cooking! 1 ffi i rr Vtr'-ifSf -( -----hitJ mr? ii r vss u iwi, . j 1 1 a v Easaa I IwRairfub 5-SpMd Surfac Units Th wtckitlv Radianfuba cooking nltf.giv you steady, inttant hat ,svwy tints, all His timel Only Frig . Waits saj JhsmJ j Evsn-Hsat Ovsa ; Thsnnizsr Urss Siis i Dssp-Wsll Cook.i T-piscs portslain. Eaty to h's a 6 quart dssp-wsll clsan. Extra thick insulation. ooksr with Thriflo-Matic Hsats to baking tempsra- switch. Can bs changed to turs in S'j minutes. Waist an sutra Radiantub cook- kigh broiisr, jog unit in a )iffy. Cook-Master , Ovsn Control ut in a meal, set the clock for ttarting and finishing time . . . and forget it.. Cocks a whole meal while you're away. MMTIU' ELECfOlC CO.- Phone 31 Main Street '--e-Wt-W-